AuthorsNo. of Publications
leung, gm 107
lam, th 79
cowling, bj 58
hedley, aj 32
lau, ehy 28
mcghee, sm 27
tsang, t 19
peiris, jsm 18
schooling, cm 18
ip, dkm 17
chen, y 16
ho, dsy 16
tse, hf 16
yiu, kh 16
cheng, ky 15
johnston, jm 15
lo, sv 15
riley, s 15
chung, kf 12
fielding, r 12
stewart, sm 12
lau, cp 11
mak, kh 11
wong, cm 11
ho, sy 10
thach, tq 10
wu, jtk 10
seto, wh 9
zhen, z 9
lau, yl 8
sit, ky 8
wong, iol 8
yeung, wf 8
chan, wm 7
cheung, wl 7
donnelly, ca 7
hui, ll 7
lam, ym 7
leung, py 7
tin, kyk 7
wang, mp 7
wu, p 7
yung, r 7
anderson, rm 6
chan, kp 6
chau, j 6
chuang, sk 6
fraser, c 6
ghani, ac 6
goldstein, e 6
houck, pm 6
lai, hk 6
lee, ck 6
leung, ssl 6
lin, ck 6
song, l 6
thomas, gn 6
uyeki, tm 6
wu, m 6
yang, l 6
yu, yj 6
abdullah, asm 5
adab, p 5
au, twk 5
chan, d 5
chan, yh 5
hung, ifn 5
liu, sh 5
liu, yx 5
wong, ol 5
wu, jt 5
wu, mz 5
yeung, wf 5
zhang, z 5
chan, kh 4
cheng, cky 4
ferguson, nm 4
ho, a 4
ho, kl 4
ho, pl 4
lao, l 4
lee, pwh 4
nishiura, h 4
pow, ma 4
zhang, zj 4
au, wk 3
bond, mh 3
chan, dtm 3
chu, dkw 3
chung, hy 3
cowling, bj 3
fan, s 3
fang, j 3
ho, fy 3
ho, fyy 3
ho, ks 3
kwok, cw 3
kwok, hkh 3
kwok, ko 3
kwok, mk 3
lai, ayk 3
lee, hp 3
louie, m 3
ma, esk 3
mai, z 3
muller, mp 3
ngai, mc 3
ong, sg 3
peiris, js 3
quah, s 3
suen, lkp 3
wong, fk 3
wong, lc 3
yu, by 3
yu, y 3
yu, ymb 3
yung, kp 3
zaman, rm 3
zhang, sp 3
aburaddad, lj 2
aharonsondaniel, l 2
chan, dtl 2
chan, ly 2
chan, mf 2
chan, ssc 2
chan, wc 2
chau, p 2
chau, yk 2
cheung, tt 2
ching, ty 2
feng, yb 2
fung, rop 2
ho, pl 2
ho, w 2
ho, yyf 2
kennard, bd 2
kok, wm 2
kwan, yh 2
lai, k 2
lai, yk 2
lam, clh 2
lam, ksl 2
lau, emc 2
lau, msy 2
lau, sy 2
lau, wcs 2
lee, kh 2
leong, jcy 2
leung, g 2
leung, ls 2
leung, rmw 2
leung, sls 2
liu, j 2
lo, st 2
lo, ws 2
ma, e 2
mak, kk 2
mcalonan, gm 2
mcghee, sm 2
ng, r 2
sabate, e 2
saing, h 2
seto, wkw 2
shen, al 2
suen, lk 2
tan, qr 2
tarrant, am 2
tin, yk 2
tong, y 2
tsang, thf 2
wang, cy 2
wang, hh 2
wang, xy 2
wong, hk 2
wong, kc 2
wong, vt 2
yeung, ryt 2
yip, awc 2
yip, wc 2
young, mc 2
yu, bym 2
zou, y 2
andersen, cy 1
andres, ellie bostwick 1
anwar, m 1
au, chi‐hung 1
baconshone, j 1
brudevold, c 1
but, b 1
byrne, bm 1
byskov, ag 1
cameo, sc 1
cao, p 1
castan cameo, s 1
castro, sd 1
chan, bhy 1
chan, cl 1
chan, ew 1
chan, jck 1
chan, jyc 1
chan, kc 1
chan, kw 1
chan, lwc 1
chan, sh 1
chan, skk 1
chan, wh 1
chan, ws 1
chang, cw 1
chau, jcs 1
chen, ch 1
chen, hy 1
chen, p 1
chen, shu cheng 1
chen, yy 1
cheng, a 1
cheng, kk 1
cheng, ps 1
cheng, wy 1
cherk, sww 1
cheung, denise shuk ting 1
cheung, hl 1
cheung, p 1
cheung, t 1
chiang, ys 1
choi, edmond pui hang 1
chong, tsz chung 1
choy, ryl 1
chu, d 1
chu, dk 1
chu, dkw 1
chu, kw 1
chu, yb 1
chum, hl 1
chung, ka fai 1
chung, ka‐fai 1
chung, mc 1
cox, dr 1
dang, d 1
daniel, l 1
dar, r 1
de castro, s 1
di wang 1
dong, yy 1
emslie, gj 1
emslle, g 1
fabrizo, c 1
fan, kyy 1
fang, lg 1
fang, vj 1
farewell, vt 1
farrell, sa 1
feng, y 1
ferguson, n 1
fielding, r 1
fukuda, k 1
fukuda, m 1
fung, alice wai chi 1
fung, jyy 1
griffin, jt 1
he, y 1
hedley, aj 1
herzberg, am 1
ho, aly 1
ho, ck 1
ho, ckl 1
ho, cs 1
ho, fiona yan yee 1
ho, jy 1
ho, jys 1
ho, m 1
ho, s 1
ho, yan‐yee fiona 1
ho, yuen shan 1
hong kong jockey club family project cohort 1
hsiung, ca 1
huen, kf 1
hughes, c 1
hughes, cw 1
hui, cw 1
hui, ll 1
hung, if 1
ip, d 1
ip, msm 1
ip, p 1
james, kw 1
james, wh 1
jewell, np 1
jim, mh 1
