AuthorsNo. of Publications
lam, clk 24
lee, a 23
wong, ckh 21
holroyd, e 16
ong, jj 14
li, z 13
tucker, jd 13
fairley, ck 10
holroyd, ea 10
tang, csk 10
yuen, wyw 10
leung, pws 9
miu, hyh 9
choi, wyk 8
fong, dyt 8
kidd, mr 8
ling, dc 8
ong, j 8
sun, wh 8
wan, eyf 8
wan, yf 8
wong, sys 8
chan, fwk 7
ip, p 7
jiang, sf 7
chow, epf 6
peng, mh 6
roland, m 6
seto, wkw 6
tucker, j 6
zhu, sz 6
chen, wq 5
choi, eph 5
choi, kwy 5
fan, s 5
yang, lg 5
yip, psf 5
zhao, y 5
chan, akc 4
chan, p 4
chan, pl 4
chen, jy 4
chin, wy 4
choi, ph 4
de lusignan, s 4
fung, csc 4
lau, ths 4
liu, y 4
su, s 4
tang, w 4
tu, k 4
zhang, l 4
baste, valborg 3
booton, r 3
chan, kc 3
chau, j 3
chau, ph 3
chuh, a 3
fitzpatrick, t 3
flottorp, s 3
flottorp, signe 3
fung, scc 3
gaona, gabriela 3
goh, l 3
hallinan, c 3
heath, i 3
kidd, m 3
kinder, k 3
kristiansson, r 3
kwok, yy 3
lau, sth 3
li, h 3
li, j 3
li, wj 3
li, y 3
li, zhuo 3
ling, z 3
liu, r 3
liu, rh 3
loper, ka 3
lynn, h 3
manski-nankervis, j 3
mcghee, sm 3
mcnamee, k 3
ng, amy pui pui 3
pace, w 3
robinson, n 3
see, cyh 3
seto, wk 3
song, l 3
temple-smith, mj 3
tsang, kk 3
tse, d 3
tu, karen 3
turner, k 3
wensaas, k 3
westfall, john m 3
wong, jyh 3
you, jhs 3
zou, z 3
au, kya 2
baste, v 2
bingham, a 2
cai, fy 2
chan, c 2
chen, j 2
chen, zy 2
cheng, d 2
cheng, dd 2
cheng, s 2
cheng, ssw 2
chuh, aat 2
chung, kl 2
dai, d 2
de lusignan, simon 2
dickinson, ja 2
goggins, wb 2
goh, lay hoon 2
gray, a 2
gray, sa 2
hallinan, christine mary 2
heald, a 2
ho, psy 2
ho, sc 2
hoang, u 2
hocking, j 2
hocking, js 2
huang, xy 2
jia, yz 2
kok, sy 2
kong, tsk 2
lapadula, m 2
laughlin, a 2
laughlin, adrian 2
leung, eyl 2
lian, j 2
lian, jx 2
ling, dcy 2
ling, zheng jye 2
liu, j 2
liu, l 2
lo, yr 2
lu, xq 2
lu, y 2
lui, hk 2
luo, t 2
ma, y 2
manski-nankervis, jo-anne 2
marley, g 2
molassiotis, a 2
ng, a 2
ng, app 2
ortigoza, a 2
ortigoza, angela 2
pace, wilson d 2
pang, q 2
parish, wl 2
pau, mya 2
scattini, l 2
seto, wai kay 2
shadmi, e 2
silva-valencia, j 2
silva-valencia, javier 2
so, jc 2
tang, c 2
tiwari, afy 2
tran, l 2
tsang, ckk 2
tsui, elh 2
wan, yfe 2
woo, j 2
wu, h 2
wu, sc 2
wun, yt 2
xiong, y 2
yan, w 2
yang, ns 2
yim, yl 2
yu, eyt 2
yu, k 2
yu, mwc 2
yuen, wwy 2
zawar, v 2
zhang, h 2
zhang, hp 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, y 2
zingoni, p 2
, ji, f 1
ai, m 1
ann gray, s 1
apajee, j 1
apajee, jemisha 1
au yeung, hkc 1
bakhbakhi, d 1
blais, je 1
blais, joseph e. 1
bondy, s 1
bonilla, angela ortigoza 1
cao, fy 1
chan, chy 1
chan, clw 1
chan, csc 1
chan, esther w. 1
chan, esther wai yin 1
chan, ewy 1
chan, ey 1
chan, k 1
chan, kl 1
chan, kw 1
chan, m 1
chan, mcm 1
chan, p-l 1
chan, pks 1
chan, polin 1
chan, ums 1
chan, ym 1
chen, eyh 1
chen, q-q 1
chen, qq 1
chen, z 1
chen, z-y 1
chen, zhiyuan 1
cheng, dandan 1
cheng, jy 1
cheng, y 1
cheung, ching lung 1
cheung, csk 1
cheung, s 1
cheung, tk 1
cheung, yf 1
chia, sm 1
chiu, a 1
chiu, bcf 1
chow, blc 1
chow, cb 1
chow, e 1
chu, aat 1
chu, rachel yui ki 1
chuh, aa 1
chui, celine sze ling 1
chung, bhy 1
chung, ccy 1
chung, ws 1
cong, l 1
cuba-fuentes, m 1
cuba-fuentes, maria sofia 1
cuba-fuentes, maría s 1
cuba-fuentes, ms 1
cui, f 1
cui, fuqiang 1
da roza, cecilia clara 1
da roza, cecilia clara 1
deng, xf 1
dickinson, j 1
ding, y 1
dong, j 1
dong, w 1
dong, weinan 1
dong, wn 1
duan, x 1
emch, m 1
fairley, ck 1
fairley, c 1
fan, km 1
feng, m 1
feng, z 1
florttorp, s 1
