AuthorsNo. of Publications
zhou, jy 25
hu, yq 24
zhu, z 12
he, x 11
yang, ct 11
chung, yk 10
gu, h 9
zhu, zy 9
hu, y 8
wong, dm 8
guo, j 6
kwan, cw 6
wei, bc 6
xia, f 6
zang, y 6
guo, w 5
lin, s 5
qin, g 5
tang, mk 5
wang, p 5
bai, y 4
lee, ah 4
li, ck 4
poon, nl 4
tam, twm 4
xu, s 4
yu, plh 4
zhou, j 4
chan, kl 3
chiu, ct 3
fu, b 3
geng, z 3
law, my 3
li, jl 3
mok, vkk 3
pan, dd 3
shi, p 3
sun, f 3
wang, bq 3
xiang, l 3
you, xp 3
yu, k 3
zhao, h 3
zheng, g 3
zhong, xp 3
zhou, j-y 3
chen, py 2
cheung, ky 2
he, hq 2
hou, z 2
hu, yq 2
jia, s 2
lai, km 2
lau, py 2
li, c 2
li, m-k 2
liu, y 2
lo, ch 2
lun, ts 2
mao, wg 2
pan, jx 2
shi, nz 2
tang, h 2
tsui, p 2
wei, l 2
wei, wh 2
yang, z-y 2
yau, kkw 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, y 2
zhao, p-z 2
zhou, y 2
baconshone, j 1
canturk, km 1
cao, s 1
carracedo, a 1
chan, jsk 1
chan, km 1
chen, j 1
chen, y 1
choi, vmf 1
chow, sc 1
chow, st 1
choy, yt 1
deng, m 1
ding, j 1
dogan, m 1
duan, x 1
emre, r 1
fang, kt 1
gao, gm 1
guo, jh 1
han, gn 1
he, f 1
hu, l 1
hu, y 1
huang, d 1
hubert, m 1
jansen, rc 1
kara, u 1
kong, y-f 1
lau, ts 1
lee, cw 1
leong, kl 1
leung, sc 1
li, dl 1
li, g 1
li, hz 1
li, qz 1
li, sz 1
li, wk 1
li, zb 1
liang, zj 1
lin, e 1
lin, h 1
liu, b 1
liu, l 1
liu, nj 1
liu, w 1
liu, z 1
liu, z 1
liu-fu, g 1
louie, ks 1
lu, j 1
mao, j 1
ng, hk 1
ng, kw 1
ngai, mc 1
nyangoma, so 1
pan, d 1
pan, y 1
portnoy, s 1
qian, m 1
qin, gy 1
reise, sp 1
shi, jq 1
shi, n 1
tam, cyc 1
tam, wm 1
tang, n 1
tsang, ts 1
wang, hj 1
wang, k-w 1
wang, y-x 1
wang, yx 1
wong, cl 1
wong, kh 1
wu, bl 1
wu, xb 1
xiong, wj 1
xu, sq 1
xu, x 1
xu, xc 1
yan, x 1
yang, j 1
yang, q 1
yang, r 1
yang, y 1
yang, y-x 1
ye, j 1
yeung, kf 1
yu, w-y 1
yu, z 1
yuan, kh 1
yuan, y-x 1
yuen, kc 1
zhang, c 1
zhao, x 1
zheng, x 1
zheng, xy 1
zhou, gl 1
zhu, b 1
zhu, dg 1
zhu, ws 1
zou, ql 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
likelihood ratio 4
mixed stain 4
relative 4
association 3
computer programs 3
database search 3
dna 3
genomic imprinting 3
hardy-weinberg equilibrium 3
kinship coefficient 3
linkage analysis 3
match probability 3
mixture 3
nuclear family 3
parent-of-origin effects 3
population substructure 3
power 3
adjusted profile likelihood 2
aic 2
akaike's predictive likelihood 2
alleles 2
association study 2
assortative mating demographic model 2
base sequence 2
bayesian inference 2
best linear unbiased estimator 2
blood stains 2
canada - epidemiology 2
case fatality rate 2
case-control design 2
case-mother/father 2
civil engineering 2
complete nuclear family 2
computer simulation 2
computer software 2
correlated pleiotropy 2
correlation. 2
covariance matrix 2
data interpretation, statistical 2
database management systems 2
databases, genetic 2
disease outbreaks - statistics & numerical data 2
dna - analysis - genetics 2
dna - genetics 2
dna fingerprinting - methods 2
dna mixture 2
dna mixtures 2
dna profile 2
dna profiling 2
dynamic model 2
easydna 2
effective residual curvature matrix 2
em algorithm 2
ethnic group 2
ethnic groups 2
ethnic groups - genetics 2
ethnic origins 2
exponential family non-linear models 2
exponential family nonlinear models 2
forensic dna 2
forensic engineering 2
forensic genetics - methods 2
forensic medicine - methods 2
forensic science 2
gamma model 2
generalized estimating equation 2
generalized leverage 2
generalized linear model 2
genetic information 2
genetic techniques 2
genotypic relative risk 2
haplotype analysis 2
hardy-weinberg law 2
hong kong - epidemiology 2
hong kong - ethnology 2
human identification 2
humans 2
idiosyncratic pleiotropy 2
imprinting effects 2
incidence 2
incomplete nuclear family 2
influential observation 2
information storage and retrieval - methods 2
intercorrelated 2
intervention model 2
invalid instruments 2
