Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
by-claim 3
integral equation 3
main claim 3
martingale 3
ruin probability 3
adjustment coefficient 2
adjustment-coefficient 2
aic 2
asymptotics 2
bic 2
bootstrap method 2
brownian motion 2
brownian motion with drift 2
common shock 2
complementary random variable 2
consistent variation 2
correlated aggregate claims 2
counting process 2
diffusion 2
discrete-time risk model 2
em algorithm 2
erlang(2) risk process 2
finite-time ruin probability 2
garch 2
heavy tail 2
lower/upper extended negative dependence 2
lundberg exponent 2
lundberg's inequality 2
mgarch 2
precise large deviation 2
random walk 2
renewal process 2
risk process 2
stochastic difference equation 2
stochastic representation 2
stochastic return 2
survival probability 2
tail behaviour 2
truncated normal distribution 2
two-dimensional risk model 2
ultimate ruin probability 2
uniformity 2
vector autoregressive moving average 2
volatility clustering 2
weak convergence 2
absolutely continuous 1
aggregate claim distribution 1
aggregate claims 1
asymptotic tail probability 1
barrier strategy 1
capital injection 1
cara utility 1
classical risk model 1
collective risk model 1
complete monotonicity 1
compound distribution 1
compound poisson model 1
compound poisson process 1
copula 1
counterparty risk 1
cox risk model 1
credit default swap 1
dependence 1
dependent control policies 1
dividend payments 1
dividends 1
efficient frontier 1
expectation–maximization (em) algorithm 1
exponential utility 1
filtering 1
first-to-default basket swap 1
goodness of fit 1
hamilton-jacobi-bellman (hjb) equation 1
hamilton-jacobi-bellman equation 1
heavy-tailed distribution 1
infinitesimal generator 1
integer-valued time series 1
interval censoring 1
interval-censored data 1
investment 1
iterative convex minorant algorithm 1
large deviations 1
leveraged bootstrap 1
linear functional 1
lévy processes 1
markov process 1
matuszewska indices 1
mean-variance utility 1
mean–variance criterion 1
multivariate regime-switching shot noise process 1
multivariate zero-and-one inflated poisson 1
nonparametric maximum likelihood 1
optimal dividend problem 1
optimal investment-reinsurance strategy 1
ornstein-uhlenbeck process 1
pairwise asymptotic independence 1
partial observations 1
partial sum 1
poisson arch process 1
premium control 1
primary 1
probability of ruin 1
proportional reinsurance 1
recursive algorithm 1
regime-switching 1
reinsurance 1
renewal counting process 1
scale function 1
secondary 1
spectrally negative lévy process 1
stochastic control 1
sum 1
tail probabilities 1
thinning dependence 1
threshold strategy 1
two sample comparison 1
unequal censoring 1
univariate zero-and-one inflated poisson 1
variance premium principle 1
zero-inflated poisson 1
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