AuthorsNo. of Publications
so, kf 212
ho, ys 151
yu, ms 89
chiu, k 66
yuen, wh 48
lai, sw 46
wuwongse, s 41
hugon, j 40
suen, kc 39
wong, gtc 34
hung, chl 31
law, ack 26
huang, c 23
hung, hl 23
yang, x 23
zhang, q 23
cheung, yt 22
cheng, sy 21
yeung, sc 20
fung, ml 18
you, r 18
chao, j 17
chu, mt 17
hung, hlc 17
lok, ckm 17
tipoe, gl 17
wang, m 17
lau, cf 16
lo, acy 16
hong, js 14
liu, y 14
lee, k 13
ng, tw 13
poon, ch 13
wang, j 13
lau, wm 12
li, sy 12
lin, kf 12
soerensen, mh 12
baum, l 11
gentleman, sm 11
yeung, cm 11
zee, ssy 11
zhang, nq 11
baethmann, a 10
elyaman, w 10
zee, sy 10
cheung, kh 9
lai, csw 9
lam, cs 9
leung, wk 9
liu, b 9
ng, hk 9
tsang, awt 9
wilson, b 9
wong, gth 9
xiao, j 9
chen, x 8
lai, hm 8
li, h 8
liong, ec 8
ma, ach 8
plesnila, n 8
staub, f 8
wong, dsh 8
yang, d 8
zhang, e 8
chan, hc 7
ching, yp 7
chu, lw 7
goto, t 7
hudson, p 7
irwin, mg 7
kwok, ns 7
lai, swc 7
lau, bwm 7
lin, y 7
liu, j 7
liu, kl 7
pearce, rkb 7
preisler, j 7
shah, an 7
wong, thg 7
yik, sy 7
zhang, y 7
chan, w 6
chen, y 6
fang, c 6
lee, cd 6
lee, smy 6
luk, kc 6
mak, jcw 6
suen, k 6
wang, ph 6
yau, sy 6
che, cm 5
cheng, kw 5
chung, sk 5
gong, z 5
ho, jys 5
legido-quigley, c 5
li, j 5
lin, zx 5
mak, hkf 5
ng, hll 5
noble, w 5
pang, ccc 5
peters, j 5
ringel, f 5
shao, x 5
wang, y 5
wong, my 5
chan, q 4
chan, tf 4
chan, ys 4
chen, w 4
cheng, ssy 4
chiu, pw 4
dunnett, sl 4
fang, jn 4
feng, q 4
huang, y 4
jeohn, gh 4
lee, j 4
leung, mc 4
leung, y 4
li, s 4
li, w 4
lin, y 4
liu, akl 4
liu, k 4
luo, x 4
ma, ech 4
mi, xs 4
poon, dch 4
shah, a 4
wang, rph 4
wang, x 4
wong, d 4
yang, xf 4
abel, h 3
chan, hhl 3
chan, wk 3
che, ct 3
chen, xk 3
chu, jmt 3
fung, my 3
han, p 3
hong, sj 3
jiang, l 3
kwan, jsk 3
lai, slm 3
lai, sw 3
lau, kf 3
lau, kw 3
lau, wkw 3
le, w 3
lee, dhs 3
lee, vwh 3
leung, iyp 3
leung, wyy 3
li, g 3
li, hy 3
li, l 3
li, m 3
liang, y 3
lin, b 3
liu, l 3
lok, cn 3
ma, j 3
pang, ccc 3
qu, z 3
shen, j 3
sui, x 3
wang, h 3
wong, s 3
wong, yh 3
xiong, g 3
xu, h 3
yan, t 3
yang, y 3
yang, z 3
yeung, shs 3
yu, j 3
yu, jt 3
yu, s 3
yu, wy 3
zhang, l 3
zhao, m 3
zhou, y 3
abeliovich, h 2
adeli, k 2
agnello, m 2
agostinis, p 2
ahmed, i 2
akematsu, t 2
albert, ml 2
alirezaei, m 2
almasan, a 2
amano, a 2
amer, ao 2
ann, dk 2
aoki, h 2
apostolova, n 2
asanuma, k 2
askanas, v 2
asthana, p 2
auberger, p 2
baehrecke, eh 2
bai, xy 2
bailly, y 2
balduini, w 2
ballabio, a 2
bassham, dc 2
batoko, h 2
begley, tj 2
behl, c 2
behrends, c 2
berliocchi, l 2
bernassola, f 2
besteiro, s 2
boise, lh 2
bonaldo, p 2
boya, p 2
bozhkov, pv 2
brancolini, c 2
bresnick, eh 2
brest, p 2
bridges, d 2
brookes, ps 2
brown, ej 2
brumell, jh 2
bultman, sj 2
bultynck, g 2
bánhegyi, g 2
cadwell, k 2
cai, d 2
cai, j 2
cai, q 2
camougrand, n 2
campanella, m 2
cao, b 2
cao, l 2
caplan, ab 2
cardoso, sm 2
carew, js 2
carlin, cr 2
carra, s 2
casas, c 2
cecconi, f 2
chaachouay, h 2
chae, hj 2
chai, cy 2
chan, ey 2
chan, ooc 2
chan, rck 2
chen, gc 2
chen, m 2
chen, q 2
chen, yg 2
chen, yj 2
chen, z 2
cheng, a 2
cheng, h 2
cheng, l 2
cheng, wy 2
cheong, h 2
cherry, s 2
cheung, h 2
chevet, e 2
chiang, hl 2
chiarelli, r 2
chin, ls 2
chiu, kin 2
cho, dh 2
choi, me 2
chouaib, s 2
choubey, d 2
choubey, v 2
chu, ct 2
chu, z 2
chuang, th 2
chun, t 2
chung, h 2
chwae, yj 2
ciarcia, r 2
ciriolo, mr 2
clague, mj 2
clarke, r 2
codogno, p 2
comincini, s 2
condello, m 2
coombs, gh 2
cooper, cl 2
coppens, i 2
corbalan, r 2
costelli, p 2
costes, s 2
couve, e 2
coxon, fp 2
crespo, jl 2
cuervo, am 2
czaja, mj 2
d'amelio, m 2
davids, lm 2
de martino, l 2
de milito, a 2
de tata, v 2
debnath, j 2
defelice, j 2
dehay, b 2
dengjel, j 2
dent, p 2
deretic, v 2
devenish, rj 2
dikic, i 2
ding, wx 2
diwan, a 2
dokudovskaya, s 2
dong, z 2
dosenko, v 2
du, l 2
duchosal, ma 2
dugail, i 2
dunnett, s 2
edelstein, cl 2
edinger, al 2
eichinger, l 2
eissa, nt 2
elazar, z 2
engelbrecht, am 2
engelender, s 2
erenpreisa, j 2
escalante, r 2
eskelinen, el 2
espert, l 2
fan, j 2
fang, j 2
fang, s 2
fang, x 2
fanto, m 2
fanzani, a 2
farkas, t 2
faure, m 2
feng, h 2
feng, y 2
feuer, r 2
fimia, gm 2
finkbeiner, s 2
finkel, t 2
fiorito, f 2
fisher, pb 2
flajolet, m 2
florio, s 2
fon, ea 2
fornai, f 2
fortunato, f 2
franco, r 2
frankel, lb 2
fuentes, jm 2
fueyo, j 2
fukuda, m 2
gaestel, m 2
gailly, p 2
gajewska, m 2
galy, v 2
ganley, ig 2
gao, fb 2
gatti, e 2
geng, j 2
gestwicki, je 2
gewirtz, da 2
ghavami, s 2
giammarioli, am 2
gibson, sb 2
goligorsky, ms 2
goncu, e 2
gongora, c 2
gorbunov, nv 2
goruppi, s 2
gottlieb, ra 2
gozuacik, d 2
granato, ge 2
grant, gd 2
gros, f 2
grose, c 2
guan, jl 2
guan, kl 2
gunst, j 2
halayko, aj 2
hamasaki, m 2
han, dsk 2
han, f 2
hansen, m 2
harada, m 2
harper, jw 2
harris, al 2
harris, j 2
hasan, kmm 2
he, c 2
he, y 2
he, yw 2
helgason, gv 2
henske, ep 2
herman, pk 2
hetz, c 2
hilfiker, s 2
hill, ja 2
ho, wl 2
hofman, p 2
hood, da 2
hu, hm 2
hu, x 2
hua, y 2
huang, s 2
huang, wp 2
huang, x 2
huber, tb 2
hudson, pm 2
huh, wk 2
hui, sk 2
hui, th 2
hur, gm 2
hwang, jj 2
hwang, s 2
hébert, mj 2
höhfeld, j 2
ichihara, a 2
into, t 2
iovane, v 2
iovanna, jl 2
ip, ny 2
isaka, y 2
ishida, h 2
isidoro, c 2
izumi, y 2
jackson, wt 2
janji, b 2
jendrach, m 2
jeon, jh 2
jeung, eb 2
jiang, h 2
jiang, x 2
jiménez, a 2
jin, l 2
jin, m 2
jin, s 2
johansen, t 2
johnson, de 2
joseph, b 2
joubert, am 2
juhász, g 2
jung, yk 2
jäättelä, m 2
kaarniranta, k 2
kaasik, a 2
kabuta, t 2
kamada, y 2
kaminskyy, vo 2
kampinga, hh 2
kang, c 2
kang, r 2
kanki, t 2
kanneganti, td 2
kanno, h 2
kanthasamy, ag 2
karantza, v 2
kaushik, s 2
ke, py 2
kehrl, jh 2
kiger, aa 2
kihara, a 2
kim, dh 2
kim, dr 2
kim, ek 2
kim, hr 2
kim, jc 2
kim, jh 2
kim, js 2
kim, pk 2
kim, sw 2
kim, y 2
kim, ys 2
kimchi, a 2
kimmelman, ac 2
king, js 2
kirkin, v 2
kirshenbaum, la 2
kitamoto, k 2
kitazato, k 2
klimecki, wt 2
klionsky, dj 2
klucken, j 2
knecht, e 2
koch, jc 2
koh, yh 2
koike, m 2
komatsu, m 2
kominami, e 2
kong, hj 2
korolchuk, vi 2
koukourakis, mi 2
kovács, al 2
kraft, c 2
krainc, d 2
kroemer, g 2
ktistakis, nt 2
kumar, a 2
kumar, g 2
kumar, r 2
kumar, s 2
kundu, m 2
kung, hj 2
kurz, t 2
kwan, jsk 2
kwong, wl 2
la spada, ar 2
lafont, f 2
lam, hc 2
lamark, t 2
lane, jd 2
lapaquette, p 2
lavandero, s 2
law, a 2
layfield, r 2
lazo, pa 2
le cam, l 2
lee, gm 2
lee, jh 2
lee, m 2
lee, ms 2
lee, sh 2
lee, tmc 2
leeuwenburgh, c 2
legouis, r 2
lei, qy 2
leib, da 2
lemasters, jj 2
lemoine, a 2
leung, ctg 2
leung, jwc 2
leung, sky 2
leung, smc 2
levine, b 2
li, f 2
li, hw 2
li, x 2
li, y 2
liang, c 2
liang, q 2
liang, y 2
liberski, pp 2
lim, ej 2
lim, hj 2
lim, k 2
lim, kl 2
lin, cf 2
lin, fc 2
lin, k 2
lin, m 2
lin, ww 2
linden, r 2
lingor, p 2
lisanti, mp 2
liton, pb 2
liu, cf 2
liu, jj 2
liu, w 2
liu, y 2
lonial, s 2
loos, b 2
lotze, mt 2
lu, b 2
luciano, f 2
lukacs, nw 2
lund, ah 2
ma, che 2
ma, y 2
macian, f 2
mackeigan, jp 2
macleod, kf 2
madeo, f 2
maiuri, l 2
maiuri, mc 2
malorni, w 2
man, n 2
man, sc 2
mandelkow, em 2
mao, k 2
mao, z 2
marambaud, p 2
marfe, g 2
mariño, g 2
martin, sj 2
martinet, w 2
matarrese, p 2
matsuoka, y 2
mayer, a 2
mcinerney, gm 2
mcloughlin, dm 2
meijer, aj 2
melino, g 2
meléndez, a 2
mena, ma 2
menendez, ja 2
menon, mb 2
meschini, s 2
mi, x 2
miao, cy 2
michiels, c 2
mijaljica, d 2
miller, ccj 2
minucci, s 2
miyazawa, k 2
mizushima, n 2
mograbi, b 2
mohseni, s 2
mollereau, b 2
mollinedo, f 2
monick, mm 2
moore, mn 2
moreira, pi 2
moriyasu, y 2
moscat, j 2
mostowy, s 2
mottram, jc 2
muller, s 2
murphy, me 2
münz, c 2
nagata, k 2
nakano, h 2
nakatogawa, h 2
nanjundan, m 2
naqvi, ni 2
narendra, dp 2
narita, m 2
nawrocki, st 2
nazarko, ty 2
nehring, v 2
netea, mg 2
ney, pa 2
nezis, ip 2
nguyen, hp 2
nishino, i 2
nixon, ra 2
noda, t 2
noegel, aa 2
notterpek, l 2
nukina, n 2
nürnberger, t 2
ogawa, m 2
okamoto, k 2
oliver, fj 2
olsson, s 2
otsu, k 2
overholtzer, m 2
ozpolat, b 2
paganetti, p 2
page, g 2
pagnini, u 2
pallet, n 2
palumbo, c 2
pan, h 2
panaretakis, t 2
papackova, z 2
papassideri, i 2
paquet, c 2
park, j 2
park, ok 2
parys, jb 2
parzych, kr 2
patterson, c 2
pattingre, s 2
peng, j 2
perlmutter, dh 2
perrotta, i 2
pervaiz, s 2
peters, gj 2
petersen, m 2
petrovski, g 2
phang, jm 2
piacentini, m 2
pierre, p 2
platanias, lc 2
poirot, m 2
poletti, a 2
prescott, m 2
priault, m 2
przyklenk, k 2
pu, m 2
puertollano, r 2
puyal, j 2
pöggeler, s 2
qin, zh 2
raben, n 2
rabinowich, h 2
rami, a 2
randow, f 2
rao, va 2
ray, sk 2
reed, bh 2
reggiori, f 2
reichert, as 2
ren, j 2
reulen, hj 2
revuelta, jl 2
ritis, k 2
rizzo, e 2
robbins, j 2
roberge, m 2
roccheri, mc 2
rohrer, b 2
rouis, m 2
rubinsztein, dc 2
rudich, a 2
rudolf, e 2
russo, r 2
rusten, te 2
ryan, km 2
ryter, sw 2
sabatini, dm 2
sadoshima, j 2
saitoh, t 2
salomoni, p 2
salvaterra, pm 2
salvioli, r 2
sandri, m 2
santambrogio, l 2
saran, s 2
sarkar, s 2
sasakawa, c 2
sass, m 2
sato, k 2
sato, m 2
scharl, m 2
scheper, w 2
schorderet, df 2
seglen, po 2
seiliez, i 2
sell, c 2
setoguchi, t 2
settembre, c 2
shacka, jj 2
shapiro, im 2
shen, hm 2
sheng, zh 2
shi, y 2
shibuya, k 2
shidoji, y 2
shieh, jj 2
shih, cm 2
shimada, y 2
shimizu, s 2
shintani, t 2
shore, gc 2
sibirny, aa 2
sikorska, b 2
simon, ak 2
simon, hu 2
simone, c 2
simonsen, a 2
singh, r 2
sinha, d 2
sinicrope, fa 2
sirko, a 2
siu, pm 2
sivridis, e 2
smaili, ss 2
smith, dr 2
song, j 2
sood, ak 2
soong, tw 2
sotgia, f 2
spector, sa 2
spies, cd 2
springer, w 2
stefanis, l 2
stenmark, h 2
stern, st 2
stork, b 2
subauste, cs 2
sulzer, d 2
sun, j 2
sun, sy 2
suzuki, k 2
suzuki, t 2
swanson, ms 2
swanton, c 2
sweeney, st 2
sy, lk 2
taegtmeyer, h 2
tafani, m 2
takemura, g 2
talbot, nj 2
tan, l 2
tanaka, k 2
tang, d 2
