AuthorsNo. of Publications
ho, pc 291
ng, ehy 291
lee, ckf 239
lee, kf 92
chiu, cn 90
lee, cl 82
li, rhw 81
lau, eyl 74
chiu, pcn 72
lee, cyl 64
pang, rtk 54
koistinen, h 50
chan, sth 43
lee, vcy 42
chan, rws 40
koistinen, r 39
lee, yl 39
seppala, m 39
chung, mk 30
yao, yq 28
so, wwk 26
chan, ccw 25
fong, sw 23
lam, kkw 23
lam, kw 23
tam, pc 23
chow, jfc 22
liu, w 22
o, ws 21
xu, js 21
tse, jym 20
xu, j 20
cheung, any 18
tang, os 18
chu, ik 17
so, kh 17
li, hwr 16
liu, y 16
luk, jmc 16
chai, j 15
cheong, awy 15
ngan, hys 15
tang, mhy 15
luk, jm 14
zuo, y 14
chen, ch 13
kodithuwakku, sp 13
wong, bpc 13
chen, ach 12
leung, on 12
cheung, ty 11
gao, j 11
huang, w 11
tsang, h 11
ye, t 11
cao, d 10
cheung, tm 10
fung, ys 10
liao, s 10
makkar, g 10
peng, q 10
seppälä, m 10
wong, ck 10
wong, ckc 10
yao, y 10
fan, h 9
kwok, kl 9
lam, kk 9
lee, kc 9
leung, con 9
liu, k 9
liu, wm 9
luo, g 9
tang, f 9
vijayan, m 9
wu, r 9
yeung, twy 9
chan, yf 8
lam, yh 8
lau, e 8
li, t 8
tam, yt 8
tsao, sw 8
wang, q 8
wang, y 8
ye, tm 8
chen, x 7
chow, wn 7
duan, y 7
hui, pw 7
jiang, l 7
ko, kyj 7
lee, cl 7
siu, so 7
tsao, gsw 7
wong, bst 7
cao, m 6
chiu, pc 6
kottawatta, ksa 6
lam, ksl 6
lam, mt 6
lau, yle 6
ng, py 6
ngan, esw 6
so, wk 6
tsang, hy 6
wang, x 6
wong, cyg 6
yue, c 6
aflatoonian, r 5
bai, k 5
cheong, wya 5
dell, a 5
fazeli, a 5
fong, sze wan 5
ho, jcm 5
ip, sm 5
lai, sf 5
lee, npy 5
lee, wwm 5
lee, yin lau 5
li, j 5
liu, yx 5
ng, ppy 5
ou, jp 5
pang, tkr 5
tam, s 5
tang, ayb 5
wong, st 5
wong, yy 5
xu, s 5
zhang, y 5
zhao, w 5
agarwal, a 4
anderson, ra 4
cao, dandan 4
cao, dd 4
chan, yy 4
chen, andy chun hang 4
chen, j 4
cheng, kw 4
cheung, kw 4
deng, w 4
duan, yg 4
guo, y 4
gupta, sk 4
hong, s 4
hong, sj 4
ko, jky 4
kodithuwakku kankanamge, spk 4
kodithuwakku, kspk 4
lam, mpy 4
lau, yl 4
lee, kai fai 4
lee, wm 4
li, jianlin 4
liu, lps 4
liu, vws 4
liu, x 4
mok, bw 4
morris, hr 4
ng, ernest h y 4
pang, pc 4
so, ews 4
tang, fos 4
tse, pk 4
wang, t 4
yao, yuanqing 4
yung, ssf 4
zhang, s 4
chan, tk 3
chen, chun hang 3
chen, h 3
cheung, mpl 3
cheung, pt 3
chiu, philip c.n. 3
chow, judy f c 3
cox, dm 3
feng, h 3
fernando, sr 3
huang, tg 3
huang, vw 3
lai, shui fan 3
lam, eyf 3
lam, kevin k w 3
lao, k 3
lao, tth 3
lau, et 3
lee, cherie yin lau 3
lee, cheuk lun 3
li, q 3
li, tc 3
li, x 3
liu, d 3
liu, kui 3
lui, mwe 3
ng, ernest hy 3
ng, hy 3
ng, v 3
ng, vkh 3
niu, z 3
panico, m 3
shum, ck 3
shum, cky 3
sumitro, sb 3
tong, mk 3
wang, qg 3
wang, z 3
wong, eym 3
xiang, l 3
yang, c 3
zhang, j 3
zhang, jv 3
zhang, q 3
zhang, qingqing 3
zhong, j 3
ault, k 2
cao, s 2
chan, sk 2
chan, vny 2
chen, m 2
chen, p 2
cheng, gts 2
cheng, hc 2
cheng, heidi h y 2
cheng, hhy 2
cheng, hyh 2
cheung, wm 2
chiu, jf 2
duan, yong gang 2
duan, yong-gang 2
fan, x 2
fan, xiujun 2
fernando, sudini r 2
fernando, tsr. 2
giesy, jp 2
guo, c 2
guo, chenxi 2
hai, z 2
haslam, sm 2
he, yl 2
hou, ycd 2
hu, zhe 2
huang, wen 2
kam, k 2
kan, fwk 2
kan, sya 2
kelly, k 2
kodithuwakku, spk 2
kodithuwakku, suranga p 2
kung, awc 2
kwan, ck 2
lai, kp 2
laird, sm 2
laitinen, jt 2
lam, cw 2
lau, etk 2
lau, ks 2
lee, cheuk-lun 2
lee, vc 2
lee, wma 2
lee, yl 2
leung, sn 2
li, k 2
li, r 2
li, raymond hang wun 2
li, tianqi 2
li, tkt 2
li, y 2
li, yx 2
liang, xy 2
lin, sws 2
lin, xl 2
lin, z 2
ling, l 2
liu, pt 2
liu, xf 2
liu, xiaofeng 2
luo, ga 2
ma, hk 2
mei, s 2
mok, wy 2
mu, s 2
mönkkönen, ks 2
neff, t 2
ng, eh 2
ng, ernest hung yu 2
ng, hye 2
ng, lkl 2
ou, j 2
peng, hm 2
pun, tc 2
qiao, j 2
ruan, hz 2
so, ww 2
su, jiaping 2
tang, mhy 2
tissot, b 2
tse, jy 2
wang, ch 2
wang, h 2
wang, l 2
wang, tianren 2
wong, bs 2
wong, cw 2
wong, eym 2
wong, hhv 2
wong, jyy 2
wong, lc 2
wong, mh 2
wong, pcl 2
wong, vhh 2
woo, j 2
wu, j 2
wu, t 2
xiao, y 2
xiao, yuan 2
xin, m 2
yam, iyl 2
yang, zm 2
yao, km 2
yung, sfs 2
zeng, ht 2
zeng, qunxiong 2
zeng, qx 2
zhang, jian v 2
zhang, l 2
zhang, wy 2
zhao, peikun 2
zhao, y 2
zheng, jiahuan 2
zhong, jiangming 2
zhuang, bm 2
zhuang, gl 2
aboussahoud, w 1
adal, mn 1
allam, jp 1
antonopoulos, a 1
au, cl 1
bai, kunfeng 1
basir ghazala, s 1
basir, gs 1
bi, yz 1
bukulmez, orhan 1
burton, graham j 1
bützow, r 1
cajonuma, l 1
cao, mz 1
cao, sb 1
cao, yc 1
chalabi, s 1
chan, ayf 1
chan, c 1
chan, chy 1
chan, clw 1
chan, csy 1
chan, kw 1
chan, mc 1
chan, mmy 1
chan, rachel w.s. 1
chan, rachel ws 1
chan, tf 1
chan, th 1
chan, tkw 1
chan, v 1
chan, vw 1
chan, yl 1
chan, yld 1
chan, ym 1
chang, ly 1
chang, yunjian 1
che, cm 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, ac 1
chen, ac 1
chen, chunxu 1
chen, jiajia 1
chen, miaoxin 1
chen, min 1
chen, qiaoyu 1
chen, xl 1
chen, z 1
cheng, fhc 1
cheng, hiu yee heidi 1
cheng, ln 1
cheng, rr 1
cheng, y 1
cheng, yanfei 1
cheng, yf 1
cheong, a 1
cheung, ka wang 1
cheung, ka wang 1
cheung, ka-wang 1
cheung, lp 1
cheung, wkl 1
chiu, chi ngong 1
chiu, cnp 1
chiu, j 1
chiu, philip 1
chiu, philip c n 1
chiu, philip chi-ngong 1
chiu, philip cn 1
chiu, philip c n 1
chiu, tyt 1
choi, sn 1
chow, jf 1
chow, km 1
chow, louise t 1
chow, lt 1
chui, dkc 1
chun, mmp 1
chung ho, p 1
clark, gf 1
cooke, id 1
cox, d 1
cox, o 1
cui, xy 1
de madeiros, sf 1
dhar, a 1
dockery, p 1
dong, fengming 1
dong, ningzheng 1
dong, y 1
du huijia, 1
du meirong, 1
du, m 1
du, meirong 1
du, sk 1
easton, rl 1
elliott, s 1
fan, hj 1
fan, st 1
fang, c 1
feng, haiwei 1
fernandez, n 1
fernando, ts 1
fernando, tsr 1
fong, dyt 1
fung, ck 1
gao, di 1
gao, fu min 1
gao, x 1
gao, y 1
gao, ya 1
gemzell danielsson, ekm 1
gemzell-danielsoon, kristina 1
gu, j 1
gu, jingkai 1
gu, jk 1
guldenaar, sef 1
guo, cx 1
guo, j 1
guo, jl 1
guo, xinmeng 1
hai, zhuo 1
haidl, g 1
haines, cj 1
halttunen, m 1
han, c 1
han, cs 1
han, yibing 1
hautala, l 1
hautala, lc 1
he, q 1
he, qy 1
hecker, m 1
ho pak chung 1
ho, jc 1
ho, kl 1
ho, pc 1
ho, yb 1
hon, e 1
hon, ehc 1
horne, aw 1
hou, dyc 1
hou, y 1
hou, yk 1
hu, d 1
hu, hanxin 1
hu, xq 1
hu, z 1
hu, zy 1
hua, r 1
hua, renwu 1
hua, rw 1
huang, l 1
huang, yy 1
hui, swb 1
hui, yh 1
humphrys, j 1
hung, e 1
hung, wy 1
hungyu ng, e 1
ip, wk 1
irnich, d 1
jia, yanping 1
jiang, binjie 1
jiang, luhan 1
jin, dy 1
kan, a 1
kan, anita s y 1
khoo, kh 1
koistinen, hannu 1
koistinen, m 1
kong, rpw 1
koo, mwl 1
kottawatta, ks 1
kottawatta, sa 1
krabsova, l 1
kubi, ja 1
kumar, manish 1
kurpisz, m 1
kwan, pck 1
kwong, a 1
lai, hoi lam 1
lai, ky 1
lam, by 1
lam, k 1
lam, ka wai kevin 1
lam, kevin 1
lam, mei ting 1
lam, mp 1
lam, py 1
lam, sts 1
lao, kq 1
lau, ey 1
lau, eyl 1
lau, wn 1
lau, ytk 1
law, m 1
law, tsm 1
lee, brayden 1
lee, ckf 1
