AuthorsNo. of Publications
cherny, ss 169
murray, rm 119
lam, ksl 75
cheah, kse 71
tam, pkh 70
cheung, kmc 62
song, y 62
li, t 61
garcia-barcelo, mm 58
cheung, bmy 57
collier, da 57
chan, d 55
luk, kdk 48
kung, awc 47
tso, awk 46
ong, kl 45
so, mt 43
xu, a 40
tang, sm 39
chen, eyh 37
lam, th 37
liu, x 36
mcguffin, p 35
murray, r 35
curtis, d 34
karppinen, j 34
li, m 34
purcell, s 32
song, yq 32
yip, sp 31
leong, jcy 29
gill, m 28
takei, n 27
mcdonald, c 26
zhang, y 26
asherson, p 25
cheung, efc 25
knight, j 25
rijsdijk, f 25
cheung, cl 24
mcalonan, gm 24
tang, csm 24
tse, hf 24
wang, y 24
yang, w 24
bramon, e 23
o'callaghan, e 23
so, hc 23
wang, jj 23
chang, wc 22
hu, x 21
li, q 21
li, y 21
tan, kcb 20
van os, j 20
zhao, j 20
chua, se 19
lau, yl 19
li, j 19
collier, d 18
ho, dwh 18
kao, pyp 18
chan, rck 17
gui, h 17
hui, clm 17
wat, nms 17
ball, d 16
campbell, dd 16
chan, d 16
cheung, c 16
ho, dwh 16
janus, ed 16
li, m 16
ng, iol 16
ngan, esw 16
ott, j 16
toulopoulou, t 16
wang, p 16
ikegawa, s 15
jones, p 15
leung, ryh 15
lui, vch 15
ma, x 15
plomin, r 15
schulze, k 15
wang, q 15
wong, kky 15
arranz, mj 14
bebbington, p 14
cheng, g 14
cheung, cyy 14
chung, hy 14
deng, w 14
fong, chy 14
ng, mym 14
zhao, jh 14
kwan, p 13
owen, m 13
walshe, m 13
woo, yc 13
zhang, x 13
cheung, cl 12
gao, y 12
jones, pb 12
kendler, ks 12
kirov, g 12
kwan, jsh 12
lui, ssy 12
samartzis, d 12
thomas, gn 12
yang, j 12
au, kw 11
baum, lw 11
chan, vny 11
chen, ryl 11
cheung, yy 11
chow, ws 11
fong, hy 11
garciabarceló, mm 11
lau, ks 11
lee, hme 11
miao, xp 11
mok, cc 11
owen, mj 11
st clair, d 11
wang, j 11
wong, ehm 11
chen, w 10
craig, i 10
craig, iw 10
hall, mh 10
hung, sf 10
khoo, us 10
lee, kw 10
lee, tl 10
li, mx 10
maclean, cj 10
north, bv 10
powell, jf 10
rijsdijk, fv 10
taylor, e 10
wickham, h 10
wong, sn 10
wong, whs 10
baum, l 9
chan, sy 9
daly, mj 9
glover, g 9
hirankarn, n 9
ho, sl 9
hui, tck 9
kerwin, rw 9
lee, chp 9
lee, ppw 9
leon, tyy 9
lewis, g 9
li, mj 9
porsch, rm 9
smith, dk 9
wang, w 9
wei, r 9
xu, f 9
yip, bhk 9
zhang, l 9
abecasis, gr 8
avihingsanon, y 8
chan, wc 8
cheung, v 8
chiba, k 8
chiu, hfk 8
craddock, n 8
curran, s 8
hewitt, jk 8
ho, mhk 8
hsu, sj 8
huang, y 8
jiang, l 8
kawaguchi, y 8
kwan, sh 8
lam, lcw 8
lee, ehm 8
liu, j 8
liu, z 8
mak, sht 8
mak, w 8
nanko, s 8
tang, cs 8
vallada, h 8
wang, b 8
wang, junwen 8
wong, cm 8
wong, rws 8
wong, ty 8
xiao, sm 8
ying, d 8
zhang, h 8
zhang, j 8
zhou, x 8
alchalabi, a 7
cardon, lr 7
chan, lk 7
chan, skw 7
chan, v 7
chen, s 7
cherny, stacey s. 7
cheung, jpy 7
chiang, tp 7
dawson, e 7
faraone, sv 7
farmer, a 7
fong, py 7
huang, q 7
hung, ksy 7
jiang, cq 7
kerwin, r 7
lam, m 7
lau, cs 7
lau, jtf 7
lewis, sw 7
li, xp 7
liu, y 7
loh, ew 7
lovestone, s 7
manor, i 7
mill, j 7
morris, ap 7
neale, bm 7
pan, hf 7
picchioni, m 7
powell, j 7
sharma, t 7
shotelersuk, v 7
stefansson, k 7
sterne, a 7
suen, yn 7
sun, l 7
tubbs, jd 7
wang, j 7
wang, y 7
weinberger, dr 7
xue, h 7
yang, s 7
ye, dq 7
yeung, my 7
zhang, f 7
zhang, r 7
zheng, h 7
banaschewski, t 6
breen, g 6
campbell, d 6
cannon, m 6
chan, kw 6
chan, tm 6
chan, yk 6
chen, ck 6
chen, y 6
cheng, kk 6
cheung, tt 6
cui, l 6
deekajorndej, t 6
fan, y 6
frangou, s 6
hai, shjj 6
he, l 6
houlston, rs 6
jawaid, a 6
khong, pl 6
kwong, dlw 6
leung, amh 6
leung, gm 6
lewis, s 6
li, c 6
li, z 6
lin, sk 6
luk, jm 6
lung, ml 6
mak, hkf 6
meng, h 6
mok, my 6
pang, syy 6
rianthavorn, p 6
roeyers, h 6
rothenberger, a 6
steinhausen, hc 6
straub, re 6
sun, x 6
suphapeetiporn, k 6
tam, p 6
tam, v 6
tang, x 6
thompson, m 6
tsui, ym 6
tsunoda, t 6
vallada, hp 6
wang, h 6
wong, csm 6
wong, ick 6
wright, p 6
xia, z 6
xu, m 6
xu, ms 6
yee, afy 6
yuan, zw 6
yuen, mam 6
zhang, xj 6
zhuang, x 6
alini, m 5
ball, dm 5
bao, s 5
basil, p 5
buitelaar, j 5
cai, g 5
cardno, ag 5
carvajalcarmona, l 5
castle, d 5
chakravarti, a 5
chan, ihy 5
chen, y 5
chen, z 5
cheng, ky 5
cherny, s 5
chiang, aks 5
christiansen, h 5
chu, cm 5
chung, bhy 5
chung, ph 5
cui, y 5
dai, w 5
deng, h 5
ebstein, r 5
eisenberg, j 5
evans, dm 5
fan, yh 5
farmer, ae 5
franke, b 5
gilvarry, cm 5
grech, a 5
hirose, y 5
ho, jwc 5
hofstra, rmw 5
huang, j 5
huang, w 5
hveem, k 5
kalidindi, s 5
kwok, py 5
lai, st 5
lam, wy 5
landau, s 5
lee, npy 5
leung, pwl 5
liu, l 5
liu, s 5
liu, xl 5
mak, tsh 5
mata, i 5
miranda, a 5
mulas, f 5
mulligan, a 5
munro, j 5
nakamura, y 5
neale, b 5
ng, mk 5
ng, rmk 5
ngo, nd 5
oades, rd 5
poon, scs 5
rietschel, m 5
sergeant, j 5
simpson, cl 5
so, man ting 5
sodhi, m 5
song, y 5
sonugabarke, e 5
spector, td 5
styrkarsdottir, u 5
sun, xb 5
tam, paul kwong hang 5
tang, lf 5
thorsteinsdottir, u 5
toone, b 5
tsui, skw 5
uebel, h 5
uitterlinden, ag 5
wang, panwen 5
wang, z 5
wong, lyf 5
wong, mp 5
xia, h 5
xiao, s 5
xu, x 5
yeung, f 5
yu, j 5
zhao, l 5
zhou, k 5
aitchison, kj 4
andreou, p 4
ao, si 4
broderick, p 4
brookes, k 4
buschgens, c 4
butcher, lm 4
capra, v 4
carracedo, a 4
castells, a 4
castellvíbel, s 4
chan, kyk 4
chen, p 4
cheung, akl 4
ching, jcy 4
chiu, cpy 4
chiu, yt 4
choi, sw 4
de bakker, piw 4
de marco, p 4
deloukas, p 4
deng, my 4
esko, t 4
essioux, l 4
ettinger, u 4
fahy, ta 4
fan, b 4
fan, st 4
fliers, e 4
fu, l 4
fung, sks 4
försti, a 4
gabriëls, i 4
gao, w 4
garcia-barceló, maria mercè 4
gilvarry, k 4
grad, s 4
guan, xy 4
gui, hs 4
guo, wh 4
guo, y 4
heise, a 4
hemminki, k 4
honer, wg 4
hsu, yh 4
huang, lm 4
huang, qy 4
hui, kjws 4
hunt, s 4
ingvarsson, t 4
jim, jjt 4
jin, l 4
karasik, d 4
kiel, dp 4
ko, jmy 4
kou, i 4
kung, mhw 4
kuntsi, j 4
lai, wm 4
lam, ssy 4
lau, st 4
lau, wcs 4
law, cw 4
law, lsc 4
lee, yk 4
leigh, pn 4
li, ghy 4
li, l 4
li, mulin jun 4
li, r 4
lin, cl 4
lipton, l 4
maccabe, jh 4
macdonald, am 4
makoff, aj 4
maller, j 4
marco, r 4
matsumoto, m 4
meaburn, e 4
merello, e 4
miao, x 4
mok, tmy 4
morreau, h 4
ng, mk 4
ng, pw 4
paterson, ad 4
peiris, jsm 4
penegar, s 4
poon, rtp 4
price, a 4
proitsi, p 4
propping, p 4
psychogiou, l 4
qin, y 4
rabehesketh, s 4
rommelse, n 4
ruizponte, c 4
russell, a 4
sekine, a 4
shaikh, s 4
shaw, ce 4
shen, n 4
shen, y 4
smith, av 4
su, ai 4
sze, mf 4
tai, ks 4
takahashi, a 4
tang, wk 4
terao, c 4
thorleifsson, g 4
tomlinson, ipm 4
tong, kl 4
toone, bk 4
tou, jf 4
tse, nkc 4
van wezel, t 4
vodicka, p 4
wang, r 4
weir, bs 4
wessely, s 4
wijnen, jt 4
willer, cj 4
williamson, rj 4
wong, yk 4
wu, ex 4
wu, t 4
xiong, c 4
xu, l 4
ying, sky 4
yip, s.p 4
zhang, b 4
zhang, c 4
zhou, w 4
aaltonen, la 3
abecasis, g 3
adebamowo, ca 3
adewole, if 3
ajayi, i 3
alakokko, l 3
alexiadis, g 3
altink, m 3
altshuler, d 3
an, d 3
aniagwu, t 3
antinolo, g 3
arnold, r 3
arranz, m 3
bader, js 3
ballinger, dg 3
barrett, j 3
barry, r 3
barysenka, a 3
bellemare, g 3
belmont, jw 3
bentley, dr 3
bird, cp 3
birkett, j 3
birren, bw 3
bjornsdottir, g 3
blumenstiel, b 3
boer, cg 3
boer, f 3
boomsma, di 3
borrego, s 3
bottolo, l 3
boudreau, a 3
bow, ch 3
brooks, ld 3
buch, s 3
bullmore, et 3
burton, j 3
butler, l 3
butler, wl 3
cai, d 3
camargo, a 3
campbell, h 3
carter, np 3
castle, dj 3
chagnon, f 3
chan, acy 3
chan, dtm 3
chan, kw 3
chan, vsf 3
chan, wcw 3
chan, yh 3
chanock, sj 3
chapple, b 3
chee, ms 3
chen, j 3
chen, jh 3
chen, pe 3
chen, ye 3
cheung, ety 3
cheung, wy 3
chia, nh 3
chioza, b 3
chitnis, x 3
choi, sc 3
chong, cy 3
chu, x 3
chung, dws 3
clarke, g 3
clayton, ew 3
clee, cm 3
cohen, d 3
cohen, n 3
collins, fs 3
cooper, c 3
cornes, bk 3
cotter, d 3
cox, dr 3
crocq, ma 3
crow, tj 3
cupples, la 3
cutler, dj 3
dai, h 3
dai, j 3
dassa, d 3
defelice, m 3
delgado, m 3
dempster, e 3
deng, y 3
dermitzakis, et 3
di forti, m 3
dixon, m 3
donnelly, p 3
duggan, c 3
ebstein, rp 3
eley, tc 3
eriksson, j 3
eyheramendy, s 3
faggart, m 3
fan, jb 3
fang, y 3
fearon, p 3
feldon, j 3
feolo, m 3
ferguson, md 3
ferreira, mar 3
ferretti, v 3
filbey, f 3
fleischman, k 3
foster, mw 3
frazer, ka 3
freeman, c 3
fu, h 3
fukushima, y 3
fulton, ll 3
fung, wy 3
gabriel, sb 3
gabrielsen, me 3
galver, lm 3
ganesh, sk 3
gao, f 3
garciabarcelo, mm 3
gaunt, tr 3
gibbs, ra 3
gilly, a 3
godbout, m 3
goldberg, d 3
gottesman, ii 3
goyette, m 3
graham, c 3
griffiths, m 3
guan, w 3
gupta, s 3
guyer, ms 3
gwilliam, r 3
hammond, cj 3
hampe, j 3
han, h 3
hansen, vk 3
hardenbol, p 3
hartley, a 3
harvey, i 3
hatzikotoulas, k 3
hayward, p 3
he, y 3
healey, pr 3
heath, ac 3
hill, l 3
hinds, da 3
ho, sl 3
hoda, f 3
holden, al 3
howeforbes, r 3
hu, h 3
hu, w 3
huang, d 3
huang, x 3
hudson, tj 3
huezodiaz, p 3
hui, cc 3
hultman, cm 3
huo, y 3
hutchinson, g 3
jamieson, r 3
jin, d 3
jin, yl 3
johansson, l 3
johnson, ta 3
jones, i 3
jones, l 3
jones, mc 3
jonsson, h 3
kahn, rs 3
kang, l 3
kao, p 3
karasugi, t 3
kashuk, cs 3
kato, k 3
kawaguchi, t 3
kennedy, k 3
kent, a 3
kitamoto, t 3
knoppers, bm 3
koboldt, dc 3
kocher, jean pierre a. 3
koessler, t 3
kornlubetzki, i 3
kravariti, e 3
krishnan, l 3
kubo, m 3
kwok, h 3
kwok, hm 3
kwok, khm 3
l'archevêque, p 3
lam, by 3
lam, d 3
lam, dh 3
larkin, c 3
leal, sm 3
leboeuf, m 3
lee, a 3
lee, am 3
lee, ch 3
lee, e 3
lee, jmf 3
lee, mtm 3
lee, sh 3
leppert, mf 3
lesch, kp 3
leung, kh 3
levy, r 3
li, yk 3
lian, q 3
lietman, sa 3
lim, ks 3
lim, lcc 3
lin, s 3
lin, w 3
lissarrague, s 3
liu, b 3
liu, jj 3
lo, gg 3
lo, ilo 3
lowe, n 3
luetge, a 3
luk, jmc 3
luzon-toro, b 3
macer, dr 3
maier, w 3
makoff, a 3
mangino, m 3
mann, a 3
mao, m 3
marchini, j 3
marshall, cr 3
marshall, pa 3
martin, er 3
martin, ng 3
matsuda, i 3
mccarroll, s 3
mcclurg, p 3
mcewen, je 3
mclay, k 3
mcvean, g 3
medad, s 3
meng, hq 3
meulenbelt, i 3
meyer, u 3
miller, rd 3
minderaa, r 3
minne, c 3
montpetit, a 3
moore, j 3
morizono, t 3
morrison, j 3
mullikin, jc 3
munro, hm 3
murray, g 3
murray, gk 3
murray, ss 3
muzny, d 3
myers, s 3
müller, u 3
nagashima, a 3
nazareth, l 3
nelissen, rrghh 3
ng, cl 3
ng, kkk 3
nguyen, h 3
niikawa, n 3
niittymäki, i 3
nkwodimmah, c 3
o'donovan, mc 3
ohnishi, y 3
oliphant, ar 3
olivier, jf 3
onofrio, rc 3
pan, h 3
pan, z 3
parkin, m 3
pasternak, s 3
patterson, n 3
pawlikowska, l 3
pe'er, i 3
peiffer, a 3
peterson, jl 3
phillips, ms 3
plumb, rw 3
posthuma, d 3
powell, d 3
price, j 3
purcell, sm 3
qin, zs 3
qiu, r 3
rahi, js 3
ralston, sh 3
ran, x 3
reichenberg, a 3
ren, h 3
richter, dj 3
roberts, gw 3
rogers, j 3
rong, r 3
ross, mt 3
rotimi, cn 3
roumy, s 3
roy, j 3
royal, cdm 3
saeki, k 3
sallée, c 3
samartzis, d 3
sandell, l 3
saxena, r 3
schaffner, sf 3
schafmayer, c 3
schalkwyk, lc 3
schreiber, s 3
sethna, v 3
shen, jj 3
sherry, st 3
shi, m 3
shivakumar, m 3
sigmundsson, t 3
sigurdsson, g 3
sims, sk 3
siu, dcw 3
slagboom, pe 3
smith, d 3
so, km 3
sodergren, e 3
southam, l 3
spencer, c 3
spiegel, j 3
sribudiani, y 3
stahl, e 3
stein, ld 3
steinberg, j 3
stephens, m 3
stewart, j 3
stranger, be 3
stuve, ll 3
suda, e 3
sun, w 3
sung, lm 3
sze, kl 3
sze, kmf 3
taillonmiller, p 3
takuwa, h 3
tanaka, t 3
tang, gwk 3
tang, plf 3
teder-laving, m 3
tenesa, a 3
thomas, dj 3
thorisson, ga 3
tobias, jh 3
tomlinson, b 3
tse, yt 3
tsezou, a 3
tso, awk 3
tsui, lc 3
tuerlings, m 3
tuupanen, s 3
valdes, am 3
van meurs, jbj 3
varilly, p 3
verheij, jbgm 3
verner, a 3
viswanathan, ac 3
völzke, h 3
wallenburg, jc 3
walsh, d 3
wang, l 3
wang, vo 3
wang, x 3
watkin, j 3
waye, mmy 3
weinstock, gm 3
wheeler, da 3
whittaker, p 3
wilkins, s 3
wilkinson, jm 3
willey, dl 3
williamson, r 3
willis, td 3
wilson, rk 3
winchester, e 3
winsvold, b 3
wong, ccl 3
wong, jtf 3
wong, kk 3
wong, kl 3
wong, sm 3
wright, k 3
wu, hm 3
wu, xz 3
wu, y 3
xiang, b 3
xiao, m 3
xie, t 3
xiong, x 3
xu, h 3
xu, j 3
xu, l 3
xuan, chenghao 3
yakub, i 3
yam, l 3
yan, b 3
yang, h 3
yang, z 3
yao, h 3
yao, z 3
yap, mkh 3
yau, dtw 3
ye, r 3
yeager, m 3
yeung, cy 3
yeung, dcy 3
yip, shun h. 3
you, qs 3
yu, f 3
yu, k 3
yu, l 3
yu, m 3
zacharia, lf 3
zeggini, e 3
zeng, c 3
zeng, s 3
zengini, e 3
zhang, mq 3
zhang, q 3
zhang, z 3
zhao, h 3
zheng, j 3
zhou, j 3
zhu, d 3
zhu, zh 3
ziaugra, l 3
abderrahim, h 2
abel, k 2
aerssens, j 2
agúndez, jag 2
aitchison, k 2
albus, m 2
amiel, j 2
andersen, pm 2
anderson, a 2
andrew, t 2
au yeung, sl 2
au, pcm 2
au, tyk 2
aurichcosta, j 2
auton, a 2
avihingsanon, yingyos 2
azhar, a 2
babis, gc 2
ballard, c 2
bao, sy 2
barclay, e 2
barrett, r 2
barry, c 2
bastucci, m 2
bei, jx 2
belova, m 2
berrios, c 2
bhattacharya, ss 2
blackwood, dhr 2
bleda, m 2
blumenfeld, m 2
boehnke, m 2
boubkiri, n 2
bougueleret, l 2
bouillot, m 2
bow, c 2
brenner, h 2
bright, j 2
brown jr, rh 2
brown, j 2
bullmore, e 2
burzynski, g 2
butler, aw 2
caldés, t 2
cardin, n 2
cardno, a 2
caterina, d 2
cavarec, l 2
cazier, jb 2
ceccherini, i 2
chan, byy 2
chan, ekw 2
chan, kws 2
chan, ky 2
chan, q 2
chan, sy 2
chan, vs 2
chandler, i 2
chang, w. c. 2
chang, yk 2
chau, wh 2
chen, c 2
chen, esm 2
chen, ey 2
chen, jw 2
chen, l 2
chen, lh 2
chen, r 2
cheng, j 2
cheng, kk 2
cheng, l 2
cheng, pwc 2
cheng, w 2
cherif, d 2
cherny, ss 2
cheu, jws 2
cheung, any 2
cheung, c 2
cheung, n 2
cheung, wmw 2
cheung, ym 2
chevillon, m 2
chew, sh 2
chiang, km 2
ching, jc 2
chiu, jf 2
chiu, pw 2
chiu, ty 2
chong, chun yin 2
chow, tc 2
chretien, yr 2
chu, kkw 2
chua, d 2
chua, s 2
chumakov, i 2
chung, brian hon yin 2
clements, a 2
cnattingius, s 2
cohenakenine, a 2
coid, b 2
collins, a 2
colman, a 2
cookson, woc 2
corvin, a 2
coutinho de almeida, r 2
croft, rj 2
crombie, c 2
cui, yong 2
daly, rj 2
dattani, s 2
david, as 2
davies, nj 2
dazzan, p 2
de la hoya, m 2
debailleul, v 2
deekajorndej, thavatchai 2
delabrosse, s 2
delaye, a 2
deng, hw 2
deng, j 2
deng, sj 2
dennehey, j 2
devilee, p 2
ding, j 2
domingo, e 2
dopazo, j 2
dorajoo, r 2
dufaure, i 2
duggan, cf 2
duncan, el 2
dunlop, m 2
echeverry, mm 2
econs, mj 2
eskola, pj 2
esteban, ma 2
fan, bj 2
fan, h 2
fang, zq 2
fañanás, l 2
feldman, l 2
feng, g 2
feng, gy 2
fernandez, rm 2
fielding, s 2
foerster, a 2
fogh, i 2
fortier, i 2
forty, l 2
freedman, r 2
fritsche, lg 2
fry, b 2
fu, ax 2
fu, yx 2
fung, g 2
fung, samuel ka shun 2
gallinger, s 2
gao, x 2
garcia-barcelo, maria mercè 2
gaughran, f 2
gauvreau, d 2
georgieva, l 2
giles, gg 2
gilvarry, c 2
gimalac, a 2
goldfarb, a 2
gong, q 2
gorman, m 2
gray, r 2
grel, p 2
gu, d 2
gu, n 2
gudbjartsson, df 2
guerassimenko, o 2
gui, hongsheng 2
guillou, s 2
gunderson, k 2
guo, l 2
guo, m 2
guo, yl 2
hai, jj 2
halldorsson, bv 2
hamilton, g 2
hand, d 2
hao, k 2
hare, eh 2
hassan, a 2
he, j 2
he, qy 2
hirankarn, nattiya 2
hitchings, ra 2
ho, cl 2
ho, hy 2
ho, jcy 2
ho, marco hok kung 2
ho, pwl 2
ho, s 2
hofman, a 2
holmans, p 2
hopper, jl 2
hou, j 2
howard, r 2
howarth, k 2
howes, od 2
hsu, js 2
huang, dandan 2
hudson, t 2
hui, yle 2
hung, cs 2
hunt, n 2
hur, ym 2
hysi, pg 2
ioannidis, jpa 2
ip, yc 2
israel, s 2
jackson, rd 2
jaeger, e 2
jarvelin, mr 2
jenkins, d 2
jia, j 2
jia, wh 2
jiang, h 2
jiang, q 2
jiang, y 2
johnsen, mb 2
jones, la 2
kammerer, cm 2
kanayama, m 2
kane, f 2
kang, jh 2
karhu, a 2
karim, a 2
karppinen, ji 2
karppinene, j 2
kato, n 2
kelempisioti, a 2
kellam, p 2
kemp, z 2
kent, l 2
kerr, d 2
khor, cc 2
kim, gs 2
kim, jh 2
kimura, t 2
kloppenburg, m 2
knowles, ja 2
kocher, jp 2
koh, jm 2
konings, f 2
kooperberg, c 2
kraft, p 2
kubo, t 2
kwok, m 2
la rosa, p 2
lacroix, az 2
ladero, jm 2
lai, cl 2
lai, fpl 2
lai, wai ming 2
lam, hc 2
lam, s 2
lam, sy 2
lam, tw 2
lamb, j 2
lambe, mp 2
lau, chak sing 2
lau, g 2
lau, gkk 2
le, tl 2
lee, as 2
lee, cc 2
lee, ka wing 2
lee, mf 2
lee, p 2
lee, pamela pui wah 2
lee, sl 2
lee, tmc 2
lee, tsz leung 2
lee, vhf 2
lee, wma 2
lee, yf 2
lei, t 2
leon, yy 2
lerch, mm 2
leu, hb 2
leung, alexander moon ho 2
leung, bmc 2
leung, j 2
leung, kc 2
leung, kf 2
leung, kw 2
leung, m 2
leung, pbm 2
leung, pc 2
leung, ry 2
leung, syj 2
leung, yh 2
leung, yo 2
lewis, cm 2
li, awy 2
li, h 2
li, hy 2
li, ph 2
li, rhw 2
li, w 2
li, xiang pei 2
liang, qian 2
liang, yj 2
liao, wp 2
lim, l 2
lin, c 2
lin, ch 2
lin, mw 2
lin, sj 2
lin, th 2
lin, x 2
lindblom, a 2
liu, c 2
liu, d 2
liu, fq 2
liu, js 2
liu, p 2
liu, q 2
liu, w 2
liu, xh 2
lo, wtl 2
lorentzon, m 2
lu, x 2
luan, jj 2
lubbe, s 2
lucassen, a 2
lui, knc 2
lui, sys 2
lui, vch 2
luk, j 2
luk, l 2
lund, sh 2
luyten, w 2
lyonnet, s 2
ma, xh 2
macciardi, f 2
maher, bs 2
maher, er 2
mak, ccy 2
mak, hkf 2
makela, p 2
malekzadeh, k 2
mannikko, m 2
marcelis, m 2
marshall, ej 2
marshall, n 2
martin, l 2
