Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
physics 3
binary sequences 2
boundary conditions 2
cellular automaton 2
classifier system 2
coherent pulse 2
computational complexity 2
conduction 2
critical point phenomena 2
current technology 2
dense matter 2
density classification problem 2
density matrix 2
device models 2
discrete dynamical system 2
fluctuation phenomena, random processes, and brownian motion 2
garbage bits 2
key distribution 2
key generation rate 2
mhd 2
neutron stars. 2
one-way function 2
physics -- study and teaching (secondary) -- china -- hong kong 2
physics -- textbooks 2
pocklington-lehmer n - 1 primality test 2
problem solving 2
pulsars: general 2
pulsars: individual (crab nebula) 2
pulsars: individual (crab pulsar) 2
pulsars: individual (vela) 2
quantum computation 2
quantum computing 2
quantum cryptography 2
quantum factorization 2
quantum information 2
radiation mechanisms: miscellaneous 2
renormalization-group, fractal, and percolation studies of phase transitions 2
reversible computation 2
shor's algorithm 2
stars: interiors 2
stars: magnetic fields 2
stars: neutron 2
stars: rotation 2
superfluidity. 2
symbolic dynamics 2
theorem proving 2
adaptive algorithm 1
arbitrary number 1
assortative and disassortative networks 1
assortative network 1
astronomy 1
breeding method 1
carbon dioxide 1
cellular automata 1
chau–wang–wong17 scheme 1
clustering 1
complex adaptive systems 1
computer simulation 1
cooperative agents 1
crater lake 1
critical car density 1
crowd-anti crowd theory 1
crowd-anticrowd theory 1
density classification 1
depolarization 1
deterministic protocols 1
discrete dynamical system symbolic dynamics 1
efficient algorithm 1
eigenvalue perturbation theory 1
entanglement distillation 1
entanglement purification 1
error-disturbance relation 1
evolving network 1
evolving weighted network 1
exactly solvable model 1
experimental realization 1
fidelity 1
game theory 1
game with local information 1
gas buildup 1
gas release 1
global cooperation 1
hypothesis testing 1
inertia 1
information disturbance tradeoff 1
inversion formula 1
local quantum operation 1
magnetic fields 1
mcdiarmid inequality 1
mean field approximation 1
mean field theory 1
measurement of non-commutativity 1
metrics for unitary matrices 1
minority game 1
minority games 1
multichoice game 1
mutually unbiased bases 1
network security 1
numerical methods 1
numerical stability 1
one-time pads 1
opinion dynamics 1
pauli error 1
periodic dynamics 1
phase error correction 1
phase transition 1
post-modern quantum cryptography 1
post-processing procedure 1
privacy amplification 1
punctuated equilibrium in social science 1
quantum channel 1
quantum channels pacs numbers:, 03.67.lx, 03.67.dd 1
quantum communication 1
quantum computation architectures and implementations 1
quantum cryptography and communication security 1
quantum entanglement 1
quantum information processing 1
quantum key distribution 1
quantum low density parity check code 1
quantum measurement 1
quantum process 1
quantum seal 1
quantum speed limit 1
quantum theory 1
qudit-based 1
random hashing 1
recurrence method 1
reduced strategy space 1
secret key rate 1
security quantification 1
self-organized systems 1
shor-preskill proof 1
social judgment theory 1
sociophysics 1
statistical mechanics 1
stratified lake 1
time-bin representation 1
time-energy cost 1
time-energy measure 1
time-energy uncertainty relation 1
time-independent hamiltonian evolution 1
traffic flow 1
transformability of states 1
two-way classical communication 1
uncertainty principle 1
unconditional security 1
universally composable security it security 1
weighted assortativity coefficient 1
weighted network 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
chiribella, giulio 1
pun, jason chun shing 1
wang, zidan 1
yao, wang 1
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