lee, ckf 1
lee, cp 1
lee, kai chuen 1
lee, kf 1
lee, ky 1
lee, ww 1
lenton, ea 1
leong, mkh 1
leung, ckm 1
leung, co 1
leung, erica 1
leung, ety 1
leung, fc 1
leung, kw 1
leung, pp 1
leung, s 1
leung, sy 1
leung, tsz ying 1
leung, ty 1
leung, wc 1
li, cf 1
li, chao 1
li, d 1
li, dajin 1
li, dongliang 1
li, g 1
li, guangxin 1
li, gx 1
li, h 1
li, hw 1
li, icf 1
li, jw 1
li, m 1
li, peng 1
li, raymond 1
li, raymond h.w. 1
li, raymond h.w. 1
li, raymond hw 1
li, raymond h w 1
li, tt 1
li, tx 1
li, yanhong 1
li, yc 1
li, yj 1
li, zheng 1
li, zhuoxuan 1
li, zx 1
liang, x 1
liao, sb 1
liao, sy 1
lim, bl 1
lin, l 1
lin, leqian 1
lin, ssw 1
lin, xiao ting 1
lin, yikong 1
lin, yn 1
lin, zexiong 1
liu w 1
liu, a 1
liu, binya 1
liu, dongteng 1
liu, f 1
liu, j 1
liu, jc 1
liu, jin-chuan 1
liu, lu 1
liu, luochuan 1
liu, pengtao 1
liu, qz 1
liu, s 1
liu, shao yuan 1
liu, t 1
liu, wenqiang 1
liu, ww 1
liu, yk 1
liu, yn 1
liu, z 1
liu, zhongzhen 1
lo, c 1
lock, hyc 1
loong, epl 1
loukovaara, m 1
lu, lm 1
lui, emw 1
lui, mw 1
lui, vch 1
lyu, m 1
lyu, mm 1
ma, jun yu 1
ma, minyue 1
ma, my 1
mak, annisa s l 1
mak, asc 1
mak, sla 1
makkar, m 1
mao, x 1
matzuk, mm 1
meng, tie gang 1
mok, bwy 1
nagy, a 1
naveed, f 1
ng, dcm 1
ng, dyt 1
ng, ernest 1
ng, ernest h.y. 1
ng, ernest h y 1
ng, hp 1
ng, vivian w y 1
ng, wyv 1
ng, yt 1
niu, zr 1
norman, rj 1
norman, robert j 1
oi shan tang 1
ong, cp 1
ou, jian ping 1
ou, xiang hong 1
oue, jp 1
pak, ch 1
pakchung, ho 1
pang, r 1
pang, rt 1
pang, rtk 1
pasanen, a 1
peng, hongmei 1
pickering, bt 1
pui, wh 1
qi, s 1
qiu, q 1
rathnayake, c 1
ren, z 1
rodrigues-wallberg, ka 1
rodriguez-wallberg, ka 1
rodriguez-wallberg, kenny a 1
ruan, d 1
ruan, degong 1
ruan, dg 1
ruan, hanzhang 1
sang, yifei 1
schooling, cm 1
schooling, m 1
seah, dyp 1
seppl, m 1
shang, j 1
shek, cc 1
shi, f 1
shi, fu 1
shi, j 1
shi, yq 1
shu, ym 1
siriweera, e 1
siu, afm 1
so, ws 1
song, jiangnan 1
su, j 1
su, jp 1
su, r 1
su, rui bao 1
sun, hz 1
sun, jz 1
sun, qing yuan 1
suranimala, wmdh 1
sy, b 1
sy, twb 1
sze, kl 1
tam, by 1
tam, ct 1
tam, ttkk 1
tam, vcg 1
tam, ww 1
tan, yong peng 1
tan, yq 1
tang, km 1
tang, wwc 1
tang, yba 1
teng, xiaoming 1
teng, xm 1
tian, s 1
tian, sy 1
tian, x 1
tian, xinyi 1
tian, y 1
tian, ye 1
tong, t 1
tse, jmy 1
tsoi, wl 1
tuckerman, em 1
turner, k 1
tzu, hb 1
wan, hlt 1
wan, ht 1
wan, j 1
wan, sf 1
wanasingha, rwsh 1
wang, b 1
wang, changxin 1
wang, hengbin 1
wang, hui 1
wang, j 1
wang, p 1
wang, r 1
wang, s 1
wang, sd 1
wang, sidong 1
wang, tr 1
wang, w 1
wang, xh 1
wang, xiaohui 1
wang, yl 1
wang, zp 1
ward, j 1
wei, xujin 1
wing sze so, e 1
wo, jy 1
wong, ast 1
wong, ccy 1
wong, cjy 1
wong, ewk 1
wong, h 1
wong, hyq 1
wong, pc 1
wong, sp 1
wong, tch 1
worley, rts 1
wu, genie min ju 1
wu, gm 1
wu, ligang 1
wu, minju 1
wu, qingyu 1
xi, w 1
xia, x 1
xiao, z 1
xiao, zhonglin 1
xu, b 1
xu, chunfang 1
xu, ling 1
xu, teng teng 1
xu, y 1
xu, yw 1
xuan, yy 1
yam, i 1
yan, yang 1
yan, z 1
yang, chen 1
yang, jinying 1
yang, q 1
yang, t 1
yang, tingyu 1
yao, chencheng 1
yao, ym 1
ye, jiangfeng 1
ye, mingming 1
ye, zw 1
yeuk wong, y 1
yeung, as-y 1
yeung, tt 1
yi, li tao 1
yi, x 1
yik, ssl 1
yin, j 1
ying, y 1
yu, di 1
yu, z 1
yuan, sf 1
yue, chaomin 1
yuen, ck 1
yuen, dck 1
yuen, wc 1
yung, hl 1
yung, sf 1
yung, wkc 1
zang, xingxing 1
zeng, q 1
zhai, m 1
zhang, b 1
zhang, bolun 1
zhang, hao 1
zhang, huiting 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, jian v. 1
zhang, jv. 1
zhang, q 1
zhang, qq 1
zhang, songying 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, yao 1
zhang, yuxiang 1
zhao, huashan 1
zhao, we 1
zhao, weijie 1
zhao, yg 1
zhao, yu 1
zheng, j 1
zhong, liuying 1
zhou, dan 1
zhou, haisheng 1
zhou, xm 1
zhu, hb 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 39
male 28
female 26
animals 25
adult 20
amino acid sequence 19
fallopian tube 17
implantation 17
mice 17
apoptosis 16
cells, cultured 15
molecular sequence data 15
endometrium 14
human spermatozoa 14
pregnancy 14
tubal ectopic pregnancy 14
cell line 13
rats 13
acrosome reaction 12
adrenomedullin 12
fertilization 12
medical sciences 12
membrane proteins - genetics - metabolism 12
progesterone 12
sperm 12
spermatogenesis 12
spermatozoa 12
zona pellucida 12
blotting, western 11
extracellular vesicles 11
fallopian tubes - metabolism 11
immunohistochemistry 11
invasion 11
middle aged 11
oviduct 11
testis 11
trophoblast 11
embryo 10
fertilization in vitro 10
glycoproteins - metabolism 10
models, biological 10
obstetrics and gynecology medical sciences 10
polycystic ovary syndrome 10
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 10
adolescent 9
biology 9
chromosome deletion 9
embryo implantation 9
endometrial receptivity 9
endometrial stem cells 9
female reproductive tract 9
gene expression profiling 9
glycodelin 9
granulosa cells 9
human trophoblast 9
immunoprecipitation 9
misoprostol 9
olfactomedin-1 9
oocyte 9
ovary 9
protein structure, tertiary 9
proteins - genetics - metabolism 9
sequence homology, amino acid 9
spermatogenesis - physiology 9
tissue distribution 9
wnt-signaling 9
acrosome 8
adrenomedullin - genetics - metabolism 8
base sequence 8
calcitonin receptor-like protein 8
capacitation 8
cell communication - physiology 8
cell proliferation 8
chinese women 8
cilia - metabolism - physiology 8
coculture techniques 8
cryopreservation 8
embryo culture techniques 8
embryo transfer 8
endocrinology pharmacy and pharmacology 8
epithelium - metabolism - physiology 8
frozen embryo transfer 8
frozen-thawed embryo transfer 8
gene expression regulation - drug effects 8
glycoprotein 8
glycoproteins - physiology 8
hormones - metabolism - pharmacology 8
human embryonic stem cell 8
hyaluronic acid 8
infertility 8
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics - metabolism 8
male infertility 8
menstrual cycle - genetics - metabolism - physiology 8
motility 8
obstetrics and gynecology 8
pregnancy proteins - metabolism 8
rats, sprague-dawley 8
receptor activity-modifying proteins 8
receptors, calcitonin - genetics - metabolism 8
spermatozoa - metabolism 8
spermatozoa - metabolism - physiology 8
testis - metabolism 8
transfection 8
wnt signaling 8
acrosome - physiology 7
acrosome reaction - drug effects - physiology 7
age‐specific reference range 7
anti-mullerian hormone 7
anti‐müllerian hormone 7
apoptosis - drug effects 7
attachment 7
automated chemiluminescence assay 7
chemokines 7
ciliary beat frequency 7
differentiation 7
dose-response relationship, drug 7
early pregnancy 7
embryo development 7
embryotrophic factor 7