martinsaumier, s 2
marusic, k 2
matera, i 2
matsuda, k 2
maurice, k 2
mcalonan, g 2
mccarroll, sa 2
mckenzie, k 2
meguenni, s 2
middeldorp, cm 2
mikami, y 2
millasseau, p 2
mitchell, bd 2
mitchell, p 2
mitchison, hm 2
miyake, a 2
mizuta, h 2
mok, chi chiu 2
mok, tkg 2
moreno, v 2
morgan, c 2
morgan, k 2
mori, s 2
morris, dw 2
mors, o 2
mortensen, pb 2
mundlos, s 2
mägi, r 2
naccarati, a 2
nash, m 2
nash, mw 2
nashef, l 2
nasroune, m 2
neale, mc 2
nestadt, g 2
ng, cc 2
ng, io 2
ng, kk 2
ng, km 2
ng, m 2
ng, mh 2
ng, my 2
ng, pkm 2
ng, rk 2
ng, wt 2
ngan, hys 2
ngo, dn 2
nguyen, pah 2
ni, p 2
nicholls, jm 2
nielsen, jb 2
niu, b 2
nothen, m 2
nöthen, mm 2
o'callaghan, c 2
o'neill, e 2
o'reilly, pf 2
ohlsson, c 2
ophoff, ra 2
ouellette, g 2
palicio, m 2
palotie, a 2
palser, al 2
pan, hai feng 2
pan, wh 2
pang, epf 2
paterson, a 2
payton, a 2
peacock, m 2
peiris, js 2
peixoto, h 2
pelet, a 2
peng, l 2
peterlongo, p 2
peto, j 2
petrovski, s 2
pharoah, pd 2
picard, fp 2
picchioni, mm 2
pinchot, v 2
pittman, am 2
pomarol-clotet, edith 2
primas, g 2
prince, m 2
prince, mj 2
puech, a 2
pulver, ae 2
qiu, x 2
quraishi, s 2
qureshi, m 2
rabe-hesketh, s 2
rabin, k 2
radice, p 2
raelson, j 2
raeymaekers, p 2
rai, fm 2
reveley, am 2
rianthavorn, pornpimol 2
riazanskaia, n 2
ribchester, tr 2
rice, j 2
richards, jb 2
rifkin, l 2
riley, bp 2
robberecht, w 2
roberts, g 2
rogaev, e 2
rowan, a 2
ruiz-ferrer, m 2
rujescu, d 2
sabeti, p 2
sahraravand, a 2
sainzfuertes, r 2
salisbury, df 2
sambucy, jl 2
santangelo, b 2
saumier, m 2
scherer, s 2
schmidt, ca 2
schooling, cm 2
schulze, tg 2
scott, j 2
scott, r 2
seidman, lj 2
severi, g 2
shaikh, m 2
sham, mh 2
shanahan, f 2
shaw, d 2
shaw, dj 2
shen, h 2
shen, j 2
sheng, y 2
sherbatich, t 2
sheu, sh 2
shi, d 2
shi, yw 2
shieh, jt 2
shigematsu, h 2
shin, hd 2
shotelersuk, vorasuk 2
shu, x 2
shum, cky 2
sieber, o 2
simon, am 2
sing, cw 2
siu, kl 2
sklar, p 2
skogholt, ah 2
skol, a 2
smith, gd 2
smith, r 2
so, h 2
so, tmk 2
sorohan, j 2
southey, mc 2
spain, s 2
stahl, d 2
stefansdottir, l 2
stefansson, h 2
stefánsdóttir, l 2
styrkársdóttir, u 2
suen, y. n. 2
sugden, k 2
sullivan, k 2
sun, liangdan 2
suphapeetiporn, kanya 2
tahri, n 2
tai, es 2
takeuchi, f 2
tam, paul k. 2
tam, ph 2
tan, z 2
tanaka, h 2
tang, c 2
tang, nls 2
tang, sw 2
tang, wk 2
tang, y 2
tang, ymj 2
tanner, ja 2
taylor, c 2
taylor, g 2
taylor, m 2
telloruiz, mk 2
teo, kc 2
tepel, j 2
terwilliger, jd 2
thapar, a 2
thomas, h 2
thomas, l 2
thomas, lf 2
thornton, ae 2
tian, w 2
ting, ct 2
togawa, d 2
tong, kwok lung 2
tosato, s 2
tsai, wc 2
tsang, kwt 2
tsao, gsw 2
tse, niko kei chiu 2
tsuang, m 2
turic, d 2
turner, mr 2
van duijn, c 2
van duijn, cm 2
van haren, nem 2
vandenput, l 2
vassos, e 2
velez, a 2
venturi, p 2
veronese, m 2
veronese, mattia 2
vijayakrishnan, j 2
villanueva, cm 2
walker, n 2
walsh, c 2
walther, a 2
wang, kai 2
wang, s 2
wang, yf 2
watkins, er 2
webb, bt 2
webb, e 2
weeks, a 2
wen, w 2
werge, t 2
wilkie, h 2
williams, j 2
williams, m 2
williams, nm 2
wilson, sg 2
wong, amg 2
wong, aty 2
wong, cm 2
wong, cwy 2
wong, emily h m 2
wong, jgws 2
wong, jkl 2
wong, lc 2
wong, ly 2
wong, pc 2
wong, raymond woon sing 2
wong, rlc 2
wong, sik nin 2
wong, stephanie m.y. 2
wong, syy 2
wong, wilfred hing sang 2
wong, wy 2
woo, j 2
wood, w 2
wray, nr 2
wu, ar 2
wu, c 2
wu, cw 2
wu, q 2
wu, tt 2
wu, x 2
xiang, y 2
xu, jy 2
xu, t 2
xu, w 2
xu, y 2
yam, lyc 2
yan, h 2
yang, hc 2
yang, jing 2
yang, ml 2
yang, sen 2
yang, wanling 2
yao, hongcheng 2
yates, p 2
yau, cc 2
ye, dong qing 2
yeung, ks 2
yeung, ws 2
yi, xianfu 2
yin, wh 2
yin, x 2
ying, dingge 2
ying, shirley king yee 2
yip, b 2
yip, bh 2
yip, ky 2
yip, ms 2
yu, h 2
yu, y 2
yu, z 2
yue, h 2
yuen, mf 2
yuen, mma 2
zanelli, j 2
zanke, b 2
zeegers, mpa 2
zeng, shuai 2
zeng, yx 2
zhan, n 2
zhang, jing 2
zhang, lu 2
zhang, shijie 2
zhang, w 2
zhang, xue jun 2
zhang, xw 2
zhang, yan 2
zhang, zg 2
zhao, m 2
zhao, q 2
zheng, w 2
zheng, x 2
zhong, s 2
zhong, w 2
zhong, y 2
zhou, y 2
zhu, r 2
zhu, t 2
zhu, y 2
zwart, j 2
aalto, v 1
aaltonen, l 1
abkevich, v 1
abou-khalil, bassel 1
abusaad, i 1
adair, ls 1
adams, m 1
adesoji, oluyomi m 1
adeyemo, aa 1
adolfsson, r 1
afawi, zaid 1
agartz, i 1
agerbo, e 1
agrawal, k 1
agrawal, kr 1
ahlqvist, e 1
ajnakina, o 1
akbari, p 1
ala-kokko, l 1
alattar, e 1
albagha, ome 1
aldouri, e 1
alen, m 1
alexander, m 1
allin, m 1
alonso, n 1
amadori, elisabetta 1
aman, rrar 1
amin, f 1
amin, n 1
an, y 1
anastasopoulou, l 1
andersen, s 1
anderson, alison 1
anderson, joseph 1
andrade, danielle m 1
andreassen, oa 1
andrew, m 1
aneey, r 1
annesi, grazia 1
anney, r 1
anney, rjl 1
ansar, j 1
antonarakis, s 1
ao, fk 1
aragaki, a 1
aragaki, ak 1
arango, c 1
archer, n 1
arden, n 1
arranzcalderón, mj 1
arrojo, m 1
arya, r 1
asherson, pj 1
aspelund, t 1
au yeung, kmp 1
au yeung, pkm 1
au, cm 1
au, gkh 1
au, jsk 1
au, yk 1
auce, pauls 1
aulchenko, ys 1
avbersek, andreja 1
babinska, a 1
babis, g 1
bacanu, sa 1
bacon-shone, j 1
bacon-shone, john 1
bahlo, melanie 1
bai, xd 1
baker, mark d 1
bakker, m 1
bakker, mc 1
balagura, ganna 1
balasubramanian, s 1
balcells, s 1
baldeweg, t 1
balestrini, simona 1
bamford, j 1
ban, b 1
banasik, k 1
banerjee, i 1
banner, s 1
bao, jessie yunjuan 1
bao, w 1
baras, a 1
barba, carmen 1
barboza, karen 1
barcelo, mg 1
barnetson, ra 1
barr, cl 1
barrett, jh 1
barteis, m 1
bartolomei, fabrice 1
bast, thomas 1
batten, c 1
battersby, s 1
baum, larry 1
baumgartner, tobias 1
baykan, betül 1
beard, r 1
bebek, nerses 1
becker, albert j 1
becker, felicitas 1
beechert, c 1
been, lf 1
begemann, m 1
beleza, a 1
bell, r 1
belliveau jr, ra 1
bender, d 1
bene, j 1
bengel, d 1
benjamin, ej 1
bennett, caitlin a 1
bentley, d 1
beperet, m 1
bepereturmeneta, m 1
berardi, d 1
berenson, gs 1
bergen, se 1
berghuis, bianca 1
bergé, d 1
berkovic, samuel f 1
berman, kf 1
bernardo, m 1
bevilacqua, e 1
beydoun, ahmad 1
bhugra, d 1
bianchini, claudia 1
biederman, j 1
bigdeli, tb 1
bird, cr 1
birley, aj 1
birrell, f 1
bishop, dt 1
bishop, t 1
bisulli, francesca 1
bjarnadottir, v 1
bjornsson, a 1
björk, c 1
black, dw 1
blangero, j 1
blatt, ilan 1
blaveri, e 1
blondal, j 1
blower, j 1
bobbili, dheeraj r 1
bobes, j 1
boholst, mj 1
bolonna, a 1
bolton, pf 1
borecki, ib 1
borggraefe, ingo 1
borglum, ad 1
borte, s 1
bosselmann, christian 1
bossé, yohan 1
boutkov, b 1
bovijn, j 1
bow, chy 1
boyd, pr 1
braatz, vera 1
bradfield, jonathan p 1
bragi walters, g 1
brammer, m 1
brandi, ml 1
brandsma, corry anke 1
brewster, s 1
brockmann, knut 1
brody, lawrence c 1
bromet, e 1
brooks, as 1
broom, wj 1
broome, m 1
brouwer, rww 1
brown, ma 1
brown, rg 1
browne, j 1
bruggeman, r 1
bruinvels, at 1
brumpton, b 1
brunak, s 1
bruskiewich, r 1
bruun, mt 1
bryant, c 1
buccola, ng 1
buckley, bm 1
buckner, rl 1
bui, duc hau 1
buitelaar, jk 1
bulik-sullivan, b 1
bumpstead, s 1
bunce, c 1
buono, russell j 1
burchard, j 1
burgdorf, k 1
burmeister, m 1
burns, aj 1
busch, robyn m 1
buxbaum, jd 1
byerley, w 1
byers, hl 1
byrne, eh 1
byrne, m 1
caesar, s 1
caglayan, hande 1
cahn, w 1
cai, gq 1
cai, j 1
cai, lz 1
cai, q 1
cai, xl 1
campbell, ciarán 1
campbell, ellen 1
campbell, j 1
campion, d 1
camu, w 1
canafoglia, laura 1
canavati, christina 1
cantor, m 1
cantor, rm 1
cao, g 1
cao, j 1
cao, y 1
carbonaro, f 1
carmeliet, p 1
carr, a 1
carr, vj 1
carrera, n 1
carroll, ls 1
carty, s 1
cascino, gregory d 1
cassell, pg 1
castanobetancourt, m 1
castellotti, barbara 1
catalano, m 1
catarino, claudia b 1
catts, sv 1
cauley, ja 1
causevic, m 1
cavalleri, gianpiero l 1
center, jr 1
cerrato, felecia 1
cha, s 1
chagnon, yc 1
chalder, t 1
chambers, jc 1
chambert, kd 1
chan , rck 1
chan, as 1
chan, clw 1
chan, e 1
chan, ek 1
chan, eyt 1
chan, jc 1
chan, jck 1
chan, jcn 1
chan, jcy 1
chan, jeffrey c w 1
chan, kh 1
chan, kks 1
chan, kl 1
chan, ko ling 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, lc 1
chan, lc 1
chan, lk 1
chan, msy 1
chan, myy 1
chan, phm 1
chan, r 1
chan, sc 1
chan, sh 1
chan, sherry k.w. 1
chan, sherry k.w. 1
chan, sherry kit wa 1
chan, sk 1
chan, tak mao 1
chan, tak mao 1
chan, tf 1
chan, tm 1
chan, vsf 1
chan, wahfat 1
chan, wc 1
chan, yc 1
chandak, gr 1
chandy, kg 1
chang, cl 1
chang, skr 1
chang, t 1
chang, x 1
chang, y 1
chanivy, hy 1
chasman, di 1
chassoux, francine 1
chau, ckl 1
chau, kl 1
chau, mt 1
chau, skc 1
chau, twy 1
chau, wy 1
chauhan, rk 1
chawarski, mc 1
cheah, k 1
cheah, kse 1
checkley, s 1
chen, ci 1
chen, e 1
chen, eric y.h. 1
chen, eric y.h. 1
chen, eric yu hai 1
chen, eyh 1
chen, h 1
chen, k 1
chen, m 1
chen, ruoyan 1
chen, ry 1
chen, sirong 1
chen, siwei 1
chen, sl 1
chen, wm 1
chen, x 1
chen, xy 1
chen, yhe 1
chen, yi 1
chen, yiwen 1
chen, yl 1
chen, yu 1
cheng, c 1
cheng, calvin p.w. 1
cheng, cpw 1
cheng, cy 1
cheng, f 1
cheng, ghw 1
cheng, guo 1
cheng, h 1
cheng, kf 1
cheng, kky 1
cheng, pkj 1
cheng, s 1
cheng, ts 1
cheng, vcc 1
cheng, wc 1
cheng, wwc 1
cheng, zhongshan 1
cheong, hs 1
cheong, so h 1
chern, ci 1
cherny, s 1
cherny, stacey s 1
cheu, ws 1
cheung, alm 1
cheung, bmy 1
cheung, chloe y y 1
cheung, cy 1
cheung, cyy 1
cheung, d 1
cheung, ef 1
cheung, eyn 1
cheung, f 1
cheung, hk 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, kw 1
cheung, mch 1
cheung, mff 1
cheung, rtf 1
cheung, scw 1
cheung, vinci 1
cheung, yy 1
cheung, ching lung 1
cheverud, j 1
chiang, yl 1
chin, fyl 1
chiodini, bd 1
chisholm, d 1
chiu, cindy 1
chiu, pyc 1
chiu, wt 1
cho, hj 1
choi, by 1
choi, ch 1
chok king hui, t 1
chong, cc 1
chong, sa 1
chow, eyd 1
chow, kh 1
chow, lp 1
chow, wing sun 1
choy, kw 1
christiansen, c 1
chu, hin 1
chu, km 1
chu, lw 1
chu, nm 1
chu, t 1
chu, wy 1
chua, dtt 1
chua, gilbert t. 1
chua, gt 1
chua, se 1
chuang, l 1
chudin, e 1
chui, wwh 1
chum, kwc 1
chung, akk 1
chung, bhy 1
chung, cc 1
chung, cm 1
chung, phy 1
chung, s 1
chytas, d 1
cichon, s 1
cirtis, d 1
clark, d 1
clark, gr 1
cloninger, cr 1
coffey, vp 1
coghill, d 1
coghill, david 1
cohen, s 1
colhoun, hm 1
comuzzie, ag 1
conran, c 1
coppola, g 1
cordeiro, q 1
corley, r 1
cormican, p 1
corsico, a 1
cotsapas, c 1
cowling, bj 1
crotti, l 1
crowe, rr 1
crowley, jj 1
cuesta, mj 1
cui, b 1
cui, dawei 1
cui, h 1
cui, long 1
cui, q 1
cummings, sr 1
dai, s 1
dai, z 1
dailiana, z 1
daimon, m 1
dale, ps 1
daniels, j 1
daniilidou, m 1
danoy, p 1
darvasi, a 1
davey smith, g 1
david, a 1
davidson, m 1
davies, n 1
davis, kl 1
davis, n 1
day, f 1
day, pj 1
de almeida, rc 1
de andrade, m 1
de deyne, s 1
de geus, ejc 1
de haan, l 1
de leeuw, pw 1
de vries, ar 1
de, t 1
dean, k 1
dearlove, am 1
dedoussis, g 1
degenhardt, f 1
del favero, j 1
del-ben, cm 1
delisi, l 1
demissie, s 1
demjaha, a 1
demontis, d 1
dempster, el 1
den heijer, m 1
deng, je 1
deng, michelle 1
deng, w 1
deng, yb 1
dennison, em 1
deshmukh, h 1
deubler, a 1
devoto, m 1
di bella, d 1
di bernardo, mc 1
diao, q 1
dickinson, d 1
didriksen, m 1
diehl, sr 1
differ, am 1
dikeos, d 1
dikeos, dg 1
dinan, t 1
ding, ay 1
ding, h 1
ding, jh 1
dinh, km 1
djurovic, s 1
docherty, ar 1
doherty, m 1
dolan, cv 1
domenici, e 1
donaldson, p 1
donaldson, pt 1
done, dj 1
dong, c 1
dong, l 1
dong, x 1
dong, y 1
donnelly, l 1
donohoe, g 1
dou, j 1
drapeau, e 1
du, r 1
du, s 1
duan, j 1
dudbridge, f 1
duggan, dj 1
duggirala, r 1
dung, n 1
dung, nwf 1
dunham, i 1
dunlop, mg 1
dunn, eva lai wah 1
dunn, g 1
dupuis, j 1
durmishi, n 1
dwyer, s 1
eadbhard o'callaghan 1
eastell, r 1
economides, a 1
edden, rae 1
efstathios, c 1
eggen, bjl 1
ehrenreich, h 1
ehrlich, yh 1
eichhammer, p 1
einarsson, g 1
eisman, ja 1
eley, t 1
ellisonwright, i 1
elvevag, b 1
enayat, ze 1
enguix-riego, mdv 1
eom, g 1
epi25 collaborative, 1
erdmann, j 1
erikstrup, c 1
escott-price, v 1
espino-paisan, l 1
estrada, k 1
et al 1
eu-gei wp2 group 1
eu-gei wp2 group, 1
eu-gei, 1 1
eu_gei, 2 1
eu_gei, 3 1
eugene chen, y 1
evangelopoulos, ds 1
evangelou, e 1
evans, dgr 1
evans, gr 1
fagard, r 1
fahy, sj 1
fai, ly 1
fall, chd 1
fan, q 1
fan, yanhui 1
fang, h 1
fang, w 1
fang, x 1
fang, yj 1
fang, z 1
fanous, ah 1
fantino, e 1
faraone, s 1
faraway, jj 1
farh, kh 1
farrell, m 1
farrell, ms 1
farrington, sm 1
feitosa, mf 1
feng, j 1
feranil, ab 1
ferkingstad, e 1
fernandez, daniel 1
fernando, s 1
fernándezmedarde, a 1
ferraro, l 1
filbey, fm 1
fimmer, r 1
fiotti, n 1
firmato de almeida, manoel 1
fisher, pj 1
flint, j 1
flomen, r 1
floratos, a 1
fok, mly 1
fok, yky 1
fombonne, e 1
fong, carol h y 1
fong, dyt 1
fong, p 1
ford, i 1
foroud, t 1
fors, ea 1
forsgren, l 1
forsythe, c 1
fosang, a 1
fox, h 1
foy, c 1
frank, j 1
franke, l 1
franzek, e 1
fraser, l 1
freeman, b 1
freimer, nb 1
friedl, m 1
friedman, jl 1
froguel, p 1
fromer, m 1
frost, m 1
fu, m 1
fu, y 1
fujisawa, t 1
fuk chi cheung, e 1
fulker, dw 1
fuller, ed 1
fung, awt 1
fung, cmg 1
fung, e 1
fung, jyy 1
fung, lf 1
fung, ss 1
fung, yy 1
fyer, aj 1
gabriels, i 1
gangwani, ra 1
gangwani, rita a. 1
ganske, r 1
ganster, rw 1
gao, b 1
gao, hainv 1
gao, j 1
gao, wj 1
gao, zl 1
garcia, m 1
garcia-barcelo, m 1
garcia-barcelo, maria merce 1
garcia-barceló, mm 1
garciabarcelo, m 1
garciagiralt, n 1
garcía-barceló, mm 1
gargus, jj 1
garica-barcelo, mm 1
gaudet, r 1
gautvik, km 1
gayer-anderson, c 1
ge, x 1
gejman, pv 1
gelernter, j 1
genovese, g 1
gerrelli, d 1
giegling, l 1
gielen, m 1
gill, p 1
gillespie, na 1
giroux, s 1
giusti-rodriguez, p 1
gnecchi, m 1
godard, s 1
goldberg, dp 1
goldberg, t 1
goldberg, te 1
goldstein, jl 1
golimbet, v 1
goltzman, d 1
gong, l 1
gonzálezmacías, j 1
gopal, s 1
gordon, d 1
gordon-larsen, p 1
gordonsmith, k 1
gormley, k 1
gould, a 1
granell, r 1
gratten, j 1
gray, j 1
gray, ja 1
greenawalt, d 1
greene, e 1
greening, j 1
gregory, am 1
gregson, cl 1
gretarsdottir, s 1
griseri, p 1
groop, l 1
grozeva, d 1
grundberg, e 1
gruzelier, jg 1
gruzelier, jh 1
gu, nf 1
gu, x 1
gu, zh 1
guan, j 1
guan, x 1
gudbjartsson, d 1
gudjonsson, sa 1
gudmundsson, lj 1
gudnason, v 1
guerra, a 1
gui, ah 1
guo, ay 1
guo, q 1
guo, s 1
guo, w 1
guo, x 1
gur , rc 1
gur, re 1
gurling, h 1
gurling, hmd 1
gutman, g 1
haan, ld 1
haas, m 1
habegger, l 1
haerian, bs 1
hagen, k 1
haglung, l 1
hai, j 1
hai, jsh 1
halldorsson, gh 1
hallmans, g 1
hamilton, sp 1
hammer, c 1
hamshere, ml 1
han, b 1
handelman, sk 1
hansen, m 1
hansen, t 1
hansen, tf 1
hanson, rl 1
hao, dj 1
hao, f 1
hao, ke 1
haque, s 1
haren, nv 1
harlaar, n 1
haroutunian, v 1
harrington, r 1
harris, tb 1
hartmann, am 1
hawes, a 1
hawi, z 1
he, g 1
he, jw 1
he, m 1
he, qiuming 1
he, sl 1
he, z 1
hebebrand, j 1
heils, a 1
helgadottir, a 1
hemsley, d 1
heng, ck 1
henskens, fa 1
herms, s 1
heron, j 1
herrera, l 1
herring, ja 1
hettema, jm 1
heuch, i 1
heuzodiaz, p 1
hewitt, aw 1
hickie, i 1
hicks, aa 1
higuchi, s 1
hildebrandt, f 1
hindy, g 1
hirschhorn, jn 1
hitman, ga 1
hjalgrim, h 1
ho leung, am 1
ho, ay 1
ho, ayy 1
ho, cn 1
ho, d 1
ho, dty 1
ho, dw 1
ho, fkw 1
ho, frederick k.w. 1
ho, garrett c.l. 1
ho, gcl 1
ho, jc 1
ho, jcm 1
ho, jw 1
ho, kkh 1
ho, kky 1
ho, ks 1
ho, lc 1
ho, m 1
ho, pl 1
ho, tp 1
ho, tyc 1
ho, winky w.k. 1
ho, wl 1
hocking, lj 1
hodgson, s 1
hoffmann, p 1
hofstra, r 1
hollegaard, mv 1
holmans, pa 1
holmen, o 1
holmes, c 1
holmes, j 1
honer, w 1
honer, wc 1
honer, william g 1
honer, william g. 1
hong, x 1
hooper, c 1
horn, i 1
horvitz, hr 1
hostetter, e 1
hotopf, m 1
hotta, k 1
hottenga, jj 1
hougaard, dm 1
housman, d 1
howard, rj 1
howes, o 1
howes, oliver d 1
howes, oliver d. 1
howrigan, dp 1
hoyland, j 1
hsiao, cc 1
hu, b 1
hu, c 1
hu, d 1
hu, j 1
hu, l 1
hu, r 1
hu, y 1
hu, z 1
hua zhao, j 1
huahall, m 1
huang, c 1
huang, ds 1
huang, fp 1
huang, hl 1
huang, jz 1
huang, k 1
huang, l 1
huang, p 1
huang, ys 1
huckett, l 1
huezodias, p 1
hui, al 1
hui, alc 1
hui, christy l.m. 1
hui, christy l.m. 1
hui, elaine y l 1
hui, es 1
hui, kf 1
hui, lmc 1
hui, pw 1
hui, sm 1
hui, tc 1
hui, wm 1
hui, y 1
hulshoff pol, he 1
hung, ifn 1
hung, sefong 1
hung, vh 1
hung, vhf 1
hunt, a 1
hurse, pv 1
husted, lb 1
hwang, sm 1
hwu, hg 1
hyde, s 1
hye, a 1
hysi, p 1
ikeda, m 1
ikegami, h 1
ikram, mk 1
illing, pt 1
imamura, m 1
indar, a 1
international league against epilepsy consortium on complex epilepsies 1
ip, charlie h. 1
ip, p 1
ip, patrick 1
iwata, y 1
iwayama, y 1
iyegbe, c 1
jablensky, a 1
jablensky, av 1
jalloh, b 1
jameson, ka 1
janot, n 1
japanese scoliosis clinical research group 1