johnston, janice mary 1
kam, ka‐yee 1
kennard, b 1
kong, jhb 1
kumana, cr 1
kwan, e 1
kwok, chiwa 1
kwong, a 1
lai, hk 1
lai, kwh 1
lai, ttk 1
lai, tyy 1
lam, dwc 1
lam, eyw 1
lam, gm 1
lam, vsf 1
lam, w 1
lam, wcd 1
lam, wwt 1
lam, yr 1
lao, lixing 1
lao, lx 1
lapsley, hm 1
lau, ahl 1
lau, cy 1
lau, kevin wing chung 1
lau, ncl 1
lau, wle 1
lau, ying yuet esther 1
lee, ack 1
lee, acw 1
lee, che‐kin 1
lee, chit‐tat 1
lee, cw 1
lee, dpk 1
lee, kp 1
lee, l 1
lee, lp 1
lee, vhf 1
lee, wh 1
lei, x 1
leung, aym 1
leung, lck 1
leung, mwr 1
leung, pwl 1
leung, r 1
leung, rcy 1
leung, s 1
leung, sm 1
leung, ss 1
leung, th 1
leung, wk 1
leunga, gm 1
lewinsohn, pm 1
lim, ww 1
lin, qs 1
liu, y 1
lo, ay 1
ma, es 1
ma, sk 1
mak, dsy 1
mak, wc 1
man, kck 1
man, sc 1
mcbridechang, c 1
mcgeer, a 1
mcghee, mm 1
ng, my 1
ng, neda hei tung 1
ng, rm 1
ng, rmk 1
ng, sh 1
ng, tk 1
ng, ws 1
ning, dy 1
ou, cq 1
ou, y 1
pei, gk 1
peto, r 1
pow, m 1
pun, ct 1
qin, zs 1
rao, n 1
raymond lam, y 1
saing, hh 1
schooling, m 1
shi, hj 1
shimizu, t 1
siu, dcw 1
smith, rd 1
so, kt 1
so, thc 1
so, wkw 1
suen, lorna kwai ping 1
tai, hl 1
tai, sm 1
tam, ws 1
tarrant, m 1
thach, tq 1
tong, ct 1
tsang, a 1
tsang, d 1
tsang, h 1
tsang, jsy 1
tsang, kl 1
tsang, tk 1
tse, ly 1
tse, pwt 1
tse, w 1
tso, kc 1
tsui, e 1
tsui, kw 1
vassiliou, v 1
virlogeux, vml 1
wan, ant 1
wan, s 1
wan, sct 1
wong, a 1
wong, carlos king ho 1
wong, ck 1
wong, ck 1
wong, cm 1
wong, d 1
wong, hl 1
wong, hw 1
wong, ick 1
wong, jfk 1
wong, jps 1
wong, jy 1
wong, my 1
wong, ol 1
wong, tw 1
wong, v 1
wong, vcw 1
woo, pps 1
wu, km 1
wu, p 1
wu, y 1
yam, kl 1
yam, ll 1
yap, yhd 1
yau, ft 1
yeung, asy 1
yeung, monique 1
yeung, r 1
yeung, wing fai 1
yeung, wingfai 1
yeung, wing‐fai 1
yip, psf 1
yip, psy 1
yip, wkg 1
yiu, cy 1
young, pmc 1
yu, cm 1
yu, yeeman 1
yu, ym 1
yuen, jwm 1
yuen, m 1
yuen, rmf 1
yung, kamping 1
yung, rwh 1
yung, wh 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, sy 1
zhao, g 1
zou, es 1
區春泉 1
安勝利 1
張超 1
易東 1
胡靜 1
莫一心 1
賀佳 1
陳平雁 1
駱福添 1
魏朝暉 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 27
hong kong - epidemiology 26
adult 21
female 21
hong kong 21
male 21
child 20
child, preschool 20
middle aged 19
adolescent 18
population surveillance 16
cross-sectional studies 14
influenza 14
aged 13
disease outbreaks 13
infant 13
insomnia 13
antibodies, viral - blood 12
disease outbreaks - statistics & numerical data 12
reproducibility of results 12
smoking 12
acupuncture 11
cohort studies 11
seroepidemiologic studies 11
absenteeism 10
hospitalization - statistics & numerical data 10
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - immunology - isolation and purification - pathogenicity 10
influenza, human - mortality 10
pandemics 10
patient admission - statistics and numerical data 10
prospective studies 10
tobacco smoke pollution - statistics & numerical data 10
attitude of health personnel 9
decision support systems, clinical - instrumentation 9
epidemiologic methods 9
evidence-based medicine - education 9
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 9
immunoglobulin g - blood 9
infant, newborn 9
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - immunology 9
influenza, human - epidemiology - immunology - virology 9
markov chains 9
monte carlo method 9
mortality 9
neutralization tests 9
physical activity 9
questionnaires 9
regression analysis 9
severe acute respiratory syndrome 9
attitude to computers 8
body mass index 8
