AuthorsNo. of Publications
lai, cl 235
yuen, rmf 182
wong, dkh 176
seto, wkw 135
yuen, mf 120
lo, cm 119
chok, ksh 100
chan, acy 97
cheung, tt 92
mak, ly 84
seto, wk 84
dai, wc 79
yuen, jch 51
chan, sc 43
wong, clt 40
cheung, ksm 39
huang, fy 39
ma, kw 35
hung, ifn 32
she, wh 31
fan, st 23
sin, sl 20
wong, d 20
sharr, ww 19
tanaka, y 19
cheung, ks 18
liu, f 18
liu, shk 18
poon, rtp 18
but, d 13
fong, dyt 13
to, wp 13
hui, whr 12
kopaniszen, m 12
lee, ck 12
lam, yf 11
sharr, w 10
wong, bcy 10
wong, tcl 10
lin, ck 9
mizokami, m 9
nguyen, mh 9
yeo, yh 9
au, kp 8
chan, albert chi yan 8
cheng, ctk 8
dai, wing chiu 8
hui, rwh 8
li, j 8
ng, kck 8
ng, kkc 8
wong, cho lam tiffany 8
cheung, tk 7
dai, jwc 7
hung, i 7
lai, cl 7
mak, lung yi 7
man, k 7
tsang, shy 7
wong, vws 7
wu, ch 7
yuen, j 7
chan, a 6
cheng, c 6
ip, ppc 6
kwong, yl 6
liu, k 6
shinkai, n 6
tanwandee, t 6
young, jlp 6
but, dyk 5
chong, ck 5
cui, tys 5
fung, fkc 5
gane, e 5
ho, hj 5
hsu, a 5
kam, l 5
kao, jh 5
ko, kl 5
kobayashi, m 5
lie, akw 5
liu, ksh 5
ng, iol 5
seto, wk 5
sriprayoon, t 5
suzuki, f 5
ungtrakul, t 5
wong, t 5
yang, hi 5
zhang, a 5
zhang, ay 5
zhang, s 5
chan, aoo 4
chan, hly 4
cheng, cys 4
cheung, cky 4
cheung, r 4
chow, n 4
hosaka, t 4
hui, r 4
jeong, d 4
kwak, ms 4
le, ak 4
lee, hs 4
leung, wk 4
lo, rcl 4
ng, kkc 4
ngai, vws 4
oniki, k 4
park, ym 4
saruwatari, j 4
seto, wai kay 4
she, bwh 4
tong, tsm 4
tseng, tc 4
yeung, p 4
young, j 4
yuen, man fung 4
zou, by 4
barnett, s 3
chan, ac 3
chan, m 3
chan, my 3
chan, p 3
chan, tm 3
chan, tsy 3
chau, ht 3
chen, s 3
chien, n 3
chong, y 3
dan, yy 3
ho, cl 3
hui, rex wan hin 3
hui, yt 3
hung, fni 3
hwang, yy 3
hwang, yyg 3
lai, ms 3
lao, wc 3
lau, ehy 3
le, mh 3
lee, ty 3
lee, vhf 3
leung, j 3
leung, tw 3
lo, clr 3
loo, ck 3
ma, k 3
ng, ktp 3
ngai, ws 3
poon, rt 3
preda, cm 3
seto, w-k 3
seto, wai kay walter 3
singh, ghh 3
tiu, tmrj 3
tong, t 3
toyoda, h 3
trinh, hn 3
tsoi, yyo 3
wei, b 3
wong, glh 3
wu, cy 3
yasuda, s 3
yu, ml 3
zhang, j 3
zou, b 3
agarwal, k 2
ai, v 2
au, kin pan 2
berenguer, m 2
brown, ka 2
burra, p 2
but, ykd 2
buti, m 2
chan, ck 2
chan, cw 2
chan, syt 2
charatcharoenwitthaya, p 2
charlton, m 2
chen, c 2
chen, y 2
cheng, hm 2
cheung, c 2
cheung, wi 2
chiu, whk 2
choi, o 2
chow, wh 2
chui, ahw 2
cloherty, g 2
cui, ty 2
cullaro, g 2
curry, mp 2
eguchi, y 2
gadano, a 2
gersch, j 2
henry, l 2
huang, d 2
huang, dq 2
hui, aj 2
hyogo, h 2
ip, p 2
kam, ly 2
kotewall, cn 2
kumada, t 2
kung, kn 2
kwo, py 2
lai, c 2
lai, c-l 2
lai, kb 2
lai, lsw 2
lam, jtw 2
lam, k 2
lau, jyl 2
law, ah 2
li, x 2
libbrecht, e 2
lilly, l 2
lim, sg 2
lim, wl 2
lo, gmyg 2
lo, r 2
lok, a 2
lok, as 2
luk, my 2
luk, wf 2
ma, hj 2
ma, yk 2
mak, lung-yi 2
mak, wy 2
mccall, j 2
mccaughan, gw 2
mohamed, r 2
muthiah, md 2
ng, k 2
ning, q 2
ono, m 2
pessoa, mg 2
poon, ah 2
proca, d 2
razavi-shearer, k 2
rodriguez, m 2
sablon, e 2
samuel, d 2
seto, wai-kay 2
sharma, r 2
she, w 2
sin, s 2
strasser, si 2
takahashi, h 2
tanaka, k 2
tong, rkn 2
treeprasertsuk, s 2
tsang, oty 2
tsang, s 2
tse, hf 2
van de velde, h 2
watanabe, t 2
wong, danny ka ho 2
wong, dk 2
wong, dk-h 2
wong, l 2
wu, c-y 2
wu, r 2
yap, dyh 2
yap, yhd 2
yau, tcc 2
yiu, kh 2
yuen, ky 2
yuen, m 2
yuen, man-fung 2
yuen, richard man fung 2
