AuthorsNo. of Publications
kauffman, rj 21
payne, tr 17
westland, jc 15
hu, pjh 12
lu, y 7
tam, ky 7
li, d 6
christopher westland, j 5
au, akk 4
chan, i 3
chau, mcl 3
cheung, pk 3
heng, msh 3
ho, sy 3
hu, pj 3
hui, kl 3
kuan, kky 3
lee, blp 3
li, c 3
liu sheng, or 3
ma, pc 3
sadeh, nm 3
shiau, wl 3
stafford, t 3
thong, jyl 3
wang, wyc 3
wei, cp 3
bell, peter c 2
cai, x 2
chu, amy 2
cole, m 2
gupta, s 2
hu, paul jenhwa 2
lai, f 2
liang, tp 2
lu, yb 2
montoyaweiss, m 2
o'keefe, rm 2
poon, s 2
qi, c 2
scarborough, h 2
wang, b 2
wong, acp 2
yang, s 2
zhang, l 2
zhang, n 2
zhao, l 2
au, g 1
banerjee, p 1
bell, pc 1
bose, i 1
browne, gj 1
bui, t 1
cao, y 1
chan, i.n.m 1
chan, inm 1
chan, kp 1
chan, y 1
chen, ah 1
chen, g 1
chen, gq 1
cong, q 1
cui, x 1
davison, r 1
deng, z.h 1
desouza, kc 1
fan, w 1
fang, y 1
fok, wwt 1
fung, h 1
georgiadis, ck 1
giaglis, gm 1
guo, x 1
guo, xh 1
gwee, y.t 1
hackney, r 1
hedley, aj 1
hjelm, nm 1
ho, cky 1
ho, kkw 1
ho, m.s.c 1
ho, s.y. 1
hu, p 1
huang, l 1
huang, z 1
hui, k.l 1
hung, sy 1
hung, wh 1
jiang, gy 1
jim, ccf 1
ke, w.l 1
kourouthanassis, pe 1
kowk, j 1
lai, vs 1
lai, vsk 1
lau, a 1
lee, jk 1
lee, wt 1
li, sx 1
lin, fr 1
lin, h 1
liu sheng, olivia r 1
liu, f 1
liu, v 1
lou, h 1
lyytinen, k 1
ma, fc 1
mann, a 1
massey, a 1
massey, ap 1
mcqueen, rj 1
mylonopoulos, n 1
ng tye, emw 1
ng, h 1
ng, rmh 1
pan, z 1
perry, m 1
prybutok, v 1
qi, c. 1
shang, j 1
sheng, olivia rliu 1
so, mkp 1
tam, karyan 1
tang, q 1
thach, tq 1
tsai, jy 1
tse, j 1
van slyke, c 1
van tam, k 1
wang, s 1
wang, w.y.c 1
wang, y 1
wei, k.k 1
wong, cm 1
yang, sq 1
yao, y 1
yao, yh 1
yen, b 1
yen, dc 1
yen, j 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, qb 1
zhang, x 1
zhao, xf 1
zhong, yq 1
zhu, j 1
zwass, v 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
cognitive trust 2
critical failure factors 2
decision support systems 2
emotional trust 2
empirical study 2
erp implementation 2
erp life cycle 2
online advertising effectiveness 2
online sellers, social network 2
online stores 2
social commerce 2
survival analysis 2
trust in online advertising 2
acceptance 1
acceptance of information technology 1
accessibility 1
administrative reforms 1
adoption of information technology 1
affective commitment 1
alliance services 1
altruism 1
and trust 1
asia pacific region 1
attitude of health personnel 1
attitude to computers 1
awareness 1
b2b ecommerce 1
bargaining model 1
behavioral intention 1
blogs 1
brand extension theory 1
business and economics 1
business network 1
business-to-business integration 1
calculative commitment 1
case 1
case study 1
channel dissynergies 1
channel integration 1
channel synergies 1
chinese culture 1
co-op advertising 1
communication tools 1
competence distrust 1
competitor orientation 1
computational experiment 1
computer applications 1
computer systems 1
computers 1
connectedness 1
consumer behaviour 1
consumer decision process 1
consumer dropout 1
consumer innovativeness 1
consumer marketing 1
consumer-based brand equity 1
continuance intention 1
continuing development 1
continuous use 1
contract 1
creativity 1
cross-environment 1
culture 1
cumulative satisfaction 1
customer orientation 1
customer retention 1
customer service 1
decomposed version of theory of planned behavior 1
delphi study 1
deviant behavior 1
diffusion of innovation 1
distrust 1
doi theory 1
dual-process approach 1
dynamic evolution 1
e-business assimilation 1
e-commerce 1
e-government 1
e-government convergence 1
e-leadership 1
electroencephalography 1
electronic data interchange 1
electronic data interchange (edi) 1
emotion online 1
engagement 1
expectation-confirmation theory 1
experiment 1
factorial invariance 1
focus group 1
group buying 1
independent judgment 1
information center success 1
information presentation mode 1
information processing theory 1
