AuthorsNo. of Publications
chen, ty 62
chan, wk 60
zhang, z 26
jiang, b 20
poon, pl 19
mei, l 14
wong, we 13
zhou, zq 13
yu, yt 11
tang, sf 10
chen, hy 9
cheung, sc 7
kuo, fc 7
lu, h 7
zhai, k 6
chan, ft 5
hu, p 5
wang, x 5
feng, x 4
glass, rl 4
ho, jcf 4
basili, vr 3
cheng, my 3
huang, dh 3
jia, c 3
kan, eyy 3
mao, c 3
merkel, rg 3
parnas, dl 3
pong, l 3
yau, ss 3
zhou, z 3
cai, ky 2
cai, y 2
cain, a 2
cao, y 2
chen, j 2
cheng, cp 2
ehrich, hd 2
grant, d 2
grieskamp, w 2
huang, r 2
huo, yc 2
kicillof, n 2
kwok, cs 2
li, s 2
li, x 2
stumptner, m 2
sun, yx 2
tang, wh 2
towey, d 2
wang, h 2
witheridge, m 2
wu, s 2
xie, x 2
xu, j 2
xu, z 2
yang, z 2
abreu, r 1
ahamed, si 1
andrzejak, a 1
bai, x 1
bao, q 1
belli, fevzi 1
bondavalli, andrea 1
cha, wk 1
chan, ft 1
chan, hy 1
chen, z 1
chow, c 1
deng, yt 1
dohi, tadashi 1
eric wong, w 1
fan, dpk 1
feng, j 1
ghosh, s 1
goguen, ja 1
goseva-popstojanova, k 1
gotlieb, a 1
guo, y 1
hagenbuchner, m 1
hofer, b 1
hu, pf 1
huang, h 1
hwang, sm 1
jia, y 1
jiang, he 1
kwan, j 1
kwok, wh 1
lau, fcm 1
lee, dts 1
leung, h 1
li, c 1
li, h 1
li, jj 1
li, n 1
li, wys 1
li, z 1
lin, h 1
lin, t 1
ling, jie 1
liu, c 1
liu, h 1
liu, pck 1
luk, ckf 1
madeira, h 1
mayer, w 1
mei, h 1
mei, lj 1
mok, e 1
o'callaghan, t 1
ohnishi, a 1
park, jh 1
schewe, kd 1
sim, ky 1
so, a 1
sun, ca 1
susilo, w 1
tang, msh 1
wang, q 1
wong, eric w 1
wotawa, f 1
xi, j 1
xie, hl 1
xu, b 1
yan, j 1
yeo, ss 1
yin, y 1
yu, m 1
yu, xs 1
zhan, x 1
zhang, d 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, s 1
zhang, zy 1
zheng, z 1
zhou, m 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
algorithms 2
computer aided design 2
computer hardware 2
computers 2
d.2.1 [software engineering]: requirements/specifications-languages 2
d.2.5 [software engineering]: testing and debugging - test data generators 2
d.3.2 [programming languages]: language classifications - object-oriented languages 2
data flow diagrams 2
effectiveness of testing 2
information science and information theory 2
interactive computer systems 2
languages 2
logic programming 2
object oriented programming 2
partition testing 2
prolog (programming language) 2
software engineering 2
software engineering curriculum 2
software testing 2
structured charts 2
structured design 2
subdomain testing 2
5w+1h pattern 1
activity diagrams 1
adaptation 1
adaptive framework 1
adaptive random sequence 1
adaptive random testing 1
adaptive random testing (art) 1
adaptive regression testing 1
adaptive service composition 1
adaptive software design 1
adequacy criterion 1
adverse 1
adverse scenario 1
algebraic specification 1
arithmetic expressions 1
assertion checking (斷言檢查) 1
automatic test case generation 1
average scenario 1
axiom 1
basic block 1
bayesian networks 1
black box testing 1
black-box regression testing 1
black-box testing 1
boolean expression 1
bug detection 1
bug localization 1
category-partition method 1
category-partition testing 1
choice relation framework 1
choice relation table 1
choreography 1
class distinguishability 1
class-level testing 1
classification 1
classification-tree method 1
classification-tree methodology 1
cloud computing 1
cloud software testing 1
code optimization technique 1
compiler 1
completeness of test cases 1
compute unified device architecture (cuda) 1
computer programming 1
computer software 1
computing in asia 1
concurrency 1
conditionally subsume 1
context diversity 1
context inconsistency resolution 1
context-aware application 1
context-aware applications 1
context-aware program 1
continuous integration 1
control engineering 1
control-flow edge 1
controlled experiment 1
controlled experiment (控制實驗) 1
conversion tool 1
convex optimization 1
coverage 1
cryptographic systems 1
d light 1
d.2.1 [software engineering]: requirements/specifications - languages 1
d.2.2 1
d.2.5 [software engineering]: testing and debugging - testing tools (e.g., data generators, coverage testing) 1
data flow testing 1
data races 1
database application testing 1
database systems 1
dbms 1
debugging 1
defect-based reading 1
differential testing 1
disassembly 1
dispersity 1
dispersity metric 1
dispersity-based prioritization 1
dissimilarity 1
distributed systems 1
divide and conquer 1
dnn classification testing 1
dvfs 1
dynamic detection and testing 1
edge profile 1
effectiveness 1
efficiency 1
electric network analysis 1
empirical evaluation 1
empirical evaluation (實驗研究) 1
encapsulation testing 1
energy 1
energy optimization 1
energy saving 1
equivalence criterion 1
equivalence modulo inputs (emi) testing 1
equivalent fundamental pair 1
equivalent terms 1
evaluation sequence 1
failed test cases 1
failure classification 1
failure identification 1