endometrial regeneration 7
epsc 7
expanded potential stem cell 7
gene knockdown techniques 7
glycosylation 7
hcg 7
hescs 7
hong kong 7
human embryonic stem cells 7
in situ hybridization 7
in situ hybridization, fluorescence 7
inflammatory cytokines 7
macrophage 7
mifepristone 7
nasal ciliated epithelium 7
placenta 7
preimplantation embryo development 7
sars-cov-2 7
sequence alignment 7
spermatozoa - cytology - metabolism 7
t cell 7
testis - cytology - physiology 7
time factors 7
trophoblast organoid 7
ulipristal acetate 7
wnt proteins - physiology 7
zinc fingers 7
zona pellucida binding 7
acrosome - metabolism 6
age 6
alpha-macroglobulins - metabolism 6
angiogenesis 6
antral follicle count 6
basigin 6
biopsy 6
blotting, northern 6
cd147 6
cell biology 6
cell differentiation - physiology 6
cell line, transformed 6
cell line, tumor 6
cell signaling 6
cell-signaling pathways 6
chromatography, liquid 6
culture techniques 6
cumulus cells - metabolism 6
cumulus matrix 6
decidualization 6
dna methylation 6
dysglycaemia 6
early development 6
eg-vegf 6
embryo attachment 6
embryonic and fetal development - drug effects 6
embryonic stem cells - cytology - metabolism - physiology 6
endometrium - metabolism 6
estrogen 6
extracellular matrix proteins - metabolism 6
extracellular matrix proteins - physiology 6
fallopian tubes 6
fallopian tubes - cytology 6
fallopian tubes - cytology - metabolism 6
fallopian tubes - physiology 6
fasting glucose 6
feeder cell 6
fibroblasts - cytology - metabolism - physiology 6
foreskin - cytology 6
gene expression regulation 6
gene expression regulation, developmental 6
genes, reporter 6
glycodelin-a 6
golgi apparatus 6
growth factor 6
hippo signaling 6
homozygote 6
human endometrium 6
hyaluronic acid - metabolism 6
implantation rate 6
in vitro fertilization 6
in vitro implantation model 6
infertility, male - genetics 6
intracytoplasmic sperm injection 6
ivf 6
letrozole 6
lung - cytology 6
mapk signaling 6
maps 6
mass spectrometry 6
maternal immune tolerance 6
medical abortion 6
menstrual cycle 6
mice, inbred balb c 6
microrna 6
micrornas - genetics - metabolism 6
morphology 6
nih 3t3 cells 6
oocytes - physiology 6
oral glucose tolerance test 6
ovarian stimulation 6
pkr1 6
pkr2 6
placentation 6
pregnancy rate 6
pregnancy, tubal - physiopathology 6
preimplantation embryo 6
progesterone receptor 6
proliferation 6
protein isoforms - metabolism 6
proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 6
rna, messenger - analysis 6
sermatogenesis 6
spectrometry, mass, matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization 6
sperm injections, intracytoplasmic 6
spermatogenesis - genetics 6
stem cell-microenvironment interactions 6
stem cells 6
steroid hormones 6
steroid receptors 6
stromal cells 6
syntaxin 6
transforming growth factor alpha - deficiency - metabolism 6
transforming growth factor α 6
trophoblastic spheroids 6
trophoblasts 6
urokinase plasminogen activator 6
utmvec-myo 6
wnt/β-catenin signaling 6
α2-macroglobulin 6
β-actin 6
25-hydroxyvitamin d 5
acupuncture 5
adiposity 5
amniotic fluid - chemistry 5
amniotic fluid - metabolism 5
androgen 5
aneuploidy 5
angiopoietin 5
anti-mullerian hormone - blood 5
antibody 5
antigens, cd - genetics - metabolism 5
antigens, differentiation, myelomonocytic - genetics - metabolism 5
antigens, polyomavirus transforming - genetics 5
anti‐mullerian hormone 5
aquaporin 1 - metabolism 5
aquaporin 2 - metabolism 5
aquaporins 5
asian continental ancestry group 5
biochemistry 5
biological markers - blood 5
birth control medical sciences 5
blastocyst - cytology - drug effects - physiology 5
blastocyst - drug effects - metabolism 5
cadherins - metabolism 5
cancer 5
carbohydrate conformation 5
casa 5
cell culture techniques - methods 5
cell death 5
cell proliferation - drug effects 5
cercopithecus aethiops 5
chorionic villi 5
choristoma - metabolism - pathology 5
chromatography, reverse-phase - instrumentation - methods 5
ciliary beat 5
claudin-19 5
coculture 5
cumulus oophorus 5
diabetes, gestational - metabolism 5
dogs 5
down syndrome 5
down syndrome - blood 5
drug transporters 5
embryo cryopreservation 5
embryo implantation - genetics 5
embryo quality 5
embryo research - legislation & jurisprudence 5
embryonic development - drug effects - physiology 5
endocrine glands 5
endometrial attachment 5
endometriosis 5
endometriosis - metabolism - pathology 5
endometrium - cytology - metabolism 5
endometrium - drug effects - metabolism 5
endothelial cell 5
epithelial cells - cytology - metabolism 5
erk 5
estradiol 5
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - genetics - metabolism 5
fas 5
fertility 5
fertility preservation 5
fluorescent antibody technique 5
follicle 5
fucosyltransferase 5
fusion 5
gene regulation 5
genitalia, female - cytology 5
gestational age 5
glutathione peroxidase 5
glycoproteins - chemistry - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
glycoproteins - genetics - metabolism 5
glycoproteins - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
gonadotrophin dosing 5
growth substances - immunology - isolation & purification - metabolism - pharmacology 5
growth substances - pharmacology 5
human fallopian tube 5
immune sera - pharmacology 5
immunoassay 5
in vitro culture 5
in vitro fertilsation 5
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - biosynthesis 5
ion transport 5
ishikawa cell line 5
kidney 5
kidney tubules, collecting - metabolism - pathology 5
kidney tubules, distal - metabolism - pathology 5
l-selectin 5
laser-captured microdissection 5
loop of henle - metabolism - pathology 5
lymphocytes - cytology - metabolism - secretion 5
macrophages 5
maternal age 5
matrix metalloproteinase 5
membrane protein 5
membrane proteins - metabolism 5
mice, inbred strains 5
microarray 5
mitochondria 5
monocyte 5
muscular contraction 5
n-acetylneuraminic acid - metabolism 5
natural cycle 5
natural killer cell 5
oestrogen 5
oestrogen receptor 5
oocyte cryopreservation 5
organ specificity 5
ovarian response 5
oviductal cells 5
oviductal epithelial cell 5
oviducts - chemistry 5
ovulation induction - adverse effects 5
oxidative stress 5
paep 5
pd-l1 5
phosphoproteins - metabolism 5
pk1 5
placental exosome 5
placentation - drug effects - physiology 5
polycystic disease 5
polycystic kidney diseases - metabolism - pathology 5
polymerase chain reaction 5
preeclampsia 5
pregnancy - blood 5
pregnancy outcome 5
pregnancy proteins - chemistry - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
