AuthorsNo. of Publications
chang, rcc 208
wu, w 99
tay, dkc 75
yu, ms 63
chiu, k 62
yip, hkf 62
ellis-behnke, rg 60
lee, tmc 54
yau, sy 51
liang, y 49
ho, ys 44
yuen, wh 42
lau, wm 41
chung, sk 37
lai, sw 36
wu, ex 36
lo, acy 35
tipoe, gl 34
schneider, ge 33
yip, hk 29
lau, bwm 28
lau, kc 27
tang, sw 27
hu, b 26
hugon, j 23
fung, ml 22
yick, lw 22
lee, vwh 21
xiao, j 21
ching, yp 20
cui, q 20
you, sw 20
yuan, q 19
chan, kc 18
li, a 18
li, sy 18
suen, kc 18
cho, ks 17
ren, c 17
su, h 17
fu, ql 16
pu, m 16
tay, d 16
you, s 16
liang, yx 15
leung, mcp 14
lin, k 14
liong, ec 14
yeung, sc 14
yip, hkf 14
cho, eyp 13
li, j 13
qiu, g 13
chan, cch 12
chan, clw 12
jen, ls 12
li, s 12
wong, dsh 12
xu, g 12
zhang, s 12
chan, hhl 11
lee, cd 11
li, x 11
lok, ckm 11
mi, s 11
ng, tf 11
shum, dky 11
xu, a 11
yeung, cm 11
yuan, tf 11
zee, ssy 11
zhou, iy 11
lam, cs 10
lin, b 10
lu, q 10
lu, w 10
shen, j 10
zhang, e 10
chan, bp 9
chan, ys 9
chen, b 9
chen, k 9
ellisbehnke, rg 9
guo, j 9
helmeste, dm 9
xiao, ym 9
yang, d 9
yang, j 9
yang, x 9
cheung, kh 8
cheung, rtf 8
cheung, yt 8
huang, l 8
hui, es 8
khong, pl 8
lai, jsm 8
li, y 8
liu, y 8
oppenheim, rw 8
sang, y 8
wong, wm 8
young, w 8
zee, sy 8
baum, l 7
chan, hc 7
chan, jsm 7
chan, kcw 7
chau, ch 7
cheung, pt 7
cheung, zhy 7
diao, yc 7
fu, q 7
ji, j 7
qin, d 7
siu, fkw 7
wang, h 7
yik, sy 7
campbell, g 6
chan, rw 6
chan, ym 6
chang, wc 6
cheung, zh 6
feng, q 6
gao, h 6
guo, r 6
kwok, ns 6
lai, csw 6
lam, wc 6
lee, dhs 6
lin, y 6
lui kau, kwf 6
mi, x 6
mok, kh 6
pepinsky, b 6
pickard, ge 6
tong, y 6
wang, l 6
yang, m 6
yu, e 6
chen, eyh 5
christie, br 5
chui, sw 5
dang, y 5
dockery, p 5
elyaman, w 5
jin, y 5
ju, g 5
leung, mk 5
li, h 5
li, rs 5
liang, yx 5
lieberman, ar 5
lin, kf 5
lv, y 5
ng, sm 5
ouyang, h 5
pan, j 5
scott, de 5
shao, z 5
tsao, gsw 5
wang, j 5
wong, d 5
xi, y 5
xing, f 5
zhou, y 5
bedi, ks 4
cai, j 4
chai, h 4
chan, kw 4
chan, sym 4
chen, by 4
cheng, js 4
chu, phw 4
chung, sk 4
chung, ssm 4
fu, sq 4
guo, y 4
honer, wg 4
huang, x 4
ji, jz 4
jing, y 4
kau, p 4
lam, dsc 4
li, t 4
li, w 4
li, z 4
liang, y 4
lin, z 4
liu, j 4
liu, s 4
mi, xs 4
preisler, j 4
sun, x 4
tao, q 4
wang, f 4
xiong, g 4
yu, eh 4
yu, wy 4
yuan, t 4
yuen, lp 4
zeng, q 4
zhang, l 4
zhang, li 4
zhang, w 4
zhou, l 4
bao, xm 3
chan, chy 3
chan, cm 3
chan, ocm 3
chan, pm 3
chan, tf 3
chan, w 3
chau, dwk 3
chen, q 3
chen, x 3
cheung, akh 3
cheung, hyz 3
cheung, mm 3
cheung, sf 3
chiu, cpy 3
chu, th 3
chung, kf 3
ding, y 3
fang, jn 3
fung, my 3
gao, pp 3
gao, y 3
guan, l 3
ho, rth 3
hu, y 3
huang, w 3
hung, chl 3
ireland, sml 3
joe, gm 3
kam cheung lau 3
kau, pwf 3
lam, mml 3
lau, kw 3
lee, cf 3
lee, hm 3
lee, jcd 3
leung, iyp 3
li, hy 3
lin, j 3
lin, zx 3
liu, k 3
liu, l 3
liu, yp 3
luan, l 3
machado, s 3
man, ryk 3
manthey, al 3
nan, y 3
ng, hk 3
pei, d 3
peng, b 3
po, kt 3
prevette, dm 3
pu, ml 3
shao, r 3
shi, j 3
shih, kc 3
shu, sy 3
su, w 3
tan, m 3
tay, dk 3
teather, la 3
to, ch 3
tong, j 3
tong, jb 3
tse, m 3
wang, k 3
wang, nl 3
wang, s 3
wang, y 3
wong, aol 3
wong, nml 3
wong, r 3
woo, hh 3
wu, m 3
wu, wt 3
wuwongse, s 3
xu, f 3
xu, xm 3
xu, y 3
xu, z 3
yang, h 3
yang, wk 3
yang, y 3
youdim, mbh 3
yuan, qj 3
zeng, h 3
zeng, y 3
zhang, cw 3
zhang, y 3
bao, x 2
beazley, ld 2
bi, y 2
bie, m 2
chan, hh 2
chan, ooc 2
chan, skw 2
chan, sky 2
chan, wyv 2
chan, yms 2
chang, r 2
chen, c 2
chen, cf 2
chen, d 2
chen, jyh 2
chen, z 2
cheng, aco 2
cheng, lfg 2
cheng, tong 2
cheng, ws 2
cheung, wh 2
chiu, kin 2
copeland, ng 2
diao, y 2
fu, y 2
fukuda, y 2
guan, y 2
han, x 2
hao, x 2
harvey, ar 2
he, lm 2
hong, sj 2
hu, j 2
hu, y 2
huang, jd 2
huang, y 2
hung, hl 2
ingram, dk 2
jang, wc 2
jenkins, na 2
ji, x 2
jiao, r 2
jin, z 2
jirik, a 2
kay, p 2
king, ce 2
koike, k 2
kong, j 2
lai, sw 2
lakshmanan, y 2
lam, ksl 2
lau, c 2
law, ack 2
lee, cf 2
lee, th 2
lee, whv 2
lei, jl 2
leung, cp 2
leung, gkk 2
leung, jwc 2
leung, wh 2
li, m 2
liao, xx 2
lin, s 2
liu, t 2
lo, scl 2
lu, r 2
lucas, pw 2
lukehurst, ss 2
luo, m 2
luo, z 2
ma, d 2
ma, h 2
matsuoka, y 2
mattson, mp 2
mccoy, j 2
mclntyre, rs 2
mo, l 2
mo, ll 2
neumann, mm 2
ng, ahl 2
ng, yf 2
niu, f 2
niu, z 2
pang, cp 2
pang, pkt 2
pepinsky, rb 2
qiu, d 2
rabacchi, s 2
rachel, ra 2
ramakrishna, s 2
rodger, j 2
ruan, y 2
ruan, yw 2
sah, dwy 2
sang, yh 2
sawai, h 2
schneider, g 2
shao, z 2
shen, c 2
shen, j 2
shen, l 2
sheridan, cm 2
shi, l 2
shum, jwh 2
siu, aw 2
siu, pmf 2
sollars, pj 2
sun, sj 2
sun, z 2
tan, mml 2
tan, p 2
tanner, ja 2
tay, kc 2
ting, jwm 2
tsang, awt 2
tse, ma 2
van, g 2
vanhoutte, pm 2
wang, p 2
wang, x 2
wang, z 2
wen, w 2
wong, ghy 2
wong, gth 2
wong, pwl 2
wong, yw 2
wu, t 2
wu, ym 2
xiao, y 2
xu, a 2
xu, l 2
xue, t 2
yang, b 2
yang, w 2
yao, x 2
ye, jx 2
yip, kk 2
youdim, m 2
yu, s 2
yuen, hkl 2
zeng, l 2
zhang, hj 2
zhang, q 2
zhang, r 2
zhang, t 2
zhang, x 2
zheng, w 2
zhi, y 2
zhou, k 2
zhu, h 2
zhu, r 2
zou, s 2
aguayo, aj 1
ahadullah 1
akiskal, hs 1
an, k 1
arias-carrion, o 1
arroyo, jg 1
asthana, p 1
au, np 1
bedi, k 1
bessonov, d 1
blake pepinsky, r 1
bostrom, c 1
brecha, nc 1
brietzke, e 1
brown, b 1
bu, y 1
bula, d 1
butt, ykc 1
butzkueven, h 1
cabo, r 1
campos, c 1
cao, c 1
carter, da 1
caviness jr, vs 1
cen, lp 1
cha, y 1
chan, c 1
chan, hh-l 1
chan, hl 1
chan, jch 1
chan, jnm 1
chan, nmj 1
chan, tcy 1
chan, vsf 1
chan, vwy 1
chan, yf 1
chan, yk 1
chang, ab 1
chang, mp 1
chang, pcm 1
chang, raymond c c 1
chang, rc 1
chang, xiao yue 1
chao, j 1
chau, bkh 1
chau, khb 1
chau, wk 1
chau, wkd 1
che, cm 1
che, ct 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, dh 1
chen, e 1
chen, j 1
chen, j 1
chen, jiekai 1
chen, jp 1
chen, kai 1
chen, lj 1
chen, qingpei 1
chen, qs 1
chen, ruhai 1
chen, s 1
chen, shuting 1
chen, xiaoxia 1
chen, xiongmin 1
chen, yalan 1
chen, zihang 1
cheng, gpm 1
cheng, kky 1
cheng, ly 1
cheng, ssy 1
cheng, sy 1
cheng, w 1
cheng, yc 1
cheuk, w 1
cheung, alm 1
cheung, any 1
cheung, cyl 1
cheung, ikm 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, kmc 1
cheung, m 1
cheung, mmh 1
cheung, myy 1
cheung, sh 1
cheung, swh 1
cheung, yh 1
chin, mp 1
chiu, c 1
chiu, j 1
chiu, jf 1
chiu, km 1
cho, ey 1
choi, awm 1
choi, k-y 1
choi, ky 1
choi, n 1
chouliara, z 1
chow, am 1
choy, nkb 1
christie, b. r. 1
chuenchung chang, r 1
chui, akm 1
ckiu, k 1
coppola, g 1
crowston, jg 1
dai, zg 1
dai, zhenzhu 1
de souky, ma 1
deng, y 1
desouky, ma 1
ding, q 1
dong, c 1
eckardt, bv 1
edwards, m 1
eichler, e. e. 1
ellis-behnke, r 1
ellis-behnke, r 1
ellisbehnke, r 1
esteban, ma 1
evgrafov, o. v. 1
fan, f 1
fan, s 1
fan, sj 1
fan, y 1
fan, ym 1
fang, j 1
feldman, lb 1
feletou, m 1
feng, c 1
feng, j 1
feng, y 1
finlay, bl 1
fisher, sk 1
fleischaker, r 1
fong, tct 1
fontaine, cj 1
fournier, a 1
frost, do 1
fu, a 1
fu, l 1
fu, s 1
fu, yw 1
fu, z 1
fu, zj 1
fung, cf 1
fung, kcf 1
fung, kht 1
fung, mkl 1
fung, smy 1
fung, tkh 1
gao, c 1
gao, f 1
gao, j 1
gao, jh 1
gao, s 1
gao, yanling 1
garber, e 1
ge, j 1
geng, x 1
geschwind, dh 1
gil-mohapel, j 1
gleichmann, m 1
goffinet, a 1
goffinet, am 1
goit, rk 1
gong, s 1
gong, siyi 1
graff, c 1
gresle, m. m. 1
grierson, i 1
gu, j 1
gu, y 1
guo, h 1
guo, hui 1
guo, x 1
hahm, k 1
han, q 1
han, s 1
han, t 1
han, y 1
hao, xiangfeng 1
hasan, akes 1
hasan, nakes 1
he, j 1
he, l 1
he, m 1
he, mh 1
he, w 1
he, y 1
ho to, c 1
ho, jys 1
ho, lsh 1
ho, sl 1
ho, spn 1
ho, wc 1
ho, winglau 1
ho, wl 1
honer, w 1
hoo, rlc 1
hou, b 1
hou, g 1
hou, wk 1
hu, cl 1
hu, yu 1
hu, z 1
hu, zf 1
hu, zhengfang 1
huang, fy 1
huang, g 1
huang, guanqun 1
huang, j 1
huang, lu 1
huang, p 1
huang, q 1
huang, rj 1
huang, xd 1
huang, xiaodan 1
huddleaton, j 1
hui, clm 1
hui, esk 1
hui, ty 1
hung, k 1
huo, j 1
ip, akc 1
ip, kc 1
ireland, s 1
ji, b 1
ji, xw 1
jian, j 1
jiang, z 1
jiao, xy 1
joe, g 1
jung, v 1
kang, sai 1
kau, pw 1
kemper, d 1
keuper, ke 1
khan, f 1
kilpatrick, t. j. 1
knowles, j. a. 1
komal, p 1
kong, qihang 1
kong, wc 1
koonching ip, a 1
kuang, f 1
kumar, g 1
kwan, kyh 1
kwok, akh 1
kwok, ss 1
kwok, v 1
kwok, vpy 1
labuda, k 1
lai, b 1
lai, cs 1
lai, j 1
lai, m 1
lai, mcw 1
lai, pui to 1
lai, swc 1
lai, tyy 1
lai, wanjing 1
lai, wwk 1
lam, hi 1
lam, lwy 1
lam, m 1
lam, ttl 1
lam, wai ching 1
lau, asy 1
lau, bhp 1
lau, bw 1
lau, fhs 1
lau, ht 1
lau, jcf 1
lau, kww 1
lau, ryc 1
lau, wcs 1
lau, wkw 1
lau, wmb 1
law, a 1
lee, dh 1
lee, ehm 1
lee, m 1
lee, mhk 1
lee, t 1
lee, thy 1
lee, vh 1
lee, w 1
lee, ws 1
lee, x 1
lei, y 1
lei, z 1
leung, cks 1
leung, fp 1
leung, jwh 1
leung, lh 1
leung, lht 1
leung, mc 1
leung, n 1
leung, sky 1
leung, smc 1
leung, wc 1
leung, whj 1
leung, yen 1
lewis, gp 1
li, b 1
li, dt 1
li, f 1
li, hb 1
li, jj 1
li, js 1
li, n 1
li, p 1
li, q 1
li, sz-c 1
li, szc 1
li, xiaoyue 1
li, yq 1
li, zw 1
liao, b 1
liberman, ar 1
lin, b 1
lin, jj 1
lin, jjx 1
lin, kangguang 1
lin, song 1
lin, x 1
lindsey, jd 1
ling, mt 1
lintner, k. e. 1
lio, r 1
liu, f 1
liu, gx 1
liu, h 1
liu, jianyu 1
liu, jinfeng 1
liu, kj 1
liu, linglin 1
