AuthorsNo. of Publications
cheah, kse 232
cheung, kmc 189
luk, kdk 69
chan, wcw 55
tsang, ky 55
sham, pc 41
bateman, jf 39
leung, vyl 39
lu, ww 35
karppinen, j 34
chan, bp 33
song, y 32
cole, wg 31
tan, z 31
tam, v 29
cheung, mch 27
leong, jcy 24
song, yq 24
ng, vcw 23
samartzis, d 22
au, yk 20
chu, pk 19
niu, b 19
wu, mh 18
melhado, ig 17
sun, y 17
wang, c 17
yeung, kwk 17
kao, pyp 16
mundlos, s 15
yip, sp 15
zhang, y 15
lam, yw 14
li, y 14
sham, p 14
wang, y 14
chung, cy 13
cheng, hw 12
cheung, k 12
sham, mh 12
wynn, s 12
yee, afy 12
zhang, mq 12
ho, dwh 11
huang, j 11
ngan, ahw 11
tanner, ja 11
tsui, yk 11
yeung, cw 11
au, tyk 10
gan, h 10
guo, s 10
lam, tk 10
leung, yl 10
liu, xy 10
yang, l 10
cheah, k 9
feng, c 9
leung, kkh 9
li, yy 9
lu, l 9
masuda, k 9
sakai, d 9
shen, y 9
wu, ex 9
chen, p 8
cherny, ss 8
gao, y 8
poon, rwy 8
ron, d 8
shen, w 8
sze, kl 8
xue, w 8
chan, ccy 7
fosang, a 7
ikegawa, s 7
jim, jjt 7
lim, fl 7
mascara, t 7
ott, j 7
xiong, c 7
yuan, m 7
zhu, g 7
agata, k 6
alini, m 6
aszodi, a 6
chan, yl 6
eskola, pj 6
hu, j 6
hui, cc 6
lee, ks 6
liu, xm 6
lv, f 6
ma, sky 6
mannikko, m 6
stricker, s 6
tam, ppl 6
tang, hc 6
wang, x 6
wu, sl 6
yee, fya 6
yip, rkh 6
zhang, m 6
aladin, dmk 5
cheung, jpy 5
cheung, m 5
chiba, k 5
gao, b 5
grad, s 5
ho, dwh 5
kao, ryt 5
kawaguchi, y 5
kudelko, ma 5
lam, y 5
lamande, sr 5
lim, ct 5
sharma, r 5
tuan, rs 5
yan, ch 5
yang, f 5
yao, km 5
yao, q 5
briscoe, j 4
chan, scw 4
chan, wl 4
chan, wy 4
cheng, yw 4
cheung, km 4
cheung, skc 4
chiu, pky 4
chooi, wh 4
chu, ik 4
fan, yh 4
fassler, r 4
hannagan, m 4
ho, jpy 4
ho, msp 4
hui, ws 4
hung, sc 4
itoh, n 4
karppinen, ji 4
leung, v 4
leung, vy 4
li, hy 4
liu, x 4
matsumoto, m 4
qiu, y 4
solovieva, s 4
tam, wk 4
tsang, sw 4
tsui, mg 4
weng, ym 4
wong, my 4
yang, y 4
yeung, my 4
yip, khr 4
aladin kaderbatcha, dm 3
alakokko, l 3
an, y 3
boot-handford, r 3
boyde, a 3
cao, p 3
chan, gcf 3
chan, pm 3
chan, ys 3
chen, y 3
cheng, sh 3
cheung, wy 3
chow, st 3
dahl, hhm 3
diao, h 3
fan, y 3
fritzsch, b 3
gauci, s 3
guo, cxx 3
guo, wh 3
he, l 3
ho, g 3
huang, jd 3
husgafvel-pursiainen, k 3
irwin, mg 3
ito, k 3
jarvelin, mr 3
karasugi, t 3
kelempisioti, a 3
lam, ko 3
lamande, s 3
law, kf 3
lemmela, s 3
leung, wl 3
lie, ys 3
lind-thomsen, a 3
liu, wg 3
luk, k 3
luo, zj 3
ma, g 3
miao, xp 3
moeller, i 3
nagy, a 3
ng, fy 3
norito, s 3
rogers, i 3
rogers, jg 3
sandell, l 3
sillence, do 3
so, mt 3
sun, xb 3
takahashi, a 3
tam, pkh 3
tang, csm 3
tian, w 3
to, mkt 3
tommerup, n 3
tou, jf 3
tsunoda, t 3
wang, am 3
wang, h 3
wen, s 3
wong, kky 3
wong, syy 3
wynn, sl 3
yee, a 3
yip, ms 3
zhao, y 3
abbah, sa 2
agato, k 2
ala-kokko, l 2
aladin, dm 2
bei, jx 2
birkedalhansen, h 2
brancati, f 2
campbell, d 2
campbell, dd 2
chan, b 2
chan, cw 2
chan, cwl 2
chan, twy 2
chan, wc 2
cheah, ks 2
chen, peikai 2
chen, zheyi 2
cheung, jason pui yin 2
cheung, prudence wing hang 2
chiodo, aa 2
choi, my 2
chow, cw 2
chu, cl 2
chua, d 2
dai, j 2
dathe, k 2
dung, nwf 2
eckersley, a 2
evron, z 2
fan, b 2
fan, bj 2
fan, yanhui 2
feng, g 2
freddi, s 2
fridkin, m 2
fu, l 2
fässler, r 2
gao, b 2
garcia-barcelo, mm 2
glaser, t 2
golub, s 2
golub, sb 2
gu, j 2
guan, xy 2
hecht, j 2
hirose, y 2
holmbeck, k 2
hoyland, j 2
hoyland, ja 2
huang, lm 2
hui, nh 2
hung, s 2
ikegawa, shiro 2
ilan, n 2
jacenko, o 2
jia, wh 2
jiang, q 2
jie, q 2
jones, s 2
kanayama, m 2
kangas, aj 2
kao, p 2
kao, ypp 2
kimura, t 2
kjaer, pk 2
klein, t 2
klopocki, e 2
koch, m 2
kolanczyk, m 2
kollander, y 2
kong, m 2
kornak, u 2
kou, i 2
kubo, m 2
kubo, t 2
kudelko, m 2
lam, py 2
lau, e 2
lau, yl 2
leon, tyy 2
leung, v 2
leung, ylv 2
li, c 2
li, zy 2
liu, fq 2
liu, l 2
lohan, s 2
long, d 2
lovell-badge, rh 2
lui, vch 2
lv, m 2
makela, p 2
mcculloch, d 2
mcculloch, dr 2
mcquillan, dj 2
mikami, y 2
miyake, a 2
mizuta, h 2
mok, cc 2
nevo, z 2
ngan, esw 2
ozols, m 2
peng, y 2
poon, scs 2
qin, dajiang 2
qiu, guixing 2
rai, fm 2
ramirez, f 2
risbud, mv 2
robinson, d 2
ruangpanit, n 2
shah, an 2
sherratt, mj 2
shi, d 2
shigematsu, h 2
shum, cky 2
soininen, p 2
solis, n 2
su, p 2
séguin, ca 2
teng, wk 2
thompson, ew 2
tipoe, gl 2
togawa, d 2
tong, wy 2
trafford, a 2
trebiczgeffen, m 2
tu, wenwei 2
vimalagopalan, d 2
vlodavsky, i 2
wang, jj 2
wang, n 2
wang, xiaojun 2
wang, xiaolu 2
werner, h 2
witte, f 2
wong, amg 2
wu, c 2
wu, meicheng 2
wu, nan 2
wu, r 2
wu, zhihong 2
xiao, y 2
yang, w 2
yang, yz 2
yeung, k 2
yip, s.p 2
yu, y 2
yuan, qiuju 2
yuan, zw 2
yue, ming 2
zeng, yx 2
zhang, l 2
zhao, f 2
zhao, sen 2
zheng, z 2
zheng, zm 2
zhou, g 2
zhou, j 2
zhou, l 2
zhu, gx 2
abbah, as 1
ala-korpela, m 1
aladin, kdm 1
alattar, e 1
ala‐korpela, m 1
amling, m 1
ando, k 1
andrew, g 1
aszódi, a 1
au, syk 1
au, t 1
au, ty 1
bach, fc 1
baker, at 1
barr, d 1
bateman, j 1
becker, gj 1
bedore, j 1
betz, rc 1
boot-handford, rp 1
boothandford, rp 1
bosse, k 1
bow, c 1
brand, ca 1
brehm, a 1
brice, ak 1
busse, b 1
byers, ph 1
calvaruso, ma 1
campbell, mr 1
camus, a 1
castelein, rm 1
chambers, gw 1
chan, a 1
chan, asf 1
chan, b 1
chan, cww 1
chan, kw 1
chan, msy 1
chan, ryl 1
chan, s 1
chan, sf 1
chan, sy 1
chan, sy 1
chan, tw 1
chan, w 1
chan, wilson cheuk wing 1
chan, wk 1
cheah, kathryn se 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, c 1
chen, d 1
chen, f 1
chen, n 1
chen, y 1
chen, yl 1
chen, yq 1
cheng, ccw 1
cheng, g 1
cheng, j 1
chenna, ss 1
cheslett, d 1
chessler, sd 1
cheung, cl 1
cheung, jason py 1
cheung, martin 1
cheung, mpl 1
cheung, wl 1
cheung, wl 1
cheverud, j 1
chik, h 1
chik, hhy 1
chik, hyh 1
choi, mmy 1
choi, nt 1
chu, ik 1
chung, hy 1
cole, w 1
creemers, lb 1
cui, s 1
d'alessio, m 1
daavittila, i 1
