AuthorsNo. of Publications
peiris, jsm 89
nicholls, jm 88
chan, rwy 30
chan, wy 30
hui, py 29
guan, y 27
poon, llm 18
mok, kp 17
kuok, it 16
yuen, km 14
chan, ly 12
chan, wy 11
cheung, mc 11
hui, kpy 11
ng, kc 11
peiris, m 11
bui, ht 10
ng, mmt 10
yen, hl 10
poon, lml 9
yu, wcl 9
chui, wh 8
yu, cl 8
fong, jhm 7
sia, sf 7
webby, rj 7
chan, lly 6
cheung, cy 6
choy, kt 6
kuok, dit 6
leung, cyh 6
matthay, ma 6
peiris, malik 6
perera, rapm 6
wong, ddy 6
bui, cht 5
chan, rwy 5
cheung, pph 5
chu, dkw 5
fang, f 5
kang, ssr 5
krauss, s 5
lee, smy 5
li, acl 5
li, hs 5
li, otw 5
mak, nk 5
sihoe, adl 5
tsao, gsw 5
webster, rg 5
yen, h 5
dell, a 4
fang, x 4
kang, sr 4
karamanska, r 4
lee, jw 4
mok, ckp 4
ng, ka-chun 4
ng, mt 4
tang, lls 4
tao, kp 4
zhu, h 4
ching, hh 3
ferguson, a 3
haslam, sm 3
ho, ccc 3
ho, jcw 3
hui, cff 3
jones, j 3
kwong, dlw 3
malik peiris, js 3
nicholls, john m 3
wong, ch 3
wong, mp 3
wu, cy 3
air, g 2
au, timmy w.k. 2
belser, ja 2
chan, mpk 2
chan, rw 2
chen, lm 2
cheung, php 2
chevalier, v 2
chin, wh 2
ching, rachel h.h. 2
chiu, hp 2
chu, kw 2
fassi-fihri, o 2
fink, al 2
forrest, hl 2
gu, haogao 2
guan, w 2
gubareva, lv 2
haslam, s 2
hedlund, m 2
hemida, mg 2
ho, cwj 2
ho, john c.w. 2
hsin, michael k.y. 2
hui, kenrie p y 2
hui, kenrie p.y. 2
katz, jm 2
klein, sl 2
kwok, hh 2
lai, jcc 2
lai, ww 2
lai, wwk 2
lau, ehy 2
lau, yl 2
lee, hyh 2
lee, wwm 2
lestra, m 2
liang, ch 2
lo, acy 2
mason, rj 2
mather, jp 2
miguel, e 2
mishin, vp 2
moss, rb 2
ng, ka chun 2
ng, mt 2
nicholls, j 2
nicholls, jm 2
nicholls, john m. 2
pascua, pnq 2
pearce, mb 2
peiris, js 2
peiris, mjs 2
pekosz, a 2
perez, dr 2
poon, leo l m 2
poon, leo l.m. 2
schultz-cherry, s 2
sit, ko yung 2
trianabaltzer, gb 2
tumpey, tm 2
van reeth, k 2
webby, r 2
wohlgemuth, n 2
wong, acn 2
wong, dsh 2
wong, ns 2
wong, rn 2
yang, z 2
yeung, hw 2
yue, pyk 2
yue, yk 2
zhang, y 2
zhao, j 2
zhong, n 2
zhou, z 2
abayneh, t 1
agnihothram, s 1
aik, ws 1
ali, a 1
ali, ma 1
alnaeem, a 1
anderson, cs 1
aschenbrenner, lm 1
au, cl 1
au, timmy wk 1
au, twk 1
babizki, m 1
babu, ro 1
baker, dp 1
bandyopadhyay, s 1
baric, rs 1
barman, s 1
belshe, rb 1
blanco-lobo, p 1
bruzzone, r 1
burke, d 1
byrd-leotis, l 1
campbell, er 1
canard, b 1
chan, akn 1
chan, fk 1
chan, iww 1
chan, kh 1
chan, kh 1
chan, rw 1
chan, vsf 1
chan, ww 1
chan, yo 1
channappanavar, r 1
chen, d 1
chen, h 1
chen, kf 1
chen, rui 1
chen, yw 1
cheng, samuel ms 1
cherry, s 1
cheung, hhy 1
cheung, m-c 1
cheung, man chun 1
cheung, man-chun 1
cheung, pmh 1
cheung, tkw 1
chiba, s 1
chin, alex w h 1
chin, awh 1
choi, hl 1
chow, ck 1
chow, velda l.y. 1
chu, daniel k w 1
chu, jts 1
chung, hy 1
chung, joseph c.k. 1
chung, py 1
clevers, h 1
crumpton, jc 1
cummings, rd 1
danner, a 1
danzy, s 1
debeauchamp, j 1
dediego, ml 1
demissiƩ, gf 1
dib, jc 1
dikic, i 1
doak, sa 1
drosten, c 1
dudas, g 1
ehret, john 1
el masry, i 1
el najjar, f 1
eydoux, c 1
fan, s 1
fan, y 1
fenstermacher, kj 1
ferreri, lm 1
fish, en 1
fitzgerald, t 1
fok, sp 1
fong, hm 1
forrest, h 1
fouchier, r 1
franks, j 1
freiden, p 1
fung, khy 1
garcĆ­a-sastre, a 1
gardy, jl 1
gelaye, e 1
govorkova, ea 1
gu, h 1
guillemot, jc 1
hall, oj 1
hancock, rew 1
hans, c 1
harfoot, r 1
hatta, m 1
hawley, s 1
he, x 1
henry, c 1
herfst, s 1
ho, cc 1
ho, john c w 1
ho, john cw 1
holden-wiltse, j 1