zhen, z 2
....., ... 1
abdulla, m 1
abe, y 1
ahn, sh 1
ai, vhg 1
aizaki, h 1
al ghazzawi, i 1
allain, jp 1
alvares-da-silva, mario r 1
bae, sh 1
bajaj, jasmohan s 1
balsarkar, dj 1
barnett, sd 1
bavanandan, s 1
bush, brian j 1
but, dy 1
but, m 1
cao, zhujun 1
chan, a 1
chan, aac 1
chan, albert cy 1
chan, c 1
chan, ckm 1
chan, gcw 1
chan, j 1
chan, jm 1
chan, jmc 1
chan, kai en 1
chan, kh 1
chan, kw 1
chan, ky 1
chan, r 1
chan, sc 1
chan, sl 1
chan, swg 1
chan, ts 1
chan, ws 1
chan, yk 1
chang, hcc 1
charatcharoenwithaya, p 1
chen, ds 1
chen, jhk 1
chen, pj 1
cheng, bwc 1
cheng, ckk 1
cheng, scy 1
cheng, vcc 1
cheung, c 1
cheung, cs 1
cheung, ka shing michael 1
cheung, m 1
cheung, rc 1
cheung, s 1
cheung, t 1
cheung, tf 1
chew, nicholas 1
chien, rn 1
chiu, khy 1
chiu, st 1
choi, myo 1
chok, k 1
choudhury, ashok k 1
chow, dhf 1
chow, km 1
choy, by 1
choy, ch 1
chu, fsk 1
chu, ka-wan 1
chu, kfs 1
chu, kkw 1
chu, km 1
chu, kw 1
chu, kwk 1
chua, se 1
chuang, w-l 1
chui, ah 1
chung, matthew s.h. 1
cui, yt 1
cunningham, c 1
dai, j 1
dai, jw 1
dai, wing-chiu 1
desalegn, hailemichael 1
estes, c 1
fagiuoli, s 1
faguioli, s 1
fan, kyy 1
fan, t 1
fan, ttt 1
fong, d 1
fong, sy 1
fong, yt 1
fu, clarissa 1
fung, g 1
fung, ktt 1
george, jacob 1
goh, gb-b 1
goh, xin lei 1
gore, c 1
hayes, peter c 1
himatt, sm 1
ho, lm 1
ho, pl 1
ho, yh 1
holden, a 1
hornell, j 1
hosakh, t 1
hu, rh 1
hu, th 1
huang, cc 1
huang, dkh 1
huang, f-y 1
huang, fung yu 1
huang, j-f 1
huang, q 1
hui, rex wan-hin 1
hui, rex wan hin 1
hui, rw 1
hui, tly 1
hui, wan hin rex 1
idilman, ramazan 1
inoue, t 1
ip, pcp 1
iseki, k 1
istratescu, d 1
jadoul, m 1
jang, bk 1
jenkins, cr 1
jia, j 1
jim, mh 1
johnston, j 1
jun, dw 1
kaho wong, d 1
kaliaskarova, ks 1
kan, ym 1
kanda, e 1
kanjanabuch, t 1
kao, j-h 1
kim, bk 1
kim, hs 1
kim, su 1
ko, m 1
ko, mkl 1
kotewall, cn 1
kumar, r 1
kwak, m-s 1
kwan, m 1
kwok, tsz yan 1
lai, kk-y 1
lam, ahk 1
lam, b 1
lam, bcy 1
lam, cy 1
lam, f 1
lam, ko 1
lam, ksl 1
lam, lk 1
lam, ys 1
lao, mkk 1
lau, cp 1
lau, k 1
lau, tw 1
lau, v 1
law, aly 1
law, mc 1
le, a 1
lee, b 1
lee, bp 1
lee, cc 1
lee, cf 1
lee, ch 1
lee, chp 1
lee, h-s 1
lee, j-h 1
lee, j-w 1
lee, js 1
lee, k 1
lee, swm 1
lee, t-y 1
lei, mw 1
leung, cb 1
leung, ckl 1
leung, hhw 1
leung, nwy 1
leung, ryan hin man 1
li, b 1
li, c 1
li, cw 1
li, hf 1
li, iws 1
li, mkk 1
li, pkt 1
li, xy 1
lim, wen hui 1
lin, h-c 1
lin, sc 1
ling, guang sheng 1
lino, y 1
liu, cl 1
liu, h 1
liu, j 1
liu, jh 1
liu, kevin sze hang 1
liu, ks 1
liu, sd 1
liu, sh 1
lo, c 1
lo, chung mau 1
lo, chung-mau 1
lo, g 1
locarnini, s 1
lou, l 1
lu, sn 1
lu, w 1
lui, gcy 1
lui, kl 1
lui, kl 1
lui, sl 1
lung, ko kwan 1
ma, hcj 1
ma, ht 1
ma, jhc 1
ma, ka-wing 1
ma, mkm 1
maaroufi, a 1
mak, kw 1
mak, lly 1
mak, lyl 1
mak, sk 1
mao, x 1
mao, xian hua 1
mao, xianhua 1
mcalonan, gm 1
mohamed r, r 1
mok, vwk 1
muthiah, mark 1
ng, a 1
ng, acy 1
ng, cheng han 1
ng, kk 1
ng, sl 1
ngai, v 1
njouom, r 1
omagan, k 1
omagari, k 1
opare-sem, o 1
ouyang, l 1
pang, hh 1
pang, hmh 1
park, hc 1
parry, s 1
peleg, n 1
peng, cz 1
proitsi, p 1
razavi, h 1
ren, yi ping 1
riveiro, m 1
riveiro-barciela, m 1
rivetro, m 1
rodríguez, m 1
sarin, shiv k 1
seto, w 1
seto, wk 1
sham, pc 1
shan, e 1
shan, ehs 1
she, wong-hoi 1
