hong kong |
15 |
health |
9 |
transaction cost |
9 |
sustainable development |
8 |
buildings |
7 |
health and safety |
7 |
housing |
7 |
hygiene |
7 |
performance measurement (quality) |
7 |
safety |
7 |
building quality indices |
6 |
design variables |
6 |
information asymmetry |
6 |
performance assessment |
6 |
real estate |
6 |
residential property |
6 |
assessment tools |
5 |
building quality |
5 |
daylight illuminance |
5 |
daylight simulation |
5 |
environmental quality |
5 |
hedonic price model |
5 |
hedonic pricing model |
5 |
height to floor area |
5 |
high-rise and high-density residential developments |
5 |
high-rise housing |
5 |
information flow |
5 |
institutions |
5 |
kitchens |
5 |
land auction |
5 |
market responses |
5 |
national cultures |
5 |
people's republic of china |
5 |
performance measurement |
5 |
preferences |
5 |
price signals |
5 |
property management |
5 |
property rights |
5 |
rooms |
5 |
sky view factor |
5 |
socialization |
5 |
structural design |
5 |
surface albedo |
5 |
urban geometry |
5 |
urban heat island effect |
5 |
building specifications |
4 |
corporate financial performance |
4 |
corporate social performance |
4 |
corporate social responsibility |
4 |
dd lots |
4 |
developer |
4 |
engineering |
4 |
externality |
4 |
forward contract |
4 |
garch model |
4 |
heritage conservation |
4 |
land market |
4 |
land readjustment |
4 |
land value |
4 |
letter a/b |
4 |
portfolio diversification |
4 |
pre-sale |
4 |
price volatility |
4 |
pricing |
4 |
transaction costs |
4 |
tso/tong land |
4 |
urban renewal |
4 |
age effects |
3 |
apartment properties |
3 |
aquaculture |
3 |
auction |
3 |
balcony |
3 |
bidding outcome |
3 |
bivariate garch |
3 |
building labelling |
3 |
building performance |
3 |
built-heritage |
3 |
carbon trading |
3 |
china |
3 |
chopsticks |
3 |
comprehensive development area zone |
3 |
corporate social performance-corporate financial performance relationship |
3 |
critical review |
3 |
culture |
3 |
curvilinear relationship |
3 |
delay |
3 |
delay in development |
3 |
depreciation |
3 |
discount rate |
3 |
duration |
3 |
environmental effect |
3 |
environmental management |
3 |
extensions (buildings) |
3 |
green buildings |
3 |
greenbelt |
3 |
high density city |
3 |
hoarding |
3 |
housing price |
3 |
housing supply |
3 |
informal housing |
3 |
innovations |
3 |
institutional analysis |
3 |
institutional changes |
3 |
institutional innovations |
3 |
international construction |
3 |
land tenure |
3 |
liquidity |
3 |
lot boundaries |
3 |
market efficiency |
3 |
market sentiments |
3 |
market-oriented urban redevelopment |
3 |
marketing |
3 |
master layout plan |
3 |
modelling |
3 |
models |
3 |
moral hazard |
3 |
multicollinearity |
3 |
natural disasters |
3 |
neighborhood |
3 |
noise trader |
3 |
panel data |
3 |
planning market |
3 |
price discovery |
3 |
price dispersion |
3 |
prices |
3 |
pricing mechanism |
3 |
public sector |
3 |
qianhai |
3 |
real estate forward sales |
3 |
real option |
3 |
reclamation |
3 |
refurbishment |
3 |
refurbishment costing |
3 |
repeat-sales index |
3 |
repeat-sales model |
3 |
reputation |
3 |
schumpeterian experimentation |
3 |
small property right housing |
3 |
social cost |
3 |
spatial dependence |
3 |
subsidy |
3 |
sustainable design |
3 |
taste |
3 |
thailand |
3 |
tidal waves |
3 |
trading volume |
3 |
transfer of development rights |
3 |
turnover |
3 |
uncertainties |
3 |
unintended policy consequence |
3 |
unseco world heritage |
3 |
urban areas |
3 |
urban conservation |
3 |
urban design |
3 |
urban development |
3 |
urban housing |
3 |
urban planning |
3 |
urban rehabilitation |
3 |
vertical integration |
3 |
volatility spillover |
3 |
winner's curse |
3 |
zones(planning) |
3 |
zoning |
3 |
zoning system |
3 |
accessibility by transit |
2 |
accessibility to transit |
2 |
adaptive reuse |
2 |
age effect |
2 |
agency cost hypothesis |
2 |
agency problems |
2 |
air pollution |
2 |