chinese 8
depression 8
follow-up studies 8
hospitalization 8
incidence 8
models, biological 8
models, statistical 8
odds ratio 8
outcome 8
patient acceptance of health care 8
quarantine 8
rct 8
sex distribution 8
acute bed day use 7
anxiety 7
anxiety - epidemiology - psychology 7
arthritisosteogenesis 7
bone–vascular axis 7
calcification 7
clinical clerkship 7
conduction disorders 7
contact tracing 7
coping 7
coronary artery disease 7
decision making, computer-assisted 7
demography 7
disease outbreaks - prevention & control - statistics & numerical data 7
educational status 7
endothelial progenitor cells 7
hospitals - utilization 7
inflammation 7
last years of life 7
length of stay - statistics & numerical data 7
logistic models 7
mental health 7
osteocalcin 7
osteogenic endothelial progenitor cells 7
physicians 7
pregnancy 7
registries 7
rheumatoid 7
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - transmission 7
sleep 7
smoking - epidemiology 7
teaching - methods 7
terminally ill 7
time factors 7
age distribution 6
attitude to health 6
breast feeding - statistics & numerical data 6
cause of death 6
child health services - utilization 6
clinical competence *standards 6
cluster analysis 6
cohort 6
communicable diseases, emerging - prevention & control - psychology 6
community health services - standards 6
computer-assisted learning 6
computers, handheld - trends 6
cost-benefit analysis 6
cox model 6
cross infection - epidemiology - prevention & control - transmission 6
diagnosis 6
disease outbreaks - prevention & control 6
disease progression 6
dsm-5 6
dsm-iv-tr 6
education, medical, undergraduate - methods 6
education, medical, undergraduate/*methods 6
epidemiology 6
evidence-based medicine/*education 6
family characteristics 6
hypertension 6
icd-10 6
icsd-2 6
infection - epidemiology 6
infection control 6
influenza a 6
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype 6
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - physiology 6
influenza, human - blood - epidemiology - virology 6
influenza, human - epidemiology - prevention & control - transmission 6
internet 6
learning/methods 6
likelihood functions 6
maternal age 6
mathematics 6
medical sciences 6
pandemic 6
pandemics - statistics and numerical data 6
passive smoking 6
patient isolation 6
peripheral artery disease 6
physicians - psychology 6
population surveillance - methods 6
probability 6
prognosis 6
proportional hazards models 6
public health practice 6
quarantine - methods - statistics & numerical data 6
residence characteristics - statistics and numerical data 6
respiration-disorders-etiology 6
sars virus - physiology 6
schools 6
seasons 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - prevention & control - psychology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - prevention & control - transmission - virology 6
smoking-adverse-effects 6
socioeconomic factors 6
stochastic processes 6
students, medical - psychology 6
survival rate 6
thirdhand smoke 6
tobacco smoke pollution - adverse effects - statistics & numerical data 6
tobacco-smoke-pollution-adverse-effects 6
tricuspid annuloplasty 6
world health 6
access to care 5
actigraphy 5
adolescent behavior - ethnology - psychology 5
adolescents 5
algorithms 5
ambulatory care - utilization 5
ambulatory care facilities 5
antibody formation 5
antipsychotic agents - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 5