dahia, cl 1
dallapiccola, b 1
darwesh, ak 1
de wet, w 1
deng, yb 1
doeselaar, mv 1
dong, hg 1
dong, qr 1
dong, xiaonan 1
eble, ja 1
economides, an 1
egerer, j 1
elliott, g 1
faessler, r 1
fan, j 1
feng, chen 1
ferrari, p 1
fischer, b 1
fong, mk 1
foolen, j 1
fosang, aj 1
fosang, amanda 1
franke, m 1
franklin, a 1
gantenbeinritter, b 1
gao, bo 1
gao, bo 1
gao, l 1
gao, m 1
gao, wj 1
garaci, fg 1
garciabarceló, mm 1
garfinkel, s 1
garrett, l 1
gauci, sj 1
gibson, g 1
gordon, d 1
guenzler, v 1
guicheux, j 1
guo, p 1
guo, shuang 1
guo, ss 1
guo, x 1
haan, e 1
haglung, l 1
hammatt, z 1
hao, dj 1
haralambousgasser, a 1
harley, v 1
harley, vr 1
hartmann, c 1
haruhiko, a 1
hausser, i 1
he, t 1
he, xj 1
he, y 1
he, z 1
herring, ja 1
hickey, aj 1
ho, d 1
ho, fc 1
ho, sl 1
hocking, am 1
hoyland, judith a 1
hsu, sj 1
hsu, yh 1
hu, t 1
hu, yong 1
hu, yong 1
huang, d 1
huang, ds 1
huang, j 1
huang, s 1
huang, ss 1
huang, x 1
huang, y 1
hui, kjws 1
hui, ty 1
hunziker, e 1
hunziker, eb 1
iatridis, j 1
ibrahim, dm 1
ichikawa, i 1
ip, ewk 1
ip, wk 1
ito, s 1
jain, m 1
janeczko, r 1
japanese scoliosis clinical research group 1
jauch, r 1
ji, q 1
jiang, h 1
jin, g 1
jin, xb 1
johnson, ta 1
jones, cl 1
k, m 1
kalichman, m 1
kaluarachchi, tkpk 1
kaluarachi, k 1
kang, y 1
kanna, rm 1
kao, r 1
kao, ry 1
karjalainen, u 1
karppiene, j 1
karppinene, j 1
karsenty, g 1
kato, s 1
kerr, gj 1
khanshour, anas m 1
khanshour, anas m. 1
khayal, la 1
khor, cc 1
kiang, my 1
kjaer, p 1
knaus, p 1
koll, r 1
kong, oy 1
kossler, n 1
krawitz, pm 1
kruyt, mc 1
kung, hf 1
kung, mhw 1
kwan, km 1
kwok, cb 1
kwon, syj 1
kwon, yj 1
kwon, yjs 1
lalani, e 1
lam y 1
lam, jk 1
lam, mpy 1
lam, skl 1
lam, tp 1
lamandé, sr 1
landi, a 1
lau, cs 1
lau, jyb 1
lau, r 1
lau, ryc 1
lau, wcs 1
lawson, ha 1
le maitre, c 1
lee, e 1
lee, i 1
lee, ij 1
leong, johncy 1
leung, adrian on wah 1
leung, awl 1
leung, f 1
leung, gkk 1
leung, hc 1
leung, ow 1
leung, victor yl 1
li, ch 1
li, cm 1
li, cw 1
li, l 1
li, lc 1
li, m 1
li, mx 1
li, mx 1
li, qz 1
li, x 1
li, xy 1
li, z 1
lian, cj 1
lian, q 1
lie, y 1
lightowlers, rn 1
lin, c 1
lin, hg 1
lin, mcm 1
little, cb 1
liu, aj 1
liu, g 1
liu, s 1
liu, sl 1
liu, wt 1
liu, xl 1
liu, y 1
lo, rlk 1
lokmic, z 1
londono, d 1
lovell-badge, r 1
lowe, m 1
lu, lh 1
lu, mm 1
lu, w 1
lu, w 1
lu, ww 1
lui, vch 1
luk, dk 1
luk, kd 1
luk, kdk 1
luk, keith dip kei 1
luk, keith dipp kei 1
luo, z 1
ma, cy 1
ma, jn 1
ma, s 1
mackay, ir 1
mackie, ej 1
mah, e 1
mak, acy 1
mak, sht 1
martasek, p 1
masuda, kdk 1
mayer, t 1
mccann, m 1
mcculloch, daniel 1
mcgill, j 1
mcmahon, a 1
melgoza, ip 1
melhado, i 1
meng, j 1
mennen, u 1
mikula, i 1
mills, aa 1
mishima, t 1
mizumoto, s 1
mochida, j 1
mohanty, s 1
muenke, m 1
muhammad, fr 1
mäkitie, o 1
nagy, andras 1
nakai, t 1
nakamura, y 1
nardone, am 1
natesan, s 1
ng, h 1
ng, hh 1
ng, vc 1
ngan, es 1
nierhaus, kh 1
nieto, a 1
niewiadomska, ak 1
niinimaki, j 1
nijtmans, l 1
nonopone, nh 1
noponenhietala, n 1
novais, ej 1
o reilly, pf 1
o'reilly, pf 1
ogura, y 1
ohba, s 1
ohnishi, t 1
okano, h 1
okuloff, a 1
ott, c 1
overall, c 1
overall, cm 1
paganini, c 1
palittapongarnpim, p 1
pang, syy 1
pearson, b 1
pearson, bj 1
pech, m 1
pei, slc 1
pestka, jm 1
polarek, j 1
poon, andrew chung hin 1
poramba-liyanage, dw 1
powell, hr 1
price, jt 1
qiu, gx 1
qiu, x 1
qiu, xj 1
rai, mf 1
rajasekaran, s 1
ramshaw, ram 1
raveendran, m 1
reddy, rr 1
ren, y 1
richards, rg 1
richardson, s 1
richardson, stephen m 1
richter, r 1
rickardson, s 1
riemers, fm 1
rios, jonathan j 1
rios, jonathan j. 1
ritz, a 1
robinson, pn 1
rogers, j 1
rogers, jf 1
rossi, a 1
rowley, mj 1
rubab, a 1
sahraravand, a 1
savarirayan, r 1
sawicka, t 1
schaffer, aa 1
schiller, hb 1
schinke, t 1
schreiber, g 1
schuelke, m 1
seemann, p 1
sequeiros, rb 1
shah, am 1
sham, pc 1
sharma, rakesh 1
sharma, s 1
shastri, s 1
shen, jx 1
shen, mm 1
shen, s 1
shetty, ap 1
shum, dk 1
shum, dky 1
sillence, d 1
sims, na 1
smeitink, j 1
smith, dk 1
so, cl 1
so, kh 1
song, y 1
song, you qiang 1
song, you-qiang 1
song, yq 1
spielmann, m 1
spoerle, r 1
sskai, d 1
stanton, h 1
steiner, m 1
stetefeld, j 1
stoddart, mj 1
su, dy 1
su, pq 1
sugahara, k 1
sun, p 1
susic, m 1
szeto, iyy 1
szeto, yy 1
tai, cp 1
takahashi, y 1
takatalo, j 1
tam, em 1
tam, plp 1
tan, t 1
tan, zhijia 1
tan, zks 1
tang, b 1
tang, b 1
tang, n 1
tang, sy 1
tang, t 1
tang, w 1
tatarczuch, l 1
taylor, p 1
taylor, tkf 1
teo, kc 1
tervonen, o 1
tessier, s 1
the international consortium for scoliosis genetics 1
thurisch, b 1
timmermann, b 1
to, michael kai tsun 1
to, michael kt 1
tong, kk 1
tong, w 1
toyama, y 1
toyoma, y 1
tromp, in 1
tryfonidou, ma 1
tsang, ahw 1
tsang, hsw 1
tse, hf 1
tsrhc is clinical group 1
tsui, m 1
tuan, r 1
tzeng, o 1
underhill, cb 1
urban, j 1
van den brand, m 1
velt, g 1
vingron, m 1
virtanen, im 1
vo, n 1
walker, id 1
walker, rg 1
walsh, nc 1
wang, cheng 1
wang, j 1
wang, m 1
wang, mc 1
wang, na 1
wang, xiwei 1
wang, xiwei 1
wang, xue 1
ward, lj 1
weil, d 1
wen, c 1
wilcken, del 1
willie, b 1
wilsoni, r 1
wise, ca 1
wise, carol a 1
wise, carol a. 1
witkos, t 1
wittler, l 1
wong, bc 1
wong, cka 1
wong, ct 1
wong, kk 1
wong, kw 1
wong, qny 1
wong, s 1
wong, yl 1
wong, yy 1
wu, r wh 1
wu, scm 1
wu, xz 1
wu, zz 1
xing, c 1
xu, cx 1
xue, mw 1
yam, th 1
yamada, y 1
yamamoto, h 1
yamamura, k 1
yang, a 1
yang, c 1
yang, e 1
yang, jl 1
yang, sl 1
yang, xm 1
yao, aq 1
yeo, jc 1
yeung, cwf 1
yeung, kwk 1
yi ma weng 1
yu, j 1
yu, p 1
yu, s 1
yu, ssb 1
yu, x 1
yuan, x 1
zemojtel, t 1
zhang, c 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, jianguo 1
zhang, ly 1
zhang, p 1
zhang, terry jianguo 1
zhang, w 1
