AuthorsNo. of Publications
lo, cm 692
poon, rtp 416
wong, j 330
liu, cl 305
ng, iol 212
man, k 190
chan, sc 174
cheung, st 115
cheung, tt 111
chok, ksh 111
lam, cm 95
ng, kkc 93
lai, ecs 85
luk, jmc 76
lai, cl 74
chan, acy 72
tso, wk 72
chan, kl 69
poon, rt 57
yu, wc 56
ho, dwy 51
ng, ktp 51
wei, wi 51
lau, ck 47
yong, bh 46
yang, z 44
lee, kw 43
saing, h 42
luk, jm 41
yang, zf 39
sharr, ww 38
yuen, wk 38
tam, pkh 37
liu, y 33
tsoi, ns 33
lau, g 32
lau, wy 32
tsui, ty 32
li, xl 31
chan, jkf 30
lam, ct 30
ng, kk 30
cheng, q 29
yuen, j 29
lee, tkw 28
zhao, y 28
yuen, ky 27
chen, x 26
yuen, mf 26
chu, km 25
dai, wc 25
yeung, c 24
ng, io 23
ng, kt 23
shek, twh 23
so, s 23
choi, tk 22
lau, gk 21
liu, x 21
lo, cy 21
yau, tcc 21
chan, p 20
ho, jwy 20
lee, tk 20
sun, kw 20
kwong, yl 19
lau, gkk 19
geng, w 18
hui, ck 18
li, c 18
sun, ck 18
chau, mt 17
liang, tb 17
ng, tp 17
ngan, h 17
cheung, pfy 16
ho, dw 16
ip, yc 16
lau, c 16
ng, m 16
zhang, jr 16
guan, xy 15
ling, c 15
ng, mmt 15
pang, rwc 15
tam, kh 15
wang, h 15
wang, x 15
wong, sy 15
belghiti, j 14
fung, jyy 14
leung, kl 14
mok, fpt 14
tsang, shy 14
wong, y 14
au, wy 13
chan, fl 13
ho, jcy 13
hu, my 13
leung, n 13
ng, tp 13
sun, ckw 13
takada, t 13
tsui, sht 13
wong, cm 13
yau, t 13
yip, cw 13
chiu, a 12
lee, mf 12
lee, npy 12
ma, yy 12
mayumi, t 12
nimura, y 12
pitt, ha 12
shao, y 12
xu, r 12
lam, bk 11
liu, xb 11
miura, f 11
schlitt, hj 11
wong, h 11
yoshida, m 11
zhu, lx 11
chan, jk 10
cheung, cky 10
de santibanes, e 10
ho, jw 10
lau, cpy 10
lau, h 10
lum, ct 10
to, jyt 10
wei, w 10
wong, kf 10
wong, kk 10
büchler, mw 9
chan, a 9
fung, j 9
kawarada, y 9
lee, jmf 9
lee, np 9
lee, yt 9
li, p 9
lin, mc 9
pang, r 9
poon, r 9
qi, x 9
tang, tcm 9
tipoe, gl 9
xu, a 9
yeung, wh 9
ai, v 8
belli, g 8
chan, oo 8
chen, l 8
chen, y 8
chu, kw 8
gao, y 8
garden, oj 8
gu, jr 8
guo, dy 8
kung, h 8
liau, kh 8
lo, rjw 8
makuuchi, m 8
mya, gh 8
ngai, pp 8
qin, l 8
sharr, w 8
strasberg, sm 8
tian, pk 8
tse, ewc 8
vauthey, jn 8
wang, xh 8
wang, xq 8
wong, wm 8
yao, tj 8
young, k 8
brown, p 7
chan, j 7
gouma, dj 7
hirota, m 7
lam, bky 7
lau, kf 7
luo, y 7
padbury, r 7
teohchan, ch 7
tsui, ht 7
wada, k 7
wong, bcy 7
wong, bw 7
wu, xb 7
yamashita, y 7
yong, jl 7
chan, ac 6
chan, sc 6
chen, mf 6
cheng, w 6
chu, fsk 6
chung, hy 6
hilvano, sc 6
lam, ky 6
lau, tyh 6
leng, xs 6
leung, pp 6
leung, tm 6
li, cx 6
liang, z 6
liu, am 6
lui, elh 6
ma, j 6
nagino, m 6
nanji, aa 6
ng, i 6
peng, jr 6
solomkin, js 6
strasberg, s 6
sun, b 6
tang, yf 6
wong, dkh 6
wong, yc 6
yau, to 6
yip, wc 6
zhang, z 6
zheng, ss 6
branicki, fj 5
chan, gcf 5
chan, wf 5
cheng, ckc 5
dai, h 5
figueras, j 5
fok, pj 5
fong, dyt 5
fung, jtk 5
fung, ml 5
geng, xp 5
ha, sy 5
huang, j 5
hugh, tj 5
jenkins, cr 5
kim, sw 5
kok, tw 5
kung, hf 5
lai, st 5
lam, cw 5
lam, ksl 5
lam, sk 5
leung, km 5
leung, pl 5
li, w 5
liang, zd 5
lim, zx 5
liong, ec 5
mak, cm 5
mao, m 5
ng, np 5
ng, sm 5
peh, wcg 5
rees, m 5
siriwardana, rc 5
sit, wh 5
sun, x 5
tam, s 5
to, j 5
tsui, sl 5
tsuyuguchi, t 5
tung, h 5
wan, jmf 5
wo, yh 5
wong, n 5
wu, x 5
xiao, j 5
xu, s 5
xu, x 5
yiu, tf 5
zhang, c 5
zhang, j 5
bornman, pc 4
cai, q 4
chan, kf 4
chan, sy 4
chan, w 4
che, cm 4
chen, cl 4
cheung, ck 4
cheung, n 4
coleman, sy 4
crawford, m 4
gadacz, tr 4
gomi, h 4
guan, x 4
higgins, j 4
ho, c 4
ho, cl 4
ho, jc 4
hui, twc 4
hui, wm 4
jiang, ws 4
ker, cg 4
lam, by 4
lam, dkh 4
lam, vwt 4
lang, bhh 4
lau, yl 4
law, wl 4
leung, kw 4
li, l 4
li, r 4
lie, akw 4
ling, cc 4
ling, mt 4
lo, cm 4
lu, l 4
ng, mnp 4
ngai, p 4
o'suilleabhain, cb 4
o'sullivan, cb 4
obed, a 4
patil, ma 4
pritchett, cj 4
qin, lf 4
ren, y 4
shek, tw 4
siu, yt 4
stanbridge, ej 4
su, ycf 4
sun, bs 4
tam, pc 4
tang, apk 4
tang, zy 4
tse, e 4
tso, hwk 4
tsoi, wk 4
wang, j 4
wang, jh 4
wang, pp 4
wang, wl 4
wang, wx 4
wang, yq 4
windsor, ja 4
wong, cl 4
wong, j 4
wong, kky 4
wong, ncl 4
wong, sh 4
wong, yc 4
xiao, jw 4
yi, x 4
yokoyama, y 4
yuan, hj 4
yuen, jhf 4
yuen, rmf 4
zhang, h 4
zhang, hy 4
zhang, w 4
zhang, zw 4
adam, r 3
alhadeedi, s 3
banting, s 3
boey, j 3
brookesmith, m 3
burchard, j 3
capussotti, l 3
chan, aoo 3
chan, clw 3
chan, fsy 3
chan, jck 3
chen, s 3
chen, xp 3
chen, yb 3
cheung, any 3
cheung, bmy 3
cheung, fy 3
chiang, aks 3
chik, b 3
chiu, j 3
chiu, j 3
choo, sp 3
chow, jph 3
christophi, c 3
dai, j 3
de villa, vh 3
dematteo, rp 3
dervenis, c 3
fong, dyk 3
fung, pcw 3
fung, sky 3
gertsch, p 3
greig, p 3
hawkins, br 3
ivanovska, i 3
jor, iwy 3
kan, z 3
kimura, y 3
kiriyama, s 3
koch, m 3
krissansen, gw 3
kumana, cr 3
lai, ec 3
lai, jy 3
lai, lsw 3
lam, b 3
lam, cck 3
lam, ck 3
lau, cp 3
lau, j 3
lau, tcm 3
lauwers, gy 3
lee, cyk 3
lee, ew 3
lee, s 3
lee, sg 3
leng, x 3
leung, cyi 3
leung, r 3
leung, rcy 3
li, h 3
li, jhc 3
li, n 3
li, z 3
liang, r 3
lim, zxh 3
liu, h 3
liu, yf 3
lo, rcl 3
lok, asf 3
maddern, g 3
man, k 3
mason, v 3
miao, x 3
ming, x 3
nagorney, dm 3
neuhaus, h 3
ng, lwc 3
ooi, cgc 3
ooi, gc 3
pang, wc 3
peng, j 3
philippar, u 3
poon, gp 3
rahbari, nn 3
sachakul, v 3
seto, wk 3
sham, pc 3
shao, w 3
shen, z 3
singh, h 3
so, h 3
su, m 3
sun, hc 3
sung, wk 3
tai, ls 3
tan, esy 3
tanaka, a 3
tang, tc 3
tom, wm 3
tsang, fh 3
tsang, sh 3
tse, ly 3
tse, mck 3
tuen, hh 3
usatoff, v 3
wai, ac 3
wang, cn 3
wang, p 3
weitz, j 3
wong, bc 3
wong, hyh 3
wong, ws 3
xiao, w 3
yamaoka, y 3
yan, zp 3
yao, t 3
yao, tj 3
yau, cc 3
yau, tk 3
you, kt 3
young, kk 3
yuen, ap 3
yuen, aw 3
yueng, yh 3
abdalla, ek 2
au, chv 2
bahnini, j 2
bansal, d 2
barry, c 2
beling, cd 2
bogaerts, v 2
botstein, d 2
brooke-smith, m 2
buser, c 2
but, d 2
cao, l 2
chan, acy 2
chan, ao 2
chan, cy 2
chan, kw 2
chan, ly 2
chan, pc 2
chan, pcy 2
chan, vwm 2
chan, yk 2
chan, yw 2
chau, j 2
chau, tn 2
chen, cs 2
chen, t 2
chen, ys 2
cheng, cc 2
cheng, pw 2
cheung, c 2
cheung, hs 2
cheung, km 2
cheung, wi 2
chik, bhy 2
ching, wyp 2
chiu, sw 2
choi, t 2
choo, ck 2
chow, akm 2
chu, ac 2
chu, acy 2
chu, acy 2
chu, skf 2
chua, ms 2
chung, kk 2
cleary, ma 2
curley, sa 2
dai, xw 2
de manzini, n 2
doenecke, a 2
doutreloigne, j 2
epstein, rj 2
farges, o 2
feng, x 2
fong, dy 2
forbes, sj 2
friedman, sl 2
fu, cc 2
fung, a 2
fung, as 2
fung, s 2
fung, tt 2
gabata, t 2
gan, rb 2
gao, c 2
guo, d 2
hao, k 2
hata, j 2
he, ml 2
he, qy 2
higuchi, r 2
hirata, k 2
ho, ahy 2
ho, wy 2
hollender, lf 2
hou, y 2
hou, yd 2
huang, yz 2
hughes, j 2
hui, a 2
hui, j 2
hung, ifn 2
husni, an 2
hwang, iss 2
ikai, i 2
ikeda, k 2
irwin, mg 2
itoi, t 2
jagannath, p 2
jin, dy 2
kaneda, k 2
kim, m 2
klickstein, lb 2
ko, ch 2
kusachi, s 2
lai, km 2
lai, pbs 2
lam, byh 2
lam, cy 2
lam, dk 2
lam, mf 2
lam, p 2
lau, a 2
lau, e 2
lau, jcs 2
lau, jwy 2
lau, w 2
lee, as 2
lee, ck 2
lee, ckf 2
lee, f 2
lee, fcw 2
lee, np 2
lee, py 2
lee, yk 2
leong, lly 2
leung, ak 2
leung, cc 2
li, qy 2
li, s 2
li, tm 2
li, tp 2
liem, msl 2
liu, bc 2
lo, jwr 2
lo, kw 2
lo, r 2
lowe, sw 2
lu, p 2
ma, o 2
ma, sk 2
ma, sk 2
mak, wl 2
mak, yk 2
man, mkn 2
marek, ta 2
mau lo, c 2
monto, a 2
murata, a 2
na, j 2
neoptolemos, jp 2
ng, iol 2
ng, kck 2
ng, ktp 2
ng, l 2
ng, mn 2
ng, rk 2
ng, ss 2
nowak, a 2
okamoto, k 2
or, yyy 2
padbury, rt 2
pang, rw 2
paterson, ia 2
pawlik, tm 2
pitt, h 2
pon, kl 2
poon, j 2
poon, jtc 2
poon, rtp 2
poon, ryc 2
poon, tcw 2
redpath, jl 2
regimbeau, jm 2
sablon, e 2
scott, m 2
shaw, pm 2
shek, wh 2
shi, j 2
shih, kc 2
siu, afm 2
so, mkp 2
suilleabhain, cbo 2
sun, c 2
sun, s 2
sutjipto 2
tai, ks 2
tam, p 2
tam, pk 2
tam, sc 2
tan-un, kc 2
tanaka, k 2
tenen, dg 2
toh, hc 2
tom, wm 2
tong, csw 2
tong, sf 2
tsang, dsf 2
tungping poon, r 2
tze, k 2
ullah, s 2
van de rijn, m 2
wang, cc 2
wang, md 2
wang, q 2
wang, w 2
wang, y 2
wang, yn 2
wo, j 2
wong, a 2
wong, ck 2
wong, clt 2
wong, js 2
wong, k 2
wong, ks 2
wong, lly 2
wong, s 2
wong, smy 2
wong, tcl 2
wong, wy 2
woo, r 2
wright, tl 2
wu, ch 2
xia, f 2
xie, d 2
xu, am 2
xu, m 2
xu, mz 2
xu, t 2
xu, y 2
ye, t 2
yeung, owh 2
yokoe, m 2
yu, yz 2
yuen, hf 2
yuen, jch 2
yuen, p 2
yuen, st 2
zender, l 2
zhang, q 2
zhang, sz 2
zheng, d 2
zheng, h 2
張志偉, 2
王偉林, 2
abbey, se 1
abecassis, m 1
adam, ra 1
aggarwal, a 1
ai, vhg 1
albrecht, jh 1
almeida, ja 1
altevogt, p 1
arcilla jr, ce 1
ariyaratne, pn 1
aselmann, h 1
bacher, m 1
balsarkar, dj 1
barazzoni, r 1
barber, td 1
barritt iii, as 1
belghiti, jb 1
benny, p 1
beretta, l 1
berry, p 1
bishop, mj 1
bothe a, jr 1
breitenstein, s 1
brown, po 1
burroughs, ak 1
buser, ca 1
buserdoepner, c 1
büchler, m 1
büttner, r 1
cai, c 1
cai, k 1
cao, d 1
carr-locke, dl 1
carrlocke, dl 1
carroli, bj 1
chai ng, kk 1
chai, l 1
chan, a 1
chan, acf 1
chan, asy 1
chan, cf 1
chan, cf 1
chan, f 1
chan, fs 1
chan, fys 1
chan, gc 1
chan, hy 1
chan, jfk 1
chan, jfw 1
chan, kfj 1
chan, kt 1
chan, kw 1
chan, ky 1
chan, lmy 1
chan, rt 1
chan, sc 1
chan, sr 1
chan, sw 1
chan, yf 1
chan, yp 1
chan, ypm 1
chan, yt 1
chang, cm 1
chang, dhh 1
chau, emc 1
chau, kl 1
chau, py 1
chawla, yk 1
che, cm 1
chee, kh 1
chen, cc 1
chen, dw 1
chen, h 1
chen, j 1
chen, kk 1
chen, r 1
chen, wh 1
chen, xy 1
chen, yj 1
chen, yx 1
cheng, c 1
cheng, ch 1
cheng, ctk 1
cheng, cw 1
cheng, kcc 1
cheng, np 1
cheng, pn 1
cheng, pnm 1
cheng, rh 1
cheng, vcc 1
cheng, wk 1
cheng, yf 1
cheuckseen lai, e 1
cheung, byy 1
cheung, c 1
cheung, hk 1
cheung, js 1
cheung, kf 1
cheung, mc 1
cheung, wl 1
cheung, ww 1
chi, ll 1
chi, ml 1
chiang, ak 1
chiang, yc 1
chik, bh 1
ching chan, s 1
ching, k 1
ching, wyp 1
chiu, jwy 1
chiu, jwy 1
chok, sh 1
chong, kk 1
chou, wc 1
chow, c 1
chow, dhf 1
chow, jp 1
chow, lc 1
chow, pkh 1
choy, kw 1
chu, a 1
chu, ac 1
chu, cy 1
chu, f 1
chu, kfs 1
chu, kkw 1
chu, ls 1
chu, pwk 1
chu, wk 1
chudin, e 1
chung, cd 1
chung, gt 1
chung, hy 1
chung, lp 1
chung, ml 1
chung, s 1
chung, ssm 1
clavien, pa 1
cleary, m 1
co shih, k 1
cohen, sn 1
collins, rj 1
colquhoun, sd 1
concejero, a 1
conrad, c 1
cordoncardo, c 1
cortes, a 1
cui, w 1
dada, a 1
dai, jw 1
dai, jwc 1
dan, yy 1
dassanayake, as 1
day, pj 1
de silva, ap 1
de silva, hj 1
de villa, mvh 1
deiwick, a 1
derry, j 1
dimitrov, t 1
dixon, dj 1
dondero, f 1
dudoit, s 1
durand, f 1
dykema, kj 1
emilsson, v 1
fan, st 1
farkas, s 1
fatima, s 1
feng, xq 1
ferguson, m 1
fernandez-banet, j 1
fisher, ra 1
flemming, p 1
foelsch, u 1
fong, d 1
fong, y 1
forsmark, ce 1
fraser, hb 1
friend, s 1
frilling, a 1
fung, asm 1
fung, hsj 1
fung, j 1
fung, jyy 1
fung, ky 1
fung, pwc 1
fung, sw 1
furge, ka 1
gao, h 1
garcia-barcelo, mm 1
garciabarcelo, m 1
garciabarcelo, mm 1
garg, h 1
ginzinger, d 1
glockzin, g 1
gong, z 1
grant, d 1
greenawalt, d 1
gregorio, g 1
guan, y 1
guinney, j 1
gunathilake, b 1
guo, j 1
gütgemann, i 1
h ui, wm 1
haering, c 1
hamid, ss 1
han, h 1
han, js 1
han, t 1
hannon, gj 1
hao, l 1
hardwick, j 1
he, q 1
henderson, jm 1
hermansuyur, k 1
hermansyur, k 1
ho, cm 1
ho, gcl 1
ho, nps 1
ho, p 1
ho, pl 1
ho, plh 1
ho, sky 1
ho, th 1
hockerstedt, av 1
hong, w 1
howard, tk 1
hu, m 1
hu, whc 1
hu, y 1
huang, yt 1
hui m, w 1
hum, wy 1
hung, h 1
huo, f 1
huo, yd 1
im, swk 1
inabnet, b 1
irene, ol 1
jakob, c 1
jalan, r 1
jawan, b 1
ji, fj 1
ji, j 1
jiang, g 1
jiang, pp 1
jiang, w 1
jones, kd 1
jor, wy 1
jäger, md 1
kakar, s 1
kalloo, an 1
kato, t 1
kawasaki, a 1
kay, ma 1
khan, mr 1
khong, pl 1
kianmanesh, r 1
kim, mh 1
kim, y 1
kitano, s 1
kiuchi, t 1
ko, kl 1
ko, s 1
kolligs, ft 1
komolmit, p 1
kong, kl 1
koo, m 1
koo, mwl 1
krissansen, g 1
ku, cf 1
kumar, a 1
kung, awc 1
kwan, akb 1
kwan, m 1
kwan, ym 1
kwok, enl 1
kwok, hh 1
kwok, wk 1
kwong, y 1
labio, e 1
lai edward, cs 1
lai, cs 1
lai, kc 1
lai, kn 1
lai, l 1
lam k, s 1
lam, bh 1
lam, cld 1
lam, clk 1
lam, csc 1
lam, ks 1
lam, ks 1
lam, lk 1
lam, m 1
lam, s 1
lam, sct 1
lam, sp 1
lam, tt 1
lam, v 1
lam, yc 1
lamb, jr 1
lan, hy 1
lang, bh 1
lang, hhb 1
lao, ecs 1
lao, x 1
lau, cw 1
lau, ehy 1
lau, jsm 1
lau, jyn 1
lau, ll 1
lau, pw 1
lau, pwk 1
lau, py 1
lau, ss 1
lau, thy 1
lau, yk 1
le treut, yp 1
leaper, d 1
leaper, dj 1
lee, aks 1
lee, ay 1
lee, ckf 1
lee, cn 1
lee, dky 1
lee, ewm 1
lee, kw 1
lee, l 1
lee, mjr 1
lee, mml 1
lee, nw 1
lee, ppw 1
lee, pwh 1
lee, py 1
lee, tkh 1
lee, wh 1
lee, wk 1
lee, wy 1
lei, l 1
leite, fj 1
leonard, w 1
leong fung, lly 1
leong, l 1
lesurtel, m 1
leung liu, c 1
leung, a 1
leung, pkl 1
leung, rc 1
leung, rm 1
leung, sy 1
leung, wm 1
lewis, p 1
li, fk 1
li, hs 1
li, hy 1
li, kkw 1
li, mly 1
li, q 1
li, xc 1
li, y 1
li, yy 1
lian, qz 1
lih, cj 1
lim, js 1
lim, z 1
lin, c 1
lin, cl 1
lin, hj 1
lin, mcm 1
lin, r 1
lin, z 1
ling, mt 1
ling, pmt 1
ling, wl 1
liong, e 1
lisman, t 1
liu, ay 1
liu, c 1
liu, cc 1
liu, kd 1
liu, ks 1
liu, ksy 1
liu, ky 1
liu, lx 1
liu, ml 1
liu, p 1
liu, q 1
liu, yq 1
lo, c 1
lo, clr 1
lo, cy 1
lo, kk 1
lo, os 1
lo, sh 1
loboda, a 1
loksun, u 1
long, j 1
lopez, jp 1
lorber, rr 1
