Name Card
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Professor Chua, Daniel Kwan Liang 蔡寬量

Professor, Chair of Music


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Professor Chua, Daniel Kwan Liang 蔡寬量

Professor, Chair of Music



Daniel KL CHUA earned his PhD in musicology from Cambridge University and is currently Professor and Chair of music at the University of Hong Kong. Before joining HKU, he was the Director of Studies at St John’s College, Cambridge, and later Professor of Music Theory and Analysis at King’s College London. He was a Visiting Senior Research fellow at Yale (2014-15), a Henry Fellow at Harvard (1992-3), and a Research Fellow at Cambridge (1993-7).  He is the recipient of the 2004 Royal Musical Association’s Dent Medal.  He was editor of Music & Letters, and is on the editorial board of major musicological journals.  He was a Director-at-Large of the International Musicological Society and is currently the Society’s President (2017-2022).  He has written widely on music, from Monteverdi to Stravinsky, but is particularly known for his work on (i) Beethoven, (ii) the intersection between music, philosophy and theology, and (iii) the history of ‘absolute music’. His publications include The ‘Galitzin’ Quartets of Beethoven (Princeton, 1994), Absolute Music and the Construction of Meaning (Cambridge, 1999), Beethoven and Freedom, (Oxford, 2017), ‘Rioting With Stravinsky: A Particular Analysis of the Rite of Spring’ (2007), ‘Beethoven’s Other Humanism’ (2009), and ‘Listening to the Self: The Shawshank Redemption and the Technology of Music’ (2011). He is currently collaborating on various theologically inflected projects based at Duke and Yale Divinity Schools, and is working on a post-human manifesto modestly entitled an Intergalactic Music Theory of Everything (IMTE).


Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2004-03-01Dent Medal: Royal Musical Association
Research Achievement
2018-09-01Corresponding Member of the American Musicological Society (honorary membership for non-US members): American Musicological Society
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2019 - lifeOrdinary MemberAmerican Musicological Soceity
2012-2020Member of Editorial BoardJournal of the American Musicological Soceity
2011FellowHK Humanities Academy
Member of the Editorial BoardEighteenth-Century Music (CUP)
Member of the Advisory PanelMusica Humana (Korea)
2011Member of the Advisory BoardActa Musicologica
2005-2008Member of the Advisory BoardInstitute for Musical Research (London)
2017-2022PresidentInternational Musicological Society
2016-2027Bureau (Governing Body) memberInternational Musicological Society
2019-lifeCorresponding (honorary)MemberAmerican Musicological Soceity
2004-2010Editor and Board MemberMusic & Letters (OUP)
2019Member of the Editorial CouncilICTUS Music Journal (Brazil)
Media Contact Directory
Area of Expertise:
Area of Expertise (EN)Area of Expertise (ZH)
Music theory, analysis, philosophy, history
Critical theory
Spoken Languages:
Spoken Language(s) (EN)Spoken Language(s) (ZH)
Written Languages:
Written Language(s) (EN)Written Language(s) (ZH)
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