zhang, z 1
zhao, x 1
zhao, z 1
zheng, c 1
zheng, zhengfan 1
zhong, m 1
zhou, cm 1
zhou, cz 1
zhou, g 1
zhou, gq 1
zhou, h 1
zhou, tf 1
zhou, x 1
zhou, xz 1
zhou, z 1
zhu, m 1
zhu, x 1
zong, m 1
zou, x 1
zwolanek, d 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
female 25
male 25
humans 19
animals 18
genetic association 14
genetics 14
human 14
single nucleotide polymorphism 14
bile duct atresia 13
chromosome 10q 13
controlled study 13
disc degeneration 13
gene function 13
gene identification 13
gene locus 13
genetic susceptibility 13
genotype 13
major clinical study 13
mice 13
nucleus pulposus 13
priority journal 13
risk factor 13
cartilage 12
degeneration 12
gwa 12
ret 12
risk factors 12
adolescent 11
adult 11
intervertebral disc degeneration 11
intervertebral disk 11
china - epidemiology 10
development 10
disease models, animal 10
genetic predisposition to disease 10
lumbar disc degeneration 10
lumbar vertebrae 10
biomechanics 9
collagen 9
collagen fibril 9
degenerative disc disease 9
fibrosis 9
genome-wide association 9
intervertebral disc 9
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 9
rabbits 9
severity of illness index 9
age factors 8
alleles 8
allelic imbalance 8
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 8
biocompatible materials 8
cell differentiation 8
cells, cultured 8
chromosomes, human, pair 6 - genetics 8
cross-sectional studies 8
disc 8
disease progression 8
extracellular matrix 8
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 8
immunohistochemistry 8
intervertebral 8
lumbar 8
magnetic resonance imaging 8
mesenchymal stem cell transplantation 8
mice, mutant strains 8
mice, transgenic 8
middle aged 8
mri 8
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics 8
osteoblasts 8
tissue engineering 8
tissue engineering - methods 8
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 7
als 7
articular cartilage 7
bone/joint abnormalities 7
cartilage diseases - genetics 7
case-control studies 7
causality 7
cell proliferation 7
child 7
col9a2 7
databases, genetic 7
directed differentiation 7
extracellular matrix proteins - chemistry - genetics 7
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics - physiology 7
gene library 7
genetic correlation 7
genome scan 7
genomics 7
genotype-phenotype correlations 7
human induced pluripotent stem cells 7
intervertebral disc - pathology 7
intervertebral disc disease 7
intervertebral disk displacement - complications - epidemiology - genetics 7
lumbar vertebrae - pathology 7
mapping complex traits 7
matrix metalloproteinase 1 - genetics 7
mutation 7
next generation sequencing 7
notochord-like cells (ncls) 7
nucleus pulposus (np)-like cells 7
osteoarthritis 7
osteoblast 7
pleiotropy 7
polygenic score 7
polymorphism, single nucleotide 7
promoter regions, genetic 7
pyrophosphatases - genetics - physiology 7
spinal diseases - genetics 7
survival 7
trp2 7
vertebral disk displumbar vertebrae 7
young adult 7
aging 6
annulus fibrosus 6
atomic force microscope 6
back pain - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
bioactivity 6
biology 6
body weight 6
cell differentiation - physiology 6
cell survival 6
cell viability 6
chondrocytes - cytology - metabolism 6
clustering 6
col9a3 6
collagen type ix - genetics 6
corrosion resistance 6
developmental 6
exostoses, multiple hereditary - genetics 6
fibrillar collagens - chemistry - ultrastructure 6
genetic variation - genetics 6
gwas 6
human intervertebral disc 6
incidence 6
intervertebral disc displacement - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
intervertebral disc displacement - epidemiology - genetics 6
intervertebral disc herniation 6
intervertebral disk - chemistry 6
low back pain 6
lumbar vertebrae - pathology - radiography 6
matrix metalloproteinase 12 6
mechanical properties 6
mesenchymal stem cells/multipotent stromal cells 6
mice, inbred c57bl 6
nanofibers - chemistry - ultrastructure 6
nanostructure 6
nickel titanium 6
niti 6
patterns of degeneration 6
pilot projects 6
plasma immersion ion implantation 6
polymorphism, restriction fragment length 6
population based study 6
prevalence 6
receptors, calcitriol - genetics 6
regeneration 6
sciatica - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
spinal 6
spinal diseases - etiology - genetics - pathology 6
stenosis 6
taq i 6
taq polymerase - genetics 6
trp3 6
vitamin d receptor 6
adult progenitor cells 5
aging - physiology 5
analysis of variance 5
atomic force microscopy 5
biglycan 5
bioactive bone cement 5
biocompatible materials - chemistry 5
bone cements - chemical synthesis - therapeutic use 5
bone development - genetics 5
c6 glioma 5
candidate gene approach 5
cartilage - growth and development 5
cell adhesion - drug effects 5
cell proliferation - drug effects 5
chondrocytes 5
chondrocytes - cytology 5
chondrogenesis - genetics 5
collagen type ii - genetics 5
collagen type x - genetics 5
corrosion 5
cp: developmental biology 5
crispr/cas9 5
decorin 5
deuterium oxide 5
deuterium oxide - diagnostic use - metabolism 5
diffusion weighting 5
durapatite - therapeutic use 5
exostosis 5
ext2 5
fractures, spontaneous - etiology - therapy 5
gene expression 5
gene frequency 5
genes 5
genetics, population 5
genome-wide association study 5
glucuronidase - genetics 5
glycosyltransferases 5
green fluorescent proteins - metabolism 5
homeodomain proteins - genetics 5
hypoxia-inducible factor 5
intervertebral disc displacement - physiopathology - radiography 5
kyphoplasty 5
lactate 5
linkage analysis 5
lipid 5
lumbosacral region - pathology - radiography 5
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 5
mapk7 5
