AuthorsNo. of Publications
wong, cm 96
hedley, aj 73
lam, th 64
chan, kp 63
chau, yk 55
yang, l 29
peiris, jsm 28
lai, hk 26
thomas, gn 22
wong, tw 21
lai, pc 18
leung, gm 16
chung, ryn 14
mcghee, sm 14
ou, c 14
ou, cq 12
chan, wm 10
ho, lm 10
tsang, h 10
anderson, hr 7
lee, rsy 7
tian, l 7
chau, j 6
allen, r 5
brauer, m 5
chau, pyk 5
cheng, w 5
chung, ry 5
ostro, b 5
tang, hkr 5
barratt, b 4
chau, p 4
ho, sy 4
lee, m 4
lin, hm 4
peiris, js 4
rabl, a 4
vajanapoom, n 4
wong, cm 4
wong, ppy 4
wong, pyp 4
zheng, q 4
zhou, d 4
ayres, jg 3
barratt, bm 3
barron, b 3
bentley, cm 3
chen, b 3
choi, cy 3
gao, j 3
he, q 3
jahn, hj 3
kan, h 3
kan, hd 3
kong, l 3
lai, hk 3
lau, emc 3
liu, w 3
loh, c 3
ma, x 3
plass, d 3
qian, z 3
qiu, h 3
song, l 3
tsui, th 3
vichit-vadakan, n 3
wong, ms 3
woo, pps 3
xu, s 3
xu, w 3
yang, n 3
aburaddad, lj 2
anderson, rm 2
aripin, r 2
cao, p 2
chan, ek 2
chau, py 2
chen, bh 2
chen, g 2
chen, lane g 2
cheung, any 2
chung, yn 2
cowling, bj 2
dan, j 2
donnelly, ca 2
fan, s 2
ferguson, nm 2
fielding, r 2
foo, w 2
fraser, c 2
ghani, ac 2
gong, j 2
hei health review committee 2
ho, dsy 2
jiang, l 2
katzschner, l 2
kraemer, a 2
kreamer, a 2
krämer, a 2
lee, ckf 2
lee, sl 2
lee, sy 2
liao, d 2
london, sj 2
ma, s 2
ma, ssl 2
mahiyuddin, wrw 2
mang, o 2
riley, s 2
sham, pak c 2
sham, pak chung 2
sik, hh 2
song, g 2
sun, h 2
sun, s 2
tsang, t 2
tubbs, justin d 2
vichitvadakan, n 2
wang, b 2
wei, h 2
wong, i 2
yang, y 2
zhang, y 2
zhao, n 2
barron, w 1
barron, wf 1
baum, lawrence w 1
bojic, iva 1
caan, w 1
cao, g 1
capes collaborative group 1
car, josip 1
chan, e 1
chan, frederick h.f. 1
chan, joe kwun nam 1
chan, kh 1
chan, kh 1
chan, wc 1
chang, wing chung 1
chau, pyk 1
chen, gh 1
chen, hl 1
chen, p 1
chen, r 1
chen, rj 1
cheng, cw 1
cheng, js 1
chiu, sss 1
choi, ccy 1
choo, jason 1
chow, a 1
chow, cb 1
choy, stb 1
christopoulos, george 1
chung, ka fai 1
chung, kf 1
clements, aca 1
cohen, a 1
correll, christoph u 1
cowling, bj 1
dan, vx 1
deng, a 1
fang, c 1
farrell, sa 1
gao, junling 1
giang, lt 1
griva, konstadina 1
hadley, aj 1
he, j 1
he, x 1
ho, kf 1
ho, w 1
hu, w 1
hu, zg 1
huang, w 1
hui, yf 1
hung, bhb 1
ip, p 1
jiang, ll 1
khan, behram a. 1
kong, jhb 1
lam, hkb 1
lam, kb 1
lam, th 1
lam, wwt 1
latif, mt 1
latif, tm 1
lau, ak 1
lee, cnw 1
lee, kh 1
lee, kin cheung 1
lee, nw 1
leung, hang kin 1
leung, hkh 1
leung, py 1
leung, wk 1
liang, s 1
lim, phoebe x.h. 1
lim, ww 1
liu, sh 1
liu, y 1
liu, zipeng 1
lo, heidi ka ying 1
lo, sv 1
loei, job 1
lyu, my 1
magalhaes, rjs 1
man, m 1
mazrura, s 1
mcghee, s 1
mehta, s 1
meng, o 1
meng, x 1
messent, p 1
moskowitz, judith 1
neil thomas, g 1
ng, r 1
ng, skw 1
ngan, hys 1
ngo, lh 1
qian, zm 1
qin, z 1
qu, cq 1
roberts, adam 1
rykov, yuri 1
sahani, m 1
sik, hin hung 1
so, jc 1
solmi, marco 1
song, gx 1
stokes, e 1
tang, cwa 1
tang, r 1
tinsley, hm 1
tse, ly 1
tseng, m 1
tsui, a 1
tuan, nd 1
van dzung, d 1
walline, j 1
wan, s 1
wan, sct 1
wang, cc 1
wang, y 1
wang, z 1
wong, corine sau man 1
wong, iol 1
wong, p 1
wong, yen peng 1
woo, ps 1
wu, bonnie wai yan 1
wu, ex 1
wu, wyb 1
xiong, zewei 1
xu, j 1
yip, psf 1
yu, its 1
yu, x 1
yuchi, w 1
zhang, p 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, yan dora 1
zhang, yh 1
zhang, z 1
zhao, nq 1
zhu, z 1
zjdian, q 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
female 17
hong kong 17
hong kong - epidemiology 16
humans 16
adult 15
aged 15
middle aged 15
mortality 14
incidence 12
poisson distribution 11
age distribution 10
male 10
survival rate 10
time factors 10
adolescent 9
air pollution 9
child 9
child, preschool 9
infant 9
influenza 9
longitudinal studies 9
risk assessment 9
age factors 8
age-period-cohort 8
aged, 80 and over 8
cohort studies 8
european continental ancestry group - statistics & numerical data 8