inverse gaussian model 2
joint genotype probability 2
kinship coefficients 2
kinship testing 2
leverage 2
likelihood functions 2
linear mixed model 2
linkage disequilibrium 2
longitudinal data 2
m-estimator 2
male 2
max3 2
mean squared error 2
mean-shift perturbation 2
mendelian randomization 2
missing genotype 2
missing parent 2
mixed samples 2
models, genetic 2
modified cholesky decomposition 2
molecular sequence data 2
monte carlo sample 2
multiple comparison 2
multiple testing 2
multivariate outliers 2
panel data 2
parents 2
paternity 2
pedigree 2
population stratification 2
population stratification demographic model 2
population structure 2
population subdivision 2
portmanteau test 2
prediction 2
preventive health services - statistics & numerical data 2
qualitative trait 2
quantitative trait loci 2
quantitative traits 2
quasi-bayesian 2
random effects 2
ranked set sample 2
relatedness coefficient 2
relative precision 2
relatives 2
residual autocorrelation 2
robustness 2
sample size 2
score statistic 2
sequence alignment - methods 2
sequence analysis, dna - methods 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome - mortality - virology 2
sex-specific recombination fraction 2
simulation study 2
single-marker analysis 2
statistics 2
str 2
teaching statistics 2
transmission disequilibrium test (tdt) 2
united states - ethnology 2
variable selection 2
varying dispersion 2
weighting 2
x chromosome 2
1991 direct elections in hong kong 1
2-sample test 1
46n30 1
adding-back measures 1
admixture linkage disequilibrium (ald) 1
age prediction 1
aged 1
aged, 80 and over - statistics & numerical data 1
akaike information criteria 1
alcohol drinking - blood 1
alcohol pharmacokinetics 1
algorithm 1
allele frequencies 1
amp-flp 1
analgesics - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
animals 1
arabic numerals 1
arthritis, rheumatoid - genetics 1
asian continental ancestry group 1
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 1
association analysis 1
association test 1
asymptotic bias 1
asymptotic distribution 1
asymptotic distributions 1
b-spline 1
b-splines 1
bac level attained at peak 1
back calculation 1
basis function 1
bayesian analysis 1
bayesian case deletion diagnostics 1
bayesian method 1
bayesian p-spline 1
bic 1
bin size 1
block dependence 1
block-vote system 1
blood alcohol concentration 1
blood alcohol concentration (bac) 1
body weight 1
bonferroni inequality 1
bootstrap test 1
box-cox transformation 1
breakdown point 1
breath alcohol 1
breath tests 1
canonical correlation 1
canonical correlation analysis 1
case deletion 1
case-control 1
case-control studies 1
case-control study 1
case-deletion 1
case-deletion method 1
case-only design 1
causal effect 1
cesarean section - statistics & numerical data 1
chi-square distribution 1
child 1
child trafficking 1
china 1
china - ethnology 1
chinese 1
chinese handwriting 1
chinese population data 1
classification system 1
close relative 1
collapsibility 1
common canonical variates 1
common principal components 1
comparability 1
competing risks 1
conditional independence 1
conditional model 1
confidence interval 1
confidence intervals 1
confidence region 1
confirmatory analysis 1
confounding 1
constrained parameter problems 1
contingency table 1
convenience samples 1
cook's distance 1
coordinate descent 1
corrected likelihood 1
corrected score function 1
correlation matrix 1
count data 1
counterfactual model 1
covariance parameters 1
covariates 1
covid-19 1
credibility theory 1
credit cards 1
crime 1
critical values 1
csf1po 1
curvature 1
d1s80 1
dannenburg’s crossed classification model 1
data fusion 1
databases, nucleic acid 1
deoxyribonucleases, type ii site-specific 1
deoxyribonucleic acid 1
dependence of trend tests 1
diabetes mellitus, type 2 - genetics 1