tang, w 2
tang, wy 2
tanida, i 2
tannous, ba 2
tavernarakis, n 2
taylor, ga 2
taylor, gs 2
taylor, jp 2
terro, f 2
tettamanti, g 2
thorburn, a 2
thumm, m 2
tian, jy 2
tooze, sa 2
tournier, c 2
towns, r 2
trajkovic, v 2
travassos, lh 2
trojanowski, jq 2
tschan, mp 2
tsung, a 2
turk, b 2
tyagi, sc 2
uchiyama, y 2
ueno, t 2
uhl, e 2
umekawa, m 2
vaccaro, mi 2
valente, em 2
van den berghe, g 2
van der klei, ij 2
van doorn, wg 2
van egmond, m 2
van, g 2
vandenabeele, p 2
vanhorebeek, i 2
velasco, g 2
vellai, t 2
vierstra, rd 2
vila, m 2
vindis, c 2
viola, g 2
viscomi, mt 2
voitsekhovskaja, ov 2
von haefen, c 2
walker, cl 2
walter, j 2
wan, pk 2
wang, c 2
wang, d 2
wang, f 2
wang, g 2
wang, hd 2
wang, hg 2
wang, m 2
wang, phr 2
wang, rc 2
wang, yj 2
wang, ys 2
ward, dm 2
watada, h 2
weihl, cc 2
whitton, jl 2
whitworth, aj 2
wileman, t 2
wilkinson, s 2
willbold, d 2
williamson, pr 2
wilson, bc 2
wong, hl 2
wong, yc 2
wrba, e 2
wu, c 2
xavier, rj 2
xie, z 2
xu, j 2
xu, l 2
xu, x 2
yamamoto, a 2
yamashina, s 2
yan, x 2
yan, z 2
yang, ds 2
yang, es 2
yang, jm 2
yang, w 2
yang, wy 2
yao, mc 2
yeganeh, b 2
yin, xm 2
yoon, sy 2
yoshimori, t 2
yu, h 2
yu, l 2
yu, wh 2
yuan, j 2
yuan, q 2
yuan, zm 2
yue, z 2
yuen, ct 2
yung, ssy 2
zaffaroni, n 2
zakeri, z 2
zhang, f 2
zhang, g 2
zhang, h 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, jp 2
zhang, my 2
zhang, nqs 2
zhang, xd 2
zhao, y 2
zhao, zj 2
zheng, x 2
zhivotovsky, b 2
zhong, q 2
zhu, q 2
zhu, s 2
zhu, wg 2
zhu, xf 2
zhu, y 2
zoladek, t 2
zong, wx 2
zorzano, a 2
abbass, g 1
abdalla, fc 1
abdelmohsen, k 1
abe, a 1
abedin, mj 1
abel, hh 1
abraham, rt 1
abulimiti, a 1
acevedo arozena, a 1
acevedoarozena, a 1
adachi, h 1
adams, cm 1
adams, pd 1
adhihetty, pj 1
adler, sg 1
agam, g 1
agarwal, r 1
aghi, mk 1
agholme, l 1
aguilar, pv 1
aguirre-ghiso, j 1
aguirreghiso, ja 1
ahn, hj 1
airoldi, em 1
ait-si-ali, s 1
aitmohamed, o 1
aitsiali, s 1
akira, s 1
akporiaye, et 1
al-rubeai, m 1
albaiceta, gm 1
albanese, c 1
albani, d 1
albensi, b 1
albin, rl 1
aldudo, j 1
alegreabarrategui, j 1
aleo, mf 1
alexandria, a 1
algül, h 1
alloza, i 1
almonte-beceril, m 1
almontebecerril, m 1
alnemri, es 1
alonso, c 1
altan-bonnet, n 1
altieri, dc 1
alvarez, s 1
alvarez-erviti, l 1
alves, s 1
alyounes, hm 1
alzeer, ma 1
amadoro, g 1
aman, rrar 1
amantini, c 1
amaravadi, r 1
amarnath, s 1
ambrosio, s 1
amelio, i 1
amessou, m 1
amina-abulimiti, 1
amon, a 1
an, z 1
anania, fa 1
anantharam, v 1
andersen, su 1
andley, up 1
andreadi, ck 1
andrieu-abadie, n 1
andrieuabadie, n 1
anel, a 1
anoopkumar-dukie, s 1
anoopkumardukie, s 1
antonioli, m 1
aquila, s 1
aquilano, k 1
aquili, l 1
araki, k 1
arama, e 1
arancia, g 1
aranda, a 1
araya, j 1
arcaro, a 1
arias, e 1
arimoto, h 1
ariosa, ar 1
aris, jp 1
armstrong, jl 1
arnould, t 1
arsov, i 1
asare, nyo 1
ashida, h 1
askew, ds 1
asselin, e 1
atarashi, r 1
atherton, ss 1
atkin, jd 1
attardi, ld 1
au, np 1
auburger, g 1
aurelian, l 1
autelli, r 1
avagliano, l 1
avantaggiati, ml 1
avrahami, l 1
awale, s 1
azad, n 1
azman, rr 1
baba, m 1
bachetti, t 1
backer, jm 1
backues, sk 1
bae, dh 1
bae, js 1
bae, on 1
bae, sh 1
baek, sh 1
baghdiguian, s 1
bagniewska-zadworna, a 1
bahr, ba 1
bai, h 1
bai, j 1
baiocchi, r 1
balaji, kn 1
baldini, g 1
balzan, r 1
bamber, ba 1
bampton, etw 1
banerjee, r 1
bao, h 1
barbeau, b 1
barrachina, md 1
barreiro, e 1
bartel, b 1
bartholomew, cr 1
bartolomé, a 1
bassi, mt 1
bast jr, rc 1
bast, rc 1
basu, a 1
batista, mt 1
battino, m 1
bauckman, k 1
baumgarner, bl 1
bay, bh 1
bayer, ku 1
beale, r 1
beau, i 1
beaulieu, jf 1
beck, gr 1
becker, c 1
beckham, jd 1
bednarski, pj 1
behrens, gm 1
behrns, ke 1
bejarano, e 1
bekri, s 1
belaid, a 1
bellaire, b 1
belleudi, f 1
bendall, lj 1
benetti, l 1
berchem, g 1
bergamaschi, d 1
bergami, m 1
berkhout, b 1
bernard, a 1
bernard, m 1
bernardi, h 1
bertolotti, a 1
bess, as 1
bettuzzi, s 1
bhalla, s 1
bhatiakissova, i 1
bhattacharyya, s 1
bhutia, sk 1
bi, x 1
biagosch, c 1
bianchi, mw 1
biard-piechaczyk, m 1
biardpiechaczyk, m 1
billes, v 1
bincoletto, c 1
bing, g 1
bingol, b 1
bird, sw 1
bitoun, m 1
bjedov, i 1
blackstone, c 1
blanc, l 1
blanco, ga 1
blomberg, wr 1
blomhoff, hk 1
blum, js 1
bo, f 1
boada-romero, e 1
boes, m 1
boesze-battaglia, k 1
bolino, a 1
boman, a 1
boone, dl 1
bordi, m 1
bornhauser, bc 1
bortoluci, kr 1
bosch, j 1
bossis, i 1
bost, f 1
botana, lm 1
botti, j 1
bou, g 1
bouchecareilh, m 1
boucher, mj 1
bouché, m 1
boulton, me 1
bouret, sg 1
bourquin, jp 1
boyer-guittaut, m 1
boyerguittaut, m 1
brady, n 1
brady, nr 1
braga, vm 1
braus, gh 1
bravo-san pedro, jm 1
brech, a 1
brecha, nc 1
breen, g 1
brenman, je 1
brennan, la 1
brennand, a 1
bringer, ma 1
brini, m 1
bristol, ml 1
brito, gc 1
brodin, b 1
brown, k 1
broxmeyer, he 1
bruhat, a 1
brum, pc 1
brunetti-pierri, n 1
brunettipierri, n 1
brunk, ut 1
bryson-richardson, rj 1
buch, s 1
buchan, am 1
budak, h 1
bulavin, dv 1
bulman, de 1
bumbasirevic, v 1
burbach, jph 1
burbulla, lf 1
burelle, y 1
burke, re 1
burmeister, m 1
bursch, w 1
butchar, jp 1
buzgariu, w 1
bydlowski, sp 1
béchet, dm 1
bédard, pa 1
bénard, g 1
böckler, s 1
bütikofer, p 1
caberlotto, l 1
cahova, m 1
cahová, m 1
calabretta, b 1
calatayud, s 1
calvogarrido, j 1
campbell, gr 1
campbell, m 1
campello, s 1
campossalinas, j 1
candau, r 1
candi, e 1
caniggia, i 1
cantoni, l 1
caraglia, m 1
cardinali, c 1
carding, sr 1
carleton, la 1
carloni, s 1
carlsson, sr 1
carmignac, v 1
carmona-gutierrez, d 1
carneiro, la 1
carneiro, lam 1
carnevali, o 1
carret, a 1
carrier, a 1
carroll, b 1
caruso, ra 1
casari, g 1
casas, j 1
cashikar, a 1
cassinelli, g 1
castets, p 1
castino, r 1
castro-obregon, s 1
cavallini, g 1
cebollero, e 1
ceccherini, i 1
cederbaum, ai 1
celli, j 1
cenci, s 1
cerella, c 1
cervia, d 1
cetrullo, s 1
ceña, v 1
chagin, as 1
chai, kh 1
chai, x 1
chakrabarti, g 1
chamilos, g 1
chan, am 1
chan, aml 1
chan, dc 1
chan, hn 1
chan, hye 1
chan, kannie wai yan 1
chan, mt 1
chan, s 1
chan, sym 1
chan, th 1
chan, wm 1
chan, wwl 1
chan, wwr 1
chan, yms 1
chandra, d 1
chandra, p 1
chang, cp 1
chang, l 1
chang, mp 1
chang, sw 1
chang, ty 1
chao, jf 1
chatham, jc 1
chatterjee, s 1
chau, sc 1
chau, tw 1
chauhan, s 1
che, c 1
che, y 1
cheetham, me 1
cheluvappa, r 1
chen, cc 1
chen, cj 1
chen, f 1
chen, g 1
chen, gq 1
chen, h 1
chen, jk 1
chen, jw 1
chen, p 1
chen, s 1
chen, sd 1
chen, ss 1
chen, ssl 1
chen, wj 1
chen, wq 1
chen, yh 1
chen, ying 1
chen, yq 1
chen, zx 1
cheng, as 1
cheng, ch 1
cheng, chk 1
cheng, ck 1
cheng, y 1
cheong, jh 1
chesney, j 1
chesswilliams, r 1
cheung, ch 1
cheung, kky 1
cheung, skk 1
cheung, tw 1
cheung, y 1
cheung, zh 1
chi, hc 1
chi, sg 1
chiacchiera, f 1
chiariello, m 1
chiba, t 1
chieppa, m 1
chiong, m 1
chiou, sh 1
chisari, fv 1
chiu, gn 1
chiu, j 1
chiu, jf 1
chiu, jmt 1
chiu, k 1
chiu, km 1
cho, ch 1
cho, sg 1
cho, wc 1
cho, wcs 1
cho, ys 1
cho, yy 1
choi, am 1
choi, amk 1
choi, d 1
choi, ej 1
choi, ek 1
choi, j 1
choi, ks 1
choi, ky 1
choi, si 1
chong, cm 1
chong, y 1
chou, tf 1
chow, kc 1
chow, p 1
chowdhury, k 1
choy, kw 1
chu, man tak 1
chu, phw 1
chueh, sh 1
chung, c 1
chung, t 1
chung, yl 1
chye, ml 1
cianfanelli, v 1
ciechomska, ia 1
cirone, m 1
ckiu, k 1
claerhout, s 1
clair, ds 1
clark, rsb 1
clarke, pg 1
clarke, pgh 1
clementi, e 1
cleyrat, c 1
clària, j 1
cnop, m 1
coccia, em 1
cocco, t 1
coers, j 1
cohen, ee 1
colecchia, d 1
coletto, l 1
coll, ns 1
coller, ha 1
colombo, mi 1
colucci-guyon, e 1
condorelli, f 1
cook, kl 1
cookson, mr 1
cooper, cd 1
cooper, jm 1
coppola, g 1
corasaniti, mt 1
corazzari, m 1
corcelle-termeau, e 1
cordero, md 1
corral-ramos, c 1
corti, o 1
cossarizza, a 1
cossart, p 1
cotman, sl 1
coto-montes, a 1
cotomontes, a 1
cottet, s 1
covey, lr 1
cowan, david a. 1
cowart, la 1
cox, js 1
coyne, cb 1
cragg, ms 1
craven, rj 1
cregg, jm 1
crepaldi, t 1
criollo, a 1
crippa, v 1
cronjé, mj 1
cruz, mt 1
cuellar, t 1
cuezva, jm 1
cui, t 1
cullen, jj 1
cutillas, pr 1
czyzyk-krzeska, mf 1
d'orazi, g 1
dagda, rk 1
dahmen, u 1
dai, c 1
dai, w 1
dai, y 1
dalby, kn 1
dalla valle, l 1
dalmasso, g 1
damme, m 1
darfeuille-michaud, a 1
darfeuillemichaud, a 1
dargemont, c 1
darley-usmar, vm 1
dasarathy, s 1
dasgupta, b 1
dash, s 1
dass, cr 1
davey, hm 1
david zacks, e 1
davies, fe 1
davis, rj 1
dawson, tm 1
dawson, vl 1
daza, p 1
de belleroche, j 1
de cordoba, sr 1
de córdoba, sr 1
de felici, m 1
de figueiredo, p 1
de figueiredo, rc 1
de groot, jf 1
de haan, cam 1
de la fuente, j 1
de matteis, a 1
de melo, ej 1
de meyer, gr 1
de santi, m 1
de souza, w 1
de zio, d 1
dechant, r 1
decuypere, jp 1
deegan, s 1
degterev, a 1
del bello, b 1
del re, dp 1
delage-mourroux, r 1
delbridge, lm 1
delbridge, lmd 1
deldicque, l 1
delorme-axford, e 1
demarchi, f 1
deng, y 1
deng, yz 1
denizot, m 1
denton, d 1
der, cj 1
derrien, b 1
desai, sd 1
deutsch, e 1
devarenne, tp 1
dhar, a 1
di bartolomeo, s 1
di daniele, n 1
di domenico, f 1
di gioacchino, m 1
di nardo, a 1
di paola, s 1
di paolo, g 1
di pietro, a 1
di pietro, c 1
di renzo, l 1
diantonio, a 1
diaz-meco, mt 1
diaz-nido, j 1
diazmeco, mt 1
diaznido, j 1
dickey, ca 1
dickson, rc 1
diederich, m 1
digard, p 1
dinesh-kumar, sp 1
dineshkumar, sp 1
ding, c 1
ding, y 1
ding, z 1
dini, l 1
distelhorst, cw 1
distler, jh 1
djavaheri-mergny, m 1
djavaherimergny, m 1
dmytruk, k 1
dobson, rc 1
doetsch, v 1
dokladny, k 1
donadelli, m 1
dong, x 1
dong, xc 1
donohue, tm 1
doran, ks 1
dorn, gw 1
dorsey, fc 1
dos santos, cn 1
dowling, jj 1
doxsey, s 1
dreux, m 1
drew, me 1
dridi, s 1
drucker, l 1
du toit, a 1
du, j 1
du, ll 1
dua, p 1
duan, l 1
duan, q 1
duann, p 1
dubey, vk 1
duchen, mr 1
duez, h 1
duff, k 1
dumit, vi 1
duncan, mc 1
dunlop, ea 1
