AuthorsNo. of Publications
luk, kdk 718
samartzis, d 330
lu, ww 247
cheung, jpy 214
leong, jcy 210
chan, d 205
yeung, kwk 192
cheah, kse 156
karppinen, j 144
wong, yw 143
chu, pk 119
leung, vyl 112
kwan, kyh 98
chan, d 92
cheung, wy 77
bow, hyc 57
chung, cy 56
fong, dyt 56
lu, d 55
song, y 50
sham, pc 49
chan, bp 41
cheung, whp 41
wong, hm 41
karppinen, ji 39
tam, v 39
sun, y 35
wu, sl 33
to, mkt 32
mak, kc 31
liu, x 30
tam, wk 30
luk, k 29
yip, sp 29
liu, xy 27
natarajan, d 26
song, yq 26
wu, s 26
leung, yl 25
lv, f 25
au, yk 24
chan, yl 24
poon, rwy 24
shigematsu, h 24
wong, ct 24
kwan, km 23
ott, j 23
sze, ky 23
leung, fkl 22
chan, q 20
kim, m 20
li, z 20
liu, xm 20
qiu, y 20
cheng, hw 19
ho, jpy 19
kao, pyp 19
kao, ryt 19
yee, afy 19
cheng, jcy 18
chik, tk 18
chu, cl 18
jim, jjt 18
lam, ko 18
ng, bkw 18
chu, p 17
ho, dwh 17
khong, pl 17
mak, kh 17
mok, ps 17
zhao, y 17
chan, wcw 16
chiu, pky 16
ho, dwh 16
li, yy 16
mok, fps 16
ngan, ahw 16
yip, psf 16
hu, y 15
lee, cf 15
lim, fl 15
lu, ds 15
peh, wcg 15
tsang, ky 15
yeung, k 15
kaluarachchi, tkpk 14
matsuyama, y 14
mehdian, h 14
sham, p 14
tsui, yk 14
yiu, kl 14
boachie-adjei, o 13
fang, d 13
holmes, ad 13
irwin, mg 13
lam, tp 13
lenke, lg 13
shen, j 13
wang, t 13
yang, f 13
abbah, sa 12
chung, jcy 12
ikegawa, s 12
koljonen, pa 12
li, j 12
peng, y 12
wu, j 12
zhang, t 12
alanay, a 11
alini, m 11
andrew, jg 11
ho, g 11
lam, rwm 11
li, yw 11
tuan, rs 11
wang, hq 11
zheng, y 11
akbarnia, ba 10
ala-kokko, l 10
bow, chy 10
chan, wy 10
chow, sp 10
lam, tk 10
lam, yw 10
lenke, l 10
lui, sc 10
pang, h 10
poon, ams 10
samartzis, d 10
wu, ex 10
wynn, sl 10
zhou, g 10
ames, c 9
chen, y 9
cheslett, d 9
dahl, b 9
kebaish, k 9
leung, v 9
leung, v 9
li, y 9
li, zy 9
lin, z 9
masuda, k 9
sakai, d 9
shaffrey, c 9
vavken, p 9
wynn, s 9
anthony, mp 8
borthakur, a 8
chan, yk 8
chan, ys 8
cherny, ss 8
cheung, pwh 8
chiba, k 8
chow, dhk 8
dekutoski, m 8
fehlings, m 8
hunziker, e 8
kawaguchi, y 8
koh, hy 8
lam, sp 8
lau, st 8
mok, f 8
schwab, f 8
senkoylu, a 8
sillence, d 8
wang, h 8
wang, w 8
carreon, l 7
chan, scw 7
chen, qz 7
chow, st 7
el-fiky, t 7
fan, b 7
fritzsch, b 7
grad, s 7
guldeniz, o 7
inoue, n 7
lau, g 7
lau, kl 7
maatta, j 7
shaffrey, ci 7
sze, kl 7
szeto, yy 7
tang, b 7
teraguchi, m 7
yazici, m 7
yeung, kt 7
yiu, k 7
zhang, z 7
zheng, z 7
zhou, l 7
aladin, dmk 6
ames, cp 6
anthony, m 6
anthony, mp 6
boot-handford, r 6
carreon, ly 6
chan, gcf 6
chan, ky 6
chiu, sw 6
dahl, bt 6
diao, h 6
eskola, pj 6
fan, y 6
fang, cx 6
fehlings, mg 6
ferguson, j 6
guo, x 6
hashizume, h 6
hu, t 6
hung, sc 6
ito, k 6
kwan, kenny yat hong 6
lee, ks 6
lee, ty 6
leung, g 6
lewis, sj 6
liu, d 6
luk, kd 6
mannikko, m 6
matsuyama, yukihiro 6
melhado, ig 6
modi, hn 6
ni, g 6
pellisé-urquiza, f 6
qiao, w 6
qiu, g 6
qiu, yong 6
saw, lb 6
schwab, fj 6
stokes, om 6
teng, wk 6
yu, k 6
yu, p 6
zhang, c 6
aladin kaderbatcha, dm 5
alanay, ahmet 5
au, tyk 5
bateman, jf 5
carl, a 5
chan, cw 5
chan, wk 5
chen, p 5
chen, y 5
cheng, sh 5
cheng, yw 5
cheung, ayl 5
cheung, bmy 5
cheung, jason pui yin 5
chu, pkh 5
dekutoski, mb 5
fan, yl 5
helenius, i 5
hirose, y 5
hu, yg 5
huang, s 5
hui, ty 5
kebaish, km 5
kung, hf 5
kuong, ee 5
lai, mkl 5
lam, clk 5
lam, skl 5
lam, wm 5
lenke, lawrence g 5
leung, hb 5
leung, ky 5
li, ch 5
li, m 5
lim, ct 5
liu, sl 5
luo, zj 5
matsumoto, m 5
nafo, wao 5
ni, gx 5
pellisé, f 5
peng, sl 5
poon, scs 5
ruan, dk 5
sahraravand, a 5
tang, cyk 5
tipoe, gl 5
tong, wy 5
wong, ayl 5
wong, ckh 5
wong, khm 5
wong, ms 5
wong, tm 5
wong, y 5
xu, b 5
yang, c 5
yang, l 5
yee, fya 5
yeung, my 5
zhang, yg 5
zhao, f 5
akbarnia, b 4
antonio, gak 4
bateman, jb 4
cauilan, ge 4
chan, b 4
chan, fl 4
chan, wk 4
chang, kc 4
cheng, a 4
cheng, acs 4
chong, cs 4
chooi, wh 4
chow, w 4
choy, tha 4
de kleuver, marinus 4
demirkiran, g 4
elfiky, tam 4
fan, bj 4
fan, yh 4
fosang, a 4
grozman, s 4
hui, esk 4
hui, ws 4
kelly, michael p 4
koljonen, p 4
kwan, k 4
law, k 4
law, tk 4
lee, jty 4
lewis, stephen j 4
liljenqvist, ur 4
lin, mc 4
liu, wg 4
long, d 4
lovell-badge, rh 4
lui, d 4
lui, yf 4
luk, kdk 4
lyu, f 4
ma, xy 4
nnadi, c 4
noponen-hietala, n 4
obid, p 4
ouyang, j 4
pan, h 4
pellisé, ferran 4
polly, david w 4
qiao, ww 4
ruan, d 4
shaffrey, christopher i 4
smith, justin s 4
solovieva, s 4
spruit, maarten 4
tan, bb 4
tan, j 4
tranmer, b 4
walsh, w 4
wong, cc 4
wong, kky 4
wu, jb 4
xu, r 4
yan, ch 4
yee, dkh 4
yeung, e 4
yeung, ehk 4
yip, hk 4
yip, s.p 4
zhang, h 4
zhang, jg 4
zheng, zm 4
zhong, dh 4
zhou, g 4
zhu, qa 4
zhu, y 4
alakokko, l 3
an, x 3
andrew, g 3
berven, sigurd h 3
borse, v 3
bow, c 3
bullmann, v 3
caulian, g 3
cheung, wl 3
chiu, ky 3
chooi, ys 3
dannawi, z 3
de kleuver, m 3
fong, d 3
guo, cxx 3
guo, jj 3
guo, wh 3
husgafvel-pursiainen, k 3
ito, m 3
jarvelin, mr 3
kabirian, n 3
kamath, vhd 3
kang, x 3
karasugi, t 3
kelempisioti, a 3
khong, p 3
kou, i 3
kuang, gm 3
kung, h 3
kuong, eeyl 3
lai, m 3
lau, j 3
lau, jyn 3
lau, kenney ki lee 3
lau, ym 3
law, karlen ka pui 3
law, kpk 3
lee, alh 3
lemmela, s 3
leong, vyl 3
leung, gcn 3
leung, kh 3
leung, vy 3
leung, y 3
lewis, s 3
li, l 3
li, lc 3
li, tkg 3
li, tl 3
liang, ym 3
lind-thomsen, a 3
liu, w 3
lu, w 3
lv, m 3
mak, jnf 3
mak, lf 3
matsumori, h 3
miao, xp 3
nagy, a 3
ng, fy 3
ng, vcw 3
niu, b 3
o'donovan, e 3
pawelek, j 3
rogers, i 3
sham, plm 3
shea, gkh 3
shen, d 3
shen, w 3
so, mt 3
sun, xb 3
takahashi, a 3
tam, pkh 3
tan, b 3
tan, z 3
tanaka, y 3
tang, csm 3
tian, w 3
tjong, sc 3
to, m 3
tommerup, n 3
tou, jf 3
tsunoda, t 3
tu, h 3
vidyadhara, s 3
wang, l 3
wang, x 3
wang, xy 3
wang, y 3
wong, a 3
wong, jsh 3
wong, k 3
wong, my 3
xie, h 3
xu, z 3
yang, e 3
yao, g 3
yaszay, b 3
yeung, cw 3
yeung, kwk 3
yick, kl 3
yip, cch 3
yip, j 3
zhou, gq 3
zhou, gq 3
zhu, x 3
al ghazi, s 2
aladin, dm 2
an, xm 2
arvinte, d 2
aubin, ce 2
bandyopadhyay, a 2
bei, jx 2
berven, s 2
berven, sh 2
berven, sigurd h. 2
bose, s 2
boyde, a 2
campbell, d 2
campbell, dd 2
chan, c 2
chan, ck 2
chan, cyc 2
chan, jfw 2
chan, pm 2
chan, sl 2
chan, t 2
chan, tk 2
chan, wc 2
cheah, ks 2
cheing, gly 2
chen, l 2
cheng, ac 2
cheung, b 2
cheung, kp 2
cheung, l 2
chik, kkh 2
choi, h 2
chow, d 2
choy, ath 2
chu, h 2
chu, ik 2
chu, lh 2
chu, slh 2
chua, d 2
coe, jd 2
dahl, benny t 2
dahl, benny t. 2
dai, j 2
dai, jx 2
demirkiran, gh 2
don, as 2
elfiky, t 2
elsebaie, h 2
elsebaie, hb 2
fang, ejhh 2
fok, mwm 2
fu, l 2
ganal-antonio, ak 2
gantenbein, b 2
garcia-barcelo, mm 2
geng, gyh 2
geng, yh 2
grozman, sam 2
guan, xy 2
guo, s 2
herring, ja 2
ho, msp 2
hosick, hl 2
hosseini, p 2
hoyland, j 2
huang, j 2
huang, jd 2
huang, lm 2
huang, ss 2
hung, s 2
hunziker, eb 2
ip, j 2
jentzsch, thorsten 2
jia, wh 2
jiang, j 2
jiang, q 2
jie, q 2
johnson, ta 2
kanayama, m 2
kangas, aj 2
kao, p 2
kao, r 2
kao, ypp 2
karpinnen, j 2
karppinene, j 2
kimura, t 2
kjaer, pk 2
kong, t 2
kuang, g 2
kubo, m 2
kubo, t 2
kwan, k 2
lai, kkl 2
lam, cy 2
lam, py 2
lam, wn 2
lau, he 2
lawmin, j 2
lee, pwh 2
lenke, lawrence g. 2
leon, tyy 2
leong, jc 2
leung, n 2
leung, ylv 2
lewis, stephen j. 2
li, g 2
li, w 2
lie, cwh 2
lin, j 2
lin, ym 2
liu, fq 2
liu, l 2
liu, s 2
lo, gg 2
lovell-badge, r 2
lu, l 2
lu, w 2
lu, ww 2
lui, vch 2
luo, c 2
luo, z 2
makela, p 2
mao, c 2
mao, cy 2
martin, allan r 2
mcculloch, d 2
mcculloch, dr 2
meij, b 2
mikami, y 2
miyake, a 2
mizuta, h 2
mundlos, s 2
muraki, s 2
naresh-babu, j 2
ng, kkm 2
ng, sp 2
ngan, esw 2
nicholls, jm 2
nielsen, christopher j 2
nonopone, nh 2
noordeen, hh 2
ohrt-nissen, s 2
oitment, colby 2
oka, h 2
paananen, m 2
pellise, f 2
peng, s 2
peng, z 2
peng, zw 2
polly, dw 2
poon, km 2
poon, rw 2
qi, wc 2
qian, s 2
qiu, gx 2
qiu, x 2
rajasekaran, s 2
ruf, m 2
sembrano, jonathan n 2
shaffrey, christopher i. 2
shea, graham ka hon 2
shear-yashuv, hananel 2
shetty, ap 2
shi, d 2
shum, cky 2
shum, hc 2
siow, ys 2
smith, dk 2
so, cl 2
soininen, p 2
takemitsu, m 2
tan, ce 2
tang, ts 2
thompson, n 2
togawa, d 2