shi, kq 1
shing, bsy 1
shlomai,, a 1
siddiqui, mohammad shadab 1
sin, sui-ling 1
sin, wc 1
singh, g 1
sridhar, s 1
suen, kh 1
sugauchi, f 1
sugiyama, m 1
sung, j 1
syn, nicholas 1
szeto, cc 1
tam, hsc 1
tam, s 1
tan, caitlyn 1
tan, darren jun hao 1
tan, e 1
tan, eunice xx 1
tan, xxe 1
tanaka, j 1
tang, c 1
tang, hl 1
tang, hna 1
tao, wl 1
teng, mlp 1
teo, bw 1
terrault, n 1
terrault, na 1
thacker, leroy r 1
tiu, r 1
to, ct 1
to, e 1
to, ewp 1
to, kkw 1
to, wai pan elvis 1
tong, ch 1
topazian, mark 1
torre, aldo 1
treeprsertsuk, s 1
tsang, hh 1
tsang, o 1
tsang, ot 1
tsang, sh 1
tsang, shh 1
tsang, swc 1
tseng, michael 1
tseng, t-c 1
tsoi, syj 1
tsui, k 1
vince, a 1
wait, s 1
wakita, t 1
wallace, j 1
wang, aym 1
ward, j 1
wong, danny ka ho 1
wong, dhy 1
wong, ecy 1
wong, florence 1
wong, g 1
wong, gl-h 1
wong, gt-y 1
wong, j 1
wong, kh 1
wong, khc 1
wong, lc 1
wong, nyh 1
wong, sc 1
wong, scy 1
wong, t 1
wong, tc 1
wong, tiffany cl 1
wong, vw-s 1
wong, wm 1
workneh, a 1
wu, jt 1
wu, jtk 1
wu, trevor kwan hung 1
xiao, jieling 1
xie, qing, kamath, patrick s 1
xu, a 1
yan, r 1
yang, pm 1
yau, w 1
yee, yk 1
yeoh, ek 1
yeung, r 1
yeung, rmw 1
yip, ccy 1
yip, vsk 1
yip, wkg 1
yiu, mk 1
yonezawa, a 1
yong, jie ning 1
yoon, gh 1
yu, gkk 1
yu, wc 1
yue, y 1
yuen, ch 1
yuen, jc 1
yuen, m-f 1
yuen, r-m 1
zeng, rebecca wenling 1
zheng, mh 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
medical sciences 37
liver transplantation 30
gastroenterology 29
chronic hepatitis b 28
hepatocellular carcinoma 26
cirrhosis 25
entecavir 24
hepatitis b 24
adult 22
nafld 22
antiviral therapy 19
hbsag 19
hepatitis b surface antigen 19
hepatitis b virus 19
hbv 18
functional cure 17
nucleoside analogues 16
adolescent 15
aged 15
disease severity 15
female 15
gastroenterology medical sciences 15
humans 15
male 15
middle aged 15
surgery 15
cap 14
flare 14
liver fibrosis 14
prognosis 14
aged, 80 and over 13
liver biopsy 13
liver failure 13
liver stiffness 13
metabolic syndrome 13
nucleos(t)ide analogue 13
tenofovir 13
vcte 13
antiviral 12
chronic viral hepatitis 12
dna, viral - blood 12
prediction 12
risk factors 12
acute flare 11
age 11
alanine aminotransferase 11
anti-hbs 11
antiviral agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 11
biomarkers 11
cancer survival 11
controlled attenuation parameter 11
decompensation 11
high-intensity focused ultrasound 11
hong kong - epidemiology 11
liver cirrhosis - complications - diagnosis 11
liver transplant 11
longitudinal studies 11
meld 11
predictive value of tests 11
prevention 11
virus replication 11
ablation 10
alanine transaminase - blood 10
biomarker 10
bridging therapy 10
genotype 10
hepatitis b virus - genetics 10
kidney transplantation 10
m2bpgi 10
models, biological 10
mutation 10
new technology 10
treatment outcome 10
11c-acetate 9
adefovir 9
age factors 9
antiviral agents - therapeutic use 9
asian continental ancestry group - statistics & numerical data 9
carcinoma, hepatocellular - ethnology - pathology - virology 9
carcinoma, hepatocellular - virology 9
child 9
child, preschool 9
contrast ct 9
fatty liver disease 9
finite 9
follow-up studies 9
hbeag 9
hepatitis b core-related antigen 9
hepatitis b, chronic - pathology 9
hepatitis c 9
hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) 9
