Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
auction 3
auction mechanism design 3
cloud computing 3
double auction 3
network functions virtualization 3
online algorithms 3
pricing 3
resource allocation 3
truthful mechanisms 3
auction mechanisms 2
bulk data transfers 2
cloud resource allocation 2
combinatorial auction 2
competitive ratio 2
computation paradigms 2
content distribution 2
data aggregation 2
delays 2
dynamic algorithm 2
dynamic migration 2
dynamic resource trading 2
electricity prices 2
fast neighbor discovery 2
federated cloud 2
fixed horizons 2
geo-distributed datacenters 2
geographical locations 2
hybrid cloud 2
indexing overlay 2
individual profit 2
long-term profits 2
lyapunov optimization 2
minimum-latency 2
neighbor discovery 2
network function virtualization 2
noise measurement 2
on-line algorithms 2
p2p streaming 2
peer-to-peer network 2
physical interference model 2
resilience 2
resource access 2
rigorous analysis 2
runtime 2
social welfare 2
software-defined networking 2
stochastic optimization 2
temporal availability 2
transmitting data 2
truthful mechanism 2
video-on-demand 2
virtual machine trading 2
virtual machines 2
wireless sensor networks 2
anonymity 1
application-layer service differentiation 1
approximation algorithms 1
bandwidth allocation 1
bandwidth auction 1
bandwidth usage 1
batch matching 1
boolean functions 1
c-ran 1
co-location data center 1
colocation data centers 1
commercial systems 1
communications 1
compact exponential optimization 1
competition 1
computer applications 1
computer centres 1
computer networks 1
computer science 1
computer simulation 1
content reconciliation 1
convex optimization 1
correlation 1
cost effectiveness 1
data structures 1
data transfer 1
decentralized algorithm 1
deep learning 1
demand response 1
design spaces 1
deterministic linear network coding 1
distributed application 1
distributed applications 1
distributed computer systems 1
distributed control 1
distributed networks 1
electric load forecasting 1
emergency demand response 1
encoding 1
encoding (symbols) 1
geometric information flow 1
graphic methods 1
hybrid power provisioning 1
immune evolutionary algorithm 1
interference alignment 1
internet 1
internet protocols 1
internet service providers 1
large-scale production 1
learning algorithms 1
lessons learned 1
live streaming 1
measurement 1
measurement theory 1
mechanism design 1
microgrids 1
mimo networks 1
mobile crowd sensing 1
multi-tenant cloud data centers 1
multi-user virtual environment 1
multicommodity flow 1
multimedia services 1
multiple channels 1
multiple overlays 1
multiple-unicast 1
network coding 1
network distance 1
network measurement 1
network protocols 1
online algorithm 1
online fairness 1
optimisation 1
optimization 1
overlay network 1
p2p overlays 1
pattern clustering 1
peer-to-peer 1
peer-to-peer (p2p) networks 1
peer-to-peer (p2p) streaming 1
peer-to-peer content distribution 1
peer-to-peer streaming 1
physical layer letwork coding 1
power grid 1
power management 1
primal-dual online algorithms 1
quality of experience 1
random processes 1
rate allocation 1
rateless codes 1
reinforcement learning 1
reverse auction 1
scalability 1
scheduling 1
server bandwidth provisioning 1
service chains 1
service function chain 1
signal alignment 1
space information flow 1
sparse connectivity 1
streaming capacity 1
telecommunication networks 1
telecommunication systems 1
television broadcasting 1
topology 1
topology characterization 1
unit commitment problem 1
video content delivery 1
video transcoding 1
vogel's approximation method 1
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