tsang, ol 2
tsang, pyl 2
tse, cy 2
tseng, h 2
wan, t 2
wan, yy 2
wang, jj 2
wang, m 2
watanabe, k 2
wei, jack zijian 2
wise, ca 2
wong, amg 2
wong, d 2
wong, j 2
wong, janus siu him 2
wong, shj 2
wong, sm 2
wong, wc 2
wu, c 2
wu, r 2
xiang, y 2
xiang, ym 2
xue, w 2
yamada, h 2
yamada, y 2
yang, hl 2
yao, gf 2
yao, kd 2
yau, wp 2
yee, a 2
yeung, kelvin wai kwok 2
yeung, mhy 2
yim, rlh 2
yip, k 2
yip, khk 2
yiu, kkl 2
yoshida, m 2
yoshimura, n 2
yuan, l 2
yuan, m 2
yuan, s 2
yuan, zw 2
yuen, ky 2
yuen, ttt 2
zeng, yx 2
zhang, e 2
zhang, m 2
zhang, s 2
zhao, j 2
zheng, yp 2
zhou, h 2
zhou, yp 2
zhu, yz 2
abbah, as 1
abdelrazek, ma 1
abel, mf 1
aebi, m 1
ahituv, n 1
airaksinen, o 1
akbamia, ba 1
akune, t 1
ala-korpela, m 1
aladin, kdm 1
alattar, e 1
ala‐korpela, m 1
aleissa, si 1
alhelal, f 1
alqahtani, y 1
alsobayel, hi 1
alturkistany, a 1
ames, christopher p 1
ames, christopher p. 1
an, sb 1
andersson, gbj 1
anema, jr 1
ao spine knowledge forum deformity 1
ao spine knowledge forum deformity srs scoli-risk-1 study group 1
ao, di 1
arand, m 1
au, t 1
au, ty 1
au, wy 1
aubin, c-e 1
balsano, m 1
bang, a 1
bateman, b 1
bedore, j 1
behrooz, aa 1
belfer, i 1
bensky, h 1
berk, h 1
bess, s 1
bian, d 1
bian, l 1
bian, q 1
blanke, km 1
blattert, tr 1
boachie-adje, o 1
boachie-adjei, oheneba 1
boos, n 1
boot-handford, rp 1
boothandford, rp 1
borkhuu, b 1
brah, as 1
brayda-bruno, m 1
busari, jo 1
caballero, a 1
cahill, p 1
cai, j 1
cai, j-p 1
campello, m 1
cao, x 1
carragee, e 1
carreon, :l 1
carreon, leah 1
carreon, leah y 1
cerpa, m 1
cerpa, meghan 1
chan li, lc 1
chan, a 1
chan, ccs 1
chan, cs 1
chan, d 1
chan, gny 1
chan, kw 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, lck 1
chan, lky 1
chan, msy 1
chan, ocm 1
chan, p 1
chan, ryl 1
chan, s 1
chan, s 1
chan, sy 1
chan, tw 1
chan, twy 1
chan, w 1
charalampidis, anastasios 1
chau, yy 1
cheah, k 1
cheah, kse 1
cheing, gl 1
chen, b 1
chen, c 1
chen, d 1
chen, j 1
chen, peikai 1
chen, s 1
chen, yl 1
chen, yq 1
chen, z 1
cheng, cs 1
cheng, eyl 1
cheng, g 1
cheng, gx 1
cheng, j 1
cheng, jack c y 1
cheng, qh 1
cheng, sc 1
cheriet, f 1
cheung jason py 1
cheung, bkc 1
cheung, cl 1
cheung, cw 1
cheung, j 1
cheung, jason py 1
cheung, jp 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, kcb 1
cheung, mc 1
cheung, r 1
cheung, sck 1
chhabra, hs 1
chik, h 1
chim, jcs 1
ching, tk 1
chiu, ayy 1
chiu, j 1
chiu, jkw 1
choi, e 1
choi, h 1
choi, hcw 1
chong, ey 1
chong, eyw 1
choy, th 1
chu, c 1
chu, ik 1
chung, hy 1
chung, j 1
chung, mmt 1
chung, mtm 1
cole, wg 1
costanzo, g 1
cote, p 1
crawford, rj 1
cui, h 1
cullings, hm 1
daavittila, i 1
dahl, benny 1
dal gal, e 1
darwesh, ak 1
darwish, n 1
darwono, b 1
de vries, aa 1
de vries, k 1
dekutosk, mb 1
dekutoski, mark b 1
dekutoski, mark b. 1
deng, lf 1
deng, yb 1
dhatt, s 1
dhatt, ss 1
diao, hj 1
ding, c 1
ding, y 1
dohring, ej 1
dolly, dw 1
dong, hg 1
dong, l 1
dong, qr 1
dong, w 1
dong, z 1
dong, zy 1
dos remedios, idm 1
duong, l 1
ei-harway, r 1
einarsdottir, e 1
el-fiky, e 1
elfiky, ta 1
elliott, jm 1
fan, yunli 1
fang, j 1
fehlings, michael g 1
fehlings, michael g. 1
feng, lin 1
feng, x 1
ferguson, s 1
fok, awm 1
fong, daniel y t 1
fosang, amanda 1
franke, j 1
fu, henry 1
fu, i 1
fu, ic 1
fu, icy 1
fuego, s 1
fuego, sm 1
fung, ohy 1
ganal-antonio, ak 1
gantenbeinritter, b 1
gao, b 1
gao, b 1
gao, jc 1
gao, p 1
gao, q 1
gao, wj 1
garciabarceló, mm 1
ge, d 1
gehrcen, m 1
genc, y 1
geng, g 1
geng, g.y.h 1
gerdhem, p 1
germscheid, n 1
germscheid, nm 1
gersbach, ca 1
gibson, g 1
gong, peng 1
gordon, d 1
grauers, a 1
greggi, t 1
grodzinsky, a 1
gross, dp 1
guan, s 1
guilak, f 1
gum, jeffrey l. 1
guo, c 1
guo, gg 1
gupta, d 1
gurnett, ca 1
ha, sy 1
ha, y 1
haldeman, s 1
hallager, w 1
halm, hf 1
halm, hfh 1
halm, hhf 1
han, s 1
han, sj 1
han, zixuan 1
hanni, m 1
hao, dj 1
hao, yifeng 1
hart, a 1
hassan, fthimnir m 1
he, c 1
he, d 1
he, r 1
he, shenjing 1
henckel, j 1
ho, d 1
ho, daniel w h 1
ho, fc 1
ho, jp 1
ho, py 1
ho, sl 1
hoh, dj 1
holmes, lm 1
hong, w 1
honiball, john robert 1
hothi, h 1
hsu, sj 1
hsu, y-c 1
hsu, yh 1
hu, y 1
huang, d 1
huang, ds 1
huang, y 1
hui, dfk 1
hui, e 1
hui, es 1
hui, kjws 1
hui, sk 1
hung, tf 1
huo, kf 1
hwang, py 1
iatridis, jc 1
ito, manabu 1
iwahashi, h 1
japanese scoliosis clinical research group 1
jeon, h 1
jeong, y 1
ji, q 1
jiang, h 1
jiang, m 1
jiang, ww 1
jin, hm 1
jin, p 1
jin, wanyu 1
jin, wy 1
jin, xb 1
jing, l 1
johnston, c 1
jones, s 1
järvenpää, s 1
k luk, kd 1
kagotani, r 1
kaluarachi, k 1
kamiya, n 1
kamper, sj 1
kandziora, f 1
kanna, rm 1
kao, ry 1
kao, yt 1
kao, yt 1
karjalainen, u 1
karpinen, j 1
karppiene, j 1
kato, s 1
kautiainen, h 1
kawaguchi, h 1
kazerooni, h 1
kebaish, khaled m 1
kebaish, khaled m. 1
kelly, michael 1
kelly, michael p. 1
kere, j 1
khanshour, am 1
khor, cc 1
kidane, yh 1
kim, hc 1
kim, kn 1
kim, tw 1
kiu, a 1
kjaer, p 1
klein, t 1
kleuver, marinus de 1
koskelainen, t 1
kuang, guan-ming 1
kuang, x 1
kubi, ja 1
kulyasova, ob 1
kung, mhw 1
kwan, eyc 1
kwan, kenny yh 1
kwan, khl 1
kwan, ky 1
kwan, kyh 1
kwan, m 1
kwan, mw 1
kwan, mww 1
kwok, ka wai 1
kwok, tk 1
kyllönen, e 1
l wu, s 1
la maida, ga 1
la rosa, g 1
labelle, h 1
lai, kp 1
lam, james 1
lam, jk 1
lam, jko 1
lam, jwn 1
lam, mpy 1
lam, p 1
lam, pl 1
lam, tc 1
lam, th 1
lam, tp 1
lam, tsz ping 1
lam, w 1
lam, wmr 1
lam, y 1
lastikka, m 1
lau, darryl 1
lau, f 1
lau, jy-n 1
lau, kenney 1
lau, kenney kl 1
lau, kkl 1
lau, lt 1
lau, ly 1
lau, r 1
lau, s 1
lau, tlt 1
lau, yl 1
lau, yn 1
law min, j 1
law, karlen 1
law, karlen kp 1
law, kk 1
law, kkp 1
law, t 1
lebel, de 1
lee, alex pui wai 1
lee, anne wm 1
lee, cf 1
lee, chun fan 1
lee, i 1
lee, j 1
lee, jj 1
lee, kf 1
lee, mk 1
lee, pw 1
lee, tl 1
lee, yk 1
lee, yl 1
leinonen, v 1
leong, johncy 1
leung, cn 1
leung, cy 1
leung, f 1
leung, hc 1
leung, kl 1
leung, mf 1
leung, oyp 1
leung, t 1
leung, victor yu-leong 1
leung, vvl 1
leung, yf 1
lezuo, p 1
li , w 1
li, c 1
li, cm 1
li, fb 1
li, jh 1
li, jhc 1
li, k 1
li, m 1
li, mx 1
li, mx 1
li, n 1
li, qz 1
li, yh 1
li, yingqi 1
li, zhuoqi lucas 1
lian, cj 1
lian, q 1
liang, h 1
liang, rhs 1
lie, akw 1
lin, h 1
lin, hg 1
lin, jie 1
lin, jl 1
lin, s 1
lin, zj 1
liu li 1
liu, g 1
liu, j 1
liu, m 1
liu, wt 1
liu, xiangmei 1
liu, xl 1
liy, x 1
lo, ews 1
lo, kyc 1
lo, rlk 1
londono, d 1
loo, nn 1
lotorre, j 1
lotz, jc 1
lu, fj 1
lu, jl 1
lu, m 1
lu, mm 1
lu, q 1
lu, qiuji 1
luhmann, s 1
lui, dfk 1
lui, rsc 1
lui, vch 1
luk, cm 1
luk, cmy 1
luk, dk 1
luk, k 1
luk, keith d k 1
luk, kkd 1
luo, l 1
lyu, m 1
ma, bsc 1
ma, cy 1
ma, s 1
maata, j 1
maatta, jh 1
mak, kincheung 1
mak, sht 1
makki, n 1
mao, congyang 1
masuda, kdk 1
matinlinna, jp 1
mccall, re 1
mccann, m 1
mcculloch, daniel 1
mckinley, m 1
mcnally, d 1
mehdian, hossein 1
melloh, m 1
meng, y 1
miller, ek 1
minisola, s 1
minmin, lv 1
misaggi, b 1
mo, s 1
modi, h 1
mok, fp 1
moore, jl 1
mossaad, mm 1
muehlbauer, ej 1
mullerpatan, r 1
mulukutla, rd 1
mundis, g 1
mundis, gm 1
mäkelä, p 1
mäkitie, o 1
määttä, j 1
määttä, jh 1
nafo, w 1
nagoshi, n 1
nagy, andras 1
nakamura, k 1
nakamura, m 1
natesan, s 1
negandhi, rs 1
negrini, s 1
neuman, bj 1
newton, po 1
ng, bobby k w 1
ng, ckm 1
ng, kc 1
ng, kkk 1
ng, ssm 1
ng, sy 1
ng, vc 1
ngan, ahk 1
ngan, ahw 1
ngan, es 1
ni mhuiris, a 1
nielsen, cj 1
nieto, a 1
niinimaki, j 1
niinimäki, j 1
noordeen, h 1
noponenhietala, n 1
nordin, m 1
nwadinigwe, c 1
nyyssönen, t 1
o reilly, pf 1
o'reilly, pf 1
ogura, y 1
okuloff, a 1
otomo, n 1
overall, c 1
pan, h 1
pan, hb 1
pang, syy 1
pang, y 1
panteliadis, p 1
parent, s 1
paria, n 1
park, jb 1
park, jong beom 1
patel, c 1
pediatric spine study group 1
pellise, ferran 1
pellisé-urquiza, ferran 1
pereira, p 1
pesälä, j 1
piccirillo, m 1
pigott, t 1
polly, david w. 1
pun, tct 1
pun, ts 1
qi, w-c 1
qiu, a 1
qiu, xj 1
rabie, abm 1
raveendran, m 1
reddy, rr 1
ricciardi, l 1
richardson, s 1
rickardson, s 1
rienmuller, anna 1
rienmüller, anna 1
riew, kd 1