jemec, g 1
jennum, p 1
ji, g 1
ji, t 1
ji, y 1
jia, l 1
jia, w 1
jiamg, cq 1
jiang, c 1
jiang, dk 1
jiang, peng 1
jing, j 1
jing, x 1
joa, l 1
joe, gm 1
joglekar, cv 1
johannsdottir, h 1
johansson, pi 1
john, u 1
johns, l 1
johnsen, h 1
johnstone, ec 1
jones, g 1
jones, mb 1
jones, peter b. 1
jones, s 1
jongbloet, ph 1
jongsma, he 1
jonsdottir, i 1
jonsson, eg 1
jukema, jw 1
julia, a 1
k, m 1
kahler, ak 1
kalaydjieva, l 1
kalman, k 1
kamatani, y 1
kan, sya 1
kang, x 1
kaplan, nl 1
kapoor, a 1
kaprio, j 1
kaptoge, sk 1
karachanak-yankova, s 1
karalis, k 1
karasawa, s 1
karim, ma 1
karjalainen, j 1
karlsson, m 1
karpinen, j 1
karwautz, a 1
kathiresan, s 1
katz, r 1
kavanagh, d 1
kawasaki, k 1
kazazian, h 1
kehoe, p 1
keller, mc 1
kemp, jp 1
kennedy, jl 1
kennedy, n 1
keogh, f 1
kerr, n 1
khaw, kt 1
khrunin, a 1
khusainova, r 1
khusnutdinova, e 1
killick, r 1
kilpeläinen, to 1
kim, bj 1
kim, dy 1
kim, hy 1
kim, jy 1
kim, sy 1
kim, y 1
kim, yj 1
kinsella, a 1
kinsey, s 1
kirkbride, jb 1
kirley, a 1
kissebah, ah 1
klaver, ccw 1
klein, t 1
kloppenburg, mg 1
kloszewska, i 1
klovins, j 1
klæning, u 1
ko, jmy 1
koch, hg 1
kocher, ja 1
kocher, jean-pierr 1
kocher, jpa 1
koh, wp 1
koller, d 1
koller, dl 1
kollia, p 1
kong, a 1
kong, l 1
kong, wkw 1
konte, b 1
kooner, js 1
kopaniszen, m 1
korhonen, t 1
kornecki, e 1
korner, j 1
koromila, t 1
korszun, a 1
koschera, a 1
kostic, jp 1
koukakis, a 1
krapohl, e 1
krasheninina, o 1
kratochvil, cj 1
krieger, je 1
krishnaveni, gv 1
kruk, m 1
kucinskas, v 1
kucinskiene, za 1
kudelko, ma 1
kung ho, mh 1
kung, awc 1
kunugi, h 1
kuo, ph 1
kuzelova-ptackova, h 1
kwak, sh 1
kwan, hoi shan 1
kwan, j 1
kwan, johnnysh 1
kwan, kl 1
kwan, t 1
kwap, p 1
kwok, a 1
kwok, ckm 1
kwok, kelvin h m 1
kwok, tcy 1
kähönen, m 1
körner, j 1
la barbera, d 1
la cascia, c 1
laaksonen, m 1
lafosse, jm 1
lagboom, pes 1
lai, bmh 1
lai, dc 1
lai, eh 1
lai, kn 1
lai, kwh 1
lai, kyc 1
lai, mh 1
lai, pl 1
lai, t 1
lai, wh 1
laing, ng 1
lal, d 1
lalloz, mra 1
lam, byh 1
lam, carmen 1
lam, cld 1
lam, karen s l 1
lam, ko 1
lam, kp 1
lam, ks 1
lam, linda c.w. 1
lam, mlm 1
lam, mml 1
lam, sml 1
lam, st 1
lam, t. h. 1
lam, th 1
lam, tp 1
lamb, jr 1
lan kwok, c 1
lancefield, k 1
lanche, r 1
lanczik, m 1
lander, es 1
landers, je 1
langdahl, b 1
langdahl, bl 1
lantieri, f 1
lanting, g 1
lappin, j 1
larsen, mah 1
larson, mg 1
lasalvia, a 1
lattari, m 1
lau, amf 1
lau, cf 1
lau, cp 1
lau, ey 1
lau, eyf 1
lau, gk 1
lau, gkk 1
lau, gkw 1
lau, hhl 1
lau, hl 1
lau, kk 1
lau, py 1
lau, skp 1
lau, vym 1
lau, yu lung 1
lau, yu lung 1
lau, yu lung 1
laurent, c 1
law, ack 1
law, chi-wing 1
law, sc 1
lawson, ha 1
lay, kwj 1
layton, dm 1
leblanc, mg 1
leck, i 1
lee, atc 1
lee, b 1
lee, ch 1
lee, chi ho 1
lee, ckj 1
lee, cp 1
lee, dcw 1
lee, e 1
lee, edwin 1
lee, edwin h.m. 1
lee, edwin h.m. 1
lee, eh 1
lee, ehl 1
lee, jcw 1
lee, kf 1
lee, kk 1
lee, kw 1
lee, n 1
lee, np 1
lee, py 1
lee, sy 1
lee, tatia m.c. 1
lee, tk 1
lee, tkw 1
lee, wk 1
lee, wy 1
lee, y-k 1
leeson, b 1
leff, j 1
legge, se 1
lehtimäki, t 1
lei, l 1
lei, w 1
lei, y 1
lemmens, r 1
lencz, t 1
leng, x 1
leo, pj 1
leong, hy 1
leong, johncy 1
leong, ml 1
leonthomas, yy 1
lerer, b 1
leslie, wd 1
leung, a 1
leung, aw 1
leung, awl 1
leung, eric y.l. 1
leung, eyl 1
leung, fcc 1
leung, gty 1
leung, hcm 1
leung, jy 1
leung, kkh 1
leung, mk 1
leung, ow 1
leung, vy 1
leung, wk 1
leung, wl 1
leung, yl 1
leung, yle 1
levinson, d 1
levy, dl 1
levy, f 1
lewis, c 1
lewis, jr 1
li, am 1
li, cm 1
li, cun 1
li, dd 1
li, dw 1
li, f 1
li, fw 1
li, fws 1
li, g 1
li, hwr 1
li, kenneth k w 1
li, kkw 1
li, lanjuan 1
li, miaoxin 1
li, ml 1
li, mx 1
li, p 1
li, qgs 1
li, qz 1
li, rj 1
li, th 1
li, wei 1
li, weidong 1
li, x 1
li, xiang 1
li, yj 1
li, zx 1
li, hoi yee gloria 1
lian, cj 1
liang, b 1
liang, h 1
liang, ky 1
liang, l 1
liang, q 1
liao, h 1
liao, q 1
liao, y 1
lie, mu 1
lieberman, j 1
liehmak, f 1
lillystone, s 1
lim, el 1
limborska, s 1
lin ng, io 1
lin, cls 1
lin, j 1
lin, jh 1
lin, lk 1
lin, scl 1
lin, z 1
lindpaintner, k 1
ling, hm 1
linney, ym 1
lips, p 1
liu, am 1
liu, apy 1
liu, bx 1
liu, ct 1
liu, dj 1
liu, f 1
liu, g 1
liu, h 1
liu, jm 1
liu, jun s. 1
liu, r 1
liu, sj 1
liu, t 1
liu, wei 1
liu, wt 1
liu, x. shirley 1
liu, xiaoli 1
liu, xiaoming 1
livingston, s 1
ljunggren, o 1
llorca, pm 1
lloyd, cm 1
lloyd, k 1
lo, cp 1
lo, gladys goh 1
lo, wu 1
locke, a 1
lohmueller, j 1
lok, si 1
londono, d 1
long, j 1
lonnqvist, j 1
loos, rjf 1
lopes, mc 1
lopez, a 1
lorenc, rs 1
lotta, la 1
loughland, cm 1
loughlin, j 1
lu, f 1
lu, l 1
lu, q 1
lu, w 1
lu, y 1
luben, r 1
lubinski, d 1
lubinski, j 1
lui, cht 1
lui, nc 1
lui, s 1
lui, sy 1
lui, vhc 1
lui, vincent chi hang 1
lui, vwy 1
luivincent, ch 1
luk, kdk 1
luke, a 1
luo, lm 1
luo, sy 1
luokola, a 1
lupton, mk 1
luty, j 1
lwata, n 1
lynham, s 1
lyon, l 1
lyu, z 1
ma, cy 1
ma, h 1
ma, rc 1
ma, sl 1
maas, s 1
maccabe, j 1
macdonald, a 1
macek jr, m 1
macgregor, s 1
mackey, da 1
madden, pa 1
madoz, v 1
madre, m 1
maeda, s 1
magi, r 1
magnusson, pke 1
mai, z 1
maini, mk 1
mak, henry k.f. 1
mak, kfh 1
mak, mw 1
mak, ww 1
mak, wwm 1
maler, w 1
malhotra, ak 1
malizos, k 1
mallet, j 1
mallett, r 1
man, k 1
man, kenneth k.c. 1
man, kkc 1
mancama, d 1
mani, kr 1
manoochehri, k 1
mansfield, aj 1
manyes, l 1
mapuafilbey, f 1
marc, j 1
marienfeld, c 1
marklund, sl 1
markus, h 1
markus, hs 1
marsal, s 1
martin, lj 1
martin, n 1
martin, rb 1
martinsen, ae 1
martín, b 1
masi, l 1
matapastor, i 1
matsuzaki, h 1
mattheisen, m 1
matthijs, g 1
mattingsdal, m 1
maxwell, ek 1
mccarley, rw 1
mccarthy, ml 1
mccaskie, aw 1
mcclay, j 1
mccloskey, e 1
mcclug, p 1
mccormick, d 1
mcculloch, d 1
mcdaid, david 1
mcghee, s 1
mcghee, sarah m. 1
mcghee, sm 1
mcgorry, patrick d. 1
mcguire, p 1
mckenna, peter j 1
mckenna, peter j. 1
mckenna, pj 1
mckennayasek, d 1
mclntosh, am 1
mcluskey, j 1
mcquillin, a 1
mecocci, p 1
medda, e 1
medinagómez, c 1
medland, s 1
mednick, sa 1
meidad, s 1
meier, s 1
meijer, cj 1
meiralima, i 1
meiralima, iv 1
melegh, b 1
melhado, i 1
melis, m 1
melle, i 1
mellers, j 1
mellers, jdc 1
mellström, d 1
melville, c 1
mencejbedrac, s 1
menezes, pr 1
mesholam-gately, ri 1
metspalu, a 1
meyer, jfw 1
michelon, l 1
michie, pt 1
middle, f 1
middleton, l 1
mifsud, na 1
mighty, j 1
mikkelsen, s 1
mil, j 1
milani, l 1
milanova, v 1
miller, mb 1
minoshima, s 1
minster, rl 1
miskiewicz, k 1
mitchel, p 1
mitnaul, lj 1
mo, ch 1
mo, f 1
mo, x 1
mo, z 1
moayyeri, a 1
mohamed, z 1
mohlke, kl 1
mok, kl 1
mok, mo yin 1
mok, mo yin 1
mok, py 1
mokrab, y 1
molony, c 1
montgomery, gw 1
moran, jl 1
moran, p 1
morgan, craig 1
mori, n 1
morris, ad 1
morris, dl 1
morris, m 1
morton, j 1
morton, ne 1
moskvina, v 1
mowry, bj 1
mu, y 1
muhammad, fr 1
muir, wj 1
mullan, k 1
mullan, ka 1
muller, uc 1
muller-myhsok, b 1
mundal, i 1
munkjørgensen, p 1
mura, m 1
murphy, kc 1
murray, p 1
murray, rr 1
myin-germeys, i 1
møller, a 1
müller, cr 1
müller, uc 1
nafde, m 1
nailer, pj 1
nakajima, m 1
nakamura, k 1
nakashima, e 1
nandakumar, k 1
nandakumar, p 1
nawaz, ms 1
neill, d 1
nelson, m 1
nelson, mr 1
nelson, sf 1
nenadic, i 1
nertney, da 1
newhouse, s 1
ng, chun laam 1
ng, ct 1
ng, gct 1
ng, i 1
ng, irene oi lin 1
ng, m 1
ng, roger 1
ng, rrm 1
ng, tk 1
ng, tw 1
ngai, h 1
ngai, hhy 1
ngan, elly s w 1
ngan, es 1
ngan, esw 1
ngan, kc 1
ngan, rkc 1
nganelly, sw 1
ngo, diem ngoc 1
ngo, dm 1
nguyen, thanh liem 1
nguyen, tl 1
nguyen, tv 1
nicholls, john 1
nicholson, gc 1
nicodemus, kk 1
nicoletti, p 1
nielsen, kr 1
niestroj, lm 1
niittymäkix, i 1
nikitina-zake, l 1
nikolaou, vs 1
nilsen, kb 1
ninomiya, t 1
nisenbaum, l 1
niu, x 1
nogues, x 1
nong, wenyan 1
noponen-hietala, n 1
noponenhietala, n 1
nordin, a 1
norland, k 1
north, b 1
northoff, g 1
norton, n 1
nosarti, c 1
nothen, mm 1
ntzani, ee 1
nyegaard, m 1
nürnberg, p 1
o reilly, pf 1
o'donovan, m 1
o'dushlaine, c 1
o'gara, c 1
o'grady, g 1
o'keeffe, s 1
o'neill, fa 1
o'sullivan, m 1
oades, r 1
obeidat, ma'en 1
obermayerpietsch, b 1
oddsson, a 1
oei, l 1
ogura, y 1
oh, jt 1
oh, sy 1
ohadi, m 1
oi lin, ing 1
okoro, c 1
olafsson, ih 1
olincy, a 1
ollier, w 1
ollier, wer 1
olmos, jm 1
olsen, l 1
ong, wpt 1
oostra, ba 1
orelus, m 1
ormel, j 1
ortuño, f 1
os, jv 1
oseilah, a 1
osinga, j 1
ostrowski, s 1
ostrowski, sr 1
overall, cm 1
overton, jd 1
oxford, j 1
o’donovan, m 1
padilla, ms 1
painter, jl 1
pallast, e 1
palmer, cna 1
palmer, lj 1
palsson, st 1
panea, r 1
pang, edwin pui fai 1
pang, h 1
pang, hh 1
pang, hk 1
pang, pf 1
pantelis, c 1
papadimitriou, gn 1
papiol, s 1
parfitt, e 1
park, ks 1
parkhomenko, e 1
parrdavis, g 1
pastinen, t 1
patel, ms 1
paternoster, l 1
patiño, a 1
pato, cn 1
pato, mt 1
paunio, t 1
pearson, er 1
peckham, cs 1
pedersen, ob 1
pedrazzini, m 1
pei, lcs 1
pei, y 1
peirce, t 1
peiris, m 1
pejovic-milovancevic, m 1
peloso, gm 1
peltonen, l 1
peng, j 1
peng, t 1
peng, y 1
peralta, v 1
pereira, ac 1
pereira, sl 1
perez-palma, e 1
pereznievas, f 1
perkins, do 1
perola, m 1
perry, j 1
pers, th 1
peters, er 1
petryshen, tl 1
petterssonkymmer, u 1
pham, duy hien 1
pharoah, p 1
pichler, i 1
pickles, a 1
pietilainen, o 1
pilowsky, l 1
pimm, j 1
pirmohamed, m 1
plani-lam, jh 1
ploughman, lm 1
pneumaticos, s 1
pocklington, aj 1
pol, heh 1
pol, hh 1
polanco, t 1
pols, hap 1
pomarol-clotet, e 1
poon, hc 1
poon, llm 1
poon, rt 1
poppe, m 1
porteros, a 1
pradhan, m 1
pramstaller, pp 1
preisig, m 1
prendergast, jgd 1
prescott, ca 1
prezelj, j 1
price, ra 1
price, t 1
prince, rl 1
prinz, j 1
pritchard, m 1
proitsi, petroola 1
psaty, bm 1
psychosis endophenotypes international consortium, ' 1
pu, x 1
pulkkinen, l 1
purcell, aw 1
pérez, v 1
péreznievas, f 1
qi, x 1
qian, xinyi 1
qian, xx 1
qiao, m 1
qiao, mq 1
qiu, xj 1
qiu, y 1
qs, jv 1
quang, t 1
quattrone, d 1
que, tl 1
quested, d 1
quinn, p 1
rafia, mh 1
rahman, ml 1
rai, a 1
rai, mf 1
raitakari, o 1
ramsden, db 1
rasmussen, hb 1
rasool, a 1
raychaudhuri, s 1
raymond, aa 1
rebollo mesa, i 1
recker, r 1
redline, s 1
ree, sc 1
reeve, j 1
reich, t 1
reid, dm 1
reid, ir 1
reid, jg 1
reimers, ma 1
ren, yq 1
reppe, s 1
reuner, u 1
rhee, s 1
rhodes, m 1
riancho, ja 1
ribchester, t 1
rice, f 1
rice, jp 1
rice, k 1
richards, a 1
richards, al 1
richards, l 1
richards, m 1
richards, s 1
rickardson, s 1
ridker, pm 1
riley, b 1
ripke, s 1
rivadeneira, f 1
robbins, j 1
roberts, q 1
roberts, s 1
rocchetti, m 1
rodriguez, l 1
rodriguez, v 1
rodriguez-canales, j 1
roe, b 1
roffman, jl 1
rohde, la 1
roman, t 1
ronald, a 1
rosa, a 1
rose, lm 1
rose, rr 1
roses, ad 1
rotter, ji 1
rouleau, g 1
rousseau, f 1
roussos, p 1
ruderier, dm 1
rudrasingham, v 1
russell, e 1
rutten, bpf 1
saarentaus, e 1
sabeti, pc 1
sachse, c 1
saffen, d 1
saint-pierre, a 1
sakai, d 1
sala, l 1
salerno, w 1
salifu, mo 1
salomaa, v 1
sambrook, pn 1
sanders, ar 1
sanderson, e 1
sang wong, wh 1
sanghera, dk 1
sanjuán, j 1
santos, e 1
santos, jl 1
sapp, p 1
sargeant, m 1
sartorio, c 1
sat, e 1
saunders, cl 1
schadt, ee 1
schall, u 1
scherer, sw 1
schleicher, td 1
schoenberg, p 1
schork, nj 1
schottenfeld, rs 1
schriemer, d 1
schubert, cr 1
schuck, n 1
schwab, sg 1
schwartz, dt 1
schwartz, pj 1
scollen, s 1
scolnick, em 1
scott, rj 1
seidman, l 1
sekine, y 1
selten, jp 1
seminerio, f 1
seo, jm 1
set, e 1
seto, wkw 1
sha'ari, hm 1
shah, mn 1
sharma, d 1
sharma, r 1
sharma, s 1
sharp, j 1
shaw, c 1
shea, c 1
shen, c 1
shen, jiangshan jane 1
shen, yujun 1
shepherd, it 1
sheu, wh 1
shi, b 1
shi, j 1
shi, jx 1
shi, lei 1
shi, y 1
shiach, c 1
shields, dc 1
shimizu, n 1
shimronabarbanell, d 1
shu, xo 1
shuldiner, a 1
shuldiner, ar 1
shum, dky 1
siddique, t 1
sierrasesumaga, l 1
siggeirsdottir, k 1
sigmundson, t 1
sigurdsson, e 1
silagadze, t 1
silani, v 1
silverman, jm 1
sim, k 1
simanoff, e 1
siminovitch, k 1
simpson, ma 1
sin, nc 1
sing wong, rw 1
sinke, rj 1
siu, cw 1
siu, sc 1
siu, wt 1
skogholt, a 1
skou, st 1
skuladottir, at 1
slagboom, ep 1
slominsky, p 1
smalley, sl 1
smeraldi, e 1
smink, lj 1
smith, b 1
smith, i 1
smith, kg 1
smith, n 1
smith, s 1
smith, sd 1
smoller, jw 1
snieder, h 1
so, kf 1
so, kf 1
so, m 1
soderman, e 1
sodhi, ms 1
soininen, h 1
solchurch, k 1
solis, n 1
solouki, am 1
someya, t 1
song, q 1
song, you qiang 1
song, yq 1
soong, c 1
soranzo, n 1
sosina, o 1
spector, t 1
spencer, cc 1
spencer, cca 1
spencer, km 1
spotila, ld 1
spracklen, cn 1
spurlock, g 1
srinivasan, sr 1
st clair, dm 1
stahl, ea 1
staples, jc 1
stapleton, j 1
stefánsson, h 1
steinberg, s 1
stephens, t 1
stern, mp 1
stevelink, r 1
stevelink, remi 1
stewart, r 1
stogmann, e 1
stone, s 1
storheim, k 1
streeten, ea 1
strengman, e 1
stringham, h 1
strohmaier, j 1
stroup, ts 1
stöber, g 1
su, b 1
su, dy 1
su, p 1
su, pq 1
su, ww 1
su, x 1
suarezmerino, b 1
subramaniam, m 1
suckling, j 1
suckling, john 1
suda, s 1
sugihara, g 1
sulem, p 1
sullivan, pf 1
sun, g 1
sun, j 1
sun, ld 1
sun, p 1
sun, ws 1
sun, xl 1
sun, y 1
susser, e 1
sutherland, g 1
suvisaan, j 1
suzuki, k 1
suzuki, y 1
sveinbjornsson, g 1
svensson, o 1
svrakic, dm 1
szatkiewicz, jp 1
szöke, a 1
sækmose, s 1
sørensen, e 1
tabraham, p 1
tabrizi, sj 1
tahir, e 1
tai, als 1
takahashi, y 1
takao, h 1
takayanagi, r 1
taliun, d 1
tam, em 1
tam, pk 1
tam, pp 1
tam, ppl 1
tam, s 1
tam, ww 1
tamura, a 1
tan, hj 1
tang, clara s m 1
tang, clara sze man 1
tang, cp 1
tang, cs 1
tang, eric y.h. 1
tang, h 1
tang, jym 1
tang, linglin 1
tang, mhy 1
tang, n 1
tang, pl 1
tang, sm 1
tang, syc 1
tang, w 1
tang, wai kiu 1
tang, wainang 1
tangclara, sm 1
tao, j 1
tarricone, i 1
teng, ll 1
th palsson, s 1
thambisetty, m 1
the epi25 collaborative 1
the hong kong mental morbidity survey team 1
the international consortium for scoliosis genetics 1
the international hirschsprung consortium, 1
thirumalai, s 1
thomas, g 1
thomas, ng 1
thomas, s 1
thompson, la 1
thompson, nr 1
thorgeirsson, te 1
thørner, lw 1
tian, y 1
tin, vpc 1
ting, ckp 1
tipney, h 1
tiu, sc 1
to, kelvin kai wang 1
to, sh 1
todd, rd 1
toddbrown, k 1
tokiwa, g 1
tomlinson, i 1
tomlinson, ip 1
toncheva, d 1
tong, amy 1
tong, kk 1
tong, t 1
torre, e 1
torroglosa, a 1
torrång, a 1
tortelli, a 1
tou, j 1
toyama, y 1
toyoma, y 1
tran, anh quynh 1
tran, nl 1
tran, ns 1
treasure, j 1
treasure, jl 1
tripathi, vb 1
tripoli, g 1
troelsen, a 1
trompet, s 1
trummer, o 1
tsang, hy 1
tsang, mw 1
tsang, sty 1
tsang, sy 1
tse, h 1
tse, h-f 1
tse, hm 1
tse, ma 1
tse, zhm 1
tso, g 1
tso, hw 1
tso, s 1
tso, steve 1
tso, winnie w.y. 1
tso, wyw 1
tsoi, th 1
tsolaki, m 1
tsrhc is clinical group 1
tsuchiya, kj 1
tsui, sk 1
tung, keith t.s. 1
tung, ts 1
tunstall, n 1
turner, s 1
tuupanenx, s 1
twiss, p 1
tylavsky, fa 1
tyrpenou, e 1
ulfarsson, e 1
ullum, h 1
underhill, j 1
underhill, ja 1
urreizti, r 1
valdes, a 1
vallance, p 1
valmaggia, l 1
van beijsterveldt, cem 1
van den berg, lh 1
van den bosch, l 1
van den hout, mcgn 1
van den oord, ej 1
van der linde, hc 1
van der linden, g 1
van der sluis, s 1
van ham, tj 1
van hoecke, a 1
van hul, w 1
van ijcken, wfj 1
van koolwijk, lme 1
van meurs, j 1
van os, jim 1
van schoor, nm 1
van vught, pwj 1
vaughan, p 1
veijola, j 1
velayudhan, l 1
veldink, jh 1
vellas, b 1
velthorst, e 1
veltman, m 1
verdoux, h 1
verlaan, d 1
vermeulen, shhm 1
verstreken, p 1
verweij, n 1
viikari, j 1
vikingsson, a 1
vingerling, jr 1
virdee, v 1
virdi, gk 1
virtanen, im 1
visscher, pm 1
vlietinck, r 1
vyse, tj 1
waddington, j 1
wah lee, pp 1
wainwright, bj 1
wakuda, t 1
waldman, i 1
walker, m 1
wallis, ga 1
walters, ee 1
walters, jh 1
walters, jtr 1
wan, tsk 1
wang, c 1
wang, d 1
wang, f 1
wang, hl 1
wang, jianhua 1
wang, jm 1
wang, k 1
wang, ly 1
wang, mj 1
wang, n 1
wang, na 1
wang, ry 1
wang, tingyou 1
wang, ty 1
wang, yc 1
wang, yiyin 1
wang, ym 1
wang, yongfei 1
ward, m 1
wareham, nj 1
webster, a 1
webster, ar 1
webster, m 1
webters, m 1
wei, l 1
wei, t 1
weigelt, b 1
weiser, m 1
weissenbach, j 1
weissman, mm 1
wellcome trust case-control consortium 2, ' 1
wendland, jr 1
whatley, s 1
whitfield, jb 1
widom, l 1
wigg, kg 1
wijmenga, c 1
wildenauer, db 1
willemsen, g 1
willer, c 1
williams, fmk 1
williams, hj 1
williams, n 1
williams, s 1
williams, scr 1
willner, d 1
wilson, jf 1
wind, j 1
wise, ca 1
wistuba, ii 1
witonsky, j 1
witt, sh 1
wolen, ar 1
wolf, se 1
wong, bc 1
wong, bcw 1
wong, bosco ho yin 1
wong, c 1
