AuthorsNo. of Publications
laskin, j 15
lo, c 13
siu, so 11
lam, nw 9
lee, smy 9
siu, kwm 9
wang, m 9
quan, q 8
song, t 8
yang, z 8
hopkinson, ac 7
shih, ch 7
siu, ck 7
kong, rpw 6
lam, cnw 6
du, y 5
law, ch 5
li, g 5
yeung, wsb 5
chen, f 4
cheng, kw 4
chu, h 4
lai, ck 4
lam, c 4
mu, x 4
szeto, ssw 4
zhao, y 4
chan, cy 3
chiu, pcn 3
fang, dc 3
kong, pw 3
lam, mpy 3
lau, e 3
lau, jkc 3
lee, cl 3
ma, cy 3
ng, dcm 3
orlova, g 3
wang, y 3
xu, m 3
zhao, j 3
chiu, cn 2
chung, mk 2
dell, a 2
koistinen, h 2
koistinen, r 2
kong, r 2
kwan, yw 2
lam, hc 2
lau, tc 2
lee, kf 2
li, gh 2
lui, lt 2
ma, j 2
michael siu, kw 2
morris, hr 2
pang, pc 2
panico, m 2
peng, x 2
seppälä, m 2
sze, kh 2
tissot, b 2
wong, wt 2
yu, cky 2
zeng, x 2
zhang, z 2
alex, d 1
berden, g 1
chai, j 1
chai, z 1
chan, d 1
chan, e 1
chan, j 1
chan, sw 1
chan, wm 1
chang, yy 1
cheah, kse 1
cheang, lcv 1
chen, y 1
chen, y 1
cheung, kmc 1
chiu, lcm 1
cox, dm 1
dai, j 1
dong, hg 1
du, m 1
feng, j 1
futrell, jh 1
gu, q 1
hager, jw 1
han, y 1
hao, q 1
hu, g 1
hu, l 1
hunter, c 1
ilisiu, amp 1
jiang, r 1
kao, ryt 1
ke, y 1
krakovska, o 1
lai, yt 1
lam, cw 1
lam, h 1
lam, hcy 1
lam, kk 1
lam, kkw 1
lam, kw 1
lam, mp 1
lam, py 1
lam, yw 1
lao, tth 1
lau, asy 1
le blanc, jcy 1
lee, ckf 1
lee, cl 1
lee, kc 1
lee, sm 1
lee, ssm 1
leung, asp 1
leung, gph 1
leung, on 1
leung, sy 1
li, h 1
li, m 1
li, s 1
li, y 1
li, zh 1
lin, b 1
lin, zx 1
liu, h 1
lo, csc 1
lou, s 1
ma, cy 1
maekawa, m 1
mahady, gb 1
mao, x 1
marback, m 1
martens, jonathan 1
mcdermott, jc 1
neo, j 1
ng, cmd 1
ng, r 1
oomens, j 1
pang, rtk 1
qi, h 1
renn, j 1
rodriguez, cf 1
rodriguez, rcf 1
rodriquez, cf 1
rong, j 1
ruan, edl 1
sakamoto, w 1
schmidt, j 1
shek, ipy 1
shi, t 1
shiu, os 1
sho, e 1
shoeib, t 1
siu, mk 1
spencer, dm 1
springob, k 1
sun, h 1
sun, y 1
tai, ss 1
tang, lk 1
tang, wk 1
tang, ys 1
tao, y 1
to, tkj 1
tong, y 1
tse, h 1
tsui, skw 1
tureček, f 1
viglino, e 1
wan, hlt 1
wang, jj 1
wang, mw 1
wang, yt 1
winkler, c 1
wong, e 1
wong, yw 1
xia, w 1
xu, f 1
yan, r 1
yan, wr 1
yang, d 1
yang, ecc 1
yang, x 1
yang, y 1
yee, afy 1
yip, wk 1
yu, p 1
yuan, s 1
yuen, ky 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, zaijun 1
zhang, zj 1
zhao, hy 1
zheng, c 1
zhong, f 1
zuo, jl 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
basigin 6
cd147 6
implantation 6
invasion 6
trophoblast 6
acrylamide - chemistry - toxicity 5
acrylamides - analysis - chemistry 5
amniotic fluid - metabolism 5
antioxidation 5
apoptosis 5
asparagine - chemistry 5
benzofurans - pharmacology 5
bioactivity-guided fractionation 5
carbohydrate conformation 5
carcinogens - chemistry - toxicity 5
cytoprotection 5
diabetes, gestational - metabolism 5
enzyme inhibitors - pharmacology 5
glycoproteins - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
glycoproteins - metabolism 5
heme oxygenase 1 5
heme oxygenase-1 - genetics - metabolism 5
hydrogen peroxide - toxicity 5
lymphocytes - cytology - metabolism - secretion 5
n-acetylneuraminic acid - metabolism 5
niacin - analogs and derivatives - analysis - chemistry - metabolism 5
oxidative stress - drug effects 5
pregnancy proteins - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
pregnancy proteins - metabolism 5
proteomics 5
rhizoma chuanxiong 5
3-deoxyanthocyanidins 4
acrylamide (aa) 4
alginic acid 4
chromatography, reverse-phase - instrumentation - methods 4
fried potato strips 4
glycomics - methods 4
glycopeptides - analysis - chemistry - isolation and purification 4
glycoproteomics 4
graphite - chemistry 4
hydrocolloid 4
lc 4
pectin 4
pgc 4
proteomics - methods 4
rp-rp 4
sorghum 4
alcohol oxidoreductases - genetics - metabolism 3
amino acid sequence 3
anthocyanin 3
anthocyanins 3
anthocyanins - biosynthesis 3
anthocyanins - biosynthesis - chemistry 3
colletotrichum sublineolum 3
cyp93g3 3
cytochrome p-450 enzyme system - biosynthesis - genetics 3
cytochrome p-450 enzyme system - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
dihydroflavonol 4-reductase 3
dna, complementary - analysis 3
flavone synthase ii 3
flavones 3
flavones - biosynthesis 3
flavonoid 3′-hydroxylases 3
flavonoid structural genes 3
gene expression regulation, enzymologic 3
gene expression regulation, plant 3