infant 9
lamivudine 9
liver 9
liver - pathology - virology 9
liver neoplasms - virology 9
living donor liver transplantation 9
milan criteria 9
nash 9
non-viral liver disease 9
pet/ct 9
pre-s deletions 9
recurrence 9
transarterial chemoembolization 9
transient elastography 9
tumorigenesis 9
blood transfusion 8
cadaver donor 8
cancer invasion 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - surgery - virology 8
cardiac function 8
carrier state 8
disease progression 8
drug therapy, combination 8
elasticity imaging techniques 8
elasticity imaging techniques - methods 8
endocrinology 8
fibroscan 8
fibrosis 8
guanine - adverse effects - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 8
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - diagnosis 8
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - diagnosis - drug therapy - surgery 8
hepatitis b, chronic - drug therapy - virology 8
hla‐dp 8
ifn‐γ pathway 8
liver cirrhosis - pathology - virology 8
liver cirrhosis - surgery - virology 8
liver disease 8
liver failure - pathology - virology 8
longitudinal 8
mortality 8
natural history 8
nephrotoxicity 8
outcomes 8
reproducibility of results 8
seroconversion (sc) 8
survival 8
vaccination 8
viral hepatitis 8
waiting list 8
abdominal abscess 7
abdominal bleeding 7
accuracy 7
advanced cirrhosis 7
alanine aminotransferase blood level 7
alanine transaminase - metabolism 7
body mass index 7
cancer staging 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - etiology 7
covalently closed circular dna 7
de novo hbv 7
de novo hepatocellular carcinoma 7
deceased donor liver transplantation 7
diagnostic test accuracy study 7
dna, viral - analysis 7
domino liver transplant 7
drug response 7
elastography 7
epidemiology 7
etv 7
experience 7
extended criteria organ 7
graft-to-recipient weight ratio 7
hbv dna 7
hepatitis b e antigens - metabolism 7
hepatitis b infection 7
hepatitis b vaccination 7
hepatitis b virus - physiology 7
hepatitis b virus infection 7
hepatitis b, chronic - blood - drug therapy - virology 7
hepatitis b, chronic - complications 7
hepatitis b, chronic - enzymology - pathology 7
hepatorenal syndrome 7
itraq 7
liver cirrhosis - enzymology - pathology 7
liver cirrhosis - etiology 7
living donor 7
living donor liver transplant 7
long-term survival 7
mafld 7
metabolic 7
model for end-stage liver disease 7
nucleoside analogue 7
obesity 7
prevalence 7
primary biliary cirrhosis 7
protein precursors - genetics 7
retransplantation 7
review 7
right liver graft 7
right-lobe 7
small-for-size syndrome 7
surface antigen 7
survival outcomes 7
transthyretin 7
val30ala 7
viral load 7
young adult 7
anti-hbc 6
antibody to hepatitis b surface antigen 6
aspartate aminotransferase 6
bile leak 6
biliary anastomotic stricture 6
biliary complications 6
biliary reconstruction 6
blood donors - statistics and numerical data 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - etiology - pathology - surgery - virology 6
carrier state - epidemiology - pathology 6
cholangiograms 6
chronic hepatitis b virus 6
cigarette smoking 6
circular dna 6
deceased-donor liver transplantation 6
drug resistance, viral 6
ductal anomaly 6
end-stage liver disease 6
endoscopic retrograde cholangiography 6
