Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
wireless power transfer (wpt) 4
burst firing control (bfc) 3
double-stator 3
finite element method 3
flux-modulation 3
high temperature superconductor 3
magnetic-geared machine 3
permanent magnet machine 3
separately excited dc motor 3
time-division multiplexing (tdm) 3
vernier machine 3
analytical modeling 2
axial-flux 2
boron compounds 2
chaos 2
coil misalignment 2
coil misalignment detection 2
coil-misalignment tolerant 2
cosimulation 2
cost effectiveness 2
cost-emission optimization 2
costeffectiveness comparison 2
coupled magnetic resonance 2
cup rotor 2
dc-field excitation 2
direct drive 2
directdrive 2
double stator 2
double-stator machine 2
doubly salient 2
doubly salient machine 2
doubly-excited machine 2
dual-memory 2
dynamic wireless charging (dwc) 2
electric motors, brushless - design and construction. 2
electric variable transmission (evt) 2
electric vehicle 2
electric vehicle (ev) 2
electric vehicle (ev) charging 2
electric vehicles (evs) 2
emc 2
emi 2
fault tolerance 2
field current control 2
finite element analysis 2
finite element analysis (fea) 2
finite-element method (fem) 2
flux control 2
flux leakage 2
flux-mnemonic machine 2
flux-reversal 2
foreign metal object detection 2
fractional-slot 2
generator 2
genetic algorithm 2
gridable electric vehicles (gevs) 2
gridable vehicle 2
high coercivity 2
hybrid electric vehicle 2
hybrid electric vehicle (hev) 2
hybrid ev (hev) 2
hybrid excitation 2
hybrid excited machine 2
hybrid field excitation 2
hybrid machine 2
hybrid machine, permanent magnet (pm) machine 2
hybrid motor 2
in-wheel direct drive 2
in-wheel motor drive 2
inductive power transfer 2
integrated starter generator (isg) 2
integrated starter-generator (isg) 2
integrated startergenerator (isg) 2
integrated-starter- generator 2
inter-turn short-circuit faults 2
internet of things (iot) 2
key word efficiency optimization 2
linear machine 2
loss analysis 2
machine design 2
magnet proportioning 2
magnetic field measurement 2
magnetic gear 2
magnetic vibration 2
magnetless 2
magnetless machine 2
maximum-power-point tracking (mppt) 2
memory machine 2
modulation-ring 2
motor drives 2
multitoothed structure 2
neodymium iron borons 2
noise analysis 2
non- rare-earth 2
non-rare-earth element 2
nonrare earth 2
online fault detection 2
outer rotor 2
outer-rotor 2
permanent magnet 2
permanent magnet (pm) 2
permanent magnet (pm) machine 2
permanent magnet motors. 2
permanent magnet synchronous machine (pmsm) 2
permanent magnets 2
permanent-magnet (pm) brushless (bl) drives 2
permanent-magnet (pm) brushless machine 2
permanent-magnet (pm) machine 2
permanent-magnet (pm) motor 2
permanent-magnet machine 2
permanent-magnet motor 2
permanent-magnet motor drive 2
photovoltaic (pv) 2
power densities 2
power grid 2
pwm 2
rare earth 2
rare-earth 2
rare-earth element 2
regenerative shock absorber (rsa) 2
relative positions 2
reluctance machine 2
remedial operation 2
renewable energy 2
self-searching control (ssc 2
sensor matrix 2
smart grid 2
smart home 2
smart living 2
spintronic sensors 2
stray magnetic field 2
superconducting machine 2
switched reluctance machine 2
time-stepping finite element method 2
tunneling magnetoresistive (tmr) sensor 2
tunneling magnetoresistive (tmr) sensor array 2
tunneling magnetoresistive (tmr) sensors 2
unit commitment 2
unite element method 2
vehicle to grid (v2g) 2
vehicle to home (v2h) 2
vehicle to vehicle (v2v) 2
vehicle-to-grid 2
wind power 2
wind power generation 2
wireless charging 2
wireless power transfer 2
wireless spintronic sensor network (wssn) 2
chaotic frequency modulation 1
dc field winding 1
doubly-fed machine 1
electric vehicle motor drives 1
finite element method (fem) 1
induction motor drive 1
motor drive 1
multitooth switched reluctance (msr) machine 1
pwm algorithms 1
sinusoidal pulse width modulation 1
soft-magnetic-composite (smc) material 1
stabilization 1
steering system 1
time-delayed feedback control 1
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