information security 1
information systems 1
information systems infrastructure 1
information systems research 1
information technology acceptance 1
information technology continuance 1
information technology in health care 1
information technology management in health care 1
informational social influence 1
innovation diffusion theory 1
innovative business processes 1
instant messaging 1
instrument development 1
instrument validation 1
integrity 1
integrity distrust 1
international trade 1
internet banking 1
internet banking acceptance 1
internet banking services 1
interorganizational information systems 1
interorganizational trust 1
interpersonal trust 1
is evaluation 1
it acceptance and adoption 1
it adoption 1
it outsourcing success 1
it/is management 1
justice 1
km 1
knowledge management 1
knowledge management framework 1
knowledge management infrastructure 1
knowledge management strategy 1
knowledge management system (kms) 1
knowledge reuse 1
knowledge sharing 1
leader-follower relationship 1
lisrel 1
location personalization 1
malfunctioning 1
malfunctioning personalization 1
market interrelationships 1
market orientation 1
marketing channels 1
measurement 1
measurement model 1
meta-analysis 1
methodology 1
mobile communication systems 1
mobile payment services 1
mobile personalization 1
mobile value-added services 1
model testing 1
motivational affordance theory 1
multi-channel retailing 1
need-pull 1
neurois 1
normative social influence 1
novelty seeking 1
octopus 1
offshoring 1
on-demand services 1
on-line trading 1
online banking 1
online channel adoption 1
online group buying 1
online review quality 1
online shopping 1
open systems 1
opinion leadership 1
organisational critical activities 1
organisational success 1
organizational technology adoption 1
outsourcing 1
ownership type 1
packaged software 1
pareto efficiencies 1
payment system 1
perceived critical mass 1
perceived ease of information systems use 1
perceived enjoyment 1
perceived fit 1
perceived usefulness 1
perceived usefulness of information systems 1
perception-based model 1
personalization 1
physicians/psychology 1
platform-related privacy concern 1
pleasure 1
privacy concern 1
professional users 1
prominence interpretation theory 1
provider-related privacy concern 1
quality of alternatives 1
reciprocity 1
recommendations 1
relational view 1
relational view of the firm 1
relationship 1
relationship commitment 1
relative benefits 1
reliability 1
repurchase intention 1
reputation 1
research topic comparison 1
resource misuse 1
review writing 1
satisfaction 1
scale validation 1
selection criteria 1
self-disclosure 1
self-regulation framework 1
sense of belonging 1
service brand equity 1
service quality 1
small business 1
small businesses 1
smart card 1
social capital 1
social media 1
social networking site 1
social networking sites (sns) 1
social presence 1
social presence theory 1
stimulus–organism–response model 1
structural equation modeling 1
structural equation models 1
supply chains 1
systems concepts 1
systems developers 1
task familiarity 1
technological capability 1
technological innovation 1
technology acceptance 1
technology acceptance model 1
technology adoption 1
technology adoption and management 1
technology diffusion 1
technology management 1
technology-push 1
telemedicine 1
telemedicine technology management 1
text-versus-pictures 1
theory of planned behavior 1
transaction-specific satisfaction 1
transactional view 1
transportation 1
trialability 1
trust 1
trust antecedents 1
trust transfer theory 1
unethical behavior 1
user commitment 1
user participation 1
users' active behavior 1
valence framework 1
validity 1
virtual communities 1
visual interactive simulation 1
visual model development 1
web personalization 1
website evaluation methodology 1
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