AuthorsNo. of Publications
chan, bkk 12
leung, kmy 11
davies, ms 9
dudgeon, d 7
stafford, r 7
wai, tc 7
ho, ky 6
chu, kh 5
mak, ky 5
chelazzi, g 4
de pirro, m 4
dong, yw 4
morritt, d 4
ng, pt 4
tao, s 4
lee, ohk 3
marshall, dj 3
mcquaid, cd 3
ng, wc 3
perkins, mj 3
tsang, lm 3
wong, tl 3
cartwright, sr 2
cornish, a 2
dong, y 2
erlandsson, j 2
helmuth, b 2
johannesson, k 2
lima, fp 2
little, c 2
mak, ym 2
nagarkar, s 2
ng, jss 2
ng, tpt 2
russell, bd 2
saltin, sh 2
santini, g 2
sin, yt 2
wong, kjh 2
yan, y 2
angel, dl 1
arizza, v 1
astudillo placencia, jc 1
bini, g 1
bone, e 1
brailsford, tj 1
brown, gd 1
burrows, mt 1
carvajal-rodríguez, antonio 1
chan, mn 1
chatterjee, t 1
chen, cc 1
cheng, cfm 1
cheung, wwl 1
choi, mp 1
connell, sd 1
de cantis, s 1
edwards, m 1
estévez, daniel 1
fernández-meirama, mónica 1
firth, lb 1
freeman, s 1
gianguzza, p 1
glamuzina, b 1
greenfield, r 1
han, gd 1
harley, cdg 1
harper, kd 1
helmuth, bs 1
hyde, kd 1
kaehler, s 1
kostylev, v 1
kostylev, ve 1
lai, ws 1
lee, sc 1
lee, sy 1
leung, fcc 1
li, xx 1
lo brutto, s 1
lo martire, m 1
lui, gcs 1
marshall, dm 1
mieszkowska, n 1
milanese, m 1
montalto, v 1
morton, b 1
murray, j 1
nakano, t 1
ng, a 1
ng, terence p.t. 1
ngan, a 1
nitzan, t 1
palmeri, v 1
pilling, gm 1
pirro, md 1
poon, dyn 1
prusina, i 1
rinaldi, a 1
rolán-alvarez, emilio 1
russell, br 1
sadovy, yj 1
saha, sk 1
sara', g 1
sarà, a 1
sarà, g 1
seabra, r 1
slingsby, g 1
somero, gn 1
stirling, p 1
subramanian, g 1
tao, ls 1
trowbridge, cd 1
uglow, rf 1
wang, hy 1
wang, w 1
wong, atl 1
wu, ay 1
wu, th 1
yang, ky 1
yau, c 1
yung, mnm 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
limpet 5
rain 5
biota 4
freshwater 4
hotspot 4
inventory 4
mate choice 4
monsoon 4
physiology 4
species checklist 4
species richness 4
tropical shores 4
bioinvasion 3
carbonates 3
ecological threats 3
fishery management 3
inorganic carbon 3
mate search 3
reclamation 3
sample treatment 3
sewage treatment 3
temporal variation 3
anthocidaris crassispina 2
area-specific productivity 2
assortative mating 2
authentic learning 2
barnacle 2
behavioural plasticity 2
cellana grata 2
communication 2
correlation coefficient 2
crustose coralline algae 2
design-based research 2
distribution 2
disturbance 2
echinolittorina 2
endogenous rhythms 2
experiential learning 2
feeding strategies 2
gastropod 2
herbivory 2
homing 2
hong kong 2
littoraria 2
littorinid 2
male-male competition 2
mangrove 2
mate discrimination 2
mating pairs 2
mating pattern 2
microsatellite 2
mobile tools 2
mucus 2
mucus trail 2
nitrogen excretion 2
non-geniculate coralline algae 2
optimal foraging 2
persistence 2
pheromone 2
polarity 2
primer 2
rock pools 2
scale-of-choice effect 2
seasonal, tropical rocky shores 2
self-organisation 2
settlement 2
sexual selection 2
spatial and temporal variation 2
summer heat stress 2
summer mortality 2
tetraclita 2
trail following 2
acanthopleura japonica 1
activity pattern 1
adaptation 1
adaptation, physiological 1
aggregation 1
ammonia 1
behavioral ecology 1
bioenergetic mechanistic modelling 1
biofilm 1
biogeography 1
body temperature 1
calorific value 1
carbohydrate 1
cardiac activity 1
cellana 1
cheat 1
chiton 1
chitons 1
cholinergic antagonists 1
chthamalidae 1
climate change 1
community structure 1
computer simulation 1
cooperation 1
copper 1
county cork 1
cryptic species 1
cyanobacteria 1
cyanobacterium 1
demographic expansion 1
desiccation 1
desiccation stress 1
ecophysiology 1
ecosystem services 1
effluxes 1
emergence 1
emersion 1
epiphytes 1
evolution 1
evolutionary biology 1
feeding ecology 1
foraging behavior 1
foraging behaviour 1
fractal dimension 1
fucoids 1
gastropoda 1
gastropods 1
glaciation 1
global warming 1
grapsidae 1
grazing cycles 1
habitat complexity 1
halogenated carbazole alkaloid 1
heart rate 1
heat budget model 1
heat shock 1
heat stress 1
hypometabolism 1
individual-based model 1
indo-west pacific 1
intertidal 1
intertidal benthos 1
intertidal grazers 1
invasive species 1
ireland 1
kyrtuthrix maculans 1
larval supply 1
life history 1
limpets 1
littorina 1
littorinid snail 1
littorinidae 1
littorinids 1
lough hyne marine reserve 1
maculalactone l 1
mangroves 1
marine ecosystem 1
mediterranean sea 1
metabolic theory of ecology 1
methodology 1
microhabitat 1
mobile fauna 1
molluscs 1
mortality event 1
mucus trails 1
n. radiata 1
n. vidua 1
niche partitioning 1
nodilittorina spp. 1
nodilittorina trochoides 1
nutritional value 1
osmotic stress 1
oxidation 1
oxygen consumption 1
parasite 1
performance assessment 1
physiological adaptation 1
physiological constraints 1
population connectivity 1
population genetics 1
post-settlement mortality 1
protein 1
random walk 1
rocky shore 1
rocky shores 1
salinity 1
seasonal variation 1
seaweed 1
self-organization 1
sesarmidae 1
size spectrum 1
snails - physiology 1
spatial distribution 1
species distribution 1
species-area relationship 1
state-dependent model 1
substratum complexity 1
sunlight 1
survivorship 1
temperature 1
temporal and spatial variation 1
tetraclita japonica 1
tetraclita squamosa 1
tetrodotoxin 1
thermal adaptation 1
tidepool 1
topography 1
trace metals 1
trail complexity 1
trematode 1
tribenzylbutyrolactone 1
tropical rocky shore 1
tropical shore 1
vertical distribution 1
zonation 1
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