Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
china 4
acquired immune deficiency syndrome 3
condom 3
condom use 3
heterosexuality 3
hiv/aids risks 3
human immunodeficiency virus infection 3
men who have sex with men in china 3
partnership type 3
chemsex 2
criminalization 2
drugs 2
harm reduction 2
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 2
hiv infections - epidemiology - psychology 2
hiv/aids 2
homosexuality, male - psychology 2
homosexuality, male - statistics and numerical data 2
hong kong 2
interpersonal relations 2
patient acceptance of health care 2
qualitative research 2
questionnaires 2
rural population 2
sociology of homosexuality 2
transnational queer sociology 2
unsafe sex 2
'hetero'-/'homo'-normativity 1
attitude to health 1
bisexual transgender 1
capitalism 1
chinese homosexuality 1
chinese masculinity 1
chinese sexology 1
chinese sociology 1
civicā€political activism 1
colonialism 1
commercial sex 1
companionate/ recreational sexuality 1
compulsory monogamy 1
condoms - utilization 1
cultural/national identity 1
doing family 1
edgework 1
emotional labour of sex 1
female prostitution 1
gay men 1
gay men - china - identity 1
generational sexualities 1
homonationalism 1
homosexuality 1
homosexuality - china 1
homosexuality, female 1
homosexuality, male 1
hong kong and shanghai 1
hong kong chinese gay men 1
knowledge production 1
lived experience 1
male clients 1
male sex work 1
marital relationship 1
masculinity 1
men who buy sex/male clients 1
micro-resistance 1
migrant worker 1
migration 1
neoliberalism 1
non-heterosexuals 1
older gay men 1
oral history 1
participatory action research 1
post-90s generation 1
post-socialist china 1
prostitution 1
prostitution - psychology 1
public/private 1
queer asia as method 1
queer asian studies 1
queer studies 1
queer theory 1
respectability 1
responsibility 1
risk factors 1
rural-to-urban migration 1
sexual identity 1
sexual scripts 1
stigma 1
taiwan 1
whore stigma 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
laidler, karen ann 2
law, yik wa 1
tang, tse shang denise 1
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