wong, charlotte w.c. 1
wong, chikeung 1
wong, chun ming 1
wong, cn 1
wong, corine s.m. 1
wong, cy 1
wong, david s h 1
wong, dkh 1
wong, ds 1
wong, dsh 1
wong, dsm 1
wong, emily hoi man 1
wong, g 1
wong, gh 1
wong, ghy 1
wong, gloria hoi yan 1
wong, hem 1
wong, hm 1
wong, hme 1
wong, ian c.k. 1
wong, iyh 1
wong, jg 1
wong, john k l 1
wong, kenneth k y 1
wong, kf 1
wong, kha 1
wong, mys 1
wong, r 1
wong, rachel l c 1
wong, rosa s. 1
wong, rsm 1
wong, smy 1
wong, ssy 1
wong, sy 1
wong, tw 1
wong, v 1
wong, w 1
wong, wc 1
wong, wh 1
wong, wilfred h.s. 1
wong, wl 1
wong, y 1
wong, yl 1
wong, ym 1
wong, yw 1
woo, pcy 1
woo, yu cho 1
wood, ar 1
woolley, j 1
wormley, bk 1
worthington, j 1
wright, ic 1
wright, mj 1
wu, j 1
wu, jiexing 1
wu, kyk 1
wu, r 1
wu, s 1
wu, zz 1
xi, hs 1
xia, hm 1
xia, huimin 1
xia, jl 1
xia, k 1
xia, w 1
xia, wb 1
xia, z 1
xia, zy 1
xiang, x 1
xiang, zh 1
xiao, q 1
xiao, z 1
xie, g 1
xie, h 1
xie, x 1
xing, c 1
xing, x 1
xu, aimin 1
xu, cx 1
xu, hang 1
xu, k 1
xu, l 1
xu, mq 1
xu, mz 1
xue, c 1
yajnik, cs 1
yalamanchili, hk 1
yam, jwp 1
yamada, k 1
yamamoto, k 1
yan, c 1
yan, kk 1
yan, q 1
yan, rq 1
yang, b 1
yang, c 1
yang, jl 1
yang, l 1
yang, shigui 1
yang, sl 1
yang, t 1
yang, wl 1
yang, x 1
yang, xm 1
yang, wanling  1
yao, j 1
yao, km 1
yao, n 1
yao, yg 1
yau, tk 1
yazgan, y 1
ye, k 1
ye, z 1
yee, a 1
yee, fya 1
yergesarmstrong, lm 1
yeung, jm 1
yeung, jmy 1
yeung, km 1
yeung, ml 1
yeung, paul 1
yeung, rk 1
yeung, waisong 1
yeung, wc 1
yi, b 1
yim, shy 1
yin, xy 1
yip, k 1
yip, kc 1
yip, l 1
yip, lawrance 1
yip, s 1
yip, sh 1
yip, sy 1
yiu, gcm 1
yiu, kh 1
yiu, wc 1
yokota, m 1
yoshikawa, t 1
young, tl 1
yu hai chen, e 1
yu, d 1
yu, fei 1
yu, hc 1
yu, kk 1
yu, liang 1
yu, mon 1
yu, ying 1
yu, yt 1
yuan, h 1
yuan, p 1
yue, w 1
yuen, ch 1
yuen, kwok yung 1
yuen, michele m a 1
yuen, mm 1
yuen, rmf 1
yuk lun chen, r 1
zai, cc 1
zannini, ms 1
zarrabeitia, mt 1
zaza, a 1
zeegers, m 1
zeng, f 1
zeng, h 1
zerbinrudin, e 1
zhai, g 1
zhan, x 1
zhang, jian 1
zhang, m 1
zhang, mj 1
zhang, ruizhong 1
zhang, sw 1
zhang, ws 1
zhang, xg 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, yan dora 1
zhang, yd 1
zhang, yf 1
zhang, zl 1
zhao, j 1
zhao, jv 1
zhao, w 1
zhao, y 1
zhao, z 1
zhao, zhongming 1
zheng, b 1
zheng, hf 1
zheng, j 1
zheng, l 1
zheng, shufa 1
zheng, sl 1
zheng, xb 1
zheng, zhanye 1
zhi, z 1
zhong, c 1
zhong, h 1
zhong, sl 1
zhong, yx 1
zhou, b 1
zhou, d 1
zhou, f 1
zhou, h 1
zhou, hy 1
zhou, i 1
zhou, jie 1
zhou, kx 1
zhou, t 1
zhou, tf 1
zhou, yao 1
zhu, g 1
zhu, j 1
zhu, k 1
zhu, x 1
zhu, yixin 1
zhu, yun 1
zhuang, x 1
zillikens, mc 1
zimprich, f 1
zink, f 1
zintzaras, e 1
zuo, x 1
zuo, xb 1
zuo, xianbo 1
zuydam, nv 1
zwart, ja 1
zöllner, s 1
öhman, m 1
öngür, d 1
þorsteinsdóttir, u 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 56
genetic predisposition to disease 51
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 47
female 47
genotype 47
polymorphism, single nucleotide 47
male 46
adult 41
schizophrenia 41
middle aged 35
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 34
genome-wide association study 33
aged 28
chinese 28
genetic association 26
risk factors 26
genetics 25
single nucleotide polymorphism 25
association 23
risk factor 22
cell adhesion molecules - genetics 21
gene frequency 21
young adult 21
first episode 19
adolescent 18
antigens, cd - genetics 18
coronary artery disease 18
whole-exome sequencing 18
epidemiology 17
hong kong 17
prevalence 17
psychosis 17
animals 16
case-control studies 16
child 16
copy number variation 16
depression 16
gwas 16
human 16
mri 16
promoter regions, genetic 16
controlled study 15
cross-sectional studies 15
gene identification 15
gene locus 15
l-lactate dehydrogenase - blood 15
linkage disequilibrium 15
major clinical study 15
mice 15
neuregulin-1 - genetics 15
alleles 14
asian 14
asian continental ancestry group 14
chemicals and cas registry numbers 14
china 14
cohort studies 14
gene expression 14
genetic variation 14
hypertension 14
magnetic resonance imaging 14
mendelian randomization 14
age factors 13
bile duct atresia 13
cancer susceptibility genes 13
chromosome 10q 13
early-age onset 13
gene function 13
genetic susceptibility 13
genome-wide association 13
hepatocellular carcinoma 13
hirschsprung disease 13
hirschsprung disease - genetics 13
lipocalin-2 13
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 13
mst1r 13
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 13
priority journal 13
receptors, cell surface - genetics 13
recurrence 13
remission 13
secondary prevention 13
sex factors 13
vitamin d 13
animal tissue 12
anorectal malformation 12
anxiety 12
chromosome aberration 12
cos cells 12
cost-effectiveness 12
disease progression 12
ephrin-a2 - genetics 12
evaluation 12
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 12
gene mapping 12
genetic predisposition to disease - genetics 12
gwa 12
haplotypes 12
ischemic stroke 12
lupus erythematosus, systemic - genetics 12
meta-analysis 12
mutation - genetics 12
mutations 12
myocardial infarction 12
ret 12
severe acute respiratory syndrome - blood - genetics 12
sle 12
snp 12
uhrf1bp1 12
wnt signaling pathway 12
antigens, cd3 - genetics 11
bmd 11
cd247 11
china - epidemiology 11
databases, genetic 11
ethnic group 11
first-episode psychosis 11
gene mutation 11
genetic polymorphism 11
genetic predisposition 11
genomics 11
heterozygote 11
human tissue 11
kw034 - copy number/structural variation 11
lupus erythematosus, systemic - genetics - immunology 11
nucleotide sequence 11
odds ratio 11
polymorphism, genetic 11
sars 11
schizophrenic psychology 11
systemic lupus erythematosus 11
whole exome sequencing 11
25-hydroxyvitamin d 10
adipocyte 10
algorithms 10
atrial fibrillation 10
b-type natriuretic peptide 10
body mass index 10
bone density - genetics 10
brain - pathology 10
cardiac troponin 10
cell adhesion molecules - genetics - metabolism 10
cluster analysis 10
delusional disorder 10
diffusion tensor imaging 10
endophenotype 10
exome chip 10
f-dopa 10
fibroblast growth factor 10
genome scan 10
genome-wide association studies 10
genotype-phenotype correlations 10
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics 10
lactate dehydrogenase 10
lumbar disc degeneration 10
lupus erythematosus, systemic - enzymology - genetics 10
mapping complex traits 10
negative symptoms 10
positron emission tomography 10
protein binding - genetics 10
psychiatric status rating scales 10
rare complex disease 10
risk prediction 10
striatal dopamine capacity synthesis 10
survival 10
type 2 diabetes 10
type 2 diabetes mellitus 10
vitamin d-binding protein 10
association study 9
cancer 9
cardiovascular disease 9
chromosomes, human, pair 6 - genetics 9
development 9
dopamine 9
expression quantitative trait loci 9
first-episode schizophrenia 9
fracture 9
gene 9
linkage 9
lumbar vertebrae 9
mutation 9
natural selection 9
obesity 9
pleiotropy 9
prognosis 9
psychotic disorders 9
receptors, calcitriol - genetics 9
schizophrenia - pathology 9
severity of illness index 9
software 9
adiponectin - blood - genetics 8
allelic imbalance 8
asian continental ancestry group - ethnology 8
blood pressure - genetics 8
brain - ultrastructure 8
cell adhesion molecules - genetics - physiology 8
cell differentiation - physiology 8
computational biology 8
corpus striatum 8
cyclin a2 8
degeneration 8
degenerative disc disease 8
diabetic retinopathy 8
disc 8
disease models, animal 8
disease susceptibility 8
dna mutational analysis 8
drug-naive 8
duration of untreated psychosis 8
early intervention 8
employment 8
family health 8
fractional anisotropy 8
gene deletion 8
gene duplication 8
gene expression regulation 8
gene frequency - genetics 8
genetic variants 8
genetics, population 8
haplotype 8
hbv integration 8
hcc 8
hedgehog proteins - genetics - metabolism 8
hirschsprung disease - genetics - physiopathology 8
homozygote 8
hong kong - epidemiology 8
hypertension - blood - genetics 8
insr 8
insulin resistance - genetics 8
intervertebral 8
intervertebral disc degeneration 8
kw080 - genome-wide association 8
lectins, c-type - genetics 8
long-term outcome 8
long-term outcomes 8
lumbar 8
maternal age 8
maternal exposure 8
medical sciences 8
models, genetic 8
multivariate analysis 8
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics 8
neuroglia - cytology - physiology 8
obesity - genetics 8
panss 8
pedigree 8
phenotyping 8
potassium channels, inwardly rectifying - genetics 8
predictors 8
prenatal exome 8
proliferative diabetic retinopathy 8
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 8
prospective studies 8
prospective study 8
proteins - genetics 8
raclopride 8
receptors, notch - genetics - metabolism 8
relapse 8
sars virus - isolation and purification - pathogenicity 8
schizophrenia - genetics 8
severe acute respiratory syndrome - physiopathology - virology 8
sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy 8
single nucleotide polymorphisms 8
single-nucleotide polymorphism 8
splicing 8
temporal lobe - ultrastructure 8
variants of unknown clinical significance 8
5' untranslated regions - genetics 7
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 7
age distribution 7
als 7
amino acid substitution 7
amino acid substitution - genetics 7
antigens, cd11b - genetics 7
antipsychotic agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 7
asian continental ancestry group - ethnology - genetics 7
behavior, animal 7
bioinformatics 7
biological markers 7
bone mineral density 7
bone/joint abnormalities 7
c-reactive protein 7
cardiovascular diseases 7
cartilage 7
cartilage diseases - genetics 7
causality 7
cd209 7
cell line 7
cer1 7
charcot-marie-tooth 7
charcot-marie-tooth disease - genetics - pathology - physiopathology 7
chromosome mapping - methods 7
cognitive structure 7
col4a5 7
col4a6 7
complex traits and polygenic disorders 7
connexins - genetics 7
content-dependent process 7
dc-sign 7
de novo mutations 7
diabetes 7
directed differentiation 7
dna - metabolism 7
dna probes - genetics 7
early psychosis 7
electromyography 7
electrophoretic mobility shift assay 7
ens 7
environment 7
exome 7
extracellular matrix proteins - chemistry - genetics 7
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics - physiology 7
fatty acid-binding proteins - blood 7
follow-up studies 7
gene library 7
genetic correlation 7
genetic diseases, x-linked - genetics 7
genetic mapping 7
genetic variation - genetics 7
gjb1 (connexin32) 7
gonosomal mosaicism 7
han chinese 7
haplotypes - genetics 7
health surveys 7
hela cells 7
heritability 7
human induced pluripotent stem cells 7
incidence 7
intervertebral disc - pathology 7
intervertebral disc disease 7
intervertebral disk 7
intervertebral disk displacement - complications - epidemiology - genetics 7
interview, psychological 7
isolated diffuse oesophageal leiomyomatosis 7
japan 7
kw040 - development 7
kw065 - gastrointestinal system 7
kw099 - malformation 7
lectins, c-type - genetics - metabolism 7
likelihood functions 7
long-term follow-up 7
longitudinal 7
lupus erythematosus, systemic - ethnology - genetics 7
matrix metalloproteinase 1 - genetics 7
microscopy, electron, transmission 7
mutation detection 7
nephritis - ethnology - genetics 7
neural conduction - genetics - physiology 7
neural crest 7
neuregulin 1 7
neuropathy 7
next generation sequencing 7
non-coding region 7
notochord-like cells (ncls) 7
nuclear proteins - metabolism 7
nucleus pulposus (np)-like cells 7
osteoarthritis 7
paternal age 7
peripheral nerves - pathology - physiopathology - ultrastructure 7
point mutation - genetics 7
polygenic score 7
polymorphism 7
predictive value of tests 7
pyrophosphatases - genetics - physiology 7
quantitative trait loci 7
questionnaires 7
rare variants 7
receptors, cell surface - genetics - metabolism 7
regression analysis 7
reproducibility of results 7
schizophrenia - drug therapy - pathology 7
schizophrenia - drug therapy - physiopathology 7
sequence analysis 7
sp1 transcription factor - genetics 7
spinal diseases - genetics 7
transcription factor ap-2 - genetics 7
transfection 7
v266l 7
variant prioritization 7
vertebral disk displumbar vertebrae 7
5' untranslated region 6
adiponectin 6
adiponectin - genetics 6
adipose tissue - chemistry 6
adrenomedullin 6
adults 6
affective psychoses 6
aged, 80 and over 6
alzheimer's disease 6
anti-psychotics 6
anxiety disorders 6
arhgap4 6
back pain - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
biological markers - blood - metabolism 6
biomarkers 6
biomedicine 6
blood glucose - analysis 6
blood pressure 6
bone density 6
brain - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 6
burkholderia pseudomallei 6
cancer stem cell 6
cancer stemness 6
carrier proteins - genetics 6
caudate 6
cell adhesion molecules - blood 6
child, preschool 6
choledochal cyst 6
chromosome 8p 6
chromosomes, human, pair 9 6
clustering 6
col9a2 6
col9a3 6
collagen 6
collagen type ix - genetics 6
communityolder 6
complete 6
computer simulation 6
covid-19 6
cytokines - genetics 6
data mining 6
de novo 6
developmental 6
diabetes mellitus, type 2 - diagnosis - ethnology - genetics 6
disease outbreaks 6
dna-binding proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
drug naïve 6
dysglycemia 6
environmental stressors 6
epidemiological study 6
erbb4 6
exon 6
fibrinogen 6
fibrinogen - genetics - metabolism 6
founder mutation 6
fractures, bone - genetics 6
gamma-glutamyltransferase - blood - metabolism 6
gene cluster 6
genes 6
genetic disease 6
genome 6
genome, human 6
genome-wide haplotype association mapping (ham) 6
ggt 6
glucose intolerance - blood - genetics 6
hepatitis b 6
homeostasis 6
hong kong - epidemiology - ethnology 6
human genetics 6
hyperglycaemia 6
hypertension - blood - enzymology - epidemiology 6
hypertension - blood - epidemiology - genetics 6
hypertension - blood - ethnology - genetics - physiopathology 6
hypertension - epidemiology 6
hypertriglyceridemia - epidemiology 6
igt 6
immunohistochemistry 6
impaired glucose tolerance 6
in situ hybridization 6
inflammation 6
insulin 6
insulin resistance 6
interleukin-6 6
interleukin-6 - blood - genetics 6
internal medicine 6
intervertebral disc displacement - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
intervertebral disc displacement - epidemiology - genetics 6
intervertebral disc herniation 6
lateral ventricles 6
lifetime prevalence 6
linkage analysis 6
lipids 6
liver carcinogenesis 6
liver function test 6
locomotion 6
lod score 6
longitudinal studies 6
loss of heterozygosity 6
low back pain 6
lumbar vertebrae - pathology 6
lumbar vertebrae - pathology - radiography 6
major depressive episode 6
mecp2 6
memory 6
mental disorders / epidemiology 6
metabolic diseases 6
metabolic syndrome x - blood - epidemiology - etiology 6
metabolic syndrome x - genetics 6
metabolism 6
mice, inbred c57bl 6
mice, inbred strains 6
models, biological 6
molecular medicine 6
naturalistic 6
neuronal plasticity - drug effects 6
obesity - epidemiology 6
obesity - genetics - metabolism 6
osteoblasts - metabolism 6
osteoporosis - genetics - metabolism 6
p6-c4 6
pacbio rs ii 6
patterns of degeneration 6
pharmacy and pharmacology environmental studies 6
polymorphism, restriction fragment length 6
population based study 6
population surveys 6
power 6
prediabetic state - diagnosis - ethnology - genetics 6
prepulse inhibition 6
proto-oncogene proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
quality control 6
rare variants association 6
receptors, cell surface - blood 6
renbp 6
replication 6
retrospective studies 6
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 6
sciatica - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
sequence analysis, dna 6
sex distribution 6
single nucleotide 6
single-cell sequencing 6
social unrest 6
southern chinese women 6
spinal 6
spinal diseases - etiology - genetics - pathology 6
stenosis 6
stressful life events 6
taq i 6
taq polymerase - genetics 6
toxicology and environmental safety 6
trp2 6
trp3 6
tspyl2 6
tumor heterogeneity 6
vitamin d receptor 6
youth mental health 6
γ-glutamyl transaminase 6
adiposity - physiology 5
alk 5
alzheimer disease - genetics 5
antipsychotic agents - therapeutic use 5
antipsychotics 5
area under curve 5
atherosclerosis 5