pregnancy proteins - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
pregnancy proteins - physiology 5
preimplantation diagnosis 5
prenatal diagnosis 5
primary endometrial cell culture 5
progestagen-associated endometrial protein 5
progesterone elevation 5
protein disulphide isomerase 5
protein subunits - drug effects - genetics 5
pten 5
reproduction 5
reproductive techniques, assisted - ethics - legislation & jurisprudence - standards 5
rna, messenger - metabolism 5
semen 5
serine endopeptidases - drug effects - genetics 5
sirt1 5
sodium-potassium atpase 5
sodium-potassium-exchanging atpase - drug effects - genetics 5
spatial regulatory activity 5
spatial transcriptomics 5
sperm cryopreservation 5
sperm fucosyltransferase-5 5
spermatozoa - physiology 5
spheroid 5
spheroid attachment 5
spheroids 5
stereo-seq 5
stimulated cycles 5
superoxide dismutase 5
t-helper cells 5
tcdd 5
th-1/th-2 5
th1 cells - immunology - metabolism - secretion 5
th2 cells - immunology - metabolism - secretion 5
tight junction 5
tight junctions - metabolism - pathology 5
trophoblast differentiation 5
trophoblasts - metabolism 5
up-regulation - physiology 5
uterus 5
vascular endothelial growth factor, endocrine-gland-derived - biosynthesis 5
vegf 5
vero cells 5
virus receptors 5
vitamin d 5
abortion 4
abortion, spontaneous - epidemiology - etiology 4
adenosine triphosphate - metabolism 4
adenylate cyclase - metabolism 4
adhesions 4
adrenomedullin - pharmacology 4
afc 4
afp 4
alleles 4
allergology and immunology medical sciences 4
alpha-fetoprotein 4
alpha-thalassemia - diagnosis - embryology - genetics 4
alpha-thalassemia - diagnosis - genetics 4
amniotic fluid 4
androgen receptor 4
androstenedione - metabolism 4
anti-inflammatory macrophage 4
anti-mullerian hormone - analysis - blood 4
anti-möllerian hormone 4
anti-müllerian hormone 4
antimullerian hormone 4
art 4
asians 4
assisted reproduction 4
asthenozoospermia - metabolism - pathology 4
attitude 4
autoantibodies - blood 4
autoimmune thyroiditis 4
automated chemiluminescence 4
beta-thalassemia - diagnosis - genetics 4
biochemical profile 4
blastocyst - immunology 4
blastocyst - metabolism 4
blastomere 4
blastomeres 4
blastula - metabolism 4
body weight 4
c-x-c motif ligand 1 4
cag repeat 4
calcitonin gene-related peptide - pharmacology 4
calcium - metabolism 4
calcium-binding proteins - genetics 4
carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - pharmacology 4
case-control studies 4
cell count 4
cell movement 4
cell nucleus 4
cell surface proteins 4
cell transformation, viral 4
chemerin 4
chlortetracycline - metabolism - pharmacology 4
choriocarcinoma 4
choriocarcinoma - genetics - metabolism - pathology 4
choriocarcinoma - genetics - pathology 4
chorionic gonadotropin, beta subunit, human - blood 4
chromatin methylation 4
chromosome, human, y 4
chromosomes, human, pair 19 4
chromosomes, human, y - genetics - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
cleavage stage, ovum - physiology 4
cmklr1 4
co-culture 4
combined injectable contraceptive 4
combined oral contraceptive 4
complement‐3 4
computer simulation 4
confocal microscopy 4
contraceptives, oral, combined - pharmacology 4
controlled ovarian stimulation 4
counseling 4
counselling 4
culture media, conditioned - chemistry 4
cumulative live birth 4
cumulative live birth rate 4
cumulative live-birth 4
cumulus cells 4
cumulus cells - physiology 4
cytokeratin 4
cytokine 4
definitive endoderm 4
deletion 4
development 4
development origins of health and diseases 4
dilution linearity 4
diminished ovarian reserve 4
disease models, animal 4
dll1 4
dna integrity 4
dna meiotic recombinase 1 (dmc1) 4
dna primers - genetics 4
dna, mitochondrial - genetics - isolation & purification 4
dna, mitochondrial - metabolism 4
doppler 4
down syndrome - blood - diagnosis 4
down's syndrome 4
down-regulation 4
drug evaluation, preclinical 4
embryo implantation - genetics - physiology 4
embryo, mammalian 4
embryo, mammalian - physiology 4
embryonic development 4
endometrial and subendometrial vascularity 4
energy metabolism 4
environmental insults 4
environmental pollutants - toxicity 4
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 4
epithelial cells - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
epithelial cells - physiology 4
erp57 4
etu 4
exosomes 4
extracellular matrix - physiology 4
extracellular matrix proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 4
extracellular signal regulated kinase 4
extracellular signal-regulated kinase 4
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - metabolism 4
extracellular small non-coding rnas 4
fallopian tubes - cytology - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
family planning service provision 4
fas ligand protein - immunology - metabolism 4
fas/fasl 4
fet 4
fetal tolerance 4
fetomaternal tolerance 4
follicle stimulating hormone - blood 4
follicular fluid 4
freeze-thaw stability 4
full-component analysis 4
galectin-3 4
gene expression regulation - genetics - physiology 4
gene expression regulation, developmental - genetics 4
gene expression regulation, developmental - genetics - physiology 4
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 4
gene library 4
genes, tumor suppressor 4
genetic predisposition to disease 4
gestational diabetes mellitus 4
glycan separation 4
glycomics - methods 4
glycopeptides - analysis - chemistry - isolation and purification 4
glycoproteins - analysis - isolation and purification 4
glycoproteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 4
glycoproteomics 4
graphite - chemistry 4
green tea 4
gsis 4
histone deacetylase 4
homozygous a° thal 4
homozygous frameshift mutation 4
hormonal profile 4
hpv 16 e6/e7 4
hspa2 4
human chorionic gonadotrophin 4
human extravillous cytotrophoblast 4
human leukocyte antigen g 4
human oviduct-specific glycoprotein 4
human oviductin 4
human study 4
hydrophilic analytes 4
hyperglycemia 4
hyperprolactinemia 4
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism 4
icsi 4
immortalization 4
immunoblotting 4
immunoendocrinology 4
in vitro activation 4
in vitro maturation 4
in-vitro fertilisation 4
in-vitro fertilization 4
indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 4
infertility - blood - diagnosis - therapy 4
infertility, female - genetics 4
infertility, male 4
infertility, male - genetics - metabolism - pathology 4
inhibin b 4
inhibins - blood 4
insemination, artificial - methods 4
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics 4
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
