AuthorsNo. of Publications
chan, ab 47
zheng, y 12
chuk, ty 11
tso, rvy 11
au, tkf 10
zhang, j 10
li, tk 8
cottrell, gw 7
liu, t 7
lam, sm 6
lau, eyy 6
lee, tmc 6
barry, tj 5
chung, ksh 5
liao, w 5
shillcock, r 5
tso, ricky van yip 5
yeh, sl 5
an, jh 4
chan, yh 4
cheung, k 4
crookes, k 4
galmar, b 4
liu, t 4
au, terry kit fong 3
chan, antoni b 3
chan, cyh 3
chan, fhf 3
chan, hf 3
chen, j 3
cho, vy 3
king, nm 3
lan, h 3
liu, z 3
ngo, hc 3
tso, rvy 3
anthonappa, rp 2
burton, n 2
chan, rtc 2
chang, wc 2
chen, eyh 2
cheng, l 2
cheng, z 2
cheung, kcf 2
cheung, wm 2
chung, stl 2
cipollini, b 2
cottrell, g 2
hayward, wg 2
hui, clm 2
lam, l 2
lavidor, m 2
leung, jcy 2
liao, weiyan 2
liu, g 2
lo, yy 2
palermo, r 2
qi, r 2
rhodes, g 2
shimojo, s 2
suen, h 2
teng, xs 2
tso, ricky v. 2
tso, rvy 2
wong, jj 2
wong, ykl 2
yang, y 2
ye, x 2
yu, l 2
zheng, yueyuan 2
a, rp 1
ahern, e 1
an, j 1
an, jeehye 1
au, t 1
au, terry k. 1
au, terry kit-fong 1
au, tk 1
barrington, l 1
bell, j 1
brueggemann, s 1
bseiso, dn 1
buettner, r 1
bukach, cm 1
cao, cc 1
chan, a 1
chan, antoni b 1
chan, c 1
chan, hyv 1
chan, kw 1
chan, kw 1
chan, ky 1
chan, ronald tsz chung 1
chan, sherry kit wa 1
chan, skw 1
chan, tc 1
chang, ppw 1
chang, wing chung 1
chen, d 1
chen, eric yu hai 1
chen, h 1
chen, hangyu 1
chen, y 1
chen, zl 1
cheung, cf 1
cheung, jasmine 1
cheung, tkl 1
chong, wc 1
chui, celine o. 1
chui, co 1
chuk, t 1
chung, bhj 1
chung, h 1
chung, hks 1
collova, jr 1
coutrot, a 1
coviello, e 1
dan, y 1
deng, d 1
digges, a 1
du, y 1
duan, y 1
eckhardt, a 1
fernandes, m 1
gauthier, i 1
greenspon, e 1
harpe, s 1
hayward, w 1
hayward, w 1
hayward, w g 1
hsieh, jj 1
hu, x 1
hu, x 1
hu, x 1
hu, xiao 1
hu, y 1
huang, y 1
hui, christy lai ming 1
hui, veronica kit sum 1
humphreys, g 1
hung, san 1
jackson, t 1
jeffery, l 1
jiang, m 1
jingling, l 1
kanan, c 1
kloth, n 1
kwok, cw 1
kwok, cy 1
lan, hui 1
lau, jpc 1
lee, c 1
lee, cwl 1
lee, cy 1
lee, edwin ho ming 1
lee, ehm 1
lee, hh 1
lee, hme 1
leung, nw 1
li, l 1
li, sk 1
li, stk 1
liao, yingqi 1
liao, yk 1
lin, d 1
liu, d 1
liu, guoyang 1
liu, j 1
liu, jyw 1
liu, tt 1
lo, yuen yi 1
loo, becky p y 1
loo, bpy 1
lui, kfh 1
luo, x 1
maier, c 1
marks, tk 1
ng, a 1
pond, s 1
poon, lap tak 1
poon, lt 1
que, y 1
que, ying 1
ray, na 1
shieh, dx 1
shum, kkm 1
siu, man wah 1
siu, mwc 1
suen, yi nam 1
suen, yn 1
sui, j 1
sun, r 1
sun, y 1
tang, ac 1
teng, xiaoru 1
thorup, b 1
tian, lan 1
tso, rv 1
tsui, harry kam hung 1
turbett, k 1
wammes, j 1
wang, lamei 1
wong, acn 1
wong, aoy 1
wong, ghy 1
wong, kl 1
wong, oya 1
wong, skm 1
wong, vmy 1
wu, ay 1
wu, y 1
yan, eric wai ching 1
yan, wc 1
yang, a 1
yang, a y 1
yeung, kky 1
yeung, ya 1
yeung, yui andrew 1
yip, jcn 1
zhang, f 1
zhang, feiyang 1
zhang, z 1
zheng, q 1
zhou, weidong 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
holistic processing 14
reading 13
writing 13
perceptual expertise 11
face recognition 10
eye movement 8
eye-gaze perception 8
hemispheric asymmetry 8
mentalization 8
schizophrenia 8
self-reference 8
social anxiety 8
chinese character recognition 7
hidden markov model 7
left-side bias 7
at-risk mental states 6
first-episode schizophrenia 6
neurocognition 6
social cognition 6
theory of mind 6
eye-tracking 5
medical sciences 5
ophthalmology and optometry 5
chinese 4
dyslexia 4
eeg 4
emhmm 4
face processing 4
intervention 4
orthographic learning 4
word recognition 4
writing development 4
adult 3
aging 3
brain - physiology 3
chinese-character recognition 3
cognitive ability 3
copying 3
emotion regulation 3
erp 3
functional laterality - physiology 3
hemisphere lateralization 3
hidden markov model (hmm) 3
optimal viewing position 3
pattern recognition, visual - physiology 3
phonetics 3
visual expertise 3
visual fields - physiology 3
academic reading 2
activity sequences 2
activity-travel pattern 2
analytic patterns 2
attention bias 2
attentional bias 2
autism spectrum disorder 2
background music 2
chinese character processing 2
chronic disease 2
chronic pain 2
clinical article 2
cluster analysis 2
covid-19 2
event-related potentials (erps) 2
expertise 2
eye movements 2
eye tracking 2