dunn, wa 1
dupont, n 1
dupuis, l 1
durbeej, m 1
durcan, tm 1
durán, rv 1
duszenko, m 1
dutta, d 1
duvezin-caubet, s 1
duvvuri, u 1
dávila, d 1
díaz-araya, g 1
díaz-laviada, i 1
díazaraya, g 1
díazlaviada, i 1
eapen, v 1
ebrahimi-fakhari, d 1
echard, a 1
eckhart, l 1
egea, g 1
eisenberg, t 1
eisenberg-lerner, a 1
ekmekcioglu, s 1
el-deiry, ws 1
el-khoury, v 1
eldar-finkelman, h 1
eldeiry, ws 1
elgendy, m 1
ellerby, lm 1
elliott, cj 1
emanuele, e 1
emmenegger, u 1
engedal, n 1
enserink, jm 1
er eng, k 1
erdmann, r 1
eri, r 1
eriksen, jl 1
erman, a 1
esclatine, a 1
espina, v 1
esteban, ja 1
esteban-martínez, l 1
evans, tj 1
fabri, m 1
fabrias, g 1
fabrizi, c 1
facchiano, a 1
faggioni, a 1
fairlie, wd 1
fan, c 1
fan, d 1
fan, f 1
fan, fcp 1
fan, h 1
fan, qw 1
fan, z 1
fang, y 1
farré, jc 1
favier, fb 1
fearnhead, h 1
fechheimer, m 1
federici, m 1
fei, e 1
felizardo, tc 1
feng, cg 1
feng, h 1
feng, j 1
feng, z 1
ferguson, ta 1
fernandez-barrena, mg 1
fernandez-checa, jc 1
fernandez-zapico, me 1
fernández, áf 1
fernández-lópez, a 1
feron, o 1
ferraro, e 1
ferreira-halder, cv 1
fesus, l 1
fiesel, fc 1
figueiredopereira, me 1
filippi-chiela, ec 1
filomeni, g 1
fingar, dc 1
fingert, jh 1
finley, kd 1
fisher, ea 1
flamigni, f 1
florey, o 1
florezmcclure, ml 1
floto, ra 1
folini, m 1
follo, c 1
fotedar, r 1
fowler, dh 1
fox, hs 1
fraldi, a 1
francois, a 1
fransen, m 1
françois, a 1
fraser, id 1
frederikse, p 1
frey, n 1
freyssenet, dg 1
frezza, c 1
friedman, sl 1
frigo, de 1
fu, d 1
fujii, j 1
fujisaki, k 1
fujita, e 1
fujitani, y 1
fujiwara, y 1
fujiya, m 1
fulda, s 1
fung, smy 1
furukawa, rh 1
fusco, c 1
færgeman, nj 1
fésüs, l 1
gabryel, b 1
galadari, s 1
galili, g 1
galindo, i 1
galindo, mf 1
galliciotti, g 1
galliot, b 1
galluzzi, l 1
gammoh, n 1
gandy, s 1
ganesan, ak 1
ganesan, s 1
ganesh, s 1
ganetzky, b 1
gannagé, m 1
gao, f 1
gao, gf 1
gao, h 1
gao, j 1
gao, jx 1
garcia, l 1
garcia-macía, m 1
garcia-ruiz, c 1
garciamanero, g 1
garciamarcos, m 1
garcía nannig, l 1
garcía véscovi, e 1
garg, ad 1
garg, pk 1
gargini, r 1
garmyn, m 1
gartel, al 1
gassen, nc 1
gatica, d 1
gautel, m 1
gavard, j 1
gavathiotis, e 1
gawriluk, tr 1
ge, l 1
ge, p 1
ge, s 1
gean, pw 1
gegg, me 1
gelmetti, v 1
genazzani, aa 1
gendelman, he 1
genschik, p 1
gentleman, s 1
germain, m 1
gerner, l 1
geschwind, dh 1
ghigo, e 1
ghosh, d 1
ghosh, p 1
giampieri, f 1
giampietri, c 1
giatromanolaki, a 1
giatromanolaki, an 1
gibbings, dj 1
gibellini, l 1
gilkerson, rw 1
ginet, v 1
ginger, ml 1
ginsberg, hn 1
giordano, a 1
giorgini, f 1
giovannetti, e 1
girardin, se 1
gispert, s 1
giuliano, s 1
gladson, cl 1
glavic, a 1
gleave, m 1
glover, re 1
godefroy, n 1
gogal, rm 1
gokulan, k 1
golab, j 1
goldfinger, med 1
goldman, gh 1
goletti, d 1
golstein, p 1
gomes, av 1
gomes, lc 1
gomez, h 1
gomez-manzano, c 1
gomezmanzano, c 1
gong, q 1
gonzalez, cb 1
gonzalez, cd 1
gonzalez, r 1
gonzalez-alegre, p 1
gonzalez-cabo, p 1
gonzalezrey, e 1
gonzález-polo, ra 1
gonzálezestévez, c 1
gonzálezpolo, ra 1
gonçalves, da 1
goping, is 1
gorbea, c 1
goring, dr 1
gorman, am 1
gorski, s 1
gorski, sm 1
goto, tetsuya 1
goto-yamada, s 1
gotor, c 1
gourmaud, s 1
gozes, i 1
graba, y 1
graeber, mb 1
graef, m 1
grant, s 1
gravina, gl 1
green, dr 1
green, kn 1
greenhough, a 1
greenwood, mt 1
gregorc, a 1
grimaldi, b 1
groulx, jf 1
gruber, f 1
grumati, p 1
grune, t 1
grunt, tw 1
grönlinger, c 1
gu, j 1
gu, y 1
gual, p 1
guerra, b 1
guichard, sm 1
guillen, c 1
gukovskaya, as 1
gukovsky, i 1
gulshan, k 1
guo, c 1
guo, l 1
guo, m 1
guo, r 1
guo, w 1
guo, xg 1
gust, aa 1
gustafsson, ab 1
gustafsson, åb 1
gutierrez, e 1
gutierrez, mg 1
gwak, hs 1
gómez-sánchez, r 1
haas, a 1
haber, je 1
haberstok, j 1
hadano, s 1
haddon, l 1
hagedorn, m 1
hahn, dr 1
hale, an 1
halonen, sk 1
hamacher-brady, a 1
hamada, k 1
hamai, a 1
hamann, a 1
hamer, i 1
hamid, q 1
hammond, em 1
han, ds 1
han, l 1
han, t 1
han, w 1
hancock, mk 1
handa, jt 1
hanover, ja 1
hara, h 1
harada, h 1
hardt, se 1
harhaji-trajkovic, l 1
harrath, ah 1
harris, sd 1
hasan, km 1
hasan, m 1
hashimoto, m 1
hasler, u 1
haspel, ja 1
hasselblatt, p 1
hasui, k 1
hawley, rg 1
hawley, ts 1
hayashi, m 1
hayashi, si 1
hazelhurst, la 1
he, cy 1
he, f 1
he, g 1
he, m 1
he, rr 1
he, xh 1
he, yy 1
heath, jk 1
hebert, s 1
heidenreich, ka 1
heinzen, ra 1
helfrich, mh 1
hemperly, j 1
hensel, m 1
her, c 1
herman, b 1
hernandez, c 1
hernández, a 1
hernández-tiedra, s 1
herskovitz, j 1
hiesinger, pr 1
hiew, kw 1
higaki, k 1
hill, bg 1
hill, wd 1
hino, k 1
ho, h 1
ho, hy 1
ho, p 1
ho, sl 1
ho, winglau 1
ho, yuen shan 1
hocking, lj 1
hofius, d 1
hofmann, tg 1
hoi, mpm 1
hoi, pm 1
holyoake, tl 1
holz, mk 1
hong, mh 1
hong, s 1
hong, y 1
hoozemans, jj 1
hoppe, t 1
hotamisligil, gs 1
houwerzijl, ej 1
hsu, c 1
hsu, cy 1
hsu, lc 1
hsu, t 1
hu, b 1
hu, caa 1
hu, d 1
hu, g 1
hu, h 1
hu, mc 1
hu, yc 1
hu, zw 1
hua, f 1
huang, cx 1
huang, dp 1
huang, hl 1
huang, j 1
huang, jianpan 1
huang, kh 1
huang, ky 1
huang, rj 1
huang, yr 1
huebbe, p 1
hui, esk 1
huie, mj 1
hulmi, jj 1
hung, c 1
hung, k 1
hung, th 1
huo, j 1
hupp, tr 1
hurley, jb 1
hurley, jh 1
hurry, med 1
husak, z 1
hussain, s 1
hussain, sn 1
hussain, sna 1
hussey, pj 1
hwang, ti 1
höglinger, gu 1
høyerhansen, m 1
il kang, k 1
ilkhanizadeh, s 1
imai, y 1
imbriano, c 1
inoki, k 1
inomata, m 1
iozzo, rv 1
ip, akc 1
ip, kc 1
irazoqui, je 1
iribarren, p 1
isakovic, aj 1
ischiropoulos, h 1
isenberg, js 1
ishaq, m 1
ishii, i 1
ishmael, je 1
isobe, k 1
isobe, ki 1
isono, e 1
issazadeh-navikas, s 1
itahana, k 1
itakura, e 1
ivanov, ai 1
iwai, h 1
iwasaki, a 1
iyer, ak 1
izquierdo, jm 1
izquierdo, m 1
izzo, v 1
jaakkola, pm 1
jaber, n 1
jackson, dj 1
jackson, gr 1
jacob, tg 1
jacques, ts 1
jagannath, c 1
jain, a 1
jana, nr 1
jang, bk 1
jang, kj 1
jani, a 1
jannig, pr 1
jansson, pj 1
jean, s 1
jessen, n 1
ji, j 1
ji, jz 1
jia, hs 1
jia, k 1
jia, l 1
jiang, jx 1
jiang, m 1
jiang, q 1
jiang, t 1
jiang, thg 1
jiang, y 1
jin, c 1
jin, dy 1
jin, h 1
jin, j 1
jinwal, uk 1
jo, ek 1
joe, co 1
johnson, gv 1
johnson, gvw 1
johnson, jd 1
jonasch, e 1
jones, c 1
jones, nl 1
joosten, la 1
jordan, j 1
joseph, am 1
joseph, sk 1
ju, d 1
ju, g 1
ju, j 1
juan, hf 1
juenemann, k 1
juilleratjeanneret, l 1
jung, ch 1
jung, hs 1
jung, ju 1
jungbluth, h 1
justice, mj 1
jutten, b 1
kaakoush, no 1
kadowaki, m 1
kaeffer, b 1
kagedal, k 1
kahana, a 1
kajimura, s 1
kakhlon, o 1
kalaitzakis, me 1
kalia, m 1
kalvakolanu, dv 1
kambas, k 1
kanamori, h 1
kandouz, m 1
kang, kb 1
kang, tc 1
kang, ya 1
kanthasamy, a 1
kantorow, m 1
kaparakis-liaskos, m 1
kapuy, o 1
karim, mr 1
karmakar, p 1
kaser, a 1
kau, pwf 1
kaushal, gp 1
kawazoe, y 1
kawula, t 1
kaynar, am 1
ke, zj 1
kelekar, a 1
keller, ke 1
kemper, jk 1
kempski, o 1
kenworthy, ak 1
kepp, o 1
kerkhoff, c 1
kern, a 1
kesari, s 1
kessel, d 1
kessel, dh 1
ketteler, r 1
kettelhut, ido c 1
kevadiya, bd 1
khalil, h 1
khambu, b 1
khan, mm 1
khandelwal, vk 1
khare, s 1
kiang, jg 1
kiecker, c 1
kiel, jakw 1
kim, al 1
kim, ch 1
kim, hc 1
kim, hy 1
kim, jk 1
kim, kw 1
kim, md 1
kim, mm 1
kim, sy 1
kim, wg 1
kimura, t 1
kinoshita, j 1
kinsella, tj 1
kirkegaard, k 1
kishi, s 1
kitajima, y 1
kitaoka, y 1
klein, l 1
kley, ra 1
kline, p 1
klinkenberg, m 1
knuppertz, l 1
knævelsrud, h 1
ko, bcb 1
ko, jl 1
kobayashi, s 1
koechlin-ramonatxo, c 1
koenig, u 1
koga, h 1
koh, jy 1
kohlwein, sd 1
kong, d 1
kong, ly 1
kong, wj 1
konstantakou, eg 1
koonching ip, a 1
kopp, bt 1
korcsmaros, t 1
korhonen, l 1
koshkina, nv 1
kosik, k 1
kotake, y 1
kou, y 1
koumenis, c 1
kouri flores, jb 1
kovacs, wj 1
kovács, t 1
koya, d 1
kramer, h 1
kravic-stevovic, t 1
krek, w 1
kretz-remy, c 1
kretzremy, c 1
krichevsky, am 1
krick, r 1
krishnamurthy, m 1
kriston-vizi, j 1
kruer, mc 1
kruger, r 1
krut, o 1
krämer, h 1
krüger, r 1
kuan, cy 1
kucharczyk, r 1
kuchitsu, k 1
kuhn, c 1
kumar, ap 1
kumar, d 1
kuno, a 1
kuo, sh 1
kuramoto, e 1
kuret, j 1
kwan, skj 1
kwok, t 1
kwon, hj 1
kwon, tk 1
kwon, yt 1
kwong, sw 1
kyrmizi, i 1
kågedal, k 1
köhler, k 1
lafay, c 1
lahm, t 1
lai, cs 1
lai, h 1
lai, jsm 1
lai, msl 1
lakkaraju, a 1
lakshmanan, y 1
lam, hi 1
lam, ncy 1
lam, nh 1
lam, s 1
lam, t 1
lam, wh 1
lancel, s 1
landowski, th 1
landry, j 1
lane, dj 1
lanzi, c 1
lapierre, lr 1
laporte, j 1
laporte, jf 1
lau, ht 1
lau, jcf 1
lau, sp 1
lau, yt 1
laukkarinen, j 1
laurie, gw 1
lavie, l 1
lavoie, jn 1
lavoie, mj 1
law, by 1
law, hk 1
law, kb 1
law, s 1
le roch, kg 1
le stunff, h 1
leardkamolkarn, v 1
lecuit, m 1
ledbetter, dj 1
lee, ajx 1
lee, bh 1
lee, bw 1
lee, ch 1
lee, cwc 1
lee, ef 1
lee, h 1
lee, hj 1
lee, jcd 1
lee, jk 1
lee, jq 1
lee, mys 1
lee, pj 1
lee, s 1
lee, sj 1
lee, ss 1
lee, sw 1
lee, sy 1
lee, vm 1
lee, vmy 1
lee, ws 1
lee, yh 1
lee, yj 1
lee, yr 1
lefort, s 1
legembre, p 1
legido-quigley, cristina 1
legido-quigley, cs 1
lehmann, m 1
lei, hy 1
lei, j 1
leibowitz, g 1
leiro, j 1
lekli, i 1
lemaire, sd 1
lemberg, mk 1
leng, s 1
lenz, g 1
lenzi, p 1
lerman, lo 1
lesniak, ms 1
lettieri barbato, d 1
leu, ji 1
leung, h 1
leung, hy 1
leung, mcp 1
leung, wai keung 1
leung, yen 1
lev, d 1
levenson, vv 1
levy, e 1
lewis, pa 1
lezoualc'h, f 1
li, c 1
li, ets 1
li, fj 1
li, hm 1
li, jl 1
li, k 1
li, lm 1
li, q 1
li, r 1
li, szc 1
li, t 1
li, wk 1
li, xa 1
li, xj 1
li, yb 1
li, yp 1
lian, j 1
liang, yx 1
liao, y 1
liao, yf 1
liberal, j 1
lie, p 1
lieberman, a 1
lieberman, ap 1
lim, lw 1
lima, rt 1
lin, cs 1
lin, f 1
lin, j 1
lin, jd 1
lin, kh 1
lin, ph 1
lin, t 1
lin, wc 1
lin, x 1
lin, yl 1
lin, ys 1
lin, z 1
lindholm, d 1
lindqvist, lm 1
linkermann, a 1
liotta, la 1
lipinski, mm 1
lippincottschwartz, j 1
lira, va 1
liu, c 1
liu, f 1
liu, h 1
liu, hj 1
liu, jl 1
liu, p 1