asian continental ancestry group - statistics & numerical data 5
attitude 5
benzodiazepine discontinuation 5
birth weight 5
cesarean section - adverse effects 5
chemobrain 5
chemotherapy 5
child development 5
chinese culture 5
clinical computerization 5
communicable diseases 5
computer systems 5
contingent valuation 5
culture 5
curriculum 5
dashboard 5
databases as topic 5
detection 5
diastolic function 5
disease activity 5
disease outbreaks - prevention and control 5
disease surveillance 5
dissemination 5
drugs, chinese herbal - therapeutic use 5
educational measurement 5
electroacupuncture 5
estimated glomerular filtration rate 5
evidence based medicine/*education 5
excess mortality 5
flu like syndrome 5
gestational age 5
h1n1pdm09 5
health behavior 5
health personnel 5
health services - utilization 5
health services accessibility 5
health services research 5
health status 5
health surveys 5
health surveys - methods 5
health-care-costs 5
herb-drug interactions - physiology 5
horizontal equity 5
hospital administration 5
immunoglobulin-g-analysis 5
impact 5
incentives 5
individualism 5
infectious disease transmission, patient-to-professional 5
infectious diseases 5
influenza, human - diagnosis - epidemiology 5
information systems - economics 5
interviews as topic 5
lifestyle-integrated exercise 5
literature review 5
medicine, chinese traditional - adverse effects - utilization 5
mild cognitive impairment 5
morbidity 5
motivation 5
non-attendance 5
obesity - epidemiology 5
organizational innovation 5
police 5
prenatal exposure delayed effects - epidemiology 5
private practice 5
public health 5
public opinion 5
public sector 5
questionnaires - economics 5
reference values 5
referral and consultation 5
reimbursement mechanisms - economics - organization & administration 5
renal dysfunction 5
respiratory tract diseases - epidemiology - etiology 5
response rates 5
retrospective studies 5
risk communication 5
sars virus 5
sars virus - immunology 5
sars-virus-immunology 5
sars-virus-pathogenicity 5
schizophrenia - drug therapy - epidemiology 5
sedentary 5
selection bias 5
self-help 5
sentinel surveillance 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - ethnology - prevention & control 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - immunology - transmission 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - mortality 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - prevention and control - psychology 5
severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-immunology 5
sex 5
sham 5
smoking cessation 5
smoking-economics 5
social class 5
social values - ethnology 5
socio-economic status 5
suicide 5
suicide - ethnology 5
surgical procedures, elective 5
surveillance 5
tobacco-smoke-pollution-economics 5
tobacco-use-disorder-economics 5
trigeminal nerve stimulation 5
type 2 diabetes 5
urban population - statistics & numerical data 5
values 5
valvular heart disease 5
waiting lists 5
willingness-to-pay 5
withdrawal 5
workplace 5
a chinese general population 4
acute kidney injury 4
adrenal cortex hormones - therapeutic use 4
adult smokers 4
analysis of variance 4
antiviral agents - therapeutic use 4
attitudes 4
birth rate - trends 4
canada - epidemiology 4
case-fatality ratio 4
cesarean section - statistics & numerical data - trends 4
chemicals and cas registry numbers 4
child development - physiology 4
communicable disease control - methods 4
communicable diseases, emerging - epidemiology 4