liu, ss 1
liu, w 1
liu, x 1
liu, z 1
liu, zhongwan 1
lo, ac 1
lo, cl 1
lo, m 1
lorenzo-seva, u 1
lu, bw 1
lu, qj 1
lu, w 1
lu, weicong 1
lui, jch 1
luk, kdk 1
lung, jcy 1
luo, j 1
luo, jm 1
luo, lanzhi 1
luo, n 1
luo, p 1
luo, xg 1
luo, y 1
lyon, g. j. 1
lyu, m 1
ma, che 1
ma, chs 1
ma, lan 1
ma, xiaokuang 1
ma, z 1
mai, h 1
mak, aft 1
mak, jcw 1
man lau, bw 1
mansur, rb 1
mason, cp 1
mccoy, jm 1
mcintyre, roger s 1
mcintyre, rs 1
men, w 1
miao, q 1
miklasz, s 1
miller, m 1
morigiwa, k 1
nanji, aa 1
ng, bfl 1
ng, lka 1
ng, scp 1
ngan, ahw 1
ngan, hys 1
nie, j 1
ning, l 1
niu, b 1
niu, yimei 1
okobi, a 1
oppenheim, r 1
ouyang, s 1
pan, g 1
pan, h 1
peng, t 1
peng, y 1
peng, yf 1
peterbauer, a 1
pickard, g. e. 1
po, ktk 1
poon, ch 1
poon, dmy 1
poon, my 1
poon, w 1
potter, mc 1
qi, lw 1
qin, z 1
qiu, k 1
qiu, shenfeng 1
qu, y 1
quyang, s 1
redl, h 1
relton, jk 1
ren, chaoran 1
ren, cr 1
rocha, n. b. f. 1
rong, j 1
salomatina, e 1
samaranayake, an 1
samaranayake, na 1
sang, lyh 1
sasaki, h 1
scheider, ge 1
schneider, v 1
schuman, js 1
semino, ce 1
sha, m 1
sha, x 1
sham, jst 1
sham, pc 1
sham, pc 1
shan, j 1
shan, jj 1
shan, ziyun 1
shao, robin 1
shen, y 1
sheng, g 1
shi, jb 1
shi, lingling 1
shi, y 1
shi, z 1
shu, s 1
silvian, l 1
sin, lle 1
singer, da 1
siu, amh 1
siu, mha 1
song, y 1
song, youqiang 1
spangler, e 1
spangler, el 1
su, hx 1
su, kp 1
su, ww 1
su, z 1
suen, ka 1
sugioka, m 1
sun, d 1
sun, d 1
sun, dtf 1
sun, y 1
sun, yq 1
sánchez-vidaña, di 1
tam, ewc 1
tam, kl 1
tam, pkh 1
tam, s 1
tan, l 1
tan, lh 1
tang, b 1
tang, cy 1
tang, ehc 1
tang, hc 1
tang, jcy 1
tang, ls 1
tang, s 1
tang, x 1
tao, qian 1
tay, d 1
tay, dkc 1
teopiz, km 1
thibaud-nissen, f 1
tian, l 1
ting, pwk 1
tissir, f 1
tong, k 1
tong, y 1
tsang, ahw 1
tsang, andrea wing ting 1
tsang, aw 1
tsang, ck 1
tsang, ks 1
tsang, kw 1
tsang, ky 1
tse, wp 1
tsui, mg 1
turner, r 1
turner, rs 1
tusi, cy 1
tze, m 1
van der merwe, y 1
van praag, h 1
van rooijen, n 1
vanhoutte, pmgr 1
wai kei chau 1
wan, jb 1
wan, r 1
wan, rq 1
wang, cw 1
wang, d 1
wang, gq 1
wang, huajun 1
wang, jiantao 1
wang, jie 1
wang, kai 1
wang, m 1
wang, r 1
wang, sy 1
wang, t 1
wang, tt 1
wang, wen jing 1
wang, wj 1
wang, xma 1
wang, ya jie 1
wang, yang ze 1
wang, ziyang 1
wang, zm 1
wei, ji an 1
weinreb, rn 1
wheatley, j 1
wolbank, s 1
wollstein, g 1
wong, ayy 1
wong, dsh 1
wong, fs-y 1
wong, khh 1
wong, lc 1
wong, nk 1
wong, s 1
wong, sy 1
wong, yhi 1
woo, vcp 1
wu, a 1
wu, c 1
wu, h 1
wu, j 1
wu, ks 1
wu, mm 1
wu, qz 1
wu, w 1
wu, wt 1
wu, x 1
wu, xueping 1
wu, y 1
xi, yue 1
xia, kun 1
xia, l 1
xia, y 1
xiang, y 1
xiao, b 1
xiao, c 1
xiao, cx 1
xiao, q 1
xie, jx 1
xie, lk 1
xie, y 1
xing, kk 1
xing, x 1
xu, am 1
xu, guiyun 1
xu, j 1
xu, m 1
xu, xintong 1
xu, ying 1
xue, w 1
xue, y 1
yamamoto, m 1
yan, cp 1
yan, j 1
yan, lan 1
yan, swl 1
yang, a 1
yang, c 1
yang, d 1
yang, di ran 1
yang, edward 1
yang, fd 1
yang, feng zhen 1
yang, l 1
yang, lili 1
yang, min 1
yang, ming 1
yang, ml 1
yang, xf 1
yang, yan 1
yao, km 1
yao, tj 1
yaroslavsky, a 1
yau, s 1
yau, sk 1
ye, c 1
ye, j 1
yeung, as 1
yeung, dk 1
yew, dt 1
yin lo, amy 1
yin, j 1
yin, mxc 1
yip, hk 1
yu, cy 1
yu, w-y 1
yu, yl 1
yuen, awh 1
yung, kkl 1
yung, wh 1
zeng, hp 1
zhan, h 1
zhang, d 1
zhang, ed 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, jinhong 1
zhang, nq 1
zhang, sensen 1
zhang, wenhua 1
zhang, xm 1
zhang, yk 1
zhao, h 1
zhao, rch 1
zhao, y 1
zhao, yingying 1
zhao, z 1
zheng, g 1
zheng, gq 1
zheng, j 1
zheng, jiajun 1
zheng, xiaofei 1
zheng, z 1
zhong, jx 1
zhong, l 1
zhong, m 1
zhou, iy 1
zhou, lb 1
zhou, libing 1
zhou, lina 1
zhou, qh 1
zhou, z 1
zhu, f 1
zhu, j 1
zhu, l 1
zhu, m 1
zhu, t 1
zhu, y 1
ziea, etc 1
zou, w 1
zou, wenjin 1
郑, 爽 1
陈, 有和 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
animals 43
rats 29
female 25
rats, sprague-dawley 24
glaucoma 23
medical sciences 20
mice 19
neuroprotection 19
disease models, animal 16
humans 16
intraocular pressure 15
male 15
retinal ganglion cell 15
oxidative stress 14
cell proliferation 13
immunohistochemistry 13
retina 13
axotomy 12
optic nerve 12
physical exercise 12
apoptosis 11
apoptosis - drug effects 11
axonal regeneration 11
depression 11
mice, inbred c57bl 11
neuroprotective agents - pharmacology 11
regeneration 11
astrocyte 10
cell count 10
cricetinae 10
enzyme inhibitors - pharmacology 10
lycium barbarum polysaccharides 10
microglia 10
neurogenesis 10
time factors 10
adiponectin 9
analysis of variance 9
dose-response relationship, drug 9
mesocricetus 9
nerve regeneration 9
nerve regeneration - drug effects 9
psychiatry and neurology 9
rat 9
brain mapping - methods 8
cell death 8
cell differentiation - genetics - physiology 8
chronic disease 8
cognition 8
interleukin-6 8
lycium - chemistry 8
lycium barbarum 8
optic nerve - physiology 8
qigong 8
spinal cord 8
spinal cord injury 8
telomerase 8
tissue engineering 8
trauma 8
aging 7
aging - physiology 7
animals, newborn 7
axons - drug effects - physiology 7
blotting, western 7
brain 7
caspases - metabolism 7
cell survival 7
cell survival - drug effects 7
corticosterone 7
inflammation 7
integrative body-mind-spirit (ibms) 7
mental health 7
mice, knockout 7
neurodegeneration 7
neurons - drug effects - pathology 7
ocular perfusion 7
oxidative stress - drug effects 7
retinal ganglion cells 7
sleep disturbance 7
superior colliculus 7
treatment outcome 7
acute ocular hypertensive injury 6
age factors 6
anti-inflammatory 6
attention - physiology 6
axons - physiology 6
behavior 6
bipolar disorder 6
brain - physiology 6
cell death - drug effects 6
cells, cultured 6
cerebral ischemia 6
cns 6
cornea 6
denervation 6
drugs, chinese herbal - pharmacology 6
endocrinology 6
eye 6
fluorescent antibody technique, indirect 6
hemostasis 6
hippocampal neurogenesis 6
igf-1 6
lithium 6
meditation - methods - psychology 6
mice, transgenic 6
molecular weight 6
motoneuron 6
nanoindentation 6
neuronal apoptosis 6
nitric oxide - metabolism 6
ocular hypertension 6
plant extracts - pharmacology 6
plasticity 6
reactive oxygen species - metabolism 6
retina - cytology - enzymology 6
retinal ganglion cells - pathology 6
schwann cell 6
schwann cells 6
signal transduction 6
stroke 6
subventricular zone 6
transcorneal electrical stimulation 6
vision 6
wound healing 6
adiponectin receptor 5
adult neurogenesis 5
alanine transaminase - blood 5
alzheimer's disease 5
anti-inflammatory agents - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
antioxidants - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
antioxidants - pharmacology 5
apoptosis - physiology 5
autophagy 5
axonal injury 5
axonal projections 5
baduanjin qigong exercise 5
biopsy 5
blood coagulation - drug effects 5
blood loss, surgical 5
brain - cytology 5
brain-derived neurotrophic factor 5
carbon tetrachloride 5
cardiovascular disease 5
caspase 3 - metabolism 5
caspases 5
cattle 5
cell survival - physiology 5
chondroitin abc lyase - pharmacology 5
chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) 5
cns regeneration 5
connectivity 5
cytochrome p-450 cyp2e1 - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 5
cytokines - genetics - metabolism 5
cytoprotection 5
depression-like behavior 5
drug-induced liver injury - etiology - genetics - metabolism - pathology - prevention & control 5
drugs, chinese herbal - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
drugs, chinese herbal - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
electrical stimulation 5
emotion 5
endothelin-1 5
enzyme activation - drug effects - physiology 5
fibrosis 5
fmri 5
functional laterality - physiology 5
functional mri 5
ganglion cells 5
gene deletion 5
gene expression regulation, enzymologic - drug effects 5
glutamic acid - metabolism 5
growth control 5
hemostasis, surgical 5
hemostatic techniques 5
hemostatics - administration & dosage - chemistry 5
hippocampus - cytology 5
indoles - metabolism 5
inflammation mediators - metabolism 5
lipid peroxidation - drug effects 5
liver 5
liver - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 5
microscopy, electron 5
mitochondria 5
molecular sequence data 5
mouse 5
nanofibers 5
nanomedicine 5
nanomedicine - instrumentation - methods 5
nanotechnology 5
nanotechnology - instrumentation - methods 5
nanotechnology - methods 5
necrosis 5
nerve regeneration - drug effects - physiology 5
nerve regeneration - physiology 5
neural precursors 5
neural stem cells 5
neuroinflammation 5
neurons - cytology 5
neurons - metabolism 5
neuroprotective agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
nf-kappa b - metabolism 5
nitric oxide synthase 5
nitric oxide synthase - metabolism 5
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 5
nuclear factor kappa-b 5
partial transection 5
pc12 5
pc12 cells - cytology 5
plants, medicinal 5
pons 5
proteoglycans 5
raphe nuclei 5
rats, transgenic 5
resting-state network 5
retinal degeneration 5
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - pathology 5
