AuthorsNo. of Publications
leung, kmy 35
williams, ga 20
perkins, mj 12
tong, x 12
gessner, mo 11
boyero, l 9
mak, ky 9
wai, tc 9
callisto, m 8
ho, ky 8
li, aoy 8
tao, s 8
zhang, y 8
bonebrake, tc 7
chauvet, e 7
corlett, rt 7
lam, pks 7
lau, dcp 7
pearson, rg 7
arunachalam, m 6
encalada, ac 6
ferreira, v 6
karraker, ne 6
mantel, sk 6
yule, cm 6
boulton, aj 5
moretti, ms 5
albariño, rj 4
bruder, a 4
chan, ekw 4
chan, kwe 4
cheung, wwl 4
cornejo, a 4
cornish, a 4
graça, mas 4
karraker, ne 4
ma, hht 4
mathooko, jm 4
morton, b 4
ramírez, a 4
salas, m 4
sullivan, ca 4
tsang, ahf 4
wong, kjh 4
wong, tl 4
yam, rsw 4
yang, gy 4
yeung, acy 4
abell, r 3
albarino, rj 3
barmuta, la 3
buria, lm 3
chen, ying 3
darwall, w 3
davies, jn 3
flecker, as 3
freyhof, j 3
gao, bw 3
helson, je 3
iwata, t 3
lamothe, s 3
lau, mwn 3
lau, yka 3
mak, yky 3
mckie, bg 3
naiman, rj 3
ng, tpt 3
niu, sq 3
ory, nc 3
sadovy, yj 3
sin, yt 3
so, pm 3
swan, cm 3
tao, lsr 3
thiel, m 3
tockner, k 3
turak, e 3
villanueva, vd 3
ades, gwj 2
arrigoni, j 2
arthington, ah 2
bretschko, g 2
bunn, se 2
castela, j 2
cayuela, h 2
chan, bpl 2
chara, j 2
chará, j 2
charáserna, am 2
chen, y 2
cooke, sj 2
davies, pm 2
de wever, a 2
death, rg 2
dingle, c 2
figueroa, r 2
garcia-moreno, j 2
gibson, l 2
glidden, s 2
gonçalves jr, jf 2
graca, mas 2
green, p 2
harrison, i 2
harrison, ij 2
helson, j 2
hermoso, v 2
ho, sk 2
hui, c 2
jacobsen, d 2
jinggut, t 2
landeira-dabarca, a 2
lau, cp 2
leung, asl 2
liermann, cr 2
liew, jh 2
linke, s 2
m'erimba, c 2
martelli, p 2
mcintyre, pb 2
ng, cy 2
olden, jd 2
ormerod, sj 2
patricio, h 2
perez, j 2
pingman so 2
pringle, cm 2
prusevich, a 2
qiu, jw 2
ramirez, a 2
reid, aj 2
revenga, c 2
richardson, js 2
rincon, j 2
shi, kun 2
so, kyk 2
soto, d 2
stiassny, mlj 2
sun, yakuan 2
tang, t 2
vörösmarty, cj 2
wang, z 2
wong, atl 2
yip, jy 2
yu, yt 2
yuen, yl 2
ades, g 1
al-shami, sa 1
alexandrou, am 1
alexandrou, ma 1
altermatt, f 1
andersson, a 1
andersson, aa 1
angeler, dg 1
angelin, c 1
arantes, i 1
arntzen, jw 1
arrigoni jr, je 1
atzeni, l 1
backx, h 1
bacon-shone, jh 1
baird, ig 1
baker, dm 1
banks, cb 1
barmuta, l 1
baskale, e 1
beard, kh 1
beard, td 1
bennett, jr 1
besnard, a 1
bickford, d 1
bini, lm 1
boas, tcv 1
bogardi, jj 1
bonada, n 1
bosch, j 1
brand, c 1
bridge, tcl 1
brook, bw 1
buchart, sm 1
bush, a 1
bärlocher, f 1
cardinale, b 1
carey, gj 1
carlson, ak 1
carlson, sm 1
chan, ikk 1
chan, ll 1
chara-serna, am 1
chen, x 1
chen, z 1
cheng, d 1
cheung pui shan, c 1
cheung, fkw 1
choi, nmc 1
choowaew, s 1
christiansen, d 1
clausnitzer, v 1
colli, gr 1
colon-gaud, c 1
corenjo, a 1
cottenie, k 1
creed, if 1
cressa, c 1
crow, p 1
dangles, o 1
davies, dm 1
de meester, l 1
del carmen zúñiga, m 1
dell, a 1
devan-song, a 1
ding, nianfan 1
dixon, m 1
doi, h 1
domisch, s 1
douglas, mm 1
dumont, cp 1
duprey, nn 1
eliason, ej 1
elosegi, a 1
encalada, a 1
enclada, a 1
farrell, t 1
fellowes, jf 1
fellowes, jr 1
fenoglio, s 1
ferereira, v 1
ferrier, s 1
finlayson, m 1
fisher, rn 1
flinkerbusch, e 1
foden, wb 1
fok, l 1
fong, jj 1
frainer, a 1
fu, wk 1
gaillard, j 1
gaillard, j-m 1
garcia, e 1
garwood, jm 1
gell, pa 1
gessner, m 1
ghate, sd 1
giling, dp 1
gippet, j 1
goncalves, jf 1
gonroos, m 1
gonsalves, jf 1
gonçalves, jf 1
gonçalves, v 1
gothe, e 1
graca, m 1
green, dm 1
grossenbacher, k 1
grudpan, c 1
grudpan, j 1
gutiérrez‐rodríguez, j 1
halls, a 1
