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Name Card
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Professor Lam, Simon Sing Kwong 林誠光

Professor (Area Co-ordinator)
Professor of Management

Teaching List, Current
2022 S2EMBA76042AEntrepreneurship
2023 S2PMGM70032AEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2023 S2PMGM70032EEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2023 S2PMGM70032CEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2023 S2PMGM70032FEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2023 S2PMGM70032DEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2023 S1MACC70151BPrinciples of Management
2023 S1CCGL90311AEntrepreneurship: Global and Social Development
2023 S1IMBA60581AEntrepreneurship
2022 S2EMBA76042BEntrepreneurship
2022 S2MACC70152BPrinciples of Management
2022 S2MACC70152CPrinciples of Management
2020 S2CCGL90312AEntrepreneurship: Global and Social Development
2021 S1CCGL90311AEntrepreneurship: Global and Social Development
2023 S2CCGL90312AEntrepreneurship: Global and Social Development
2021 S1MGMT24011APrinciples of management
2021 S1MGMT24011BPrinciples of management
2021 S2PMGM70032AEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2021 S2PMGM70032BEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2021 S2PMGM70032CEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2021 S2PMGM70032DEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2021 S1EMBA76041AEntrepreneurship
2022 S2PMGM70032AEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2022 S2PMGM70032BEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2022 S2PMGM70032CEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2022 S2PMGM70032DEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2022 S2PMGM70032EEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2023 S1MACC70151APrinciples of Management
2023 S2PMGM70032BEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2023 S8EMBA7604SAEntrepreneurship
2023 S1MSMK70191BEntrepreneurial Marketing
2023 S1MSMK70191AEntrepreneurial Marketing
2021 S2IMBA60582AEntrepreneurship
2019 S1EMBA76041AEntrepreneurship
2019 S1IMBA60581AEntrepreneurship
2019 S1MGMT24011APrinciples of management
2019 S1MGMT24011BPrinciples of management
2019 S1MGMT24011CPrinciples of management
2022 S8PMBA6060SAEntrepreneurship and Ventures
2019 S2MSMK70192AEntrepreneurial Marketing
2022 S2MSMK70192AEntrepreneurial Marketing
2022 S2MSMK70192BEntrepreneurial Marketing
2019 S8EMBA7604SBEntrepreneurship
2018 S2DBAP70452ADBA Thesis
2020 S1MGMT24011APrinciples of management
2020 S1MGMT24011BPrinciples of management
2018 S1MGMT24011BPrinciples of management
2018 S1MGMT24011APrinciples of management
2018 S1DBAP70271AFrontiers in Management Research
2018 S1IMBA60581AEntrepreneurship
2021 S1CCGL90311AXEntrepreneurship: Global and Social Development
2020 S2MSMK70192AEntrepreneurial Marketing
2020 S2PMGM70032AEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2020 S2PMGM70032BEntrepreneurship in Multinational Corporations
2018 S2PMBA60602AEntrepreneurship and Ventures
2020 S2DBAP70282ABusiness Creation and Dynamics
2019 S2PMBA60602AEntrepreneurship and Ventures
2022 S1CCGL90311AEntrepreneurship: Global and Social Development
2022 S1MGMT24011APrinciples of management
2022 S1MGMT24011BPrinciples of management
2020 S2IMBA60582AEntrepreneurship
2021 S2MSMK70192AEntrepreneurial Marketing
2021 S2MSMK70192BEntrepreneurial Marketing
2020 S2PMBA60602AEntrepreneurship and Ventures
2022 S1IMBA60581AEntrepreneurship
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
What makes the international ventures grow? The interplay of social capital and dynamic capabilitiesin achieving the evolutionary fitness.Entrepreneurship2008 Phd
Dowejko Marta Katarzyna
Social Relations of Foreign Firms in China: A Focus on Trust, Network Ties and Social CapitalHuman Resources Management2003 Phd
Li Juan