liu, q 1
liu, qa 1
liu, ry 1
liu, s 1
liu, t 1
liu, x 1
liu, xd 1
liu, xh 1
liu, yc 1
liu, yq 1
liu, z 1
liuzzi, jp 1
lizard, g 1
ljujic, m 1
lo, ac 1
lo, bcy 1
lo, hy 1
lo, kw 1
lockshin, ra 1
lodhi, ij 1
logue, se 1
lokeshwar, bl 1
long, j 1
long, yc 1
longueville, s 1
lopezberestein, g 1
lorente, m 1
lorenzi, pl 1
los, m 1
lossi, l 1
lovat, pe 1
lu, h 1
lu, j 1
lu, q 1
lu, qj 1
lu, s 1
lu, sm 1
lu, y 1
lu, z 1
luckhart, s 1
lucocq, jm 1
ludovico, p 1
lugea, a 1
lui, b 1
lui, jch 1
lui, sy 1
lum, jj 1
lum, tys 1
luo, h 1
luo, j 1
luo, s 1
luo, xb 1
luo, y 1
luparello, c 1
lynchday, ma 1
lyons, t 1
lászló, l 1
lópez-otín, c 1
lópez-vicario, c 1
lópezotín, c 1
lõrincz, p 1
lõw, p 1
ma, ch 1
ma, chs 1
ma, d 1
ma, h 1
ma, k 1
ma, q 1
ma, vws 1
ma, z 1
machado, j 1
machado-santelli, gm 1
machhi, j 1
macintosh, gc 1
macmicking, jd 1
macmillan-crow, la 1
madesh, m 1
madrigal-matute, j 1
maeda, a 1
maeda, t 1
maegawa, g 1
maellaro, e 1
maes, h 1
magariños, m 1
maiese, k 1
maiti, tk 1
mak, jcw 1
maki, cg 1
malagoli, d 1
malicdan, mcv 1
malli, r 1
maloney, b 1
maloyan, a 1
mami-chouaib, f 1
man, isc 1
mancias, jd 1
mandell, ma 1
manfredi, aa 1
manié, sn 1
manon, s 1
manov, i 1
manthey, al 1
manzoni, c 1
mao, x 1
mao, zw 1
marazziti, d 1
marcel, yl 1
marchbank, k 1
marchetti, p 1
marciniak, sj 1
marcondes, m 1
marconi, am 1
mardi, m 1
marelja, z 1
margeta, m 1
margittai, e 1
mari, m 1
mariani, fv 1
marin, c 1
marinelli, s 1
markaki, m 1
markovic, i 1
marquez, r 1
martelli, am 1
marten, mr 1
martens, s 1
martin, kr 1
martin, s 1
martin-acebes, ma 1
martinand-mari, c 1
martinandmari, c 1
martinez, j 1
martinez-lopez, n 1
martinez-outschoorn, u 1
martinez-vicente, m 1
martinezvicente, m 1
martins, wk 1
martín-sanz, p 1
martínez-velázquez, m 1
mashima, h 1
masini, m 1
mason, rp 1
mastrianni, ja 1
matarese, g 1
mateo, r 1
matoba, s 1
matsumoto, n 1
matsumoto, se 1
matsuo, s 1
matsushita, t 1
matsuura, a 1
matsuzawa, t 1
matteoni, r 1
mattson, mp 1
matus, s 1
maugeri, n 1
mauvezin, c 1
maysinger, d 1
mazure, nm 1
mazzolini, gd 1
mcbrayer, mk 1
mccall, k 1
mcconkey, dj 1
mcconnell, mj 1
mccormick, c 1
mcdermott, c 1
mcdonald, c 1
mciver, sc 1
mckenna, s 1
mckenna, sl 1
mclaughlin, b 1
mclean, pj 1
mcmahon, jj 1
mcmaster, cr 1
mcneish, ia 1
mcquibban, ga 1
mechta-grigoriou, f 1
medema, jp 1
medina, dl 1
megyeri, k 1
mehrpour, m 1
mehta, jl 1
mei, y 1
meier, uc 1
meigs, dd 1
meisler, mh 1
melia, tj 1
melino, s 1
meneghini, md 1
menezes, r 1
meng, l 1
meng, lh 1
meng, s 1
menghini, r 1
menko, as 1
menna-barreto, rf 1
mennabarreto, rfs 1
menzies, fm 1
meraz-ríos, ma 1
mercer, ca 1
merighi, a 1
merla, g 1
merlini, l 1
merlot, am 1
merry, de 1
meryk, a 1
meyer, cg 1
meyer, jn 1
meyer, tf 1
mi, mt 1
miao, jy 1
micale, l 1
michaeli, s 1
michels, pam 1
michikawa, m 1
migliaccio, ar 1
mihailidou, as 1
mikoshiba, k 1
milan, e 1
miller-fleming, l 1
mills, gb 1
mills, ig 1
milojkovic, a 1
minakaki, g 1
minassian, ba 1
ming, xf 1
minibayeva, f 1
minina, ea 1
mintern, jd 1
miracco, c 1
miranda-vizuete, a 1
miranti, ck 1
mitchell, ch 1
mitroulis, i 1
miyamoto, s 1
mizumoto, l 1
mnich, k 1
mohney, rp 1
moita, lf 1
molero, x 1
molinari, m 1
momoi, t 1
monastyrska, i 1
mongillo, m 1
montagnaro, s 1
montagne-stora, s 1
monteiro, mj 1
montell, c 1
moore, dj 1
mora, r 1
mora-rodriguez, r 1
moreau, k 1
morel, e 1
morelli, mb 1
moreno, s 1
morgan, mj 1
moris, a 1
morrison, jl 1
morrison, la 1
morselli, e 1
moseley, pl 1
motori, e 1
mottet, d 1
motyl, t 1
moussa, ce 1
moussa, ceh 1
mouton-liger, f 1
mpakou, ve 1
mukhtar, h 1
mulcahy levy, jm 1
muresan, v 1
murphy, lo 1
murray, jt 1
murthy, a 1
musarò, a 1
muñoz-moreno, r 1
muñoz-pinedo, c 1
mysorekar, i 1
mysorekar, iu 1
møller, ab 1
müller, s 1
münger, k 1
nabi, ir 1
nabissi, m 1
nader, ga 1
nagahara, y 1
nagai, y 1
nagata, e 1
nagelkerke, a 1
nagy, p 1
nahimana, a 1
naidu, sr 1
nair, s 1
nair, u 1
nakagawa, t 1
nakahira, k 1
napolitano, g 1
nardacci, r 1
nascimbeni, ac 1
natarajan, r 1
nath, b 1
navarro, m 1
navegantes, lc 1
nazarko, vy 1
neill, t 1
neilson, j 1
nelson, p 1
nemchenko, a 1
neri, lm 1
netea-maier, rt 1
neufeld, tp 1
neves, bm 1
ng, hm 1
ng, km 1
ng, otw 1
ng, wl 1
nguyen, ht 1
ni, j 1
nicot, as 1
nie, d 1
nilsen, h 1
nilsson, p 1
nishimura, m 1
nislow, c 1
niso-santano, m 1
niu, h 1
njar, vc 1
nobel, w 1
nogalska, a 1
noguchi, s 1
nolte, em 1
norberg, e 1
norga, kk 1
notomi, s 1
noureini, sk 1
novak, i 1
nowikovsky, k 1
nozaki, t 1
nyfeler, b 1
o'donnell, vb 1
o'donovan, t 1
o'dwyer, pj 1
o'rourke, ej 1
obara, k 1
oberley, td 1
oddo, s 1
oehme, i 1
oeste, cl 1
ogretmen, b 1
ogura, y 1
oh, yj 1
ohashi, t 1
ohmuraya, m 1
ohshima, t 1
ohyagi, y 1
ojha, r 1
okazaki, t 1
oleinick, nl 1
oleynikov, md 1
ollinger, k 1
olsen, lj 1
opota, o 1
or, pm 1
orban, dp 1
ordonez, p 1
orhon, i 1
orosz, l 1
orozco, h 1
ortega, al 1
ortona, e 1
osborne, tf 1
osellame, ld 1
oshima, j 1
oshima, s 1
osiewacz, hd 1
ostrander, gk 1
otomo, t 1
ou, jh 1
ou, jhj 1
ouimet, m 1
outeiro, tf 1
ouyang, dy 1
ouyang, h 1
ozbun, ma 1
ozdinler, ph 1
o’brien, jt 1
pace, chl 1
pacelli, c 1
pages, g 1
pajak, b 1
pak, sc 1
pakos-zebrucka, k 1
pakpour, n 1
palková, z 1
palladino, f 1
pallauf, k 1
palmer, ge 1
palmieri, m 1
paludan, sr 1
palumbo, s 1
pampliega, o 1
pan, t 1
pan, w 1
pandey, a 1
pandey, ub 1
pantazopoulou, a 1
papademetrio, dl 1
papini, a 1
parajuli, n 1
pardo, j 1
parekh, vv 1
parenti, g 1
paris, i 1
park, ji 1
parker, r 1
parlato, r 1
parsons, rb 1
pasquet, jm 1
pasquier, b 1
pasumarthi, kb 1
patel, m 1
patschan, d 1
patschan, s 1
pattison, s 1
pause, a 1
pavenstädt, h 1
pavone, f 1
pawelek, jm 1
pearce, rk 1
pedrozo, z 1
pende, m 1
peng, t 1
peng, x 1
penna, f 1
penninger, jm 1
pensalfini, a 1
pepe, s 1
perault, mc 1
pereira, gj 1
pereira, pc 1
perier, c 1
perkinton, ms 1
perl, a 1
perry, g 1
perry, r 1
pesonen, m 1
pessin, je 1
peter, m 1
petrache, i 1
petrof, bj 1
peña, fj 1
peñalva, ma 1
piao, f 1
pierdominici, m 1
pierrefite-carle, v 1
pierrefitecarle, v 1
pierron, g 1
pietrocola, f 1
pimentel-muiños, fx 1
pinar, m 1
pineda, b 1
pinkas-kramarski, r 1
pinkaskramarski, r 1
pinti, m 1
pinton, p 1
piperdi, b 1
piras, a 1
piret, jm 1
piri, n 1
platta, hw 1
plowey, ed 1
po, kt 1
polčic, p 1
poon, ah 1
poon, chd 1
popelka, h 1
popova, b 1
poprawa, i 1
poulose, sm 1
poulton, j 1
powers, sk 1
powers, t 1
pozuelo-rubio, m 1
pozuelorubio, m 1
poüs, c 1
prak, k 1
prange, r 1
prasad, a 1
prince, s 1
produitzengaffinen, n 1
progulskefox, a 1
proia, rl 1
proikas-cezanne, t 1
proikascezanne, t 1
prokisch, h 1
promponas, vj 1
przedborski, s 1
prætoriusibba, m 1
pugazhenthi, s 1
puglielli, l 1
pujol, a 1
pyeon, d 1
pérez-de la cruz, v 1
pérez-pérez, me 1
pérez-rodríguez, d 1
pérez-sala, d 1
qi, h 1
qi, x 1
qian, j 1
qian, sb 1
qian, wb 1
qin, l 1
qiu, y 1
quadrilatero, j 1
quaggin, se 1
quinn, f 1
rabkin, sw 1
radogna, f 1
ragusa, mj 1
rahman, i 1
rahmani, m 1
raina, k 1
ramanadham, s 1
ramesh, r 1
ramm, g 1
randall, g 1
randall-demllo, s 1
rao, h 1
rasmussen, bb 1
rasse, tm 1
rathmell, jc 1
ratovitski, ea 1
rautou, pe 1
ravasi, l 1
ravikumar, b 1
razani, b 1
reed, jc 1
rehm, m 1
rein, t 1
reiner, dj 1
reiners jr, jj 1
reiter, rj 1
reits, e 1
ren, c 1
ren, x 1
renna, m 1
reusch, je 1
reyes, l 1
rezaie, ar 1
rhodes, cj 1
richards, ri 1
richardson, dr 1
richetta, c 1
riehle, ma 1
rihn, bh 1
rikihisa, y 1
riley, be 1
rimbach, g 1
rippo, mr 1
rizzi, f 1
roach, pj 1
roca, g 1
roca, h 1
rocchi, s 1
rocha, s 1
rodemann, hp 1
rodrigues, cm 1
rodriguez-muela, n 1
rodríguez, ci 1
roelofs, j 1
rogov, vv 1
rohn, tt 1
romanelli, d 1
romani, l 1
romano, ps 1
roncero, mi 1
roninson, ib 1
rosa, jl 1
rosello, a 1
rosen, k 1
rosen, kv 1
rosenmann, h 1
rosenstiel, p 1
rost-roszkowska, m 1
rostroszkowska, mm 1
rota, c 1
roth, ka 1
rouschop, km 1
rouschop, kma 1
roué, g 1
rovetta, f 1
roy, j 1
ruan, dt 1
ruan, yw 1
ruano, d 1
rubin, bp 1
ruckdeschel, k 1
rucker iii, eb 1
rucker, eb 1
rudolf, r 1
ruegg, ma 1
ruiz-roldan, c 1
ruizopazo, n 1
ruparelia, aa 1
rusmini, p 1
russ, dw 1
russo, g 1
russo, gl 1
ryabovol, v 1
régniervigouroux, a 1
sa, f 1
sacher, m 1
sachse, c 1
sack, mn 1
saftig, p 1
sagi-eisenberg, r 1
saha, t 1
sahni, s 1
saikumar, p 1
saito, t 1
sakagami, h 1
sakai, y 1
sakakura, k 1
sakoh-nakatogawa, m 1
sakuraba, y 1
salazar-roa, m 1
salekdeh, gh 1
saluja, ak 1
salvesen, g 1
samali, a 1
sanchez, am 1
sanchez, amj 1
sanchez-prieto, r 1
sang, y 1
sang, yh 1
sanjuan, ma 1
sankar, u 1
sansanwal, p 1
santaguida, s 1
santoni, g 1
sardiello, m 1
sargent, g 1
sarkar, p 1
sarrias, mr 1
sarwal, m 1
sarwal, mm 1
sasaki, m 1
sasnauskiene, a 1
satriano, j 1
savaraj, n 1
saveljeva, s 1
schaefer, l 1
schaible, ue 1
schapira, ahv 1
schatzl, hm 1
schekman, r 1
schiaffino, s 1
schiavi, a 1
schipper, hm 1
schmeisser, h 1
schmidt, j 1
schmitz, i 1
schneider, be 1
schneider, c 1
schneider, em 1
schneider, jl 1
schneider, me 1
schneiderstock, r 1
schoenlein, pv 1
schon, ea 1
schröder, b 1
schuck, s 1
schulze, rj 1
schwarten, m 1
schwartz, gk 1
schwarz, tl 1
schätzl, hm 1
schönenberger, mj 1
schönthal, ah 1
schüller, c 1
sciarretta, s 1
scorrano, l 1
scotto, k 1
scovassi, ai 1
screaton, ra 1
screen, m 1
sealy, l 1
seca, h 1
sedej, s 1
segatori, l 1
segev, n 1
segura-aguilar, j 1
seguraaguilar, j 1
seguí-simarro, jm 1
seki, e 1
seki, h 1
seleverstov, o 1
semenkovich, cf 1
semenza, gl 1
sen, arundhuti 1
sen, u 1
senan, am 1
seo, jb 1
separovic, d 1
serra, al 1
serrano-puebla, a 1
sesaki, h 1
setaluri, v 1
shajahan-haq, an 1
shan, cs 1
shanmugam, m 1
sharma, s 1
shaulian, e 1
shaw, rj 1
she, h 1
sheikh, ka 1
shelhamer, jh 1
shen, b 1
shen, cc 1
shen, ck 1
shen, s 1
shen, w 1
shen, wc 1