interleukin 6 4
interleukin-6 4
intracellular calcium 4
intrauterine devices, medicated 4
intrauterine insemination 4
iodide peroxidase - blood - genetics - immunology 4
isolated polycystic ovaries 4
ivf-embryo transfer 4
keratins - metabolism 4
lc 4
leptin 4
leptin - metabolism - pharmacology 4
leptin receptor 4
letrozole pretreatment 4
levonorgestrel intrauterine system 4
litter size 4
live birth 4
live birth rate 4
live-birth 4
luteal phase support 4
male germline-specific protein 4
mancozeb 4
maternal diabetes 4
matrix metalloproteinase 9 - metabolism 4
meiosis prophase i 4
membrane proteins - genetics 4
method comparison 4
methylation 4
mice, inbred c57bl 4
mice, scid 4
micrornas - metabolism 4
microtubule-associated proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
mir-34a 4
mitochondria - drug effects - metabolism 4
mitochondrial dna copy number 4
monocytes 4
mouse study 4
mutation 4
natural cycles 4
natural family planning 4
neoplasm invasiveness 4
nitric oxide 4
non-invasive biomarker 4
nonobstructive azoospermia 4
notch 4
nt 4
nuchal translucency 4
oe-e6/e7 cells 4
olfactomedin 4
oligomenorrhea - blood - diagnosis - etiology 4
oncology 4
oocytes - drug effects - metabolism 4
oogenesis 4
ovarian reserve 4
ovarian response prediction index 4
oviduct-specific glycoprotein 4
oviductal secretion 4
ovulation induction - adverse effects - methods 4
pachynema progression 4
papillomaviridae - genetics 4
papp-a 4
pcr 4
pdia3 4
peptide fragments - pharmacology 4
pgc 4
pgd 4
phenotype 4
pi3k/pten signaling 4
placenta - metabolism 4
placental development 4
precision 4
predictive value of tests 4
pregnancy complications - immunology 4
pregnancy outcomes 4
pregnancy trimester, first - blood 4
pregnancy-associated plasma protein-a - metabolism 4
preimplantation 4
preimplantation diagnosis - methods 4
premature ovarian failure 4
primordial follicles 4
prkag1 4
progestins - pharmacology 4
progestogen-only injectable 4
progestogen-only pill 4
prognosis 4
prospective studies 4
protamination 4
proteins - analysis - isolation and purification 4
proteins - metabolism 4
proteomics 4
proteomics - instrumentation - methods 4
proteomics - methods 4
proto-oncogene proteins c-bcl-2 - metabolism 4
questionnaires 4
randomized controlled trial 4
real-time polymerase chain reaction 4
receptivity marker 4
receptor activity-modifying protein 1 - metabolism 4
receptor activity-modifying protein 2 - metabolism 4
receptor activity-modifying protein 3 - metabolism 4
receptors, estrogen - metabolism 4
reproductive techniques, assisted 4
retrospective studies 4
rna, messenger - biosynthesis - genetics 4
rp-hilic 4
rp-rp 4
rt-pcr 4
second trimester 4
semen - metabolism 4
semen - physiology 4
seminiferous epithelium 4
sequence analysis, dna 4
sequence deletion 4
serine endopeptidases - biosynthesis - genetics 4
sexual dimorphism 4
sialic acid 4
signal transduction 4
spaca3 4
sperm acrosome reaction 4
sperm capacitation - drug effects 4
sperm function 4
sperm motility 4
sperm motility - drug effects 4
sperm motility - drug effects - physiology 4
sperm selection 4
sperm-ovum interactions 4
sperm-ovum interactions - drug effects - physiology 4
spermatozoa - chemistry 4
spermatozoa - drug effects - metabolism - pathology - physiology 4
spermatozoa - drug effects - metabolism - physiology 4
spermatozoa - drug effects - physiology 4
spermatozoa - metabolism - pathology - ultrastructure 4
spiral artery remodeling 4
stem cell niche 4
steroid hormone receptors 4
steroid regulation 4
stimulated cycle 4
t-cell 4
t-helper cell 4
telomerase 4
telomerase - metabolism 4
termination of pregnancy 4
testis - metabolism - pathology 4
testis - physiology 4
thalassaemia 4
thiol-disulphide exchange 4
three-dimensional power doppler 4
thyroid peroxidase 4
thyroiditis, autoimmune - immunology 4
thyrotropin - blood 4
thyroxine - blood 4
transfer medium 4
trophoblast invasion 4
trophoblasts - immunology - metabolism 4
tumor burden 4
twins 4
two-hybrid system techniques 4
type 2 diabetes 4
type 2 diabetes (t2d) 4
uncoupling agents - pharmacology 4
unfertilized oocyte 4
up-regulation - drug effects 4
uplc 4
urokinase-type plasminogen activator - metabolism 4
uterine neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 4
whole-exome sequencing 4
wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway 4
yeasts - physiology 4
zona pellucida - drug effects - metabolism 4
3d power doppler 3
5' flanking region 3
abortifacient agents - administration and dosage 3
abortion, induced - methods - standards 3
antibodies, monoclonal - metabolism 3
aric 3
aromatase inhibitors - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 3
artificial insemination 3
assisted hatching 3
azf 3
basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors - drug effects - metabolism 3
beta catenin - metabolism 3
binding sites 3
bisphenols 3
blast analysis 3
blastocyst - cytology - drug effects 3
blastocyst - physiology 3
blastomeres - cytology - drug effects 3
blood loss 3
body mass index 3
brca2 novel deletion 3
breast cancer 3
c-terminal binding protein 1 3
c1orf56 3
ca-125 3
ca-125 antigen - metabolism 3
calcium ionophore 3
canonical wnt-signaling 3
caspase 3 3
caspases - metabolism 3
cathepsin l 3
cathepsins - metabolism 3
cell adhesion - drug effects 3
cell cycle regulation 3
cell division - drug effects 3
cell size 3
cellular reprogramming 3
chicken 3
china - epidemiology 3
chinese 3
chorionic gonadotropin - administration & dosage 3
chorionic gonadotropin - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 3
chromatin remodeling 3
chromosomes, human, y - genetics 3
cilia 3
cleavage stage embryo 3
clinical pregnancy 3
clomiphene - pharmacology 3
codon, initiator 3
computer-aided sperm analysis 3
connexin 3
connexin 43 3
connexin 43 - metabolism 3
connexins 3
connexins - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 3
cost 3
cricetinae 3
culture media - pharmacology 3
cysteine endopeptidases - metabolism 3
cytochrome p-450 cyp1a1 - biosynthesis 3
cytokines 3
detoxification 3
diagnosis, computer-assisted 3
dicer 3
differential display 3
dioxin 3
dna - chemistry - genetics 3
dna damage 3
dna damage repair 3
dormant blastocyst 3
down-regulation - genetics 3
early trophoblast development 3
ectopic pregnancy 3
egg proteins - chemistry - metabolism 3
electrophoretic mobility shift assay 3
embryo implantation - drug effects 3
embryo transfer - statistics & numerical data 3
embryo, mammalian - cytology - drug effects - embryology 3
embryo-containing 3
embryonic development - genetics 3