flster-holst, r 1
fong, b 1
fong, byf 1
fong, f 1
fong, fy 1
fong, t 1
fong, y 1
fung, jlf 1
furler, j 1
gaona, g 1
goh, lay h 1
goh, lh 1
graham, m 1
griffiths, s 1
gronsbell, j 1
guo, y 1
hallinan, christine m 1
hallinan, cm 1
han, lk 1
hart, gj 1
heald, adrian 1
heald, adrian h 1
healy, c 1
ho, ckl 1
ho, fkw 1
ho, km 1
ho, s 1
ho, sy 1
ho, w 1
hoang, uy 1
holroyd, eleanor 1
holroyd, eleanor anne 1
homer, m 1
hou, j 1
hu, wenyi 1
hu, yuqi 1
huang, a 1
hui, c 1
hui, e 1
hwong, tmt 1
häcker, g 1
intrepid 1
intrepid, 1
ip, m 1
jaakkimainen, l 1
ji, f 1
jia, j 1
kang, s 1
kang, sy 1
kim, k 1
kim, y 1
kim, ys 1
kiu, ecy 1
kiu, otw 1
kleinman, a 1
kristiansson, robert 1
kristiansson, robert s 1
kristiansson, robert sarkadi 1
kristiansson, rs 1
kumar, r 1
kung, k 1
kung, k 1
kwok, jyy 1
kwok, r 1
lai, francisco tsz tsun 1
lam, at 1
lam, cld 1
lam, dtp 1
lam, ly 1
lam, mwh 1
lan, w 1
lan, wang 1
lapadula, carla 1
lapadula, maría c 1
lapadula, maría carla 1
lau, bhp 1
lau, bobo hi po 1
lee, jjj 1
lee, nls 1
leung, phil wai shun 1
leung, pms 1
leung, pw 1
leung, tn 1
li, cw 1
li, jj 1
li, l-h 1
li, pck 1
li, r 1
li, rui 1
li, shirley xin 1
li, sx 1
li, xue 1
liang, j 1
liang, w 1
liao, jiahui 1
lin, cb 1
lin, l 1
lin, s 1
lindsay, m 1
ling, zheng j 1
ling, zj 1
liu, boyan 1
liu, h 1
liu, hangting 1
liu, r-h 1
liu, ruihong 1
liu, wenlong 1
liu, x 1
liu, z 1
lo, cm 1
lo, yrj 1
lok, ywk 1
louie, lht 1
luk, cw 1
ma, cyy 1
ma, yx 1
maeseneer, 1
mak, w 1
mak, wph 1
manski-nankervis, ja 1
manski‐nankervis, jo‐anne 1
maringe, camille 1
mash, b 1
mcghee, s 1
mollan, k 1
montes-olivas, s 1
nanji, k 1
ng, amy p p 1
ng, gwb 1
ng, pp 1
ni, y 1
nie, jb 1
ning, q 1
ong, jason 1
pace, wd 1
pai, mc 1
pak, ch 1
pan, x 1
patient-physician trust team 1
peng, kangning 1
peng, m 1
poon, p 1
qidwai, w 1
sasunders, jm 1
scattini, luciano 1
scattini, luciano f 1
see, c 1
seto, wk 1
shao, l 1
shen, m 1
shen, mingwang 1
shiu, ikl 1
shun tung, bl 1
siu, hk 1
smith, mk 1
so, c 1
sokum tang, c 1
soto-becerra, percy 1
stepenson, e 1
stephenson, e 1
su, shu 1
tam, msm 1
tam, sm 1
tang, catherine so kum 1
tang, cs 1
tang, f 1
tang, hw 1
tang, wm 1
targa, l 1
tian, wenxin 1
tiwari, a 1
tomlinson, b 1
tomlinson, brian 1
tsang, carmen sze oi 1
tsang, cso 1
tsang, kka 1
tsang, skm 1
tsang, xx 1
tse, dm 1
tse, dms 1
tse, msd 1
turner, kme 1
van rees, nv 1
wan, eric y.f. 1
wan, eric yuk fai 1
wang, xc 1
wang, z 1
wei, cuiling 1
wensaas, ka 1
wensaas, knut a 1
wensaas, knut-arne 1
wensaas, knut‐arne 1
werder, s 1
westfall, j 1
wingking, l 1
wong, b 1
wong, cs 1
wong, ely 1
wong, hkc 1
wong, ht 1
wong, ian c.k. 1
wong, ian chi kei 1
wong, ick 1
wong, j 1
wong, jcp 1
wong, ns 1
wong, s 1
wong, wh 1
wong, wht 1
wong`, ns 1
wu, c 1
xiang, yuling 1
xie, ws 1
xu, gp 1
xu, xp 1
yan, jy 1
yan, vincent ka chun 1
yang, jing 1
ye, cj 1
ye, x 1
ye, xuxiao 1
yeo, va 1
yilin, w 1
yin, sy 1
yip, p 1
you, jh 1
young, d 1
yu, yte 1
yuen, mf 1
zhang, dahao 1
zhang, jb 1
zhang, lei 1
zhao, g 1
zhao, iy 1
zhao, yi 1
zheng, j 1
zheng, s 1
zhou, b 1
zhou, k-l 1
zhou, lingyue 1
zhu, s 1
zhuang, g 1
zhuang, h 1
zingoni, paula 1
zingoni, paula l 1
zou, zhuoru 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 14
primary care 11
china 9
sexual health 9
general practice 8
men who have sex with men 8
primary health care 8
risky sexual behaviours 8
geriatrics 7
sex education 7
hong kong 6
mental health 6