hamada, n 1
harper, m 1
hau, bch 1
he, cz 1
heino, j 1
herlon, je 1
ho, ayt 1
ho, kky 1
ho, sc 1
ho, vcm 1
hodgkiss, ij 1
hoffman, aa 1
hofford, a 1
homan, r 1
hsieh, dph 1
hua, m 1
hua, mei 1
hughes, ac 1
hughes, alice c. 1
hughes, fmr 1
hughes, ka 1
hui, tty 1
jahnig, sc 1
jansson, r 1
januchowski-hartley, sr 1
jehle, r 1
jeschke, jm 1
johnson, ptj 1
joly, p 1
jreidini, n 1
juffe-bignoli, d 1
junqueira, aor 1
kano, y 1
karraker, n 1
kawabata, z 1
kawabata, zi 1
kendrick, rc 1
kidd, ka 1
knowler, d 1
knowler, dj 1
koh, lp 1
kovacs, km 1
kwong, kl 1
lam, ipy 1
lam, vyy 1
lam, yyv 1
lambert, ba 1
lamberts, d 1
landsdown, r 1
lannoo, mj 1
lau, a 1
lau, etc 1
lau, mw 1
lau, w 1
lawford, r 1
lee, jhw 1
lee, ks 1
lee, pp 1
lee, sy 1
lemaitre, j 1
lemaître, j-f 1
lena, j 1
lena, j-p 1
lenzi, o 1
leung, kmy 1
leung, tc 1
leven, mr 1
leveque, c 1
levionnois, p 1
li, j 1
li, jia 1
li, k 1
lim, rbh 1
lintermans, m 1
longert, d 1
loque, c 1
lowe, wh 1
lynch, aj 1
lévêque, c 1
maccormack, tj 1
maerz, jc 1
magellan, k 1
magtoon, w 1
marais, gab 1
martin, tg 1
martínez‐solan, i 1
mathooko, j 1
mathuriau, c 1
matthaei, cd 1
matthews, k 1
mccafferty, wp 1
mccartney, m p 1
mcintyre, p 1
mcmaster, d 1
medeiros, ao 1
mejbel, hs 1
melo, as 1
meredith, hmr 1
merilae, jkk 1
merilä, juha 1
meyn, a 1
miller, daw 1
miranda, l 1
molur, s 1
monod-broca, b 1
mora, m 1
mori, e 1
murphy, m 1
musikasinthorn, p 1
mustafa, mg 1
muths, e 1
naggea, j 1
nakamura, k 1
nam, s 1
nel, j 1
neumann, m 1
ng, j.s.s. 1
ng, jss 1
ng, lcy 1
ng, pkl 1
ng, pt 1
ng, ss 1
nguyen, pt 1
niu, q 1
pacifici, m 1
pahlwostl, c 1
pandolfi, jm 1
paugy, d 1
pearce-kelly, p 1
petry, p 1
pilliod, ds 1
pittock, j 1
pozo, j 1
praxaysonbath, b 1
prieur-richard, a.-h 1
prieurrichard, ah 1
pringle, c 1
pyke, g 1
raghavan, r 1
raposeiro, pm 1
ratnarajah, l 1
rebelo, l 1
reels, gt 1
reid, kerry 1
reinke, ba 1
rodinini, c 1
romano, a 1
ronget, v 1
sabater, s 1
sahadevan, s 1
salas guisado, mlh 1
samejima, h 1
sato, t 1
savy, c 1
scheffers, b 1
schindler, mh 1
schmidt, br 1
schmidt-kloiber, a 1
shi, k 1
shi, w 1
shibukawa, k 1
shimatani, y 1
simaika, jp 1
sin, syt 1
sit, wh 1
smith, rew 1
smol, jp 1
so, yk 1
sobral, o 1
sodhi, ns 1
song, y 1
speybroeck, j 1
sridhar, ks 1
stanley, eh 1
stile, rm 1
strayer, dl 1
sun, y 1
sung, yh 1
sung, yh 1
suvarnaraksha, a 1
swafford, ja 1
sze, mc 1
sánchez‐montes, g 1
takaoka, h 1
tanaka, k 1
tao, ls 1
taylor, ww 1
tenkiano, nsd 1
thach, p 1
thieme, m 1
thirion, j-m 1
thoe, w 1
tickner, d 1
tilley, hb 1
tong, xl 1
tonin, am 1
tran, dd 1
tricarico, e 1
tsang, pnt 1
tubbs, n 1
utsugi, k 1
valenzuela‐sánchez, a 1
vasconcellos, mm 1
vermaire, jc 1
vieira, c 1
vielhauer, k 1
vörösmarty, c 1
wan, jmf 1
wang, dz 1
wang, gm 1
wang, xi 1
wat, cym 1
watanabe, k 1
watson, jem 1
welcomme, rl 1
wells, a 1
west, dc 1
weyl, olf 1
whitfort, a 1
wilson, kdp 1
wong, pk 1
woolbright, ll 1
wu, kky 1
xiao, chiwei 1
yam, sw 1
yamashita, t 1
yau, jkc 1
yeung, jwy 1
yeung, wy 1
yip, y 1
yuen, eyl 1
yule, c 1
zhang, yx 1
zhang, zy 1
zho, zy 1
zúñiga, mc 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
chiloscyllium plagiosum 4
coastal engineering 4
compound-specific stable isotopes 4
conservation 4
detritus 4
ecological engineering 4
ecosystem disturbance 4
fatty acids 4
food webs 4
intertidal environment 4
marine predators 4
mixing model 4
monsoonal climate 4
pearl river estuary 4