failure pattern 1
failure-based testing 1
fault diagnosis 1
fault localization 1
fault propagation tracing 1
fault-based testing 1
fault-based testing technique 1
flowgraph 1
follow-up test cases 1
formal specification 1
fundamental pairs 1
fuzzing 1
g.2.2 1
general purpose computing on graphics processing unit (gpgpu) 1
generic frameworks 1
global symbolic evaluation 1
google 1
graph 1
graphics rendering 1
hand held device 1
hypothesis testing 1
ida pro 1
incremental identification 1
integration testing 1
internet search 1
javascript 1
javascript programs 1
k-nearest neighbor 1
key block chain 1
large number multiplication 1
link analysis 1
localization models 1
location-based web service 1
machine learning 1
machine translation 1
malware detection 1
mc/dc 1
mesh simplification 1
metamorphic relation 1
metamorphic relation output pattern 1
metamorphic robustness testing 1
metamorphic testing 1
metamorphic testing (蛻變測試) 1
middleware-based application 1
mobile energy consumption 1
model-based approach 1
model-based testing 1
mt4mt 1
multi-objective optimization 1
multimedia 1
multimedia application testing 1
multiple deadlines 1
multithreaded program 1
mutation analysis 1
mutation operators 1
mutation testing 1
natural distance 1
neural networks 1
nietamorphic testing 1
noise reduction 1
non-determinism 1
non-parameter statistics 1
non-parametric 1
non-parametric method 1
non-testable software 1
nonequivalence criterion 1
normal form 1
normality 1
object equivalence and nonequivalence 1
object-oriented 1
object-oriented methods 1
object-oriented program 1
object-oriented program testing 1
object-oriented software 1
object-oriented testing 1
objsa net 1
observational equivalence 1
oceanbase 1
opcode 1
oracle problem 1
orchestration 1
paradigm comparison 1
parametric method 1
partial differential equations 1
pattern classification reference models 1
pattern classifier 1
performance bug 1
perspective-based reading 1
perturbation-based adversary generation 1
perturbations 1
pervasive computing 1
pervasive concurrent program 1
petri nets 1
postdeployment validation 1
power awareness 1
power capacitors 1
power savings 1
predicate 1
preemptive regression testing 1
program debugging 1
program diagnostics 1
program proving 1
program testing 1
prolog 1
property-based testing 1
proportional sampling 1
proportional sampling strategy 1
protocol document testing 1
prototype tool 1
quality 1
radio frequency identification 1
random noise 1
random prioritization (rp) 1
random testing 1
randomized algorithm 1
rcsm 1
reachability analysis 1
regression analysis 1
regression testing 1
relevant observable contexts 1
remote execution 1
representation 1
requirements inspection 1
requirements specification 1
requirements specifications 1
research publications 1
resource constraint 1
rfid 1
rfid testing 1
robustness 1
robustness testing 1
sampling 1
semantic mutants 1
semi-proving 1
service adaptation 1
service composition 1
service orientation 1
service selection 1
service testing 1
service-centric testing 1
service-oriented testing 1
soa 1
social network analysis 1
software 1
software computers 1
software cybernetics 1
software debugging 1
software development 1
software development life cycle 1
software inspection 1
software process integration 1
software quality 1
software/program verification 1
specification languages 1
specification-based testing 1
sql 1
static analysis 1
static slicing 1
statistical approach 1
statistical fault localization 1
strips 1
structure charts 1
structured analysis 1
structured programming 1
subspace constraints 1
subsume 1
successful test case 1
symbolic execution 1
system design 1
systematic mapping study 1
systems and software engineering 1
systems development 1
tabular expression 1
test adequacy 1
test automation 1
test case constraint 1
test case construction 1
test case generation 1
test case prioritization 1
test case selection 1
test case selection strategy 1
test dimensions 1
test frame 1
test harness 1
test oracle 1
test oracle (測試預言) 1
test oracle problem 1
test oracles 1
testing 1
testing and debugging 1
testing-debugging integration 1
time complexity 1
top institutions 1
top scholars 1
tracking (position) 1
unconditionally subsume 1
unified modeling language 1
verification and validation 1
web services 1
wireless sensor network 1
workflow management software 1
workflow testing 1
workload prediction 1
ws-bpel 1
wsdl 1
wsn application 1
xml messages 1
xml-based artifact 1
xml-based factor 1
xpath 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
chan, fun ting 2
lau, francis chi moon 2
hui, chi kwong 1
kao, chi ming 1
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