lu, w 1
lucito, r 1
lui, sk 1
lui, vch 1
luk, j 1
luk, j 1
luk, wk 1
ma, e 1
ma, esk 1
ma, h 1
ma, jk 1
madan, k 1
man, sw 1
man, ts 1
marcos, a 1
marsh, w 1
matthew ng, mt 1
mauracher, eh 1
mazzaferro, v 1
mccaughan, g 1
meally, k 1
meng, xl 1
mh, kc 1
millstein, j 1
ming lam, c 1
mizokami, m 1
mod, f 1
mohamed, r 1
mok francis, pt 1
mok, bw 1
mok, f 1
mok, fp 1
molony, c 1
montgomery, k 1
mu, d 1
mulawadi, fh 1
muttarak, m 1
mutterak, m 1
mya, h 1
neipp, m 1
neuhaus, p 1
ng, dsc 1
ng, ewy 1
ng, ilo 1
ng, ilo 1
ng, jkf 1
ng, k 1
ng, k 1
ng, k 1
ng, kc 1
ng, kf 1
ng, km 1
ng, mm 1
ng, oli 1
ng, p 1
ng, rwm 1
ng, rwn 1
ng, wcl 1
ng, ws 1
ng, wt 1
nicholls, j 1
niemöller, k 1
ning, q 1
niriella, ma 1
oilin ng, i 1
olausson, m 1
ong, cw 1
ong, j 1
ongkeko, wm 1
pan, kh 1
pang, a 1
pang, r 1
pang, rtk 1
pang, sw 1
pasricha, pj 1
patil, m 1
philippi, bp 1
phillips, eh 1
piktim mok, f 1
ping poon, rt 1
pittau, g 1
pomfret, ea 1
pon, akl 1
poon, jt 1
poon, k 1
poon, rt 1
poon, tp 1
poon, ws 1
potts, m 1
powers, s 1
prakash, k 1
prantl, l 1
praprong, w 1
pritche tt, cj 1
proye, c 1
qian, x 1
qian, xm 1
qian, yb 1
qin, j 1
rahman, s 1
ranson, jhc 1
rastogi, a 1
ravikumar, s 1
reinhard, c 1
rejto, pa 1
ringe, b 1
riordan, sm 1
ross, dt 1
régimbeau, jm 1
sai, ecs 1
sakhuja, p 1
salto-tellez, m 1
samuel, d 1
santos-ocampo, r 1
sarin, sk 1
sauvanet, a 1
schadt, ee 1
scherer, mn 1
schnitzbauer, aa 1
see, cc 1
seek, al 1
sekimoto, m 1
seto, cl 1
seto, wkw 1
sezer, o 1
shackleton, cr 1
shah, s 1
sham, p 1
shao, wb 1
sharma, bc 1
sharma, p 1
she, wh 1
shek, fh 1
shek, hp 1
silke, j 1
silva, jh 1
sinn, lhy 1
siriwardena, rc 1
siu, a 1
siu, dcw 1
siu, fm 1
smith, r 1
so, sy 1
soetikno, rm 1
soetikuo, rm 1
sommacale, d 1
song, sh 1
soo, kc 1
spector, ms 1
srivastava, s 1
starzl, the 1
steele g, jr 1
sulivan, ma 1
sultana, a 1
sum, sm 1
sum, ssm 1
sun, h 1
sun, j 1
sun, ks 1
sun, rwy 1
supe, a 1
surman, os 1
suver, c 1
sze, pk 1
tai, jwm 1
takikawa, y 1
tam, kt 1
tam, p 1
tam, scf 1
tan, d 1
tan, f 1
tan, hp 1
tan, kc 1
tan, w 1
tang, a 1
tang, ap 1
tang, ewh 1
tang, f 1
tang, scw 1
tang, v 1
tang, vwk 1
tang, vyf 1
tanun, kc 1
tarn, pkh 1
tennakoon, c 1
tessari, p 1
thapa, br 1
thung, sn 1
tian, mg 1
tian, x 1
tjandra, jj 1
to, jy 1
tong, cs 1
tong, cy 1
tong, mk 1
tong, sw 1
tong, y 1
tranberg, kg 1
trendellsmith, n 1
trendellsmith, nj 1
trotter, jf 1
tsang, cw 1
tsang, fhf 1
tsang, hh 1
tsang, hys 1
tsang, j 1
tsang, shh 1
tsang, swy 1
tsao, gsw 1
tse, eyf 1
tsui l, s 1
tsui, sh 1
tsui, twg 1
tsui, wjc 1
tu, w 1
tuen, h 1
tung, phm 1
tuszynski, gp 1
tward, ad 1
uu, cl 1
vauthey, j 1
vierling, jm 1
w ong, j 1
wai, a 1
wai, ct 1
wai, kt 1
wan, amy 1
wan, cy 1
wan, kc 1
wan, mly 1
wan, t 1
wan, tmh 1
wan, tsk 1
wan, yl 1
wang, g 1
wang, gs 1
wang, hb 1
wang, jjw 1
wang, k 1
wang, qs 1
wang, r 1
wang, sh 1
wang, wh 1
wang, x 1
wat, j 1
wat, ms 1
watters, j 1
wei, ac 1
wen, xm 1
wheatley, dn 1
wigler, m 1
wo, jy 1
wo, jyh 1
wong, ac 1
wong, acy 1
wong, as 1
wong, asy 1
wong, ayc 1
wong, bwy 1
wong, byc 1
wong, cy 1
wong, fws 1
wong, jcm 1
wong, kb 1
wong, kky 1
wong, kp 1
wong, kp 1
wong, kw 1
wong, l 1
wong, ly 1
wong, ssy 1
wong, whs 1
woo, pcy 1
woo, yh 1
wright, l 1
wu, ex 1
wu, j 1
wu, km 1
wu, pc 1
wu, wc 1
wu, wh 1
wun ching yu 1
xiao, qw 1
xie, t 1
xin, y 1
xu, a 1
xu, j 1
xu, pj 1
xue, w 1
xue, wc 1
yam, wc 1
yam, wc 1
yamasaki, s 1
yamashita, k 1
yan, b 1
yan, fh 1
yan, kw 1
yan, z 1
yang, d 1
yang, h 1
yang, s 1
yang, ym 1
yang, yq 1
yant, s 1
yao, h 1
yasuda, h 1
yau, ky 1
yau, mcy 1
yau, wl 1
ye, mmq 1
yet, sf 1
yeung, wsb 1
yeung, yp 1
yi, k 1
yip, tt 1
yip, w 1
yiu, j 1
yiu, t 1
yong, kj 1
yu, acw 1
yu, dc 1
yu, kwt 1
yu, x 1
yuen, a 1
yuen, apw 1
yuen, awc 1
yuen, pw 1
yuen, w 1
yung, mk 1
zanetti, m 1
zeng, x 1
zhan, wh 1
zhang, b 1
zhang, qs 1
zhang, y 1
zhao, b 1
zhou, l 1
zhou, ml 1
zhou, w 1
zhou, z 1
zhou, zy 1
zhu, j 1
zhu, l 1
zhu, y 1
zhu, yf 1
朱遠方, 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 69
male 61
hepatocellular carcinoma 57
adult 54
female 52
middle aged 49
aged 44
liver transplantation 43
medical sciences 38
prognosis 31
adolescent 29
survival analysis 29
treatment outcome 29
animals 28
retrospective studies 27
time factors 27
cell line, tumor 24
living donors 24
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 24
surgery 24
follow-up studies 23
hong kong - epidemiology 23
up-regulation 23
gastroenterology medical sciences 22
hepatectomy 22
immunohistochemistry 21
aged, 80 and over 20
hcc 20
mice 20
age factors 19
cirrhosis 19
immunosuppressive agents - therapeutic use 19
postoperative complications 19
recurrence 19
hepatectomy - methods 18
liver cirrhosis 18
liver transplantation - methods 18
mice, nude 18
survival 18
survival rate 18
transfection 18
cadaver 17
cohort studies 17
disease-free survival 17
graft survival 17
liver transplantation - adverse effects 17
antiviral agents - therapeutic use 16
apoptosis 16
carcinoma, hepatocellular - metabolism - pathology 16
disease progression 16
elderly 16
gene expression profiling 16
liver neoplasms - metabolism - pathology 16
rna, messenger - metabolism 16
β-catenin 16
angiogenesis 15
child, preschool 15
hong kong 15
multivariate analysis 15
prospective studies 15
rats 15
transarterial chemoembolization 15
advanced hepatocellular carcinoma 14
blotting, western 14
cell proliferation 14
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 14
liver cancer 14
mortality 14
mutation 14
peptidyl-prolyl-isomerase 14
pin1 14
advanced hcc 13
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - surgery 13
child 13
child-pugh a 13
dose-response relationship, drug 13
gastroenterology 13
incidence 13
infant 13
liver function tests 13
liver neoplasms - pathology - surgery 13
liver transplantation - immunology 13
living donor liver transplant 13
neoplasm invasiveness 13
neoplasm metastasis 13
neoplasm recurrence, local - surgery 13
reoperation 13
sorafenib 13
tissue donors 13
ablation 12
acute disease 12
blood transfusion 12
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - surgery 12
chemicals and cas registry numbers 12
cytology and histology 12
drug therapy, combination 12
emergencies 12
hepatitis b - complications 12
liver - metabolism 12
liver diseases - surgery 12
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - surgery 12
liver neoplasms - mortality - surgery 12
organ size 12
pediatric liver transplantation 12
postoperative complications - epidemiology 12
radiofrequency ablation 12
tomography, x-ray computed 12
beta catenin 11
biliary atresia 11
carcinoma, hepatocellular - etiology - genetics - metabolism 11
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics 11
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism - pathology - virology 11
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - therapy 11
catheter ablation 11
cell line 11
cyclin d1 - biosynthesis - genetics 11
cytoskeletal proteins - genetics 11
down-regulation 11
hepatitis 11
hepatitis b virus 11
hepatitis b virus - genetics 11
high-intensity focused ultrasound 11
intraoperative complications - epidemiology 11
lamivudine - therapeutic use 11
laparoscopy 11
liver 11
liver neoplasms - genetics 11
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology - virology 11
liver neoplasms - mortality - therapy 11
liver resection 11
liver transplant 11
liver transplantation - statistics & numerical data 11
metastasis 11
neoplasm staging 11
oncology medical sciences 11
peptidylprolyl isomerase - biosynthesis - genetics 11
radiology and nuclear medicine pharmacy and pharmacology biology 11
rats, sprague-dawley 11
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - therapeutic use 11
risk factors 11
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 11
trans-activators - genetics 11
transplantation, heterologous 11
tumor cells, cultured 11
allergology and immunology 10
blood loss, surgical 10
bridging therapy 10
carcinoma 10
carcinoma, hepatocellular - surgery 10
china 10
cyclosporine - therapeutic use 10
dna primers 10
hepatitis b, chronic - complications 10
hospital mortality 10
lamivudine 10
length of stay 10
liver neoplasms - surgery 10
liver transplantation - methods - statistics and numerical data 10
living donors - supply and distribution 10
morbidity 10
new technology 10
preoperative care 10
proteomics 10
scarce deceased donors 10
signal transduction 10
structure-activity relationship 10
surgery medical sciences 10
tissue donors - supply and distribution 10
vascular surgical procedures - methods 10
venous infiltration 10
11c-acetate 9
base sequence 9
bile ducts - surgery 9
body weight 9
cancer invasion 9
cancer survival 9
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - surgery 9
carrier state 9
contrast ct 9
dna, viral - analysis 9
down-regulation - drug effects 9
electrophoresis, gel, two-dimensional 9
endocrinology 9
fatal outcome 9
gene expression 9
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 9
genes, p53 9
hepatocellular 9
hifu 9
hospitals, university 9
hsp70 heat-shock proteins - metabolism 9
inflammation 9
invasiveness 9
laparoscopic liver resection 9
liver - pathology 9
liver circulation - physiology 9
liver diseases - epidemiology 9
liver failure - surgery 9
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 9
liver transplantation - mortality 9
living donor 9
microsatellite repeats 9
milan criteria 9
non-invasive treatment 9
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis 9
palliative care 9
pet/ct 9
postoperative complications - classification - epidemiology 9
predictive value of tests 9
rats, inbred lew 9
referral and consultation 9
rna, neoplasm - genetics 9
severity of illness index 9
spectrometry, mass, matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization 9
sphingosine - analogs & derivatives 9
transcription factors - metabolism 9
acetic acid c 11 8
advanced cancer 8
adverse events 8
alanine transaminase - blood 8
biliary atresia - complications - surgery 8
bilirubin - blood 8
cadaver donor 8
cancer cell culture 8
cancer recurrence 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications/diagnosis - surgery 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - enzymology - genetics 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - enzymology - pathology 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism - pathology - secondary 8
catheter ablation - methods 8
cell cycle 8
cell division - physiology 8
cell movement 8
cell proliferation - drug effects 8
cell transformation, neoplastic - genetics - metabolism 8
chemoembolization, therapeutic - adverse effects - mortality 8
child-pugh b 8
cholangiocarcinoma 8
chronic disease 8
cisplatin 8
combined modality therapy 8
complications of liver transplantation 8
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 - genetics - metabolism 8
deceased donor liver transplantation 8
disease severity 8
elasticity imaging techniques - methods 8
fluorodeoxyglucose f 18 8
focal adhesion kinase 2 - metabolism 8
gene expression regulation 8
gene expression regulation, neoplastic - genetics 8
general surgery 8
gist 8
heme oxygenase-1 8
hepatectomy - adverse effects 8
hepatectomy - methods - mortality 8
hepatic encephalopathy - surgery 8
hepatitis b antibodies 8
hepatitis b, chronic - pathology 8
infusions, intra-arterial 8
inhibitor of differentiation protein 1 8
ischemia-reperfusion injury 8
liver cell carcinoma 8
liver cirrhosis - complications 8
liver cirrhosis - pathology - virology 8
liver diseases - etiology - surgery 8
liver failure - etiology - surgery 8
liver failure - pathology - virology 8
liver metastasis 8
liver neoplasms - blood - surgery 8
liver neoplasms - complications/diagnosis - surgery 8
liver neoplasms - enzymology - genetics 8
liver neoplasms - enzymology - pathology 8
liver transplantation - adverse effects - statistics & numerical data 8
liver transplantation - contraindications - methods - mortality - statistics & numerical data 8
liver transplantation - methods - mortality 8
living-related liver transplantation 8
marginal graft 8
medicine & public health 8
microcirculation 8
microscopy, electron 8
neoplastic cells, circulating - pathology 8
neovascularization, pathologic - metabolism 8
nitric oxide synthase type ii 8
organ size - physiology 8
pancreaticoduodenectomy 8
pediatric liver transplant 8
polymerase chain reaction 8
portoenterostomy, hepatic 8
postoperative care 8
postoperative complications - prevention & control 8
proportional hazards models 8
propylene glycols - pharmacology 8
reduced-size liver transplant 8
reduced-size liver transplantation 8
repressor proteins 8
resection 8
retinoblastoma protein - genetics - metabolism 8
sensitivity and specificity 8