embryonic stem cells 3
embryo–fallopian tube interaction 3
embryo–uterine interaction 3
endometrial and subendometrial blood flow 3
endometrial and subendometrial blood flows 3
endometrial blood flow 3
endometrium - chemistry 3
endometrium - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
endometrium - metabolism - ultrasonography 3
environment 3
enzyme induction 3
epigenetics 3
epithelial cells - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
estradiol - blood 3
estradiol activation 3
excessive ovarian responses 3
excessive responders 3
exons 3
exosome 3
expanded potential stem cells 3
extravillous trophoblast 3
fertile women 3
fertility restoration 3
fertilization in vitro - methods 3
fertilization rate 3
fibroids 3
first trimester medical abortions 3
follicle stimulating hormone - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
follicular development 3
foxm1 3
frozen thawed embryo transfer 3
fsh/administration & dosage 3
g protein 3
gap junction 3
gap junction, hormones 3
gjic 3
glutamine 3
glutamyl aminopeptidase 3
hemizona binding assay 3
hepatitis b surface antigen 3
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis 3
hepatitis b, chronic - physiopathology - transmission 3
hesc 3
hippo signaling pathway 3
hmg 3
hormonal control 3
human 3
human expanded potential stem cells 3
human leucocyte antigen g 3
huntington disease 3
hydrosalpinx 3
hydrosalpinx fluid 3
hysterectomy 3
ibdv 3
in situ nick-end labeling 3
in vitro differentiation 3
in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer 3
infectious disease transmission, vertical 3
infertility - drug therapy - metabolism 3
infertility - therapy 3
infertility, female 3
infertility, female - therapy 3
infertility, male - epidemiology - genetics 3
injections, intramuscular 3
insemination 3
insemination, artificial 3
insemination, artificial, homologous 3
insemination, artificial, husband 3
interleukin-11 - analysis 3
interleukin-4 - analysis 3
interleukin-6 - analysis 3
intramuscular 3
isolate 3
ivf treatment 3
ixaprep 3
kidney - cytology 3
lactate 3
laser 3
laser assisted hatching 3
leukemia inhibitory factor 3
levonorgestrel 3
ligases - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
lin28a 3
live-birth rate 3
logistic models 3
lrp5 3
luciferases - metabolism 3
luteal phase 3
luteinizing hormone - blood 3
male reproductive tract 3
maternal-embryo communication 3
membrane glycoproteins - chemistry - metabolism 3
menotropins - administration & dosage 3
menotropins - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 3
methylome 3
micrornas - antagonists and inhibitors - genetics - metabolism 3
microsomal epoxide hydrolase 3
microvesicle 3
mifepristone - administration and dosage 3
migration 3
mir-135a 3
mir-212 3
miscarriage 3
misoprostol - administration and dosage 3
morula - cytology - drug effects 3
mosaicism 3
motile sperm recovery 3
mouse embryos 3
mouse induced pluripotent stem cells 3
mtor 3
multiple pregnancy rate 3
mutagenesis, site-directed 3
nf-kappa b - metabolism 3
nitriles - administration and dosage 3
nitriles - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 3
non-obstructive azoospermia 3
number of embryos replaced 3
nurses 3
obese 3
oestradiol 3
olfactomedin 1 3
oligosaccharides - chemistry - immunology - metabolism 3
oligospermia - epidemiology - genetics 3
oligospermia - genetics 3
oocyte and embryo quality 3
oocyte fusion 3
oocyte quality 3
osmolar concentration 3
outcome assessment (health care) 3
outgrowth 3
ovarian stromal blood flow 3
ovarian volume 3
ovariectomy 3
ovary - drug effects 3
ovulation induction 3
ovulation induction - methods 3
ovum 3
p-binding protein alpha subunit, gi2 - biosynthesis 3
pancreatic differentiation 3
pdi 3
pdi inhibitors 3
peptides 3
peptides - pharmacology 3
percoll 3
perifollicular vascularity 3
pfoa 3
pituitary downregulation 3
placebo 3
pltp 3
pluripotent stem cells 3
pluripotent stem cells (pscs) 3
poor ovarian responders 3
poor ovarian response 3
poor ovarian responses 3
pp14 3
ppar 3
precipitin tests 3
preimplantation genetic testing 3
primordial follicle activation 3
primordial germ cells 3
promoter 3
promoter regions, genetic 3
protein 3
protein binding 3
proteins - genetics - metabolism - physiology 3
public service 3
pyruvate 3
real-time pcr 3
receptors, aryl hydrocarbon - drug effects - metabolism 3
receptors, cell surface - chemistry - metabolism 3
recombinant human fsh 3
recombinant proteins - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
recombinant proteins/administration & dosage 3
regulation 3
reproduction techniques 3
results 3
review 3
rna, messenger - biosynthesis 3
saccharomyces cerevisiae - genetics - growth & development 3
second-trimester medical abortion 3
seminiferous epithelium - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 3
sensitivity and specificity 3
sequence tagged sites 3
sequences 3
sex chromosome aberrations 3
sexual abstinence 3
sialyl-lewis(x) 3
signal peptide 3
signaling 3
sp1 3
sp1 transcription factor - genetics - metabolism 3
sp2 3
sp3 3
specimen handling 3
sperm haplotyping 3
sperm motility and velocities 3
sperm separation 3
spheroids, cellular 3
stimulation 3
stromal blood flow 3
subcutaneous 3
subendometrial blood flow 3
suppression subtractive hybridization 3
ten-eleven translocation methylcytosine dioxygenase 2 3
testicular sperm extraction 3
testis - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 3
testosterone - blood 3
tetrachlorodibenzodioxin - toxicity 3
th2 cells - metabolism 3
therapeutic irrigation 3
three-dimensional ultrasound 3
toxicogenomic analysis 3
transcription initiation site 3
transcriptional activation 3
transcriptome 3
triazoles - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 3
trophoblasts - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
ube3a 3
ubiquitin-protein ligase 3
ubiquitin-protein ligases 3
ubiquitin-protein ligases - genetics - metabolism 3
ubiquitination 3
ubiquitins - metabolism 3
ultrasonography, doppler - methods 3
uterine blood flow 3
uterine doppler flow 3
uterine flushing 3
vcy2 3
vitamin a deficiency 3
vp2 3
waiting time 3
whole genome amplification 3
willingness to pay 3
wnt 3
wnt signaling pathway - drug effects 3
y chromosome 3
y chromosome microdeletion 3
yeast two-hybrid 3
zona breaching and zona thinning 3
zygotic gene activation 3
2-d electrophoresis 2
2dlc 2
3-dimensional culture 2
actins - metabolism 2
activin receptors, type i - genetics - metabolism 2
adenoviral vector 2
administration, intranasal 2
adult stem cells 2
aged 2
