Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
urban forest 6
aboveground biomass estimation 3
decision making 3
empirical analysis 3
guangzhou 3
lidar point clouds 3
multinational enterprise 3
strategic approach 3
transitional economy 3
tree species identification 3
urban vegetation 3
air pollutants - isolation & purification - metabolism 2
air pollution 2
arboreal colonization 2
attitude - ethnology 2
biodiversity 2
biodiversity conservation 2
bioreceptivity 2
building microhabitat 2
china 2
china - ethnology 2
cluster analysis 2
community participation 2
compact city 2
conservation motivation 2
conservation of natural resources - economics - legislation & jurisprudence - methods - statistics & numerical data 2
consumption preference 2
contingent valuation 2
contingent valuation method 2
cube contiguity 2
developing world 2
development history 2
discrete choice experiment 2
district fidelity 2
ecosystem 2
ecosystem service 2
ecosystem services 2
ecotourism 2
environment design 2
environmental externalities 2
environmental function 2
environmental goods 2
environmental monitoring 2
environmental remediation - methods 2
factor analysis 2
female 2
financing, government 2
floristic augmentation 2
floristic indices 2
green space 2
greenbelts - environmental aspects - china - guangzhou. 2
habitat connectivity 2
hedonic pricing method 2
housing market 2
housing value 2
humans 2
knowledge 2
landscape amenity 2
landuse pattern 2
leisure value 2
lidar 2
logistic models 2
male 2
masonry wall 2
monetary value 2
motivation 2
multi-source data 2
natural capital 2
naturalistic landscape design 2
non-market commodity 2
outdoor recreation 2
payment vehicle 2
policy making 2
precision planning 2
protected area 2
public opinion 2
quasi-analytical algorithm (qaa) 2
questionnaires 2
recreation planning 2
remote sensing 2
remote sensing retrieval 2
residence characteristics 2
residential garden 2
ruderal vegetation 2
semi-analytical model 2
shenzhen 2
social environment 2
socioeconomic factors 2
spatial hedonic model 2
species diversity 2
spontaneous vegetation 2
suspended sediment concentration (ssc) 2
sustainable city 2
sustainable development 2
sustainable urban development 2
the gulf of bohai 2
trees - metabolism 2
uban flora 2
urban biodiversity 2
urban ecology 2
urban ecology - china - guangzhou. 2
urban flora 2
urban forestry - china - guangzhou. 2
urban green space 2
urban greening 2
urban greenspace 2
urban natural area 2
urban nature conservation 2
urban park 2
urban renewal 2
urban river pollution 2
urban tree 2
urban tree flora 2
urban village 2
urbanization 2
urbanization effect 2
visitor perception 2
willingness-to-pay 2
3-d spatial effect 1
3-d spatial hedonic model 1
beijing 1
big data 1
biological benefits 1
blue-green infrastructure 1
branch anatomical traits 1
brussels 1
city branding 1
climate change 1
climate change mitigation 1
comparative study 1
covid-19 pandemic 1
cultural ecosystem services 1
cumulative impact 1
dice 1
distrust of government 1
dry deposition velocity (vd) 1
dynamic spatial panel data model 1
economic development 1
environmental amenity/disamenity 1
environmental externality 1
environmental impact 1
environmental information disclosure 1
foreign direct investment 1
forest conversion 1
global scale 1
green coverage 1
healthy cities 1
hedonic price method 1
heterogeneous perception 1
high-rise apartment market 1
high-rise residential building 1
hong kong 1
importance-performance analysis 1
industrial sulfur dioxide emission 1
institutional capacity 1
institutional development 1
integrated assessment model 1
inter-pixel landscape heterogeneity 1
inter-pixel thermodynamics 1
interaction effect 1
latent class factor analysis 1
latent class model 1
life satisfaction 1
meta-analysis 1
mixed land-use 1
modis 1
multi-dimensionality of urban greenspaces 1
municipal government 1
natural amenity 1
natural endowment 1
nature restoration 1
nature valuation 1
nature-based solutions 1
neighborhood greenness 1
particle removal 1
payment for ecosystem services 1
pixel-level sharpening enhancement 1
preference heterogeneity 1
protest response 1
provision prioritization 1
public health 1
public perception 1
resilience 1
river pollution 1
social cost of carbon 1
social inequality 1
social media 1
social perception and satisfaction 1
social science method 1
social-ecological system 1
societal preference 1
spatial weights matrix 1
strategic interaction 1
street view greenness 1
submicron particulate matter (pm1) 1
sustainable drainage 1
transformation of natural landscape 1
transitional china 1
tree branch 1
trustworthiness of information source 1
typhoon 1
urban competitiveness 1
urban ecosystem services 1
urban environment 1
urban heritage tree 1
urban public green space 1
urban river 1
urban river restoration 1
urban rivers 1
urban stream pollution 1
yardstick competition 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
jim, chi yung 1
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