scoliodon laticaudus 4
shore protection 4
trophic subsidy 4
zooplankton 4
commodities 3
hs codes 3
monitor 3
un comtrade 3
wildlife trade 3
abundance 2
aggregation behavior 2
aging 2
alexandrium tamarense 2
allochthonous 2
amphibian 2
amphibians 2
analysis of variance 2
animal nutritional physiological phenomena - physiology 2
animals 2
anthropogenic effect 2
aquatic invasives 2
autochthonous 2
behavioral response 2
benthos 2
biology environmental studies 2
biomarker of toxicity 2
carbon isotopes - analysis 2
carbon:nitrogen ratio 2
china 2
chromatography, gas 2
climate change 2
coastal ecosystem 2
community analyses 2
crustacean 2
cyanobacteria 2
decapoda (crustacea) - physiology 2
demography 2
diatoms 2
east river (dong jiang, chinese words) 2
energy flow 2
fatty acids - analysis 2
feeding behavior - physiology 2
fisheries management 2
fisheries resources 2
food chain 2
food web 2
food-chain length 2
foraging 2
freshwater wetlands 2
gambusia 2
gambusia affinis 2
gastropod 2
harmful algal bloom species 2
hong kong 2
human disturbance 2
innovation 2
lowland habitats 2
methyl ethers - analysis 2
mosquitofish 2
nitrogen - analysis 2
paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin 2
pollution 2
polyclonal antibodies 2
protected areas 2
recovery 2
restoration 2
riparian shading 2
salinization 2
seasonal effect 2
senescence 2
sex chromosome 2
stable isotopes 2
stoichiometry 2
total impervious area 2
trawl ban 2
trophic level 2
trophic niche 2
trophic position 2
water quality index 2
zhu jiang (chinese words) 2
574.5095125 d8 1
577.64095 d9 1
adult description 1
agelenidae 1
agricultural runoff 1
alainites 1
algae 1
allochthonous food 1
allochthonous inputs 1
altitude 1
altitude range 1
anisoptera 1
apple snail 1
aquatic fungi 1
aquatic insects 1
aquatic macroinvertebrates 1
aquatic-terrestrial linkage 1
araneae 1
armadillidae energy budget isopods hong kong litter metabolism philosciidae 1
asia 1
assemblage structure 1
assimilation efficiency 1
autochthonous and allochthonous foods 1
baci 1
baetidae 1
baetiella 1
baetiella bispinosa 1
baetiella pseudofrequenta 1
baetiella trispinata 1
baetis 1
balitoridae 1
baseflow 1
bataguridae 1
bayesian mixing models 1
benthic algae 1
benthic fish 1
benthic macroinvertebrates 1
benthos--asia 1
bioassessment 1
biodiversity 1
biodiversity -- china -- hong kong 1
biodiversity conservation 1
biodiversity conservation -- china -- hong kong 1
biogeography 1
biological invasion 1
biomass 1
biomonitoring 1
bird 1
bovids 1
brahmaputra r 1
brotia 1
brotia hainanensis 1
buffer strips 1
c-13 1
caenidae 1
caenis 1
calliphoridae 1
captive breeding 1
carbon cycle 1
carbon sequestration 1
caridea 1
caridina cantonensis 1
caridina serrata 1
carrying capacity 1
chang jiang (yangtze river) 1
channelization 1
chao phraya r 1
chopralla fusina 1
choroterpes 1
cites 1
climate 1
climatic control 1
cloeodes longisetosus 1
cloeon 1
community composition 1
community structure 1
comparative analysis 1
comparative functional response 1
complexity 1
compsoneuria 1
connectance 1
conservation management 1
conservation of natural resources 1
conservation of natural resources - methods - statistics and numerical data 1
conservation partnerships 1
consumption rates 1
core terrestrial habitat 1
criteria 1
cultural eutrophication 1
cuora 1
dams 1
decomposition 1
density manipulation 1
detritivore shredders 1