diagnostic 1
diagnostic measure 1
diagnostic measures 1
diagnostics 1
differentially expressed genes 1
dimension reduction 1
directional decisions 1
discordant outliers 1
discriminant analysis 1
discriminant function 1
dna - analysis 1
dna database 1
dna fingerprinting 1
dna methylation 1
dna probes - chemistry 1
dna typing 1
document examination 1
dosage compensation 1
doubly robust 1
drink-drive prosecutions 1
dropouts 1
duo case 1
effect modification 1
efficiency 1
efficiency robustness 1
elimination rate 1
emigration and immigration 1
empirical likelihood 1
epidemiological methods 1
epigenesis, genetic 1
errors-in-variable 1
estimated probabilities 1
estimated probability 1
estimating equation 1
estimating equations 1
ethanol - pharmacokinetics 1
evidence 1
exclusion probability 1
f2f encoding 1
factor analysis 1
false inclusion 1
family 1
fcr 1
fdr 1
fdr control 1
female 1
fixed bins 1
fixed effects 1
forensic dna typing 1
forensic medicine 1
forensic sciences 1
forward selection 1
founder effect 1
framingham heart study 1
gaussian stochastic process 1
gene frequency 1
gene frequency - genetics 1
gene selection 1
general pedigree 1
generalised partial linear models 1
generalized disequilibrium test 1
generalized eigenproblem 1
generalized estimating equations 1
generalized estimating equations (gee) 1
generalized linear mixed model 1
generalized linear models 1
genetic association studies 1
genetic markers 1
genetic model 1
genetic model selection 1
genetic model uncertainty 1
genetic modelgene–environment interaction 1
genetic predisposition to disease 1
genetic predisposition to disease - genetics 1
genetic testing 1
genetics, population 1
genome-wide association study 1
genospectrum 1
genotype 1
genotyping error 1
gibbs sampler 1
global influence 1
gradual admixture (ga) model 1
graves' disease 1
group selection 1
growth curve model 1
gs-pem 1
gwas 1
hachemeister model 1
hachemeister’s model 1
haplotype frequency estimation 1
haplotypes 1
health services research - methods 1
heart diseases - genetics 1
heterogeneity 1
heteroscedasticity 1
hierarchical cluster analysis 1
hierarchical model 1
high breakdown methods 1
high breakdown point 1
hip-flask defence 1
hodgkin disease - mortality - therapy 1
homogeneity 1
hong kong 1
horizontal pleiotropy 1
humth01 1
humtho1 1
hybrid isolation (hi) model 1
identifier™ pcr amplification kit 1
im31 1
immediate admixture (ia) model 1
immunoglobulins - genetics 1
imprinting 1
inactivation 1
individuality in handwriting 1
influence 1
influence analysis 1
influence curve 1
influence curves 1
influence function 1
influence measures 1
influential observations 1
inheritance patterns - genetics 1
instrumental variables 1
internal norm 1
jitter 1
joint test 1
kinship determinations 1
kullback-leibler divergence 1
labor, obstetric - physiology 1
lasso 1
least squares 1
length of stay 1
length of stay - statistics & numerical data 1
likelihood displacement 1
likelihood ratio test (lrt) 1
linear models 1
linear regression 1
linkage disequilibrium (ld) 1
linkage equilibrium 1
local influence 1
longitudinal studies 1
machine learning 1
magnetic stripe 1
magnetic stripe encoding 1
markov chain monte carlo 1
masking 1
match window size 1
match-binning 1
maximum likelihood estimate 1
maximum likelihood estimator 1
mdfdr 1
measurement error 1
measurement error models 1
measurement errors 1
median regression 1
metropolis–hastings algorithm 1
mice 1
microarray 1
misclassification probability 1
missing covariates 1
missing data 1
mixed model 1
mixing 1
models, biological 1
models, statistical 1
modified basis expansion 1
monte carlo method 1
monte carlo sampling 1
moving average errors 1
multiallelic marker 1
multiple comparisons 1
multiple correlation 1
multiple deletion measures 1
multiple discriminant analysis 1