thrombosis - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 8
tissue donors - statistics & numerical data 8
tki 8
transcription factors - genetics - metabolism - physiology 8
transplantation 8
transplantation, homologous 8
tumor suppressor protein p53 - metabolism 8
tyrosine-kinase inhibitor 8
vascular endothelial growth factor a - metabolism 8
waiting list 8
abdominal surgery 7
activities of daily living 7
acute-on-chronic liver failure 7
adenine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 7
adiponectin 7
adiponectin - blood - chemistry - genetics 7
adiponectin oligomeric form 7
adjuvant therapy 7
american society of anaesthesiologists (asa) 7
amino acid sequence 7
anastomosis, roux-en-y 7
anastomosis, surgical 7
anastomosis, surgical - methods 7
anti-angiogenesis 7
anti-steatosis 7
apoptosis - drug effects 7
arginase 7
arginine 7
aspartate aminotransferases - blood 7
beta catenin - genetics 7
bile duct diseases - etiology 7
bile ducts - blood supply - surgery 7
bone marrow transplantation 7
cadaveric transplantation 7
cadherins - metabolism 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood supply - drug therapy - pathology 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - physiopathology - secondary 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - metabolism - pathology - secondary 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - therapy 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - therapy 7
cardiac surgery 7
catheters, indwelling 7
cell differentiation 7
cell survival signaling 7
cell transformation, neoplastic - metabolism 7
chemokine cxcl10 - metabolism 7
children 7
chinese 7
cholecystitis, acute - surgery 7
cholecystostomy - instrumentation - methods 7
cholestasis - etiology 7
chronic hepatitis b 7
colorectal cancer 7
combined resection 7
complication 7
cyclin d1 - genetics 7
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 7
cyclooxygenase-2 7
disease models, animal 7
dna-binding proteins - metabolism 7
domino liver transplant 7
drug resistance, viral - genetics 7
endothelial cells - drug effects 7
endothelin-1 - genetics 7
epithelial cells - metabolism - physiology 7
experience 7
fatty liver - pathology - surgery 7
genes, p53 - genetics 7
glycogen synthase kinase 3 - metabolism 7
graft rejection 7
graft rejection - blood - drug therapy - pathology 7
graft survival - drug effects 7
head of pancreas 7
hepatic artery - surgery 7
hepatic microcirculation 7
hepatic stellate cells 7
hepatitis - surgery 7
hepatitis b - drug therapy - prevention & control - surgery 7
hepatitis b e antigens - blood 7
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis 7
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - drug therapy - pathology 7
hepatocytes - cytology 7
high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation - methods 7
histocompatibility 7
hong kong chinese 7
hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit - metabolism 7
immunosuppressive agents - pharmacology 7
indocyanine green clearance 7
informed consent 7
inhibitor of differentiation protein 1 - antagonists & inhibitors - genetics - metabolism 7
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - metabolism 7
limon 7
liver - metabolism - pathology 7
liver cirrhosis - blood - metabolism - pathology - virology 7
liver diseases - congenital - mortality - surgery 7
liver diseases - epidemiology - surgery 7
liver neoplasms 7
liver neoplasms - complications - surgery 7
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 7
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - physiopathology - secondary 7
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - therapy 7
liver neoplasms, experimental - blood supply - drug therapy - pathology 7
liver transplantation - adverse effects - methods 7
liver transplantation - adverse effects - methods - mortality 7
liver transplantation - adverse effects - methods - pathology - statistics & numerical data 7
liver transplantation - methods - physiology 7
living donor liver transplantation 7
living donors - classification 7
logistic models 7
long-term outcome 7
macrophage 7
matrix metalloproteinase 9 - metabolism 7
microarray analysis - methods 7
microsurgery 7
microvascular anastomosis 7
model for end-stage liver disease 7
molecular weight 7
neoplasm invasiveness - genetics 7
neoplasm proteins - genetics 7
neovascularization, pathologic - drug therapy 7
nitric oxide synthase - metabolism 7
nuclear proteins - metabolism 7
oligodeoxyribonucleotides, antisense - pharmacology - therapeutic use 7
olt 7
overall survival 7
p53 7
patient selection 7
peg-rharg1 7
pegylated interferon alfa-2a 7
peptidylprolyl isomerase - genetics 7
percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy (ptc) 7
phosphonic acids 7
phosphorylation 7
portal vein 7
portal vein resection 7
post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease 7
postoperative complications - prevention & control - surgery 7
proliferating cell nuclear antigen 7
proliferating cell nuclear antigen - analysis 7
proline-rich tyrosine kinase2 (pyk2) 7
propylene glycols - therapeutic use 7
proto-oncogene proteins c-akt 7
pulse spectrophotometry 7
recurrent hcc 7
registries 7
right-lobe 7
rna interference 7
salvage therapy 7
sepsis - prevention & control 7
serum albumin - analysis 7
solid organ transplantation 7
split graft liver transplant 7
stat5 transcription factor - biosynthesis - genetics - metabolism 7
statistics as topic 7
stents 7
sustained virological response 7
thalidomide 7
thoracic surgery 7
thrombosis - prevention & control 7
tissue array analysis 7
transcriptional activation - physiology 7
transfection - methods 7
transplantation, isogeneic 7
transthyretin 7
tumor markers, biological - metabolism 7
tumor suppressor proteins - metabolism 7
twist transcription factor - metabolism 7
up-regulation - genetics 7
usg-guided 7
val30ala 7
vascular endothelial growth factor a - blood 7
vascular endothelial growth factor a - genetics - metabolism - secretion 7
vascular surgery 7
whipple operation 7
xenograft model antitumor assays 7
acute kidney injury - surgery 6
adrenal cortex hormones - administration & dosage 6
advanced pancreatic cancer 6
akt 6
akt signaling pathway 6
alpps 6
amino acid motifs 6
amino acid substitution 6
analysis of variance 6
angiopoietin-like 4 6
antibodies, monoclonal - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 6
antigens, cd34 - metabolism 6
antigens, viral - blood 6
antineoplastic agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
antineoplastic agents - pharmacology 6
antineoplastic agents - therapeutic use 6
antineoplastic agents, hormonal - administration & dosage 6
antiviral therapy 6
asia 6
asian 6
azathioprine - therapeutic use 6
bcl-x protein - genetics - metabolism 6
bevacizumab 6
biliary anastomotic stricture 6
biliary stricture 6
biliary tract diseases 6
biological therapy 6
blood loss, surgical - prevention & control 6
cancer staging 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - surgery 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - therapy 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - metabolism - secondary 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - mortality 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - pathology - surgery - virology 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - surgery 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - etiology - pathology - surgery - virology 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism - pathology 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - mortality - pathology - surgery - therapy 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - prevention and control - secondary 6
cdna microarray 6
cell cycle - genetics 6
cell cycle proteins - genetics 6
cell cycle proteins - metabolism 6
chemocytotoxic 6
chemoembolization, therapeutic 6
chemokines 6
complex liver resection 6
controlled study 6
cyclin d1 - metabolism 6
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 6
cytomegalovirus - immunology 6
cytoplasm - metabolism 6
diabetes mellitus - epidemiology - prevention & control 6
diagnostic imaging 6
dna - analysis 6
dna mutational analysis 6
dna, viral - blood 6
donor hepatectomy 6
duct-to-duct anastomosis 6
endoscopic treatment 6
endothelin-1 - genetics - metabolism 6
endothelium, vascular - pathology 6
enzyme inhibitors - pharmacology 6
epithelial-mesenchymal transition 6
erc 6
erlotinib 6
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - metabolism 6
family history 6
focal adhesion kinase 6
fty720 6
g1 phase - drug effects 6
gemcitabine 6
gene expression regulation - physiology 6
gold(iii) compound 6
gpx3 6
graft 6
graft rejection - epidemiology - prevention & control 6
growth arrest and dna damage (gadd) inducible genes 6
heme oxygenase (decyclizing) - genetics 6
hepatic veins - surgery 6
hepaticojejunostomy 6
hepatitis b - complications - genetics - metabolism - pathology - virology 6
hepatitis b - prevention & control - surgery 6
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis - blood 6
hepatitis b virus - isolation and purification 6
hepatitis b, chronic - mortality - surgery 6
hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) 6
hipsc-mscs 6
homeodomain proteins - antagonists and inhibitors - genetics - metabolism 6
homeodomain proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
homeoprotein six1 6
hypertension, portal - etiology - physiopathology 6
immunoglobulins - therapeutic use 6
immunosuppressive agents - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 6
inflow 6
injections, intravenous 6
interference 6
interferon-alpha - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
kidney neoplasms - genetics - prevention and control - secondary 6
laparoscopic resection 6
ldlt 6
ligation 6
lipocalins 6
liver - anatomy & histology 6
liver - blood supply - metabolism - pathology - surgery 6
liver - blood supply - pathology 6
liver - cytology - metabolism - pathology 6
liver - pathology - ultrasonography 6
liver neoplasms - blood supply - surgery - ultrastructure 6
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - therapy 6
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - mortality 6
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology - surgery - virology 6
liver neoplasms - epidemiology - surgery 6
liver neoplasms - etiology - pathology - surgery - virology 6
liver neoplasms - genetics - mortality - pathology - surgery - therapy 6
liver neoplasms - pathology - radiography - surgery 6
liver neoplasms, experimental - drug therapy - metabolism - pathology 6
liver neoplasms, experimental - genetics - pathology - prevention and control 6
liver neoplasms, experimental - metabolism - pathology - surgery 6
liver neoplasms, experimental - metabolism - pathology - virology 6
liver transplantation - adverse effects - immunology 6
liver transplantation - adverse effects - pathology - physiology 6
liver transplantation - pathology 6
liver transplantation - pathology - physiology 6
liver transplantation - physiology 6
liver transplantation - statistics and numerical data 6
living 6
lung metastasis 6
lung neoplasms - etiology - metabolism - secondary 6
m2 macrophages 6
map kinase signaling system - drug effects 6
membrane proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
meticillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus 6
mitochondria, liver - pathology 6
mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 6
mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 6
modulation 6
molecular sequence data 6
mycophenolic acid - administration & dosage - analogs & derivatives 6
neoplasm recurrence, local - etiology - metabolism - pathology 6
neovascularization, pathologic - prevention & control 6
nf-kappa b - metabolism 6
nitric oxide synthase - genetics - metabolism 6
nitric oxide synthase type iii 6
nosocomial transmission 6
nucleic acid hybridization 6
octreotide - administration & dosage 6
oncology 6
outcome 6
p21/waf1 6
pathologic tumour-node-metastasis (ptnm) stage 6
peptidylprolyl isomerase - genetics - metabolism 6
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 6
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases - metabolism 6
phosphorylation - drug effects 6
placebos 6
platelet count 6
portal pressure - physiology 6
probability 6
prognostic predictor 6
progression 6
proline 6
prophylaxis 6
protein binding 6
protein-serine-threonine kinases - metabolism 6
proto-oncogene proteins - metabolism 6
proto-oncogene proteins c-myc - genetics - metabolism 6
ptbd 6
rac gtp-binding proteins - chemistry - metabolism 6
rac gtp-binding proteins - metabolism 6
receptors, interleukin-2 - immunology 6