apartment buildings |
2 |
architecture |
2 |
asia |
2 |
asia reits |
2 |
austrian economics |
2 |
behavioural economics |
2 |
betterment |
2 |
building density |
2 |
building height |
2 |
building information modeling |
2 |
building naming |
2 |
building safety |
2 |
building safety policy |
2 |
built environment |
2 |
bus garages |
2 |
capital structure |
2 |
carbon emission |
2 |
catching-up process |
2 |
civil engineering |
2 |
co-operative society |
2 |
coase |
2 |
coase theorem |
2 |
commercial real estate |
2 |
compassion |
2 |
conservation |
2 |
construction accidents |
2 |
construction firms |
2 |
construction industry |
2 |
construction productivity |
2 |
corporate memory |
2 |
corporate social responsibility (csr) |
2 |
court cases |
2 |
currency board |
2 |
data envelopment analysis |
2 |
decision making |
2 |
decoupling analysis |
2 |
developers |
2 |
development control |
2 |
development plans |
2 |
discrimination |
2 |
diversification |
2 |
duration of land redevelopment approval |
2 |
economic impact |
2 |
emission characteristics |
2 |
enemy heritage |
2 |
entrepreneurial innovations |
2 |
environmental kuznets curve (ekc) |
2 |
environmental policy |
2 |
evolution process |
2 |
evolutionary game model |
2 |
firb sector |
2 |
firm age |
2 |
firm size |
2 |
floor level |
2 |
forward planning |
2 |
gender |
2 |
geographically weighted regression |
2 |
global financial crisis |
2 |
glocalisation |
2 |
governance |
2 |
hedonic model |
2 |
hong kong - reits |
2 |
housing price movements |
2 |
housing submarket |
2 |
ifcs |
2 |
industry development |
2 |
information asymmetries |
2 |
institutional change |
2 |
inter-firm cooperation |
2 |
international organizations |
2 |
interventionism |
2 |
investors |
2 |
ipo |
2 |
it facilities |
2 |
kaya identity |
2 |
labour productivity |
2 |
land boundary |
2 |
land reform |
2 |
land registration |
2 |
land supply |
2 |
land surveying |
2 |
land use |
2 |
land use planning |
2 |
layouts |
2 |
leasehold land system |
2 |
leases |
2 |
libertarianism |
2 |
lmdi model |
2 |
local officials |
2 |
location |
2 |
locational specificity |
2 |
lock-in effects |
2 |
low carbon city |
2 |
misallocation losses |
2 |
moral hazards |
2 |
mortgage prepayment |
2 |
natural experiment |
2 |
office |
2 |
office space |
2 |
olson's group theory |
2 |
open access property |
2 |
organizations |
2 |
panel estimation |
2 |
performance analysis |
2 |
planning appeal |
2 |
political circles |
2 |
political promotion |
2 |
portfolio investment |
2 |
positive externalities |
2 |
price deflator |
2 |
price formation |
2 |
price gradient |
2 |
price index |
2 |
principal–agent theory |
2 |
probit modelling |
2 |
process characteristic |
2 |
productive efficiency |
2 |
property |
2 |
property price |
2 |
property prices |
2 |
property securities |
2 |
public auction |
2 |
quality |
2 |
quasi-rational economics |
2 |
real estate development |
2 |
redevelopment option |
2 |
relative labour productivity |
2 |
rent |
2 |
repeat sales |
2 |
residential buildings |
2 |
residential mortgages |
2 |
risk assessment |
2 |
risk-adjusted returns |
2 |
rural planning |
2 |
safety performance |
2 |
sand |
2 |
schumpeterian innovation |
2 |
service firm |
2 |
sign structure |
2 |
signaling |
2 |
similarity |
2 |
skilled employees |
2 |
social institution |
2 |
social justice |
2 |
spatial autocorrelation |
2 |
spatial hedonic pricing model |
2 |
spatial models |
2 |
stakeholder management |
2 |
state monopoly |
2 |
storage |
2 |
structure value |
2 |
subcontracting |
2 |
subsidiarity |
2 |
subsidized homeownership |
2 |
substitution |
2 |
supply elasticity |
2 |
sustainability |
2 |
system-gmm |
2 |
term structure |
2 |
time window |
2 |
total factor productivity |
2 |
unauthorized appendages |
2 |
unauthorized building works |
2 |
underpricing |
2 |
urban experimentation |
2 |
urban regeneration |
2 |
vacancy rate |
2 |
variable-rate mortgages |
2 |
virtuous cycle |
2 |