enhancer elements (genetics) - genetics 6
fatty liver 6
full-length genome sequencing 6
genotype 1 6
genotype 6 6
gitr 6
graft survival 6
graft-weight-to-recipient-weight ratio 6
guanine - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 6
hepacivirus - classification - genetics - pathogenicity 6
hepaticolenticular degeneration 6
hepatitis b - complications 6
hepatitis b antibodies - blood 6
hepatitis b core‐related antigen 6
hepatitis b e antigens - blood 6
hepatitis b serum markers 6
hepatitis b surface antigens - immunology 6
hepatitis b virus - drug effects 6
hepatitis b virus - genetics - immunology - isolation & purification 6
hepatitis b virus - isolation and purification 6
hepatitis b(e) antigen 6
hepatitis b, chronic - blood - complications - genetics 6
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - drug therapy 6
hepatitis b, chronic - epidemiology - pathology 6
hepatitis b, chronic - ethnology - immunology - pathology 6
hepatitis c, chronic - complications - metabolism - virology 6
hepatocellullar carconoma 6
hepatocholangiocarcinoma 6
host-pathogen interactions 6
hs-hbsag 6
immune exhaustion 6
interleukin‐27 6
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 6
intrahepatic hbv dna 6
keywords 6
kinetics 6
lamivudine - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
lamivudine - pharmacology - therapeutic use 6
lamivudine - therapeutic use 6
liver - pathology 6
liver cirrhosis - ethnology - pathology - virology 6
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
liver neoplasms - ethnology - pathology - virology 6
liver neoplasms - etiology 6
liver neoplasms - etiology - pathology - surgery - virology 6
liver resection 6
liver resection (lr) 6
liver transplantation (lt) 6
living-donor liver transplantation 6
mac-2 binding protein glycosylation isomer 6
mass screening - methods 6
mutation - genetics 6
nomogram 6
pd-1 6
pediatric donor 6
platelet ratio index 6
portal vein 6
post-transplant recurrence 6
predictive model 6
primary biliary cholangitis 6
primary transplantation 6
promoter regions (genetics) - genetics 6
propensity score matching 6
proportional hazards models 6
prospective studies 6
quasispecies 6
regulatory t cells 6
resection 6
resistance 6
response to therapy 6
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - therapeutic use 6
right liver donation 6
risk factor 6
salvage transplantation 6
seroepidemiologic studies 6
sex factors 6
small-for-size grafts 6
spontaneous hbeag seroconversion 6
survival analysis 6
t regulatory cells 6
telbivudine 6
tenofovir hbsag surface antigen nucleoside analogue nucleotide analogue tdf 6
time factors 6
transplantation 6
tumour thrombus 6
ursodeoxycholic acid 6
viral core proteins - genetics 6
virus dna 6
alkaline phosphatase - blood 5
alpha-fetoprotein (afp) 5
alpha-fetoproteins - analysis 5
amoxicillin - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
anaemia 5
anti-bacterial agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
antiviral agents - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 5
aspartate aminotransferases - blood 5
bilirubin - blood 5
breath tests 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - pathology 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - genetics - virology 5