hospitalization 8
life expectancy 8
life tables 8
registries 8
risk factors 8
air pollution - adverse effects 7
asian americans - statistics & numerical data 7
breast cancer 7
breast neoplasms 7
breast neoplasms - epidemiology 7
breast neoplasms - epidemiology - ethnology - mortality 7
carcinoma, ductal, breast - epidemiology - ethnology - mortality 7
cohort study 7
comorbidity 7
developed countries - statistics & numerical data 7
elderly 7
exercise - physiology 7
influenza, human - complications - mortality - therapy 7
life style 7
life table 7
medical sciences 7
models, statistical 7
public health and safety 7
risk 7
seer program 7
smoking 7
socioeconomic factors 7
united states - epidemiology 7
asia - epidemiology 6
cardiovascular diseases - mortality 6
cause of death 6
cluster analysis 6
cohort 6
contact tracing 6
cox model 6
cross infection - epidemiology - prevention & control - transmission 6
depression 6
disease outbreaks - prevention & control - statistics & numerical data 6
disease outbreaks - statistics & numerical data 6
disease progression 6
effect modification 6
epidemiologic methods 6
excess life-years lost 6
infant, newborn 6
infection control 6
likelihood functions 6
mathematics 6
patient isolation 6
population-based 6
premature mortality 6
probability 6
public health 6
public health practice 6
quarantine 6
quarantine - methods - statistics & numerical data 6
sars virus - physiology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - prevention & control - transmission - virology 6
social class 6
stochastic processes 6
suicide 6
temporal trends 6
thermal stress 6
world health 6
young adult 6
air pollutants 5
air pollutants - adverse effects 5
air pollutants - toxicity 5
air pollution - adverse effects - statistics & numerical data 5
apparent temperature 5
breast neoplasms - prevention & control 5
cardiorespiratory disease 5
case-only approach 5
chinese 5
confounding 5
death 5
deprivation 5
educational status 5
effects modification 5
elderly cohort 5
exercise 5
hospitalization - statistics & numerical data 5
influenza activity 5
influenza, human - epidemiology - physiopathology 5
interviews as topic 5
mammography 5
nitrogen dioxide - analysis - toxicity 5
obesity 5
ozone - analysis - toxicity 5
ozone - toxicity 5
particulate matter - adverse effects 5
particulate matter - analysis - toxicity 5
pregnancy 5
public housing 5
regression analysis 5
respiration disorders - mortality 5
respiratory 5
seasons 5
smoking - epidemiology 5
sulfur dioxide - analysis - toxicity 5
time series analysis 5
urban health 5
aging 4
air pollutants - adverse effects - analysis 4
air pollution - adverse effects - analysis - economics 4
air pollution - analysis 4
air quality guidelines 4
awareness training program 4
bangkok 4
binary latent variable 4
birth rate - trends 4
breast neoplasms - ethnology - radiography 4
bugs 4
cardiovascular diseases - chemically induced - epidemiology - mortality 4
cardiovascular diseases - chemically induced - mortality 4
cesarean section - statistics & numerical data - trends 4
cesarean section - utilization 4
compensation 4
computer simulation 4
cost of illness 4
demography 4
disease burden 4
dose-response relationship, drug 4
electroencephalogram 4
england - epidemiology 4
environmental exposure 4
ethnic groups - statistics & numerical data 4
evidence-based medicine 4
exceedance 4
fecal incontinence - prevention & control 4
fuel oils 4
gamma wave 4
gibbs sampling 4
health status indicators 4
hospitalization - economics - statistics & numerical data 4
hospitals, maternity - statistics & numerical data - trends 4
hospitals, private - statistics & numerical data 4
hospitals, private - statistics & numerical data - trends 4
hospitals, public - statistics & numerical data 4
hospitals, public - statistics & numerical data - trends 4