type 2 diabetes 6
cost-effectiveness 5
dating apps 5
hiv prevention 5
qualitative research 5
self-management 5
structured education 5
全科医生 5
adolescence 4
bodily pain 4
cardiovascular disease 4
chemsex 4
chlamydia 4
cost‐effectiveness 4
depression 4
epidemiology 4
female sex workers 4
good hrqol 4
home blood pressure monitoring 4
hrqol data 4
hrqol outcome 4
hrqol score 4
hypertension 4
intimate partner violence 4
macrovascular disease 4
microvascular disease 4
needs assessment 4
online learning 4
patient acceptance of health care 4
patient education 4
patient-reported outcome 4
protocol 4
quality of life 4
randomised controlled trial 4
resilience 4
self-management education 4
sexualised drug use 4
sexuality 4
stigma 4
teenagers 4
type 2 diabetes mellitus 4
type 2 diabetes, structured education 4
young adults 4
问卷调查 4
access to health care 3
anxiety 3
attachment styles 3
attitudes 3
child abuse 3
chinese 3
delivery of care 3
delphi technique 3
family doctors 3
health 3
health education 3
health personnel 3
health policy 3
healthcare delivery 3
hepatitis c virus (hcv) 3
hiv 3
homosexuality, male - psychology 3
hong kong chinese adolescents 3
interpersonal relations 3
linkage-to-care 3
marriage 3
migrants 3
partner notification 3
physical health 3
prostitution 3
quality of care 3
randomized controlled trial 3
research capacity 3
research skills 3
risk assessment 3
risky behaviors 3
school survey 3
sexual minority 3
sexual orientation 3
sexually transmitted infection 3
structure of care 3
testing 3
women's health 3
acute respiratory illness 2
africa 2
african refugees 2
asthma 2
asylum seekers 2
autism 2
autism spectrum disorder 2
awareness 2
big data analytics 2
big data management 2
chronic hepatitis b 2
chronic respiratory illness 2
cigarette smoking 2
condoms - utilization 2
consultation 2
continuous medical education 2
copd 2
covid-19 pandemic 2
digital health 2
effectiveness 2
extramarital relations 2
harm reduction 2
health beliefs 2
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 2
help-seeking 2
hiv infections - epidemiology - psychology 2
homosexuality, male - statistics and numerical data 2
human 2
infectious disease surveillance 2
injustice 2
international comparison 2
internet 2
internet safety 2
machine learning 2
mainland chinese immigrant/migrants 2
male homosexual 2
menopausal health 2
menopause 2
mobile devices 2
narrative analysis 2
new arrival women 2
nursing assessment 2
online scam 2
online social media 2
online survey 2
physician's role 2
psychological health 2
questionnaires 2
randomised control trial 2
reason for visit 2
refugees 2
review 2
risk behavior 2
risk behaviors 2
rural population 2
screening 2
self-efficacy 2
sex workers 2
sexual and reproductive health 2
sexual behavior 2
sexual behaviour 2
sexually transmitted infections 2
social determinants of health 2
social functioning 2
social media 2
social skills 2
spouses 2
symptom management 2
systematic review 2
telehealth 2
training 2
unsafe sex 2
women 2
young adult 2
young adults (18–29 years) 2
同理心 2
患者自强能力 2
4p模式 1
abuse reporting 1
academic achievement 1
access to health 1
adolescent 1
adolescent health 1
adolescents 1
adult 1
age 1
aged 1
aging 1
ai 1
aids 1
article 1
artificial intelligence 1
atopic dermatitis 1
attitude of health personnel 1
attitude to health 1
author 1
avian influenza 1
behavioural change 1
body fat 1
brazil 1
breast feeding 1
certification 1