hopton, cl 1
hosegood, ian 1
hsin, mky 1
hsu, c 1
hsu, ch 1
huang, j 1
huang, x 1
huang, y 1
hui, dsc 1
hui, kenrie pui-yan 1
hui, kenrie py 1
ip, mary sau-man 1
jayakumar, j 1
jeevan, t 1
ji, y 1
jia, d 1
jia, n 1
jones, ca 1
jones, jc 1
joseph, u 1
kackos, c 1
kaewpreedee, p 1
kalpravidh, w 1
kam, tonia tong 1
kaur, s 1
kawaoka, y 1
kayali, g 1
kercher, l 1
khan, ks 1
kien, f 1
klimov, aa 1
ko, h 1
ko, rlw 1
kong, h 1
krishnan, p 1
kuranga, sa 1
kuria, w 1
kwong, dhy 1
lai, akw 1
lai, hm 1
lai, ka ling 1
lai, kl 1
lam, tommy t y 1
larson, jl 1
lau, spn 1
lee, ef 1
lee, j 1
lee, mh 1
lee, my 1
lee, wm 1
leung, csw 1
leung, syh 1
lewis, mk 1
li, h 1
li, ot 1
li, q 1
li, qx 1
li, rf 1
li, sy 1
li, yt 1
li, z 1
liang, c 1
liang, ph 1
liang, w 1
liang, yingmin 1
liu, gyz 1
liu, zy 1
livingston, b 1
lo, c 1
lo, ck 1
lo, hs 1
long, ht 1
lowen, ac 1
loy, h 1
luczo, jm 1
lui, vch 1
luk, gs 1
lv, h 1
ma, b 1
mak, jcw 1
mak, judith choi-wo 1
malakhov, m 1
mamo, g 1
mao, h 1
marathe, bm 1
martinez-sobrido, l 1
mccray, g 1
mcgrath-marrow, s 1
meliopoulos, v 1
meyerholz, dk 1
miller, bl 1
mitzner, w 1
mok, chris k p 1
mok, ck 1
mok, ckp 1
mok, vc 1
muth, d 1
nal, b 1
ndeh, r 1
nelson, a 1
neumann, g 1
ng, dym 1
ng, hy 1
ng, k-c 1
ng, wl 1
nguyen, p 1
nicholls, john malcolm 1
niemeyer, d 1
njagi, o 1
nogales, a 1
obadan, a 1
oladipo, jo 1
oyas, h 1
parrish, cr 1
pattinson, d 1
peiris, jm 1
perera, mrap 1
perlman, s 1
pleschka, s 1
poh, cm 1
poon, leo lm 1
poon, py 1
qin, g 1
rahbar, r 1
rambaut, a 1
richard, m 1
rodriguez, l 1
roger, f 1
rothman, re 1
rubrum, a 1
russell, cj 1
sachs, n 1
sakamoto, k 1
sangster, my 1
sanyal, s 1
sanyal, sumana 1
sasse, e 1
sauer, l 1
schultz-cherry, sl 1
selisko, b 1
sharp, b 1
shaw-saliba, k 1
shih, kcs 1
shin, d 1
shum, marcus h h 1
sit, ko-yung 1
sit, ky 1
smith, dj 1
smith, g 1
smith, gjd 1
so, ray t y 1
so, rty 1
so, ty 1
steel, j 1
steinhauer, da 1
su, w 1
su, ycf 1
sun, b 1
sun, m 1
tam, pkh 1
tao, h 1
thomas, pg 1
to, kkw 1
tompkins, sm 1
topham, dj 1
traorƩ, a 1
trarore, a 1
travanty, ea 1
treanor, jj 1
triana-baltzer, gb 1
trianabaltzer, g 1
tsai, pn 1
tsang, dnc 1
tsao, gs 1
tsao, s-w 1
tsao, sw 1
tu, w 1
tu, ww 1
uccellini, mb 1
ursin, rl 1
van poucke, s 1
vermillion, ms 1
vom steeg, lg 1
von dobschuetz, s 1
voorhees, ieh 1
walelign, e 1
walther, t 1
walther, tj 1
wan, ckc 1
wan, wc 1
wang, bx 1
wang, g 1
wang, j 1
wang, j 1
wang, k 1
wang, s 1
wang, y 1
wanglia, r 1
wasik, br 1
wilson, pc 1
wong, ac 1
wong, ayl 1
wong, chk 1
wong, hk 1
wong, karen h m 1
wong, kb 1
wong, kky 1
wong, ksc 1
wong, rns 1
woodard, k 1
wu, c 1
wu, kp 1
wurtman, d 1
xiao, zj 1
yam, jwp 1
yan, lm 1
yang, g 1
yang, zf 1
yeung, hin wo 1
yeung, hin-wo 1
yu, mym 1
yue, h 1
yuen, kkm 1
yuen, ky 1
yuen, w 1
zaltash, s 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, m 1
zhao, jincun 1
zhong, g 1
zuo, z 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
sars-cov-2 26
influenza 24
humans 20
covid-19 17
respiratory system - virology 16
cells, cultured 15
cytokines - metabolism 15
mers-cov 14
avian 13
conjunctiva - virology 13
coronavirus 13
organ culture techniques 13
viral tropism 13
bronchi - cytology 12
immunity, innate 12
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - metabolism 12
influenza, human - virology 12
zoonosis 12
africa 11