recombinant fusion proteins 6
recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma 6
reference values 6
regional blood flow - physiology 6
reperfusion injury - pathology 6
reproducibility of results 6
right-liver 6
risk factor 6
rna, small interfering - pharmacology 6
serine 6
short hairpin rna (shrna) 6
six1 6
size 6
small-for-size fatty liver 6
sorafenib-refractory 6
spa type 6
standard 6
tacrolimus - administration & dosage 6
tacrolimus - therapeutic use 6
targeted therapy 6
therapeutic 6
tissue and organ procurement - organization & administration 6
tissue distribution 6
trans-activators - genetics - metabolism 6
transcription factor rela - genetics - metabolism 6
transcription, genetic 6
transcriptional activation 6
transmissibility 6
transmission dynamics 6
tuberculosis 6
tumor markers, biological - blood 6
tumor suppressor gene 6
tumorigenesis 6
vascular endothelial growth factor 6
vegf 6
waiting lists 6
wound healing 6
2-de 5
academic medical centers 5
acute-phase reaction 5
acute-phase reaction - metabolism - pathology 5
adefovir 5
adenosine - chemistry 5
adoptive transfer 5
adrenal cortex hormones - therapeutic use 5
akt survival pathway 5
alagille syndrome 5
alanine transaminase - analysis 5
albumins - genetics - metabolism 5
allopurinol - chemistry 5
alpha-fetoprotein 5
amyloid neuropathies, familial - surgery 5
amyloidosis, familial - ethnology - genetics - pathology 5
angioplasty - methods 5
animal experiment 5
animal models 5
antibody formation 5
antineoplastic agents, hormonal - therapeutic use 5
antitubercular agents - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 5
apolipoprotein c-iii 5
apolipoproteins c - metabolism 5
asian continental ancestry group 5
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 5
aspartate aminotransferase 5
bile duct atresia 5
bile duct obstruction 5
bile duct reconstruction 5
bile ducts, intrahepatic 5
bile leakage 5
biomarkers 5
biopsy 5
biopsy, needle - adverse effects - methods 5
blood transfusion, autologous 5
bone marrow transplantation - adverse effects 5
cancer 5
carcinogenicity 5
carcinoma - secondary - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - blood supply - pathology 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - diagnosis - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - chemistry - drug therapy - mortality 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - diagnosis - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - pathology - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - pathology - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - enzymology - pathology - ultrastructure 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism 5
case-control studies 5
catheter ablation - adverse effects 5
cause of death 5
ccaat-enhancer-binding proteins - physiology 5
cell assay 5
cell cycle - drug effects 5
cell growth 5
cell movement - physiology 5
cell-free circulating nucleic acid 5
chemokine cxcl2 5
chemokines, cxc - metabolism 5
chemosensitivity 5
chemotherapy, adjuvant 5
chi-square distribution 5
china - ethnology 5
cholangiocarcinoma - complications - pathology - surgery 5
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde - adverse effects 5
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde - methods 5
cholelithiasis - complications - diagnosis - surgery 5
cholestasis, intrahepatic - drug therapy - etiology - surgery 5
chromosome aberrations 5
clinical competence 5
colorectal neoplasms - pathology 5
computer systems 5
confidence intervals 5
cryotherapy 5
cytokines - blood - genetics 5
diagnosis, differential 5
disease transmission, infectious 5
dna - chemistry 5
dna methylation 5
dna primers - chemistry 5
dna probes 5
dna, complementary - metabolism 5
dna, neoplasm - metabolism 5
dna, viral - metabolism 5
dna-binding proteins - physiology 5
docosahexaenoic acid 5
docosahexaenoic acids - pharmacology 5
donor/recipient origin 5
doxorubicin 5
dual portal vein 5
early growth response protein 1 5
emergency medical services 5
endosonography 5
endothelial growth factors - blood 5
endothelin-1 - blood - genetics 5
endothelin-1 - metabolism 5
energy metabolism - drug effects - physiology 5
enzyme activity 5
epidermal growth factor - metabolism 5
epithelial-mesenchymal transition - physiology 5
evaluation studies as topic 5
familial transthyretin amyloidosis 5
fibrosis - drug therapy - pathology 5
flow cytometry 5
focal adhesion kinase 2 - metabolism - physiology 5
gallstones - complications - ultrasonography 5
glucagon - blood 5
glutathione - chemistry 5
graft rejection - drug therapy 5
graft survival - drug effects - genetics 5
graft survival - drug effects - immunology - physiology 5
graft survival - physiology 5
heat-shock protein 5
heat-shock proteins - metabolism 5
heme oxygenase (decyclizing) - biosynthesis 5
hemostasis 5
hemostasis, surgical 5
hepatectomy - classification - methods 5
hepatic resection 5
hepatic steatosis 5
hepatic stellate cell (hsc) 5
hepatic veins - physiopathology - surgery 5
hepatitic decompensation 5
hepatitis b - complications - drug therapy - surgery 5
hepatitis b - complications - etiology 5
hepatitis b - drug therapy - genetics - physiopathology - virology 5
hepatitis b antibodies - blood 5
hepatitis b core antigens - genetics 5
hepatitis b surface antigens - immunology 5
hepatitis b virus - drug effects - genetics 5
hepatitis b, chronic - blood - pathology - virology 5
hepatitis b, chronic - immunology - surgery 5
hepatitis b, chronic - surgery 5
hepatology 5
hsp27 heat-shock proteins 5
hsp70 heat-shock proteins - genetics 5
human recombinant arginase 5
hypertension - epidemiology 5
hypertension, portal - etiology - prevention & control 5
hypertension, portal - mortality - physiopathology - surgery 5
hypoglycemic agents - pharmacology 5
hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit 5
iatrogenic disease 5
iatrogenic disease - prevention and control 5
immediate-early proteins 5
immediate-early proteins - metabolism 5
immunosuppressive agents - administration and dosage 5
in situ hybridization, fluorescence 5
in situ nick-end labeling 5
insulin - chemistry - pharmacology 5
insulin receptor substrate proteins 5
interleukin-10 - biosynthesis 5
internal medicine 5
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins 5
intraoperative complications 5
invasion 5
kaplan-meier estimate 5
ketone bodies - blood 5
lamivudine - administration and dosage 5
leukemia, myelogenous, chronic, bcr-abl positive - therapy 5
live donor liver transplantation 5
liver - anatomy & histology - drug effects - ultrastructure 5
liver - anatomy & histology - pathology - physiopathology 5
liver - anatomy and histology 5
liver - chemistry - pathology 5
liver - drug effects - injuries - metabolism 5
liver - metabolism - ultrastructure 5
liver - physiology - surgery 5
liver - radiography 5
liver cirrhosis - complications - virology 5
liver cirrhosis - drug therapy - etiology - surgery 5
liver cirrhosis, experimental - surgery 5
liver embryo 5
liver neoplasms - blood - blood supply - pathology 5
liver neoplasms - blood - diagnosis - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - blood - secondary - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - chemistry - drug therapy - mortality 5
liver neoplasms - complications - diagnosis - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - complications - mortality - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - complications - pathology - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - etiology - genetics - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - enzymology - pathology - ultrastructure 5
liver neoplasms - therapy 5
liver transplantation - adverse effects - mortality 5
liver transplantation - immunology - methods - physiology 5
liver transplantation - immunology - mortality - physiology 5
liver transplantation - immunology - pathology 5
liver transplantation - methods - mortality - statistics & numerical data 5
liver transplantation - methods - pathology 5
liver transplantation - mortality - physiology - statistics & numerical data 5
living related donor 5
longitudinal studies 5
loss of heterozygosity 5
lymphatic metastasis 5
lymphocytes - immunology 5
lymphokines - blood 5
lymphoma, b-cell - etiology - genetics - pathology 5
map kinase signaling system 5
map kinase signaling system - drug effects - physiology 5
mapk 5
marrow transplantation 5
matrix metalloproteinase-12 5
medical errors - adverse effects 5
metachronous primary hcc 5
microsatellite analysis 5
models, animal 5
molecular chaperones - metabolism 5
multidrug resistance protein 1 5
mutant 5
neoplasm proteins - metabolism 5
neoplasm recurrence, local 5
neoplasm recurrence, local - blood - diagnosis 5
neoplasm recurrence, local - mortality 5
neoplasm recurrence, local - mortality - pathology 5
neoplasm seeding 5
neoplasms, second primary - mortality - surgery 5
neovascularization, pathologic 5
novel therapy 5
nuclear family 5
oncofetal proteins 5
opportunistic infections - prevention and control 5
organ preservation 5
organ preservation solutions - chemistry 5
organ transplantation - adverse effects - pathology 5
orthotopic liver transplantation 5
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases - metabolism 5
palliative care - methods 5
pancreaticoduodenectomy - mortality - standards 5
pancreatitis - etiology - ultrasonography 5
pancreatitis, acute necrotizing - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 5
pancreatogastrostomy 5
paraganglioma 5
parenteral nutrition 5
phosphoproteins - physiology 5
plasma mrna 5
point mutation 5
portal vein - anatomy and histology - surgery 5
portal vein - physiopathology - surgery 5
portal vein reconstruction 5
post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder 5
postoperative complications - etiology 5
postoperative complications - etiology - pathology 5
prealbumin - genetics 5
preclinical study 5
prediction model 5
preoperative care - methods 5
proctology 5
promoter regions (genetics) 5
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 5
protein-serine-threonine kinases - physiology 5
protein-tyrosine kinases - physiology 5
proteins - genetics 5
proteins - metabolism 5
proteome - metabolism 5
proteomic profiling 5
proto-oncogene proteins - physiology 5
ptk787 5
radiofrequency 5
radiography, abdominal 5
raf kinases - metabolism 5
raffinose - chemistry 5
receptors, endothelin - genetics 5
receptors, estrogen - analysis 5
receptors, progesterone - analysis 5
reconstructive surgical procedures - methods 5
renal transplantation 5
reperfusion injury - drug therapy 5
reperfusion injury - metabolism - physiopathology 5
residual 5
risk assessment 5
rna - metabolism 5
rna, messenger - analysis 5
rna, messenger - blood 5
rupture - etiology - mortality - pathology 5
safety 5
sarcoma - diagnosis - etiology - genetics - surgery 5
sepsis 5
serologic tests 5
severe hepatitis b exacerbation 5
sex factors 5
signal transduction - drug effects - physiology 5
single-blind method 5
sirolimus - administration and dosage 5
small-for-size graft 5
somatostatin - therapeutic use 5
spleen - injuries - pathology - radiography - surgery 5
statistics, nonparametric 5
steroids - therapeutic use 5
sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 5
stress, mechanical 5
surrogate 5
survival rate - trends 5
survivin 5
tace 5
tamoxifen - therapeutic use 5
tissue and organ harvesting - methods 5
tissue donors - supply & distribution 5
toce 5
tolerance 5
transcription factors - physiology 5
transferrin - analysis 5
transplantation, homologous - adverse effects 5
triptolide 5
ttr gene 5
tuberculosis - diagnosis - drug therapy - transmission 5
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - genetics - metabolism 5
up-regulation - physiology 5
vascular endothelial growth factor a 5
vascular endothelial growth factors 5
vasoconstriction - physiology 5
virus integration 5
ymdd mutation 5
ω-3 fatty acids 5
" surrogate" end point 4
abo blood-group system - immunology 4
activated hepatic stellate cells 4
active immunization 4
adenine - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 4
adenosine 4
alleles 4
allopurinol 4
anastomosis, surgical - adverse effects 4
animal cell 4
ann 4
antibody against hepatitis b surface antigen 4
antigens, cd34 - analysis 4
asb4 4
atp7b 4
basic fibroblast growth factor 4
biliary tract neoplasms - complications - mortality 4
biomedical research 4
blood group incompatibility - immunology 4
blood loss, surgical - statistics & numerical data 4
blood vessel prosthesis implantation 4
body mass index 4
bone marrow cells - pathology 4
bregs 4
cancer cell 4
cancer proteome 4