detritivores 1
diet 1
dietary reliance 1
diplonychus 1
diptera 1
disasters 1
discharge 1
dispersal 1
disturbance 1
diversity 1
drainage basin 1
drift 1
dual-isotope multiple-source mixing model 1
dynamics of elements 1
earth and environmental sciences 1
ecological sustainability 1
ecology -- china -- hong kong 1
ecology--china--hong kong 1
ecosystem 1
ecosystem function 1
ecosystem functioning 1
ecotone 1
edna 1
electric power supplies 1
elephas maximus 1
emergence 1
endangered species 1
endangered species -- africa. 1
energy subsidies 1
environment 1
environmental filtering 1
environmental flow allocations 1
environmental monitoring - statistics & numerical data 1
environmental restoration 1
epeorus 1
ephemerellidae 1
ephemeroptera 1
epilithon 1
erosion 1
essential biodiversity variables 1
exotic species 1
extinction 1
fao 1
feeding 1
feeding behavior 1
feeding behaviour 1
feeding plasticity 1
feeding preference 1
ficus fistulosa 1
fish 1
fish gut contents 1
fisheries 1
fishes 1
floodplain 1
flow alteration 1
flow reduction 1
fluvial 1
food quantity 1
foodchain length 1
forest fragmentation 1
forest stream 1
forest streams 1
fpom 1
fresh water 1
freshwater 1
freshwater animals -- africa. 1
freshwater biodiversity 1
freshwater biodiversity -- africa. 1
freshwater biodiversity conservation 1
freshwater ecology 1
freshwater ecosystems 1
freshwater fish 1
freshwater gastropods 1
freshwater regimes 1
freshwater shrimps 1
functional feeding groups 1
functional groups 1
functional organization 1
gap analysis 1
genetic differentiation 1
genetic diversity 1
genetic marker 1
gerridae 1
global analysis 1
global biodiversity 1
global distribution pattern 1
global patterns of threat 1
global warming 1
gobiidae 1
grazers 1
grazing 1
growth 1
guangdong 1
guild 1
guppy 1
gut contents 1
gut-content analysis 1
habitat complexity 1
habitat degradation 1
habitat disturbance 1
habitat structure 1
habitat suitability 1
harsh-benign hypothesis 1
heptageniidae 1
herbivory 1
heteroptera 1
hierarchical partitioning 1
host selection 1
host-imprinting 1
human health 1
human-dominated landscape 1
human-wildlife conflict 1
hydro-ecological relationship 1
hydro-ecological relationships 1
hydrogeology and water resources 1
imago description 1
impact prediction 1
impacts 1
in-situ growth 1
insecta 1
insectivores 1
insects 1
instantaneous growth 1
inter-annual variation 1
international river basin 1
internationality 1
interpopulation variation 1
invasive 1
invasive poeciliids 1
invasive species 1
invertebrate consumers 1
invertebrates - physiology 1
irrawaddy r 1
isopoda 1
iucn 1
kernel density estimation 1
lakes 1
larval competition 1
larval redescription 1
larval stage 1
lateral dispersal 1
latitude 1
latitudinal diversity gradient 1
latitudinal gradient 1
leaf breakdown rates 1
leaf litter 1
leaf litter quality 1
leaf quality 1
leaf toughness 1
leaf utter 1
leptophlebiidae 1
life cycle 1
life cycle patterns 1
life zone 1
lifespan 1
life‐history parameters 1
limnology 1
liquidambar 1
literature survey 1
litter breakdown 1
litter decomposition 1
litter processing 1
litter quality 1
litterfall 1
livelihoods 1
loach 1
lowland river fisheries: ganges r 1
lycosidae 1
macroinvertebrate 1
macroinvertebrates 1
man-made lake 1
management 1
marginal zone 1
marine 1
mark-recapture 1
mark–recapture 1
marxan 1
mayflies 1
mayfly 1
mekong 1
mekong r 1
melanoides tuberculata 1