rios, jj 1
risbud, mv 1
rocos, brett 1
rothenfluh, da 1
roy, val 1
ruan, c 1
saigal, rajiv 1
sakakibara, m 1
salmi, lr 1
salomatina, e 1
samdani, af 1
sardi, juan p. 1
savarirayan, r 1
savolainen, s 1
saw, sheryl zhi wen 1
saw, zhi wen sheryl 1
schwab, frank j 1
sciubba, bm 1
sembrano, jonathan 1
sembrano, jonathan n. 1
sequeiros, rb 1
setton, la 1
shafafy, m 1
sham, mh 1
sham, pc 1
sharma, r 1
sharma, s 1
shea, gk 1
shea, graham 1
shek, ht 1
shek, twh 1
shen, fh 1
shen, jx 1
shen, wei 1
shi, l 1
shi, q 1
shin, da 1
shin, jj 1
shrestha, r 1
shum, dk 1
shum, dky 1
sillence, do 1
singhania, r 1
skinner, j 1
smith, js 1
smith, justin s. 1
so, kf 1
solis, n 1
song, xiaoqi 1
song, y 1
song, you qiang 1
song, yq 1
soon, hc 1
spinelli, ms 1
steffen, t 1
stokes, iaf 1
stokes, o 1
strantzas, s 1
sturm, pf 1
su, dy 1
su, iyw 1
su, p 1
su, pq 1
sullivan, wj 1
sun, yi 1
sun, yq 1
sun, z 1
susic, m 1
sze, scw 1
szeto, iyy 1
séguin, ca 1
t, hu 1
takahashi, y 1
takatalo, j 1
takeda, k 1
tam, e 1
tam, em 1
tam, wai kit 1
tamai, k 1
tamburrelli, fc 1
tan, l 1
tan, ty 1
tan, zhijia 1
tanaka, s 1
tang, c 1
tang, n 1
tang, r 1
tang, wc 1
teli, mga 1
teo, kc 1
tervonen, o 1
thakar, c 1
the ao spine international and srs scoli-risk-1 study group 1
the international consortium for scoliosis genetics 1
ting, w 1
tipoe, g 1
tjong, pk 1
to, m 1
to, michael kai tsun 1
to, michael kt 1
to, mk 1
tognini, m 1
tong, cw 1
tong, fcw 1
tong, gng 1
tong, hw 1
tong, twy 1
tong, w 1
tong, wyt 1
toyama, y 1
toyoma, y 1
truumees, e 1
tsang, p 1
tsang, yl 1
tse, hf 1
tse, jyh 1
tso, wk 1
tsoi, lyl 1
tsrhc is clinical group 1
tsuchiya, h 1
tsui, k 1
tuan, r 1
tuchman, a 1
tucker, s 1
valiev, rz 1
van hooff, miranda l 1
van hooff, ml 1
van tulder, m 1
virk, as 1
virtanen, im 1
vitale, mg 1
vlok, a 1
vreugdenhil, i 1
wan, ht 1
wan, sandra hiu tung 1
wan, sht 1
wan, tw 1
wan, yuen yin 1
wang, c 1
wang, cf 1
wang, jc 1
wang, k 1
wang, n 1
wang, na 1
wang, xiaomei 1
wang, yj 1
watt, s 1
wei, jz 1
welborn, mc 1
wong, bc 1
wong, bcw 1
wong, c 1
wong, cka 1
wong, cp 1
wong, dkh 1
wong, fy 1
wong, ihy 1
wong, jct 1
wong, js 1
wong, kk 1
wong, kkh 1
wong, ko 1
wong, ktt 1
wong, kwh 1
wong, lls 1
wong, m 1
wong, sh 1
wong, swf 1
wong, t 1
wong, tfy 1
wong, whs 1
wong, yat wa 1
wu , j 1
wu, a 1
wu, am 1
wu, g 1
wu, h 1
wu, jp 1
wu, jun 1
wu, mh 1
wu, scm 1
wu, shuilin 1
wu, xz 1
wu, yabin 1
wu, yb 1
wu, zz 1
wynn, s.l 1
xi, t 1
xiang, yiming 1
xing, c 1
xu, cx 1
xu, j 1
xu, xiaoping 1
y leong, jc 1
yadav, s 1
yam, th 1
yan, hc 1
yan, xiang 1
yang, d 1
yang, h 1
yang, jl 1
yang, sl 1
yang, xm 1
yankey, kp 1
yaroslavsky, a 1
ye, m 1
ye, pengpeng 1
ye, t 1
yee, d 1
yee, dky 1
yee, kh 1
yeh, anthony gar on 1
yeung, acy 1
yeung, cwf 1
yeung, cy 1
yeung, eric hk 1
yeung, kc 1
yi, s 1
yiglor, c 1
yilgor, c 1
yilgor, caglar 1
yim, r 1
yin, s 1
yin, sj 1
yin, yj 1
yip wa wong 1
yip, c 1
yip, ms 1
yip, s 1
yip, skh 1
yip, sy 1
yoon, dh 1
yu, kn 1
yu, m 1
yue, ks 1
yuen, k 1
yuen, kcc 1
yung, cs 1
zaina, f 1
zehra, u 1
zeller, r 1
zeng, x 1
zhai, x 1
zhang, b 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, k 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, mq 1
zhang, r 1
zhang, t 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, xy 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, zy 1
zhao, fd 1
zhao, q 1
zhao, w 1
zhao, x 1
zhao, yl 1
zheng, haiping 1
zheng, yf 1
zheng, yg 1
zheng, yl 1
zheng, yufeng 1
zhng, sz 1
zhong, j 1
zhong, sz 1
zhou, cj 1
zhou, m 1
zhou, tf 1
zhou, w 1
zhou, x 1
zhou, xz 1
zhou, y 1
zhou, z 1
zhou, zj 1
zhu, f 1
zhu, fa 1
zhu, m 1
zhu, q 1
zhu, w 1
zhu, xd 1
zhu, yizhou 1
zuckerman, scott l 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 38
humans 29
female 27
male 27
animals 23
adolescent 19
scoliosis 18
intervertebral disc 17
low back pain 17
mri 17
controlled study 16
degeneration 16
magnetic resonance imaging 15
adult 14
biomechanics 14
genetic association 14
genetics 14
human 14
incidence 14
lumbar 14
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 14
single nucleotide polymorphism 14
bile duct atresia 13
cartilage 13
chromosome 10q 13
early onset scoliosis 13
gene function 13
gene identification 13
gene locus 13
genetic susceptibility 13
genotype 13
major clinical study 13
mice 13
priority journal 13
risk factor 13
spine 13
strontium 13
bioactive bone cement 12
biocompatibility 12
gwa 12
mcgr 12
ret 12
risk factors 12
severity of illness index 12
intervertebral disc - pathology 11
materials testing 11
quality of life 11
skeletal maturity 11
tissue engineering 11
biocompatible materials 10
china - epidemiology 10
collagen 10
computer applications 10
disc 10
disc degeneration 10
intervertebral disc degeneration 10
intervertebral disk 10
lumbar disc degeneration 10
lumbar vertebrae - pathology 10
magnetically controlled growing rod 10
medical sciences 10
medical sciences medical sciences 10
middle aged 10
nucleus pulposus 10
pilot projects 10
rabbits 10
sensitivity 10
bioactivity 9
child 9
clinical effectiveness 9
conservative treatment 9
degenerative disc disease 9
genome-wide association 9
glycosaminoglycans - metabolism 9
mechanical properties 9
microscopy, electron, scanning 9
orthopedics and traumatology 9
outcome 9
prevalence 9
reliability 9
strontium-containing hydroxyapatite 9
surface modification 9
treatment outcome 9
adult spinal deformity 8
age factors 8
allelic imbalance 8
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 8
cell differentiation 8
china 8
chromosomes, human, pair 6 - genetics 8
classification 8
complication 8
curve progression 8
development 8
disease models, animal 8
fibrosis 8
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 8
genetic predisposition to disease 8
intervertebral 8
lumbar vertebrae 8
magnetically controlled growing rods 8
mesenchymal stem cell 8
mesenchymal stem cell transplantation 8
mice, transgenic 8
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics 8
nickel 8
osteogenesis 8
plasma immersion ion implantation 8
prognosis 8
sex factors 8
tissue engineering - methods 8
titanium 8
aged 7
als 7
analysis of variance 7
bone/joint abnormalities 7
cartilage diseases - genetics 7
case-control studies 7
causality 7
cells, cultured 7
cervical myelopathy 7
chinese 7
col9a2 7
compressive strength 7
corrosion resistance 7
cross-sectional studies 7
databases, genetic 7
decellularization 7
developmental spinal stenosis 7
directed differentiation 7
durapatite 7
early onset scoliosis-24 questionnaire 7
eosq-24 7
eq-5d-5l 7
extracellular matrix proteins - chemistry - genetics 7
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics - physiology 7
gene library 7
gene therapy 7
genetic correlation 7
genome scan 7
genotype-phenotype correlations 7
human induced pluripotent stem cells 7
idiopathic scoliosis 7
immunohistochemistry 7
interface 7
intervertebral disc disease 7
intervertebral disk displacement - complications - epidemiology - genetics 7
linkage analysis 7
mapping complex traits 7
matrix metalloproteinase 1 - genetics 7
mesenchymal stem cells 7
meta-analysis 7
natural history 7
next generation sequencing 7
nitinol 7
notochord-like cells (ncls) 7
nucleus pulposus (np)-like cells 7
osteoarthritis 7
osteoblast 7
phenotype 7
pleiotropy 7
polygenic score 7
polymorphism, single nucleotide 7
predictive value of tests 7
promoter regions, genetic 7
prospective studies 7
prostheses and implants 7
proteoglycan 7
psychometrics 7
pyrophosphatases - genetics - physiology 7
rabbit 7
radiograph 7
recovery of function 7
rod 7
scoliosis screening 7
spinal diseases - genetics 7
spinal fusion 7
survival 7
trp2 7
ute 7
validity 7
vertebral disk displumbar vertebrae 7
young adult 7
adeno-associated virus 6
adenovirus 6
aged, 80 and over 6
alginate 6
alleles 6
atomic force microscope 6
back pain - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
bioluminescent bacteria 6
body weight 6
bone 6
bone and bones - physiology 6
