Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
zhang, y | 3 |
buckman, b | 2 |
crawford, e | 2 |
lepine, j | 2 |
rubenstein, al | 2 |
wei, f | 2 |
buckman, br | 1 |
chen, limei | 1 |
halvorsenganepola, mdk | 1 |
jorgensen, df | 1 |
kammeyermueller, jd | 1 |
lam, ssk | 1 |
leite, w | 1 |
lepine, m | 1 |
li, c | 1 |
li, j | 1 |
long, dm | 1 |
ma, k | 1 |
morrison, hm | 1 |
ng, twh | 1 |
odio, ma | 1 |
rich, b | 1 |
wei, feng | 1 |
yang, yi | 1 |
zhao, b | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
coping | 3 |
regulatory focus | 3 |
work stress | 3 |
job attitudes | 1 |
meta-analysis | 1 |
personality | 1 |
work design | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
Keywords in Grants | |
keywords | No. of Investigators |
abusive supervision, adult attachment, dysfunctional parenting, lassiez-faire leadership, trait activation | 1 |
abusive supervision, leader-member exchange, organizational justice, self-verification, work demands | 1 |
Disciplines in Grants | |
Disciplines | No. of Investigators |
management | 1 |