AuthorsNo. of Publications
beling, cd 87
fung, s 85
anwand, w 51
brauer, g 41
skorupa, w 33
ru, q 30
chen, xd 26
weng, hm 22
gong, m 21
su, s 21
wagner, a 20
younas, m 20
wang, z 15
djurišić, ab 14
su, sc 14
wei, l 14
luo, c 12
zhang, j 12
chen, x 11
fung, shy 11
shan, yy 11
cheung, ck 10
lam, ch 10
xu, sj 10
azad, f 9
chen, f 9
gu, q 9
ho, lp 9
cheah, kw 8
kuznetsov, a 8
lui, mk 8
ng, amc 8
shi, z 8
ton-that, c 8
yang, b 8
azeem, w 7
cheng, s 7
deng, ah 7
gao, p 7
gu, ql 7
hsu, yf 7
huang, d 7
huang, y 7
lee, tc 7
liu, y 7
ong, hc 7
zhou, sq 7
au, hl 6
chan, wk 6
djurisic, a 6
gao, y 6
ge, wk 6
hou, x 6
luo, cq 6
nadeem, m 6
panda, bk 6
shi, y 6
wang, hy 6
wang, jn 6
wang, sp 6
zhu, cy 6
butterling, m 5
hang, ds 5
li, kf 5
liu, p 5
lu, lw 5
pan, zk 5
phillips, mr 5
tam, kh 5
wong, ks 5
xu, c 5
xu, s 5
yan, h 5
zhang, jd 5
zhao, lz 5
zhong, zq 5
zhu, h 5
chen, tp 4
chen, xb 4
cheng, sk 4
dai, x 4
grambole, d 4
han, rd 4
hou, xh 4
hu, yf 4
kuriplach, j 4
li, s 4
lortz, r 4
mui, wk 4
pan, z 4
rahman, ma 4
xie, z 4
ye, bj 4
zhao, yw 4
zheng, m 4
zhou, xy 4
zhu, c 4
akhtar, mj 3
chen, yn 3
dai, xm 3
fan, j 3
fan, jc 3
fong, pwk 3
gao, yq 3
guo, q 3
han, r 3
hao, jh 3
khan, hn 3
lan, l 3
li, jh 3
li, yx 3
lu, l 3
lu, xh 3
lu, ym 3
ma, sk 3
mehmood, m 3
ng, ck 3
reuther, h 3
schmidt, m 3
sun, s 3
to, ck 3
wang, b 3
wang, o 3
wang, rx 3
weng, h 3
xu, j 3
yang, cl 3
zhang, p 3
zhao, x 3
zheng, mh 3
zhong, yc 3
zhu, sc 3
ali, sm 2
ali, z 2
atif, m 2
azarov, a 2
betterling, m 2
cai, lh 2
chen, fm 2
chen, xy 2
cheng, cc 2
chu, pk 2
chung, cy 2
cui, x 2
ding, l 2
djurisic, ab 2
ellguth, m 2
fan, ym 2
fang, f 2
fleischer, s 2
fu, rky 2
grundmann, m 2
he, m 2
huang, ap 2
hui, cw 2
hui, ip 2
huimin, w 2
kentsch, u 2
khalid, w 2
khan, rta 2
klimm, d 2
lam, cwh 2
lam, tw 2
leung, cw 2
leung, yh 2
liang, hw 2
liao, c 2
liao, ls 2
liu, zf 2
lui, hf 2
luo, j 2
luo, jm 2
luo, yl 2
maqsood, a 2
mei, yf 2
nahid, f 2
ning, j 2
ning, jq 2
pickenhain, r 2
rasheed, ma 2
rashid, r 2
reddy, cv 2
rehman, au 2
rehman, uu 2
schulz, d 2
shan, cx 2
shek, yf 2
shi, yl 2
shi, zl 2
shih, k 2
siu, gg 2
so, ck 2
su, c 2
su, cq 2
surya, c 2
teichert, c 2
ul-hamid, a 2
v wenckstern, h 2
wang, rs 2
wang, s 2
wang, xh 2
wang, y 2
wang, yy 2
wang, zl 2
wu, dx 2
xi, yy 2
xiao, k 2
xu, w 2
xu, wg 2
yan, ss 2
yu, sf 2
zhang, hy 2
zheng, c 2
zhou, s 2
ali, f 1
anwand, dpw 1
arshad, m 1
auret, fd 1
ayedh, hm 1
baqi, s 1
beinik, i 1
beling, cd 1
beynik, i 1
bobal, v 1
borgersen, j 1
brauer, hg 1
cai, x 1
cao, k 1
cao, xz 1
chan, ccs 1
chan, th 1
chan, wk 1
chang, sj 1
chau, t 1
chau, tony 1
chawanda, a 1
che, cm 1
chen, aq 1
chen, h 1
chen, h-y 1
chen, hj 1
chen, hy 1
chen, w 1
chen, wf 1