autophagy 5
binding sites - genetics 5
biological markers - blood 5
blood glucose - metabolism 5
bone density - genetics - physiology 5
brain - pathology - physiopathology 5
bronchiectasis 5
candidate gene approach 5
candidate genes 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - surgery 5
carcinoma, non-small-cell lung - genetics 5
carotid artery diseases - diagnosis 5
carotid intima-media thickness 5
cds 5
cell adhesion molecules 5
chi-square distribution 5
cholesterol 5
chromosomes, human, pair 1 5
chromosomes, human, pair 11 5
chromosomes, human, pair 14 5
chromosomes, human, pair 3 - genetics 5
cognition 5
complex traits: theory and methods 5
computational biology - methods 5
copy number variant 5
crispr/cas9 5
cystic fibrosis 5
cytoskeletal proteins - genetics 5
depressive disorder, major - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 5
diabetes mellitus 5
diabetes mellitus - blood - drug therapy - epidemiology 5
diffusion 5
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging 5
disease-free survival 5
egfr 5
endocrinology 5
endophenotypes 5
epilepsy - genetics 5
europe 5
exome sequencing 5
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics 5
f11 receptor 5
family history 5
fatty-acid-binding proteins 5
females 5
femur - metabolism 5
fractures, bone - epidemiology - genetics 5
gastrointestinal system 5
gene expression regulation - physiology 5
gene polymorphism 5
gene-environment interaction 5
genes, tumor suppressor 5
genetic epidemiology 5
genetic linkage 5
genetic linkage - genetics 5
genetic markers 5
genetic testing 5
genome sequencing 5
genotype-phenotype correlation 5
glycogen storage disease type iib 5
glycosylated hemoglobin a 5
gtp-binding proteins - genetics - immunology 5
health care workers 5
health personnel - psychology 5
health personnel - statistics and numerical data 5
hemoglobin a, glycosylated - metabolism 5
hirschsprung disease - genetics - metabolism 5
homeodomain proteins - genetics 5
hscr 5
hyperglycemia - genetics 5
hypertension - ethnology - genetics 5
hypertension - genetics - physiopathology 5
hypoglycemic agents - therapeutic use 5
image processing, computer-assisted 5
immunity, innate 5
infectious disease outbreak 5
insulin - blood 5
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics 5
interferon-alpha - immunology 5
interferon-beta - immunology 5
kras 5
kw020 - characterization of disorders 5
kw024 - chromosomal deletions 5
kw039 - delineation of diseases 5
kw078 - genome scan 5
latent tgf-beta binding proteins - genetics 5
liver embryo 5
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - surgery 5
long-term psychological distress 5
lumbosacral region - anatomy & histology 5
lung adenocarcinomas 5
lung neoplasms - genetics 5
mapk7 5
mendelian disease 5
mental health 5
metabolic syndrome 5
metabolic syndrome x - blood 5
microarray 5
nerve net - pathology - physiopathology 5
network 5
neurogenetics 5
never medicated 5
nuclear proteins - genetics 5
nuclear proteins - genetics - metabolism 5
nucleic acid hybridization 5
obesity - blood 5
obesity - ethnology - genetics 5
oncofetal proteins 5
oncogene proteins - genetics - metabolism 5
oncogenic mutations 5
osteoporosis 5
outbreak 5
pelvic bones - metabolism 5
physical chromosome mapping - methods 5
posttraumatic symptoms 5
proteomic profiling 5
proto-oncogene proteins c-ret 5
proto-oncogene proteins c-ret - genetics 5
raindance 5
rare variant 5
receptor protein-tyrosine kinases - genetics - metabolism 5
replication study 5
resistin - genetics 5
rs11190870 5
sars virus - immunology 5
schizophrenia, first-episode 5
scoliosis - genetics 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - psychology 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome - genetics - immunology 5
sickness impact profile 5
southern chinese 5
spectrometry, mass, matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization 5
spine - anatomy & histology - physiology 5
stress 5
stress disorders, post-traumatic - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 5
stress disorders, post-traumatic - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 5
striato-thalamic volume 5
structural 5
survivors - psychology - statistics and numerical data 5
targeted resequencing 5
trafficking defects 5
transcription factors - genetics 5
transcription factors - genetics - metabolism 5
treatment outcome 5
united states - epidemiology 5
variant annotation 5
wga 5
whole genome association 5
working memory 5
x-linked vacuolar cardiomyopathy and myopathy 5
zebrafish 5
ace 4
alen 4
ann 4
antipsychotic agents - administration and dosage - pharmacology - therapeutic use 4
apoe 4
atp2b4 4
autistic disorder - complications 4
autistic disorder - diagnosis - etiology - pathology 4
base sequence 4
binding sites 4
biochemical genetics 4
blood pressure measurement 4
brain - growth and development 4
brain structure 4
calcium transient 4
calcium-binding proteins - genetics 4
cancer proteome 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics 4
cart 4
caudal regression 4
cdx1 4
cell type-specific 4
chromosome 1q 4
chromosome 2q 4
chromosome 5q 4
chromosome mapping - statistics & numerical data 4
chromosomes, human, y - genetics 4
classification 4
cognitive decline 4
collagen type i - genetics 4
colorectal cancer 4
colorectal neoplasms - genetics 4
complex disease 4
complex traits 4
congenital abnormalities - diagnosis - pathology 4
copy number/structural variation 4
copy-number variation 4
databases - nucleic acid 4
deletion 4
discriminant analysis 4
disease-susceptible gene 4
dna mutational analysis - methods 4
dna, mitochondrial - genetics 4
dti 4
epigenome 4
esophageal carcinoma 4
estrogen receptor alpha - genetics 4
estrogen receptor beta - genetics 4
european continental ancestry group - genetics 4
familial aggregation 4
familial spastic paraplegia 4
family 4
fractures, bone - complications - genetics - physiopathology 4
frontal lobe - pathology 4
gene expression profiling - instrumentation - methods 4
gene regulatory networks - genetics 4
genetic 4
genetic association studies 4
genetic loci 4
genetic predisposition to disease - epidemiology 4
head - abnormalities - pathology 4
health service utilization 4
heart failure 4
homeodomain proteins - metabolism 4
homozygosity mapping 4
identification of disease genes 4
information storage and retrieval - methods 4
internet 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - genetics - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk - metabolism - pathology - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk displacement - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
joint effect 4
kw075 - genetic mapping 4
kw078 – genome scan 4
kw083 - genotype-phenotype correlations 4
kw086 – identification of disease genes 4
kw087 - immune system 4
kw117 - mutation detection 4
kw139 - polymorphism 4
ldl-c 4
ldl-receptor related proteins - genetics 4
linkage disequilibrium analysis 4
liver neoplasms - genetics 4
low back pain - genetics - physiopathology 4
low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-5 4
lumbar disk degeneration 4
massively parallel sequencing 4
mental disorders 4
meta-analysis as topic 4
micrornas - genetics - metabolism 4
microsatellite repeats 4
mir-122 4
mitochondrial 4
molecular basis of mendelian disorders 4
mri scan 4
neuritic elongation 4
neurodegeneration 4
neuroleptic naive 4
nrg3 4
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis - instrumentation - methods 4
organogenesis 4
osteoporotic fractures - genetics - physiopathology 4
periostin 4
pharmacy and pharmacology psychology 4
pmca 4
population-based linkage 4
pro-neuronal survival 4
ptpn21 4
putamen 4
putamen - drug effects - pathology 4
quantitative trait, heritable 4
receptors, calcium-sensing - genetics 4
recessive mutation 4
regional index: eurasia 4
regulatory variant 4
sacral agenesis 4
sample selection 4
schizophrenia - diagnosis - etiology - pathology 4
schizophrenia - diagnosis - genetics 4
schizophrenia - genetics - pathology 4
selection - genetic 4
snps 4
spinal fractures - genetics - physiopathology 4
spine 4
statins 4
study design 4
subtraction analysis 4
susceptibility 4
transforming growth factor beta - genetics 4
tumor suppressor gene 4
twin studies 4
vertebral fracture 4
vitamin d binding protein 4
vitamin d insufficiency 4
voxel-based analysis 4
voxel-based morphometry 4
ageing 3
alcohol consumption 3
allele 3
alu 3
analysis of variance 3
anterior cingulate cortex 3
antimicrobial resistance 3
arrhythmias 3
asian continental ancestry group - genetics - statistics and numerical data 3
asians 3
attention 3
biomarker 3
bone and bones - anatomy & histology 3
bone size 3
candidate gene 3
carbapenemases 3
case-control 3
chromatin state 3
chromosome mapping 3
chromosomes, human, 16-18 3
chromosomes, human, pair 17 - genetics 3
cognition disorders - diagnosis - genetics 3
comorbidity 3
confidence intervals 3
corpus callosum 3
crohn disease - genetics 3
cspg5 3
databases, factual 3
degradome 3
dermatoglyphics 3
diabetes mellitus, type 2 - genetics 3
disease susceptibility loci 3
dna - chemistry - metabolism 3
esr2 3
evolution, molecular 3
expressed sequence tags 3
factor analysis, statistical 3
family study 3
femur - injuries - metabolism 3
fibrosis 3
fractures, bone - etiology - genetics 3
fto 3
function validation 3
functional prediction 3
gamma-aminobutyric acid 3
gender 3
gene coverage 3
gene density 3
genetic architecture 3
genetic predisposition to disease - ethnology - genetics 3
genome - genetics 3
genomics - methods 3
glutamate 3
great britain - epidemiology 3
guanine nucleotide binding protein 3
health behavior 3
hepatitis b virus 3
herpesvirus 4, human - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 3
high-throughput assay 3
hypertension - genetics 3
incompatibility groups 3
induced pluripotent stem cells 3
inheritance patterns 3
interaction 3
intermediate phenotypes 3
intervertebral disc 3
ion transport 3
knowledge-based genetic association 3
kw008 - bioinformatics 3
linkage disequilibrium blocks 3
long qt syndrome 3
machine learning 3
matrisome 3
memory disorders - diagnosis - genetics 3
mental retardation - diagnosis - genetics 3
mitogen activated protein kinase 3
models, statistical 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - virology 3
ndm-1 3
nedd4l 3
neuregulin-1 3
neurodegenerative diseases 3
neuropsychological tests 3
neuroticism 3
nonnegativity 3
obesity. type 2 diabetes 3
obstetric complications 3
osteoporosis - blood - ethnology - genetics 3
osteoporosis - complications - genetics 3
osteoporosis - epidemiology - genetics 3
osteoprotegerin 3
osteoprotegerin - blood - genetics 3
paralyses, familial periodic - ethnology - etiology - genetics 3
personality - genetics 3
personality inventory 3
plasmids 3
polygenic risk scores 3
polymorphism, single nucleotide - physiology 3
population 3
population admixture 3
population stratification 3
protein expression 3
protein-serine-threonine kinases - genetics 3
proteome 3
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 3
psychopathology 3
qtl 3
quantitative genetics 3
quantitative trait association 3
quantitative trait loci - genetics - physiology 3
random forest 3
rare disease 3
recombination 3
regulatory elements, transcriptional 3
sampling studies 3
set-based association test 3
silac 3
simulation 3
sm/j 3
socioeconomic factors 3
statistical genetics 3
statistics, nonparametric 3
tdt 3
thyrotoxicosis - complications - ethnology - genetics 3
transcription factors - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
transcriptional gene regulation 3
transmission/disequilibrium test 3
twins 3
unidimensional scaling 3
variance component 3
variants 3
verbal behavior 3
wes 3
wgs 3
"endophenotypes" 2
2de 2
5-ht(2a) 2
5-htt 2
a-b ridge count 2
achievement 2
acoustic stimulation 2
actionable mutation 2
adh2 2
adhd 2
admixture 2
affective disorder 2
age at onset 2
age of onset 2
aggression 2
allelic association 2
anxiety - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics - psychology 2
ap3s1 gene 2
asthma 2
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - genetics 2
autism 2
bdnf 2
bias correction 2
bioinformatics prioritization 2
bioinformatics tool 2
biology 2
bipolar affective disorder 2
bipolar disorder 2
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics 2
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - genetics 2
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 2
bipolar disorder - genetics 2
brain - abnormalities 2
brain - physiopathology 2
brain chemistry - genetics 2
brain damage, chronic - diagnosis - etiology - psychology 2
breast neoplasms - diagnosis - genetics 2
catecholamines 2
cerebral asymmetry 2
cerebral ventricles - abnormalities 2
chinese setting 2
chromosome 12 2
chromosomes, human, pair 12 2
chromosomes, human, pair 15 - genetics 2
chromosomes, human, pair 22 2
chromosomes, human, pair 22 - genetics 2
clozapine - therapeutic use 2
clu polymorphisms 2
coalescence 2
cognitive ability 2
cognitive functioning 2
commd7 gene 2
common variants 2
constraints 2
csf1 gene 2
data interpretation, statistical 2
databases, nucleic acid 2
dbsnp 2
deg analysis 2
dementia 2
demography 2
depression - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics - psychology 2
depressive disorder - genetics 2
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 2
disease outbreaks - statistics & numerical data 2
diseases in twins 2
diseases in twins - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics 2
diseases in twins - genetics 2
disinhibition 2
dna - analysis 2
dna - genetics 2
dna - genetics - isolation & purification 2
dna pooling 2
dna primers 2
dna primers - genetics 2
dopamine plasma membrane transport proteins - genetics 2
drd4 2
drug response prediction 2
early detection of cancer 2
electroencephalography 2
england - epidemiology 2
epidemiologic methods 2
epilepsy 2
epilepsy, generalized - genetics 2
epistasis 2
event-related potentials, p300 - physiology 2
exons 2
experimental errors 2
extended pedigree 2
extreme selection 2
factor analysis 2
familial risk 2
family characteristics 2
first-episode 2
first-episode patients 2
frontal lobe dysfunction 2
functional connectivity 2
functional laterality - physiology 2
gamma oscillation 2
genes, dominant 2
genetic association studies - methods 2
genetic diseases, inborn - genetics 2
genetic heterogeneity 2
genetic markers - genetics 2
genetic sharing 2
genetic techniques 2
genetic testing - methods 2
genetics, medical - methods 2
genome search 2
genome-wide 2
genome-wide association study - statistics and numerical data 2
genomic coordinate 2
genomics - statistics & numerical data 2
genotype error 2
germany 2
gestational age 2
great britain 2
haplotype estimation 2
hapmap 2
hbv 2
health status 2
heroin dependence 2
highly variable gene 2
hippocampus 2
hospitalization 2
identical by descent (ibd) 2
identity-by-descent (ibd) 2
immune response 2
immunology 2
impulsivity 2
infant, newborn 2
influenza 2
influenza a virus 2
influenza, human - complications - epidemiology 2
influenza, human - epidemiology 2
intelligence 2
interviews as topic 2
introns - genetics 2
k-mode 2
kw052 - epilepsy 2
kw080 - genome sequencing 2
kw101 - mapping complex traits 2
kw118 - mutation detection 2
kw124 - neurogenetics 2
ld 2
least squares problem 2
liability threshold model 2
linear models 2
linear regression 2
linkage disequilibrium - genetics 2
linkage equilibrium 2
logistic models 2
logistic regression 2
london 2
maldi-tof ms 2
markov chain monte carlo 2
mathematical computing 2
mathematics 2
matrix-vector multiplication 2
medical informatics - methods 2
medical sciences - psychiatry and neurology 2
membrane glycoproteins - genetics 2
membrane transport proteins 2
memory performance 2
mental disorders - epidemiology - genetics 2
methodology 2
microsatellite repeats - genetics 2
minisatellite repeats 2
minisatellite repeats - genetics 2
missense mutation 2
model-fitting 2
modifier genes 2
molecular sequence data 2
monoamine oxidase - genetics 2
monte carlo method 2
mood disorders - diagnosis - genetics 2
motivation 2
multilocus test 2
mx 2
nerve tissue proteins 2
nerve tissue proteins - genetics 2
neural perturbation 2