influenza, human - epidemiology - mortality 4
intervention studies 4
mammography - standards - utilization 4
mammography - utilization 4
markov chains 4
mass screening - standards - utilization 4
medical sciences public health and safety 4
meditation 4
midwifery - standards 4
monte carlo method 4
morbidity 4
multiple binary outcomes 4
neoplasms - mortality 4
nitrogen dioxide 4
nitrogen dioxide - analysis 4
ozone 4
ozone - analysis 4
particulate matter 4
particulate matter - analysis 4
patient admission - statistics & numerical data 4
patient satisfaction 4
practice guidelines as topic 4
questionnaires 4
randomized controlled trials as topic 4
respiratory syncytial virus infections - epidemiology - mortality 4
respiratory tract diseases - chemically induced - epidemiology - mortality 4
respiratory tract diseases - chemically induced - mortality 4
respiratory tract diseases - economics - etiology - mortality 4
respiratory tract diseases - epidemiology 4
respiratory tract infections - chemically induced - mortality - virology 4
risk reduction behavior 4
screening 4
sensitivity and specificity 4
sex factors 4
shanghai 4
social responsibility 4
spatial analysis 4
sulfur dioxide 4
sulfur dioxide - adverse effects - analysis 4
sulfur dioxide - analysis 4
time-series analysis 4
treatment outcome 4
vaccine 4
wales - epidemiology 4
women's health 4
wuhan 4
air pollutants - analysis 3
air pollution - statistics & numerical data 3
atmosphere - chemistry 3
bayesian methods 3
burden of disease 3
canyon monitoring 3
case-only study 3
cervical cancer 3
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - diagnosis - epidemiology - prevention & control 3
complex human traits 3
distributed lag nonlinear model 3
dynamic exposure 3
effect modifiers 3
elders 3
environmental monitoring 3
exposure assessment 3
extreme cold 3
functional enrichment 3
generalized ld score regression 3
gis 3
gwas summary statistics 3
infiltration efficiencies 3
land use regression 3
local indicators of spatial association (lisa) 3
lung diseases - mortality 3
mass screening 3
maximum likelihood estimation 3
medical condition 3
meteorological parameters 3
models, theoretical 3
nested case-control study 3
observation 3
partition heritability 3
pet 3
physiological equivalent temperature 3
physiological equivalent temperature (pet) 3
raster map/image 3
rayman model 3
seyll 3
socio-economic deprivation 3
standard expected years of life lost 3
temperature 3
thermal comfort 3
time series 3
time-activity 3
travel behavior 3
urban climatic map 3
uterine cervical neoplasms - diagnosis - epidemiology - prevention & control 3
vertical dispersion 3
visibility 3
weather variables 3
air pollutants - analysis - toxicity 2
air pollution - analysis - statistics & numerical data 2
air quality index 2
ambiguity 2
bayesian hierarchical models 2
bic 2
capes 2
causal inference 2
censoring 2
china - epidemiology 2
co 2
cox proportional hazards regression 2
eclipsing 2
fine particulate matter 2
genetic data 2
hazard ratio 2
health 2
instrumental variables 2
interaction 2
klang valley 2
malaysia 2
mendelian randomization 2
mortality - trends 2
nonparametric maximum likelihood 2
o3 2
pleiotropy 2
pm10 2
relative risk 2
research design 2
smoothing 2
survival 2
vehicle-kilometres travelled 2
alri 1
and practices (kap) 1
attitudes 1
cecg 1
children's health 1
chinese expert consensus guidelines 1
circadian rhythm 1
digital biomarkers 1
fitness tracker 1
heart rate 1
incident hemodialysis 1
knowledge 1
machine learning 1
positive-skills intervention 1
psychological adjustment 1
randomized controlled trial 1
renal replacement therapy 1
rest-activity rhythm 1
tetanus 1
tetanus toxoid 1
vietnam 1
wearable electronic device 1
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