Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
activity theory 3
academia versus the professional world 2
analysis of feedback commentaries 2
argumentative writing 2
chatbots 2
efl students 2
feedback acts 2
feedback points 2
human–machine collaboration 2
master of education (med) program 2
academic discipline 1
academic literacies 1
academic supervision 1
activity system analysis 1
assessment criteria and standards 1
authorship strategies in writing 1
automated text-matching 1
awl coverage 1
chinese academics 1
chinese doctoral science students 1
chinese doctors 1
chinese efl students 1
chinese scholars 1
chinese scholars publishing internationally 1
chinese scientists 1
citation 1
clinician researchers 1
collaboration 1
collaboration between language teachers and content teachers 1
computer science research articles 1
curriculum-integrated learning support 1
discipline specialists teaching erpp 1
discourse communities 1
eal authors 1
eal scientists 1
eap classroom instruction 1
eap in china 1
eap teachers’ education and professional development 1
eap teachers’ professional development 1
editing 1
editorial services 1
educational research 1
english as a foreign language 1
english as an additional language (eal) 1
english as an additional language (eal) authors 1
english for academic purposes (eap) 1
english for research publication purposes (erpp) 1
english-language barrier 1
english-medium full-text medical literature 1
english-medium universities 1
erpp pedagogy 1
esl students' source-based academic writing 1
esp genre pedagogy 1
expert and novice writers 1
expert scientist writers 1
expert writers 1
financial corpus 1
first year university students 1
graduate writing support 1
graduate-level research writing instruction 1
hong kong academics 1
how to avoid plagiarism 1
humanities and social sciences 1
instructor awareness of misuse of sources 1
interdisciplinary collaboration 1
international academic collaboration 1
international publication 1
international research collaboration 1
internationalization of higher education 1
journal ranking lists 1
knowledge contribution 1
knowledge exchange 1
language of publication 1
language teaching in genre pedagogy 1
language-content partnership 1
management academics 1
master of education 1
master of education (m.ed.) programmes 1
medicine 1
multilingual scholars 1
non-native english-speaking students 1
note-taking strategies 1
novice eap instructors 1
novice scholar 1
novice scientists 1
novices 1
patchwriting 1
plagiarism 1
plagiarism among chinese students 1
plagiarism in scientific publishing 1
publication pressure 1
publication requirement for doctoral students 1
recontextualization in writing from sources 1
research articles 1
research design 1
research universities 1
returnee scholars 1
scholarly publication 1
self-regulated learner 1
social sciences 1
sources 1
specialized corpus 1
student agency 1
student plagiarism 1
supervisor as coauthor 1
supervisors 1
teaching academic writing to graduate students 1
team teaching 1
team-teaching 1
text-based plagiarism 1
textbooks on chinese-l1 academic writing 1
textual borrowing 1
the academic word list (awl) 1
training in publication skills 1
training on academic writing and publication skills 1
transition from general english to eap 1
turnitin 1
undergraduate use of sources 1
university plagiarism regulations 1
university policies against plagiarism 1
using english at international conferences 1
vocabulary teaching 1
what is plagiarism 1
write for publication 1
writing for publication 1
writing for publication in english 1
writing for scholarly publication 1
writing from sources 1
written assignments 1
“cultural difference” view of plagiarism 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
gao, andy xuesong 1
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