carbon tetrachloride 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - chemistry - diagnosis 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - mortality - pathology - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood supply - immunology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - classification - pathology - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - mortality - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - genetics - metabolism - pathology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - etiology - pathology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - pathology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - ethnology - genetics - pathology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - mortality 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - pathology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - pathology - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - pathology - surgery - virology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - pathology - virology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - metabolism 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - radiography - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - surgery - virology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - therapy 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - radiography - surgery 4
carrier proteins - metabolism 4
cart 4
caspase 4
catheter ablation - instrumentation - methods 4
catheter ablation - standards - statistics & numerical data 4
cell hypoxia - drug effects - physiology 4
cell line establishment 4
cell migration 4
cell nucleus - metabolism 4
cgh 4
cholangiocarcinoma - pathology - surgery 4
cholangiocarcinoma - therapy 4
cholangiography 4
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde 4
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde - methods - mortality 4
cholangitis - etiology - surgery 4
cholangitis - mortality - therapy 4
choledochostomy 4
cholestasis - etiology - surgery 4
cholestasis - mortality - surgery - therapy 4
cholestasis - surgery 4
chromosome gain 4
chromosomes, human, pair 14 - genetics 4
chromosomes, human, y 4
classification 4
clinical competence - standards - statistics & numerical data 4
cluster analysis 4
codon 4
colonic neoplasms - secondary - surgery 4
colonoscopy 4
combined hcc-cc 4
complications 4
contraceptives, oral - administration & dosage 4
cox-2 4
cyclooxygenase 2 4
cytotoxicity 4
deceased donor 4
deoxyribonucleases, type ii site-specific 4
discriminant analysis 4
dna copy number variations 4
dna, neoplasm - genetics 4
double-blind method 4
drainage 4
drug reaction 4
drug therapy 4
dual graft 4
embolization, therapeutic 4
end stage liver disease - surgery - virology 4
family practice - trends 4
fatty change 4
fatty liver - pathology - radiography 4
female patient 4
fibroblast growth factor 2 - blood 4
fibrosis progression 4
fish 4
fluorescent antibody technique 4
forecasting 4
gallbladder 4
gender 4
gene expression regulation - drug effects - physiology 4
gene frequency 4
gene therapy 4
gene transfer techniques 4
genes, reporter 4
genetic heterogeneity 4
genotype 4
glutathione 4
gore-tex graft 4
graft occlusion, vascular - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology - surgery 4
graft rejection - drug therapy - pathology 4
graft survival - drug effects - physiology 4
graft vs host disease - diagnosis - etiology - pathology 4
granulin-epithelin precursor 4
haemophilus infections 4
haplotype 4
haplotypes 4
hepatectomy - adverse effects - contraindications - methods - mortality 4
hepatectomy - adverse effects - methods 4
hepatectomy - adverse effects - methods - mortality 4
hepatectomy - adverse effects - mortality - standards 4
hepatectomy - statistics and numerical data 4
hepatic artery ligation 4
hepatic veins - pathology 4
hepatic veins - physiopathology 4
hepatic veins - physiopathology - radiography - surgery 4
hepatitis b - complications - pathology - surgery 4
hepatitis b - prevention & control - surgery - therapy 4
hepatitis b antibodies - analysis 4
hepatitis b e antigens - analysis 4
hepatitis b infection 4
hepatitis b vaccines - therapeutic use 4
hepatitis b virus - genetics - immunology 4
hepatitis b virus - isolation & purification 4
hepatitis b, chronic - drug therapy - pathology - virology 4
hepatitis b, chronic - etiology - immunology - prevention & control 4
hepatitis, chronic - complications - surgery 4
hepatoblastoma 4
hepatoblastoma - epidemiology - pathology 4
hepatocytes - drug effects - metabolism 4
hepatolenticular degeneration - genetics 4
hepatotoxicity 4
hernia - etiology 4
hif-1α 4
histocompatibility testing 4
histology 4
hla 4
hla antigens - analysis 4
homeostasis - physiology 4
hsp70 heat-shock proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 4
hsp70 heat-shock proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
hypertension, portal - complications - surgery 4
hypoxic t6-hscs 4
image interpretation, computer-assisted 4
immunity 4
immunization 4
immunocompromised patient 4
immunosuppression 4
immunosuppression - methods 4
indocyanine green - diagnostic use 4
indomethacin - pharmacology 4
inoperable 4
insulin - pharmacology 4
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics 4
interferon-gamma 4
interleukin-6 - genetics - metabolism 4
internal hernia 4
intestinal diseases - etiology - surgery 4
intestinal obstruction 4
intestinal obstruction - etiology - surgery 4
intolerance 4
intrahepatic metastasis 4
iodide peroxidase - genetics 4
ischemic injury 4
isoenzymes - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 4
kasai portoenterostomy 4
kupffer cells - cytology 4
laparoscopic cholecystectomy 4
laparoscopic ultrasonography 4
laparoscopy - statistics and numerical data 4
large 4
linkage disequilibrium 4
lipid peroxidation 4
live donor 4
liver - drug effects - pathology 4
liver - pathology - radiography - surgery 4
liver - surgery 4
liver circulation 4
liver circulation - drug effects 4
liver cirrhosis - complications - surgery 4
liver cirrhosis - diagnosis - surgery 4
liver cirrhosis - epidemiology - etiology - pathology 4
liver complications 4
liver failure 4
liver fibrosis 4
liver graft 4
liver injury 4
liver neoplasm 4
liver neoplasms - blood - chemistry - diagnosis 4
liver neoplasms - blood - mortality - pathology - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - blood supply - immunology 4
liver neoplasms - classification - mortality - pathology - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - genetics - metabolism - pathology 4
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - drug therapy 4
liver neoplasms - epidemiology - etiology - pathology 4
liver neoplasms - epidemiology - pathology 4
liver neoplasms - ethnology - genetics - pathology 4
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism 4
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology - secondary 4
liver neoplasms - genetics - mortality 4
liver neoplasms - genetics - pathology 4
liver neoplasms - genetics - pathology - secondary - virology 4
liver neoplasms - genetics - pathology - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - genetics - pathology - surgery - virology 4
liver neoplasms - metabolism 4
liver neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - mortality 4
liver neoplasms - pathology - surgery - virology 4
liver neoplasms - pathology - therapy 4
liver neoplasms - radiography - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - secondary - therapy 4
liver neoplasms - surgery - therapy 4
liver transplantation - immunology - methods 4
liver tumors 4
living donor transplantation 4
living donors - psychology - supply and distribution 4
loh 4
luciferases - metabolism 4
lymphocytes - pathology 4
macrophage activation - immunology 4
macrophages - cytology 4
member d 4
membrane proteins - genetics 4
mhc class i chain-related molecule a 4
micrornas - genetics - metabolism 4
migration 4
mir-200a 4
mixed tumor, malignant - pathology - surgery 4
modified hai score 4
molecular relationship 4
multicentric occurrence 4
multigene family 4
multinodular 4
natural-killer group 2 4
neoplasm proteins - analysis - blood 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - blood supply 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - diagnosis - genetics - pathology 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - mortality - pathology - surgery 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - pathology - surgery 4
neoplastic stem cells - pathology 4
nf-kappa b - biosynthesis 4
nitric oxide 4
novel mutation 4
nucleic acid hybridization - methods 4
nutritional support 4
occult hbv co-infection 4
octreotide 4
organ donation 4
organ preservation - methods 4
organ preservation solutions 4
oxidative stress 4
p.r778l founder mutation 4
p27 4
pancreatic anastomotic leakage 4
pancreatic neoplasms - complications 4
pattern 4
pdgf-bb 4
perforin 4
phenotype 4
phlebography - methods 4
phosphonic acids - therapeutic use 4
pi3-kinase/akt 4
plasmids - metabolism 4
pneumococcal infections 4
portal vein - pathology - radiography - surgery 4
portal vein invasion 4
postoperative complications - epidemiology - mortality 4
preventive medicine - methods 4
primary liver tumours 4
pringle manoeuvre 4
prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthases - metabolism 4
protein array analysis 4
protein-losing enteropathies - etiology - surgery 4
proteome - analysis - chemistry 4
proteomics - methods - trends 4
proto-oncogene proteins c-met - genetics 4
raffinose 4
reactive oxygen species 4
recurrence - prevention & control 4
recurrent chronic hepatitis c virus 4
relapsed infection due to hbv 4
reperfusion injury - physiopathology 4
resectability 4
retreatment 4
rhoa-gtp 4
right liver graft 4
roc curve 4
ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma 4
sequence analysis, dna 4
severe fibrosis 4
signal transduction - physiology 4
single institution 4
skin - pathology 4
small-for size graft 4
split graft 4
steatotic donor 4
streptococcal infections 4
stress 4
sulfonamides - pharmacology 4
surgical procedures, operative 4
swine 4
tandem mass spectrometry 4
tissue and organ harvesting - adverse effects - methods 4
tissue and organ harvesting - adverse effects - mortality - standards 4
tnp-470 4
trans-activators - biosynthesis 4
transarterial embolization 4
transcriptome 4
transplant outcomes 4
transplant research 4
transplantation chimera 4
tumor biomarker 4
tumor markers, biological - analysis 4
tumor markers, biological - analysis - blood 4
tumor markers, biological - genetics 4
tumor rupture 4
tumor suppressor protein p53 - biosynthesis - genetics 4
ultrastructure 4
urokinase-type plasminogen activator - biosynthesis 4
urology and nephrology 4
vein graft 4
vena cava, inferior - surgery 4
vhl 4
wilson disease 4
y chromosome - genetics 4
β-hydroxyl 4
γ-butyrolactone 4
aa454543 3
actuarial analysis 3
adaptor proteins, signal transducing 3
adenosine - pharmacology 3
adenosine triphosphate - analysis 3
adrenomedullin 3
adrenomedullin - genetics - metabolism 3
age 3
algorithms 3
allograft inflammatory factor-1 3
alpha-fetoproteins - analysis 3
alternative splicing 3
aminopyrine - diagnostic use 3
aminopyrine breath test 3
angiogenesis inducing agents - metabolism 3
angiogenesis inhibitors - therapeutic use 3
angiogenic factor 3
antineoplastic activity 3
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - administration & dosage 3
atp-binding cassette transporters - physiology 3
attitude of health personnel 3
autopsy 3
axl receptor kinase 3
bacterial infections 3
berberine 3
beta-galactosidase - metabolism 3
bias (epidemiology) 3
bile 3
bile duct neoplasms - radiotherapy 3
bile ducts - metabolism - surgery 3
bile ducts - pathology - surgery 3
bile ducts, intrahepatic - pathology 3
bile ducts, intrahepatic - surgery 3
biliary obstruction 3
biliary tract - abnormalities - radiography 3
biliary tract diseases - etiology 3
biliary tract diseases - etiology - therapy 3
biliary tract neoplasms - therapy 3
biliary tract surgical procedures - adverse effects 3
biological markers - blood 3
bleeding 3
blood glucose - analysis 3
blood loss, surgical - physiopathology 3
blood sampling 3
body surface area 3
brachytherapy 3
brain-derived neurotrophic factor 3
breath tests 3
cadherins 3
calcitonin receptor 3
calcitonin receptor-like protein 3
calcium - diagnostic use 3
cancer signaling 3
cancer stem cells 3
capture 3
carbon tetrachloride - toxicity 3