retinal ganglion cells - enzymology 5
schwann cells - cytology 5
self-assembling nanofiber scaffold (sapns) 5
self-assembling peptide 5
signal transduction - drug effects 5
skin - pathology 5
small-world connectivity 5
spinal cord - cytology 5
spinal cord injuries - drug therapy - pathology - physiopathology 5
stem cells 5
stress 5
surgery 5
telomerase reverse transcriptase 5
tissue engineering - methods 5
tissue repair 5
tissue scaffolds - chemistry 5
transcription factor 5
tubulin - metabolism 5
up-regulation 5
426 apoptosis/cell death 4
530 ganglion cells 4
685 retina 4
administration, oral 4
adult 4
aldehyde reductase - antagonists & inhibitors - deficiency - genetics - physiology 4
aldehyde reductase - deficiency - genetics 4
alzheimer disease - metabolism - prevention & control 4
alzheimer’s disease 4
amino acid sequence - genetics 4
amygdala 4
androstadienes - pharmacology 4
animal model 4
anterior cingulate cortex 4
antigens, cd31 - genetics 4
appetitive behavior - physiology 4
arabinogalactan-protein 4
avulsion 4
axon number 4
axonal regrowth 4
axons - drug effects - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
axons - pathology - physiology 4
axons - physiology - radiography - ultrastructure 4
axotomy - methods 4
baicalin 4
base sequence - genetics 4
bdnf 4
beta-amyloid 4
beta-galactosidase - metabolism 4
biocompatible materials - chemistry - metabolism 4
bipolar cells 4
blood-brain barrier 4
blood-brain barrier - drug effects 4
blood-retinal barrier 4
blood-retinal barrier - drug effects - physiopathology 4
blood-retinal barrier - physiopathology 4
brain - cytology - metabolism 4
brain - pathology - physiology 4
brain development 4
brain edema - etiology - pathology - physiopathology - prevention and control 4
brain injuries - pathology - therapy 4
brain slice 4
brain-derived neurotrophic factor - pharmacology 4
bromodeoxyuridine - metabolism 4
calcium dysfunction 4
caspase 4
caveolin 1 - genetics - metabolism 4
cell count - methods 4
cell differentiation - genetics 4
central nervous system 4
chondroitin sulfate 4
chondroitin sulfates - metabolism 4
chondroitin sulfates - pharmacology 4
chromosomes, artificial, bacterial 4
clarke's nucleus 4
cloning 4
cloning, molecular 4
collagen type i - chemistry - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
compressive strength 4
conduction velocity 4
conserved sequence 4
cross-linking reagents - chemistry 4
cytochrome c group - analysis - biosynthesis - secretion 4
denervation - adverse effects 4
development 4
diabetes mellitus - genetics - physiopathology 4
drug interactions 4
drug synergism 4
dti 4
edema 4
electrical phosphene threshold 4
emotions 4
encephalomyelitis, autoimmune, experimental - chemically induced - pathology 4
endothelium-derived contracting factors 4
enzyme induction - physiology 4
fibrin - chemistry - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
fluorescent dyes - diagnostic use 4
functional connectivity 4
functional return of vision 4
galactosides - metabolism 4
gene expression regulation, enzymologic 4
gene transfer/gene therapy 4
ginkgo biloba 4
glaucoma - metabolism - pathology 4
glial cell 4
glycosaminoglycan 4
glycosaminoglycans 4
green fluorescent proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
guanine nucleotide exchange factors 4
guided tissue regeneration - instrumentation - methods 4
guinea pigs 4
heparan sulphates 4
heparitin sulfate - pharmacology 4
hippocampal cell proliferation 4
hippocampus 4
hypericum 4
hypericum perforatum 4
imidazolidines - therapeutic use 4
immunohistochemistry - methods 4
in vivo 4
injections 4
injections, spinal 4
injury 4
integrases - genetics - metabolism 4
interneurons - enzymology 4
intraocular pressure - physiology 4
ischemia 4
l-iditol 2-dehydrogenase - antagonists & inhibitors - genetics - physiology 4
lesion 4
light 4
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 4
medicine, east asian traditional 4
meditation 4
melanopsin 4
membrane proteins - administration & dosage - antagonists & inhibitors - physiology 4
mice, inbred c3h 4
mice, mutant strains 4
microscopy, confocal 4
middle aged 4
mirror neuron 4
model 4
motoneurons 4
mri 4
myelin proteins 4
myelin sheath - physiology - ultrastructure 4
myelin-associated glycoprotein - immunology - pharmacology 4
müller cells 4
n-methyl-d-aspartate receptor 4
nadph dehydrogenase - analysis 4
nanofiber scaffold 4
nanostructures - chemistry 4
nanostructures - therapeutic use - ultrastructure 4
nerve bridge 4
nerve tissue proteins - administration & dosage - antagonists & inhibitors - physiology 4
neural progenitor cell 4
neural stem cell 4
neural stem cells - cytology - metabolism 4
neuroglia 4
neuroglia - metabolism 4
neuroimaging 4
neurons - drug effects 4
neurons - pathology - transplantation 4
neuropeptides - genetics 4
neuropsychological tests 4
neuroscience 4
neurotrophic factors 4
nitric oxide 4
notch1 4
optic nerve injuries 4
optic nerve injuries - enzymology 4
optic nerve injury 4
optic nerve transection 4
panax quinquefolius l. 4
papilledema - enzymology - pathology - prevention & control 4
paroxetine 4
peptides - chemistry - metabolism 4
peptides - therapeutic use 4
peripheral nerves - drug effects - metabolism - transplantation 4
peroxynitrite 4
photic stimulation 4
photochemistry - methods 4
phylogeny 4
platelet adhesiveness 4
polysaccharide 4
pregnancy 4
psychiatry and neurology gerontology and geriatrics 4
purkinje cells - enzymology 4
pyrimidines - therapeutic use 4
rapid amplification of cdna ends 4
reactive oxygen species 4
regeneration (再生) 4
reperfusion injury - drug therapy 4
reperfusion injury - enzymology - pathology - prevention & control 4
retina - cytology - metabolism 4
retinal development 4
retinal diseases - enzymology - pathology - prevention & control 4
retinal ganglion cells - chemistry - enzymology - secretion 4
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - drug effects - enzymology 4
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - physiology 4
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects 4
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - enzymology 4
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - metabolism 4
retinal ganglion cells - physiology 4
retinal rod photoreceptor cells - cytology - embryology 4
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 4
rna, messenger - analysis - genetics - metabolism 4
rose bengal - chemistry 4
rt-pcr 4
rubrospinal tract 4
scar 4
schwann cells - transplantation 4
sciatic nerve - drug effects - physiology - ultrastructure 4
sclera 4
self-assembly 4
sequence homology, amino acid 4
signal transduction - genetics - physiology 4
solutions 4
sorbitol dehydrogenase 4
spectrophotometry 4
spinal cord - drug effects - pathology - physiopathology 4
spinal cord injuries - drug therapy - metabolism 4
spinal cord injuries - drug therapy - pathology 4
spinal cord injuries - pathology - physiopathology 4
spinal cord injuries - pathology - physiopathology - therapy 4
spinal cord injuries - pathology - surgery 4
spinocerebellar tracts - drug effects - injuries - pathology 4
spontaneously hypertensive rats 4
stilbamidines 4
stroke - complications - drug therapy - pathology - physiopathology 4
survival 4
telomerase - genetics - isolation & purification - metabolism 4
tensile strength 4
tomography, x-ray computed 4
transection 4
trap assay 4
traumatic brain injury 4
vascular endothelial growth factor a - genetics 4
vascular endothelial growth factor a - genetics - metabolism 4
vision - physiology 4
vision tests - veterinary 4
vision, ocular - physiology 4
visual function 4
vitreous body - physiology 4
zebrafish 4
zebrafish - genetics - growth & development - metabolism 4
zebrafish proteins - genetics - isolation & purification - metabolism 4
1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium - toxicity 3
494 degenerations/dystrophies 3
551 imaging methods (ct, fa, icg, mri, oct, rta, slo, ultrasound) 3
6-hydroxydopamine 3
626 optic nerve 3
acupuncture 3
adiporon 3
adjuvants, immunologic - therapeutic use 3
affective disorder 3
age-related macular degeneration 3
aging - metabolism 3
alcoholic liver disease 3
alkaline extraction 3
alzheimer's disease. 3
amacrine cells 3
amino acid chloromethyl ketones - pharmacology 3
amino acid sequence 3
ampk 3
amyloid beta-peptides - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
amyloid beta-peptides - drug effects - metabolism 3
amyloid beta-peptides - metabolism 3
amyloid beta-peptides - toxicity 3
animal behavior 3
animal cell 3
animal experiment 3
animal tissue 3
animals, newborn - anatomy & histology - physiology 3
anterograde axonal transport 3
antidepressive agents - pharmacology 3
antimanic agents - pharmacology 3
antioxidant (2.084) 3
article 3
axons - enzymology 3
axons - physiology - ultrastructure 3
bcl-2 3
behavioral analysis 3
benzyl compounds - pharmacology 3
biological markers - analysis 3