materials testing 5
mesenchymal stem cell 5
mesenchymal stem cells 5
molecular size 5
mouse intervertebral disc 5
mouse model 5
multiple osteochondromas 5
mutations 5
n-acetylglucosaminyltransferases - genetics 5
nanoindentation 5
nickel - chemistry 5
nickel titanium shape memory alloys 5
nickel-titanium alloy 5
odds ratio 5
osseointegration 5
osseointegration - drug effects 5
osteoblasts - drug effects - metabolism - ultrastructure 5
osteogenesis 5
osteoporosis - complications 5
osteoporotic spine fracture 5
progenitors 5
proteoglycan 5
rabbit 5
replication study 5
rna, messenger - metabolism 5
rs11190870 5
scoliosis - genetics 5
sex factors 5
smad4 5
snp 5
southern chinese 5
spectral overlapping 5
spinal fractures - therapy 5
spine 5
stainless steel 5
stiffness 5
strontium 5
strontium - therapeutic use 5
surface treatment 5
tagln 5
tgf-β/bmp signaling 5
titanium 5
titanium - chemistry 5
transcription factors - genetics 5
vertebroplasty 5
wga 5
whole genome association 5
whole-exome sequencing 5
zebrafish 5
acellular matrix 4
adipocytes - cytology - transplantation 4
adipose-tissue stromal cells 4
alginates - chemistry 4
alkaline phosphatase - metabolism 4
alloys - chemistry - metabolism 4
amino acid sequence 4
amino acid substitution - genetics - physiology 4
animal model 4
association study 4
base sequence 4
behavior, animal 4
bet3 4
biocompatibility 4
bioimprinting 4
biomimetic material 4
body height 4
body mass 4
body mass index 4
bone marrow cells - cytology 4
bone substitutes - administration & dosage - chemistry 4
bone tissue engineering 4
bone transplantation - methods 4
bony callus - pathology - physiology - radiography 4
c-myc 4
ca-alginate 4
calcium - chemistry 4
calcium signaling 4
carbon - analysis - chemistry 4
cartilage - metabolism - pathology 4
cartilage, articular - cytology - physiology 4
cell count 4
cell culture techniques - methods 4
cell survival - physiology 4
cell transplantation 4
cell transplantation - methods 4
chickens 4
chondrocyte 4
chondrocytes - metabolism 4
chondrogenesis - physiology 4
chondrogenic differentiation 4
clinical assessment 4
coated materials, biocompatible - chemistry 4
coated materials, biocompatible - chemistry - metabolism 4
coculture techniques 4
codon, nonsense 4
cold temperature 4
collagen - metabolism 4
collagen microsphere 4
collagen type ii - metabolism 4
collagen type ix - analysis - genetics 4
collagen type x - biosynthesis - genetics 4
comorbidity 4
compressive strength 4
cryopreservation 4
cryopreservation - methods - standards 4
culture media, serum-free - chemistry 4
decellularization 4
dimethylsulphoxide 4
disc histological score 4
disease severity 4
dna - genetics 4
dna-binding proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
durapatite - pharmacology 4
electrochemistry - methods 4
endoplasmic reticulum - metabolism 4
external fixation 4
external fixators 4
extracellular matrix proteins - analysis - genetics 4
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics 4
familial aggregation 4
femoral fractures - physiopathology - radiography - surgery 4
femur 4
fibrocartilage - metabolism - pathology 4
forecasting 4
fracture 4
frameshift mutation 4
genetic linkage - genetics 4
genetic predisposition to disease - epidemiology 4
genetic predisposition to disease - genetics 4
genetic testing 4
glucuronic acid - chemistry 4
glycolysis 4
glycosaminoglycans - metabolism 4
growth plate - pathology 4
hardness 4
hedgehog proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
hexuronic acids - chemistry 4
histology 4
hong kong - epidemiology 4
hydroxyapatite 4
immunoenzyme techniques 4
in situ hybridization 4
injections - methods 4
intervertebral disc - chemistry - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disc - injuries - metabolism - pathology 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - diagnosis - surgery 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - epidemiology - pathology 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - genetics - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk - cytology - transplantation 4
intervertebral disk - metabolism - pathology - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk degeneration - therapy 4
intervertebral disk displacement - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
ion implantation 4
ions - chemistry 4
klf4 4
knee joint 4
lentiviruses 4
limb bud 4
limb deformities, congenital - genetics - metabolism 4
low back pain - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
low back pain - genetics - physiopathology 4
lumbar disk degeneration 4
mechanical characterization 4
medical sciences 4
membrane transport proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism - physiology 4
mesenchymal stem cell transplantation - methods 4
mesenchymal stem cells - cytology - metabolism 4
mesenchymal stem cells - drug effects - physiology 4
metabolic activity 4
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia type schmid 4
mice, inbred nod 4
mice, scid 4
microcapsules 4
microscopy, electron, scanning 4
microspheres 4
misfolding 4
mitochondrial membrane polarity 4
msc (mesenchymal stem cell) 4
mutation - genetics 4
mutation - physiology 4
needs assessment 4
nickel 4
nickel - analysis - chemistry 4
nickel - chemistry - metabolism 4
nickel-titanium (niti) shape memory alloys 4
niti shape memory alloys 4
nitinol 4
notochord - metabolism - pathology 4
nucleus pulposus cells 4
obesity - epidemiology - pathology 4
orthopedic implants 4
orthopedics and traumatology 4
osteo-chondroprogenitors 4
osteoblasts - cytology 4
osteoblasts - cytology - physiology 4
osteochondrodysplasias - genetics 4
