Name Card
rp01029 picture

Dr Wong, Wah Sang 黃華生

Honorary Associate Professor

Contact Information
rp01029 picture

Dr Wong, Wah Sang 黃華生

Honorary Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae:

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
APEC Architect

Dr. Wong Wah Sang joined the Department of Architecture of HKU as academic staff since 1990. He is curreView Staffntly Associate Professor of the Department. On various occasions, he had served as associate head, acting head and acting dean for the Faculty of Architecture. He taught in various courses for design, technology and practices in the BAAS and MArch curriculum as well as acted as supervisor and examiner for MPh and PhD students in HKU. Dr. Wong had also taught in the Centre of Buddhist Studies since 2004 for various courses.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
Chiang, MHM
2000-07-01Honourable Mention for HKIA Design Competition: Wing Shun Street Vehicle Pound
Research Achievement
2004-08-01Design award for Urban Renewal Competition in Lee Tung Street: Urban Renewal Authority
2001-07-01Certificate of Merit for Research/Planning in the "Outstanding Green Project Awards 2000": The Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects and the Society of Horticulture, Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2007-01-01HKIA Honourable Mention: Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) Special Architectural Award - Architectural Research 'Quality of Life for Publlic Housing with Emphasis on Health and Safety Issues'
Research Achievement
2014-05-01UIA Golden Cube Award in Asia Pacific Region: Union of International Associations: UIA
Research Achievement
Cheung, AKC
2005-04-01Literati Club Awards for Excellence: Outstanding Paper (with Ho, DCW, Leung HF, Wong SK, Cheung AKC et. Al.), Assessing the Health and Hygiene Performance of Apartment Buildings: Facilities, Emerald Publishing, UK
Research Achievement
2015-06-01Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Award 2015 (Faculty of Architecture): HKU Faculty of Architecture
2016-06-01Long Service Award: University of Hong Kong
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
01/2012-presenteligibility panelHong Kong Institute of Architects
01/2003-12/2004Vice PresidentHong Kong institute of Architects
01/2001-12/2002Hon. SecretaryHong Kong institute of Architects
09/2004-08/2007memberArchitects' Registration Board
01/2005-12/2006board chairman & council memberHong Kong institute of Architects
01/2007-presentPanel chairman for professional assessmentHong Kong Institute of Architects
05/2009-presentmember of academic qualifying assessment panelHong Kong Istitute of Architects
01/2007-presentmember of the Professional Assessment committeeHong Kong Istitute of Architects
01/2013-12-14member of Board of EducationHong Kong Insitute of Architects
Media Contact Directory
Area of Expertise:
Area of Expertise (EN)Area of Expertise (ZH)
Urban studies and urban management
SARS spread in community
Religious philosophy
Feng Shui
Building control
Spoken Languages:
Spoken Language(s) (EN)Spoken Language(s) (ZH)
English, Cantonese英語、粵語
Written Languages:
Written Language(s) (EN)Written Language(s) (ZH)
English, Chinese英文、中文
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