biology 3
biotechnology 3
blotting, western - methods 3
brain - drug effects - metabolism 3
brain - growth and development - physiopathology 3
brain diseases - immunology - physiopathology - therapy 3
brain microvascular endothelial cells 3
brain-derived neurotrophic factor - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
calcimycin - pharmacology 3
calcium 3
carbocyanines - diagnostic use 3
carcinoma, squamous cell - pathology 3
caspase 3 3
caspase inhibitor 3
caspases - antagonists & inhibitors 3
catalase - drug effects - metabolism 3
cataract surgery 3
caveolin-1 3
cell damage 3
cell differentiation 3
cell differentiation - drug effects 3
cell division - drug effects 3
cell line, tumor 3
cell loss 3
cell nucleus - pathology - ultrastructure 3
cell proliferation - drug effects 3
cell shape 3
cell size 3
central nervous system - cytology - immunology - metabolism 3
central pattern generator 3
cerebral cortex - cytology 3
cervical vertebrae 3
chemogenetic 3
chemokine ccl2 - immunology 3
chondroitin abc lyase - metabolism - pharmacology 3
chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans - drug effects - metabolism 3
chondroitin sulfates - biosynthesis 3
chronic aerobic exercise 3
chronic glaucoma 3
chronicfatigue 3
cicatrix - pathology 3
ciliary neurotrophic factor 3
ciliary neurotrophic factor - administration & dosage - pharmacology 3
clinical trial (2.172) 3
cognitive impairment 3
combination therapy 3
consensus sequence 3
corpus callosum 3
corticosterone - pharmacology 3
critical age 3
crystallin 3
crystallins - metabolism 3
cx3cr1 3
cysteine proteinase inhibitors - pharmacology 3
cytarabine - administration & dosage - pharmacology 3
cytochromes c - metabolism 3
cytology and histology biology 3
cytoskeleton 3
data interpretation, statistical 3
death associated protein kinase 3
dendritic cell 3
dendritic spine 3
dentate gyrus 3
diabetes 3
diabetes mellitus, experimental - chemically induced - metabolism - physiopathology 3
differentiation 3
diffusivity 3
dissection 3
dna fragmentation - drug effects 3
doublecortin 3
drusen 3
egcg 3
electrical stimulation (es) 3
electrophoresis, gel, two-dimensional 3
embryo, mammalian 3
endoplasmic reticulum 3
endoplasmic reticulum - metabolism - ultrastructure 3
endothelium, vascular - drug effects - metabolism 3
endothelium-dependent contractions 3
endothelium-derived contracting factor 3
enzyme activation 3
enzyme activation - drug effects 3
epithelial-mesenchymal transition 3
exercise 3
experimental glaucoma 3
extracellular matrix 3
eye disease 3
fallopian tube 3
fallopian tube neoplasms - pathology 3
fallopian tubes - pathology 3
fast axonal transport 3
femoral artery - drug effects - metabolism - physiopathology 3
fibroblast 3
fibroblasts - transplantation 3
fluorescent dyes 3
fructus lycii 3
ganoderma lucidum 3
gap-43 3
gap-43 protein - analysis 3
gene amplification 3
gfap 3
glaucoma - drug therapy - pathology - physiopathology 3
glaucoma - immunology - pathology 3
glaucoma - physiopathology 3
glaucoma. 3
goldfish 3
goldfish - genetics 3
graft survival - drug effects 3
graft survival - physiology 3
growth cones - physiology - ultrastructure 3
hamster (倉鼠) 3
hamsters (金黃地鼠) 3
hes1 3
high-risk design 3
hippocampal plasticity 3
hippocampus - cytology - drug effects - physiology 3
homeostasis 3
human 3
hydrocarbons, fluorinated - pharmacology 3
hydrogen peroxide - antagonists & inhibitors - pharmacology 3
hydrophobic acrylic 3
iba-1 3
image processing, computer-assisted 3
immune system processes - immunology 3
immunotherapy 3
indoles - diagnostic use 3
inflammation - immunology - physiopathology - prevention & control 3
injection 3
injections, intraventricular 3
inner nuclear layer 3
insulin-like growth factor i/immunology 3
intraocular lens 3
intraorbital optic nerve 3
intravitreal transplant 3
issue 10 3
issue 16 3
issue 60 3
kupffer cell 3
l-lactate dehydrogenase - metabolism 3
l. barbarum 3
laminectomy 3
language 3
laser coagulation 3
lasers 3
learning 3
learning and memory 3
lithium chloride - pharmacology 3
lithium chloride - therapeutic use 3
long-term survival 3
lycium barbarum l 3
lycium extract 3
lysosomes - metabolism - ultrastructure 3
macrophage 3
male sexual functioning 3
manganese - diagnostic use - metabolism 3
manganese - pharmacology 3
manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging 3
manganese-enhanced mri 3
mcp-1/ccl2 3
membrane proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 3
microglia - immunology - pathology 3
microinjections 3
microscopy, confocal - methods 3
microspheres 3
microsurgery - methods 3
microtubules - metabolism 3
minocycline 3
models, neurological 3
mononuclear cells 3
morphometric analysis 3
motor activity - drug effects 3
motor neurons - cytology - enzymology 3
motor neurons - cytology - enzymology - pathology 3
motor neurons - cytology - pathology - physiology 3
motor neurons - cytology - physiology 3
motor neurons - drug effects - physiology 3
mpp+ 3
muscle denervation 3
muscle reinnervation 3
muscle, skeletal - innervation - pathology 3
neonates 3
nerve cell plasticity 3
nerve degeneration - drug therapy - etiology - physiopathology 3
nerve growth factors - pharmacology 3
nerve tissue proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 3
nerve tissue proteins - pharmacology 3
network analysis 3
neural cell adhesion molecule 3
neural cells 3
neural inhibition - drug effects 3
neural plasticity 3
neural progenitor cells 3
neurites - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
neuroblastoma 3
neurogenesis - drug effects 3
neuroglia - immunology - metabolism 3
neuroimmunomodulation 3
neuron 3
neuron death 3
neuronal death 3
neuronal plasticity 3
neuronal survival 3
neurons - chemistry - enzymology 3
neurons - cytology - enzymology 3
neurons - cytology - metabolism 3
neurons - drug effects - metabolism 3
neurons - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
neurons - drug effects - pathology - physiology 3
neuroprotective drug 3
neurotoxicity 3
neurotrophin 3 3
neurotrophins 3
newborn rat 3
nitric oxide synthase (nos 3
nitric oxide synthase (一氧化氮合酶) 3
nitric oxide synthase - analysis - biosynthesis 3
nitric oxide synthase - biosynthesis 3
nitric oxide synthase type i 3
nmda receptor (nmda受體) 3
nocodazole - metabolism 3
nogo 3
ocular hypertension - drug therapy - metabolism - pathology 3
ocular hypertension - etiology 3
ocular hypertension - pathology - physiopathology 3
ocular hypertension - physiopathology 3
ocular stress 3
olfactory system 3
oligodendrocytes 3
oligopeptides - pharmacology 3
ophthalmology research 3
optic nerve (on) 3
optic nerve - anatomy and histology - physiology 3
optic nerve - metabolism - pathology 3
optic nerve - physiopathology 3
organ culture techniques 3
oxidants - pharmacology 3
oxidation-reduction 3
oxidopamine - toxicity 3
oxygen-derived free radicals 3
parkinson's disease 3
paroxetine - pharmacology 3
pcna 3
peptide fragments - toxicity 3
peripheral nerve bridging 3
peripheral nerve graft 3
peripheral nerve graft (周圍神經移植段) 3
peripheral nerve transplant 3
peripheral nerves - cytology - physiology - transplantation 3
peripheral nerves - transplantation 3
peroneal nerve - physiology - transplantation 3
phosphorylation 3
photoreceptor degeneration 3
plant extracts - chemistry 3
potassium ions 3
prepulse inhibition disruption 3
propulse inhibition 3
protein biosynthesis 3
proto-oncogene proteins c-bcl-2 - biosynthesis - drug effects 3
proto-oncogene proteins c-jun - analysis - biosynthesis 3
proto-oncogene proteins c-jun - metabolism 3
pyramidal neurons (錐體細胞) 3
radiation 3
radiculopathy - pathology - physiopathology 3
radiculopathy - surgery 3
randomized controlled trial 3
rd10 mice 3
re-implantation 3
recombinant fusion proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
recovery of function 3
regrowth 3
regulated cell death 3
reimplantation 3
reishi - chemistry 3
reperfusion injury - metabolism - pathology - prevention and control 3
repetitive sequences, amino acid 3
replantation 3
retina - drug effects - physiology 3
retina - enzymology 3
retina - metabolism 3
retina - metabolism - pathology 3
retina - physiology 3
retina -- diseases. 3
retinal degeneration - drug therapy - etiology - physiopathology 3
retinal diseases - metabolism - pathology - prevention and control 3
retinal ganglion cells (視網膜節細胞) 3
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 3
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - drug effects - physiology 3
retinal ganglion cells - metabolism - pathology 3
retinal ganglion cells - physiology - ultrastructure 3
retinal progenitor cell 3
retinal vein occlusion - etiology - physiopathology 3
retinitis pigmentosa 3
retinoic acid 3
retinotopic mapping 3
retrograde labeling 3
rhizotomy 3
rna, messenger - metabolism 3
rodentia - physiology 3
root avulsion 3
sciatic 3
sciatic nerve - cytology - drug effects - transplantation 3
sciatic nerve - cytology - transplantation 3
