Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
china 5
hong kong 5
child commercial sexual exploitation 4
nepal 4
bystander control 3
bystander intervention 3
confucianism 3
cross-cultural 3
csec 3
friendship networks 3
gender norms 3
identity integration 3
intervention 3
mental health 3
migration 3
rural-to-urban migrant children 3
sexual fantasy 3
social support 3
subjective well-being 3
advocacy 2
africa 2
bottom-up approach 2
child labor 2
child protection 2
child welfare 2
children’s characteristics 2
compulsory education 2
cross-sector collaboration 2
disaster management 2
ecological framework 2
educational aspiration 2
educational quality 2
educational stratification 2
ethnic minority young people 2
ethnic minority youth 2
families 2
family 2
family capital 2
guangzhou 2
immigrants 2
international education 2
international non-governmental organizations 2
international social work 2
methodology 2
migrants 2
neighbourhood enrolment 2
ngos 2
non-governmental organisations 2
orphans and abandoned children 2
parental intent 2
performing arts 2
policy change 2
precarity 2
prevention programs 2
protective factors 2
psychosocial outcome 2
qualitative 2
respondent-driven sampling 2
risk factors 2
school choice 2
service delivery 2
sf-36 2
social policy 2
social service 2
social work 2
social work practice 2
strategies 2
street-level bureaucrats 2
system 2
third sector impact 2
voluntary sector failure 2
wellbeing 2
who-5 2
youth 2
youth development 2
age differences 1
alcohol 1
alcohol use and abuse 1
asian/pacific islander families 1
cambodia 1
care triangle 1
carer 1
child care 1
child well-being 1
childhood/children 1
community intervention 1
condom use 1
covid-19 outbreak 1
cross-national 1
employment 1
epidemic 1
exchange patterns 1
family ecological approach 1
family practices 1
family services 1
gender 1
gender attitudes 1
gender difference 1
geopolitical context 1
global cities 1
health 1
hiv risks 1
identity 1
immigrants and refugees 1
immigration/migrant families 1
intergenerational support 1
life satisfaction 1
mental health/well-being 1
migrant 1
multi-child family 1
one-child family 1
panel study 1
parental migration 1
popular opinion leader 1
precarious work 1
risk 1
sexuality 1
south-east asia 1
southeast asia 1
tanzania 1
third sector 1
transnational families 1
transnational household 1
types of support 1
welfare state 1
zimbabwe 1
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