sheng, r 1
sheng, x 1
shenoy, vb 1
shepherd, tg 1
shi, j 1
shi, l 1
shi, q 1
shi, yh 1
shibutani, s 1
shin, dw 1
shinohara, ml 1
shintani, m 1
shioi, t 1
shirabe, k 1
shiri-sverdlov, r 1
shirihai, o 1
shirihai, os 1
shu, cw 1
shukla, d 1
sica, v 1
sidhu, sb 1
sigurdson, cj 1
sigurdsson, em 1
sijwali, ps 1
silvazacarin, e 1
silvazacarin, ecm 1
silveira, wa 1
silvente-poirot, s 1
silverman, ga 1
simak, j 1
simmet, t 1
simmons, a 1
simons, m 1
sinclair, da 1
singh, sk 1
singh, sv 1
sinha, s 1
sirohi, k 1
sishi, bj 1
sittler, a 1
skop, v 1
skulachev, vp 1
skwarska, a 1
slack, r 1
slack, rs 1
slaninová, i 1
slavov, n 1
smalheiser, n 1
smalley, ks 1
so, c 1
so, kf 1
so, kwok fai 1
soenen, sj 1
soengas, ms 1
soldati, t 1
soleimanpour, sa 1
solhaug, a 1
somasundaram, k 1
son, jh 1
sonawane, a 1
song, c 1
song, f 1
song, hk 1
song, jx 1
song, w 1
song, x 1
song, y 1
soo, ky 1
soontornniyomkij, v 1
sorensen, mh 1
sorice, m 1
soto-pantoja, dr 1
sotthibundhu, a 1
sousa, mj 1
spaink, hp 1
span, pn 1
spang, a 1
sparks, jd 1
speck, pg 1
srinivasula, sm 1
stacchiotti, a 1
stadlin, a 1
staels, b 1
stanek, l 1
stang, mt 1
starczynowski, dt 1
starokadomskyy, p 1
steegborn, c 1
steele, jw 1
steffan, j 1
steffan, js 1
stellrecht, cm 1
stendel, r 1
stephanou, a 1
stepkowski, tm 1
sternberg, c 1
stevens, c 1
stockwell, br 1
stoka, v 1
storchova, z 1
stratoulias, v 1
stravopodis, dj 1
strekalova, t 1
strnad, p 1
strohecker, am 1
stromhaug, p 1
strålfors, p 1
ström, al 1
stulik, j 1
su, yx 1
su, z 1
subramaniam, s 1
sudol, e 1
sue, cm 1
suen, akc 1
suen, ka 1
suh, sw 1
sukseree, s 1
sum, m 1
sun, fl 1
sun, q 1
sun, y 1
sun, z 1
sun, zj 1
sundaramoorthy, v 1
sung, j 1
sung, jjy 1
suzuki, h 1
suzuki, n 1
suzuki, yj 1
swarup, g 1
swärd, k 1
sy, l 1
sylvester, pw 1
szabadkai, g 1
szatmari, z 1
sze, scw 1
szegezdi, e 1
szlosarek, pw 1
sánchez-alcázar, ja 1
sánchezalcázar, ja 1
sánchezprieto, r 1
tabas, i 1
taillebourg, e 1
tait, sw 1
takacs-vellai, k 1
takada, k 1
takahashi, y 1
takano, y 1
takegawa, k 1
takeshita, f 1
takigawa, n 1
takácsvellai, k 1
takáts, s 1
tam, dhf 1
tamagno, e 1
tamburini, j 1
tan, cp 1
tan, jy 1
tan, ksw 1
tan, m 1
tan, ml 1
tan, yj 1
tanaka, m 1
tang, g 1
tang, x 1
tang, ymj 1
tanji, k 1
tapia, ja 1
tasset-cuevas, i 1
tatar, m 1
tavassoly, i 1
taylor, a 1
taylor, mj 1
tchetina, ev 1
tee, ar 1
teixeira-clerc, f 1
telang, s 1
tencomnao, t 1
teng, bb 1
teng, rj 1
terada, as 1
terman, a 1
theiss, al 1
theron, ae 1
thevissen, k 1
thomas, kj 1
thomes, pg 1
thompson, cb 1
thomé, mp 1
thorner, j 1
thum, t 1
thurston, tl 1
tian, f 1
tian, l 1
tian, y 1
tiao, n 1
tible, m 1
till, a 1
ting, jp 1
titorenko, vi 1
tocchinivalentini, g 1
toker, l 1
toldo, s 1
tolkovsky, am 1
tomasino, k 1
tomino, y 1
tong, jt 1
tong, y 1
topisirovic, i 1
torgersen, ml 1
torosantucci, l 1
torriglia, a 1
torrisi, mr 1
tower, j 1
townsend, m 1
triola, g 1
tripathi, dn 1
trisciuoglio, d 1
troncoso, r 1
trougakos, ip 1
truttmann, ac 1
tsai, kj 1
tsai, tf 1
tsang, andrea wing ting 1
tsang, aw 1
tsang, aw-t 1
tsang, d 1
tsao, gsw 1
tsao, sw 1
tse, i 1
tse, j 1
tseng, yh 1
tsubata, t 1
tsui, kc 1
tsukuba, t 1
tsvetkov, as 1
tu, s 1
tuan, hy 1
tucci, m 1
tudor, el 1
tumbarello, da 1
tung, cy 1
turk, v 1
turner, l 1
turner, ls 1
turner, r 1
turner, rf 1
turner, rs 1
tveita, aa 1
tönges, l 1
ubukata, m 1
udelnow, a 1
umansky, s 1
umemiya-shirafuji, r 1
umemiyashirafuji, r 1
underwood, br 1
ungermann, c 1
unni, vk 1
ureshino, rp 1
ushioda, r 1
uversky, vn 1
uzcátegui, nl 1
vaccari, t 1
vakifahmetoglu-norberg, h 1
valdor, r 1
vallette, f 1
valverde, am 1
van den bosch, l 1
van den brink, gr 1
van der goot, fg 1
van der laan, lj 1
van dyk, lf 1
van golen, kl 1
van grunsven, la 1
van kaer, l 1
van lookeren campagne, m 1
vandenberghe, w 1
vandenberghe, wp 1
vaquero, ec 1
varela-nieto, i 1
vasconcelos, mh 1
vasko, r 1
vavvas, dg 1
vega-naredo, i 1
velentzas, ad 1
velentzas, pd 1
vellenga, e 1
vendelbo, mh 1
venkatachalam, k 1
ventura, n 1
ventura, s 1
veras, ps 1
verdier, m 1
vertessy, bg 1
viale, a 1
vicencio, jm 1
vidal, m 1
vieira, hl 1
vigneswaran, n 1
vij, n 1
villar, m 1
villar, vh 1
villarroya, j 1
vitale, g 1
vogl, dt 1
von schwarzenberg, k 1
vong, jsl 1
voth, de 1
votruba, m 1
vouret-craviari, v 1
vuori, k 1
vyas, jm 1
váchová, l 1
wada, k 1
wademartins, r 1
waeber, c 1
walker, mj 1
walsh, cm 1
wan, k 1
wan, l 1
wan, x 1
wan, xb 1
wang, a 1
wang, b 1
wang, cy 1
wang, hj 1
wang, k 1
wang, mq 1
wang, nl 1
wang, p 1
wang, py 1
wang, q 1
wang, rachel pei hsuan 1
wang, s 1
wang, sy 1
wang, tf 1
wang, wx 1
wang, xj 1
wang, xw 1
wang, xx 1
wang, y 1
wang, yaoyao 1
wang, yt 1
wang, z 1
wang, zc 1
wang, zn 1
wansink, dg 1
wappner, p 1
ward, c 1
warnes, g 1
watanabe, y 1
watase, k 1
waters, sl 1
weaver, te 1
webster, p 1
weekes, cd 1
wei, j 1
wei, l 1
wei, m 1
wei, x 1
weide, t 1
weindl, g 1
weis, sn 1
weiss, wa 1
welford, sm 1
wen, l 1
wen, lp 1
wen, x 1
wen, y 1
westermann, b 1
wetsel, wc 1
weyand, cm 1
whiley, luke 1
white, ar 1
white, e 1
whitehouse, ca 1
wiels, j 1
wild, f 1
wildenberg, me 1
wiley, jw 1
wilkinson, ds 1
williams, c 1
williams, k 1
williams, rl 1
winkler, a 1
winklhofer, kf 1
witkin, ss 1
wohlgemuth, se 1
wollert, t 1
wolvetang, ej 1
wong, aky 1
wong, ayy 1
wong, c 1
wong, cw 1
wong, dsh 1
wong, e 1
wong, ghy 1
wong, gordon tin chun 1
wong, gtc 1
wong, gw 1
wong, h 1
wong, hi 1
wong, kh 1
wong, py 1
wong, rns 1
wong, rw 1
wong, sh 1
wong, vk 1
woodcock, ea 1
wouters, bg 1
wright, kl 1
wu, a 1
wu, d 1
wu, dc 1
wu, gs 1
wu, h 1
wu, j 1
wu, m 1
wu, s 1
wu, w 1
wu, wk 1
wu, wkk 1
wu, y 1
wu, z 1
wuwongse, sm 1
wyttenbach, a 1
xavier, cp 1
xi, z 1
xia, gx 1
xia, p 1
xia, t 1
xia, w 1
xia, x 1
xia, y 1
xiao, g 1
xiao, h 1
xiao, s 1
xiao, w 1
xie, cm 1
xilouri, m 1
xing, f 1
xing, r 1
xing, rz 1
xiong, sh 1
xiong, y 1
xu, a 1
xu, am 1
xu, c 1
xu, dz 1
xu, f 1
xu, g 1
xu, hm 1
xu, m 1
xu, qq 1
xu, y 1
xu, z 1
xu, zx 1
xue, y 1
yamada, t 1
yamanaka, a 1
yamanaka, k 1
yamashiro, s 1
yamashita, m 1
yan, b 1
yan, swl 1
yanagi, y 1
yanagida, m 1
yang, d 1
yang, e 1
yang, fd 1
yang, j 1
yang, l 1
yang, m 1
yang, p 1
yang, pm 1
yang, q 1
yang, s 1
yang, sy 1
yao, pj 1
yao, tp 1
yao, x 1
yao, z 1
yardin, c 1
yasui, ls 1
yau, kkw 1
ye, m 1
yedvobnick, b 1
yeh, es 1
yen, wl 1
yeung, hy 1
yeung, wf 1
yeyati, pl 1
yi, f 1
yi, h 1
yi, l 1
yi, zn 1
yin, jj 1
ying, m 1
yip, ck 1
yip, hk 1
yip, hkf 1
yoo, oj 1
yoo, yh 1
yoo, ym 1
yoon, g 1
yorimitsu, t 1
yoshida, k 1
yoshikawa, y 1
yoshimoto, k 1
you, hj 1
youle, rj 1
younes, a 1
young, kh 1
yu, ht 1
yu, jj 1
yu, mm 1
yu, sw 1
yu, xf 1
yu, z 1
yue, by 1
yue, j 1
yuen, awh 1
yuen, cf 1
yuen, pw 1
yun, ch 1
yung, s 1
yung, wh 1
yuzaki, m 1
zabirnyk, o 1
zacks, dn 1
zacksenhaus, e 1
zacksenhaus, l 1
zaglia, t 1
zecchini, v 1
zeh iii, hj 1
zeitlin, so 1
zeng, j 1
zeng, m 1
zeng, q 1
zervos, as 1
zhang, dd 1
zhang, gc 1
zhang, hl 1
zhang, hq 1
zhang, ky 1
zhang, lq 1
zhang, s 1
zhang, ssy 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, yk 1
zhang, yl 1
zhang, yq 1
zhao, fy 1
zhao, gd 1
zhao, mm 1
zhao, wl 1
zhao, x 1
zhao, yf 1
zhao, yg 1
zhao, yx 1
zhao, z 1
zheng, d 1
zheng, gq 1
zheng, xl 1
zheng, z 1
zheng, zp 1
zhong, jx 1
zhong, r 1
zhou, cz 1
zhou, g 1
zhou, gz 1
zhou, h 1
zhou, sf 1
zhou, xj 1
zhou, zy 1
zhu, c 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, w 1
zhu, x 1
zhuang, sm 1
zhuang, x 1
zhuang, z 1
ziparo, e 1
zois, ce 1
zou, ly 1
zschocke, j 1
zuckerbraun, b 1
zughaier, sm 1
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InventorsNo. of Patents
so, kf 4
yuen, waihung 3
zee, sy 3
yuen, wh 1
zee, s., y 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
animals 15
humans 10
mice 10
neuroinflammation 10
neuroprotection 10
lycium barbarum polysaccharides 9
medical sciences 9
disease models, animal 8
lycium - chemistry 8
lycium barbarum 8
male 8
neuroprotective agents - pharmacology 8
oxidative stress 8
oxidative stress - drug effects 8
aging 7
alzheimer’s disease 7
apoptosis 7
cells, cultured 7
glaucoma 7
inflammation 7
rats 7
rats, sprague-dawley 7
stress 7
alzheimer's disease 6
autolysosome 6
autophagosome 6
cerebral ischemia 6
cytoskeleton 6
drugs, chinese herbal - pharmacology 6
female 6
flux 6
fructus lycii 6
lc3 6
lysosome 6
microglia 6
phagophore 6
phosphorylation 6
psychiatry and neurology gerontology and geriatrics 6
vacuole 6
alanine transaminase - blood 5
alzheimer disease 5
animal experiment 5
anti-aging 5
anti-inflammatory agents - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
antioxidants - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
beta-amyloid 5
carbon tetrachloride 5
cardiovascular disease 5
cognitive dysfunctions 5
cytochrome p-450 cyp2e1 - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 5
cytokines - genetics - metabolism 5
cytoprotection 5
drug-induced liver injury - etiology - genetics - metabolism - pathology - prevention & control 5
drugs, chinese herbal - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
drugs, chinese herbal - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
endocrinology 5
endothelin-1 5
enzyme inhibitors - pharmacology 5
fibrosis 5
gene expression regulation, enzymologic - drug effects 5
inflammation mediators - metabolism 5
lipid peroxidation - drug effects 5
liver 5
liver - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 5
mice, inbred c57bl 5
necrosis 5
neurodegeneration 5
nf-kappa b - metabolism 5
nitric oxide - metabolism 5
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 5
nuclear factor kappa-b 5
periodontitis 5
plants, medicinal 5
retinal ganglion cell 5
tau phosphorylation 5
transfection 5
426 apoptosis/cell death 4
530 ganglion cells 4