secondary degeneration 3
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor 3
sensorimotor gating 3
sexual behavior 3
signal transduction - immunology 3
solubility 3
somatosensory cortex 3
spatial learning 3
spinal cord - cytology - physiology 3
spinal cord - pathology - physiopathology 3
spinal cord - surgery 3
spinal cord injuries - metabolism - surgery 3
spinal cord injury (sci) 3
spinal motoneurons 3
spinal nerve roots - cytology - enzymology - physiology - surgery 3
spinal nerve roots - cytology - injuries - physiology 3
spinal nerve roots - injuries 3
sprouting 3
squamous cell carcinoma 3
ssri 3
startle reaction - drug effects 3
stereo investigator 3
streptozocin 3
streptozotocin-induced diabetes 3
structural plasticity 3
superoxide dismutase - drug effects - metabolism 3
synapses - drug effects - metabolism 3
synaptophysin 3
synaptophysin - drug effects - metabolism 3
synaptotoxicity 3
systemic lupus erythematosus 3
teaching of neuroscience 3
teleost 3
telomerase - genetics 3
telomeric repeats amplification protocol 3
tert 3
thickness 3
tibial nerve - transplantation 3
tissue transplantation 3
toll-like receptor 3
tract tracing (束路追蹤) 3
traditional chinese medicine (2.592) 3
traditional chinese medicine (tcm) 3
transient receptor potential a1 3
transplantation 3
trap 3
traumatic injury 3
tretinoin - pharmacology 3
trkb 3
tubulin modulators - metabolism 3
two-photon in vivo imaging 3
ultra-high-risk 3
umbilical cord blood 3
unfolded protein responses 3
vacuoles - metabolism 3
vasoconstriction - drug effects 3
vestibular nucleus, lateral - chemistry - cytology - metabolism 3
visual pathway 3
visual pathways - growth and development - physiopathology 3
vitreous 3
vitreous body 3
vitreous body - cytology - surgery 3
vitreous body - metabolism 3
voluntary exercise 3
wolfberry 3
β-amyloid 3
β-amyloid peptide 3
β-catenin 3
2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate - pharmacology 2
2apb 2
5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine 2
absence of side effects 2
acetylcholine receptor 2
addiction 2
adiponectin - pharmacology - physiology 2
adolescent 2
adrenal cortex hormones - pharmacology 2
adrenal glands - drug effects - pathology 2
affective regulation 2
aging - drug effects 2
aging - drug effects - metabolism 2
air pollution 2
alcoholic fatty liver disease 2
alzheimer 2
alzheimer disease 2
alzheimer disease - metabolism - pathology - prevention and control 2
amacrine cell 2
amino acid oxidoreductases - metabolism 2
ammonium sulfate 2
amnion - metabolism 2
amp-activated protein kinases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
amyloid 2
amyloid beta-peptides - antagonists & inhibitors - toxicity 2
amyloid beta-peptides - chemistry - metabolism 2
amyloid beta-peptides - chemistry - pharmacology 2
anatomy 2
anesthesia 2
animals, newborn - physiology 2
animals, suckling 2
anterior chamber - metabolism 2
anti-aging 2
antibodies - pharmacology 2
antibodies - pharmacology - therapeutic use 2
antioxidant 2
aphrodisiac 2
aqueous humor - physiology 2
aqueous-vitreous interface 2
arginine vasopressin - biosynthesis 2
arginine vasopressin - metabolism 2
artemisinin 2
asthma 2
astrocytes - classification - metabolism 2
astrocytes - physiology 2
atypical depression 2
axon regeneration 2
axon-glial interaction 2
axon-like processes 2
axonal regeneration (軸突再生) 2
axonal transport 2
axons (軸突) 2
axons (轴突) 2
axons - drug effects 2
axons - metabolism 2
axons - pathology 2
axons - ultrastructure 2
basal ganglia 2
basic-leucine zipper transcription factors - metabolism 2
behavior, animal 2
beta amyloid 2
biological transport 2
biotin - analogs & derivatives - metabolism 2
blood brain barrier 2
blood flow 2
blood flow velocity - physiology 2
blood vessel 2
blood–brain barrier (bbb) 2
blotting, northern 2
body parts 2
body weight - drug effects 2
boron compounds - pharmacology 2
brain - drug effects - metabolism - physiopathology 2
brain - embryology - metabolism 2
brain - pathology 2
brain stem (腦干) 2
brain tissue transplantation 2
brain-derived neurotrophic factor - administration & dosage 2
brain-derived neurotrophic factor - immunology - metabolism 2
bromodeoxyuridine 2
c-jun n-terminal kinase 2
calcium - metabolism 2
calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 2 2
calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
calcium/calmodulin kinase-ii 2
carrier proteins - metabolism 2
caspase 8 2
caspase 9 2
caspase-3 2
caspase-9 2
caspases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
cell culture techniques 2
cell culture techniques - methods 2
cell death - physiology 2
cell death - physiology - radiation effects 2
cell differentiation - physiology 2
cell division - physiology 2
cell line, transformed 2
cell size - drug effects 2
cell size - physiology 2
cell survival - drug effects - physiology 2
cell survival - physiology - radiation effects 2
cell transplantation 2
celsr3 2
cerebellum 2
cerebral cortex - cytology - embryology 2
cerebral cortex - cytology - metabolism 2
cerebral cortex - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 2
cerebral cortex - pathology 2
cerebral ventricles - cytology - drug effects 2
chemistry, pharmaceutical 2
chinese herbal medicine 2
chinese medicine 2
cho cells 2
choline 2
choline - metabolism 2
ciliary body 2
ciliary body - cytology - drug effects 2
ciliary neurotrophic factor - metabolism - pharmacology 2
ciliary neurotrophic factor - pharmacology 2
ciliary neurotrophic factor - physiology - therapeutic use 2
circadian rhythms 2
clinical trial 2
clinical trial (topic) 2
cognitive rehabilitation 2
collagen 2
collagen - chemistry 2
collagen - chemistry - radiation effects 2
collagen microspheres 2
coloring agents 2
conditioning lesion 2
controlled release 2
corticospinal tract 2
corticosterone (cort) 2
corticosterone (皮质酮) 2
cross-linking reagents - pharmacology 2
crosslinking 2
cyclic amp - analogs & derivatives - metabolism - pharmacology 2
cytokines 2
cytokines - pharmacology 2
cytoprotective effects 2
dark adaptation 2
dark rear 2
darkness 2
darkness - adverse effects 2
death 2
degeneration 2
delayed-action preparations 2
dendrites - drug effects 2
dendrites - enzymology - ultrastructure 2
dendrites - pathology 2
dendrites - physiology 2
dendrites - ultrastructure 2
dendritic complexity 2
dextrans - metabolism 2
diffuse axonal injury - complications 2
dii 2
displaced amacrine cells 2
diurnal 2
dl-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid 2
dna probes 2
dna-binding proteins 2
dna-binding proteins - physiology 2
dopamine 2
dorsal raphe nucleus 2
dose-response 2
dose-response relationship, radiation 2
down-regulation 2
drug 2
drug carriers 2
drug carriers - chemistry 2
drug compounding 2
drug delivery systems 2
drugs, chinese herbal - administration and dosage - pharmacology 2
eif-2 kinase - metabolism 2
electron microscope 2
electron microscopy 2
electroretinography 2
empathy 2
endocrine hypothalamus 2
endogenous 2
endophenotype 2
endoplasmic reticulum - drug effects - metabolism 2
endoplasmic reticulum - metabolism 2
endothelial cell 2
environmental stimulation 2
ephrin-a2 2
ephrin-a2 - biosynthesis 2
epilepsy 2
er stress 2
erythropoietin 2
erythropoietin - metabolism - pharmacology 2
erythropoietin receptor 2
eukaryotic initiation factor-2 - metabolism 2
excitotoxicity 2
exudates and transudates - physiology 2
eyelid suture 2
fibroblast growth factor 2 - pharmacology 2
fine particulate matter 2
flowmotion 2
fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate - diagnostic use 2
fluorescent antibody technique 2
forelimb - drug effects 2
functional deficits 2
functional molecules 2
functional protection 2
g-ratio 2
gadolinium dtpa - diagnostic use - pharmacokinetics 2
ganglion cell 2
gap junctions (cell biology) 2
gap-43 protein 2
gap-43 protein - metabolism 2
garlic-derived monomers 2
gases (气体) 2
gd-dtpa enhanced magnetic resonance imaging 2
gene expression 2
gene expression regulation 2
gene expression regulation - drug effects - physiology 2
gene expression regulation - physiology 2
gene expression regulation, developmental - physiology 2
ginseng 2
glaucoma - etiology - metabolism - physiopathology 2
glaucoma, open-angle - etiology - metabolism 2
glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor - metabolism 2
glial fibrillary acidic protein - metabolism 2
glucocorticoid receptors 2
glutamate 2
glutamate decarboxylase 2
glutamate receptor 2
glutamic acid - toxicity 2
golgi staining 2
graft 2
grey matter volume 2
growth cones - drug effects - metabolism - ultrastructure 2
growth substances - pharmacology 2
growth-associated genes 2
grp78 2
hamster 2
hamsters 2
hcc 2
headings nerve pegeneration (神經再生) 2
heat-shock proteins 2
herbal medicine 2
herbal treatment 2
heroin 2
high-risk offspring 2
hippocampus - drug effects - metabolism 2
homocysteine 2
homocysteine - antagonists and inhibitors - toxicity 2
horseradish peroxidase 2