cervical cancer 1
chemicals and cas registry numbers 1
child 1
child abuse - psychology - statistics & numerical data 1
child abuse - statistics and numerical data 1
child maltreatment 1
chinese medicine 1
chinese men 1
cholesterol 1
cholesterol/blood 1
chronic disease 1
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1
clinical assessment tool 1
clinical management 1
clinical observation 1
cluster randomized controlled trial 1
cohort analysis 1
community care 1
community health centre 1
community nursing 1
community services 1
competence 1
computer system 1
consensus development 1
contraception 1
controlled study 1
coping and adaptation 1
cosmetic outcomes 1
cost benefit analysis 1
cost effectiveness analysis 1
covid-19 (disease) 1
crowdsourcing 1
cultural factor 1
culture 1
data collection 1
dating applications 1
delivery of health care - methods - organization & administration 1
depressive disorder 1
diagnostic techniques, urological 1
diet, fat-restricted - statistics and numerical data 1
diet, mediterranean - statistics and numerical data 1
disclosure 1
disease burden 1
disease course 1
disease outbreaks 1
disease survelillances 1
disparities 1
double-blind method 1
drug prescriptions 1
early infections 1
editorial 1
education 1
education program 1
education, medical/organization & administration/trends 1
emigration and immigration - statistics and numerical data 1
environmental factor 1
epidemic 1
erectile dysfunction 1
ethical issue 1
eurasia 1
excisional biopsy 1
experience 1
exposure 1
external validity 1
family medicine 1
family physicians 1
family planning 1
family practice 1
far east 1
female 1
financial management 1
forecasting 1
futurology 1
gatekeeping 1
gender 1
general practitioner 1
general practitioners 1
general practitioners - psychology - statistics and numerical data 1
government 1
gp 1
graduate education 1
hand washing 1
health behavior 1
health belief 1
health care 1
health care cost 1
health care facility 1
health care financing 1
health care organization 1
health care policy 1
health care quality 1
health care system 1
health compromising behaviors in china 1
health delivery models 1
health equity 1
health needs 1
health practitioner 1
health promotion 1
health service 1
health services research 1
health status 1
health survey 1
healthy physical examination 1
hepatitis 1
high school student 1
highly active antiretroviral therapy 1
history of medicine 1
hiv infections - diagnosis - drug therapy 1
hiv infections - prevention and control - transmission 1
hiv-associated lipodystrophy syndrome - diet therapy 1
hiv/aids 1
hong kong - epidemiology 1
hospital physician 1
housing 1
human immunodeficiency virus infection 1
human rights 1
humans 1
hygiene hypothesis 1
incidence 1
india 1
infant nutrition 1
infant, newborn 1
infection 1
infection control 1
infection prevention 1
infection risk 1
influenza 1
influenza vaccination 1
internal validity 1
international cooperation 1
intervention mapping 1
intravenous drug use (idu) 1
isoflavones - administration and dosage 1
laboratory 1
laser ablation 1
letter 1
long term care 1
low-fat diet 1
major clinical study 1
major depression 1
male 1
mandatory reporting 1
marginalized 1
media 1
medical education 1
medical ethics 1
medical history taking - methods 1
medical information 1
medical literature 1
medical record 1
medical research 1
medical specialist 1
medicine, chinese 1