communicable diseases, emerging - mortality 4
computer simulation 4
computerization 4
contact tracing - methods 4
corticosteroids 4
data interpretation, statistical 4
databases, factual 4
disease outbreaks - statistics and numerical data 4
drug administration schedule 4
drug therapy, combination 4
effectiveness 4
endothelial function 4
factor analysis, statistical 4
fecal incontinence - prevention & control 4
flow-mediated dilatation 4
health status indicators 4
hospitalization - statistics and numerical data 4
hospitals, maternity - statistics & numerical data - trends 4
hospitals, private - statistics & numerical data - trends 4
hospitals, public - statistics & numerical data - trends 4
hyperuricaemia 4
infant, newborn, diseases - epidemiology - prevention & control 4
influenza, human - microbiology - prevention and control 4
information dissemination 4
kaplan-meier estimator 4
l-lactate dehydrogenase 4
liver and renal dysfunction 4
living with smoker(s) 4
longitudinal cardiac change 4
major depressive disorder 4
medical audit 4
model for end-stage liver disease 4
nitroglycerin-mediated dilatation 4
obesity 4
online systems 4
ontario - epidemiology 4
patient satisfaction 4
propensity score 4
prospective study 4
pulmonary hypertension 4
quality of health care 4
randomized controlled trial 4
references (20) view in table layout 4
residual insomnia 4
respiratory distress syndrome, adult - drug therapy - mortality 4
ribavirin 4
ribavirin - therapeutic use 4
roc curve 4
sars virus - isolation and purification 4
self-acupressure 4
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology 4
severe acute respiratory syndrome - mortality 4
severity of illness index 4
statistics, nonparametric 4
survival analysis 4
survival rate - trends 4
traditional chinese medicine 4
tricuspid regurgitation 4
type 2 diabetes mellitus 4
unassisted quit 4
uric acid 4
valvular surgery 4
vascular smooth muscle cells 4
acei 3
adolescent behavior - psychology 3
adolescent psychology 3
alcohol drinking 3
alternative 3
arb 3
breast feeding 3
breast feeding - psychology 3
cam 3
cbt 3
cesarean section 3
chi-square distribution 3
child health services - economics - statistics & numerical data - utilization 3
china - epidemiology 3
chinese medicine 3
choice behavior 3
clinical vs. administrative tasks 3
coitus - psychology 3
community-based 3
complementary 3
confidence intervals 3
continuity of care 3
conventional medicine 3
cost of illness 3
counseling - statistics & numerical data 3
data collection 3
delivery, obstetric - methods 3
delivery, obstetric - statistics & numerical data 3
depression - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 3
doctor-shopping 3
dropout 3
dvr 3
econometric modelling 3
empirical research 3
environmental exposure - statistics & numerical data 3
erectile dysfunction 3
evaluation 3
evaluation studies as topic 3
extraction, obstetrical - methods 3
family 3
family health 3
family relations 3
fertilization 3
financing, personal 3
gender dissatisfaction 3
gender identity 3
health care costs 3
health expectations 3
hospitalisation 3
hospitals, special 3
hygiene - education - standards 3
icsd-3 3
infant welfare - statistics & numerical data 3
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - isolation & purification 3
influenza, human - epidemiology - transmission - virology 3
life style 3
marriage 3
maternal behavior - psychology 3
maternal exposure 3