A Resource View and a Social Exchange View on Leader-Member Dynamics: A Meta-analysis of LMX and a Study of Supervisor Monitoring Influencing Subordinate InnovationManagement2009 Phd
Liao Yi
Ostracized Coworkers and Employee Voice: The Role of Political SavvyOrganizational Behavior2010 Phd
Wang Yamei
Personality Similarity Effects in Rated Performance: The Roles of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Team CultureJob Burnout2003 Phd
Lai Yuen Man
The Effects of Team Member Exchange and Cohesiveness on Performance and Satisfaction: A Group-Level and Cross-Cultural AnalysisOrganizational Behavior1997 Phd
Man Chu Kwong Derek
Employee Territoriality and Job Performance: A Qualitative and Quantitative InvestigationManagement and Strategy2018 Phd
Chen Xingwen
Three Essays on Patent Rights and the Geography of Cumulative InnovationManagement2017 Phd
Wang Qinyu
Know More, Say More? The Effects of Supervisors' Knowledge-Focused Leadership and Subordinates' Goal Orientation on Subordinates' VoiceManagement and Strategy2020 Phd
Chen Haoyang
Management and Strategy2020 Phd
Liu Shuning
Nothing Endures But Change: How And When Regulatory Focus Convergence Influences Team PerformanceManagement and Strategy2020 Phd
Zhou Yaxian
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2010-09-012017-11-30Board of Graduate StudiesChairman of each Faculty Higher Degrees Committee
2010-06-012012-05-31Human Research Ethics Committee1 member each from the Faculties of Arch, Arts, Bus&Econ, Dentistry, Edu, Engg, Law, Medicine, Sci and SocSc, who preferably are experienced in conducting research involving human subjects, appointed by the relevant Board of the Faculty
2014-06-012016-05-31Human Research Ethics Committee1 member each from the Faculties of Arch, Arts, Bus&Econ, Dentistry, Edu, Engg, Law, Medicine, Sci and SocSc, who preferably are experienced in conducting research involving human subjects, appointed by the relevant Board of the Faculty
1995-08-012000-12-31School of Business, Board of Studies of theThe teachers who have been organized by the Senate into the School of Business and who are full-time employees of the University.
1999-07-012000-12-31Discontinuation, Committee on1 member from each Faculty (School of Business) from a panel of three in order of precedenceBoard of Studies of the School of Business
2010-09-012012-05-02Research and Conference Grants, Committee onThe Dean or Associate Dean of each Faculty, or their nominees
2005-10-012010-08-31Board of Examination for Graduate StudiesChairman of each Faculty Higher Degrees Committee
2001-01-012006-02-24Faculty of Business and Economics, Board of theSenior Lecturers in Faculty
2019-07-012024-06-30Faculty of Business and Economics, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2006-02-252019-06-30Faculty of Business and Economics, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2018-06-012020-05-31Human Research Ethics Committee1 member each from the Faculties of Arch, Arts, Bus&Econ, Dentistry, Edu, Engg, Law, Medicine, Sci and SocSc, who preferably are experienced in conducting research involving human subjects, appointed by the relevant Board of the Faculty
2016-06-012018-05-31Human Research Ethics Committee1 member each from the Faculties of Arch, Arts, Bus&Econ, Dentistry, Edu, Engg, Law, Medicine, Sci and SocSc, who preferably are experienced in conducting research involving human subjects, appointed by the relevant Board of the Faculty
2012-06-012014-05-31Human Research Ethics Committee1 member each from the Faculties of Arch, Arts, Bus&Econ, Dentistry, Edu, Engg, Law, Medicine, Sci and SocSc, who preferably are experienced in conducting research involving human subjects, appointed by the relevant Board of the Faculty
2017-07-012018-06-20Board for Professional DoctoratesChairpersons of Faculty Higher Degrees Committees of Faculties offering PDD curricula
1989-09-161995-07-31Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theLecturers in Faculty
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