6-hydroxydopamine 4
685 retina 4
alzheimer disease - metabolism - prevention & control 4
animal model 4
apoptosis - drug effects 4
arabinogalactan-protein 4
astrocyte 4
axon beading 4
baicalin 4
blood-brain barrier 4
blood-brain barrier - drug effects 4
blood-retinal barrier 4
blood-retinal barrier - drug effects - physiopathology 4
blotting, western 4
brain edema - etiology - pathology - physiopathology - prevention and control 4
brain slice 4
caspase 3 4
caspase 3 - metabolism 4
caspases - metabolism 4
cell line, transformed 4
cell line, tumor 4
cell survival - drug effects 4
cell transplantation 4
chinese herbal medicine 4
cinnamon bark 4
corticosterone 4
depression 4
dose-response relationship, drug 4
embryo, mammalian 4
epithelial cells - virology 4
epstein-barr virus infections - complications 4
glial cell 4
herpesvirus 4, human - isolation & purification 4
insulin signaling 4
l-lactate dehydrogenase - metabolism 4
medicine, east asian traditional 4
membrane shape stability 4
mgo 4
mice, nude 4
molecular weight 4
n ε- (carboxymethyl)lysine (cml) 4
nasopharynx - virology 4
neuron injury 4
neurons - cytology - drug effects - physiology 4
neurons - drug effects 4
neurons - drug effects - metabolism 4
neurons - drug effects - pathology 4
neuroscience 4
oxidopamine - toxicity 4
pentosidine 4
peroxynitrite 4
plant extracts - pharmacology 4
proanthocyanidin 4
rat 4
reactive oxygen species - metabolism 4
reperfusion injury - drug therapy 4
rna, viral - analysis 4
stroke 4
stroke - complications - drug therapy - pathology - physiopathology 4
synaptophysin 4
tau 4
1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium - toxicity 3
administration, oral 3
age-related macular degeneration 3
alkaline extraction 3
alzheimer 3
alzheimer's disease. 3
amyloid 3
amyloid beta-peptides - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
amyloid beta-peptides - drug effects - metabolism 3
amyloid beta-peptides - metabolism 3
amyloid beta-peptides - toxicity 3
analysis of variance 3
anesthetics 3
animal tissue 3
antimanic agents - pharmacology 3
antioxidant (2.084) 3
atomic force microscopy 3
autophagy 3
axon retraction 3
beta amyloid 3
biological markers - analysis 3
blotting, western - methods 3
brain 3
brain - drug effects - metabolism 3
brain diseases - immunology - physiopathology - therapy 3
calcium 3
caspase-3 3
caspases 3
catechin - administration and dosage - analogs and derivatives - chemistry - pharmacology 3
cell adhesion 3
cell count 3
cell death - drug effects 3
cell differentiation - drug effects 3
cell shape 3
cell size 3
central nervous system - cytology - immunology - metabolism 3
central nervous system agents - administration and dosage - toxicity 3
cerebral cortex - cytology 3
chemokine ccl2 - immunology 3
chinese medicine 3
chronic disease 3
cigarette smoking 3
clinical trial (2.172) 3
cognitive dysfunction 3
cognitive impairment 3
crystallin 3
crystallins - metabolism 3
death associated protein kinase 3
dentate gyrus 3
dexmedetomidine 3
differentiation 3
dissection 3
dna fragmentation - drug effects 3
drug interactions 3
electrophoresis, gel, two-dimensional 3
endoplasmic reticulum 3
endoplasmic reticulum - metabolism - ultrastructure 3
experimental glaucoma 3
eye 3
ganoderma lucidum 3
glaucoma - immunology - pathology 3
glaucoma - physiopathology 3
glaucoma. 3
green tea polyphenols/egcg 3
hippocampus 3
hippocampus - cytology 3
hypothermia 3
ibuprofen 3
igf-1 3
immune system processes - immunology 3
immunohistochemistry 3
immunotherapy 3
indoles - diagnostic use 3
inflammation - immunology - physiopathology - prevention & control 3
injection 3
inner nuclear layer 3
insulin-like growth factor i/immunology 3
intraocular pressure 3
issue 10 3
issue 16 3
issue 60 3
l. barbarum 3
laser coagulation 3
lasers 3
lithium chloride - pharmacology 3
lycium barbarum l 3
lycium extract 3
lysosomes - metabolism - ultrastructure 3
macrophage 3
mcp-1/ccl2 3
mice, transgenic 3
microglia - immunology - pathology 3
microtubules - metabolism 3
models, neurological 3
morphometric analysis 3
mpp+ 3
nerium - chemistry 3
nerve degeneration - drug therapy - etiology - physiopathology 3
neural cell adhesion molecule 3
neurites - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
neuroblastoma 3
neuroglia - immunology - metabolism 3
neuroimmunomodulation 3
neuron adhesion 3
neuron mechanics 3
neuronal apoptosis 3
neurons - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 3
neurons - cytology - metabolism 3
neurons - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
neuroprotective agents - administration and dosage - chemistry - pharmacology 3
neuroprotective agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
neuroprotective drug 3
neurotoxicity 3
neurotoxins - toxicity 3
neurotrophins 3
nocodazole - metabolism 3
ocular hypertension 3
ocular hypertension - etiology 3
ocular hypertension - pathology - physiopathology 3
ocular hypertension - physiopathology 3
ophthalmology research 3
optic nerve (on) 3
oxidopamine - administration and dosage - toxicity 3
parkinson's disease 3
partial transection 3
peptide fragments - pharmacology 3
peptide fragments - toxicity 3
plant extracts - chemistry 3
polysaccharide 3
postoperative cognitive dysfunction 3
potassium ions 3
prodrug/pegcg 3
propofol 3
protein kinases 3
recombinant fusion proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
reishi - chemistry 3
retina 3
retina -- diseases. 3
retinal degeneration 3
retinal degeneration - drug therapy - etiology - physiopathology 3
retinal ganglion cells 3
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - metabolism 3
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - pathology 3
retinal vein occlusion - etiology - physiopathology 3
retinitis pigmentosa 3
retinoic acid 3
retrograde labeling 3
secondary degeneration 3
sevoflurane 3
signal transduction 3
signal transduction - drug effects 3
signal transduction - immunology 3
stereo investigator 3
superior colliculus 3
synapses - drug effects - metabolism 3
synaptophysin - drug effects - metabolism 3
synaptotoxicity 3
systemic inflammation 3
tau proteins 3
thickness 3
time factors 3
traditional chinese medicine (2.592) 3
traumatic injury 3
treatment outcome 3
tretinoin - pharmacology 3
tubulin - metabolism 3
tubulin modulators - metabolism 3
unfolded protein responses 3
up-regulation 3
vacuoles - metabolism 3
viscoelasticity 3
wolfberry 3
β-amyloid 3
β-amyloid peptide 3
1h-pyrrole-2- carboxylic acid derivative 2
2apb 2
6-hydroxydopamine(6-ohda) 2
absence of side effects 2
absolute quantification 2
acetylcholine - metabolism 2
actin 2
adhesion 2
adrenergic agents - toxicity 2
adult 2
aging - drug effects 2
aging - drug effects - metabolism 2
alzheimer disease - complications - pathology - therapy 2
alzheimer disease - metabolism - pathology - prevention and control 2
alzheimer's disease -- congresses 2
alzheimer-like pathology 2
amyloid beta-peptides - antagonists & inhibitors - toxicity 2
amyloid beta-peptides - chemistry - metabolism 2
amyloid beta-peptides - chemistry - pharmacology 2
amyloid peptide 2
amyloid-β 2
ananas - chemistry 2
ananas comosus 2
anterior cingulate cortex 2
antidepressant 2
antigenicity 2
antioxidants - pharmacology 2
aphrodisiac 2
asthma 2
basic-leucine zipper transcription factors - metabolism 2
bbb permeability 2
behavior 2
behavior, animal 2
blood vessel 2
boron compounds - pharmacology 2
brain - drug effects - metabolism - physiopathology 2
brain - embryology - metabolism 2
brain - physiology 2
brain-derived nerve growth factor 2
c-jun n-terminal kinase 2
ca2 2
calcium - metabolism 2
calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 2 2
calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
calcium/calmodulin kinase-ii 2
carboxylic acids - chemistry - isolation and purification - pharmacology 2
carrier proteins - metabolism 2
caspase 3 - drug effects 2
caspase 8 2
caspase 9 2
caspase-9 2
caspases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
cell culture techniques 2
cell proliferation 2
cells 2
cellular events 2
cellular senescence 2
cerebral cortex - cytology - embryology 2
cerebral cortex - cytology - metabolism 2
cerebral cortex - cytology - physiology 2
cerebral cortex - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 2
cerebral cortex - pathology 2
cho cells 2
chromatography, high pressure liquid 2
clarity 2
clinical practices 2
clinical trial (topic) 2
coculture techniques 2
cognition 2
cognitive functions 2
cognitive training 2
complement factors 2
cortisol 2
cricetinae 2
cytokines 2
cytokines - physiology 2
cytoprotective effects 2
darkness - adverse effects 2
delipidation 2
delirium 2
delirium - physiopathology 2
dementia -- congresses 2
depression - etiology - pathology 2
despression 2
dietary supplement 2
dietary supplements 2
disease progression 2
diurnal 2
dna-binding proteins 2
double-stranded rna-dependent protein kinase 2
drugs, chinese herbal - administration and dosage - pharmacology 2
dynamics 2
eif-2 kinase - metabolism 2
elasticity 2
endoplasmic reticulum - drug effects - metabolism 2
endoplasmic reticulum - metabolism 2
endothelial cell 2
enzyme activation 2
enzyme activation - drug effects - physiology 2
er stress 2
eukaryotic initiation factor 2α 2
eukaryotic initiation factor-2 2
eukaryotic initiation factor-2 - metabolism 2
excitotoxicity 2
exercise 2
focal adhesions 2
free radical scavengers - metabolism 2
free radicals 2
gastroenterology medical sciences 2
ginseng 2
glutamate 2
glutamic acid - metabolism 2
glutamic acid - toxicity 2
grp78 2
heat-shock proteins 2
herbal medicine 2
homocysteine 2
