Nunes Lourenco, SD


Name Card
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Professor Nunes Lourenco, Sergio Duarte

Associate Professor

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Professor Nunes Lourenco, Sergio Duarte

Associate Professor

Research Interests:(click to check for cognate researchers)

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
2000Universidade Nova de LisboaLicenciatura, Geological Engineering
2004Kyoto UniversityMSc, Initiation of rainfall-induced landslides by triaxial and flume tests
2008Durham UniversityPhD, Suction measurements and water retention in unsaturated soils

Dr. Sérgio Lourenço is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong having joined in 2014 from the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University (UK). Prior to that he worked at Geotechnical Observations Ltd in London, a spinoff from the Imperial College London. Sérgio’s first, second and third degrees are from the New University of Lisbon (Portugal), Kyoto University (Japan) and Durham University (UK). Sérgio is currently developing functional granular materials for climate-adaptable infrastructure. Immediate past research interests are in unsaturated soils and rainfall-induced landslides. Funding, as PI, is from the HK Research Grants Council (two active grants), with past grants from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (two grants as PI), and the Royal Society (UK) with academic and industrial partners from HK, UK, Germany and Japan. He currently sits in three editorial boards (including the Canadian Geotechnical Journal and as an Assistant Editor for Landslides), is a member of EPSRC’s Peer Review College and a member of the International Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering TC211-Ground Improvement and affiliate for TC106-Unsaturated Soils. Between 2013-2018, he sat in the Physical Sciences Board (Royal Society UK). He has supervised 5 PhD students and 1 MPhil student to completion and holds 44 ISI journal papers across several fields of research.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2022-07-01British Geotechnical Association Medal: British Geotechnical Association
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
01/2017-MemberPeer Review College, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK)
01/2013-12/2018MemberPhysical Sciences Board, Royal Society (UK)
03/2015-MemberTechnical Committee 211 Ground Improvement (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering)
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