osteochondrodysplasias - genetics - metabolism - pathology 4
overweight - epidemiology - pathology 4
phenotype 4
plastics 4
polyglycolic acid 4
polyglycolic acid - pharmacology 4
polylysine - chemistry 4
polymorphism 4
polymorphism, genetic 4
population surveillance 4
pressure 4
prognosis 4
propylene glycol 4
protein binding 4
receptors, cell surface - genetics - metabolism 4
recovery of function 4
reprogramming 4
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 4
rna, messenger - genetics 4
runx2 4
scoliosis - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
sedlin 4
sequence deletion 4
signal transduction 4
sox9 4
spinal diseases - complications - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
spinal diseases - metabolism - pathology 4
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (sedt) 4
stem cell niche 4
stromal cells - cytology - transplantation 4
subcellular localization 4
tail 4
tendon 4
time factors 4
tissue engineering - methods - trends 4
tissue microenvironment 4
tissue scaffolds 4
tissue therapy - methods 4
titanium - analysis - chemistry 4
titanium - chemistry - metabolism 4
transcription factors - chemistry - genetics - metabolism - physiology 4
transplantation 4
transport protein particle (trapp) 4
twin studies 4
administration, oral 3
ageing 3
alginate 3
analgesic efficacy 3
arthritis, rheumatoid - genetics 3
asia 3
association studies 3
bda1 3
bioengineering 3
bone diseases - genetics 3
bone marrow cells - cytology - metabolism 3
bone marrow transplantation 3
bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells 3
bone morphogenetic proteins - metabolism 3
bovine 3
brachydactyly - genetics - metabolism 3
brachydactyly type a1 3
bromodeoxyuridine 3
cell density 3
cell differentiation - drug effects - physiology 3
cell line 3
cell lineage - drug effects 3
cell movement - physiology 3
central spindle 3
cervical vertebrae 3
chemicals and cas registry numbers 3
chondrocytes - cytology - drug effects 3
chondroitin sulfate 3
chromatography, high pressure liquid 3
collagen - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
collagen - metabolism - pharmacology 3
collagen - pharmacology 3
computational biology 3
corticotropin-releasing hormone - genetics 3
crystal structure 3
cyclooxygenase inhibitors - administration & dosage - blood - therapeutic use 3
cytokines - metabolism 3
cytokinesis 3
cytology and histology 3
degradation 3
degradome 3
differentiation status 3
diffusion 3
diffusion weighted mrs 3
dna primers 3
dna, recombinant - genetics 3
embryonic stem cells - cytology - drug effects 3
emsa 3
enkephalins - metabolism 3
escherichia coli - enzymology - genetics - growth & development 3
experimental mouse model 3
extracellular matrix - drug effects - metabolism 3
extracellular matrix - genetics - metabolism 3
extracellular matrix - metabolism 3
extracellular matrix - pathology 3
false positive reactions 3
family health 3
formaldehyde 3
genetic engineering - methods 3
genetic linkage 3
growth 3
hedgehog proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
heparin 3
hot temperature 3
indian hedgehog 3
interleukin-6 - genetics 3
intervertebral disc - anatomy & histology - embryology - physiology 3
intervertebral disc - cytology - physiology - surgery 3
intervertebral disc - growth and development - pathology 3
intervertebral disc - injuries - physiology - radiography 3
intervertebral disc degeneration - epidemiology - genetics - pathology 3
intervertebral disc degeneration - physiopathology 3
intervertebral disc displacement - therapy 3
intervertebral disc regeneration 3
ion transport 3
isoxazoles - administration & dosage - blood - therapeutic use 3
ketorolac - administration & dosage - blood - therapeutic use 3
kinesin-1 3
kruppel-like transcription factors - metabolism 3
label free quantitation 3
limb deformities, congenital - genetics 3
linkage 3
lod score 3
low back pain - etiology - physiopathology 3
mass spectrometry 3
matrisome 3
matrix 3
matrix metalloproteinases - metabolism 3
mesenchymal stem cell transplantation - methods - trends 3
mesoderm - cytology - physiology 3
microarray 3
microarray analysis 3
microsatellite repeats 3
models, animal 3
models, biological 3
morphogenesis 3
multi-national 3
mutation, missense 3
nociceptors - drug effects 3
organogenesis 3
organogenesis - physiology 3
pacific 3
pain - drug therapy 3
pain measurement 3
peptide hormones - metabolism 3
phenazines 3
protein precursors - metabolism 3
protein sorting signals - genetics 3
protein structure, secondary 3
proteome 3
proteomics 3
pyrophosphatases - genetics 3
quantitative method 3
rats 3
reaction time - drug effects 3
receptors, cell surface - metabolism 3
recombinant proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
recombination, genetic 3
regeneration - physiology 3
remodeling 3
research integrity 3
research misconduct 3
responsible conduct of research 3
silac 3
sm/j 3
spinal diseases - pathology 3
staining and labeling 3
stem cell 3
stem cells - cytology - physiology 3
stromal cells - cytology - metabolism 3
sulfonamides - administration & dosage - blood - therapeutic use 3
tartrazine 3
thoracic vertebrae 3
thymidylate synthase - genetics 3
valdecoxib 3
adaptation, physiological 2
anterior mesendoderm 2
antibody specificity 2
bone 2
bone repair 2
candidate genes 2
cartilage endplate 2
cell 2
cell fate 2
chondrocyte differentiation 2
chondrocyte lineage 2
chondrocytes - metabolism - pathology 2
col22a1 2
collagen type ii - genetics - metabolism 2
collagen type x - genetics - metabolism - secretion 2
convergent extension 2
cystine - genetics - metabolism 2
disorders 2