carcinogenesis 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - diagnosis - pathology - therapy 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - mortality 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood supply - pathology - surgery 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - drug therapy - metabolism 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - genetics - pathology 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism - mortality 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism - mortality - pathology 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - virology 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - metabolism - therapy 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - surgery - therapy 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - virology 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - physiopathology - surgery 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - surgery - ultrasonography 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - secondary - surgery 3
carrier proteins - biosynthesis 3
catcinoma 3
catheterization, central venous 3
celastrol 3
cell count 3
cell division 3
cell survival - physiology 3
cellular retinol binding protein 3
chilaiditi's sign 3
cholangiocarcinoma - complications - mortality - surgery 3
cholangiocarcinoma - radiotherapy 3
cholangitis 3
cholangitis-therapy 3
cholecystectomy, laparoscopic - adverse effects 3
cholecystitis - surgery - ultrasonography 3
cholelithiasis - diagnosis - therapy 3
cholelithiasis - surgery - therapy 3
cholestasis - epidemiology - metabolism - surgery 3
cholestasis - physiopathology - surgery 3
chromosome 8p 3
chromosome deletion 3
chromosomes, human, pair 13 - genetics 3
chromosomes, human, pair 8 3
circulating tumor cell 3
cisplatin - administration & dosage 3
clinical trials as topic 3
clinicopathologic correlation 3
clinicopathologic correlation and prognostication 3
colon - radiography 3
colorectal neoplasms - secondary 3
constriction, pathologic 3
copy number variation 3
cost-benefit analysis 3
cost-effective 3
ctla4ig 3
curcumin 3
cysteine - analogs and derivatives - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
cytochrome p-450 cyp2e1 - biosynthesis - pharmacology 3
cytochrome p450 3
cytoskeletal proteins - antagonists & inhibitors 3
cytoskeletal proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 3
dapper 3
deceased-donor 3
delayed coincidence timing 3
dendritic cells - pathology 3
diabetes complications 3
diagnostic errors 3
diaphragm - radiography 3
differential expression 3
disease marker 3
distal pancreatectomy 3
dna, complementary 3
dna, neoplasm - analysis 3
drainage-methods 3
drug resistance, neoplasm - physiology 3
duodenal 3
duodenal diseases - etiology 3
duodenopleutal 3
electrodes 3
embolization, therapeutic - methods 3
emt 3
endoscopy 3
endoscopy,-gastrointestinal 3
endothelial growth factors - biosynthesis - genetics 3
endothelial growth factors - genetics - metabolism 3
endothelial growth factors - metabolism 3
enucleation 3
epidemiologic factors 3
equipment design 3
essential thrombocythemia 3
estimated standard liver weight 3
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
feasibility studies 3
fistula 3
flk-1/kdr 3
flowmetry 3
flt-1 3
follicular dendritic cell 3
fulminant hepatic failure 3
gallstones-surgery 3
garlic - chemistry 3
gastrointestinal neoplasms - blood supply - drug therapy - metabolism 3
gene silencing 3
gene therapy - methods 3
genes, p16 3
genetic markers - genetics 3
genomic rearrangement 3
glucose - pharmacology 3
glycyrrhetinic acid 3
glycyrrhizin 3
graft shortage 3
graft survival - immunology 3
haematoma 3
hdpr1 3
hemagglutinins - metabolism 3
hemostasis, surgical - methods 3
hepatectomy - instrumentation - methods 3
hepatectomy - mortality 3
hepatic 3
hepatic artery 3
hepatic duct, common - pathology 3
hepatic duct, common - surgery 3
hepatic veins 3
hepatic veins - transplantation 3
hepatitis b 3
hepatitis b - pathology 3
hepatitis b - surgery 3
hepatitis b antigens - metabolism 3
hepatitis b virus - physiology 3
hepatitis, chronic - pathology - surgery 3
hepatolithiasis 3
hevin 3
high-throughput 3
hilar cholangiocarcinoma 3
hippo pathway 3
histologic activity index 3
hormones - administration & dosage 3
hyperalimentation 3
immunoenzyme techniques 3
in situ hybridization 3
indocyanine green retention 3
inflammatory pseudotumour 3
insulin - blood 3
insulinoma - diagnosis - surgery 3
insulinoma - pathology - surgery 3
integration 3
intensive care 3
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - biosynthesis 3
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 3
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - physiology 3
interleukin-8 - biosynthesis - genetics 3
interstitial laser therapy 3
intestinal fistula - etiology 3
intestinal perforation - radiography 3
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
intramural 3
intraoperative complications - etiology 3
intraoperative complications - etiology - prevention & control 3
intraoperative period 3
jak2 3
janus kinase 2 - genetics 3
jejunostomy - methods 3
jnk signaling 3
kasai operation 3
laparotomy 3
li-cadherin 3
linear models 3
lithiasis - complications - surgery 3
liver - blood supply 3
liver - blood supply - surgery 3
liver - pathology - surgery 3
liver - physiology 3
liver -- surgery. 3
liver cirrhosis - pathology 3
liver cirrhosis - pathology - surgery 3
liver cirrhosis, experimental - chemically induced 3
liver diseases - complications - surgery 3
liver diseases - genetics - pathology 3
liver diseases - pathology - physiopathology - surgery 3
liver failure - etiology 3
liver failure - radiography 3
liver failure - surgery - therapy 3
liver neoplasms - blood - mortality 3
liver neoplasms - blood supply - pathology - surgery 3
liver neoplasms - complications - drug therapy - metabolism 3
liver neoplasms - epidemiology - genetics - pathology 3
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - mortality 3
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - mortality - pathology 3
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 3
liver neoplasms - genetics - virology 3
liver neoplasms - metabolism - therapy 3
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - surgery - therapy 3
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - virology 3
liver neoplasms - pathology - surgery - ultrasonography 3
liver regeneration - physiology 3
liver transplantation - contraindications - methods 3
liver transplantation - immunology - methods - mortality 3
liver transplantation - methods - psychology 3
liver tumor 3
livercancer 3
living donors - history 3
living donors - psychology 3
lymphangioma 3
lymphangioma - epidemiology - pathology - surgery 3
lymphokines - biosynthesis - genetics 3
lymphokines - genetics - metabolism 3
lymphokines - metabolism 3
lymphoma, follicular - pathology - radiography - surgery 3
m6p26-hsa 3
macrophage migration inhibitory factor 3
macrophage migration-inhibitory factors - pharmacology - physiology 3
macrophages 3
macrophages - immunology 3
malignancy 3
malignant liver tumor 3
membrane transport proteins 3
micrornas - genetics 3
microscopy, fluorescence 3
microvascular surgery 3
microvessel density 3
microwave coagulation therapy 3
molecular targeted therapy 3
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 - surgery 3
mutations 3
neoplasm recurrence, local - prevention & control - therapy 3
neoplasm recurrence, local - therapy 3
neoplasm transplantation 3
neoplasms - metabolism - mortality - therapy 3
neoplasms - pathology 3
neovascularization, pathologic - blood - diagnosis 3
nitrates - metabolism 3
nitrites - metabolism 3
notch signaling 3
nuclear accumulation 3
nuclear proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
nuclear proteins - genetics - physiology 3
obstructive jaundice 3
octamer transcription factor-3 - physiology 3
oligopeptides - metabolism 3
organ culture techniques 3
organ preservation solutions - pharmacology 3
origin 3
overexpression 3
oxymatrine 3
p-glycoprotein 3
p53: hepatocellular carcinoma 3
pancreas 3
pancreas - pathology 3
pancreatic 3
pancreatic insulinoma 3
pancreatic neoplasms - diagnosis - surgery 3
pancreatic neoplasms - epidemiology - pathology - surgery 3
pancreatic neoplasms - pathology - surgery 3
pancreatic pseudocyst - diagnosis 3
pancreatitis - blood - etiology - prevention & control 3
pancreatitis - blood - mortality 3
pancreatitis-surgery 3
platelet 3
platelet apheresis 3
pleural diseases - etiology 3
polymorphism 3
portal inflow 3
portal vein thrombosis 3
portoenterostomy 3
postoperative complications - epidemiology - prevention & control 3
postoperative complications - etiology - therapy 3
postoperative complications - radiography - therapy 3
postoperative period 3
potassium chloride - pharmacology 3
prognostic factors 3
promoter regions, genetic 3
protein isoforms - metabolism 3
protein-tyrosine kinases - antagonists & inhibitors 3
proto-oncogene proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
ptnm classification 3
quality of life 3
questionnaires 3
raffinose - pharmacology 3
ramp 3
receptor activity-modifying protein 1 3
receptor activity-modifying protein 2 3
receptor activity-modifying protein 3 3
receptor activity-modifying proteins 3
receptor protein-tyrosine kinases - genetics - metabolism 3
receptor, epidermal growth factor - genetics - metabolism 3
receptor-mediated gene transfer system 3
receptors, calcitonin - genetics - metabolism 3
receptors, growth factor - genetics - metabolism 3
receptors, vascular endothelial growth factor 3
regional blood flow/physiology 3
regression analysis 3
renal veins - surgery - ultrasonography 3
renin - blood 3
respiratory tract fistula - etiology 3
responses 3
retinol-binding proteins - metabolism 3
retinol-binding proteins, cellular - metabolism 3
retroviridae - genetics 3
retrovirus 3
right liver 3
rna, neoplasm - genetics - isolation & purification 3
rna, neoplasm - metabolism 3
rupture, spontaneous 3
salvianolic acids 3
saphenous vein - surgery 3
sequence deletion 3
sequence homology, amino acid 3
signalling 3
simplifying 3
smyd3 3
sodium chloride 3
somatostatin - administration & dosage 3
sonoluminescence 3
sparc 3
sphincterotomy, endoscopic - adverse effects - mortality - statistics & numerical data 3
sphincterotomy,-endoscopic-adverse-effects 3
sphincterotomy,-endoscopic-mortality 3
splanchnic circulation - physiology 3
splenic artery 3
splenic vein - surgery - ultrasonography 3
spouses 3
stellate cells 3
subcapsular carcinoma 3
subclavian vein - surgery 3
subphrenic abscess - radiography 3
surgical approaches 3
surgical procedures, elective 3
systemic 3
t lymphocyte function 3
temperature 3
tetrandrine 3
thermal ablative therapy 3
thrombocytosis 3
thrombocytosis - genetics 3
thymidine phosphorylase - blood 3
tissue and organ harvesting 3
tissue and organ procurement - methods 3
tissue and organ procurement - statistics and numerical data 3
tissue culture techniques 3
tissue donors - supply and distribution 3
trans-activators 3
trans-activators - antagonists & inhibitors 3
transforming growth factor beta - blood 3
transplantation, liver 3
transplants - standards 3
tumor cells, cultured - metabolism - pathology 3
tumor markers, biological 3
tumor markers, biological - biosynthesis - genetics 3
tumor recurrence 3
type i collagen 3
ultrasonography, interventional 3
urea - blood 3
vascular endothelial growth factor a - biosynthesis - immunology 3
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 3
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 - biosynthesis - immunology 3
venoplasty 3
venous thrombosis - etiology 3
viral infections 3
whole-genome sequencing 3
wnt proteins 3
wnt/β-catenin signaling 3
yap1 oncogene 3
3-hydroxybutyric acid 2
abo blood-group system - adverse effects 2
abscess - radiography 2
aclf 2
acrogranin 2
acute cholecystitis 2
acute pancreatitis 2
acute-on-chronicliver disease 2
adeno-associated virus 2
adenocarcinoma - complications - pathology - secondary 2
adenoma, bile duct - etiology - therapy 2
adenosinetriphosphatase/genetics 2
adrenal gland neoplasms - complications - diagnosis - surgery 2
alanine - genetics 2
albumin 2
aldehyde reductase - genetics 2
ambulatory surgical procedures 2
ampulla of vater 2
amyloid 2
amyloid neuropathies - genetics 2
anastomosis, roux-en-y - standards 2
angiography 2
angiomyolipoma - pathology - radiography 2
angiostatin 2
animals, laboratory 2
anti-inflammatory agents, non-steroidal - pharmacology 2
antibodies, monoclonal 2
antibodies, monoclonal - diagnostic use 2
antigens, cd 2
antigens, cd - metabolism 2
antigens, cd18 - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 2
antigens, differentiation - genetics - immunology 2
antigens, neoplasm - analysis - genetics 2
antineoplastic agents - administration and dosage 2
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - therapeutic use 2