cheng, ck 1
cheng, j 1
cheng, r 1
cheung, jack 1
cheung, sh 1
chi, gc 1
chin, hy 1
ching, hm 1
choy, wch 1
cizmar, e 1
cowan, te 1
czekalla, c 1
dai, xq 1
das, agm 1
de, silva, s 1
deng, x 1
desheng, h 1
diale, m 1
ding, g 1
ding, gw 1
djurii, ab 1
djurisić, ab 1
djurišic, ab 1
djurišič, ab 1
du, gt 1
du, jf 1
egger, w 1
fan, sw 1
fang, xc 1
fang, yx 1
feng, qj 1
fu, hk 1
fu, wf 1
fung, h 1
fung, mk 1
fung, shy 1
galeckas, a 1
gao, g 1
gao, gy 1
gao, j 1
ge, w 1
ge, wy 1
gong, gy 1
grenzer, j 1
grisanti, l 1
grynszpan, ri 1
gu, m 1
guo, xy 1
hallén, a 1
han, b 1
han, w 1
han, wei 1
hang, hs 1
harfouche, m 1
he, ht 1
he, j 1
he, mq 1
he, y 1
he, yl 1
helm, m 1
henkel, t 1
ho, lok ping 1
hospodková, alice 1
hu, y 1
huang, s 1
huang, w 1
hubáček, tomáš 1
hui, yp 1
huqe, mr 1
huynh, tt 1
hájek, františek 1
iek, j 1
irvine, cp 1
janse van rensburg, pj 1
jarý, vítězslav 1
jeng, us 1
jia, sj 1
karsthof, r 1
karthikeyan, v 1
khan, af 1
ki, d 1
ki, dk 1
klemm, v 1
kobayashi, n 1
kuznestov, a 1
kuznetsov, ay 1
kvamsdal, ke 1
kwan, py 1
kwok, wm 1
kwong, c 1
lai, ja 1
lam, kh 1
lang, j 1
lee, hn 1
lee, ml 1
lee, tc 1
leung, tl 1
li, bk 1
li, cj 1
li, haoyang 1
li, sh 1
li, si hua 1
li, t 1
li, wl 1
lian, zd 1
liang, hl 1
liao, cz 1
liao, l-s 1
lin, j 1
lin, t 1
lin, tianxiang 1
lin, tx 1
ling, cd 1
liu, f 1
liu, h 1
liu, js 1
liu, jy 1
liu, kailang 1
liu, sf 1
liu, x 1
liu, yd 1
lončarić, i 1
lu, gg 1
lu, yj 1
lui, mkp 1
lynn, kg 1
ma, c 1
ma, cg 1
ma, ss 1
matar, f 1
medasani, b 1
mei, rl 1
mei, t 1
mei, yy 1
mei, zx 1
meyer, we 1
mtangi, w 1
naeem-ur-rehman, kh 1
naik, ps 1
nel, jm 1
ng, kw 1
ng, mh 1
ni, h 1
niu, b 1
ong, ruey jinq 1
ovčar, j 1
pak, cm 1
pan, dz 1
pan, y 1
pan, z.k. 1
panda, s 1
phillips, dl 1
phillips, m 1
pollastri, s 1
popović, j 1
pramanik, c 1
prochzka, i 1
procházka, i 1
qiao, bs 1
qin, x 1
rafaja, d 1
rao, q 1
rezvani, sj 1
rizwan, r 1
roy, val 1
ru, q. 1
saha, h 1
salih, a 1
sarkar, ck 1
schreiber, g 1
shati, k 1
shen, dz 1
shen, jy 1
shen, rs 1
sheu, jk 1
shi, d 1
shi, jing-wen 1
shi, sl 1
shi, y-l 1
shih, km 1
skoko, z 1
sperr, p 1
su, cj 1
su, m 1
su, s-c 1
su, zc 1
suleiman, abdulsalam aji 1
sun, nf 1
sun, tn 1
sun, x-y 1
surya, cc 1
tam, hl 1
tam, hw 1
tanoue, h 1
tao, pc 1
tian, qs 1
tsia, jm 1
vaněk, tomáš 1
w ding, g 1
wahab, h 1
wang, h 1
wang, j 1
wang, l 1
wang, mao 1
wang, s-p 1
wang, x 1
wang, xd 1
wang, xiaorui 1
wang, xq 1
wang, xy 1
wang, zg 1
wang, zilan 1
wei, ct 1
wei, hy 1
wei, zf 1
wei, zp 1
wie, l. 1
wong, jck 1
wu, hs 1
wu, j 1
wu, j.l. 1
wu, jl 1
wu, yy 1
xi, y 1
xia, xc 1
xiang, yf 1
xie, mh 1
xie, qj 1
xie, x-h 1
xing, sa 1
xu, s 1
xu, shijie 1
xu, w.g. 1
xu, wa 1
yan, hl 1
yang, h 1
yang, hy 1