china 5
deceased-donor liver re-transplantation 5
deep sequencing 5
dna, circular - analysis - isolation & purification 5
dna, viral - analysis - isolation & purification 5
dna-directed dna polymerase - genetics 5
drugs, chinese herbal - adverse effects 5
fibrosis regression 5
freezing 5
gamma-glutamyltransferase - blood 5
gene deletion 5
gene expression regulation, viral 5
globulins - analysis 5
graft failure 5
guanine - administration and dosage - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 5
hbeag seroconversion 5
hbsag seroclearance 5
hbv // chb 5
helicobacter infections - drug therapy - metabolism 5
helicobacter pylori 5
hepacivirus - genetics 5
hepatic artery thrombosis 5
hepatitis b core antigens - genetics 5
hepatitis b surface antigens - blood 5
hepatitis b surface antigens - blood - chemistry 5
hepatitis b surface antigens - genetics 5
hepatitis b surface antigens - metabolism 5
hepatitis b virus - chemistry - classification - genetics 5
hepatitis b virus - classification - genetics 5
hepatitis b virus - drug effects - enzymology - genetics 5
hepatitis b virus - drug effects - genetics 5
hepatitis b virus - genetics - immunology - isolation and purification 5
hepatitis b virus - genetics - isolation and purification 5
hepatitis b virus dna rebound 5
hepatitis b virus replication 5
hepatitis b, chronic - blood - drug therapy 5
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - genetics - virology 5
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - mortality - pathology 5
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - virology 5
hepatitis b, chronic - drug therapy 5
hepatitis b, chronic - drug therapy - enzymology - immunology 5
hepatitis b, chronic - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 5
hepatitis c virus 5
hepatitis c, chronic - drug therapy - virology 5
immunomodulator 5
interferon-alpha - therapeutic use 5
intrahepatic hepatitis b virus dna 5
lamivudine - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 5
liver - metabolism 5
liver - virology 5
liver biochemistry 5
liver cirrhosis 5
liver cirrhosis - diagnosis 5
liver diseases - etiology 5
liver histology 5
liver neoplasms - epidemiology - genetics - virology 5
living-donor liver re-transplantation 5
medicine, chinese traditional - adverse effects 5
nucleosides - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
occult hepatitis b infection 5
ofloxacin - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
omeprazole - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
polyethylene glycols - therapeutic use 5
polymorphism, genetic 5
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 5
protein stability 5
pyrimidinones - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
quantitative 5
recombinant proteins 5
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 5
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 5
ribavirin 5
ribavirin - therapeutic use 5
rna, messenger - analysis - isolation & purification 5
rna, viral - analysis - isolation & purification 5
roc curve 5
s-loss 5
seroclearance 5
single polynucleotide polymorphisms 5
specimen handling - methods 5
statins 5
statistics, nonparametric 5
stopping 5
sustained virologic response 5
therapeutic vaccine 5
treatment guidelines 5