bone cements - metabolism 6
bone marrow aspiration 6
bone morphogenetic protein-2 6
cell viability 6
cfu-f 6
chondrocytes - cytology - metabolism 6
clustering 6
col9a3 6
collagen fibril 6
collagen type ix - genetics 6
core-shell microspheres 6
corrosion 6
degenerative 6
developmental 6
disease progression 6
durapatite - metabolism 6
early-onset scoliosis 6
fibrillar collagens - chemistry - ultrastructure 6
follow-up studies 6
fusion 6
genetic variation - genetics 6
gwas 6
human intervertebral disc 6
hydroxyapatite 6
hypertrophy 6
instrumentation 6
intervertebral disc displacement - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
intervertebral disc displacement - epidemiology - genetics 6
intervertebral disc herniation 6
intervertebral disk - chemistry 6
laminoplasty 6
leukemia 6
ligamentum flavum 6
lumbar vertebrae - pathology - radiography 6
mechanical characterization 6
mesenchymal stromal cell 6
mice, mutant strains 6
nanofibers - chemistry - ultrastructure 6
nanoindentation 6
nanostructure 6
nickel titanium 6
niti 6
orthopedic implants 6
osseointegration 6
pain measurement 6
patient satisfaction 6
patterns of degeneration 6
polymorphism, restriction fragment length 6
population based study 6
receptors, calcitriol - genetics 6
regeneration 6
retrospective studies 6
rod slippage 6
sciatica - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
self-antibacterial effect 6
spinal 6
spinal diseases - etiology - genetics - pathology 6
spine - radiography - surgery 6
spring-back 6
stenosis 6
superelastic 6
surgery 6
swine 6
taq i 6
taq polymerase - genetics 6
time factors 6
trp3 6
vitamin d receptor 6
weight-bearing 6
zno nanowire 6
achilles tendon 5
adolescent idiopathic 5
adult progenitor cells 5
age-related degenerative disc change 5
aging 5
aging - pathology 5
aging - physiology 5
alloys - chemistry - metabolism 5
amino acid 5
back pain 5
biglycan 5
biocompatible materials - chemistry 5
biodegradation, environmental 5
biomaterials 5
bone cements 5
bone cements - chemical synthesis - therapeutic use 5
bone cements - chemistry - pharmacology - standards 5
bone cements - chemistry - toxicity 5
bone defect repair 5
bone formation 5
bone mineral density (bmd) 5
bone regeneration 5
bone remodeling 5
bone remodeling - drug effects 5
candidate gene approach 5
cell adhesion - drug effects 5
cell line 5
cell proliferation 5
cell proliferation - drug effects 5
cell survival 5
cervical spondylotic myelopathy 5
cest 5
child, preschool 5
chondrocytes 5
classification and regression tree 5
classification rule 5
coated materials, biocompatible - chemistry - metabolism 5
complications 5
continuous 5
cost 5
cost of screening 5
crispr/cas9 5
cross-border healthcare 5
cyto-compatibility 5
cytotoxicity 5
decorin 5
deformed threads 5
deuterium oxide 5
deuterium oxide - diagnostic use - metabolism 5
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging - methods 5
diffusion tensor imaging 5
dioscorea spp protein 5
distraction 5
distraction failure mechanism 5
durapatite - therapeutic use 5
endplate defect 5
equipment design 5
exostoses, multiple hereditary - genetics 5
exostosis 5
ext2 5
fibromodulin 5
flexibility 5
fractures, spontaneous - etiology - therapy 5
fulcrum bending radiograph 5
gene frequency 5
genes 5
genetics, population 5
genome-wide association study 5
genomics 5
glucuronidase - genetics 5
glycosaminoglycan 5
glycosyltransferases 5
green fluorescent proteins - metabolism 5
healing 5
health reform 5
histogram analysis 5
histological analyses 5
homeodomain proteins - genetics 5
hong kong 5
hydroxyapatites 5
hypoxia-inducible factor 5
ilium 5
infusion 5
intervertebral disc - metabolism 5
intervertebral disc displacement - physiopathology - radiography 5
intervertebral disk degeneration - classification - epidemiology - radiography 5
kyphoplasty 5
kyphosis - radiography - surgery 5
lumbar vertebrae - metabolism 5
lumbar vertebrae - radiography 5
lumbosacral region 5
lumbosacral region - pathology - radiography 5
magnesium implant 5
magnets 5
management 5
mapk7 5
mass screening - methods 5
mass screening - methods - statistics and numerical data 5
mesenchymal stem cells (mscs) 5
mesenchymal stem cells - cytology - drug effects 5
metallosis 5
microspheres 5
mitogen-activated protein kinase (mapk) pathway 5
moiré 5
mtor signaling pathway 5
multiple osteochondromas 5
mutation 5
mutations 5
n-acetylglucosaminyltransferases - genetics 5
neovascularization, physiologic - drug effects 5
nickel - analysis - chemistry 5
nickel - chemistry 5
nickel titanium shape memory alloys 5
nickel-titanium alloy 5
odds ratio 5
orthopedic fixation devices 5
orthopedic procedures - instrumentation 5
osseointegration - drug effects 5
osteoblast differentiation 5
osteoblasts 5
osteoblasts - cytology - drug effects 5
osteoblasts - drug effects - metabolism - ultrastructure 5
osteoconductive 5
osteogenesis - drug effects 5
osteoporosis - complications 5
osteoporotic spine fracture 5
pain 5
paraplegia 5
phantoms, imaging 5
physical examination - methods - statistics and numerical data 5
plasma surface treatment 5
policy review 5
polymethyl methacrylate 5
positive predictive value 5
prognostic factors 5
radiology - methods - statistics and numerical data 5
radius 5
randomized 5
ras 5
ras proteins - genetics - metabolism 5
referral and consultation 5
replication study 5
retrospective cohort studies 5
rna, messenger - metabolism 5
rs11190870 5
runx2 5
school health services 5
school screening program 5
schoolbased scoliosis screening program 5
schools - statistics and numerical data 5
scoliosis - diagnosis 5
scoliosis - diagnosis - prevention and control 5
scoliosis - diagnosis - therapy 5
scoliosis - genetics 5
scoliosis - radiography - surgery 5
scoliosis screening program 5
signal transduction - drug effects 5
silver nanoparticles 5
snp 5
southern chinese 5
spectrum analyses 5
spinal deformity 5
spinal fractures - radiography - surgery 5
spinal fractures - therapy 5
spinal fusion - instrumentation - methods 5
spinal fusion - methods 5
spinal surgery 5
spine - surgery 5
stainless steel 5
stress, mechanical 5
strontium - pharmacology 5
strontium - therapeutic use 5
strontium hydroxyapatite nanorod 5
surface treatment 5
systematic review 5
tgr 5
thoracic 5
thoracic vertebrae - surgery 5
titanium - chemistry 5
titanium alloy 5
topography 5
trade in healthcare services 5
traditional growing rod 5
transcription factors - genetics 5
trial 5
ulna 5
ultrashort time-to-echo 5
ultrasound 5
vertebral body tethering 5
vertebroplasty 5
wga 5
whole genome association 5
whole-exome sequencing 5
zebrafish 5
acellular matrix 4
adipocytes - cytology - transplantation 4
adipose-tissue stromal cells 4
agreement 4
alginate microbeads 4
alginates - chemistry 4
alkaline phosphatase - metabolism 4
alloys 4
amino acid sequence 4
animal model 4
annulus fibrosus 4
antibacterial 4
antimicrobial property 4
antimicrobial prophylaxis 4
apatite 4
asian continental ancestry group 4
base sequence 4
behavior, animal 4
bending stiffness 4
biocompatible materials - chemistry - metabolism 4
biodegradability 4
biodegradable 4
bioimprinting 4
biomarker 4
biomimetic material 4
biomimetic materials - chemistry 4
blood supply 4
body fluids 4
body height 4
body mass 4
body mass index 4
bone marrow cells - cytology 4
bone mineral density 4
bone morphogenetic protein 4
bone remodeling - drug effects - physiology 4
bone substitutes - administration & dosage - chemistry 4
bone tissue engineering 4
bone transplantation - methods 4
bonemorphogenetic protein-4 4
bony callus - pathology - physiology - radiography 4
ca-alginate 4
calcium 4
calcium - blood - pharmacology 4
calcium - chemistry 4
candidate gene 4
capillary microfluidic device 4
carbon - analysis - chemistry 4
cartilage - metabolism - pathology 4
cartilage, articular - cytology - physiology 4
cell biology 4
cell count 4
cell culture techniques - methods 4
cell differentiation - physiology 4