yang, yq 1
yang, z 1
yao, d-s 1
ye, zr 1
yie, bj 1
yu, j 1
yu, jing 1
yu, jry 1
yu, tf 1
yu, z 1
yuan, y 1
zakria, m 1
zapien, ja 1
zeng, h 1
zhang, gy 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, j. 1
zhang, lx 1
zhang, t 1
zhang, wf 1
zhang, xf 1
zhang, xn 1
zhang, zc 1
zhang, zd 1
zhang, zh 1
zhao, d 1
zhao, l 1
zhao, mj 1
zhao, q 1
zhao, yp 1
zhen, m 1
zheng, cc 1
zheng, m.h. 1
zheng, p 1
zheng, xy 1
zheng, z 1
zhi, cy 1
zhong, y 1
zhong, z 1
zhou, hy 1
zhou, t 1
zhou, tj 1
zhou, xq 1
zhu, dl 1
zhu, j 1
zhu, r 1
zhuo, mp 1
zou, l 1
zviagin, s 1
čížek, j 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
zno 10
defects 8
physics 7
defect 6
dlts 6
ion implantation 6
nanorod 6
photoluminescence 6
physics engineering 6
xps 6
zinc oxide 6
6h-sic 5
pas 5
pl 5
positron annihilation spectroscopy 5
schottky contact 5
4h-silicon carbide 4 4 4
79.90 4
contamination 4
deep level transient spectroscopy 4
excitation light 4
field assisted moderator 4
gan 4
high quality 4
ii-vi semiconductors 4
non-linear optical properties 4
ohmic contacts 4
physics engineering chemistry 4
polarization dependence 4
positron mobility 4
pulsed laser deposition 4
rocking curves 4
semi-insulating 4
silicon carbide 4
x ray photoelectron spectroscopy 4
2-mev electron 3
68.35.-p 3
annealing 3
arsenic 3
atoms 3
au/inp:fe interface 3
breakdown 3
buffer layer 3
carbon foils 3
channel electron multiplier 3
chemical vapour deposition 3
colorful emissions 3
compensation defects 3
condensed matter: electrical, magnetic and optical 3
conversion efficiency 3
crystal defects 3
crystallography 3
cu/sic 3
deep level 3
deep level spectroscopy 3
dopant precursors 3
doppler broadening spectroscopy 3
e 1/e 2 3
edxs 3
electrical and optical property 3
electron-phonon coupling 3
electrons 3
ferroelectric response 3
fluences 3
growth conditions 3
high-density polyethylene 3
hole concentration 3
hydrothermal treatments 3
impurity concentration 3
intrinsic defects 3
irradiation 3
isochronal annealing 3
lec-grown inp 3
low temperature 3
ltpl 3
martensite stabilisation 3
martensitic transformation 3
maximum entropy 3
melt 3
metastability 3
monte carlo 3
monte carlo methods 3
morphology 3
n-nanorods 3
nanostructures 3
native defect 3
nitrate precursors 3
nitrogen 3
optical cross-section 3
oxides 3
phase transition 3
photoluminsescence 3
polarity control 3
positron annihilation 3
positron beam 3
positron diffusion length 3
positron emission 3
positron energy 3
positron lifetime 3
positron lifetime spectroscopy 3
positron lifetime technique 3
positron moderation 3
positron trapping 3
positronium 3
post-quench ageing 3
radio waves 3
raman spectroscopy 3
scanning electron microscopy 3