aged, 80 and over 2
aging 2
aminopeptidase n 2
amnion - physiology 2
amniotic membrane 2
androsterone - metabolism 2
antigens, neoplasm - analysis 2
autoimmune 2
bap-eb 2
basal metabolism 2
bax/bcl-2 2
blastocyst attachment 2
breakpoint 2
buserelin - administration & dosage 2
carcinoma, squamous cell - mortality - pathology 2
carrier proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
caspase 2
caspases 2
cation analysis 2
cattle 2
ce 2
cell fusion 2
cell nucleus - metabolism 2
cervical cancer cell lines 2
chemotherapy 2
cho cells 2
chorionic gonadotropin - therapeutic use 2
chromatography, high pressure liquid - methods 2
cisplatin 2
clinical protocols 2
cloning 2
cloning, molecular 2
clpp 2
co-incubation 2
connexin 31 2
contraception 2
cp: cell biology 2
cp: molecular biology 2
crispr-cas9 2
cryptorchidism 2
culture media 2
culture media - chemistry - metabolism 2
culture media, conditioned 2
cyclophosphamide 2
decidua 2
dendritic cells 2
discriminant analysis 2
dna 2
drug therapy, combination 2
dual extraction 2
electrophoresis, microchip - economics - instrumentation 2
electrophoresis, microchip - instrumentation - methods 2
embryo implantation - physiology 2
embryo transfer - methods 2
embryo, mammalian - metabolism 2
embryo/oocyte-containing oviduct 2
embryos 2
endocrine disruptors - toxicity 2
endometrial repair 2
endometrial stromal cell 2
endometrial surface proteome 2
endometrium - physiology 2
epididymitis 2
estrogens - physiology 2
fallopian tubes - cytology - physiology 2
fertility agents, female 2
fertilization, delayed 2
fertilizaton in vitro 2
fetal viability 2
fishes - blood 2
fishes - growth & development 2
fishes - physiology 2
fishes - sexing. 2
follicle development 2
follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) 2
follicle stimulating hormone - administration & dosage 2
follicle stimulating hormone - administration & dosage - blood 2
follow-up studies 2
food adulteration 2
food analysis 2
fragmentation 2
functional protein 2
gene expression 2
gene transfer 2
genetics 2
genitalia, female - physiology 2
germ cell 2
glycans 2
glycopeptides - chemistry 2
glycoproteins 2
glycoproteins - chemistry 2
glycoproteins - chemistry - genetics 2
gnrh agonist 2
golgi apparatus - metabolism 2
gonadal steroid hormones - blood 2
gonadotrophin 2
gonadotropin-releasing hormone - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology 2
gonadotropin-releasing hormone - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology - physiology 2
gonadotropins - physiology 2
gonads - anatomy & histology - drug effects - growth & development 2
gonads - metabolism 2
gpr-54 2
growth arrest/apoptosis 2
gynecologic cancer 2
haplotype 2
hermaphroditic organisms 2
hermaphroditism. 2
horseradish peroxidase - chemistry 2
human follicular fluid 2
human sperm 2
hyperactivation 2
hypothalamo-hypophyseal system - drug effects - growth and development - metabolism 2
immunoenzyme techniques 2
immunoglobulin g - urine 2
immunosuppression 2
in vitro fertilisation (ivf) 2
in vitro fertilization (ivf) 2
infant formula - chemistry 2
infant milk formula 2
infertility, male - therapy 2
integrin-β1 2
interaction 2
interleukin-1 - analysis - metabolism 2
inversion 2
iq calmodulin-binding motif 2
isoelectric focusing 2
isotachophoresis 2
isotachophoresis - instrumentation - methods 2
itp 2
jeg-3 spheroids 2
kisspeptin 2
let-7 2
leydig cells - drug effects - metabolism 2
lgr5 2
lh surge 2
lin28a protein 2
long-read 2
luteinizing hormone (lh) 2
luteinizing hormone - pharmacology 2
luteinizing hormone - secretion 2
male factor 2
male subfertility 2
mass spectrometry - methods 2
mdm2 2
medium 2
meiotic prophase i 2
menotropins - therapeutic use 2
menstrual cycle - physiology 2
menstruation 2
metabolic function 2
metal analysis 2
mice, inbred icr 2
microchip capillary electrophoresis 2
microchip-capillary electrophoresis device 2
microchip-ce 2
microscopy, phase-contrast 2
milk 2
milk proteins - isolation and purification 2
mir-let-7a 2
mir-let-7a/g 2
mitomycin c 2
models, animal 2
monogenic diseases 2
myd88 2
nanopore sequencing 2
neoplasm recurrence, local 2
neoplasm staging 2
next-generation sequencing (ngs) 2
niche 2
nipgt-a 2
non-invasive 2
offspring phenotype 2
oocytes - cytology 2
ovary - drug effects - growth and development - metabolism 2
ovulation 2
p21(waf1) 2
p21cip1 2
p27kip1 2
p53 2
peptides - analysis 2
percoll gradient centrifugation 2
perinuclei 2
pgt-a 2
pgt-sr 2
phase separation 2
plasma fraction 2
plasmanate 2
polymerase chain reaction (pcr) 2
polyploidy 2
polysaccharides - chemistry 2
prb 2
pregnancy test 2
preimplantation genetic diagnosis (pgd) 2
pronuclear stage tubal transfer (prost) 2
protein supplement 2
protein-serine-threonine kinases 2
proteins - analysis 2
proteinuria - urine 2
proteome 2
receptor 2
receptor complex 2
receptors, transforming growth factor beta - genetics - metabolism 2
reciprocal translocation 2
recurrent pregnancy loss 2
regeneration 2
repeated implantation failure 2
reproducibility of results 2
reproduction - drug effects 2
reproductive medicine 2
reproductive techniques 2
ribonucleases - chemistry 2
robertsonian 2
rspo1 2
satisfaction level 2
seasons 2
secretory protein 2
semen analysis 2
serpins 2
serum 2
serum albumin - chemistry 2
serum albumin, bovine - isolation and purification 2
sex body formation 2
sex determination processes 2
sex differentiation - drug effects 2
sex differentiation - physiology 2
sheep 2
site of semen collection 2
solvents - chemistry 2
soybean protein 2
spectrometry, mass, electrospray ionization - methods 2
spent culture media 2
sperm capacitation 2
sperm count 2
sperm dna fragmentation 2
sperm functions 2
sperm small rnas 2
spermatozoa - abnormalities 2
spermatozoa - cytology - physiology 2
spot and early morning urine 2
stem cell 2
steroid 2
steroid hormones. 2
steroidogenesis 2
steroids - biosynthesis 2
steroids - blood 2
stimulated ovulation 2
subfertility 2
survival rate 2
syntaxin 1 - metabolism 2
testis - drug effects - growth and development - metabolism 2
testosterone - analogs & derivatives - metabolism 2
tgfβ1 2
tissue culture techniques - methods 2
tissue polypeptide antigen 2
transforming growth factor beta - genetics 2
transforming growth factor beta1 2
translocation 2
treatment outcome 2
triptorelin pamoate - analogs & derivatives 2
trophectoderm spheroids 2
trs4 2
trypsin - chemistry 2
tubal factor 2
tumor markers, biological - analysis 2
urinary hcg-beta-core 2
urine 2
uterine cervical neoplasms - mortality - pathology 2
uterine receptivity 2
