Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
approximation algorithms 3
aggregation 2
cloud resource allocation 2
continuous linear programming 2
convex optimization 2
double auction 2
doubling dimension 2
doubling metrics 2
dynamic network 2
graph 2
linear programming 2
oblivious algorithms 2
online algorithm 2
primaldual algorithm 2
probabilistic databases 2
ranking 2
traveling salesman problem 2
traveling salesman problem with neighborhoods 2
truthful mechanism 2
weighted matching 2
access pattern 1
adaptive 1
additive errors 1
aggregate queries 1
algorithms 1
applied cryptography 1
approximation algorithm 1
approximation scheme 1
arya et al. stoc 1995 conjecture 1
asymptotic performance 1
asymptotic stability 1
bargaining game 1
bounded hop-diameter 1
bounded maximum degree 1
byzantine agreement 1
client-server communication 1
clustering 1
communication complexity 1
communication graphs 1
complexity 1
computational complexity 1
consensus problem 1
continual mechanism 1
continuous distributions 1
convergence time 1
convergent behavior 1
core values 1
corrupt majority 1
cryptography 1
customer satisfaction 1
data access 1
data blocks 1
data flow analysis 1
data privacy 1
data transfer 1
densest subgraph 1
diameter variation 1
differential privacies 1
differential privacy 1
dimension reduction 1
disjointness 1
distance measurement 1
distributed protocols 1
dynamic data structure 1
dynamic networks 1
edge detection 1
equivariant neural network 1
euclidean embedding 1
euclidean planes 1
fast convergence 1
fault-tolerant doubling spanners 1
feedforward neural network 1
finite element method 1
forbidden comparison 1
free-disposal 1
fully dynamic 1
function evaluation 1
generalized sorting 1
geometric objects 1
global notion of dimension 1
graph mining 1
graph theory 1
hierarchical routing 1
hop diameter 1
human nature 1
hypergraph laplacian 1
hypergraphs 1
information theory 1
internet 1
its data 1
lightness 1
linear equations 1
linguistics 1
lovász-theta function 1
low-distortion embeddings 1
lower bound 1
mathematical models 1
maximum independent sets 1
maximum matching 1
metric decompositions 1
metric embeddings 1
metric space 1
metric spaces 1
metric spanners 1
multicast 1
natural algorithms 1
non-convex local 1
novel techniques 1
numerical methods 1
oblivious matching problem 1
oblivious ram 1
opinion dynamics 1
optimal hop-diameter 1
optimal lower bound 1
optimization 1
oram 1
parameter estimation 1
path oram 1
perfect graphs 1
polynomial time approximation scheme 1
predictions 1
primal-dual methods 1
primal-dual sdp methods 1
privacy preserving 1
private data analysis 1
prize collecting 1
probabilistic xml 1
problem solving 1
profitability 1
quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme 1
random processes 1
randomized algorithms 1
ranking algorithm 1
rotational equivariant 1
secure computation 1
security 1
sensitive datas 1
set theory 1
small degree 1
smart grid 1
social welfare 1
spanners 1
sparse fault-tolerant spanners 1
sparse spanners 1
steiner forest problem 1
steiner tree problem 1
streaming algorithm 1
sublinear round complexity 1
submodular maximization 1
susceptibility to persuasion 1
time step 1
total power consumption 1
translation (languages) 1
underlying networks 1
unitary equivariant 1
unstability 1
untrusted server 1
user privacy 1
vector packing 1
weighted averages 1
weighted averaging model 1
world wide web 1
xml 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
huang, zhiyi 1
wu, chuan 1
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