cell encapsulation 4
cell survival - physiology 4
cell therapy 4
cell transplantation 4
cell transplantation - methods 4
cervical vertebrae - radiography - surgery 4
chemical modification 4
chemical processes 4
chemical treatment 4
chondrocytes - metabolism 4
chondrogenesis - physiology 4
chondrogenic differentiation 4
chondrogenic extracellular matrix 4
clinical assessment 4
closure 4
coated materials, biocompatible - chemistry 4
coculture techniques 4
codon, nonsense 4
cold temperature 4
collagen - metabolism 4
collagen microsphere 4
collagen type i - chemistry - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
collagen type ii - metabolism 4
collagen type ix - analysis - genetics 4
collagen type x - biosynthesis - genetics 4
comorbidity 4
complex tissue engineering 4
controlled drug release 4
creep expansion 4
crooked rod 4
cross-linking reagents - chemistry 4
cryopreservation 4
cryopreservation - methods - standards 4
culture media, serum-free - chemistry 4
debridement 4
decompression 4
decompression, surgical 4
dimethylsulphoxide 4
disability 4
disc histological score 4
disease severity 4
distraction failure 4
dna - genetics 4
durapatite - pharmacology 4
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 4
electrochemistry - methods 4
electromyography 4
electromyography - methods 4
emg 4
end plate 4
endplate 4
external fixation 4
external fixators 4
extracellular matrix 4
extracellular matrix proteins - analysis - genetics 4
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics 4
femoral fractures - physiopathology - radiography - surgery 4
femur 4
fibrin - chemistry - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
fibrocartilage - metabolism - pathology 4
fixation strategy 4
flexible brace 4
forecasting 4
fracture 4
frameshift mutation 4
frequency 4
fulcrum 4
fulcrum bending 4
gene expression 4
gene mapping 4
genetic linkage - genetics 4
genetic polymorphism 4
genetic predisposition to disease - genetics 4
glucuronic acid - chemistry 4
goat 4
growing rod 4
growth plate - pathology 4
hardness 4
health services 4
heat treatment 4
hexuronic acids - chemistry 4
histology 4
hong kong - epidemiology 4
hot isostatic pressing 4
imaging 4
immunoenzyme techniques 4
implant locking mechanism 4
implant stability 4
in situ hybridization 4
injections - methods 4
interface pressure 4
intervertebral disc - chemistry - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disc - injuries - metabolism - pathology 4
intervertebral disc cells 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - diagnosis - epidemiology 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - diagnosis - surgery 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - epidemiology - pathology 4
intervertebral disk - cytology - transplantation 4
intervertebral disk - metabolism - pathology - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk - pathology - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk degeneration - epidemiology - pathology - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk degeneration - therapy 4
intervertebral disk displacement - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
intra-class correlation 4
ion implantation 4
ions - chemistry 4
knee joint 4
kyphosis 4
laminectomy - adverse effects 4
law of diminishing returns 4
learning curve 4
lengthening 4
ligation 4
limits of agreement 4
logistic models 4
low back pain - diagnosis - epidemiology 4
low back pain - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
low-grade 4
lumbar vertebrae - pathology - physiopathology 4
machine learning 4
magnesium 4
magnetic 4
magnetics 4
material selection 4
materials testing - methods 4
measurements 4
median frequency 4
mesenchymal stem cell transplantation - methods 4
mesenchymal stem cells - cytology - metabolism 4
mesenchymal stem cells - drug effects - physiology 4
metabolic activity 4
mice, inbred nod 4
mice, scid 4
microcapsules 4
microencapsulation 4
microfluidic capillary device 4
microscopy, electron 4
mixed effects model 4
mobility limitation 4
modic 4
mouse intervertebral disc 4
mouse model 4
msc (mesenchymal stem cell) 4
multidisciplinary 4
muscle, skeletal - pathology - physiology - physiopathology 4
muscular atrophy - complications - diagnosis - physiopathology 4
nanostructures - chemistry - ultrastructure 4
needs assessment 4
neurological deterioration 4
new bone formation 4
ni leaching 4
nickel - chemistry - metabolism 4
nickel release 4
nickel titanium shape memory alloy 4
nickel-titanium (niti) shape memory alloys 4
nickel-titanium shape memory alloy 4
niti shape memory alloys 4
niti shape-memory alloy 4
notochord - metabolism - pathology 4
nucleus pulposus cells 4
obesity - epidemiology - pathology 4
orthopedic implant 4
ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament - radiography - surgery 4
ossified yellow ligament 4
osteoblasts - cytology 4
osteoblasts - cytology - physiology 4
osteochondral interface 4
osteochondrodysplasias - genetics - metabolism - pathology 4
osteoporosis 4
osteoporosis - drug therapy - physiopathology - prevention and control 4
outcomes 4
overweight - diagnosis - epidemiology 4
overweight - epidemiology - pathology 4
oxidation 4
oxygen 4
paraspinal muscular activity 4
pedicle 4
photochemistry - methods 4
physical fitness - physiology 4
plastics 4
platelet adhesiveness 4
plga 4
polycaprolactone 4
polyglycolic acid 4
polyglycolic acid - pharmacology 4
polylysine - chemistry 4
polymorphism 4
polymorphism, genetic 4
population surveillance 4
porosity 4
porous nickel titanium alloy 4
porous nickel-titanium 4
porous niti 4
porous niti shape memory alloy 4
posterior spinal fusion 4
postoperative complications - epidemiology - pathology - radiography 4
posture 4
precisely controlled magnesium ion release 4
pressure 4
propylene glycol 4
pulsing frequency 4
radiography 4
radiological indices 4
range of motion, articular 4
rats 4
reference values 4
rehabilitation 4
repeatability coefficient 4
reproducibility 4
retrospective cohort 4
return to work 4
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 4
rna, messenger - genetics 4
root mean square 4
root mean square value 4
rose bengal - chemistry 4
rotor stalling 4
sagittal 4
scaffold 4
schmorl nodes 4
schmorl's 4
scoliosis - complications - physiopathology - surgery 4
scoliosis - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
screws 4
segmental 4
segmental artery 4
sequence deletion 4
shape memory alloy 4
shape memory alloys 4
shape recovery 4
signal processing, computer-assisted 4
simulated body fluid 4
sintering 4
solutions 4
spectrophotometry 4
spinal cord 4
spinal diseases - complications - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
spinal diseases - metabolism - pathology 4
spinal implant 4
spinal instrumentation 4
spinal metastases 4
spinal motion segment 4
spondylolisthesis 4
spondylosis - radiography - surgery 4
stem cell 4
stem cell niche 4
streaming topography 4
stromal cells - cytology - transplantation 4
strontium - blood - pharmacology 4
structure 4
superelasticity 4
surface barrier layer 4
surface electromyography 4
surface free energy 4
surface morphology and roughness 4
surface roughness 4
survival prediction 4
sustainability 4
t1-rho 4
tail 4
tendon 4
tensile strength 4
thoracic vertebrae - radiography - surgery 4
tissue engineering - methods - trends 4
tissue microenvironment 4
tissue scaffolds 4
tissue therapy - methods 4
titanium - analysis - chemistry 4
titanium - chemistry - metabolism 4
transformation temperature 4
transplantation 4
tuberculosis 4
uds 4
ultra-short 4
voltage 4
water plasma immersion ion implantation 4
wear 4
without 4
x-ray 4
xps 4
3d 3
3d scaffold 3
acrylates - chemistry 3
acrylolpamidronate 3
acupuncture therapy - methods 3
administration, oral 3
adverse events 3
ais 3
alkaline phosphatase - biosynthesis 3
amplitude 3
analgesia intra-articular 3
analgesic efficacy 3
analgesics - therapeutic use 3