academic discipline |
1 |
accessibility |
1 |
agrarian reform |
1 |
ahp |
1 |
appraisal smoothing |
1 |
approval risk |
1 |
arbitrage |
1 |
artificial neural network |
1 |
asset pricing test |
1 |
attitude survey |
1 |
auction theory |
1 |
automated valuation |
1 |
automl |
1 |
behavioural finance |
1 |
bidding strategy |
1 |
bim |
1 |
bon's proposition |
1 |
box-cox transformation |
1 |
break date |
1 |
broad money |
1 |
budget constraints |
1 |
building cost models |
1 |
building energy |
1 |
bus rapid transit (brt) |
1 |
catching-up hypothesis |
1 |
co-movement |
1 |
coal |
1 |
cointegration |
1 |
community use |
1 |
compulsory purchase |
1 |
construction |
1 |
construction cost |
1 |
construction management |
1 |
construction safety |
1 |
consumption |
1 |
contractual informality |
1 |
costs |
1 |
crude oil |
1 |
cultural betterment |
1 |
cultured groupers |
1 |
data envelopment analysis (dea) |
1 |
dea |
1 |
demand |
1 |
dependence |
1 |
digitalization |
1 |
direct and indirect real estate |
1 |
distance |
1 |
economic development |
1 |
economic growth |
1 |
efficiency |
1 |
efficient market hypothesis |
1 |
elasticity |
1 |
elasticity of substitution |
1 |
energy efficiency |
1 |
energy price |
1 |
engle-granger test |
1 |
epistemology |
1 |
error-correction model |
1 |
evidence-based practice |
1 |
ex situ heritage |
1 |
excess returns |
1 |
exogeneity |
1 |
filter rules |
1 |
freehold |
1 |
fuel price |
1 |
geographic element |
1 |
granger causality |
1 |
granger causality test |
1 |
heritage building |
1 |
hong kong housing market |
1 |
hong kong property cycle |
1 |
house price |
1 |
housing bubble |
1 |
housing return |
1 |
hydroelectricity |
1 |
hydropower consumption |
1 |
industrial value added |
1 |
industrialization |
1 |
inflation |
1 |
information |
1 |
information efficiency and confirmor transaction |
1 |
input-output |
1 |
international crude oil price |
1 |
internet of things |
1 |
interpretative approach |
1 |
journal publishing |
1 |
journals |
1 |
kalman filter |
1 |
land auctions |
1 |
land redistribution |
1 |
land use change |
1 |
land value capture |
1 |
leading indicators |
1 |
leasehold |
1 |
liquidity risk |
1 |
listed real estate company |
1 |
logistic regression |
1 |
long-run elasticity |
1 |
malmquist index |
1 |
management strategy |
1 |
market premium |
1 |
market-led agrarian reform |
1 |
mechanisation |
1 |
metropolis |
1 |
mobile apps |
1 |
modular model |
1 |
monte carlo simulation |
1 |
mountain |
1 |
museum |
1 |
oil consumption |
1 |
pedestrian roads |
1 |
plan shape |
1 |
planning applications |
1 |
post-materialist value theory |
1 |
prediction |
1 |
presale |
1 |
price control |
1 |
price-volume relationship |
1 |
pricing theory |
1 |
principal-agent problem |
1 |
probabilistic cost estimate |
1 |
production efficiency |
1 |
production function |
1 |
productivity |
1 |
property and facilities management |
1 |
property cycle |
1 |
property markets |
1 |
prosperity hypothesis |
1 |
pseudo r2 |
1 |
rainfall and runoff |
1 |
real estate cycle |
1 |
real estate investment |
1 |
real estate sales |
1 |
research methods |
1 |
retail property market |
1 |
retail property price |
1 |
retail shop price |
1 |
sales |
1 |
scale economics |
1 |
sentiment |
1 |
shenzhen |
1 |
singular spectrum analysis |
1 |
spectral analysis |
1 |
spreadsheet |
1 |
state-space model |
1 |
structural break |
1 |
sub-divided units |
1 |
sub-market effect |
1 |
sustainable house price |
1 |
sustainable risk ranking |
1 |
technical efficiency |
1 |
technological progress |
1 |
tenure security |
1 |
time compression diseconomies |
1 |
time series analysis |
1 |
toda-yamamoto test |
1 |
tourism development |
1 |
tourism shopping |
1 |
tourist shopper |
1 |
trace correction |
1 |
trace test |
1 |
transaction volume |
1 |
transfer station |
1 |
transport cost |
1 |
unexpected outcomes |
1 |
urban housing market |
1 |
urban rail transit accessibility |
1 |
web 2.0 |
1 |