dna mutational analysis 2
endochondral ossification 2
endoderm - metabolism 2
endoplasmic reticulum - physiology 2
er stress 2
exostoses - genetics - pathology 2
exostoses, multiple hereditary - genetics - metabolism 2
ext1 2
gdf5 2
gene regulation 2
genetic animal models 2
genetic markers 2
genome folding 2
glucuronidase - analysis - genetics 2
glycosaminoglycans - analysis - genetics 2
hemi-vertebrae 2
heparan sulphate 2
heparanase 2
hereditary multiple exostoses 2
hypertrophic chondrocytes 2
immunoblotting - methods 2
intervertebral discs 2
joint development 2
lgr5 2
limb patterning 2
lineage 2
mesenchymal condensation 2
mesoderm - metabolism 2
molecular sequence data 2
mouse forebrain 2
n-acetylglucosaminyltransferases - analysis - genetics - immunology 2
notochord 2
osteoblast differentiation 2
osteoblast ontogeny 2
phenotype variations 2
planar cell polarity 2
pre-clinical models 2
procollagen - genetics - metabolism 2
procollagen iia 2
progenitor cells 2
prosencephalon - anatomy and histology - embryology 2
protein folding 2
protein structure, tertiary 2
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction - methods 2
rna, messenger - analysis 2
skeletal disorders 2
skeletal dysplasia 2
solitary exostosis 2
sonic hedgehog 2
stress, physiological 2
structure-function relationships 2
synovial joint 2
tissue signaling 2
transcription factor 2
transcription factors 2
tumor cells, cultured 2
unfolded protein response 2
β1 integrin 2
abortion, induced 1
adenosine triphosphatases - metabolism 1
adenosine triphosphate - biosynthesis 1
alanine - genetics 1
alpha-globulins - analysis - biosynthesis 1
amino acid substitution 1
amino acids - analysis 1
amino terminal sequence 1
angiogenesis 1
animal cell 1
animal experiment 1
animals, newborn 1
antibodies - analysis - immunology 1
apoptosis 1
arginine 1
arginine - genetics 1
arm - abnormalities - pathology 1
arthritis, rheumatoid - blood - diagnosis - immunology 1
arthritogenic epitopes 1
ascorbic acid 1
ascorbic acid - pharmacology 1
biological markers - blood 1
blotting, western 1
body patterning 1
bone and bones - analysis 1
bone and bones - embryology - pathology 1
bone and bones - metabolism 1
bone and bones - radiography 1
bone diseases 1
bone morphogenetic protein signaling 1
bone morphogenetic proteins 1
bone regeneration microenvironment 1
brachydactyly 1
brefeldin a 1
carbohydrates - analysis 1
carbon radioisotopes - diagnostic use 1
carrier proteins - metabolism 1
cartilage - cytology - metabolism 1
cartilage - embryology - pathology 1
cartilage - metabolism 1
cell culture 1
cell division 1
cell division - drug effects 1
cell-free translation 1
cellular plasticity 1
chemical phenomena 1
chemistry 1
child, preschool 1
chondrocyte hypertrophy 1
chondrodysplasia 1
chorionic villi - chemistry 1
chromatography, high pressure liquid - methods 1
chromatography, ion exchange 1
cloning, molecular 1
codon 1
collagen - analysis - biosynthesis - secretion 1
collagen - analysis - classification 1
collagen - analysis - metabolism 1
collagen - biosynthesis - chemistry - genetics 1
collagen - biosynthesis - genetics 1
collagen - biosynthesis - genetics - metabolism 1
collagen - chemistry - genetics 1
collagen - deficiency - genetics - metabolism 1
collagen - genetics 1
collagen - genetics - isolation & purification 1
collagen - genetics - metabolism 1
collagen - immunology 1
collagen - isolation & purification 1
collagen - physiology 1
collagen antibodies 1
collagen diseases - embryology - genetics - pathology 1
collagen diseases - metabolism - pathology 1
collagen ii 1
collagen metabolism 1
collagen peptides 1
collagen type i - genetics 1
collagen type x - genetics - immunology - physiology 1
collagen x 1
connective tissue disorders 1
craniosynostoses - genetics 1
cross-linking reagents 1
crosslinks 1
cyanogen bromide 1
cyanogen bromide - pharmacology 1
cyanogen bromide peptides 1
cyclopentanes - pharmacology 1
cysteine 1
cysteine - genetics 1
densitometry 1
disrupted growth plates 1
disulfides - metabolism 1
dna 1
dna - chemistry - genetics 1
dna - metabolism 1
dna copy number variations 1
dna helicases 1
dna primers - genetics 1
dna probes 1
dna, complementary 1
dna, complementary - chemistry - genetics 1
dna, complementary - genetics 1
dna, recombinant 1
drug stability 1
ecm remodeling 1
ehlers-danlos syndrome - classification - genetics 1
ehlers-danlos syndrome - genetics - metabolism 1
ehlers-danlos syndrome - genetics - pathology 1
ehlers-danlos syndrome - metabolism 1
electrophoresis 1
electrophoresis, gel, two-dimensional 1
electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel 1
electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel - instrumentation - methods 1
embryo, mammalian - abnormalities 1
embryonic development 1
enzyme activation 1
epitopes - immunology 1
exons 1
extremities - growth & development 1
fetal death 1
fetus 1
fibril 1
fibrillar collagens - metabolism 1
fibroblasts 1
fibroblasts - analysis 1
fibroblasts - chemistry 1
fibroblasts - cytology 1
fibroblasts - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 1
fibroblasts - drug effects - metabolism 1
fibroblasts - metabolism 1
fluorescent antibody technique 1
gene amplification 1
gene duplication 1
genes, dominant 1
genes, lethal 1
genetic loci 1
glycine 1
glycine - genetics 1
glycine - genetics - metabolism 1
glycine substitutions 1
glycoproteins - biosynthesis - blood 1
growth plate - embryology - metabolism - pathology 1
gtp phosphohydrolases - genetics - metabolism 1
heat-shock proteins 1
hedgehog proteins - genetics 1
hedgehog proteins - genetics - physiology 1
hematopoiesis 1
