Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
chen, br | 3 |
chatterjee, k | 2 |
zhong, w | 2 |
chan, ks | 1 |
chen, r. b. | 1 |
dasgupta, a | 1 |
mansley, ec | 1 |
morgan, j | 1 |
pu, yj | 1 |
rachel yang, b | 1 |
wang, jx | 1 |
weng, w | 1 |
yeh, rs | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
bargaining | 1 |
bid floor | 1 |
c72 | 1 |
c78 | 1 |
common knowledge | 1 |
competitive bidding | 1 |
complementarity | 1 |
core | 1 |
currency crisis | 1 |
demand commitment game | 1 |
double marginalization | 1 |
econometric models | 1 |
game theory | 1 |
group identity | 1 |
h2 | 1 |
implementation | 1 |
incomplete contracts | 1 |
interdiction | 1 |
l5 | 1 |
market competition | 1 |
material payoffs | 1 |
minimum wage | 1 |
multiple equilibria | 1 |
nash bargaining | 1 |
outside option | 1 |
ownership | 1 |
psychological payoffs | 1 |
public-private partnership | 1 |
revenue | 1 |
self-stereotyping | 1 |
shapley value | 1 |
stereotyping | 1 |
substitutability | 1 |
transparency | 1 |
vertical production | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
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Disciplines in Grants | |
Disciplines | No. of Investigators |
economics | 1 |
economics (including finance) (obsolete) | 1 |
economics,education: policy & administration | 1 |
others - professional and vocational studies | 1 |