appendectomy 2
appendicitis - surgery 2
auxiliary liver transplantation 2
b7.1 2
bacterial infections - pathology - radiography - surgery - ultrasonography 2
bile duct diseases - complications 2
bile duct diseases - therapy 2
bile duct neoplasms - etiology - therapy 2
bile duct neoplasms - radiography - surgery 2
bile duct neoplasms - surgery 2
bile ducts, intrahepatic - radiography 2
biliary anastomosis 2
biliary pancreatitis 2
biliary tract surgical procedures - standards 2
binding sites 2
biology 2
biomarker 2
blood banks 2
blood coagulation tests 2
blood grouping and crossmatching 2
blood pressure 2
blood transfusion - utilization 2
bone marrow 2
bone marrow stromal cells 2
brain derived neurotrophic factor 2
caffeine - pharmacology 2
calculi - complications - physiopathology - surgery 2
calculi - mortality - surgery 2
cancer patient 2
cancer stem cell 2
capsular thickness 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - complications - mortality - surgery 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood supply - mortality - therapy 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - pathology 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - radiography 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - epidemiology - surgery 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - metabolism 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - metabolism - mortality 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - metabolism - pathology 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - pathology 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - immunology - pathology 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - immunology - mortality - pathology 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - surgery - virology 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - ultrasonography 2
cardiopulmonary bypass 2
cardiotrophin-1 2
case report 2
caspase 3 2
caspases - metabolism 2
catheterization, peripheral 2
cell cycle proteins - metabolism - radiation effects 2
cell hypoxia 2
cell invasion 2
cell nucleus - immunology - ultrastructure 2
cell selection 2
cell transplantation 2
cellcycle 2
cellular differentiation 2
cellular response 2
ceruloplasmin 2
ceruloplasmin - metabolism 2
chemoembolization, therapeutic - adverse effects - methods 2
chemoembolization, therapeutic - methods 2
chemokine receptor 2
cholangiocellular carcinoma 2
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde - adverse effects - mortality 2
cholangitis - complications - metabolism - mortality - surgery 2
cholangitis - complications - radiography 2
cholangitis - etiology 2
cholangitis - etiology - physiopathology - surgery 2
cholangitis - etiology - therapy 2
cholangitis - microbiology - mortality - therapy 2
cholangitis - pathology - radiography - surgery - ultrasonography 2
cholecystectomy, laparoscopic 2
choledochal cyst 2
cholelithiasis - complications 2
cholelithiasis - complications - epidemiology 2
cholelithiasis - complications - radiography 2
cholelithiasis - therapy 2
cholestasis, extrahepatic - diagnosis - etiology 2
cholestasis, intrahepatic - complications - radiography 2
cholestasis, intrahepatic - etiology - surgery 2
cholestasis, intrahepatic - etiology - therapy 2
circulating nucleic acid 2
cisplatin - administration & dosage - adverse effects 2
cisplatin - therapeutic use 2
clinicopathologic features 2
clonorchis sinensis 2
colon cancer 2
colonic neoplasms - complications - pathology 2
common bile duct neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - virology 2
computed tomography 2
contrast media - administration & dosage 2
copper/metabolism 2
ctla-4 antigen 2
cxcr3 ligands 2
cyclin 2
cyclin-dependent kinase 2
cyclins - metabolism 2
cyclooxygenase 2 - biosynthesis 2
cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors - therapeutic use 2
cyclopamine 2
cytoplasm 2
database 2
day surgery centre 2
deamino arginine vasopressin - therapeutic use 2
deficiency diseases - etiology 2
dendritic cells 2
dependovirus - genetics 2
dna-binding proteins - deficiency - radiation effects 2
donation of organs, tissues, etc. 2
doppler ultrasound 2
doxorubicin - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
drainage - methods 2
drug costs 2
drug resistance, multiple 2
drug resistance, neoplasm 2
duodenal ulcer - complications 2
electrobydraulic lithotripsy 2
emulsions 2
encapsulation 2
endoglin 2
endoscopes 2
endoscopic sphincterotomy 2
endoscopic sphincterotomy. 2
endoscopy, digestive system 2
endothelial cell 2
endotoxin-neutralizing peptide 2
energy metabolism - physiology 2
enteral nutrition 2
enzyme activation 2
epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors 2
epoprostenol - administration & dosage 2
epstein-barr virus 2
erythrocytes - immunology 2
esophageal and gastric varices - complications 2
extended right lobe graft 2
extrahepatic metastases 2
extravasation of diagnostic and therapeutic materials - etiology - radiography 2
familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy 2
fat emulsions, intravenous - pharmacokinetics 2
fatty acids, nonesterified - blood 2
fetoprotein screening 2
fever - etiology 2
fever - physiopathology 2
fibroblasts 2
follicular dendritic cell tumour 2
galactosamine - administration & dosage - economics 2
galactosamine - adverse effects 2
gallbladder - surgery 2
gallbladder cancer 2
gallbladder neoplasms - complications - surgery 2
gallstones 2
gallstones - radiography - therapy 2
gallstones - surgery 2
gallstones - therapy 2
gallstones. 2
gastrectomy 2
gastric ulcer 2
gastrointestinal haemorrhage 2
gastrointestinal hemorrhage - complications - mortality - surgery - therapy 2
gastroscopy 2
gelatin sponge, absorbable - administration & dosage - adverse effects 2
gene amplification 2
general surgery - education 2
genetic screening 2
genetic vectors - standards 2
glutamate-ammonia ligase - deficiency 2
glycerol - blood 2
gpi 2
graft occlusion, vascular - prevention & control 2
graft rejection - immunology - pathology 2
graft survival - drug effects - immunology 2
heart atria - surgery 2
heart neoplasms - complications - diagnosis - surgery 2
hedgehog 2
hemoglobins - drug effects 2
hemoglobinuria 2
hemolysis 2
hemorrhage - etiology 2
hemorrhage - etiology - radiography - therapy 2
hemostatics - therapeutic use 2
hepatic arteries, chemotherapeutic infusion, 952.1266 2
hepatic arteries, therapeutic blockade, 952.1264 2
hepatic artery - radiography 2
hepatic duct, common 2
hepatic duct, common - radiography - surgery 2
hepatic failure 2
hepatic stellate cell 2
hepatic vein 2
hepatic venous outflow obstruction 2
hepatitis b - surgery - therapy 2
hepatitis c virus 2
hepatocellular cacinoma 2
hepatocellular carcinoma, subclinical 2
hepatocyte 2
hepatocyte growth factor 2
hepatocyte nuclear factor 1α 2
hepatolenticular degeneration 2
hepatolenticular degeneration - blood - diagnosis - genetics 2
hepatolithiasis. 2
herpesvirus 4, human - isolation & purification 2
historical perspective 2
history, 20th century 2
history, 21st century 2
hong-kong chinese 2
hsp90 heat-shock proteins - metabolism 2
hydrogen-ion concentration 2
hydroxybutyrates - blood 2
hypothermia, induced 2
hypoxia inducible factor-1α 2
immunity, cellular 2
immunohistochemistry - methods 2
immunotherapy 2
incomplete excision 2
indocyanine green (icg) clearance 2
indocyanine green clearance test 2
infant, newborn 2
inflammation - immunology - pathology 2
insulinoma 2
insulinoma - enzymology - pathology - secondary 2
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - biosynthesis - genetics - metabolism 2
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
international cooperation 2
intestine, small - surgery 2
intra-abdominal 2
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 2
intrahepatic stones. 2
intratumoral microvessel density 2
iodized oil - administration & dosage - adverse effects 2
iodized oil - administration and dosage 2
isoantibodies - blood 2
jejunostomy 2
jurkat cells 2
ki-67 antigen 2
klatskin's tumor - radiography - surgery 2
ku autoantigen 2
leukocytes - immunology 2
levovist® 2
lipopolysaccharide 2
lipopolysaccharides - metabolism 2
lithotripsy - instrumentation - methods 2
lithotripsy - methods 2
liver - enzymology 2
liver -- transplantation 2
liver -- transplantation -- periodicals. 2
liver -- transplantation. 2
liver / transplantation 2
liver cirrhosis - blood - complications - mortality 2
liver cirrhosis - blood - surgery 2
liver cirrhosis - complications - metabolism - virology 2
liver cirrhosis - complications - pathology 2
liver cirrhosis - metabolism - therapy 2
liver diseases 2
liver diseases - complications - physiopathology - surgery 2
liver diseases - mortality - surgery 2
liver failure - chemically induced - pathology - therapy 2
liver failure, acute - chemically induced - metabolism - pathology 2
liver function 2
liver function reserve 2
liver neoplasms - blood - complications - mortality - surgery 2
liver neoplasms - blood supply - mortality - therapy 2
liver neoplasms - complications - radiography 2
liver neoplasms - complications - secondary 2
liver neoplasms - complications - secondary - surgery 2
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - epidemiology - surgery 2
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - metabolism 2
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - metabolism - mortality 2
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - metabolism - pathology 2
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology 2
liver neoplasms - genetics - immunology - pathology 2
liver neoplasms - immunology - mortality - pathology 2
liver neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - virology 2
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology 2
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - surgery - virology 2
liver neoplasms - pathology - radiography 2
liver neoplasms - ultrasonography 2
liver neoplasms, therapy, 761.321, 952.1266 2
liver transplantation - ethnology - immunology 2
liver transplantation - history 2
liver transplantation - history - methods 2
living related donor transplantation 2
living related donor transplantation -- periodicals. 2
localization 2
low-pressure pneumoperitoneum 2
lymphocyte 2
magnetic resonance imaging 2
mdr1 2
mesenchymal stem cells 2
met 2
methods 2
mib1 2
microarray 2
microarrays 2
middle hepatic vein 2
models, molecular 2
monoclonal antibody 2
mouse 2
mrp1 2
mt1-mmp/mmp14 2
multidrug resistance 2
multiple drug resistance 2
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 - enzymology 2
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2a 2
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2a - complications 2
murine double minute 2 2
national protocol 2
ndrg1 2
necrosis 2
neoplasm proteins - analysis 2
neoplasm recurrence, local - blood - epidemiology 2
neoplasms, multiple primary 2
neoplastic stem cells 2
nf-κb 2
nuclear proteins - analysis 2
nuclear proteins - analysis - genetics 2
nutritional status 2
operative mortality 2
organ allocation system 2
organ donors 2
organ donors. 2
organ transplantation 2
organs (anatomy) 2
osmolar concentration 2
outcome assessment (health care) 2
p-glycoprotein - genetics - metabolism 2
p-glycoprotein - metabolism 2
pancreas - radiography 2
pancreatic diseases - radiography 2
pancreatic endocrine tumour 2
pancreatic neoplasms - enzymology - pathology 2
pancreatic pseudocyst - radiography 2
pancreatitis 2
pancreatitis - complications - etiology - mortality 2
pancreatitis - etiology 2
pancreatitis - etiology - mortality 2
pancreatitis - etiology - therapy 2
pancreatitis - radiography 2
pancreatitis-diagnosis 2
pancreatitis-drug-therapy 2
pancreatitis. 2
partial thromboplastin time 2
pathologic features 2
patient survival 2
pc cell-derived growth factor 2
pedigree 2
peptic ulcer hemorrhage - diagnosis - mortality - pathology - therapy 2
peptic ulcer hemorrhage - epidemiology - mortality - therapy 2
peptic ulcer hemorrhage - mortality 2
peptic ulcer. 2
peptides - genetics - metabolism 2
peritonitis - physiopathology 2
pheochromocytoma 2
pheochromocytoma - complications - diagnosis - surgery 2
plasma exchange - methods 2
plasma rna 2
plasmapheresis 2
plasmapheresis - methods 2
polyneuropathies - genetics 2
polysaccharides - administration & dosage 2
portal vein embolization 2
postoperative complications - etiology - mortality - surgery 2
postoperative complications - mortality 2
postoperative pain 2
potassium - blood 2
pregnancy 2
pregnancy complications - surgery 2
prognostication 2
progranulin 2
proliferating cell nuclear antigen - metabolism 2
proliferation 2