maternal health services - economics - statistics & numerical data - utilization 3
mathematical model 3
medical records 3
medical records systems 3
medical records systems, computerized - standards 3
medical records, problem-oriented 3
models, econometric 3
mothers - education - statistics & numerical data 3
multivariate analysis 3
occupational exposure - adverse effects - economics 3
office visits - statistics & numerical data 3
online 3
outcome assessment (health care) 3
oxidative stress 3
parents - psychology 3
paternal exposure 3
patient care 3
peer group 3
permanent pacemaker 3
placebo 3
positive family communication 3
practice management, medical - organization & administration 3
prenatal exposure delayed effects 3
prevalence 3
problem-oriented 3
puberty - psychology 3
reimbursement, incentive 3
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system 3
right ventricular apical pacing 3
risk assessment 3
risk factors 3
same-sex attraction 3
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - etiology - prevention & control 3
sex ratio 3
sexual satisfaction 3
sexuality 3
smoking - adverse effects 3
smoking - adverse effects - epidemiology 3
smoking - epidemiology - psychology 3
theory-based 3
three-dimensional echocardiography 3
tobacco smoke pollution 3
tobacco smoke pollution - adverse effects 3
tobacco smoke pollution - adverse effects - economics 3
token economy 3
transmissibility 3
tricuspid valve geometry 3
workload 3
zero-time exercise 3
ability grouping 2
academic achievement 2
adolescent behavior 2
adolescent behaviour 2
air pollution 2
air quality index 2
ambiguity 2
asia 2
asian continental ancestry group 2
attitude to health - ethnology 2
beside care 2
biometry 2
capitation 2
case management 2
case-control studies 2
child abuse 2
child abuse - diagnosis 2
china 2
cognitive behavioural therapy 2
community networks - organization & administration 2
comorbid insomnia 2
contract services - organization & administration 2
cross infection - prevention & control - transmission 2
cross-cultural 2
data analysis 2
data collection - instrumentation 2
daytime consequences 2
delivery of health care - organization & administration 2
eclipsing 2
educational attainment 2
effect size 2
elderly 2
erectile dysfunction - epidemiology - psychology 2
evaluation of hand-held computers 2
financial incentives 2
first-episode 2
functional impairment 2
handwashing 2
health promoting schools 2
health promotion 2
high-risk sexual behavior 2
incubation times 2
infection control - methods 2
intention to quit 2
interdisciplinary communication 2
log-gamma distribution 2
managed care 2
managed care programs - organization & administration 2
masks 2
microcomputers 2
mongoloid race 2
mood disorders 2
nonrestorative sleep 2
nursing 2
nursing care 2
point-of-care systems 2
problem behavior theory 2
protective clothing 2
pubertal maturation 2
quantitative criteria 2
quarantine - methods 2
risk-taking 2
sampling studies 2
sars 2
satisfaction 2
school effectiveness 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - prevention & control - transmission 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome - prevention & control - transmission 2
sex education 2
sexual activity 2
sexual behavior 2
sexual behavior - ethnology 2
sexual health 2
successful quitting 2
truncated distributions 2
young adults 2
behavior- 1
cross-infection-prevention-and-control 1
health-policy 1
nurses- 1
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