cytokines - immunology 11
transmission 11
acute lung injury 10
adaptor proteins, signal transducing - genetics - immunology - metabolism 10
alveolar epithelial cells 10
animals 10
conjunctiva 10
dead-box rna helicases - genetics - immunology - metabolism 10
epithelial cells - immunology - metabolism 10
h7n9 10
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - growth & development - pathogenicity 10
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - immunology 10
influenza a virus, h1n2 subtype - genetics - growth & development - pathogenicity 10
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - genetics - immunology 10
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - metabolism 10
influenza, human - immunology - metabolism - virology 10
influenza, human - metabolism - transmission 10
interferon regulatory factor-3 - metabolism 10
ip-10 10
janus kinases - immunology 10
macrophages - immunology - metabolism 10
mesenchymal stromal cells 10
nf-kappa b - metabolism 10
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases - metabolism 10
paracrine communication - immunology 10
pulmonary alveoli - immunology - metabolism 10
reassortant viruses - isolation & purification 10
receptor, interferon alpha-beta - immunology 10
receptors, cell surface - metabolism 10
respiratory mucosa - virology 10
rna, small interfering - genetics 10
rna, viral - metabolism 10
signal transduction 10
swine 10
toll-like receptor 3 - metabolism 10
up-regulation 10
virulence 10
virus attachment 10
alveolar fluid clearance 9
pathogenesis 9
2009 pandemic h1n1 influenza virus 8
autopsy 8
bronchi - immunology - pathology 8
characterization 8
chemokines 8
china 8
coronaviruses 8
hong kong 8
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - immunology 8
innate host responses 8
phenotype 8
pulmonary alveoli - immunology 8
respiratory mucosa - immunology - pathology 8
swine influenza virus 8
tropism 8
bronchial tissue 7
dna-directed dna polymerase - genetics - metabolism 7
evolution 7
ferrets - virology 7
gene expression regulation, viral - physiology 7
hemagglutinin glycoproteins, influenza virus - metabolism 7
hemagglutinins - genetics - metabolism 7
influenza a 7
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - enzymology - genetics - physiology 7
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - classification - genetics 7
mers 7
nasal tissue 7
neuraminidase - metabolism 7
omicron ba.2 7
orthomyxoviridae infections - epidemiology - transmission - virology 7
pathogenicity 7
sars 7
viral genes 7
airway epithelial cells 6
cigarette smoking 6
cytokine 6
dogs 6
ex vivo 6
explants 6
hpai 6
immunocompromised host - immunology 6
influenza a virus 6
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - physiology 6
influenza, human - immunology 6
nsp6 6
pulmonary alveoli - immunology - virology 6
risk assessment 6
sars-cov 6
virus evolution 6
adaptation, biological 5
antiviral agents - pharmacology 5
cell polarity 5
clade 5
cyclosporine 5
emetine 5
endothelial cells - immunology - virology 5
epithelial cells - immunology - virology 5
ex vivo explants 5
fomite 5
hpai h5nx 5
indirubin 5
influenza a virus - enzymology - genetics 5
influenza a virus - genetics - metabolism - physiology 5
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - immunology - pathogenicity 5