methods 1
microbes 1
microbial decomposers 1
microorganisms 1
migration patterns 1
mitigation 1
monitoring 1
monsoonal asia 1
morphological guilds 1
mountain region 1
movement patterns 1
n-15 1
national park 1
natural history--china--hong kong 1
nature reserve 1
necrophagous 1
nemacheilidae 1
neocaridina serrata 1
new guinea 1
new species 1
next generation sequencing 1
nitrogen content 1
nutrition 1
obeservations 1
odonata 1
omnivory 1
ontogenetic and sexual dietary differences 1
organotoxins 1
over-harvesting 1
overexploitation 1
overfishing 1
pachytriton granolosus 1
palaemonidae 1
papua new guinea 1
paramesotriton hongkongensis 1
partial consumption 1
periphyton 1
phenology 1
phosphate 1
physella acuta 1
plant leaves - metabolism 1
pomacea canaliculata 1
population 1
population dynamics 1
population genetics 1
power plants 1
predaceous 1
predation 1
predator-prey interactions 1
prey consumption rate 1
prey density 1
prey selection 1
primer design 1
primer specificity 1
primer–template mismatch 1
priorities 1
prosobranch 1
prosopistoma sinense 1
prosopistomatidae 1
puntius 1
radio telemetry 1
radix 1
rainforest 1
ramu 1
rapd 1
recolonization drift 1
refuge 1
rehabilitation 1
reproduction 1
reproductive investment 1
reserve selection 1
resource utilisation 1
restoration assessment 1
rhynchocinetid shrimps 1
richness and vulnerability 1
riparian buffer zone 1
riparian vegetation 1
riparian zone 1
risk effects 1
river 1
river conservation 1
river continuum concept 1
river continuum hypothesis 1
river ecology 1
river regulation 1
river rehabilitation 1
rivers 1
rivers--asia--conservation 1
rivers--asia--ecology 1
robust design 1
rocky reefs 1
romer's tree frog 1
running water 1
salamandridae 1
salween r 1
sarcophagidae 1
scarcity 1
seasonal effects 1
seasonality 1
secondary production 1
sedentary 1
sediments 1
sensitive taxa 1
sepik 1
sepik river 1
serratelta albostriata 1
sexual dimorphism 1
shredder detritivores 1
shredders 1
shrimp 1
shrimps 1
site fidelity 1
small reserves 1
social conditions 1
south china 1
southeastern china 1
sparassidae 1
spate 1
spates 1
spatial extent 1
spatial prioritization 1
specialisation 1
species loss 1
species richness 1
species turnover 1
species‐specific primer 1
spider 1
stable isotope analysis 1
stable isotope signatures 1
stable-isotope analysis 1
stable-isotope signature 1
standards 1
stomach contents 1
stream 1
stream benthos 1
stream conservation 1
stream conservation--asia 1
stream ecosystems 1
streambed sediments 1
streams 1
subsidy 1
substrate 1
substratum structure 1
subtropical forest 1
suction sampling 1
sulcospira hainanensis 1
survival 1
sustainability 1
tagging 1
tai po kau forest stream 1
taxonomy 1
temperature 1
tethering 1
threat factors 1
threat status 1
three gorges high dam 1
torleya arenosa 1
transport 1
trichoptera 1
trophic diversity 1
trophic network 1
tropical 1
tropical asian streams 1
tropical environment 1
tropical freshwater ecosystems 1
tropical streams 1
tropics 1
turtles 1
variability 1
variance partitioning 1
variation 1
vegetation 1
viperidae 1
volant insects 1
water extraction 1
water pollution 1
water supply 1
water transfer 1
water-level fluctuations 1
water-to-land energy transfer 1
wetlands 1
yangtze 1
zhujiang (pearl river) 1
zygonyx iris 1
δ13c 1
δ13c and δ15n stable isotopes 1
δ15n 1
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