Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
accruals 3
d&o liability insurance 3
deductible 3
firm value 3
legal liability 3
banking 2
cost of debt financing 2
credit risk 2
cross-listing 2
directors' and officers' liability insurance 2
effects of stock market 2
investment 2
loan spreads 2
managerial learning 2
mergers and acquisitions 2
price 2
property rights protection 2
risk management 2
agency theory 1
board diversity 1
board voting 1
capital constraints 1
capital structure 1
cash holding 1
cash holdings 1
china 1
corporate governance 1
corporate sector 1
cost of equity 1
d&o insurance 1
directors' and officers' (d&o) insurance 1
dividend decisions 1
donation 1
economic stimulus 1
equity risk 1
expropriation 1
financing behaviour 1
firm performance 1
governance 1
government quality 1
innovation 1
institutional ownership 1
institutions 1
interest rate 1
internal rating 1
investment risk 1
investor protection 1
legal liabilities 1
life insurance 1
litigation risk 1
loan 1
marginal tax rate 1
mutual and stock insurers 1
mutual funds 1
nevada 1
ownership 1
p-l insurers 1
pecking order hypothesis 1
people's republic of china 1
performance 1
philanthropy 1
private securities litigation 1
profit efficiency 1
property insurance 1
property rights 1
property-liability insurance 1
reinsurance 1
risk taking 1
risk-taking 1
shareholder activism 1
shareholder litigation 1
sichuan earthquake 1
social tie 1
soe 1
state-owned banks 1
static trade-off model 1
surname 1
tax convexity 1
taxation 1
tunneling 1
twin agency problems 1
underwriting risk 1
united kingdom 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
accountingfinance 1
economicsfinance 1
finance 1
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