neurocognitive deficit 2
neurogenetics and neurodegeneration 2
neuropsychological deficits 2
neuropsychology 2
nuclear family 2
onset age 2
orthopedics and traumatology 2
p300 2
parallel computation 2
parenting 2
pedigree error 2
personality assessment 2
personality development 2
personality inventory - statistics & numerical data 2
personality trait 2
phenotype 2
polygenic risk score 2
polymerase chain reaction 2
polymorphism, genetic - genetics 2
polymorphism, single-stranded conformational 2
population surveillance 2
potassium channels - genetics 2
potassium channels, calcium-activated 2
precision medicine 2
pregnancy 2
pregnancy complications, infectious - epidemiology 2
prenatal exposure delayed effects 2
prostatic neoplasms - diagnosis - genetics 2
protein interaction maps 2
protein profiling 2
psychiatric disorders 2
psychiatric genetics 2
psychiatric status rating scales - statistics & numerical data 2
psychoses 2
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics 2
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 2
psychotic disorders - genetics 2
qtl association 2
qtl association analyses 2
quantitative trait 2
quantitative trait loci (qtl) 2
quantitative trait loci - genetics 2
radio frequency 2
reaction time - genetics 2
receptor, serotonin, 5-ht1b - genetics 2
receptor, serotonin, 5-ht2a 2
receptor, serotonin, 5-ht2c - genetics 2
receptors, dopamine d2 - genetics 2
receptors, dopamine d4 2
receptors, gaba-a - genetics 2
receptors, serotonin - genetics 2
reference values 2
refsnp (rs) id 2
registries 2
regression 2
relatives 2
repetitive sequences, nucleic acid - genetics 2
residence characteristics 2
rgs4 2
risk 2
risk assessment 2
risk-taking 2
schizoaffective disorder 2
schizophrenia - diagnosis - epidemiology 2
schizophrenia - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics 2
schizophrenia - diagnosis - etiology 2
schizophrenia - diagnosis - genetics - physiopathology 2
schizophrenia - drug therapy - genetics 2
schizophrenia - epidemiology 2
schizophrenia - epidemiology - etiology 2
schizophrenia - epidemiology - genetics 2
schizophrenia - ethnology - genetics 2
schizophrenia - etiology 2
schizophrenia - genetics - physiopathology 2
schizophrenia - physiopathology 2
schizotypal personality disorder - diagnosis - genetics 2
scrna-seq 2
seasons 2
seldi-tof proteinchip 2
selection 2
selective genotyping 2
sensitivity and specificity 2
sequence analysis, dna - methods 2
sequence deletion 2
sequence variant 2
serotonin 2
serotonin - metabolism 2
serotonin plasma membrane transport proteins 2
sert 2
serum lipids 2
serum markers 2
siblings 2
sibs 2
sibships 2
single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) 2
single nucleotide polymorphisms (snp) 2
single-cell rna seq 2
skm-snp 2
small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels 2
social adjustment 2
social behavior 2
social cognition 2
social environment 2
sociology 2
spinocerebellar ataxias 2
stability 2
statistical model 2
statistics 2
statistics as topic 2
subspace clustering 2
substance-related disorders - genetics 2
subtyping 2
susceptibility genes 2
symptom dimensions 2
syndrome 2
taiwan 2
targeted cancer therapy 2
time factors 2
torque 2
transglutaminase 6 2
trinucleotide repeats 2
tryptophan hydroxylase 2
tryptophan hydroxylase - genetics 2
tumor biomarkers 2
twin 2
twin studies as topic 2
twins - genetics 2
twins, dizygotic 2
twins, dizygotic - genetics 2
twins, monozygotic 2
twins, monozygotic - genetics 2
variance components 2
variance explained 2
vegetation 2
vulnerability 2
wales - epidemiology 2
young-onset hypertension 2
(schizophrenia) 1
22q11 1
3' untranslated regions 1
3' untranslated regions - genetics 1
5-ht(2a) receptor gene 1
5-ht-2a 1
5-ht2a 1
5-ht2c receptor 1
5ht1b 1
6p 1
acoustic stimulation - methods 1
acute disease 1
acute schizophrenia 1
adaptation, psychological 1
addiction 1
adiposity 1
adjustment disorders - diagnosis - etiology - psychology 1
administration, inhalation 1
adolescence 1
adolescent psychology 1
affect 1
affected sib-pair analysis 1
affective disorders, psychotic - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 1
affective disorders, psychotic - epidemiology - etiology 1
affective disorders, psychotic - genetics 1
africa - ethnology 1
african americans - psychology 1
african americans - psychology - statistics & numerical data 1
african continental ancestry group 1
african continental ancestry group - genetics 1
aging 1
agoraphobia - diagnosis - genetics 1
alcohol dehydrogenase - genetics 1
alcohol drinking - epidemiology 1
alcohol policy 1
alcoholism 1
alcoholism - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
alcoholism - genetics 1
alcoholism - psychology 1
aldehyde dehydrogenase 1
allele frequency 1
allelic assocation 1
alternative splicing - genetics 1
alzheimer disease - epidemiology - genetics - physiopathology 1
amino acid sequence 1
amphetamine 1
amphetamine-related disorders 1
amphetamine-related disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
amphetamine-related disorders - epidemiology - genetics 1
amphetamine-related disorders - etiology - genetics 1
amygdala - abnormalities - physiopathology 1
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - genetics 1
angelman syndrome - genetics 1
angiotensin ii type i receptor gene 1
anorexia nervosa - etiology - genetics - psychology 1
anticipation 1
anticonvulsants - therapeutic use 1
antipsychotic 1
antipsychotic agents - metabolism - therapeutic use 1
antipsychotic agents - pharmacology 1
antisocial personality disorder - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
anxiety - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
anxiety - etiology 1
anxiety disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
anxiety disorders - diagnosis - genetics 1
anxiety disorders - genetics 1
apolipoprotein e 1
apolipoproteins e - genetics 1
arousal 1
arousal - physiology 1
arvcf 1
asd 1
assessment 1
association mapping 1
asymmetry 1
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - classification - genetics 1
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - diagnosis - genetics - 1
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - epidemiology - genetics 1
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - epidemiology - genetics - psychology 1
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - genetics - pathology 1
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - genetics - psychology 1
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 1
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) 1
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) 1
attitude 1
attitude to health 1
australia 1
autistic disorder - diagnosis - genetics 1
autistic disorder - epidemiology 1
autistic disorder - epidemiology - virology 1
autoimmune diseases - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 1
autoimmune diseases - epidemiology 1
autoimmune disorder 1
autoimmunity 1
autoradiography 1
base composition 1
basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper transcription factors 1
behavior 1
behaviour genetics 1
behavioural disorder 1
behavioural genomics 1
belgium 1
benzodiazepines 1
bias (epidemiology) 1
binary traits 1
binge drinking 1
biochemical 1
biological evolution 1
biological marker 1
biological marker and endophenotype 1
biological pathways 1
biometry 1
biostatistics 1
biostatistics - methods 1
bipolar 1
bipolar disorder - diagnosis 1
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - etiology - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - genetics - physiopathology - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - prevention & control - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - diagnosis - therapy 1
bipolar disorder - drug therapy - prevention & control - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - drug therapy - prevention & control - therapy 1
bipolar disorder - enzymology - genetics 1
bipolar disorder - epidemiology - physiopathology - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - epidemiology - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - ethnology - genetics 1
bipolar disorder - etiology - genetics 1
bipolar disorder - genetics - metabolism 1
bipolar disorder - genetics - physiopathology 1
bipolar disorder - genetics - psychology 1
bipolar disorder - pathology 1
bipolar disorder - psychology 1
birth complications 1
birth order 1
birth rate 1
blood pressure - genetics - physiology 1
blue mountains eye study 1
body height 1
brain - anatomy & histology 1
brain - anatomy & histology - growth & development 1
brain - blood supply - radiography 1
brain - drug effects - physiopathology 1
brain - metabolism 1
brain - physiology 1
brain anatomy 1
brain damage, chronic - genetics - psychology 1
brain diseases - ethnology 1
brain infarction - genetics - physiopathology 1
brain ischemia - genetics - physiopathology 1
brain mapping 1
bronchopneumonia - complications - epidemiology - psychology 1
cacna1a 1
calcium channels - genetics 1
calpain - genetics 1
candidate locus 1
cannabinoids - metabolism 1
canonical correlation analysis 1
cardiometabolic 1
caregivers - education - psychology 1
caregivers - psychology 1
carer 1
carers 1
caribbean region - ethnology 1
carrier proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 1
carrier proteins - genetics - physiology 1
case-control association analysis 1
case-control design 1
case-control study 1
catchment area (health) 1
catechol o-methyltransferase - genetics 1
catechol o-methyltransferase - genetics - metabolism 1
catecholamine 1
cell line, tumor 1
central nervous system stimulants - poisoning 1
central nervous system stimulants - toxicity 1
cerebral cortex - pathology 1
cerebral cortex - physiopathology 1
cerebral ventricles - anatomy & histology 1
cerebral ventricles - pathology 1
chickenpox - complications - epidemiology - psychology 1
child development 1
child of impaired parents - psychology 1
childhood schizotypy 1
cholesterol - blood 1
chrfam7a 1
chrna7 1
chromatography, high pressure liquid 1
chromosome 15 1
chromosome 22 1
chromosome 6p 1
chromosome deletion 1
chromosome mapping - methods - statistics & numerical data 1
chromosome x 1
chromosomes, artificial, bacterial - genetics 1
chromosomes, human - genetics 1
chromosomes, human, pair 1 - genetics 1
chromosomes, human, pair 12 - genetics 1
chromosomes, human, pair 13 1
chromosomes, human, pair 13 - genetics 1
chromosomes, human, pair 17 1
chromosomes, human, pair 22 - chemistry - genetics 1
chromosomes, human, pair 4 - genetics 1
chromosomes, human, pair 6 1
chronic and negative symptoms 1
chronic disease 1
cigarette consumption 1
clinical characteristics 1
cloning, molecular 1
clozapine 1
clozapine - metabolism - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
clozapine - pharmacology 1
clozapine - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
clozapine response 1
cognition disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
cognition disorders - genetics 1
cognition disorders - psychology 1
cognitive function 1
cognitive therapy 1
cognitive therapy - methods 1
cohort effect 1
cohort study 1
collagen type xi - genetics - metabolism 1
collagen type xviii - genetics - metabolism 1
combined analysis 1
combined modality therapy 1
commingling 1
communicable diseases - complications - epidemiology - psychology 1
competing risks 1
complex 1
complex disease genetics 1
comt 1
comt gene 1
comt-schizophrenia 1
concordant 1
consanguinity 1
contingency table analysis 1
contingent negative variation - genetics 1
coping 1
cornea - pathology 1
cornell medical index 1
coronary disease - genetics 1
coronary heart disease 1
cost-effective design 1
covariates 1
cross-cultural comparison 1
cyp2d6 1
cytochrome p-450 cyp1a2 1
cytochrome p-450 cyp2d6 1
cytochrome p-450 cyp2d6 - genetics - metabolism 1
cytochrome p-450 enzyme system - genetics 1
cytokine 1
d-amino-acid oxidase - genetics - metabolism 1
dar locus 1
darier disease - genetics 1
dat 1
dat1 1
data collection - methods - standards 1
database 1
decision making - physiology 1
defries-fulker analysis 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - classification - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - diagnosis - etiology - psychology 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - epidemiology - etiology 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - epidemiology - etiology - psychology 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - etiology 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - etiology - psychology 1
delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorders - genetics - psychology 1
delusions - classification - diagnosis - psychology 1
delusions - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 1
delusions - etiology 1
delusions - genetics 1
dementia - epidemiology - genetics 1
dementia - psychology 1
dementia concerns 1
denmark - epidemiology 1
depression - diagnosis 1
depression - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
depression - diagnosis - genetics 1
depression - epidemiology - psychology 1
depression - etiology 1
depression - etiology - genetics 1
depression - genetics - metabolism 1
depression/genetics 1
depressive disorder - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics 1
depressive disorder - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
depressive disorder - diagnosis - genetics 1
depressive disorder - diagnosis - genetics - therapy 1
depressive disorder - diagnosis - psychology 1
depressive disorder - epidemiology - genetics 1
depressive disorder - epidemiology - psychology 1
depressive disorder - genetics - psychology 1
depressive disorder - physiopathology - prevention & control - psychology 1
depressive disorder, major - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 1
depressive disorder, major - psychology 1
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 1
developmental disabilities - epidemiology 1
developmental disabilities - epidemiology - physiopathology 1
df analysis 1
dfna22 1
diabetes mellitus, type 1 - epidemiology 1
diagnostic categories 1
dickkopf 1
dimension 1
dimensions 1
discordant 1
discrimination (psychology) 1
disease 1
disease locus mapping 1
disease notification - statistics & numerical data 1
disease pedigree 1
disease susceptibility - psychology 1
diseases in twins - diagnosis - genetics 1
diseases in twins - diagnosis - genetics - physiopathology - psychology 1
diseases in twins - genetics - psychology 1
disorders of sex development - genetics 1
distortion 1
dkk 1
dna 1
dna - analysis - genetics 1
dna - analysis - genetics - metabolism 1
dna - blood 1
dna - chemistry - genetics 1
dna glycosylases 1
dna pool 1
dna transposable elements 1
dna transposable elements - genetics 1
dna, satellite - analysis 1
dna-binding proteins 1
dna-binding proteins - genetics 1
dominance, cerebral - genetics - physiology 1
dopamine - genetics 1
dopamine - metabolism 1
dopamine plasma membrane transport proteins 1
dopamine system 1
dopamine transporter gene 1
double-blind method 1
drd2 1
drd3 1
drd4 receptor gene, association study, childhood behavior 1
drd5 1
drug abuse 1
drug resistance - genetics 1
dysbindin 1
dysthymic disorder - diagnosis - genetics 1
dystrobrevin 1
early onset 1
echo-planar imaging - methods 1
economic risk 1
educational status 1
elastic net 1
electrocardiography 1
electroconvulsive therapy 1
electroencephalography - methods 1
electrooculography 1
electrophoresis, agar gel 1
electrophoresis, capillary - methods 1
em algorithm 1
endothelium 1
england 1
enzyme activation 1
epidemiologic factors 1
epileptic encephalopathy 1
epistasis, genetic 1
epistatic gene-gene interaction 1
erps 1
ethnic difference 1
european continental ancestry group 1
european continental ancestry group - genetics - psychology 1
european continental ancestry group - psychology 1
european continental ancestry group - psychology - statistics & numerical data 1
event related potentials 1
event-related potentials, p300 - drug effects - physiology 1
event-related potentials, p300 - genetics - physiology 1
evoked potentials - drug effects - physiology 1
evoked potentials - genetics 1