hsp90 heat-shock proteins - metabolism 2
hypercortisolemia 2
hypertension 2
hypophysectomy 2
hypophysectomy - methods 2
hypothalamo-hypophyseal system - cytology - drug effects 2
hypothalamo-hypophyseal system - growth & development - metabolism 2
hypothalamo-neurohyphyseal system 2
hypothalamus 2
hypothalamus - cytology 2
hypothalomoneurohypophyseal system 2
imaging 2
immediate early genes 2
immediate receptor 2
immunomodulation 2
immunoprecipitation 2
immunosuppressive agents - pharmacology 2
in situ nick-end labeling - methods 2
in-1 2
indocyanine-green-toxicity 2
inflammasome 2
inflammatory stimulation 2
inhibitory molecule 2
innovative technology 2
intermediate filament proteins - metabolism 2
internet of things 2
interneurons - cytology 2
intracellular space - drug effects - metabolism 2
intracellular staining 2
intracerebral hemorrhage 2
intravitreal application 2
iprgcs 2
ipsilaterally projecting retinal ganglion cell 2
isoquinolines 2
isoquinolines - diagnostic use 2
kainic acid 2
kainic acid - toxicity 2
kinetics 2
laser coagulation - adverse effects 2
laser-doppler flowmetry - methods 2
lasers, gas 2
lbp 2
light coagulation 2
light deprivation 2
limbic network 2
lithium carbonate - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics 2
low-affinity neurotrophin receptor 2
lrp6 2
lucifer yellow 2
lycium barbarum (wolfberry) 2
lycium barbsarum 2
lycium ruthenicum murray 2
macrocyclic compounds 2
macrophages - pathology 2
magnetic resonance spectroscopy - methods 2
major depression 2
major depressive disorder 2
mammals - physiology 2
mammals -- physiology. 2
map kinase kinase 4 - metabolism 2
mating 2
median eminence - metabolism 2
melancholic depression 2
membrane glycoproteins - biosynthesis 2
membrane proteins - antagonists & inhibitors - chemistry - physiology 2
membrane proteins - genetics - immunology - metabolism 2
mesenchymal stem cells - cytology - metabolism 2
mesocricetus (金仓鼠) 2
mesocricetus - anatomy & histology 2
mesocricetus - growth & development - metabolism 2
methionine-choline deficient diet 2
metta meditation 2
microglia - pathology 2
microscopy, electron, scanning 2
microscopy, electron, scanning - methods 2
microscopy, fluorescence 2
microscopy, immunoelectron 2
microstructure 2
microtubules 2
midbrain 2
milk thistle-derived substances 2
mitogen-activated protein kinases - metabolism 2
mitophagy 2
mobile pervasive networks 2
models, biological 2
modularity 2
molecular chaperones - metabolism 2
mongolian gerbil 2
motoneuron survival and regeneration 2
motor neurons - cytology - drug effects - enzymology 2
motor neurons - enzymology - metabolism 2
motor neurons - metabolism 2
motor neurons - pathology 2
motor system 2
muller cell 2
myelin proteins - biosynthesis - metabolism 2
myelin proteins - immunology 2
myelin-associated glycoprotein 2
myelin-associated glycoprotein - pharmacology 2
myelitis - etiology - pathology 2
nadph dehydrogenase - biosynthesis 2
nadph dehydrogenase - metabolism 2
nadph diaphorase neurons 2
nadph-diaphorase 2
nano-fibrous 2
nanomaterial 2
nanomaterials 2
nanoscaffolds 2
nanostructures 2
neck - innervation 2
neoplasm proteins - metabolism 2
nerium - chemistry 2
nerium indicum 2
nerve bridging substances 2
nerve crush 2
nerve degeneration - diagnosis 2
nerve degeneration - physiology 2
nerve degeneration - physiopathology 2
nerve growth factor 2
nerve growth factors - metabolism - pharmacology 2
nerve growth factors - physiology 2
nerve injury 2
nerve regeneration (神经再生) 2
nerve tissue proteins - antagonists & inhibitors - chemistry - physiology 2
nerve tissue proteins - biosynthesis 2
nerve tissue proteins - genetics - immunology - metabolism 2
nerve tissue proteins - metabolism 2
nerve transfer 2
nerve-tissue engineering 2
nestin 2
neural pathways - physiology 2
neural regeneration 2
neurite outgrowth 2
neurites - drug effects 2
neuro-plasticity 2
neurodegenerative diseases - drug therapy - metabolism - physiopathology 2
neurodegenerative diseases - drug therapy - prevention & control 2
neurofilament proteins - biosynthesis 2
neurofilaments 2
neurogenesis (神经发生) 2
neurohypophyseal system 2
neurohypophysis 2
neuromuscular junction 2
neuronal damage 2
neurons 2
neurons - cytology - drug effects - physiology 2
neurons - cytology - physiology 2
neurons - drug effects - enzymology 2
neurons - drug effects - enzymology - pathology 2
neurons - enzymology 2
neurons - metabolism - pathology 2
neurons - physiology 2
neurons, afferent - physiology - radiation effects 2
neurons, afferent - ultrastructure 2
neuroplasticity 2
neuroprotectant 2
neuroprotective agents - administration & dosage 2
neuroprotective agents - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics 2
neuroprotective agents - administration and dosage - pharmacology 2
neuroprotective agents - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
neuroprotective agents - therapeutic use 2
neuropsychological test 2
neurotoxins - toxicity 2
neurotrophic 2
neurotrophic factor 2
neurotrophin-4/5 2
neurovascular dysregulation 2
neutral red 2
ng-nitroarginine methyl ester - pharmacology 2
nitrergic neurons - cytology - enzymology 2
nitric oxide (一氧化氮) 2
nitric oxide synthase - analysis - metabolism 2
nitric oxide synthase - antagonists & inhibitors 2
nitric oxide synthase type i - antagonists & inhibitors - physiology 2
nitric oxide synthase type i - biosynthesis 2
nitric oxide synthase type i - metabolism 2
nlrp3 inflammasome 2
nmda receptor 2
nogo-66 receptor 2
nogoa 2
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis 2
nonlinear dynamics 2
nude mice 2
ocular hypertension - etiology - physiopathology 2
ocular hypertension - metabolism - pathology 2
ocular hypertension - pathology 2
ocular transport 2
offspring 2
okadaic acid 2
olfaction 2
on-site testing 2
operational efficiencies 2
optic nerve - anatomy & histology 2
optic nerve - cytology - growth & development - ultrastructure 2
optic nerve - cytology - physiology 2
optic nerve - cytology - transplantation 2
optic nerve - physiology - surgery 2
optic nerve - surgery 2
optic nerve injuries - diagnosis 2
optic nerve injuries - drug therapy 2
optic nerve injuries - metabolism 2
optic nerve injuries - physiopathology 2
optic nerve regeneration 2
optic nerve section 2
organogenesis - drug effects 2
oxazoles - pharmacology 2
oxytocin 2
oxytocin - biosynthesis 2
oxytocin - metabolism 2
p75 neurotrophin receptor 2
paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - cytology 2
paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - cytology - drug effects 2
paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - cytology - metabolism 2
paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - metabolism 2
parkinson 2
parkinson’s disease 2
paroxetine (帕罗西汀) 2
particle size 2
pathogenesis 2
peptide fragments - pharmacology 2
peptides - chemistry 2
pericytes 2
peripheral nerve 2
peripheral nerve graft transplantation 2
peripheral nerves (周围神经) 2
peripheral nerves - cytology 2
peripheral nerves - physiopathology - transplantation 2
perk 2
peroneal nerve - cytology - transplantation 2
peroneal nerve - transplantation 2
personality trait 2
phagocytes 2
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
phosphoproteins - metabolism 2
phosphorylated stat3 2
phosphorylation - drug effects - physiology 2
photochemical crosslinking 2
photochemistry 2
photosensitization 2
photosensitizing agents - pharmacology 2
physicochemical properties 2
piriform cortex 2
plant structures - chemistry 2
pluripotent stem cells - cytology - metabolism 2
polysaccharides 2
polysaccharides - pharmacology 2
polysorbates - chemistry 2
pre-lesion 2
precipitin tests 2
predictive analysis 2
prefrontal cortex 2
pressure 2
pressure ulcer 2
propriospinal neurons 2
protein binding - drug effects 2
protein delivery 2
protein denaturation - physiology 2
protein kinase inhibitors - administration & dosage - pharmacology 2
protein release 2
proteins - chemistry 2
proto-oncogene proteins c-akt - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 2
proto-oncogene proteins c-fos - biosynthesis - physiology 2
proto-oncogene proteins c-fos - metabolism 2
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 2
pyramidal cells (錐體細胞) 2
pyrazoles - pharmacology 2
pyrimidines - pharmacology 2
radiculopathy - complications 2
random allocation 2
rat neural progenitor cells 2
rats, inbred strains 2
receptor, nerve growth factor 2
receptor, nerve growth factor - metabolism 2
receptor, notch1 - physiology 2
receptor, trka - genetics - metabolism 2
receptor, trkb - biosynthesis - drug effects 2
receptor, trkb - genetics - metabolism 2
receptor, trkb - metabolism 2
receptor, trkc - genetics - metabolism 2
receptors, adiponectin - metabolism 2
receptors, ampa - metabolism 2
receptors, erythropoietin - metabolism 2
receptors, n-methyl-d-aspartate - drug effects 2
receptors, n-methyl-d-aspartate - metabolism 2
