thinking styles |
7 |
academic self-efficacy |
5 |
doctoral students |
5 |
perceived intellectual competence |
5 |
program satisfaction |
5 |
stem doctoral students |
5 |
teaching styles |
5 |
hong kong academics |
4 |
institutional commitment |
4 |
managerialism |
4 |
research agenda |
4 |
research agendas |
4 |
research autonomy |
4 |
research collaboration |
4 |
socialisation |
4 |
stem fields |
4 |
stress |
4 |
teaching style |
4 |
achievement |
3 |
teaching approaches |
3 |
abilities |
2 |
academics |
2 |
acculturation -- china, northwest. |
2 |
chinese |
2 |
early childhood education |
2 |
mainland china |
2 |
minority college students -- china, northwest. |
2 |
occupational stress |
2 |
organisational commitments |
2 |
organizational commitment |
2 |
preschool quality |
2 |
rural |
2 |
self-esteem |
2 |
socio-economic status |
2 |
student characteristics |
2 |
university academics |
2 |
ability |
1 |
academic achievement |
1 |
academic major |
1 |
academic performance |
1 |
academic stress coping |
1 |
academics in mainland china |
1 |
acceptance of disability |
1 |
achievement goals |
1 |
achievement motivation |
1 |
achievements |
1 |
adolescent |
1 |
adolescents with visual impairments |
1 |
adult |
1 |
age |
1 |
age factors |
1 |
anxiety |
1 |
asian students |
1 |
assessment |
1 |
attitude |
1 |
attitudes toward disability |
1 |
attitudes toward inclusive education |
1 |
autonomy |
1 |
big five personality traits |
1 |
career adaptability |
1 |
career decision-making self-efficacy |
1 |
career interest types |
1 |
career personality styles inventory |
1 |
career personality types |
1 |
change |
1 |
checklist |
1 |
child |
1 |
child behavior |
1 |
china |
1 |
chinese academics |
1 |
chinese adolescents |
1 |
chinese in-service teachers |
1 |
chinese university student |
1 |
chinese university students |
1 |
cognition - physiology |
1 |
cognitive development |
1 |
cognitive distortions |
1 |
cognitive style |
1 |
cognitive styles |
1 |
cognitive styles. |
1 |
collective self-esteem |
1 |
computing and information technology |
1 |
conceptions of creativity |
1 |
conceptions of effective teachers |
1 |
congruence |
1 |
coping |
1 |
coping assessment |
1 |
creativeness |
1 |
creativity |
1 |
creativity-generating intellectual styles |
1 |
criterion validation |
1 |
critical thinking dispositions |
1 |
cross-cultural comparison |
1 |
cross-lagged panel modeling |
1 |
culture |
1 |
deaf or hard of hearing |
1 |
defense mechanisms |
1 |
demographic factors |
1 |
discriminant validity |
1 |
ecological literacy |
1 |
economy |
1 |
education |
1 |
education for sustainability |
1 |
education system |
1 |
educational psychology - asia |
1 |
effective teachers |
1 |
effective teaching - asia. |
1 |
emotions |
1 |
emotions in teaching |
1 |
environmental education |
1 |
eriksonian stages |
1 |
external forces |
1 |
factor analysis, statistical |
1 |
factor structure |
1 |
female |
1 |
field-dependence/independence |
1 |
gender |
1 |
gender- intellectual styles |
1 |
gifted education programs |
1 |
giftedness |
1 |
hardiness |
1 |
hearing impairment |
1 |
higher education |
1 |
hong kong |
1 |
human resource management |
1 |
humans |
1 |
hypermedia-based learning |
1 |
identification |
1 |
identity statuses |
1 |
inclusive gifted education |
1 |
incremental validity |
1 |
individuality |
1 |
instruction |
1 |
integrative model |
1 |
intellectual styles |
1 |
investment theory |
1 |
job crafting |
1 |
job dissatisfaction |
1 |
latent change score |
1 |
latent profile analysis |
1 |
learning |
1 |
learning - physiology |
1 |
learning -- cross-cultural studies. |
1 |
learning approaches |
1 |
learning environment |
1 |
learning styles |
1 |
learning. |
1 |
longitudinal |
1 |
male |
1 |
malleability |
1 |
measurement |
1 |
mental health |
1 |
metacognition |
1 |
middle aged |
1 |
modes of thinking |
1 |
motivation |
1 |
non-academic setting |
1 |
organisational commitment |
1 |
parenting style |
1 |
parents |
1 |
perceived career support |
1 |
perceived work environment |
1 |
perceptual ability |
1 |
personal self-esteem |
1 |
personality |
1 |
personality inventory - statistics & numerical data |
1 |
personality traits |
1 |
personality types |
1 |
preferences for teaching styles |
1 |
preferred teaching approaches |
1 |
preferred teaching styles |
1 |
professional identity |
1 |
psychological ownership |
1 |
psychological tests |
1 |
psychological theory |
1 |
psychometrics |
1 |
psychosocial development |
1 |
quality of university life |
1 |
questionnaires |
1 |
relational self-esteem |
1 |
reproducibility of results |
1 |
research productivity |
1 |
research styles |
1 |
satisfaction |
1 |
secondary school students |
1 |
self and society |
1 |
self-assessment |
1 |
self-rated abilities |
1 |
sex factors |
1 |
socialization variables |
1 |
special educational needs |
1 |
student learning and development |
1 |
students - psychology |
1 |
style match |
1 |
style socialization |
1 |
style value |
1 |
successful intellectual styles |
1 |
teacher characteristics |
1 |
teachers |
1 |
teaching |
1 |
teaching - methods |
1 |
teaching efficacy |
1 |
teaching emotions |
1 |
temperament |
1 |
test accommodations |
1 |
the big five |
1 |
thinking |
1 |
thinking - physiology |
1 |
thinking style |
1 |
tibetan university teachers and students |
1 |
time perspectives |
1 |
underachievement |
1 |
united states |
1 |
university student |
1 |
validate |
1 |
value |
1 |
vocational identity |
1 |
vocational interests |
1 |
work environments |
1 |
young adult |
1 |