analgesics non-opioid ketorolac 3
angiogenesis 3
angular kyphosis 3
animal models 3
anterior cervical decompression 3
anterior release 3
anterior spinal fusion 3
anterolateral approach 3
arnold-chiari 3
articular cartilage 3
association studies 3
axial 3
bacteria disinfection 3
bioactive 3
biocompatible materials - administration & dosage - chemistry 3
biodegradable mg 3
biomechanical analysis 3
biplanar stereoradiography 3
bone allograft 3
bone cements - chemistry 3
bone cements - therapeutic use 3
bone crystal 3
bone density 3
bone growth 3
bone marrow cells - cytology - metabolism 3
bone marrow transplantation 3
bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells 3
bone screws 3
bone tissue regeneration 3
bony 3
bovine 3
brace questionnaire 3
brace treatment 3
braces 3
bromodeoxyuridine 3
cadaver 3
calcification, physiologic 3
calcified cartilage 3
canal 3
cell density 3
cell lineage - drug effects 3
cement leakage 3
ceramics - chemistry 3
cervical vertebrae 3
cervical vertebrae - surgery 3
chemonucleolysis 3
chicken 3
child development 3
chinese validation 3
chondrocytes - cytology 3
chondrocytes - cytology - drug effects 3
chondrogenesis 3
chondroitin sulfate 3
chromatography, high pressure liquid 3
chronic 3
chronic disease 3
chymopapain 3
circadian rhythm 3
classifi cation 3
clinical 3
clinical article 3
collagen - chemistry 3
collagen - pharmacology 3
collagen microspheres 3
combined modality therapy 3
compliance 3
compressive fracture 3
congenital 3
connective tissue 3
conservative 3
controlled 3
cord atrophy 3
correction 3
correlation 3
critical 3
cross-cultural adaptation process 3
curve 3
cyclooxygenase inhibitors - administration & dosage - blood - therapeutic use 3
data collection 3
deep learning 3
deformity correction 3
diameter 3
diaphragm 3
differentiation status 3
diffusion barrier 3
diphosphonates - chemistry 3
disability evaluation 3
disappearing bone disease 3
disease management 3
disk 3
displacement 3
dna primers 3
durapatite - chemistry 3
early death 3
education, medical - history 3
ehlers-danlos 3
ehlers-danlos syndrome - complications - pathology - radiography 3
electric stimulation 3
electrical engineering 3
electromyography (emg) 3
endoplasmic reticulum - metabolism 3
engineering 3
eos 3
eosq 3
epidemiology 3
evoked potential 3
evoked potentials, somatosensory 3
exercise 3
experimental mouse model 3
extracellular matrix - drug effects - metabolism 3
extracellular matrix - pathology 3
fibroblast 3
formaldehyde 3
fracture fixation, internal - instrumentation 3
fractures, bone - surgery 3
fractures, compression - etiology - pathology - surgery 3
fractures, compression - radiography - surgery 3
fulcrum bending radiography 3
genetic 3
gliosis 3
global burden of disease study 3
gorham-stout disease 3
gradual 3
graduate 3
growing 3
growing rods 3
growth 3
halo-pelvic apparatus 3
hemispherical 3d imprints 3
hemothorax 3
high intensity zone 3
hiz 3
hot temperature 3
hrtem 3
hydroxyapatite coating 3
hydroxyapatites - administration & dosage - chemistry 3
immunomodulation 3
immunoprecipitation 3
implants, experimental 3
in vivo 3
in-brace correction 3
index 3
inflammation 3
injections 3
interleukin-6 - genetics 3
intervertebral disc - cytology - physiology - surgery 3
intervertebral disc - growth and development - pathology 3
intervertebral disc - injuries - physiology - radiography 3
intervertebral disc degeneration - diagnosis - therapy 3
intervertebral disc degeneration - epidemiology - genetics - pathology 3
intervertebral disc displacement - therapy 3
intervertebral disc regeneration 3
intraoperative spinal cord monitoring 3
ischemia 3
isoxazoles - administration & dosage - blood - therapeutic use 3
jarcho–levin syndrome 3
ketorolac - administration & dosage - blood - therapeutic use 3
kyphosis - complications - diagnosis - rehabilitation - surgery 3
kyphosis - etiology - pathology - radiography 3
latency 3
leadership 3
light suppression 3
linkage 3
low back 3
low back pain - diagnosis - therapy 3
low modulus 3
lumbar vertebrae - radiography - surgery 3
macaca mulatta 3
macrophage 3
magnesium - chemistry - metabolism 3
magnesium ion 3
magnesium ions 3
magnetically 3
manubriotomy 3
mass customization 3
mass spectrometry 3
matrix 3
median nerve 3
median nerve - physiopathology 3
melatonin 3
melatonin - secretion 3
mesenchymal stem cell transplantation - methods - trends 3
mesenchymal stem cells - cytology 3
mesoderm - cytology - physiology 3
methacrylates 3
methyl methacrylate (mma) 3
methylmethacrylate - chemistry 3
mice, inbred c57bl 3
micro-/nanoscale surface morphology 3
microenvironment 3
microstructure 3
models, animal 3
models, biological 3
modic changes 3
molecular biology 3
molecular structure 3
muscle 3
nanocomposite 3
nanocrystallite 3
neck collar 3
neurosurgical procedures - adverse effects 3
niche 3
nickel alloys 3
niti shape memory alloy 3
nociceptors - drug effects 3
non-neurologic 3
nonconsecutive 3
noninvasive treatment 3
notochord 3
open-door laminoplasty 3
orthopedic equipment 3
orthopedic procedures - education - history 3
orthopedic procedures - methods 3
orthopedics - education - history 3
ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament - complications 3
osteoblasts - metabolism - ultrastructure 3
osteogenesis - physiology 3
osteointegration 3
osteomyelitis 3
osteopontin - biosynthesis 3
osteoporosis - complications - pathology 3
outcome assessment (health care) 3
outcome assessment (health care) - statistics & numerical data 3
pain - drug therapy 3
paraspinal muscles 3
parietal pleura 3
patient compliance 3
pediatric scoliosis 3
peek 3
pelvis 3
pelvis external fixation 3
phenazines 3
physical therapy modalities 3
pineal gland - surgery 3
pinealectomy 3
plasma deposition 3
plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition 3
plasma ions immersion implantation and deposition (piii&d) 3
plasma spraying 3
plates 3
polymers - chemistry - metabolism 3
postoperative 3
postoperative period 3
preoperative care 3
preosteoblasts 3
prevention 3
primate 3
progressive massive osteolysis 3
prosthesis failure 3
proteome 3
proximal 3
psychiatry and neurology 3
pyogenic 3
pyrophosphatases - genetics 3
quantitative method 3
questionnaires 3
radiation 3
radiographic image interpretation, computer-assisted 3
radiomics 3
randomized controlled trial 3
randomized controlled trials as topic 3
rat 3
rate 3
reaction time 3
reaction time - drug effects 3
regeneration - physiology 3
regenerative medicine 3
remodeling 3
restraint, physical - instrumentation 3
reverse martensitic transformation temperatures 3
rhesus monkey 3
risk assessment 3
rod lengthening 3
rotation 3
sagittal alignment 3
scoliosis - complications - pathology - psychology - therapy 3
scoliosis - diagnosis - surgery 3
scoliosis - etiology 3
scoliosis - etiology - pathology - radiography 3
scoliosis brace design 3
severe 3
shear test 3
skipped 3
skipped-level 3
slot scanning 3
somatosensory-evoked potentials 3
spectrum analysis 3
spinal cord diseases - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology - surgery 3
spinal curvature 3
spinal diseases - diagnosis - etiology 3
spinal diseases - history - surgery 3
spinal diseases - pathology 3
spinal flexibility 3
spinal fracture 3
spinal fractures - etiology - pathology - surgery 3
spinal fusion - rehabilitation 3
spinal growth 3
spinal height 3
spinal osteophytosis - complications - physiopathology - surgery 3
spine - radiography 3
spine biomechanics 3
spino-pelvic 3
spino-pelvic parameters 3
spondylitis 3
staining and labeling 3
stem cells - cytology - physiology 3
stem cells - metabolism - ultrastructure 3
stromal cells - cytology - metabolism 3
strontium - administration & dosage - chemistry 3
strontium - chemistry 3
strontium-substituted 3
sulfonamides - administration & dosage - blood - therapeutic use 3
superelastic nickel–titanium 3
surface chemistry 3
surface morphology 3