face mask use 2
face masks 2
face perception 2
fibromyalgia 2
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) 2
hidden markov mode 2
job-housing balance 2
learning performance 2
lifestyle clusters 2
longitudinal study 2
music 2
music characteristics 2
music digital library 2
natural viewing 2
occupation 2
ocular artifact 2
other-race effect 2
personalized services 2
saccadic eye movement 2
sleep deprivation 2
stranger anxiety 2
temperamental shyness 2
top-down visual attention 2
travel pattern 2
urban mobility 2
user characteristics 2
visual span 2
visuospatial bias 2
word reading 2
alpha asymmetry 1
arithmetic processing 1
asian continental ancestry group 1
audiovisual processing 1
bilingualism 1
bilinguialism 1
brain mapping 1
brain-computer interface (bci) 1
categorisation task 1
chinese character identification 1
chinese character pronunciation 1
chinese characters 1
chinese database 1
chinese reading 1
classification 1
composite paradigm 1
computational cognitive neuroscience 1
computational model 1
computational modeling 1
connectionist modeling 1
cross-culture comparison 1
cues 1
databases as topic 1
deep neural network 1
dff theory 1
differential encoding 1
dimensionality reduction and manifold learning 1
discrimination learning 1
distraction 1
divided visual field paradigm 1
dominance, cerebral - physiology 1
double filtering by frequency 1
dual task paradigm 1
dual-task 1
electroencephalography 1
electrooculography 1
emotion recognition 1
english letter identification 1
english reading 1
english word processing 1
entropy 1
entropy analysis 1
event-related potential 1
event-related potential (erp) 1
evoked potentials, visual - physiology 1
experience 1
face 1
face learning 1
face-drawing experience 1
facial expression 1
female 1
fixation duration 1
fixation, ocular 1
fovea centralis - physiology 1
foveal splitting 1
gaussian mixture models 1
gaze perception 1
gaze preference 1
gender difference 1
handwriting 1
hemispheric lateralization 1
hidden markov 1
hidden markov models 1
humans 1
image processing, computer-assisted 1
independent and interdependent 1
individual difference 1
information distribution 1
insomnia 1
interpretability 1
isolated korean syllable processing 1
judgment 1
judgment - physiology 1
kernel density estimation 1
language 1
language acquisition 1
late positive potential 1
learning - physiology 1
letter perception 1
lexical tones 1
linguistics 1
local/global processing 1
machine learning 1
machine-learning 1
male 1
matlab 1
memory 1
mental lexicon 1
mental processes - physiology 1
models, biological 1
mood induction 1
motor imagery 1
multimedia learning 1
music reading 1
music reading expertise 1
music-reading expertise 1
musical segments 1
neural networks 1
neuroscience 1
novel symbol identification 1
object recognition 1
openbci 1
orientation 1
orthographic neighborhood effect 1
orthography 1
own-race advantage 1
pattern recognition, visual 1
perception 1
perceptual asymmetry 1
perceptual learning 1
perceptual matching 1
peripheral vision 1
phonological processing 1
photic stimulation 1
photic stimulation - methods 1
preference decision making 1
principal component analysis 1
probabilistic models 1
pseudoneglect 1
psycholinguistics 1
psychology 1
reaction time 1
reaction time - physiology 1
reading direction 1
real-time 1
reappraisal 1
recognition (psychology) 1
recognition (psychology) - physiology 1
representation 1
resting-state eeg 1
retrieval 1
saccades 1
scanpath 1
scanpath routines 1
self-bias 1
self-construal 1
semantic radical combinability effect 1
semantics 1
sex characteristics 1
signal processing, computer-assisted 1
space perception - physiology 1
speech perception 1
symbol reading 1
theta/beta ratio 1
time factors 1
toolbox 1
transcranial magnetic stimulation 1
unsupervised learning 1
viewing position 1
vision, binocular - physiology 1
visual attention 1
visual attention control 1
visual field asymmetry 1
visual fields 1
visual perception 1
visual word processing 1
visual word recognition 1
vocabulary 1
word type frequency 1
young adult 1
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