evoked potentials - physiology 1
evoked potentials, auditory - genetics 1
evoked potentials, auditory - genetics - physiology 1
expansion 1
experimental economics 1
eye movements - genetics 1
eye movements - physiology 1
factor 1
factor score 1
false negative reactions 1
false positive reactions 1
familial loading 1
familiality 1
family - psychology 1
family environment 1
family history score 1
family studies 1
family trios 1
famine 1
father-child relations 1
fathers 1
fatigue 1
fatigue - epidemiology - psychology 1
fatigue syndrome, chronic - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
femur neck - physiopathology 1
first episode psychosis 1
fluorescence 1
fluorometry 1
focal epilepsy 1
forecast 1
forecasting 1
founder effect 1
frontal lobe - anatomy & histology 1
frontal lobe - physiopathology 1
fronto-occipital 1
functional laterality 1
functional mri 1
functional psychosis 1
gender difference 1
gender differences 1
gene counting 1
gene dosage 1
gene expression - genetics 1
gene expression profiling 1
gene pool 1
gene targeting - methods 1
gene-counting 1
gene-environment correlation 1
general pedigrees 1
genes, dominant - genetics 1
genes, overlapping - genetics 1
genes, recessive 1
genetic association analyses 1
genetic composite scores 1
genetic correlation matrix 1
genetic counseling 1
genetic diseases, inborn 1
genetic disposition 1
genetic generalized epilepsy 1
genetic liability 1
genetic models 1
genetic overlap 1
genetic predisposition to disease - genetics - psychology 1
genetic predisposition to disease. 1
genetic risk prediction 1
genetic testing - economics - methods 1
genetic testing - statistics and numerical data 1
genetic variation - drug effects 1
genetic vulnerability 1
genetics, behavioral 1
genetics, behavioral - methods 1
genetics, population - statistics & numerical data 1
genome wide association studies 1
genome-wide association study - methods 1
genomic control 1
genomic imprinting 1
genotype-environment correlation 1
genotype-environment interaction 1
genotyping 1
gerontology 1
gibbs sampler 1
gilles de la tourette syndrome 1
glaucoma - genetics 1
glaucoma, open-angle - genetics 1
glycoproteins - genetics 1
glycosidase 1
goals 1
gweis 1
hallucinations - classification - diagnosis - psychology 1
hallucinations - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 1
hallucinations - genetics 1
han chinese, linkage disequilibrium 1
haplotype analysis 1
haplotype association 1
haplotype clustering 1
haseman-elston 1
hazard ratio 1
health care surveys 1
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 1
health services for the aged - standards 1
health status indicators 1
hearing loss 1
helix-loop-helix motifs 1
heroin - administration & dosage 1
heroin dependence - genetics 1
heterogeneity 1
heterozygote detection 1
hierarchical model 1
high-throughput screening assays - methods 1
hippocampus - abnormalities - physiopathology 1
hippocampus - pathology 1
histiocytosis, non-langerhans-cell - genetics 1
history, 20th century 1
hla 1
hla antigens 1
hla antigens - genetics 1
hla-b antigens - genetics 1
hla-dq alpha-chains 1
hla-dq antigens - genetics 1
hla-dq beta-chains 1
hla-dr antigens - genetics 1
hla-drb1 chains 1
hospitalization - statistics & numerical data 1
hospitals, psychiatric 1
hsc70 heat-shock proteins 1
hsp70 heat-shock proteins - genetics - metabolism 1
human chromosome 22 1
human genetics -- statistical methods. 1
human leucocyte antigen (hla) 1
huntington disease - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics - psychology 1
huntington's disease 1
hydroxylation 1
hyperprolineamia 1
idiopathic generalised epilepsy (ige) 1
image interpretation, computer-assisted 1
image processing, computer-assisted - methods 1
immunization programs 1
india 1
infant 1
influenza, human - complications 1
influenza, human - complications - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
influenza, human - epidemiology - mortality 1
influenze 1
injections 1
inpatient 1
inpatients 1
insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm) 1
integrated 1
intellectual disability - etiology 1
intellectual disability - genetics 1
intelligence - genetics 1
intelligence tests 1
interaction effects 1
international classification of diseases 1
intraocular pressure 1
intraocular pressure - genetics 1
intronic 1
iq 1
ireland - epidemiology 1
iv drug use 1
jumping to conclusions 1
key word 1
knowledge 1
labor, obstetric 1
language 1
lasso 1
late onset alzheimer's disease 1
late paraphrenia 1
latent variable score 1
lateral class analysis 1
lateral ventricles - pathology 1
ld maps 1
length of stay 1
liability-threshold model 1
life change events 1
linkage study 1
lithium 1
local false discovery rate 1
locus heterogeneity 1
logic regression 1
london - epidemiology 1
low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-5 - genetics 1
lumbar vertebrae - physiopathology 1
lymphocyte activation - immunology 1
lymphocytes 1
magnetic resonance imaging - statistics & numerical data 1
major depression 1
major depressive disorder 1
major histocompatibility complex - genetics 1
mania 1
manic depression 1
manic-depressive illness 1
maoa gene 1
maob gene 1
marijuana abuse - epidemiology - psychology 1
marital status 1
markov chains 1
matched-pair analysis 1
maternal behavior - psychology 1
maternal welfare 1
maximum likelihood estimation 1
mdr 1
measles - complications - epidemiology 1
measles vaccine - administration & dosage - adverse effects 1
measles-mumps-rubella vaccine - administration & dosage - adverse effects 1
medical records 1
membrane glycoproteins 1
membrane glycoproteins - biosynthesis - genetics 1
membrane glycoproteins - genetics - physiology 1
membrane proteins - genetics 1
membrane transport proteins - genetics 1
mental disorders - complications 1
mental disorders - genetics 1
mental disorders - psychology 1
mental health services - standards 1
mental retardation 1
metaanalysis 1
methamphetamine 1
methamphetamine - poisoning 1
methamphetamine - toxicity 1
methionine 1
methyltransferases - genetics 1
mice, inbred balb c 1
micro-arrays 1
microcirculation - physiopathology 1
microfilament proteins - genetics - metabolism 1
microsatellites 1
mid-pregnancy 1
mild mental impairment 1
mismatch negativity 1
missingness 1
mitochondrial membrane transport proteins - genetics 1
mixed function oxygenases - genetics 1
mixed-radix number 1
mixture 1
mmn 1
model-free 1
model-free association analysis 1
models, molecular 1
models, neurological 1
models, psychological 1
models, theoretical 1
mog 1
molecular diagnosis 1
molecular genetics 1
monoamine oxidase 1
monoamine oxidase a 1
mood disorders - complications - genetics - psychology 1
mood disorders - epidemiology - genetics - metabolism 1
morbidity 1
mother-child relations 1
mothers - psychology 1
motor neuron disease 1
motor neuron disease - genetics 1
mpic 1
multifactorial 1
multiplex families 1
multipoint ibd-sharing 1
multivariate genetic analysis 1
myelin proteins 1
myelin-associated glycoprotein - genetics 1
myo6 1
myopia - genetics 1
myopia - genetics - pathology 1
n-glycosyl hydrolases - metabolism 1
nerve tissue proteins - genetics - metabolism 1
netherlands 1
neural networks (computer) 1
neurodevelopment 1
neuroeconomics 1
neuroleptics 1
neurological soft signs 1
neurophysiology 1
neuropsychiatric disorders 1
neuroscience 1
neurosis 1
neurotic disorders - diagnosis 1
neurotic disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
neurotic disorders - diagnosis - genetics 1
neurotic disorders - diagnosis - psychology 1
neurotic disorders - psychology 1
neurotransmitter 1
neurotransmitter receptors 1
nitrates - blood 1
nitric oxide 1
nitric oxide synthase 1
nitric oxide synthase - genetics 1
nitric oxide synthase type iii 1
nitrites - blood 1
noradrenaline 1
norepinephrine 1
norepinephrine plasma membrane transport proteins 1
nucleus accumbens 1
number 1
number theory 1
object attachment 1
obstetric complication 1
obstetric labor complications - diagnosis 1
obstetric labor complications - diagnosis - etiology - psychology 1
obstetric labor complications - epidemiology - psychology 1
occupations 1
ocd 1
ohio 1
olanzapine 1
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis 1
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis - methods 1
open-angle glaucoma 1
opiates 1
opioids 1
optic disk - pathology 1
optic nerve diseases - genetics 1
orthomyxoviridae - genetics 1
orthomyxoviridae infections - pathology 1
osteoporosis - genetics 1
outcome assessment (health care) 1
oxidoreductases - genetics 1
p50 1
p50 erps 1
pakistan 1
pandas 1
panic disorder 1
panic disorder - diagnosis - genetics 1
parallel ica 1
paranoid disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 1
parent-child relations 1
parenting - psychology 1
parents 1
path analysis 1
patient admission 1
patient admission - statistics & numerical data 1
patient admission - statistics & numerical data - trends 1
patient compliance 1
patient education as topic 1
patient readmission 1
pc12 cells 1
penetrance 1
periodicals as topic - statistics & numerical data 1
permutation test 1
permutation tests 1
personality disorders - classification - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 1
personality disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
pharmacogenetics 1
pharmacokinetics 1
phenocopies 1
phobic disorders - diagnosis - genetics 1
phospholipases a - genetics 1
phospholipases a2 1
phosphoproteins - genetics 1
photic stimulation 1
physical health 1
pilot projects 1
pirenzepine - analogs & derivatives - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 1
pirenzepine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 1
pla2 1
plasma 1
pleasure 1
pleiotropic gene 1
point mutation 1
poisson distribution 1
polymorphism information content 1
polymorphism, genetic - drug effects 1
polymorphisms 1
pooling 1
positive symptoms 1
power calculation 1
prader-willi syndrome - genetics 1
prediction 1
pregnancy complications - epidemiology 1
pregnancy complications - epidemiology - psychology 1
premorbid 1
prenatal 1
prenatal care 1
prenatal fetal development 1
primary health care 1
principal component analysis 1
prisons 1
prkca 1
probability 1
procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase - genetics - metabolism 1
prodrome 1
prognostic modelling 1
proline oxidase - genetics 1
promoter regions, genetic - physiology 1
prospect theory 1
protein kinase c-alpha - genetics 1
proteomics 1
psychiatric 1
psychiatric department, hospital 1
psychiatry 1
psychiatry - statistics & numerical data 1
psychological tests 1
psychometrics 1
psychomotor disorders - epidemiology - physiopathology 1
psychoses, substance-induced - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
psychotic disorders - classification - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
psychotic disorders - classification - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 1
psychotic disorders - diagnosis 1
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - ethnology - genetics 1
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - genetics - physiopathology 1
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - psychology - therapy 1
psychotic disorders - enzymology - genetics 1
psychotic disorders - epidemiology - etiology 1
psychotic disorders - epidemiology - genetics - psychology 1
psychotic disorders - ethnology - psychology 1
psychotic disorders - etiology 1
psychotic disorders - etiology - genetics 1
psychotic disorders - etiology - psychology 1
psychotic disorders - genetics - physiopathology 1
psychotic disorders - psychology 1
psychotic-like experiences 1
psychotropic drugs - therapeutic use 1
publishing - statistics & numerical data 1
pyramidal cell disarray 1
pyramidal cells - pathology 1
qmflink 1
qtl linkage 1
qtls 1
quality of life 1
quantitative trait loci (qtls) 1
quantitative trait locus (qtl) 1
quantitative-tdt (q-tdt) 1
r package 1
radix sort 1
random allocation 1
rats 1
reaction time - genetics - physiology 1
reading 1
receptor, angiotensin, type 1 - genetics 1
receptor, serotonin, 5-ht1d - genetics 1
receptor, serotonin, 5-ht2a - genetics 1
receptor, serotonin, 5-ht2c 1
receptors, androgen - genetics 1
receptors, cannabinoid 1
receptors, dopamine d1 - genetics 1
receptors, dopamine d3 1
receptors, dopamine d4 - genetics 1
receptors, dopamine d5 1
receptors, dopamine d5 - genetics 1
receptors, drug - genetics 1
receptors, interleukin-2 - blood 1
receptors, n-methyl-d-aspartate - genetics 1
receptors, nicotinic - genetics 1
receptors, serotonin - drug effects - genetics 1
recombination, genetic 1
recombination, genetic - genetics 1
recurrence - prevention & control 1
recursive algorithm 1
registries - statistics & numerical data 1
regulator of g protein signalling 1
relative risk 1
religion and psychology 1
repeat expansion detection 1
repeated measures 1
research 1
research design 1
reward 1
reward system 1
rgs proteins - genetics 1
rheumatoid arthritis 1
right censoring 1
riluzole 1
risk assessment - methods 1
risk attitude 1
risk indicators 1
risk predictio 1
rna - genetics - metabolism 1
rna editing 1
saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins 1
sample size 1
schizoid personality disorder - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
schizophrenia - chemically induced - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
schizophrenia - classification - diagnosis 1
schizophrenia - classification - diagnosis - genetics 1
schizophrenia - classification - epidemiology 1
schizophrenia - complications - genetics 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis - drug therapy 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis - ethnology 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis - ethnology - etiology 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis - ethnology - genetics 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis - etiology - genetics 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis - immunology 1
schizophrenia - drug therapy - enzymology 1
schizophrenia - drug therapy - ethnology - genetics 1
schizophrenia - enzymology - genetics 1
schizophrenia - epidemiology - genetics - history 1
schizophrenia - epidemiology - genetics - pathology 1
schizophrenia - epidemiology - genetics - physiopathology 1
schizophrenia - genetics - metabolism 1
schizophrenia - immunology 1
schizophrenia, disorganized - classification - diagnosis - psychology 1
schizophrenia, paranoid - classification - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 1
schizophrenic language 1
schizotypal personality disorder - diagnosis - genetics - psychology 1
schizotypal personality disorder - genetics 1
schizotypal personality disorder - genetics - psychology 1
schizotypy 1
scotland 1
scotland - epidemiology 1
season of birth 1
seasonal affective disorder - genetics 1
secondary palmar crease 1
segregation 1
seizures 1
self concept 1
self-help groups - standards 1
sem 1
sensitivity 1
sequence alignment 1
sequence alignment - methods 1
sequence homology, amino acid 1
sequencing 1
serotonergic transmission 1
serotonin - genetics - metabolism 1
serotonin antagonists - therapeutic use 1
serotonin plasma membrane transport proteins - genetics 1
serotonin receptors 1
serotonin transporter 1
serotonin transporter gene 1
serotonin uptake inhibitors - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 1
set association method 1
sex 1
sex characteristics 1
sex difference 1
sex differences 1
sex ratio 1
shank genes 1
sib pair analysis 1
sib-pair analysis 1
sib-pair design 1
sib-pair method, heterogeneity 1
sibling pairs 1
sibling relations 1
siblings - psychology 1
sibship size 1
signal processing, computer-assisted 1
signal transduction - genetics 1
similarities 1
single strand conformation polymorphism 1
single-nucleotide polymorphism (snp) 1
skudriver 1
skumix 1
slc6a4 1
small-vessel disease 1
smoking 1
smoking cessation 1
snap-25 1
snapit technology 1
social class 1
soluble interleukin 2 receptor 1
spain - epidemiology 1
spectrin - genetics 1
spectrophotometry 1
stable schizophrenia 1
statistical mapping 1
statistical methodology 1
statistics as topic - methods 1