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - drug effects 5
influenza a virus, h9n2 subtype - genetics - pathogenicity 5
influenza in birds - enzymology 5
influenza, human - prevention and control - virology 5
interferons - metabolism - pharmacology 5
lopinavir 5
lung - cytology - drug effects - virology 5
lung - drug effects - metabolism - virology 5
macrophages 5
mammals - virology 5
middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (mers-cov) 5
pneumocytes 5
recombinant fusion proteins - pharmacology 5
remdesivir 5
ritonavir 5
rna replicase - genetics - metabolism 5
signal transduction - physiology 5
tissue tropism 5
type i interferon 5
viral nonstructural proteins - genetics - metabolism - physiology 5
viral proteins - genetics - metabolism 5
virulence factors - genetics - metabolism 5
adolescent 4
antiviral agents - pharmacokinetics - pharmacology 4
apoptosis 4
avian influenza h5n1 virus 4
bronchial epithelial cells 4
cell cycle 4
cell cycle arrest 4
cell function 4
cell isolation 4
cell migration 4
child 4
coronavirus disease 2019 4
cyclin d3 4
epithelium - virology 4
ex vivo bronchi 4
eye tissue 4
farnesyl transferase inhibitor 4
fludase 4
g1/s cyclin 4
h5n1 4
h5n1 influenza virus 4
hae 4
host response 4
human 4
human respiratory epithelial cell in vitro cultures 4
human respiratory organ ex vivo cultures 4
immunohistochemistry 4
immunology 4
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - pathogenicity - physiology 4
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - pathogenicity - physiology 4
influenza virus vaccines 4
influenza, human - prevention & control 4
live vector vaccines 4
m2 4
maackia amurensis agglutinin 4
medical sciences 4
orthomyxoviridae - drug effects 4
protein degradation 4
protein-protein interaction 4
recombinant fusion proteins - pharmacokinetics - pharmacology 4
respiratory mucosa - cytology - metabolism - virology 4
restriction factor 4
sambucus nigra agglutnin 4
sciences: comprehensive works 4
sialic acid receptors 4
statin 4
sterol biosynthesis 4
type ii pneumocytes 4
type-i-like pneumocytes 4
universal vaccine 4
zometa 4
airway epithelium cell 3
animal cell 3
animal experiment 3
animal model 3
antiviral susceptibility 3
apoptosis - drug effects 3
avian h5n1 virus 3
bronchi - metabolism 3
cell survival - drug effects 3
chemokine cxcl10 - metabolism 3
cytoprotection 3
endothelial cell 3
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 3
ex vivo human bronchus culture 3
ex vivo lung culture 3
flow cytometry 3
ginsenoside 3
ginsenosides - pharmacology 3
human seasonal h1n1 virus 3
human umbilical vein endothelial cells - drug effects - immunology - pathology - virology 3
immunologic factors - pharmacology 3
in situ nick-end labeling 3
inflammation mediators - metabolism 3
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - pathogenicity 3
influenza a virus, h9n2 subtype - pathogenicity 3
ip-11 3
micrornas - metabolism 3
microvascular endothelial cells 3
mir-15b 3
models, biological 3
neuraminidase - chemistry 3
pandemic h1n1pdm virus 3
real-time polymerase chain reaction 3
recombinant fusion proteins - chemistry - pharmacology 3
sapogenins - pharmacology 3
sars virus - pathogenicity 3
severe acute respiratory syndrome - virology 3
tissue culture techniques 3
transfection 3
