early childhood education |
5 |
early childhood |
4 |
cantonese |
3 |
chinese literacy acquisition |
3 |
early years context |
3 |
expressive vocabulary |
3 |
hong kong |
3 |
pedagogical gap |
3 |
verb-dominated |
3 |
15-year free education |
2 |
accessibility |
2 |
accountability |
2 |
affordability |
2 |
cantonese dialects -- grammar |
2 |
cantonese early childhood |
2 |
child, preschool |
2 |
china |
2 |
chinese kindergarten teachers |
2 |
chinese parenting |
2 |
co-parenting differences |
2 |
corpus-based study |
2 |
early child cantonese |
2 |
early child mandarin |
2 |
early childhood policy |
2 |
early childhood settings |
2 |
education |
2 |
education in china |
2 |
education policy |
2 |
family effects |
2 |
free early childhood education |
2 |
greater china |
2 |
inclusive education |
2 |
interrogative function |
2 |
language |
2 |
language acquisition |
2 |
literacy - china - beijing - longtudinal studies. |
2 |
literacy - china - hong kong - longtudinal studies. |
2 |
literacy - singapore. |
2 |
maternal parenting |
2 |
mediation analysis |
2 |
multiple literacies |
2 |
parental involvement |
2 |
parenting profile |
2 |
paternal parenting |
2 |
preschool children - china - hong kong - language. |
2 |
preschool children - china - language. |
2 |
preschool children - singapore - language. |
2 |
preschool quality |
2 |
professional learning community |
2 |
question acquisition |
2 |
readiness for school |
2 |
rural education development |
2 |
rural-urban gap |
2 |
rural-urban literacy gap |
2 |
school context |
2 |
semantics |
2 |
shenzhen |
2 |
special educational needs |
2 |
stakeholders’ perspectives |
2 |
sustainability |
2 |
teaching and research groups |
2 |
time expression |
2 |
verbal behavior |
2 |
verbal learning |
2 |
young children |
2 |
15-year free education system |
1 |
3 year action plan (三年行動計劃) |
1 |
access |
1 |
administrative data |
1 |
applications in subject areas |
1 |
augmented reality |
1 |
bronfenbrenner |
1 |
causes (成因) |
1 |
chinese |
1 |
chinese kindergarten |
1 |
chinese mainland (中國內地) |
1 |
chinese pedagogy |
1 |
chinese philosophy |
1 |
chinese society |
1 |
chinese studies |
1 |
chinese teacher |
1 |
classifier use |
1 |
cognitive functions |
1 |
compensation (工資待遇) |
1 |
compensation structure |
1 |
compensation structure (工資架構) |
1 |
computational thinking |
1 |
contemporary early childhood pedagogy |
1 |
country-specific developments |
1 |
cultural ideology |
1 |
curriculum innovation |
1 |
curriculum reform |
1 |
digital technology |
1 |
dilemmas and problems (問題與困境) |
1 |
dilemmas in education |
1 |
disadvantaged family |
1 |
doctrine of the mean |
1 |
e-learning |
1 |
early childhood curriculum |
1 |
early childhood education teacher |
1 |
early childhood education voucher |
1 |
early childhood teacher |
1 |
early education vouchers |
1 |
early learning |
1 |
east asia (東亞) |
1 |
education bureau |
1 |
education finance |
1 |
educational authority |
1 |
emotion |
1 |
existing problems (存在的問題) |
1 |
financing system |
1 |
financing system (財政投入機制) |
1 |
functional near-infrared spectroscopy |
1 |
gender of play partners |
1 |
global influences |
1 |
globalization |
1 |
government |
1 |
hong kong (香港) |
1 |
hong kong early childhood education |
1 |
hong kong kindergarten |
1 |
hong kong special administrative region |
1 |
impacts |
1 |
implementation |
1 |
improving classroom teaching |
1 |
interaction with peers |
1 |
japanese colonial |
1 |
joint attention |
1 |
kindergarten teacher |
1 |
kindergarten teacher (幼兒園教師) |
1 |
kindergarten teachers |
1 |
kindergarten teachers (幼兒園教師) |
1 |
kindergarten teachers (幼稚園教師) |
1 |
knowledge management |
1 |
local culture |
1 |
localization |
1 |
macau |
1 |
neural mechanisms |
1 |
outline of china’s national plan for medium and long-term education reform and development(2010-2020) (規劃綱要) |
1 |
outline of china’s national plan for medium and long-term education reform and development(2010-2020) |
1 |
pbl2課程模式 |
1 |
pedagogical issues |
1 |
performance indicators |
1 |
policy |
1 |
policy study |
1 |
preschool education |
1 |
preschool education ( 學前教育) |
1 |
preschoolers |
1 |
pretend play |
1 |
project approach |
1 |
purchasing power (購買力) |
1 |
quality |
1 |
quality improvement |
1 |
quality standards |
1 |
reform plans (改革方案) |
1 |
reform proposals |
1 |
reform suggestions (改革建議) |
1 |
salaries |
1 |
salaries (工資待遇) |
1 |
salary (工資待遇) |
1 |
school readiness |
1 |
school-based curriculum development |
1 |
self-regulation |
1 |
sequencing ability |
1 |
severe acute respiratory syndrome |
1 |
shenzhen (深圳) |
1 |
solution to the reform |
1 |
supportive parenting |
1 |
taipei (臺北) |
1 |
teaching |
1 |
teaching methods |
1 |
tiger parenting |
1 |
voucher |
1 |
voucher program |
1 |
web 3.0 |
1 |
world trade organization |
1 |
左侧额中回脑区 |
1 |
幼兒園教師培養與培訓 |
1 |
汉字加工 |
1 |
特异性机制 |
1 |
通用机制 |
1 |
魔燈 |
1 |