medicine, chinese traditional/trends 1
mental disease 1
mental health and illness 1
methodology 1
mh - evidence-based medicine/education 1
migration 1
motivation 1
motivational interviewing 1
mythology 1
occupational health 1
office procedures 1
parent-child relations 1
parental behavior 1
parent–child relationship 1
patient care 1
patient education as topic 1
patient empowerment 1
patient satisfaction 1
peer-led approach 1
pharmaceutical services 1
phq-2 questionnaire for depression 1
physical abuse and health behaviors 1
physical discomfort 1
physical disease 1
physical examination - methods 1
physicians, family 1
phytotherapy 1
pneumococcal infection 1
pneumonia 1
policy 1
population in general hospital 1
postgraduate education 1
practice guideline 1
preparedness 1
prescription 1
prevalence 1
preventive health service 1
primary care physicians 1
primary health care - methods - trends 1
primary medical care 1
priority journal 1
private practice 1
professional standard 1
prostatic hyperplasia - drug therapy - pathology - physiopathology 1
prostitution - psychology 1
prostitution - psychology - statistics and numerical data 1
prostitution - statistics and numerical data 1
psychological disorder 1
psychotherapist 1
public health 1
public health practice 1
publication 1
pulmonary rehabilitation 1
punishment 1
punishment - psychology 1
pyogenic granuloma 1
qualitative 1
qualitative survey 1
quality adjusted life year 1
quality control 1
quality of health care 1
quality of life - psychology 1
random sample 1
reading 1
recreation 1
references (11) view in table layout 1
references (17) view in table layout 1
references (20) view in table layout 1
references (26) view in table layout 1
references (37) view in table layout 1
references (5) view in table layout 1
regional index: asia 1
related factors 1
research, qualitative 1
resilient factors 1
resource allocation 1
retrospective study 1
risk behaviours 1
risk-taking 1
rural 1
safe sex 1
sars 1
school experience and health behaviors 1
schools 1
scoring system 1
self esteem 1
service delivery 1
severe acute respiratory syndrome 1
severe acute respiratory syndrome - prevention & control 1
sex work 1
sex workers - psychology 1
sexual abuse 1
sexual education 1
sexual health risks 1
sexually transmitted diseases 1
sexually transmitted diseases - diagnosis - therapy 1
sexually transmitted diseases - epidemiology - prevention and control 1
sexually transmitted diseases - epidemiology - prevention and control - psychology 1
sexually transmitted diseases -diagnosis - therapy - transmission 1
shenzhen shi 1
short survey 1
skill 1
social perception 1
social problem 1
social stigma 1
social support 1
socioeconomic status (ses) 1
south africa 1
steroid 1
stigmatization 1
students, medical/statistics & numerical data 1
substance abuse 1
suicide, attempted - psychology 1
suicides 1
susceptibility 1
taboo 1
teacher 1
television 1
tiotropium 1
traditional chinese medicine 1
triglycerides - blood 1
unintended pregnancy 1
united kingdom 1
universal coverage 1
unplanned pregnancy 1
unspecified side effect 1
upper respiratory tract infection 1
uterine cervix cancer 1
wart virus 1
willingness. 1
women, working - psychology 1
women, working - statistics and numerical data 1
women’s health 1
working environment 1
代谢综合征 1
全人照顾 1
服药依从性 1
社会支持 1
神经肌肉疾病 1
难以解释的症状 1
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