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins 2
neural cell adhesion molecules - metabolism 2
proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
receptor protein-tyrosine kinases - genetics - metabolism 2
sertoli cells 2
testicular cell lines 2
testis - cytology - enzymology - metabolism 2
tyrosine phosphorylation 2
epidermal growth factor 1
h1n1 1
inflammation 1
resilience 1
tolerance 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
host, influenza, pathogenesis, transmission 16
immunity, influenza 15
covid-19, epidemiological, immunological, virological 7
ace2 isoform, children, immune response, multiphoton microfabrication, organoid 6
alveolar epithelial cell, h5n1, influenza a virus, macrophage, rig-1, toll-like receptors 6
computational biology, cost-effectiveness, epidemiology, infectious diseases, mathematical modeling, surveillance 6
h1n1 subtype, h3n2 subtype, influenza virus, lower respiratory tract infection, tissue tropism, virus reassortment 5
h1n1, h5n1, influenza a virus, neutrophil extracellular trap, neutrophil infiltration, transepithelial migration 5
anti-viral, h5n1, immunomodulatory, influenza, pdgfr 4
avian influenza, polarized primary, replication 4
bronchial epithelial cells, cigarette, influenza h5n1 virus, mucin, sialic acid receptors, smoking 4
canine, explant, h3n2, human/avian, reassortment, tract 4
coronavirus, innate host response, pathophysiology, transmission, tropism 4
coronavirus, pathogenesis, primary culture 4
cytokines, focal adhesion kinase, immunomodulator, influenza a virus 4
evaluation, explant, glycosylation, influenza, severity, viruses 4
ex vivo organ culture, innate immune responses, respiratory epithelial cells, respiratory viruses, tropism 4
infection, inhibitor, mers-cov, pdgfr, potential, therapeutic 4
influenza virus, swine respirtory organ explants 4
sars-cov-2, sars-cov, host response, , 4
acute lung injury, ards, distal airway stem cells, influenza, lung regeneration 3
acute lung injury, exosomes, h5n1, influenza, macrophages, mesenchymal stromal cells 3
alveolar fluid clearance, lung injury, mers-cov, mesenchymal stem cells, sars-cov 3
asbestos-like minerals in coal, environmental epidemiology, iron induced inflammation, lung cancer epidemic, mitochondria iron chelation 3
avian, cyclophilin, pathogenesis, respiratory, therapeutic, tropism 3
cytokine, farnesyl transferase, immunomodulator, influenza a virus 3
infectability of covid-19, smoking on the regulation of ace2 3
influenza virus infection, upper respiratory 3
pre-exposure with influenza, severity of covid-19 3
vitamin b2 3
ageing, angiotensin converting, endothelial function, inflammation, oxidative stress 3
acute lung injury, alveolar fluid clearance, influenza h5n1 virus, mesenchymal stem cells, protein permeability 2
acute lung injury, genetic determinants, influenza virus, pathogenesis 2
alveolar epithelail cells, alveolar fluid clearance, influenza, lung injury, microvascular, protein permeability 2
alveolar type i & ii cells, apoptosis, epithelium regeneration, inflammasome, influenza a (h5n1), virus 2
antiviral, cytokine, immunomodulator, indirubin-3'-oxime, influenza virus, traditional chinese medicine 1
h5n1, influenza a virus, microrna, pathogenesis 1
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