stress, physiological - physiopathology 1
stress, psychological - epidemiology - genetics 1
striatum 1
stroke 1
stroke - epidemiology - genetics 1
structural asymmetry 1
structural equation modeling 1
structural variants 1
structured association 1
students - psychology 1
substance abuse 1
substance induced 1
subtypes 1
suicidal behaviour 1
suicide - prevention & control - psychology 1
suicide, attempted - prevention & control - psychology 1
summary statistics 1
superoxide dismutase - genetics 1
survival analysis 1
sustained attention 1
sweden - epidemiology 1
symporters - genetics 1
symptom 1
synaptosomal-associated protein 25 1
t-lymphocytes - immunology 1
tagging 1
tandem repeat 1
tandem repeat sequences 1
tcf transcription factors 1
teaching 1
telephone interview 1
telephone interviews 1
temperament 1
temporal lobe - anatomy & histology 1
temporal lobe - physiopathology 1
terminology as topic 1
thinking 1
third generation sequencing 1
third ventricle - pathology 1
thyrotoxicosis - epidemiology 1
tics 1
time series 1
tonometry, ocular 1
tourette syndrome - genetics - pathology 1
trans-activators - genetics 1
transcription factor 7-like 2 protein 1
transcription factors 1
transcriptional activation - genetics 1
transmission 1
transmission disequilibrium 1
transmission disequilibrium test 1
transmit 1
treatment failure 1
treatment-refractory 1
trend analysis 1
trinary numbers 1
trinucleotide repeat expansion - genetics 1
triplet repeat 1
twin modelling 1
twin studies as topic - methods 1
twin zygosity 1
twins - psychology 1
twins, dizygotic - genetics - physiology 1
twins, dizygotic - genetics - psychology 1
twins, monozygotic - genetics - physiology 1
twins, monozygotic - genetics - psychology 1
two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-dge) 1
two-hybrid system techniques 1
typical antipsychotics 1
tyrosine 3-monooxygenase - deficiency - genetics - physiology 1
tyrosine 3-monooxygenase - genetics 1
underachievement 1
universities 1
urban birth 1
urban health 1
urban population 1
user-computer interface 1
valine 1
variance components analysis 1
variation (genetics) 1
vcfs 1
virginia 1
virus diseases - complications - congenital 1
voltage-gated calcium channel 1
wales 1
west indies - ethnology 1
white line 1
winter and city birth 1
wnt proteins - genetics - metabolism 1
wnt signaling 1
x chromosome 1
x-chromosome 1
y chromosome 1
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
stacey s. cherny 33
tam, paul kwong hang 27
garcia-barcelo, maria mercedes 25
yang, wanling 14
chang, wing chung 13
clara tang 13
kung, annie wai chee 9
lam, karen siu ling 9
li, miaoxin 9
chen, eric yu hai 8
lau, yu lung 8
cheah, kathryn song eng 7
lui, sai yu simon 7
chan, danny 6
chan, yuen kwong 6
jin, dy 6
lam, tai hing 6
lui, chi hang 6
song, you-qiang 6
wong, ian chi kei 6
chan, kit wa 5
lee, ho ming edwin 5
cheung, bernard man yung 4
cheung, yu yan 4
chung, brian hon yin 4
fong, daniel yee tak 4
huang, qingyang 4
hui, christy lai ming 4
ip, patrick 4
khoo, ui soon 4
luk, keith dip kei 4
lung, maria li 4
peiris, joseph sriyal malik 4
tse, hung fat 4
wang, junwen john 4
xu, aimin 4
chan, wai chi 3
cheung, kenneth man chee 3
lee, chi ho paul 3
lee, victor ho fun 3
leung, gabriel matthew 3
wong, corine sau man 3
wong, kenneth kak yuen 3
wong, maria pik 3
chan, barbara pui 2
cheung, annie nga yin 2
cheung, charlton 2
cheung, ching lung 2
chiang, alan kwok shing 2
chung ho yu, patrick 2
cowling, benjamin john 2
dora kwong 2
huang, jiandong 2
irene ng 2
lam, ka on 2
lian, qizhou 2
liu, pengtao 2
lok, si 2
ng, ray kit 2
nicholls, john malcolm 2
poon, lit man leo 2
samartzis, dino 2
sham, mai har 2
stephanie ma 2
tan, kathryn choon beng 2
tanner, julian alexander 2
tu, wenwei 2
wong, gloria hoi yan 2
woo, patrick chiu yat 2
yuen, kwok yung 2
bacon-shone, john 1
chan, cecilia lai wan 1
chan, chun yin johnny 1
chan, edward ko ling 1
chan, esther wai yin 1
chan, godfrey chi fung 1
chan, jasper fuk woo 1
chan, kai tai 1
chan, michael chi wai 1
chan, vivian nap yee 1
chan, yap hang 1
chan, ying shing 1
chen, honglin 1
cheng, pak wing calvin 1
cheung, martin chi hang 1
cheung, tan to 1
cheung, yiu fai 1
ching, yick pang 1
chiu, pui yu cindy 1
chu, hin 1
chua, siew eng 1
chung, kar kin albert 1
gangwani, rita anil 1
gao, bo 1
geng, xiujuan 1
guan, xin-yuan 1
guan, yi 1
ho, pak leung 1
hoo, ruby lai chong 1
ian wong 1
khong, pek lan 1
kwong, ava 1
lam, ching wan 1
lam, mei ling may 1
lam, tai chung 1
lam, tsan yuk 1
lau, susanna kar pui 1
law, andrew chi kin 1
law, simon ying kit 1
lee, elaine yuen phin 1
lee, man yan 1
lee, tatia mei chun 1
lee, wing mui anne 1
leung, suet yi 1
leung, wai keung 1
leung, wai keung 1
li, frendi wing sai 1
li, yuguo 1
liu, anthony pak yin 1
lo, ka ying heidi 1
luk, john moon ching 1
mak, ka fung henry 1
mak, tak wah 1
mcalonan, grainne mary 1
mok, ka pun 1
ng, kwok po 1
ngan, elly sau wai 1
poon, ronnie tung ping 1
raven kok 1
richard kao 1
sanyal, sumana 1
schooling, catherine mary 1
shum, daisy kwok yan 1
sihoe, dart loon alan 1
siu, david chung wah 1
so, kwok fai 1
sze, kong hung 1
tang, hoi yin mary 1
teng, lee lee 1
to, kelvin kai wang 1
toulopoulou, timothea 1
tse, herman 1
tso, wai kwan annette 1
tung, tsz suen 1
wong, carmen chak lui 1
wong, chun ming 1
wong, david sai hung 1
wong, michael tak hing 1
wong, paul wai ching 1
wong, siu lun 1
wu, ed xuekui 1
yao, kwok ming 1
yau, thomas chung cheung 1
yau, wai pan 1
yen, hui-ling 1
yeung, man lung 1
yu, cheng-han 1
zhang, jinxia 1
zheng, bojian 1
zhou, jie 1
zhu, huachen 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
interspecies, middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus, molecular basis, pathogenesis, transmission 19
host, influenza, pathogenesis, transmission 16
degenerative, disorders, functional, genomic, skeletal, variation 14
cancer stemness, liver cancer 12
functional, genetics, hirschsprung, neural crest stem cells 12
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 12
biomarkers, cardiovascular, genomic, pluripotent 11
community-based, hubs, youth mental wellness 10
genomics and skeletal research 10
aerobic exercise, clinical trial, early psychosis, neuro-cognition, yoga 9
at risk mental state, clinical high risk, longitudinal neuroimaging, multimodal mri, psychosis prediction 8
biliary atresia, disease-mechanism discoveries, newborn liver disease 8
chronic periodontitis, genome-wide, single nucleotide 8
asian screening array, diabetic complications, diabetic retinopathy, genome-wide association study, type 2 diabetes mellitus 7
compound heterozygous, de novo, genes, mutations, schizophrenia 7
dc sign polymorphism, genetic susceptibility, sars virus 7
environmental factors, genetic factors, hypovitaminosis d, infants, toddlers 7
genetic predisposition, icam3, sars 7
predictors, schizophrenia, treatment resistance 7
self-harm, suicide, post-discharge risk, risk prediction models, mental disorders 7
arterial stiffness, cardiovascular disease, genetic polymorphisms, mendelian randomization, mortality, vitamin d deficiency 6
biliary atresia, congental pulmonary airway malformation, hirschsprung disease, rare diseases, transcriptomics, whole genome sequencing 6
breast cancer 6
cancer, genetic, heterogeneity, identify, intra-tumoural, translating 6
cardiomyopathy, chinese, exome, mutations 6
complex disease, epidemiology, family history, genetic, risk profiling 6
de novo genome assembly, genome re-arrangement, long dna sequencing, metagenomics and epigenetics, pacific biosciences 6
directed differentiation, intervertebral disc cells, mechanotransduction, model systems, systems biology 6
dopamine, late-onset, psychosocial stressors, schizophrenia 6
malformation, prenatal, structural congenital, whole-exome 6
adhd, methylphenidate, seizure 5
adiponectin, adrenomedullin, cardiovascular risk, hypertension, inflammation 5
adverse drug reaction, agranulocytosis, genome-wide association, hyperthyroidism, pharmacogenetics 5
adverse drug reactions, database, pharmacogenomics, stevens-johnson, toxic epidermal 5
asian screening array, diabetic kidney disease, metabolite-genome-wide association study, metabolomics, type 2 diabetes 5
behavioural pheotype, early diagnosis, mri, prevention, schizophrenia 5
biliary atresia, organoid, pediatric liver, rare disorder, whole genome sequencing 5
bioinformatics, disease mutations, exome sequencing, public-domain databses, statistical genetics 5
cancer family history, carcinoma, germline mutation, nasopharyngeal, ngs sequencing 5
child abuse, child maltreatment, cohort study 5
children, conditions, genetic, genomic, medicine, testing 5
chinese, common variants, hirschsprung, meta-analysis 5
choledochal cyst, genetic architecture, organoid, rare disorder, whole exome sequencing 5
cognitions, epidemiology, longitudinal, network analysis, schizotypy 5
congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, congenital disorders, exome sequencing, gene discovery, mutations 5
diabetic retinopathy, genetic variants, genetics, type 2 diabetes 5
disease, functionally, genetic, hirschsprung, modifiers, sensitized 5
dna 5
down syndrome, gene mapping, gene regulation, genome-wide, hirschsprung disease, meta-analysis 5
drug resistance, egfr mutation, lung adenocarcinomas, never smoker, next generation sequencing, targeted therapy 5
elucidating, gastrointestinal tract cancers, metastatic, personalized medicine, tumor heterogeneity and molecular evolution 5
epstein-barr virus, nasopharyngeal, next generation, pathogenic mutations 5
genetics, hirschprung, target sequencing 5
high-throughput sequencing, hirschsprung's disease, rare variants 5
severe mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, diabetes mellitus, risk prediction model 5
adhd, behaviour, child maltreatment, parenting, prevalence 4
adipokine, biomarker, cardiovascular disease, obesity-susceptibility genes, the metabolic syndrome 4
aging, cognitive decline, genetics, genotype x environment, risk factors 4
anorectal malformations, cnv, genome-wide association, snp 4
association study, complex disease, genetics, genomics, systemic lupus erythematosus 4
association, bioinformatics, genome-wide, psychiatry, schizophrenia 4
association, hirschsprung, ret, snp 4
biliary atresia, exome sequencing, rare disorder, rare variants, resequencing 4
biliary atresia, exome, genetic, rare variants 4
bioinformatics, co-expression networks, genetic variants, gwas, transcription factor binding s 4
bone mineral density (bmd), genetic mapping, mouse geentics, qtls 4
bone mineral density, chromosome, osteoporosis 4
breast cancer, estrogen receptor, expression profiling, microarray, splice variants 4
caudal regression syndrome, currarino, exome sequencing, mutations 4
chinese, hirschsprung, mutations, whole-genome 4
choledochal cyst, exome-sequencing, mutations, rare-disorder 4
congenital disorder, extreme phenotype, persistent cloaca, whole-genome-sequencing 4
copy number variations, hirschsprung, rnaseq 4
diabetes, diabetic, exploring, microrna, retinopathy, sight-threatening 4
functional annotation, ngs, rare variants 4
hirschsprung, mutations, neuregulin-1, variants 4
interzone, lgr5+, ligament, progenitor, repair, tendon 4
emotion-behaviour decoupling, negative symptoms, functional outcomes, longitudinal, schizophrenia 4
arterial stiffness, fibrillin gene 3
association studies, complex disease, genetics, personalized medicine, systemic lupus eruthematosus 3
association study, complex disease, genetics, meta-analysis, systemic lupus erythematosus 3
association, bioinformatics, candidate gene, genetics, osteoporosis 3
association, bone mineral density, chinese, genes, osteoporosis 3
autoimmune disease, human leukocyte antigens (hla), system lupus erythematosus 3
ba, genes 3
bmd, bone mineral density, osteoporosis 3
bone mineral density, chinese, chromosome, genes, osteoporosis 3
cardiovascular diseases, fabp4, metabolic syndrome 3
cartilage, cell therapy, joint development, osteoarthritis, stem cells 3
chinese, diabetes mellitus, genetics, single nucleotide polymorphisms (snp) 3
coding variants, early onset sle, exome sequencing, familial sle, systemic lupus erythematosus 3
common complex disease, genetic analysis, human variation, sle, whole genome association study 3
common variants, genetic profile, hirschsprung disease, pathway-centric approach, polygenic risk, rare variants 3
complex disease, gene networks, genetic mapping, genome-wide association study, hepatocellular carcinoma, knowledge-based association analysis 3
congenic mouse lines, congenital heart defects (chd), genome-wide linkage analysis 3
copy number analysis, machine learning, structural variations, sv curation, whole genome sequencing 3
diseases, genome, heritability, method, snp 3
mortality, older adults, schizophrenia 3
neurological soft-signs, treatment-resistance, clinical outcome, functional outcome, longitudinal 3
association, linkage, statistics, variance components 2
b surface antigen, hbv, tlr 2
bioinformatics, copy number variation, epilepsy, genome-wide association, neurology 2
bone mineral density, chinese, chromosome 1q, osteoporosis, susceptibility genes 2
brain abnormality, cognitive deficit, endophenotypes, schizophrenia, twin study 2
characteristics, emerging, lugdunensis, sequence, staphylococcus, unveiling 2
chinese, epidemiology, fracture, genetics, osteoporosis 2
complex diseases, endophenotypes, multivariate gene-based, neurocognitive, schizophrenia, susceptibility genes 2
dd2, hypertension, single nucleotide polymorphism 2
exome sequencing, genomics, hippocampal sclerosis, mesial temporal epilepsy, parent-offspring trios 2
gastric adenocarcinoma, gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, microbiota 2
genetic variation, linkage disequilibrium (ld) mapping, mhc, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) 2
liability, polygenic, quantitative tait loci, score, threshold 2
schizophrenia 2
architecture, development, genetic, genomic, health, variation 1
association, haplotype, linkage disequilibrium 1
colorectal cancer, genome-wide, predisposition 1
genes, human genome, multifactorial disease 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 76
genetic disease,genomic biology 27
microbiology,infection/parasitology 19
infection/parasitology,population health 16
cancer,gastroenterology/hepatobiliary 12
cardiovascular research,genomic biology 11
hong kong studies 10
clinical trials,imaging 9
infection/parasitology,gastroenterology/hepatobiliary 8
psychosocial and behavioural research 8
cancer,molecular biology 7
genetic disease,surgical research 7
genomic biology,microbiology 7
molecular biology,genomic biology 7
neuroscience,genomic biology 7
others - medicine, dentistry and healthhuman genetics/clinical genetics 7
genetic disease,population health 6
genomics,genomic biology 6
stem cell biologygenomic biology 6
behaviour and psychology 5
cancergenomic biology 5
cardiovascular research,population health 5
endocrinology,genomic biology 5
genetic disease,others - biological sciences 5
genetics,surgical research 5
genomic biology,genetic disease 5
imaging,behaviour and psychology 5
others - biological sciences 5
paediatrics,pharmacology/toxicology 5
personalized medicine,endocrinology 5
social workpublic health 5
endocrinology,cardiovascular research 4
genetic disease,genetics 4
genetic disease,orthopaedics/traumatology 4
genetic disease,paediatrics 4
genomic medicine,genetic disease 4
genomics,gene regulation 4
nervous system (obsolete) 4
social work 4
surgical research,genetic disease 4
bioinformatics, systems and synthetifc biologygenetics 3
endocrinology 3
genetic disease,growth and development 3
genomic biology,allergy/immunology 3
genomic biology,endocrinology 3
genomic medicine 3
paediatrics,allergy/immunology 3
regenerative medicineorthopaedics/traumatology 3
cardiovascular research,genetic disease 2
endocrinology,epidemiology 2
gastroenterology/hepatobiliary 2
gastroenterology/hepatobiliary,infection/parasitology 2
genetic disease 2
genetic disease,nervous system (obsolete) 2
genomic biology,nervous system (obsolete) 2
psychology 2
cancer 1
genomic biology 1
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