surgery medical sciences 3
surgery outcome 3
symptoms 3
tartrazine 3
temperature 3
tether breakage 3
textile-based medical product 3
ti implants 3
titanium nitride 3
titanium oxide nano-layer 3
tomography, x-ray computed 3
transmission electron microscope 3
transoral approach 3
trunk muscles 3
tuberculosis, spinal - complications - diagnosis - rehabilitation - surgery 3
tuberculous kyphosis 3
unplanned reoperation 3
valdecoxib 3
variability 3
vertebral derotation 3
vertebral osteomyelitis 3
vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib 3
vessel-x system 3
x-factor 3
years live with disability 3
absent corpus callosum 2
absent or hypoplastic patella 2
accident 2
activation energy 2
actuator 2
adding-on 2
adolescent development - physiology 2
allograft 2
alpha particle 2
annual meeting 2
annulus plug 2
anterior decompression 2
anterior lumbar interbody fusion 2
anti-corrosion properties 2
antibiotic resistance 2
anticancer 2
antimicrobial activity 2
arthrography - methods 2
arthrometry, articular 2
autologous iliac crest graft 2
back injuries 2
bacteria 2
bacterial arthritis 2
band structure 2
binding properties 2
biological therapeutics 2
biomechanical effect 2
bmp-7 degeneration 2
bone plates 2
bracing 2
candidate genes 2
case report 2
cd146 2
cd271 2
cdh2 2
cell adhesion 2
cell isolation 2
cell leakage 2
cell therapies 2
cervical spine 2
chains 2
charge transfer 2
chinese adaptation 2
clinical trial ;;; small molecule 2
clinical ultrasound 2
cohort analysis 2
collagenase 2
computer assisted tomography 2
concave distraction 2
congenital scoliosis 2
conservative management 2
content validity 2
convex epiphysiodesis 2
coronal collection 2
correction rate 2
coupling 2
degenerative cervical myelopathy 2
degenerative disc diseases 2
delayed infection 2
delphi process 2
deposition 2
detection 2
diagnosis 2
distal 2
dna 2
effective 2
effectiveness 2
elastic modulus 2
enzymatic degradation/modification 2
exercise therapy 2
exoskeleton 2
fbci 2
finger injuries - physiopathology - surgery 2
flaval ligament 2
fracture, compression 2
fractures, compression - surgery 2
frontal plane correction 2
fulcrum bending correction index 2
fulcrum-bending flexibility 2
fulcrum-bending radiograph 2
fulcrumbending radiograph 2
functional coatings and films 2
fusion level selection 2
gait 2
genitopatellar syndrome 2
growth factor 2
growth factors 2
hela cells 2
hemivertebra 2
hip joint - pathology - physiopathology 2
hrql 2
increased signal intensity 2
intersegmental rotation 2
intervertebral disc degeneration - physiopathology - therapy 2
intervertebral disk degeneration 2
intra-disc injection 2
ionizing radiation 2
japan 2
krt19 2
kyphosis - physiopathology 2
law of temporary diminishing distraction gains 2
lenke type 1a 2
lenke type 2a 2
lumbar disc herniation 2
lumbar vertebrae - physiology - radiography - surgery 2
macrophage polarization 2
manubrium - surgery 2
marker 2
markers 2
matrix metalloproteinase 2
maturity 2
melatonin receptor 2
mesenchymal stem cell therapy 2
mesenchymal stromal cells 2
methodologies 2
micropillar substrate 2
microwave hyperthermia 2
mitochondria 2
mmp12 2
morbidity 2
mortality 2
mrsa biofilm 2
msc heterogeneit 2
mscs 2
multidrug-resistant e. coli 2
nanodrop 2
neurilemmoma - surgery 2
neurologic deficit 2
neurological recovery 2
oligonucleotides 2
orthopedic procedures - ethics - methods 2
orthopedic surgeons 2
osseointegration - physiology 2
ossification 2
ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament 2
ossification of yellow ligament (oyl) 2
osteoconductivity 2
osteoimmune environment 2
osteoimmunomodulatory property 2
osteophyte formation 2
outcome instrument 2
padc 2
patient profile 2
pdms 2
pediatric 2
pedicle anatomy and radiology 2
pedicle hook 2
pedicle screw instrumentation 2
percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy 2
pericytes 2
pet/ct 2
phenol 2
phenotype variations 2
phonon–electron coupling 2
photocatalytic 2
photochemical crosslinking 2
physical performance tests 2
pigmented villonodular synovitis 2
plain radiograph measurement 2
plasma ion immersion implantation 2
polyetheretherketone (peek) 2
posterior decompression 2
posterior longitudinal ligament 2
posterior ring apophysis fracture 2
postoperative c5 palsy 2
postoperative care 2
pronase 2
p–n heterojunction 2
questionnaire 2
radiography - methods 2
reduction of disc space distraction 2
rna 2
robotics 2
rod precontouring 2
rupture 2
safety 2
scaffolds 2
schottky defects 2
schroth 2
sciatica 2
scoliometer 2
scoliosis - etiology - physiopathology 2
scoliosis - physiopathology - radiography - surgery 2
scoliosis assessment 2
scoliosis surgery 2
scoliosis-specific exercise 2
segmental instrumentation 2
sensitivity and specificity 2
skeletal 2
sonodynamic therapy 2
spinal canal sagittal diameter 2
spinal cord injury 2
spinal diseases - surgery 2
spinal fractures - surgery 2
spinal neoplasms - surgery 2
spinal orthosis 2
spine surgery 2
srs-22 2
stem cell therapy 2
sternum - surgery 2
surface epitopes 2
surface scanner 2
surgical complication 2
surgical excision 2
surgical procedures, operative - methods 2
suture techniques 2
t1 2
t2 2
tandem 2
tendon injuries - physiopathology - surgery 2
thoracic kyphosis 2
thoracic stenosis 2
thoracic surgical procedures - methods 2
thoracic vertebrae 2
thoracoscopy 2
thoracotomy - methods 2
time domain 2
tissue expansion devices 2
tissue scaffolds - chemistry 2
torque 2
traumatology 2
trizol 2
trunk rotation 2
two-dimensional catalytic planar defects 2
ultrasonography 2
umbilical cord 2
umbilical cord blood 2
usability 2
vanadium dioxide 2
video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 2
vocational 2
yellow ligament 2
β-barrel assembly machine complex 2
流行病学研究 (epidemiologic studies) 2
研究 (interdisciplinary studies) 2
脊柱 (spine) 2
角 (horns) 2
黃韌帶 (ligamentum flavum) 2
acute neurologic complications 1
adl disability 1
adult spinal deformity surgery 1
adults 1
advocacy group 1
algorithms 1
american spinal injury association impairment scale 1
american spinal injury association neurologic exam 1
ankle joint - pathology 1
annulus fibrosis 1
arthralgia - etiology 1
asian pedicle dimensions pedicle osteotomy transverse angle 1
atlanto-occipital dislocation 1
atlantoaxial dislocation 1
autoimmune diseases - immunology - therapy 1
backrest inclination 1
brown-sequard syndrome 1
catechol o-methyltransferase - genetics 1
cervical deformity 1
chickens - anatomy & histology 1
cobb angle 1
computer simulation 1
consensus 1
covid-19 1
curriculum 1
curve classification 1
deformity complexity 1
delphi 1
delphi study 1
diagnosis, differential 1
dual growing rods 1
editorial 1
elderly 1
european continental ancestry group 1
external validation 1
fatigue 1
frailty 1
g20 1
head repositioning 1
health care 1
health measures 1
health-related quality of life 1
image processing, computer-assisted - methods 1
incomplete spinal cord injuries 1
interventional radiology 1
intervertebral disc degeneration - complications - genetics - surgery 1
lateral recess 1
length of hospital stay 1
long-term follow-up 1
lordosis 1
low back pain - etiology - genetics - surgery 1
lower extremity motor function 1
lower extremity motor score 1
lumbar spine 1
lumbar vertebrae - anatomy & histology - radiography - surgery 1
magec rod 1
magnetic rod 1
medical society 1
mesenchymal stem cells - cytology - physiology 1
minimal clinically important difference 1
motor evoked potentials 1
multipotent stem cells - cytology - physiology 1
nerve root canal 1
neuromonitoring 1
observer variation 1
opioid use 1
optimal care 1
orthopedic procedures - adverse effects 1
orthopedics - education - standards 1
osteometry 1
oswestry disability index (odi) 1
outcome assessment 1
paediatric spine 1
pain management 1
patient reported outcome 1
personalized preoperative risk stratification 1
physiologic age 1
pyogenic spondylitis 1
radiology - methods 1
recommendation 1