uterus - physiology 2
varicella zoster virus 2
wnt signalling 2
wnt/β-catenin signalling 2
zygote - physiology 2
3 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1
3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases - analysis 1
adenine nucleotides - biosynthesis 1
affinity capillary electrophoresis 1
androgens - biosynthesis 1
androstenedione - blood 1
antibodies, monoclonal - analysis - immunology 1
antibody specificity 1
antigen-antibody complex 1
b cells 1
binding constant 1
blastocyst 1
bovine serum albumin 1
capillary electrophoresis 1
carbon radioisotopes 1
cell separation 1
chromatography 1
chronic endometritis 1
de novo purine synthesis, purine pathways 1
diatomaceous earth 1
dihydrotestosterone - blood 1
diode laser induced fluorescence detection 1
electrochemistry 1
electrophoresis, capillary - methods 1
embryo vitrification 1
environmental pollutants - administration and dosage - toxicity 1
estrone - blood 1
fishes - anatomy & histology - physiology 1
fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate 1
glucuronates - blood 1
glycine - pharmacology 1
gonads - metabolism - ultrastructure 1
granulosa cells - ultrastructure 1
guanine nucleotides - biosynthesis 1
helper t cells 1
hydroxytestosterones - blood 1
hypothalamo-hypophyseal system - physiology 1
immune sera - immunology 1
immunoassay - methods 1
immunoassays 1
infertility, male - chemically induced - metabolism 1
intersexual fish 1
laser induced fluorescence detection 1
leydig cells 1
leydig cells - analysis - metabolism 1
leydig cells - ultrastructure 1
lung - parasitology 1
male sexual function 1
metastrongyloidea - metabolism 1
metastrongylus apri, purine ribonucleotides 1
monoclonal antibodies 1
monoclonal antibody 1
monopterus albus 1
monopterus albus (teleostei) 1
oocytes - metabolism 1
ovary - growth & development - metabolism 1
oxytocin 1
oxytocin - analysis 1
perciformes - blood 1
polscope 1
progesterone - metabolism 1
protandry 1
proteins 1
protogyny 1
purine nucleotides - biosynthesis 1
radioimmunoassay 1
radioimmunoassay - methods 1
rat (wistar) 1
rats, inbred strains 1
reactive oxygen stress 1
recurrent implantation failure (rif) 1
reproductive failure 1
rhabdosargus sarba 1
ribonucleotides - biosynthesis 1
sertoli cells - ultrastructure 1
serum albumin, bovine - analysis - immunology 1
sex factors 1
sex reversal 1
sex steroids 1
sexual maturation 1
signal transduction - drug effects 1
spectrometry, fluorescence 1
spectrophotometry, ultraviolet 1
spindle 1
steroid cell 1
subcellular fractions - analysis 1
swine 1
testis - growth & development - metabolism 1
testosterone 1
testosterone - analogs & derivatives - blood 1
testosterone - metabolism 1
tfh cells 1
theca cells - ultrastructure 1
ultrastructure 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
human chorionic, embryo spent culture, atomic force, in vitro fertilization, endometrial receptivity 7
cancer stem cells, cd133, cervical cancer, microrna, wnt signaling 5
embryo attachment, endometrial receptivity, human embryonic stem, in vitro fertilization, prediction model for ivf, trophoblastic spheroids 5
embryonic stem cells, histone deacetylation, induced pluripotent stem cells, mircro rna, sirtuin 1 (sirt1) 5
endometrial, lactate, lactobacillus, outcomes, predicting, pregnancy 5
fertilization, reproduction, sperm dysfunction 5
spermatogenesis, vad1.3 5
repeated implantation failure, endometrial stromal cells, in vitro fertilization, trophoblastic spheriods, cell invasion 5
trophectoderm, embryos, microrna, let-7, hippo signaling pathway 5
adult stem cells, clonogenic, endometriosis, endometrium 4
aromatase, estrogen, letrozole, misoprostol, termination of pregnancy 4
assisted reproduction treatment, fertilization, human spermatozoa, sialyl-lewis(x), sperm selection, zona pellucida 4
co-culture, contraception, endometrial receptivity, implantation, small molecules 4
differentiation, glycodelin-a, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1, monocyte, trophoblast 4
differentiation, human embryonic stem cell, implantation, spheroid attachment, trophoblastic stem cell 4
eg-vegf, endocrine gland, human endometrium 4
embryo 4
endometrial gland, organoid, preeclampsia, pregnancy, trophoblast 4
implantation 4
molecular cloning, zona-binding inhibitory factor-1 4
stem cell, trophoblastic diseases 4
null 4
p53, stem cell, trophoblast, development, genomics 4
b-catenin, embryo, ivf, mir-125a-3p, protein 1 (ctnnbip1), wnt-signaling 3
bisphenols, embryo attachment, human endometrium, in vitro fertilization, reproduction 3
blastocyst, implantation, microrna 3
blastocyst, inner cell mass, let-7, morula, trophectoderm 3
calcium signaling, fertilization, mitochondria, nanobiotechnology, nanoparticle 3
capacitation, human spermatozoa, protein disulfide isomerase, receptor complex, zona pellucida 3
capacitation, human spermatozoa, sialidase, sialyl lewis(x), zona pellucida 3
differentiation, glycodelin, microrna, notch, trophoblast 3
embryo, factor-3, molecular interaction 3
embryo-derived factors, endometrium, human chorionic gonadotrophin, implantation, microrna 3
endometrial stem cells, matrix metalloproteinase 3, myometrial cells, wnt signaling 3
endometrial stem cells, menstrual phase, stem cell niche, wnt signaling 3
extravillous cytotrophoblast, glycodelin-a, invasion, matrix-metalloproteinases, plasminogen activator 3
fertilization, glycodelin 3
fertilization, gonadotrophin, hormone, luteal, trigger, vitro 3
fertilization, spermatozoa, zona pelluoida 3
fixed daily dose treatment regimen, pituitary-suppresed infetile subjects, puregon (follitropin [beta], org 32489) 3
galectin-3, human spermatozoa, in-vitro fertilization, sperm maturation, zona pellucida 3
spermatogenesis 3
trs4 3
robotics, nano robot, nano manipulation, robot control, 3
;microvesicle, embryonic diapause, endometrium, let-7 2
adrenomedullin, endothelial cell, endovascular, extravillous, invasion, preeclampsia 2
blastocyst transfer, infertility, ivf, non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing 2
blastocyst, diapause, implantation, let-7, polyamines 2
bmp signalling, expanded potential stem cells, rabbit epsc, single cell genomics, trophoblast differentiation 2
capacitation, human spermatozoa, oviduct, sperm fucosyltransferase-5, sperm selection 2
diabetes, glycodelin, mass spectrometry, n-glycoprotein, quantitative 2
diagnosis, genetic, monogenic, offspring, preimplantation, translocation 2
embryos, gene 2
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