receptors, nerve growth factor - administration & dosage 2
receptors, nerve growth factor - analysis - biosynthesis 2
receptors, nerve growth factor - drug effects - physiology 2
receptors, nerve growth factor - metabolism 2
recombinant fusion proteins - pharmacology 2
recombinant fusion proteins - therapeutic use 2
recovery of function - drug effects 2
reducing stress 2
regenerated optic axons 2
regeneration (軸突再生) 2
regeneration - physiology 2
reinnervation 2
reproduction 2
resilience 2
resting state 2
resting-state fmri 2
retina - anatomy & histology - metabolism - ultrasonography 2
retina - cytology - enzymology - growth & development 2
retina - drug effects - growth & development - injuries 2
retina - growth & development 2
retina - growth & development - metabolism - radiation effects 2
retina - injuries - physiology 2
retina - pathology 2
retina - physiopathology 2
retinal disease 2
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - metabolism 2
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - metabolism - pathology 2
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - metabolism - physiology 2
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - enzymology - pathology 2
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - physiology 2
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - ultrastructure 2
retinal ganglion cells - metabolism 2
retinal ganglion cells - physiology - radiation effects 2
retinal ganglion cells - radiation effects - ultrastructure 2
retinal ganglion cells - transplantation - ultrastructure 2
retinal ganglion cells - ultrastructure 2
retinal ganglion cells. 2
retinal-ganglion-cells-drug-effects 2
retinofugal projection 2
retinotectal 2
retinotectal topography 2
retrograde reaction 2
retrograde signal 2
retrograde tracing 2
reward system 2
rfid 2
rfid technology 2
rgc 2
rhoa gtp-binding protein - metabolism 2
rich club 2
rna-binding proteins - metabolism 2
rod opsins - metabolism 2
rostral migratory stream (rms) 2
s-allylmercaptocysteine 2
safety 2
scd1 2
schwann cells (雪旺氏細胞) 2
sciatic nerve 2
sciatic nerve - physiology 2
sciatic nerve - transplantation 2
sciatic nerve/transpl (坐骨神經/移植) 2
seasonal affective disorder (sad) 2
seasonal affective disorder - metabolism - pathology 2
selective vulnerability 2
self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold 2
sensory deprivation 2
serotonin uptake inhibitors - pharmacology 2
serum albumin, bovine - chemistry 2
sesame oil (芝麻油) 2
sexual behaviors 2
signal transduction - drug effects - physiology 2
silver staining 2
skin - blood supply - metabolism 2
skin physiological phenomena 2
soft bipolar spectrum 2
soma size 2
spectral analysis 2
spinal cord - cytology - metabolism 2
spinal cord - drug effects - pathology 2
spinal cord - metabolism 2
spinal cord - metabolism - pathology 2
spinal cord - pathology 2
spinal cord injuries - metabolism 2
spinal cord injuries - metabolism - pathology 2
spinal nerve roots - cytology - injuries 2
spinal nerves - injuries - metabolism 2
sprague-dawley rats 2
stat3 transcription factor 2
statistics, nonparametric 2
stem cell niche 2
streptozotocin 2
structural–functional coupling 2
substance abuse 2
subventricular zone (svz) 2
superior colliculi - cytology 2
superior colliculi - cytology - drug effects 2
superior colliculi - cytology - growth & development 2
superior colliculi - cytology - growth & development - metabolism 2
superior colliculi - drug effects - enzymology - pathology 2
superior colliculi - growth & development - injuries - physiology 2
support vector machine 2
suprachiasmatic nucleus 2
suprachiasmatic nucleus - cytology - metabolism 2
supraoptic nucleus - cytology 2
supraoptic nucleus - cytology - drug effects 2
supraoptic nucleus - cytology - metabolism 2
surface properties 2
surface-active agents - chemistry 2
synapses - physiology - radiation effects 2
synaptic deafferentation 2
tacrolimus - pharmacology 2
tau 2
tau phosphorylation 2
technology, pharmaceutical - methods 2
temperament 2
temporo-parietal junction 2
tetrodotoxin - pharmacology 2
thalamus - physiology 2
thapsigargin 2
thionucleotides - pharmacology 2
third ventricle - ultrastructure 2
thorax - innervation 2
tissue embedding 2
traditional chinese medicine 2
traditional internet 2
trans-activators - physiology 2
transcription factors 2
transfection 2
transient dendritic spine 2
transient dendritic spines 2
transient retinal ischaemia 2
transplant 2
transplantation, heterotopic 2
transplants 2
transplants (移植物) 2
trophic factors 2
txnip 2
type i diabetes 2
ultra-high-risk offspring 2
up-regulation - drug effects - physiology 2
up-regulation - physiology 2
uracil (尿嘧啶) 2
vasculature 2
vasopressin 2
vasopressins - metabolism 2
vegf 2
ventral root re-implantation 2
verbena officinalis 2
viability 2
vimentin 2
vimentin - metabolism 2
visual cortex 2
visual cortex - metabolism 2
visual deprivation 2
visual pathways - cytology - growth & development 2
visual system 2
vitreous body - drug effects 2
voxel-based morphometry 2
wavelet transform 2
wheel running 2
whorf hypothesis 2
wireless pervasive 2
wnt 2
young adult 2
zeaxanthin dipalmitate 2
周围神经移植 2
枸杞多糖 2
神经保护 2
视网膜节细胞 2
视网膜退行性疾病 2
轴突再生 2
轴突损伤 2
17/18a border 1
aberrant synapse 1
acetylcholinesterase - metabolism 1
active components 1
acute ocular hypertension 1
adaptation, physiological - physiology 1
adaptive index 1
affective temperament 1
affective visual information 1
aged 1
aged, 80 and over 1
alcohol abuse 1
alpha cells 1
american spinal injury association impairment scale–a 1
amygdala - cytology 1
anatomy, cross-sectional 1
anterograde transport 1
anti-oxidants 1
antimicrobial cationic peptides - metabolism 1
antitumor 1
anxiety 1
anxiety disorder 1
anxiety disorders 1
anxiety-like behavior 1
area 17 1
asian continental ancestry group 1
asian continental ancestry group - ethnology 1
asymmetric glaucoma 1
autoradiography 1
aversive stimuli 1
axon 1
axon-like process 1
axonal elongation 1
axonal growth 1
axons 1
basement membrane 1
bax 1
behaviors 1
benzimidazoles 1
benzofurans 1
biomarkers 1
brain disorders 1
brain health 1
brain injury 1
brain mapping 1
brain-derived neurotrophic factor - analysis 1
c-fos 1
callosal neuron 1
caloric restriction 1
camp 1
cathelicidins 1
cell death and survival 1
cell shape - radiation effects 1
central nervous system (cns) regeneration 1
central nervous system - physiology 1
cephalometry 1
cerebellum - anatomy & histology - growth & development 1
cerebral infarction 1
chick embryo - growth & development 1
chickens - anatomy & histology 1
china - epidemiology 1
chronic primary open-angle glaucoma 1
chronic spinal cord injury 1
ciliary body (睫状体) 1
cognitive function 1
cognitive neuroscience 1
computer vision 1
conditioning lesion effect 1
corpus callosum - anatomy & histology 1
cortical infarction 1
corticosterone - blood - deficiency 1
cough syrup abuse 1
covid-19 1
cp: neuroscience 1
cricetinae - anatomy & histology 1
cross-sectional studies 1
cytokine 1
dendrites - physiology - ultrastructure 1
dendritic morphology 1
dendritic plasticity 1
dendritic remodeling 1
depth perception - physiology 1
development of retinal pathways 1
dextromethorphan 1
diagnostic techniques, ophthalmological 1
diet 1
dietary restriction 1
dominance, cerebral - physiology 1
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus 1
double labeling 1
drug abuse 1
electric stimulation (es) 1
electroacupuncture - methods 1
electrophysiology 1
electroretinography - methods 1
epigenetic modulation 1
evoked potentials - physiology 1
ex vivo culture 1
eye - anatomy & histology 1
fetal tissue transplantation - physiology 1
fluospheres 1
follow-up studies 1
frontal bone - innervation 1
functional recovery 1
genetics 1
geniculate bodies - anatomy & histology - growth & development 1
geniculate bodies - growth & development 1
geniculate bodies - ultrastructure 1
geniculate-bodies-physiology 1
glaucoma - diagnosis 1
glaucoma - metabolism 1
glaucoma - metabolism - pathology - prevention and control 1
glaucoma - metabolism - physiopathology 1
glaucoma - pathology - physiopathology 1
glaucoma - physiopathology - therapy 1
glaucoma suspect 1
glaucoma, open-angle - complications - diagnosis - physiopathology 1
glaucoma, open-angle - diagnosis 1
glaucoma, open-angle - drug therapy - physiopathology 1
global flash 1
golden hamster 1
guinea pig 1
hemiscyllium plagiosum 1
hepatic encephalopathy 1
herbal medicines 1
high tension glaucoma 1
high-tension glaucoma 1
high-throughput extraction 1
hippocampus - cytology - drug effects 1
histocytochemistry 1
hong kong - epidemiology 1
horseradish peroxidase - diagnostic use 1
hrp 1
hrp-labelling 1
hybridization, genetic 1
immune response 1
in vitro culture 1
inferior colliculi - physiology 1
inferior colliculus 1
initial delay 1
interferometry 1
interrelationship 1
intracellular filling 1
intracellular space - metabolism - radiation effects 1
intramedullary decompression 1