protein structure, secondary 2
protein-energy malnutrition - etiology 2
protein-serine-threonine kinases - deficiency - metabolism - radiation effects 2
prothrombin time 2
ptk787/zk22258 2
pulse 2
purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic - blood - chemically induced 2
radio-frequency ablation 2
rat 2
rats, inbred buf 2
rats, inbred strains 2
re-excision 2
receptors, estrogen - analysis - biosynthesis 2
recombination, genetic 2
recurrent pyogenic cholangitis 2
repeated resection 2
right lobe graft 2
rna, messenger - genetics 2
scientific registry 2
sensitivity 2
sequence alignment 2
seroepidemiologic studies 2
serum albumin - metabolism 2
serum alpha-fetoprotein 2
severity-of-illness-index 2
sex characteristics 2
shock, septic - etiology 2
shock, septic - physiopathology 2
sodium - blood 2
sodium salicylate - pharmacology 2
somatostatin 2
somatostatin-therapeutic-use 2
specificity 2
sphincterotomy, transhepatic - adverse effects 2
split liver transplantation 2
staining and labeling 2
standard-pressure pneumoperitoneum 2
stem cells 2
stemcell 2
stents - adverse effects 2
stomach ulcer - complications - pathology 2
sugar alcohol dehydrogenases - genetics 2
suppuration 2
surgical therapy 2
surveillance network 2
survival rates 2
tacrolimus 2
tacrolimus - administration & dosage - adverse effects 2
telomerase 2
telomerase - metabolism 2
tnf-α 2
transcription factors - genetics - metabolism 2
transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. 2
transthyretin gene 2
treatment 2
triglycerides - pharmacokinetics 2
ttp 2
tuberculosis - complications 2
tumor differentiation 2
tumor encapsulation 2
tumor invasiveness 2
tumor marker 2
tumor markers 2
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - metabolism 2
tumor suppressor protein p53 - biosynthesis - genetics - metabolism 2
tumor suppressor proteins - deficiency - radiation effects 2
tyrosine kinase receptor b 2
ubiquitin-protein ligases - metabolism 2
ultrasonography 2
ultrasonography, doppler, color 2
ultrasound contrast agent 2
valine - genetics 2
vascular endothelial growth factor a - genetics - metabolism 2
vascular invasion 2
vena cava, inferior 2
verapamil - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
von hippel-lindau tumor suppressor protein 2
women 2
yc-1 2
α-fetoprotein 2
abdomen 1
abdomen, acute - diagnosis 1
abdominal muscles 1
abdominal wall. 1
acetic acid - administration & dosage 1
acetic acid injection 1
actinomycosis 1
actinomycosis - surgery 1
acute appendicitis 1
acute cholangitis 1
adeno-associated viral vector 1
adenosine triphosphate 1
adhesives 1
administration, topical 1
afp 1
albumin dialysis 1
alcohol injection 1
ampicillin - therapeutic use 1
anastomosis 1
anatomy 1
anterior approach 1
anti-bacterial agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
anti-bacterial agents - therapeutic use 1
anti-infective agents 1
antibodies - therapeutic use 1
antibodies, bacterial - analysis 1
appendectomy - economics 1
appendicitis - complications - surgery 1
appendicitis - diagnosis 1
appendicitis - diagnosis - mortality - surgery 1
appendicitis - drug therapy 1
appendicitis - microbiology - pathology - surgery 1
appendicitis - pathology - surgery 1
appendix - pathology 1
appendix - pathology - surgery 1
arteriosclerosis 1
autologous graft 1
bacteria - drug effects - isolation & purification 1
bacteria - isolation & purification 1
bacteria, aerobic - isolation & purification 1
bacteria, anaerobic - isolation & purification 1
bacterial infections - complications 1
bacterial infections - diagnosis - etiology 1
bacterial infections - drug therapy - microbiology 1
bacterial infections - prevention & control 1
bacteriological techniques 1
bacteroides fragilis 1
bacteroides infections - prevention & control 1
barium sulfate - diagnostic use 1
bile duct diseases - radiography 1
bile duct injury 1
bile duct neoplasms - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 1
bile duct stricture 1
bile ducts - metabolism - physiopathology 1
biliary 1
biliary cystic disease 1
biliary drainage 1
biliary fistula - radiography 1
biliary infection 1
biliary tract diseases - surgery 1
biliary tract surgical procedures 1
bilirubin 1
bleeding from ivc 1
bleeding small intestinal lesions 1
blood - microbiology 1
body weights and measures 1
branched-chain amino acid 1
calcineurin - genetics - physiology 1
carbon monoxide 1
carcinoma - surgery 1
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - mortality - secondary - surgery 1
caroli disease - complications - diagnosis 1
caroli's disease 1
catheterization - methods 1
catheterization, central venous - adverse effects 1
cecal diseases - etiology - surgery 1
cefoperazone - therapeutic use 1
cefotaxime - therapeutic use 1
cefoxitin - therapeutic use 1
central venous catheters 1
charcot's triad 1
children. 1
cholangiocarcinoma - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 1
cholangitis - complications 1
cholangitis - diagnosis - physiopathology - surgery 1
cholangitis - diagnosis - surgery 1
cholecystec-tomy 1
cholecystectomy 1
cholecystostomy 1
chronic rejection 1
colitis - etiology - surgery 1
colon - blood supply 1
colon - surgery 1
common bile duct - pathology - physiology - surgery 1
common bile duct - physiopathology 1
common bile duct diseases - radiography 1
comorbidity 1
costs and cost analysis 1
cross infection - diagnosis 1
cross infection - microbiology 1
cryosurgery 1
cysts - pathology - surgery 1
diagnosis 1
diagnostic criteria 1
diagnostic imaging guidelines 1
diatrizoate meglumine - adverse effects 1
dissection - instrumentation 1
donor safety 1
donor selection 1
drug administration schedule 1
duodenal diseases - pathology - surgery 1
duodenum - abnormalities - blood supply 1
elastase 1
elastin 1
emergency 1
endoscopic cholangiopancreatography 1
endoscopy - methods 1
endothelial cells 1
energy metabolism 1
epithelium - pathology 1
equipment safety 1
escherichia coli infections - prevention & control 1
esophageal diseases - therapy 1
esophageal fistula - etiology - therapy 1
esophageal neoplasms - complications - surgery 1
esophageal neoplasms - surgery 1
esophagus - surgery 1
evidence-based medicine 1
false negative reactions 1
fiber optic technology 1
flexible choledochoscopy 1
foreign bodies - therapy 1
fosfomycin - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
fulminant hepatitis 1
gallbladder diseases - diagnosis - pathology 1
gallbladder diseases - radiography 1
gallbladder drainage 1
gallstones - pathology - therapy 1
gangrene 1
gastric cancer 1
gastrointestinal bleeding 1
gastrointestinal hemorrhage - diagnosis 1
gastrointestinal hemorrhage - diagnosis - surgery 1
gastrointestinal hemorrhage - etiology 1
gastrointestinal hemorrhage - pathology 1
gentamicin 1
gentamicins - therapeutic use 1
glass 1
graft rejection - epidemiology - immunology 1
graft rejection - immunology 1
graft size 1
grafting 1
guidelines 1
haemorrhage 1
heart transplantation - immunology - pathology 1
heme oxygenase 1
hemofiltration 1
hemostasis, surgical - instrumentation 1
hepatic duct, common - radiography 1
hepatic stellate cells - drug effects - metabolism 1
hepatic veins - abnormalities - radiography 1
hepatic veins - radiography - surgery 1
hepaticocutaneous jejunostomy 1
hepatitis b - pathology - prevention & control - surgery 1
hepatoid 1
hepatorenal syndrome 1
homeostasis 1
hsc 1
ileal diseases - diagnosis - surgery 1
immunoglobulin g - analysis 1
infant care 1
infarction - surgery 1
infection 1
inferior vena cava 1
injections, intralesional 1
intensive care, neonatal 1
interferon-γ 1
interleukin-10 1
intestinal diseases - pathology 1
intestinal perforation - etiology - surgery 1
intestinal perforation - microbiology - surgery 1
intestinal perforation - pathology 1
intestine, small - pathology 1
intraoperative care 1
intra‐operative enteroscopy 1
intra‐operative fibreoptic enteroscopy 1
ischemia - etiology 1
ischemic colitis 1
jejunal diseases - diagnosis - surgery 1
jejunum - surgery 1
jugular veins 1
kawasaki disease 1
key words: 1
kinetics 1
laparoscopic surgery 1
leukocyte transfusion 1
live-donor liver transplantation 1
liver - anatomy & histology - surgery 1
liver - physiology - radiography 1
liver -- cancer -- adjuvant treatment -- congresses. 1
liver -- cancer -- treatment -- congresses. 1
liver -- cancer. 1
liver cirrhosis - complications - mortality 1
liver congestion 1
liver failure - classification - diagnosis - physiopathology 1
liver failure - etiology - prevention & control 1
liver failure - mortality - therapy 1
liver failure, acute - therapy 1
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - mortality - pathology - surgery 1
liver support 1
liver support therapy 1
liver transplantation (肝移植) 1
liver transplantation - economics - methods 1
liver transplantation - immunology - mortality 1
liver transplantation - methods - trends 1
liver, artificial - adverse effects 1
living donor (活體肝移植) 1
lymphadenitis - diagnosis 1
lymphocyte transfusion 1
major hepatectomy 1
major histocompatibility complex class ii 1
mars 1
medium chain triglyceride 1
metastasis. 1
methicillin - pharmacology 1
methylene blue - diagnostic use 1
methylene blue injection 1
metronidazole 1
metronidazole - administration & dosage 1
metronidazole - therapeutic use 1
microbial sensitivity tests 1
molecular adsorbent recirculation system 1
monitoring, physiologic - methods 1
moxalactam - therapeutic use 1
mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome - complications 1
multicenter studies as topic 1
murphy's sign 1
mycobacterium tuberculosis - isolation & purification 1
necrosis - pathology 1
netilmicin - administration & dosage 1
netilmicin - administration & dosage - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 1
normal stem cells 1
oesophageal cancer 1
open surgery 1
operative outcome 1
optimal irrigation pressures 1
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
pacific islands 1
palpation 1
pancreatic diseases - surgery 1
pancreatic pleural effusion 1
pancreaticopleural fistula 1
pancreatitis - complications 1
pancreatitis - diagnosis 1
pancreatitis - mortality 1
parenteral nutrition, total 1
patient care planning 1
pdgf 1
peak expiratory flow rate 1
penicillin resistance 1
percutaneous 1
perforated peptic ulcer 1
peri-operative care 1
phthalazines - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
platelet-derived growth factor - metabolism 1
polyurethanes 1
portal hypertension 1
postappendicectomy sepsis 1
postoperative complications - diagnosis 1
postoperative liver failure 1
povidone - analogs & derivatives 1
povidone-iodine - therapeutic use 1
practice guidelines 1
premedication 1
presentation 1
pressure 1
protein kinase inhibitors - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
pulmonary complications 1
random allocation 1
rats, inbred bn 1
recipient prognosis 1
reconstruction 1
remodeling 1
renal dialysis 1
respiratory tract diseases - complications - diagnosis 1
right lobe mobilization 1
rigid choledochoscopy 1
risk 1
roux-en-y pancreatico-jejunostomy, distal pancreatectomy 1
rupture 1
schools, medical 1
sepsis - drug therapy 1
sepsis - etiology 1
sepsis - etiology - microbiology 1
sepsis - microbiology 1
severity assessment 1
sirolimus - therapeutic use 1
skin - microbiology 1
small intestinal lesions 1
soluble guanylyl cyclase 1
sphincterotomy 1
sphincterotomy, transhepatic 1
spleen - immunology 1
sputum - microbiology 1
staging 1
staphylococcal infections - drug therapy 1
staphylococcus aureus - drug effects 1
stomach - surgery 1
stomach diseases - therapy 1
stomach neoplasms - complications - surgery 1
stomach neoplasms - surgery 1
suction 1
surgical management 1
surgical staplers 1
surgical wound dehiscence - etiology - radiography 1
surgical wound infection - drug therapy - prevention & control 1
surgical wound infection - epidemiology 1
surgical wound infection - etiology 1
surgical wound infection - microbiology - prevention & control 1
surgical wound infection - prevention & control 1
surveillance hub cultures 1
surveillance skin cultures 1
technetium - diagnostic use 1
tgf-β1 1
therapeutic irrigation 1
topical povidone–iodine 1
torsion abnormality 1
transforming growth factor beta1 - metabolism 1
transfusion 1
transillumination 1
transplant arteriosclerosis 1
transplantation, homologous - immunology 1
transplants 1
tuberculin - immunology 1
tuberculosis - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
tuberculosis, pulmonary - diagnosis 1
tuberculosis, renal - diagnosis 1
tuberculosis, urogenital - diagnosis 1
ultrasonic dissector 1
ultrasonics 1
universities 1
vena cava, inferior - radiography - surgery 1
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