tumor 5
viral suppression 5
week 12 5
week 24 5
adenine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 4
adjuvant  4
age distribution 4
alt 4
antibody-mediated rejection 4
antisense oligonucleotide 4
antiviral agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 4
antiviral treatment 4
asian continental ancestry group 4
asian continental ancestry group - ethnology 4
blood - virology 4
blood transfusion - adverse effects 4
capsid inhibitor 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - virology 4
case-control studies 4
cccdna 4
china - ethnology 4
cohort studies 4
core protein allosteric modulator 4
cure 4
dna, circular - analysis 4
dna, viral - genetics - isolation and purification 4
dose-response relationship, immunologic 4
drug resistance, multiple, viral - genetics 4
drug resistance, viral - genetics 4
efficacy 4
elasticity 4
entry inhibitor 4
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - methods 4
genome editing 4
global elimination 4
guanine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 4
hbcrag 4
hbsag level 4
hbv infection 4
hbv rna 4
hcc 4
hepatitis 4
hepatitis b - immunology - prevention & control 4
hepatitis b - transmission 4
hepatitis b antibodies - blood - immunology 4
hepatitis b core antigen 4
hepatitis b core antigens - blood 4
hepatitis b e antigen (hbeag) 4
hepatitis b immune globulin 4
hepatitis b vaccines - administration & dosage - immunology 4
hepatitis b virus (hbv) dna 4
hepatitis b virus - chemistry 4
hepatitis b virus - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 4
hepatitis b virus rna 4
hepatitis b, chronic - blood - drug therapy - genetics 4
hepatitis b, chronic - blood - drug therapy - immunology 4
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - drug therapy - ethnology 4
hepatitis b, chronic - diagnosis 4
hepatitis b, chronic - etiology 4
hong kong 4
hq-hbsag 4
ici 4
immunization schedule 4
immunization, secondary 4
immunogenicity 4
immunologic memory 4
integrated dna 4
lamivudine - administration & dosage 4
left lobe graft 4
liver cirrhosis - diagnosis - epidemiology - virology 4
liver cirrhosis - pathology 4
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - virology 4
long-term 4
luminescent measurements - methods 4
necrosis - pathology 4
neoadjuvant 4
noninvasive 4
novel therapy 4
nucleoside analog 4
nucleotide analog 4
oral therapy 4
phosphonic acids - therapeutic use 4
pneumocystis jirovecii 4
pneumocystis pneumonia 4
polymerase inhibitor 4
post-liver transplant 4
programmed cell death protein 1 4
real-life 4
retrospective studies 4
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - administration & dosage 4
right lobe graft 4
rna interfering gene silencer 4
rnai 4
serology 4
sex distribution 4
small for size liver graft 4
statistics as topic 4
systemic therapy 4
tki 4
tlr7 agonist 4
transplants 4
vaccines, dna - administration & dosage - immunology 4
viral entry inhibitor 4
viremia 4
adoptive immunity transfer 3
age of onset 3
alcoholic liver disease 3
alemtuzumab 3
anti-ulcer agents - therapeutic use 3
antiviral agents - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 3
antiviral agents - administration and dosage 3
belatacept 3
biological markers 3
calcineurin inhibitor 3