homocysteine - antagonists and inhibitors - toxicity 2
hsp90 heat-shock proteins - metabolism 2
human post mortem brain 2
illness behavior - physiology 2
immune response 2
immunosuppressive agents - pharmacology 2
indentation 2
indoles - metabolism 2
inflammation - physiopathology 2
intracellular space - drug effects - metabolism 2
l-lactate dehydrogenase - drug effects 2
lewy body dementias 2
lewy body pathology 2
light deprivation 2
loads (forces) 2
locus coeruleus 2
lycium barbarum (wolfberry) 2
lycium barbsarum 2
macrocyclic compounds 2
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 2
mating 2
mechanotransduction 2
methylated resveratrol 2
methylation 2
microrna 2
microtubule 2
mitochondria - drug effects - metabolism - physiology 2
mitogen-activated protein kinases - metabolism 2
models, biological 2
models, chemical 2
molecular chaperones - metabolism 2
mongolian gerbil 2
motor activity 2
muscle 2
naloxone - pharmacology 2
neoplasm proteins - metabolism 2
nerium indicum 2
nerve degeneration - complications - therapy 2
nerve regeneration 2
neural regeneration 2
neurodegenerative diseases - drug therapy - metabolism - physiopathology 2
neurodegenerative diseases - drug therapy - prevention & control 2
neurodegenerative diseases - metabolism - pathology - physiopathology 2
neurogenesis 2
neuroglia - cytology - drug effects - physiology 2
neurohormones 2
neuroimmune activation 2
neurological disorders 2
neuronal hypertrophy 2
neurons - cytology - drug effects 2
neurons - drug effects - enzymology 2
neurons - drug effects - enzymology - pathology 2
neurons - metabolism - pathology 2
neurons - physiology 2
neuroprotective agents 2
neuroprotective agents - administration and dosage - pharmacology 2
neuroprotective agents - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
neurotoxins - metabolism 2
neurovascular dysregulation 2
nitrites - metabolism 2
nutraceuticals 2
okadaic acid 2
opacity 2
optic nerve 2
oxazoles - pharmacology 2
oxidativestress 2
oxidopamine - pharmacology 2
oxyresveratrol 2
parkinson disease 2
parkinson disease - prevention & control - therapy 2
parkinson'sdisease 2
pentanoic acids - chemistry - isolation and purification - pharmacology 2
peptides - chemistry 2
pericytes 2
perk 2
pinostilbene 2
plant structures - chemistry 2
poales 2
polysaccharides 2
polysaccharides - pharmacology 2
post-translational modification 2
posterior cingulate cortex 2
precipitin tests 2
prostaglandins 2
protein biosynthesis - physiology 2
protein denaturation - physiology 2
protein kinase r 2
protein loss 2
protein translation control 2
protein transport - physiology 2
psychiatry and neurology biology 2
pyrroles - chemistry - isolation and purification - pharmacology 2
reducing stress 2
relaxation time 2
renal impairment 2
reproduction 2
resistance exercise 2
resveratrol 2
retinal disease 2
risk factors 2
rna, messenger - metabolism 2
schisantherin a 2
seasonal affective disorder (sad) 2
seasonal affective disorder - metabolism - pathology 2
senescent cells 2
senolytic medicine 2
senolytics 2
sexual behaviors 2
sickness 2
sickness behavior 2
sickness response 2
signal transduction - physiology 2
smoking 2
spinal cord injury 2
stiffness matrix 2
stilbenes - chemistry - pharmacology 2
stilbenes - pharmacology 2
subventricular zone 2
sulfur compounds - chemistry - isolation and purification - pharmacology 2
sulfur-containing constituents 2
synapse 2
synaptic proteins 2
synaptotagmin 2
tacrolimus - pharmacology 2
thapsigargin 2
three-dimensional imaging 2
three-dimensional visualization 2
tissue clearing 2
traditional chinese medicine 2
transcription factors 2
tubulin 2
tyrosinase inhibitors 2
ubiquitin proteasome system 2
verbena officinalis 2
α-synuclein 2
1-phenyl 2-thiourea 1
4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid - pharmacology 1
6-ohda 1
a-synuclein 1
abeta 1
acid-base equilibrium - physiology 1
acidosis 1
acidosis - physiopathology 1
acidosis, lactic - pathology 1
acidosis, lactic - physiopathology 1
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards) 1
adeno-associated virus 1
adjuvants, immunologic 1
adp ribosylation factor 6 1
aged 1
aged, 80 and over 1
aging - metabolism 1
akt 1
alzeimer’s disease 1
alzheimer disease - complications - therapy 1
alzheimer disease - genetics 1
alzheimer disease - metabolism - pathology 1
alzheimer disease - metabolism - physiopathology - therapy 1
alzheimer disease - physiopathology - prevention and control 1
alzheimer’s neurodegenerative diseases 1
amyloid beta-protein precursor 1
amyloid beta-protein precursor - chemistry - metabolism 1
amyloid precursor protein 1
amyloid-β a4 precursor protein-binding family b member 1 1
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ace-2) 1
animal models 1
animals, newborn 1
anions 1
anti-ganglioside complex 1
anti-inflammatory agents, non-steroidal - pharmacology 1
anti-inflammatory agents, non-steroidal - therapeutic use 1
antibodies 1
antigens, cd 1
antigens, cd147 1
antigens, neoplasm 1
antigens, surface 1
antiporters - physiology 1
anxiety 1
apoptosis - physiology 1
arachidonic acid 1
arachidonic acid - physiology 1
astrocytes 1
astrocytes - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 1
atherosclerosis 1
attentional bias 1
autism spectrum disorders 1
autocamtide-related inhibitory peptide 1
avian proteins 1
basal forebrain 1
bcl-2 family 1
bcl-associated death protein 1
beta-amyloid peptide 1
bicarbonates - administration & dosage 1
binding, competitive 1
biomarker 1
bis-carboxyethyl carboxyfluorescein (bcecf) 1
blood 1
blood proteins 1
brain - cytology - enzymology 1
brain - cytology - physiology 1
brain - metabolism 1
brain chemistry - genetics 1
brain damage, chronic - physiopathology 1
brain edema 1
brain edema - drug therapy - pathology 1
brain edema - etiology - metabolism 1
brain edema - physiopathology 1
brain injuries - pathology - physiopathology 1
brain injuries - physiopathology 1
brain injury 1
brain ischemia - physiopathology 1
brain neoplasms 1
brefeldin a - pharmacology 1
bumetanide - pharmacology 1
c6 glioma 1
c6 glioma cell 1
c6 glioma cells 1
calcimycin - toxicity 1
calcium - physiology 1
calcium channels - physiology 1
calcium homeostasis 1
calcium ions 1
calcium signaling - drug effects - physiology 1
calcium signaling - physiology 1
camkii 1
carbazoles - pharmacology 1
carbon dioxide - administration & dosage 1
carrier proteins - antagonists & inhibitors - physiology 1
caspase 1
cell communication - drug effects 1
cell culture 1
cell death 1
cell death - physiology 1
cell fractionation 1
cell line 1
cell nucleus - metabolism 1
cell nucleus - ultrastructure 1
cell proliferation - drug effects 1
cell size - drug effects 1
cell size - physiology 1
cell survival - physiology 1
cell swelling 1
cerebral cortex 1
cerebral inflammation 1
cerebral ventricles - physiopathology 1
cerebral ventricles - secretion 1
cerebrospinal fluid - physiology 1
cerebrospinal fluid - secretion 1
charybdotoxin - pharmacology 1
chloride-bicarbonate antiporters 1
chlorides - administration & dosage 1
cholinergic system 1
chrysin 1
circadian rhythm 1
cl-/hco3- exchanger 1
closed cranial window 1
coenzyme q10 1
copper 1
coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) 1
cortical cultures 1
cricetulus 1
culture media 1
cyclic n-oxides - metabolism 1
cytotoxic brain 1
cytotoxic brain edema 1
ddt - toxicity 1
dementia 1
diabetes mellitus · 1
diagonal band of broca 1
dithiothreitol 1
dna primers 1
dopamine - metabolism 1
dopamine uptake 1
down-regulation 1
drp-1 1
drug synergism 1
drugs, chinese herbal - chemistry - pharmacology 1
dural lymphatics 1
eif2α 1
electron paramagnetic resonance 1
electron spin resonance spectroscopy 1
elf2cα 1
endotoxin 1
engulfment and cell motility protein 1 1
environment enrichment 1
enzyme activation - drug effects 1
enzyme inhibitors - therapeutic use 1
epilepsy, temporal lobe - physiopathology 1
er stress oxyresveratrol 1
escherichia coli 1
eukaryotic initiation factor-2 - antagonists and inhibitors - metabolism 1
eukaryotic initiation factor-2α 1
excitatory amino acid agonists - pharmacology 1
extracellular space - metabolism 1
extracellular space - physiology 1
fc receptor 1
fe65 1
fission and fusion 1
flavonoids 1
flow cytometry 1
flow-cytometry 1
flowers - chemistry 1
fluorescent antibody technique 1
fluorescent dyes 1
fluorescent dyes - pharmacokinetics 1
formazans - pharmacology 1
gc-ms 1
gene delivery 1
gene expression - drug effects 1
gene expression regulation 1
gene expression regulation - drug effects 1
gene therapy 1
genistein - toxicity 1
glia 1
glial cell swelling 1
glial cells 1
glial swelling 1
glioma 1
glioma - metabolism - pathology 1
glutamate toxicity 1
glutamic acid - pharmacology 1
glycoconjugates 1
glycogen synthase kinase 3 - metabolism 1
glycoproteins 1
glymphatic 1
gmf-β 1
go6976 1
granulovacuolar degeneration 1
guillain-barré syndrome 1
gw274150 1
homeostasis - physiology 1
huntington’s disease 1
hydrogen-ion concentration 1
hydroxyl radical - metabolism 1
hyperhomocysteinemia 1
hypothermia, induced 1
immune system - drug effects 1
indoles - pharmacology 1
inflammation - chemically induced - metabolism 1
infusion edema model 1
infusion oedema model 1
inos 1
inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate - metabolism 1
inositol phosphates - pharmacology 1
inositol phosphates - therapeutic use 1
interferon-gamma - pharmacology 1
interferon-inducing protein kinase 1
interferons - pharmacology 1
intracellular fluid - physiology 1
intracranial pressure 1
ionophores - toxicity 1
ip3 receptor 1
iron - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 1
irritable bowel syndrome 1