second harmonic generation 3
secondary electrons 3
secondary ion mass spectra 3
shape memory alloy 3
si-gaas 3
sic 3
slow positron re-emission 3
spectrum analysis 3
surface etching 3
trapped electrons 3
tungsten mesh 3
vacancy sensing 3
vepfit 3
x-ray photoelectron spectra 3
γ-in2se3 3
acceptor complex 2
alphabet lines 2
annealing temperatures 2
anodes 2
band edge 2
brownian oscillators 2
cathodoluminescence 2
deep level trap 2
deposition conditions 2
device performance 2
dielectric properties 2
electron irradiation 2
electron phonon couplings 2
electronic levels 2
emission bands 2
emission spectrums 2
energy loss straggling 2
er-doped zno 2
ferroelectric 2
formation process 2
gallium arsenide semiconductors. 2
gallium arsenide. 2
gallium nitride 2
gas sensing 2
growth method 2
hall effect measurement 2
hydrogen impurity 2
hydrothermal growth 2
indium phosphide. 2
indium triselenide 2
intra-4f-transition emission 2
layered semiconductors 2
low substrate temperature 2
melt-grown 2
n-type conductivity 2
negative thermal quenching 2
opto-electronics 2
oxygen implantation 2
p type zno 2
p-type doping 2
permittivity 2
positron annihilation. 2
positron induced secondary electron emission 2
positrons 2
secondary ion mass spectroscopy 2
sickafus law 2
silicon compounds 2
stopping power 2
sub-bandgap 2
thin film 2
titanates 2
transparent conducting oxide 2
v2o5 2
x-ray diffraction 2
yellow luminescence 2
zn-vacancy 2
3d flower-like 1
6h silicon carbide 1
a. a-zno 1
a. c-p-mbe 1
a. znmgo 1
absorbers 1
al/gasb 1
all-in-one batteries 1
alloying 1
anode 1
anode material 1
anode materials 1
aqueous zinc-ion batteries 1
aqueous zn-ion batteries 1
arsenic doped 1
as-implantation 1
asymmetric electrodes 1
ball-milling 1
band offset 1
band structure 1
batteries 1
biowaste 1
bismuth 1
capacitance-voltage spectra 1
carbon vacancy 1
carrier concentration 1
cathode materials 1
cevo4 1
cnts 1
co-precipitation 1
cobalt 1
compensation 1
crosslinked hybrid 1
crystal growth from melt 1
crystal microstructure 1
cu doped zno 1
cu-doped zno 1
cyclic stability 1
deep level defect 1
deep levels 1
diluted mgnetic semiconductor 1
divacancy 1
doppler broadening 1
electrical conductivity 1
electromagnetic properties 1
electron beam cured (ebc) coating 1
emi shielding 1
epoxy-acrylates resin 1
erbium 1
erbium compounds 1
extrinsic doping 1
ferrites 1
ferromagnetism 1
first principle calculation 1
flexible electrode 1
flexible electrodes 1
flexible film 1
free volume 1
gallium oxide 1
gas sensor 1
green luminescence 1
hard carbon 1
hdpe(cb) 1
hetero-junction 1
heterogeneous moo3/moo2 1
high voltage bipolar devices 1
high-low temperature 1
hybrid cation electrolyte 1
hydrogen 1