heterozygote 1
hplc peptides 1
hplc proteins 1
human tissues 1
hydroxylation 1
hydroxylysine - metabolism 1
hypertrophic cartilage 1
hypochondrogenesis 1
immunoblotting 1
immunoelectrophoresis, two-dimensional 1
in vitro expression 1
indicators and reagents 1
infant 1
infant, newborn 1
inflammation - blood - chemically induced 1
intervertebral disc - embryology - metabolism 1
introns 1
isoelectric focusing - instrumentation - methods 1
isoelectric point 1
isotope labeling 1
kidney - metabolism - pathology 1
kinetics 1
limb development 1
limb regeneration 1
liver neoplasms, experimental - blood 1
lupus erythematosus, systemic - blood - diagnosis - immunology 1
lymphocytes - metabolism 1
lysine - metabolism 1
macromolecular substances 1
mammals 1
marfan syndrome - metabolism - pathology 1
matrix metalloproteinase 14 1
matrix metalloproteinase 2 - metabolism 1
matrix metalloproteinases, membrane-associated 1
matrix remodelingscoliosis 1
metalloendopeptidases - metabolism 1
metalloendopeptidases - metabolism - physiology 1
methylation 1
mice, knockout 1
mitochondria - metabolism 1
mitochondrial proteins - biosynthesis 1
mitral valve - metabolism 1
mitral valve prolapse - metabolism 1
mmp-2 activation 1
models, molecular 1
molecular chaperones - metabolism 1
molecular structure 1
morphogenesis - physiology 1
mouse 1
msc heterogeneity 1
mt1-mmp 1
mutagenesis, site-directed 1
nephritis, interstitial - etiology - metabolism - pathology 1
notochord - cytology - embryology - metabolism 1
nucleic acid heteroduplexes 1
nucleic acid heteroduplexes - chemistry - genetics 1
nucleic acid hybridization 1
oligodeoxyribonucleotides 1
organ size 1
osteochondrodysplasias - congenital - genetics 1
osteochondrodysplasias - embryology 1
osteochondrodysplasias - genetics - metabolism 1
osteochondrodysplasias - genetics - radiography 1
osteogenesis imperfecta 1
osteogenesis imperfecta - classification - genetics 1
osteogenesis imperfecta - congenital - metabolism 1
osteogenesis imperfecta - diagnosis - genetics 1
osteogenesis imperfecta - genetics 1
osteogenesis imperfecta - genetics - metabolism 1
osteogenesis imperfecta - genetics - pathology 1
osteogenesis imperfecta - genetics - pathology - radiography 1
oxidative phosphorylation 1
pc-procollagen 1
pcdh10 1
pepsin a 1
pepsin a - metabolism 1
peptide fragments 1
peptide fragments - analysis 1
peptide fragments - chemistry - isolation & purification 1
peptide fragments - isolation & purification 1
peptide location fingerprinting 1
peptide mapping 1
peptide mapping - methods 1
planarian 1
plasmids 1
plasticity 1
pluripotency 1
point mutation 1
point mutations 1
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 1
polymerase chain reaction 1
polymerase chain reaction - methods 1
polymorphism, single-stranded conformational 1
precipitin tests 1
pregnancy 1
prenatal diagnosis 1
procollagen - analysis 1
procollagen - biosynthesis - genetics - metabolism 1
procollagen - chemistry - genetics 1
procollagen - genetics 1
procollagen - metabolism 1
procollagen-proline dioxygenase - antagonists & inhibitors 1
progressive deformity 1
proline - diagnostic use - metabolism 1
proline - metabolism 1
proline hydroxylation 1
protein assembly 1
protein biosynthesis 1
protein biosynthesis - genetics 1
protein conformation 1
protein denaturation 1
protein processing, post-translational 1
proteoglycans - metabolism 1
radioimmunoassay 1
rats, sprague-dawley 1
receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptors - genetics - physiology 1
recombinant proteins - biosynthesis 1
recombinant proteins - biosynthesis - chemistry 1
reference values 1
restriction mapping 1
ribosomes - metabolism 1
rna - isolation & purification 1
rna processing, post-transcriptional 1
rna splicing 1
rna splicing - genetics 1
rna, messenger - chemistry 1
rna, messenger - chemistry - genetics 1
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 1
rna, small interfering 1
serine - genetics 1
single-cell rna sequencing 1
skeleton 1
skin 1
skin - analysis 1
skin - chemistry 1
skin - cytology 1
skin - cytology - metabolism 1
skin - metabolism 1
solubility 1
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia 1
staurosporine - metabolism 1
temperature 1
thorax - abnormalities 1
toe phalanges - growth & development - physiology 1
transcription, genetic 1
transdifferentiation 1
transfection 1
transfection - methods 1
transgenic 1
tritium - diagnostic use 1
trypsin 1
trypsin - metabolism 1
turpentine 1
type i collagen 1
type ii collagen 1
ureteral obstruction - complications - metabolism - pathology 1
vaccinia 1
valine - genetics 1
valine - genetics - metabolism 1
vertebral column 1
wnt proteins 1
wnt signaling 1
View More
Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
drug discovery, mass spectrometry, medicine, metabolite, protoemics 17
degenerative, disorders, functional, genomic, skeletal, variation 14
genomics and skeletal research 10
chronic periodontitis, genome-wide, single nucleotide 8
gastric cancer 8
gene 8
adipokines, disc degeneration, lumbar, spine 7
collagen, intervertebral disc replacement 7
bone 6
collagen, intervertebral disc, mesenchymal stem cell, microencapsulation 6
adipose, bone, glucose, insulin, sensitivity, tolerance 5
allele, col9a2, intervertebral disc, q326w 5
extracellular matrix, inflammation, silver nanoparticles, tendon healing 5
mscs 5
optimization 5
acl resconstruction, bioactive metals, plasma implantation, surface treatment, titanium alloy 4
biglycan, fibrosis, intervertebral disc, joint degeneration 4
biodegradable metals, bone fracture, magnesium, plasma implantation, surface treatment 4