multiple linear regression 1
multiple outliers 1
multivariate data 1
multivariate regression 1
mutation 1
nonlinear mixed model 1
nonlinear regression 1
nonparametric regression 1
normal curvature 1
odds ratio 1
omission approach 1
one-compartment model 1
one-step approximation 1
ordinal variable 1
outlier 1
outlier identifier 1
outliers 1
outliers and influential observations 1
outliers, drg 1
over-dispersion 1
p-splines 1
pain - drug therapy 1
parameter restricted statistical model 1
parentage testing 1
parental-asymmetry test 1
partial linear models 1
partially linear 1
partially linear model 1
partially linear models 1
paternity index 1
paternity testing 1
pcr 1
peak bac 1
penalization 1
penalized generalized estimating equation 1
penalized likelihood 1
permutation test 1
perturbation 1
poisson mixture regression 1
poisson regression 1
polymerase chain reaction 1
polymerase chain reaction (pcr) 1
polymorphism, genetic 1
polymorphism, genetic - genetics 1
polymorphism, single nucleotide 1
power analysis 1
power estimate 1
power of exclusion 1
ppar gamma - genetics 1
predictive likelihood 1
pregnancy 1
primary 62h12 1
principal component analysis 1
probability 1
probability of exclusion 1
projection pursuit 1
proportional hazards models 1
quadratic discriminant analysis 1
quadratic inference functions 1
qualitative traits 1
quantitative trait 1
quasi-monte carlo methods 1
radiation injuries, experimental - mortality 1
random effects models 1
random man not excluded 1
random mating population (rmp) 1
rate of convergence 1
recombination fraction 1
recombination, genetic 1
reference databases 1
regression 1
regression analysis 1
regression credibility models 1
regression diagnostics 1
regression median 1
regression method 1
regression model 1
regression spline 1
regression splines 1
regularization 1
relative entropy 1
relative errors 1
repeated measure 1
repeated measures 1
repetitive sequences, nucleic acid 1
repetitive sequences, nucleic acid - genetics 1
resampling 1
restricted em algorithm 1
restricted likelihood 1
restricted maximum likelihood estimator 1
rheumatoid arthritis 1
robust estimation 1
robust estimators 1
robust methods 1
robust test 1
robust testing 1
robust tests 1
s-estimation 1
s-estimator 1
scale invariance 1
score test 1
secondary 62a10 1
selection bias 1
semiparametric mixed models 1
semiparametric regression 1
sensitivity analysis 1
separate analysis 1
sequence of strokes 1
several multivariate samples 1
sex factors 1
short tandem repeat (str) 1
short tandem repeats (str) 1
short tandem repeats (strs) 1
short trandem repeats (str) 1
significance tests 1
simpson's paradox 1
simulated confidence envelope 1
simulated envelopes 1
singapore 1
single locus probes 1
single-index models 1
single-locus probes 1
skewness 1
sliced inverse regression 1
smoothing spline 1
splines 1
standardization 1
statistical diagnostic 1
statistical diagnostics 1
statistical study 1
statistical tests 1
structural selection 1
structured population 1
studentized residuals 1
t test 1
tandem repeat sequences 1
tandem repeat sequences - genetics 1
tests for independence 1
tests of independence 1
tpox 1
transformation 1
transmission disequilibrium test 1
transmission/disequilibrium test (tdt) 1
truncated and centred dirichlet process 1
turkey 1
turner’s syndrome 1
two-sample problems 1
two-stage design 1
uncertainty 1
united states 1
utilization review - methods 1
varying-coefficient models 1
vntr profiles 1
weak instruments 1
weight lifting - physiology 1
weighted method 1
widmark formula 1
writing habits 1
x chromosome inactivation 1
x-chromosome inactivation 1
zero-inflated negative binomial 1
zero-inflated poisson 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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