issue 145 1
kainic acid 1
kainic acid - pharmacology 1
kinetics 1
kn62 1
kn93 1
l-lactate dehydrogenase - analysis 1
l-lactate dehydrogenase - secretion 1
lactacidosis 1
lactic acid 1
lactic acid - metabolism 1
lactic acidosis 1
lewy body dementia 1
lipopolysaccharide 1
lipopolysaccharides - antagonists & inhibitors - toxicity 1
lipopolysaccharides - pharmacology 1
lipopolysaccharides - toxicity 1
macrocephaly 1
macrophages - drug effects - immunology 1
macrophages - drug effects - immunology - metabolism 1
map kinase kinase 4 - metabolism 1
melanogenesis 1
melatonin 1
membrane glycoproteins - metabolism 1
memory 1
memory impairment 1
mesencephalon - cytology 1
mesencephalon - cytology - drug effects - embryology - metabolism 1
metabolic diseases - etiology 1
microglia - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 1
microglia - drug effects - immunology - metabolism 1
microglia - metabolism 1
midbrain 1
mild cognitive impairment 1
minireview 1
mir-132 1
mitochondria 1
mitochondria - drug effects - physiology - ultrastructure 1
mitochondria - metabolism 1
mitochondrial diseases - metabolism 1
mitochondrial membrane potential 1
mitochondrial membranes - drug effects - physiology 1
mitogen-activated protein kinases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 1
monoclonal antibody 1
monocytes - drug effects - immunology 1
mossy fiber sprouting 1
mossy fibers, hippocampal - chemistry - drug effects - physiology 1
mouse 1
na+-k+-cl- cotransporter 1
naloxone 1
naloxone stereoisomer 1
narcotic antagonists - pharmacology 1
nerve degeneration - chemically induced - physiopathology 1
nerve degeneration - metabolism - pathology 1
nerve degeneration - prevention & control 1
nerve tissue proteins - analysis - genetics 1
nerve tissue proteins - metabolism 1
neural cell adhesion molecules 1
neural cell adhesion molecules - chemistry - pharmacology 1
neural cell adhesion molecules - metabolism - pharmacology 1
neurite outgrowth 1
neuroblastoma - metabolism - pathology 1
neurodegenerative disease 1
neurodegenerative diseases - drug therapy - enzymology 1
neurodegenerative diseases - genetics 1
neurodegenerative diseases - physiopathology - prevention and control 1
neurodevelopmental disorders 1
neuroglia - cytology - drug effects - enzymology 1
neuroglia - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 1
neuroglia - cytology - enzymology 1
neuroglia - drug effects - immunology - physiology 1
neuroglia - drug effects - pathology 1
neuroglia - pathology 1
neuroglia - physiology 1
neurology 1
neuron-glia interaction 1
neuronal death 1
neuronal inhibition 1
neuronalapoptosis 1
neurons 1
neuropathology 1
neuroprotection effects 1
neuroprotective agents - chemistry - isolation & purification - pharmacology 1
neurotoxicology 1
nitric oxide 1
nitric oxide - biosynthesis 1
nitric oxide synthase - genetics 1
nitric oxide synthase - genetics - metabolism 1
nitric oxide synthase - metabolism 1
nitric oxide synthase type ii 1
nitric oxide synthase type ii - metabolism 1
nitrogen oxides - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 1
non-heme iron-nitrosyl complex 1
nordihydroguaiaretic acid - pharmacology 1
nuclear proteins - analysis - genetics 1
nuclear proteins - metabolism 1
nucleus basalis of meynert 1
nurr1 1
orexin 1
p38 map kinase 1
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases 1
parkinson's disease dementia 1
parkinson’s disease 1
pc12 cells 1
peripheral blood 1
peripheral nervous system 1
phosphorylation - drug effects 1
phytotherapy 1
pkc 1
pkr 1
plant extracts - chemistry - isolation & purification - pharmacology 1
plant extracts - immunology - pharmacology 1
plasma 1
plasma membrane targeting 1
polysaccharides - chemistry - isolation & purification - pharmacology 1
post-transcription 1
potassium 1
potassium chloride - pharmacology 1
prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking 1
presenilins 1
presenilins - metabolism 1
promoter 1
promoter regions, genetic 1
proteasome 1
protein binding - physiology 1
protein kinase 1
protein kinase c 1
protein kinase c - drug effects - physiology 1
protein kinase c - metabolism 1
protein kinase inhibitors 1
protein kinases - metabolism 1
protein synthesis 1
protein synthesis inhibitors - pharmacology 1
protein translation 1
proteomic analysis 1
proto-oncogene proteins c-bcl-2 - metabolism 1
prunella 1
prunella - chemistry 1
psychiatric disease 1
psychiatry and neurology 1
pten 1
pten hamartoma tumor syndrome 1
quercetin - toxicity 1
rabbits 1
ras proteins - metabolism 1
rats, inbred f344 1
receptors, opioid - antagonists & inhibitors 1
remission, spontaneous 1
resolution of edema fluid 1
resolution of oedema fluid 1
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 1
review 1
rna processing, post-transcriptional - drug effects 1
rna, messenger - analysis 1
rna, messenger - genetics 1
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 1
rna, untranslated - genetics 1
sb202190 1
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) 1
sh-sy5y 1
silica nanoparticles 1
sleep 1
sleep disorders 1
sodium-potassium-chloride symporters 1
sp1 1
sp1 transcription factor - genetics - immunology - metabolism 1
sp1 transcription factor - physiology 1
spleen - cytology - drug effects 1
statistics, nonparametric 1
stereoisomerism 1
stilbenes 1
stress granules 1
stress kinase 1
subarachnoid space 1
subarachnoid space - physiopathology 1
subarachnoid space - secretion 1
superoxide 1
superoxides - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 1
superoxides - metabolism 1
sympatholytics - pharmacology 1
synapses - physiology 1
tau proteins - metabolism 1
taurine 1
taurine - metabolism - pharmacokinetics 1
temporal lobe epilepsy 1
tetradecanoylphorbol acetate - pharmacology 1
tetrazolium salts - pharmacology 1
topography 1
transcription factor 1
transcription, genetic 1
transcription, genetic - drug effects 1
traumatic brain injury 1
triple (ps1m146v/appswe/taup301l) transgenic mice 1
trpc1 1
tumor cells, cultured 1
tumor cells, cultured - drug effects - pathology 1
tumor necrosis factor 1
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - analysis 1
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - biosynthesis 1
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - metabolism 1
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - pharmacology 1
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - secretion 1
tumor necrosis factor-α 1
two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis 1
tyrosinase 1
tyrosine - pharmacokinetics 1
uptake 1
vasogenic brain edema 1
vasogenic brain oedema 1
ventriculo-cisternal perfusion 1
verbena - chemistry 1
voltage dependent anion channel 1
zebrafish embryo 1
α-internexin 1
α-syn 1
α-trinositol 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
molecular imaging, positron emission tomography, pre-clinical, radiotracer 16
biomedicine, live cell imaging, super-resolution 10
alzheimer's disease, herbal medicine, modulate systemic inflammation, neuroinflammation, wolfberry 7
glaucoma, neuroprotective, randomized, supplement, tension, wolfberry 6
1) light-sheet based 3d imaging 2) organoid for disease modeling 3) stem cell biology 4) intracellular trafficking 5) neurobiology 6
alternating bilateral stimulation, dendritic spine plasticity, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, fear conditioning, optogenetics, post-traumatic stress disorder 4
alzheimer’s disease, diagnosis, hyperthermia, magnetic resonance imaging, nanoparticles, simultaneous 4
neurogenesis, neurophasticity, neuroprotection, psychotropic drugs, steroid therapy 4
6-hydroxydopamine, alpha-synuclein, neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, parkinson’s disease, stilbene 3
alzheimer's disease, cognitive functions, dementia, neuroinflammation, periodontitis, sickness responses 3
alzheimer's disease, lycium barbarum, microglia, neuroprotection, retina, triple transgenic 3
cognitive dysfunctions, laparotomy, neuroinflammation, pkr, systemic inflammation 3
dendritics spines, depression, in vivo imaging, interneurons, ketamine, synaptic plasticity 3
laparotomy, neuroinflammation, nicotinic receptor, pocd, systemic inflammation 3
adiponectin, cognitive dysfunction, neuroinflammation, obesity, sevoflurane 2
alzheimer's disease 2
alzheimer's disease, autopagy, beta-amyloid peptide, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes 2
alzheimer's disease, beta-amyloid peptide, environmental stress, er stress, tau phosphorylation 2
anti-inflammatory, dysfunction, herbal, investigating, postoperative, siegesbeckia 2
atomic force microscope, cell adhesion, constitutive modeling, mechanics of neurons 2
brain, cells-derived, huntington’s, mitochondrial, organoids, pluripotent 2
cdk5 kinase, cdk5rap3, neurodegenerative, neuronal differentiation, phosphorylation 2
ebv, epithelial cells, rnas 2
executive functions, frontal cortex, hippocampus, lycium barbarum, parkinson's disease, water maze 2
japanese encephalitis, minocyclin, neuroprotection 2
ad, alzheimer, gvd 1
anonal transport, avian flu, cognitive impairment, influenza, minocycline, synaptic degeneration 1
autism, mouse models, neural stem cells, neurodevelopment, pten 1
glaucoma, microglia, retinal ganglion cells 1
in vivo imaging, mitochondria, neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, parkinson’s disease, zebrafish 1
novel 3d tissue visualisation protocol, pre-clinical platform, therapeutic drug development of lewy body dementias 1
systemic inflammation, neuroinflammation, monocyte/macrophages, il-1b, zebrafish 1
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