genes, plant 3
genistin 3
interaction 3
isoflavone synthase 3
jasmonic acid 3
lactose 3
liquid chromatography 3
maillard reaction 3
melamine 3
metabolic engineering 3
mixed function oxygenases - biosynthesis - genetics 3
mixed function oxygenases - genetics - metabolism 3
molecular sequence data 3
molecular structure 3
phytoalexin 3
plant proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
rice 3
sesquiterpenes 3
sesquiterpenes - metabolism 3
sorghum - enzymology - genetics - metabolism - microbiology 3
sorghum - enzymology - genetics - microbiology 3
sorghum - genetics 3
strecker aldehyde 3
terpenes - chemistry - metabolism 3
terpenes - metabolism 3
transgenic tomato 3
acyltransferases - genetics - metabolism 2
anthracnose 2
apigeninidin 2
arabidopsis 2
arabidopsis - genetics - metabolism 2
arabidopsis proteins - chemistry 2
biology 2
botany 2
calycosin 2
cations - chemistry 2
chromatography, ion exchange - methods 2
chromatography, reverse-phase - methods 2
cis-piceid 2
cis-resveratrol 2
conjugation 2
copper(ii) complexes 2
electron transfer 2
gene expression regulation, plant - genetics 2
glucosides - genetics - metabolism 2
high-/low-ph rp-rp 2
isoflavone 2
lc-mrm 2
lc-srm 2
luteolinidin 2
maldi-tof 2
mass spectrometry 2
mdlc 2
metabolism 2
natural products 2
neuroprotective 2
non-zwitterionic structures 2
nrf2 2
parkinson's disease 2
peptide fragmentation 2
peptide mapping - methods 2
peptides - chemistry 2
poaceae 2
precursor ion scan 2
quantum theory 2
radical cationic peptides 2
rp-scx-rp 2
sorghum - genetics - metabolism 2
sorghum 3-deoxyanthocyanidins 2
sorghum bicolor 2
stilbene glycosides 2
stilbene synthase 2
thermodynamics 2
trans-piceid 2
tryptophan - chemistry 2
two-dimensional 2
zebrafish larvae 2
activation entropy 1
amino acids 1
amino acids - chemistry 1
animals 1
arginine - chemistry 1
behavior, animal - drug effects 1
brain proteome 1
carbon - chemistry 1
cation 1
cations 1
cell death - drug effects 1
chemical structure 1
chronic phase 1
cleavage reactions 1
collision activation 1
collision-induced dissociation 1
copper complexes 1
cynomolgus monkey 1
cytoprotection - drug effects 1
dopaminergic neurons - drug effects - physiology 1
electron transport 1
embryo, nonmammalian 1
entropy 1
ethanol - pharmacology 1
free radicals - chemistry 1
fructus alpinia oxyphylla 1
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - methods 1
gas-phase chemistry 1
gas-phase ion chemistry 1
gas-phase reactions 1
gases - chemistry 1
glycopeptides 1
glycoprotein 1
hilic-rp 1
hydrogen atom transfer 1
hydrogen transfer 1
ions - chemistry 1
ischemia 1
isomerization 1
itraq 1
larva - drug effects - growth & development - physiology 1
lc-ms/ms 1
ligands 1
linear ion trap 1
locomotion - drug effects 1
macaca fascicularis 1
macrocyclic complex metal ions 1
mass spectrometry - methods 1
metal-ligand-peptide complexes 1
metals - chemistry 1
microchip electrophoresis 1
models, biological 1
models, chemical 1
ms 1
multidimensional lc 1
multidimensional liquid chromatography 1
nanoelectrospray interface 1
neuroprotection 1
neuroproteomics 1
nickel complexes 1
nitration 1
odd-electron oligopeptide 1
oligopeptides - chemistry 1
orthogonality 1
oxidopamine - toxicity 1
pc12 cell 1
pc12 cells 1
peptide 1
peptide cation radicals 1
peptide fragments - analysis - chemistry 1
peptide fragments - chemistry 1
peptide radical anion 1
peptide radical ions 1
peptides 1
phase transition 1
phosphopeptide 1
phosphoproteome 1
photodissociation 1
plant extracts - chemistry - pharmacology 1
protein digest 1
protein profile 1
proteomics - instrumentation - methods 1
proton transfer 1
radical ions 1
radical reactions 1
radical/charge migration 1
rats 1
reaction mechanisms 1
regioselectivity 1
rrkm modeling 1
side chain loss 1
spectrometry, mass, electrospray ionization - methods 1
spectrophotometry 1
stereoisomerism 1
stroke biology 1
surface-induced dissociation 1
tandem mass spectrometry - methods 1
technology 1
threshold energy 1
tryptophan - analogs and derivatives 1
two-dimensional liquid chromatography 1
tyrosine peptides 1
unimolecular reaction mechanism 1
zebrafish 1
zebrafish - embryology - growth & development 1
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