carcinogenesis 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - virology 3
chi-square distribution 3
chronic disease 3
chronic hepatitis b therapy 3
chronic hepatitis c infection 3
chronic kidney disease 3
chronic viral infection 3
corticosteroid 3
creatine kinase 3
creatine kinase - blood 3
cyclosporine 3
dialysis 3
direct-acting antiviral 3
direct-acting antivirals 3
double-blind method 3
drug monitoring 3
drug resistance 3
erectile dysfunction 3
esophagitis - drug therapy - ethnology 3
esophagoscopy 3
etiology 3
everolimus 3
gastric acidity determination 3
gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 3
guanine - adverse effects - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
hbv vaccination 3
hepacivirus - pathogenicity 3
hepatitis b surface antigens - blood - immunology 3
hepatitis b treatment 3
hepatitis b virus - drug effects - genetics - isolation & purification 3
hepatitis b virus - pathogenicity 3
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - epidemiology 3
hepatitis b, chronic - diagnosis - drug therapy 3
hepatitis b, chronic - diagnosis - drug therapy - immunology - virology 3
hepatitis b, chronic - epidemiology 3
hepatitis c, chronic - epidemiology 3
hydrogen-ion concentration 3
hypogonadism 3
immunoglobulin 3
immunologic factors - therapeutic use 3
immunosuppression 3
infection control 3
interferons 3
isoenzymes - blood 3
lamivudine - administration and dosage 3
lb80380 3
liver cirrhosis, biliary - epidemiology 3
liver diseases - epidemiology - etiology 3
liver diseases, alcoholic - epidemiology 3
logistic models 3
manometry 3
mtor inhibitor 3
multicenter studies as topic - statistics & numerical data 3
muscular diseases - blood - chemically induced 3
mycophenolate 3
myopathy 3
nucleosides - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 3
nucleotide analogue 3
oesophagitis 3
omeprazole - therapeutic use 3
pegylated interferon/ribavirin 3
peripheral nervous system diseases - chemically induced 3
ph monitoring 3
phosphonic acids - adverse effects - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
practice guidelines as topic 3
pregnancy 3
pregnancy complications, infectious - drug therapy 3
proton pump inhibitors 3
pyrimidinones - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 3
questionnaires 3
randomized controlled trials as topic 3
safety 3
severity of illness index 3
sexual dysfunction 3
sirolimus 3
sotrastaurin 3
steatosis 3
sustained virological response 3
tacrolimus 3
tofacitinib 3
treg 3
viral proteins - physiology 3
virulence factors - physiology 3
voclosporin 3
acute drug administration 2
adverse outcome 2
asia 2
b12 deficiency 2
bacterial clearance 2
bacterial growth 2
chb 2
diagnosis 2
disease burden 2
hcv 2
historical 2
incidence 2
outcome 2
policy 2
treatment 2
benefit 1
chronic hepatitis c 1
congresses as topic 1
direct acting antivirals 1
disease outbreaks 1
drug resistance, bacterial 1
hepacivirus - drug effects 1
hepatitis b, chronic - drug therapy - epidemiology - virology 1
hepatitis c, chronic - drug therapy - epidemiology - virology 1
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - drug effects 1
influenza, human - epidemiology - prevention & control - virology 1
unmet needs 1
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