intravitreal graft 1
intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell 1
ischemic attack, transient - physiopathology - radiotherapy 1
itch 1
kynurenic acid 1
laser 1
laser therapy, low-level 1
lateral geniculate nucleus 1
lateral habenula 1
light reflex 1
light therapy 1
light treatment 1
low level laser treatment 1
lycium barbarum polysaccharide (lbp) 1
mammalian brain 1
mammals 1
mammals (哺乳动物) 1
mapk 1
mechanisms 1
medial prefrontal cortex 1
memory disorders - chemically induced - diet therapy 1
mesencephalon - anatomy & histology 1
mice, neurologic mutants - growth & development 1
microglia injury 1
microglial proliferation 1
middle cerebral artery - physiopathology - radiation effects 1
monoclonal antibody analysis 1
motor learning 1
multifocal electroretinogram 1
myelin proteins - antagonists and inhibitors - physiology 1
myelin proteins - biosynthesis 1
myelin-associated glycoprotein - biosynthesis 1
nadph diaphorase 1
nadph diaphorase(ndp) (nadph黃遞酶) 1
nadph diaphorase(ndp) (黃遞酶) 1
neonatal enucleation 1
nerve degeneration 1
nerve degeneration - metabolism - pathology 1
nerve degeneration - metabolism - pathology - prevention and control 1
nerve endings - ultrastructure 1
nerve fibers 1
nerve fibers - pathology 1
nerve fibers - ultrastructure 1
nerve transplants 1
neural pathways - anatomy & histology 1
neural stem cells - cytology 1
neuro-protective 1
neurobehavior 1
neurodegenerative diseases 1
neurogenesis - physiology 1
neurological disorders 1
neuronal rescue 1
neurons - chemistry 1
neurons - ultrastructure 1
neuropathic pain 1
neurovascular dysfunction 1
neurovascular unit 1
nitric oxide - biosynthesis 1
nitric oxide synthase - physiology - radiation effects 1
nitric oxide synthase(nos) (一氧化氮合酶) 1
nitric oxide(no) (一氧化氮) 1
nogo-a 1
normal tension glaucoma 1
nos neurons 1
nr2a 1
nr2b 1
obstetrical staff 1
ocular assessment 1
ocular hypertension - diagnosis 1
ocular hypertension - drug therapy - physiopathology 1
ocular hypertension - metabolism 1
ocular physiological phenomena 1
olfactory bulb - cytology 1
olfactory mucosa - cytology 1
oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein 1
olivary nucleus - anatomy & histology 1
open angle glaucoma 1
ophthalmic nerve - anatomy & histology 1
optic nerve - growth & development 1
optic nerve axotomy 1
optic nerve crush 1
optic nerve diseases - diagnosis 1
optic nerve imaging 1
optical coherence tomography 1
orbit - anatomy & histology 1
orbit - innervation 1
parabigeminal nucleus 1
parabrachial nucleus 1
partial injury 1
peripheral nerve regeneration 1
peripheral nerves - physiology - transplantation 1
peripheral nervous system (pns) nerve transplant 1
photomechanical response 1
photoreceptor 1
physical conditioning, animal 1
pigmentation 1
pineal gland - physiology 1
plant polysaccharides 1
pons - anatomy & histology 1
postnatal development 1
posttreatment 1
primary open-angle glaucoma 1
protein phosphorylation 1
psychiatric disorders 1
pupil - radiation effects 1
pupillary constriction 1
purkinje cells 1
quality control 1
raphe nuclei - cytology - physiology - radiation effects 1
rat (大鼠) 1
rat model 1
rate of regrowth 1
reaction time 1
reactive astrocyte 1
receptors, cell surface - antagonists and inhibitors - physiology 1
recombinant fusion proteins - administration and dosage 1
reeler mutant 1
reperfusion injury - physiopathology - radiotherapy 1
reproducibility 1
reproducibility of results 1
reproduction - physiology 1
reproductive function 1
reticular formation - anatomy & histology 1
retina ( 視網膜) 1
retina (視網膜) 1
retina (视网膜) 1
retina - anatomy & histology 1
retina - anatomy & histology - growth & development 1
retina - anatomy & histology - physiology 1
retina - chemistry - cytology 1
retina - cytology 1
retina - cytology - growth & development 1
retina - cytology - metabolism - pathology 1
retina - injuries - physiopathology 1
retina - physiology - ultrastructure 1
retina - ultrastructure 1
retina-physiology 1
retinal axon 1
retinal axons 1
retinal diseases - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology 1
retinal ganglion cell axon 1
retinal ganglion cell axons 1
retinal ganglion cells - chemistry 1
retinal ganglion cells - cytology 1
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - radiation effects 1
retinal nerve fiber layer 1
retinal nerve fiber layer thickness 1
retinal nerve fiber thickness 1
retinal neurons (视网膜神经元) 1
retinal projections 1
retinofugal projections 1
retinogeniculate projection 1
retinotectal pathways 1
review 1
schizophrenia 1
sex attractants - physiology 1
sex characteristics 1
sexual behavior, animal - physiology 1
shark 1
sharks - anatomy & histology 1
short-wavelength automatic perimetry 1
signal pathway 1
signaling pathway 1
silver 1
species specificity 1
sperm 1
spontaneously hypertensive rats(shr) (自發性高血壓大鼠) 1
staining and labeling 1
stress, depression 1
stress, psychological 1
substance p 1
substance p - analysis 1
substrate specificity 1
superior colliculi - anatomy & histology 1
superior colliculi - anatomy & histology - physiology 1
superior colliculi - growth & development - injuries 1
superior colliculi - physiology 1
superior colliculi - transplantation 1
synapse 1
synapses - metabolism - pathology 1
synapses - physiology 1
synapses - ultrastructure 1
synapses-physiology 1
synaptic organization 1
synaptic plasticity 1
synaptic transmission 1
target tissue 1
tectal transplant 1
tegmentum mesencephali - anatomy & histology 1
thalamic nuclei - anatomy & histology 1
therapeutic treatment 1
tissue-smashing based ultra-rapid extraction 1
tomography 1
tomography - methods 1
tomography, optical coherence 1
tonometry, ocular 1
traditional chinese herb 1
transcription 1
transforming growth factor 1
transforming growth factor beta - analysis - radiation effects 1
transforming growth factor beta1 1
transgenerational inheritance 1
transneuronal transport 1
transplantation, autologous 1
treadmill exercise 1
treatment 1
trophic 1
ultra-rapid 1
up-regulation - physiology - radiation effects 1
vertebrates (脊椎动物) 1
vision disorders - diagnosis 1
vision disorders - physiopathology 1
vision,-binocular 1
visual acuity - physiology 1
visual callosal neurons 1
visual cortex - anatomy & histology 1
visual cortex - anatomy & histology - enzymology 1
visual field 1
visual field tests - methods 1
visual fields 1
visual fields - physiology 1
visual pathways - anatomy & histology 1
visual pathways - anatomy & histology - growth & development 1
visual pathways - anatomy & histology - physiology 1
visual pathways - growth & development 1
visual pathways - physiology 1
visual perception 1
visual perception - radiation effects 1
visual thamalus 1
visual-pathways-physiology 1
voluntary running 1
wga-hrp 1
y cells 1
View More
Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
aerobic exercise, clinical trial, early psychosis, neuro-cognition, yoga 9
alzheimer's disease, herbal medicine, modulate systemic inflammation, neuroinflammation, wolfberry 7
collagen, intervertebral disc replacement 7
new frontier 7
glaucoma, neuroprotective, randomized, supplement, tension, wolfberry 6
null 6
barbarum, decompression, lycium, myelopathy, neurological, wolfberry 4
blood brain barrier, caveolins, ischemic stroke, matrix metalloproteinases, reactive nitrogen species 4
hemostasis 4
hypoxia, ischemia, neural stem/progenitor cells, neurogenesis, peroxynitrite 4
intracerebral hemorrhage, magnetic resonance imaging, nanotechnology, pathophysiological mechanisms, renovascular hypertension 4
nanobiomedical 4
neurogenesis, neurophasticity, neuroprotection, psychotropic drugs, steroid therapy 4
artificial intelligence, neurobiology, neuromedicine, genomic medicine, mental disorders 4
alzheimer's disease, lycium barbarum, microglia, neuroprotection, retina, triple transgenic 3
antagonist, astrocyte, ischemia, oxidative stress, vascular 3
appl2, differentiation, neural stem cells, notch signaling pathway, proliferation 3
caveolin-1, neurogenesis, notch, stroke, vegf 3
motor cortex, motor training, myelination, oligodendrocyte, social defeat, steroid therapy 3
regeneration 3
adhesion, axonal injury, optic nerve 2
adipokine, depression, glucocorticoid, hippocampus, neurogenesis, physical exercise 2
alzheimer's disease 2
alzheimer's disease, beta-amyloid peptide, environmental stress, er stress, tau phosphorylation 2
animal model, fatty liver, lycium barbarum, therapeutic, wolfberry 2
cell 2
cpt, focused-attention meditation, iaps, loving-kindness meditation, social neuroscience 2
injury control, mental health, neuronal damage, neuroprotection, steroid therapy, stress 2
iron oxide particles, magnetic resonance imaging, mri, mri cell tracking, neurogenesis 2
japanese encephalitis, minocyclin, neuroprotection 2
alzheimer's disease, app, jnk3, neurodegeneration, optic axotomy 1
molecular neuroscience 1
neuromechanism, retinal 1
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