in situ condensation 1
in-xrd 1
inert zinc hydroxide 1
interface 1
interfaces (materials) 1
interstitials 1
large interlayer distances 1
leakage current 1
li-ion batteries 1
light absorption 1
lithium 1
lithium ion batteries 1
lithium storage 1
lithium-/sodium-ion batteries 1
lithium-ion batteries 1
lithium-ion battery 1
lithium/sodium storage 1
long-term cycle 1
magnesium oxide 1
magnetic properties 1
magnetization 1
mechanical ball-milling 1
mesoporous materials 1
mesoporous structure 1
mgzno 1
micro-emulsion 1
microcavities 1
mixed v4+/v5+ valence 1
mn-doped k0.23v2o5 1
monovacancy 1
monte carlo simulation 1
morphology evolution 1
mosaic structures 1
mose2 1
multiple quantum wells 1
mössbauer spectroscopy 1
n-doped carbon 1
n-n heterojunction 1
na0.56v2o5 nanobelt 1
nanoparticles 1
nanorods 1
nanotubes 1
nano‑silicon electrode 1
native point defects 1
near band edge emission 1
nickel phosphide 1
nico2o4@tio2 1
nise 1
nitrogen doping 1
o-polar 1
o-ps lifetime 1
ohmic contact 1
organic pan/thf pillars 1
oxygen deficiency 1
oxygen vacancies 1
pacs/topics: ferromagnetism 1
phosphorous 1
plant oils 1
polarity 1
pollensodium ion batteries 1
polyimide 1
porous network 1
positive temperature coefficient (ptc) 1
positron 1
potassium ion batteries 1
potassium-ion batteries 1
potassium/sodium ion batteries 1
power factor 1
pseudocapacitance 1
quasi-solid-state 1
quasi-solid-state devices 1
raman additional modes 1
rapid electron transport 1
red phosphorus 1
remote plasma 1
rf magnetron sputtering 1
rice ball-like 1
sb-doped zno 1
sbpo4 1
sbzn defect 1
schottky barrier height 1
schottky diode 1
secondary ion mass spectrometry 1
secondary phase 1
self-powered 1
self-trapped holes 1
semiconductor 1
semiconductor lasers 1
shallow acceptor 1
silane coupling agents 1
silicon carbide (sic) 1
siox@c anode 1
slow positron beam 1
sodium ion batteries 1
soybean oil 1
squid 1
supercapacitors 1
superior cyclic durability 1
the li+ diffusion coefficients 1
thermodynamic equilibrium 1
thermoelectrics 1
thin films 1
transparent conductive oxides 1
trapping 1
ultra-long stability 1
ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy 1
uv pd 1
v2ctx-mxene 1
v5o12·6h2o/zn(oh)2·0.5h2o hybrids 1
vacancy 1
vacancy cluster 1
vacancy clusters 1
vo2/mxene hybrid films 1
white emission led 1
wide temperature 1
zinc ion batteries 1
zn-polar 1
zn-vacancy related defects 1
zn2+/na+ storage 1
zn2geo4/carbon nanotubes 1
zn3v3o8 1
zn3v3o8 hollow spheres 1
znco2o4 1
znmn2o4 1
zns 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
physics 5
physics,materials sciences 3
n/a 2
electronics 1
others - physical sciences 1
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