research - trends 1
research support as topic - trends 1
residence characteristics 1
sagittal malalignment 1
scoli-risk-1 1
scoliosis - classification - radiography 1
shoulder joint - pathology - radiography 1
spinal canal 1
spine deformity 1
spine20 1
surgical invasiveness 1
symptomatic 1
synovitis, pigmented villonodular - complications - diagnosis 1
tensile testing 1
thoracic vertebrae - pathology - radiography 1
thoracolumbar scoliosis 1
thoracoscopy - adverse effects 1
thoracotomy - adverse effects 1
traditional growing rods 1
tuberculosis, osteoarticular - diagnosis - pathology - radiography 1
tuberculous stricture 1
urinary tuberculosis 1
vertebral body 1
vertebral disk 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
degenerative, disorders, functional, genomic, skeletal, variation 14
genomics and skeletal research 10
chronic periodontitis, genome-wide, single nucleotide 8
adipokines, disc degeneration, lumbar, spine 7
collagen, intervertebral disc replacement 7
artificial intelligence, children, adolescents, scoliosis, machine learning 7
big data, cord compression, machine learning, radiation therapy, spine metastasis, survival estimates 6
bone 6
brace, cost-effectiveness, idiopathic scoliosis, spine, surgery 6
collagen, intervertebral disc, mesenchymal stem cell, microencapsulation 6
disc degeneration, endplate, lumbar spine, schmorl's node 6
allele, col9a2, intervertebral disc, q326w 5
antibacterial materials, titanium alloy 5
antimicrobials, fracture fixation, osteomyelitis, titanium alloys 5
artificial intelligence, automated body contour comparison, novel mobile application, spine alignment examination 5
developmental spinal stenosis, lumbar spine, rat model 5
disc degeneration, low back pain, modic changes, mri, spine 5
mscs 5
optimization 5
null 5
acl resconstruction, bioactive metals, plasma implantation, surface treatment, titanium alloy 4
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, ais, progression, school screening, spinescan3d 4
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, brace, randomized, controlled trial 4
adolescent idiopathic, brace weaning, cobb angle, randomized controlled, truncal balance 4
adolescent, classifier, idiopathic, model, prediction, scoliosis 4
allograft, degeneration, intervertebral disc, stem cell, transplantation 4
bacterial infection, orthopaedic implant, plasma implantation, surface treatment 4
barbarum, decompression, lycium, myelopathy, neurological, wolfberry 4
biglycan, fibrosis, intervertebral disc, joint degeneration 4
bioactive, bone cement, spinal fracture 4
biodegradable metals, bone fracture, magnesium, plasma implantation, surface treatment 4
bone defect, bone graft substitute, magnesium-based biomaterial, mg-pcl 4
bone substitute, degradable biomaterials, fracture fixation, osteoporosis 4
bone substitute, fracture, magnesium 4
cadherin, degeneration, intervertebral disc, spine 4
cartilage tissue engineering, collagen, mesenchymal stem cell, osteochondral construct, osteochondral interface 4
cervical, diffusion, imaging, myelopathy, spondylotic, tensor 4
cest imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, lumbar intervertebral discs, magnetic resonance imaging 4
chemical genetics, degeneration, intervertebral disc, proteoglycan, regeneration 4
chemical genetics, intervertebral disc, low back pain 4
degeneration, inflammation, intervertebral disc, proteoglycan, small molecules 4
degeneration, intervertebral disc, notochordal cells, regeneration, stem cells 4
degenerative disc disease, linkage, southern chinese 4
degenerative, disc disease 4
disc degeneration, low back pain, metabonomics, spine 4
disc progenitors, intervertebral disc, mesenchymal stem cells, tissue engineering 4
disc regeneration, low back pain 4
health care, scoliosis 4
human intervertebral disc 4
low back pain assessment 4
lumbar muscular contraction, objective low back pain rehabilitation assessment 4
orthopaedic implant, osseointegration, peek, plasma implantation, surface treatment 4
refer to attachments 4
a novel small molecule, capable of modifying, intervertebral disc degeneration, target identification 3
adolescent idiopathic, hypoxia, myogenesis 3
annulus fibrosus cells, bone morphogenetic proteins, intervertebral disc, nucleus pulposus cells, signaling pathway 3
antibacterial activity, bone regeneration, coatings, light driven, titanium 3
atherosclerosis, cardiovascular, hypertension, intervertebral disc, smoking, spine 3
bioengineered intervertebral disc segment 3
bioengineering, disc motion segment, prototype intervertebral 3
biotechnology 3
bone allograft, large bone defect, magnesium, piii&d 3
clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness, scoliosis, screening 3
developmental spinal stenosis, gene predisposition, mri, single nucleotide polymorphisms 3
disc degeneration, mr diffusion, mr spectroscopy, mri, mrs 3
generalized hyperostosis, genomic analysis, osteoblast activity 3
growth 3
histology, ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, spine, stenosis 3
investigaton, nucleus pulposus regeneration, small-molecule-driven heterocellular 3
orthopaedic 3
randomized controlled trial, spine surgery, surgical site infection, vancomycin 3
adolescent idiopathic, bracing, randomised controlled, schroth, scoliosis specific 2
alginate core-shell, development, in-situ bone regeneration, magnesium ions, precisely controlled release, sponge-like monodisperse plga 2
alleviation, experimental, model, molecule, phenotype, puncture 2
cervical myelopathy, motion analysis, myelopathy hand sign 2
cervical, collar, controlled, myelopathy, neck, randomized 2
degeneration, fibrosis, intervertebral disc, low back pain, mmp12 2
degradable hybird bioactive coating, osteoporotic fracture fixation implants 2
degradable hybrid bioactive coating, osteoporotic fracture fixation implants 2
elderly, fusion, instrumented, lumbar, spinal, teriparatide 2
intervertebral disc, proteoglycan, small molecules, tissue regeneration 2
scoliosis, spine, surgery 2
early-onset scoliosis, growind rod, superelastic nickel-titanium, shape memory, linear actuator 2
behaviors, biomaterials, degradation, effects, mg-si, osteogenic 1
gland 1
novel materials, orthopaedics 1
functional garment, idiopathic scoliosis, soft brace, mri, clinical prescription 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 27
orthopaedics/traumatology 15
genetic disease,genomic biology 14
others - medicine, dentistry and health,orthopaedics/traumatology 10
genetic disease 7
materials,orthopaedics/traumatology 7
nursing 7
orthopaedics/traumatology,epidemiology 7
biomedical engineering 6
orthopaedics/traumatology,imaging 6
orthopaedics/traumatology,others - medicine, dentistry and health 6
orthopaedics/traumatology,surgical research 6
others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 6
materials sciences,orthopaedics/traumatology 5
materialsorthopaedics/traumatology 5
n/a 5
orthopaedics/traumatology,biological imaging 5
others - medicine, dentistry and health,others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 5
others - medicine, dentistry and healthothers - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 5
biochemistrydrug discovery and delivery 4
imaging,orthopaedics/traumatology 4
orthopaedics/traumatology,cell biology 4
orthopaedics/traumatology,materials 4
orthopaedics/traumatology,molecular biology 4
orthopaedics/traumatology,others - biological sciences 4
others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering,materials 4
rheumatology,connective tissues 4
social work, public health and social services (obsolete) 4
epidemiology 3
genomic biology 3
growth and development 3
imaging 3
orthopaedics/traumatology,connective tissues 3
others - professional and vocational studies 3
biomechanics,orthopaedics/traumatology 2
connective tissues 2
textile 1
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