bone mineral density (bmd), genetic mapping, mouse geentics, qtls 4
bone substitute, degradable biomaterials, fracture fixation, osteoporosis 4
cadherin, degeneration, intervertebral disc, spine 4
cartilage tissue engineering, collagen, mesenchymal stem cell, osteochondral construct, osteochondral interface 4
chemical genetics, degeneration, intervertebral disc, proteoglycan, regeneration 4
chemical genetics, intervertebral disc, low back pain 4
chondrocyte, growth plate, regulatory networks 4
degeneration, inflammation, intervertebral disc, proteoglycan, small molecules 4
degeneration, intervertebral disc, notochordal cells, regeneration, stem cells 4
degenerative disc disease, linkage, southern chinese 4
degenerative, disc disease 4
disc degeneration, low back pain, metabonomics, spine 4
disc progenitors, intervertebral disc, mesenchymal stem cells, tissue engineering 4
disc regeneration, low back pain 4
interzone, lgr5+, ligament, progenitor, repair, tendon 4
orthopaedic implant, osseointegration, peek, plasma implantation, surface treatment 4
a novel small molecule, capable of modifying, intervertebral disc degeneration, target identification 3
adipogenesis, irx transcription factors, osteogenesis, skeletal development, wnt signaling 3
annulus fibrosus cells, bone morphogenetic proteins, intervertebral disc, nucleus pulposus cells, signaling pathway 3
aptamers, bone, disorders, mass, oligonucleotide, treatment 3
asporin, disc degeneration, genetic risk factor, intervertebral disc, matrisome 3
bone formation, bone healing, ectopic ossification, hyperplastic callus formation, osteogenesis imperfecta 3
bone mass, conditions, insights, molecular, skeletal, therapy 3
bone, bone progenitor, bone remodeling, osteogenesis imperfecta, progenitor, skeletal stem cell 3
bone, osteoporosis, sclerostin 3
brachydactyly, development, indian hedgehog, joint, skeleton 3
cartilage, cell therapy, joint development, osteoarthritis, stem cells 3
cartilage, chondrocyte, er stress, glucose metabolism, hypoxic stress 3
cartilage, joint formation, osteoarthritis, skeletal development, stem cells 3
cells, degeneration, development, homeostasis, intervertebral, tagln 3
disc degeneration, human genetics, mouse genetics, protective factors, spine 3
disc degeneration, mr diffusion, mr spectroscopy, mri, mrs 3
early development, gli, gpr161, hedgehog signaling, secreted pdzd2 3
generalized hyperostosis, genomic analysis, osteoblast activity 3
growth 3
pathology, physiology, skeletal development, snail factor 3
null 3
analyses, chondrocyte hypertrophy, genetic manipulation 2
apoptosis, cartilage biology, hedgehog signaling, synovial joint 2
aptamer, nucleic acid, osteoporosis, therapeutics, transcription factor 2
articular cartilage, bioengineering, enthesis, joint, ligament, tendon 2
bmp, morphogenesis, type iia procollagen 2
bone development and growth, bone fracture healing, osteoblast lineage, osteoblast progenitors 2
bone formation, endochondral, matrix remodeling 2
bone formation, progressive hyperostosis 2
brachydactylyl type a-1 2
carpal tunnel syndrome, disease animal model, human mutation, ligament, skeletal disorder, tendon 2
cellular changes, drug treatment, fgfr3 mutations, spinal curvature 2
chondrocyte differentiation, er-stress, hypoxia response 2
developmental gene, sox9 2
disc degeneration, lineage tracing, mouse, nucleus pulposus, stem cells 2
disc degeneration, model, n-cadherin 2
functional and genetic 2
gene inactivation, morphogenetic role 2
achondroplasia, cartilage, intervertebral disc, spine deformity, therapy 1
approaches, disorders, integrative, skeleton, understanding 1
biology of digit formation 1
cellular, genetic, protective mechanisms, regenerative mechanisms, skeletal tissues 1
connective, pacific, pan, societies, symposium, tissue 1
genetics, genomics, intervertebral disc disease, mouse models, pain, spine 1
novel materials, orthopaedics 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 22
chemical sciences,biochemistry 17
genetic disease,genomic biology 14
genetic disease 13
orthopaedics/traumatology 10
others - medicine, dentistry and health,orthopaedics/traumatology 10
cancergenomics 8
orthopaedics/traumatology,epidemiology 7
biomedical engineering 6
orthopaedics/traumatology,others - medicine, dentistry and health 6
cell biology,disease model development 5
materials,orthopaedics/traumatology 5
others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 5
biochemistrydrug discovery and delivery 4
developmental biology,disease model development 4
developmental biology,others - biological sciences 4
genetic disease,orthopaedics/traumatology 4
orthopaedics/traumatology,cell biology 4
orthopaedics/traumatology,molecular biology 4
orthopaedics/traumatology,others - biological sciences 4
rheumatology,connective tissues 4
cell biologydisease model development 3
developmental biology,cell biology 3
developmental biology,gene regulation 3
developmental biology,regenerative medicine 3
geneticsorthopaedics/traumatology 3
genomic biology 3
growth and development 3
imaging 3
molecular biology,biochemistry 3
molecular biologydevelopmental biology 3
n/a 3
orthopaedics/traumatology,connective tissues 3
regenerative medicineorthopaedics/traumatology 3
biochemistry 2
biochemistry,molecular biology 2
cell biology 2
developmental biology 2
developmental biology,genomic biology 2
growth and development,disease model development 2
orthopaedics/traumatology,behaviour and psychology 2
orthopaedics/traumatology,growth and development 2
genomic biology,orthopaedics/traumatology 1
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