AuthorsNo. of Publications
ng, ehy 294
yeung, wsb 281
tang, os 77
li, rhw 76
lau, eyl 67
lee, vcy 55
chan, ccw 53
lee, ckf 44
leung, wc 35
so, wwk 35
chan, sth 22
chai, j 21
chiu, cn 21
ma, hk 20
chiu, pcn 19
fong, dyt 19
tang, fos 19
tang, mhy 19
lee, kf 18
leung, tw 18
o, ws 18
liu, y 17
ngai, sw 17
yao, yq 17
yeung, twy 17
chan, syw 16
chan, yf 16
lee, swh 16
tiwari, afy 15
lee, cl 13
li, hwr 13
lam, ksl 12
ngai, csw 12
seppala, m 12
chan, ym 11
koistinen, h 11
tang, gwk 11
cheng, l 10
chung, mk 10
koistinen, r 10
lawton, jwm 10
makkar, g 10
tiwari, a 10
tse, jym 10
wong, cyg 10
chan, ekl 9
hui, pw 9
lam, kkw 9
lam, yh 9
tam, s 9
brownridge, da 8
cheung, tm 8
chow, jfc 8
kan, asy 8
so, wk 8
tam, pc 8
wong, lc 8
xu, js 8
basir, gs 7
chan, kl 7
ko, kyj 7
lam, kw 7
lo, sst 7
wang, c 7
yeung, sb 7
anderson, ra 6
baird, dt 6
chan, ph 6
glasier, af 6
kodithuwakku, sp 6
ng, py 6
tang, lch 6
wong, yy 6
chan, clw 5
cheung, pt 5
huang, w 5
lam, tpw 5
lao, tth 5
lee, cp 5
lee, cyl 5
lee, yl 5
ng, ppy 5
parker, b 5
xu, j 5
basir ghazala, s 4
chau, mt 4
chen, m 4
cheung, any 4
cheung, w 4
chui, dkc 4
gemzelldanielsson, k 4
hong, sj 4
jones, wr 4
kodithuwakku, kspk 4
lam, h 4
lao, t 4
lau, e 4
lau, yl 4
lee, vc 4
liao, s 4
oi, st 4
pang, rtk 4
smith, kb 4
so, ews 4
tang, f 4
von hertzen, h 4
wong, ks 4
yeung, ws 4
yung, ssf 4
belsey, em 3
bygdeman, m 3
chan, chy 3
chan, tk 3
cheng, ln 3
chiu, pc 3
dada, k 3
gao, pp 3
gemzell-danielsson, k 3
huang, vw 3
humphreys, j 3
ko, jky 3
lam, kk 3
lam, mt 3
lau, et 3
lau, wnt 3
lau, yle 3
lee, cl 3
lee, cp 3
leung, ky 3
li, cf 3
li, cfi 3
liu, kl 3
liu, lps 3
liu, vws 3
lo, sts 3
miao, b 3
ng, e 3
ng, hy 3
ng, v 3
ng, vkh 3
pretnardarovec, a 3
pun, tc 3
schweer, h 3
tang, gw 3
tang, mhy 3
taylor, wk 3
templeton, a 3
van der spuy, z 3
van look, pfa 3
weeks, a 3
wong, bpc 3
yung, sf 3
zhao, w 3
ashok, pw 2
bernerslee, n 2
caves, n 2
chan, a 2
chan, ch 2
chan, chy 2
chan, cwc 2
chan, pl 2
chan, rws 2
chan, thy 2
chan, vny 2
chau, f 2
chen, jk 2
chen, qf 2
cheong, awy 2
cheung, kb 2
cheung, wm 2
duthie, sj 2
fan, mc 2
gao, j 2
ghosh, a 2
gomez alzugaray, m 2
gomezalzugaray, m 2
grimes, d 2
gómez ponce de león, r 2
he, yl 2
henshaw, r 2
herczeg, j 2
hong, s 2
kwan, m 2
kwan, msw 2
laird, sm 2
lam, cm 2
lam, cw 2
lam, yyj 2
lau, cp 2
lau, etk 2
lau, w 2
leong, mkh 2
leung, ckm 2
li, r 2
li, tc 2
loong, epl 2
lui, mw 2
ma, pws 2
mu, s 2
ng, hye 2
ng, lkl 2
norman, j 2
peng, hm 2
peregoudov, a 2
poon, rsm 2
qiao, j 2
shek, cc 2
so, ws 2
so, ww 2
sullivan, pl 2
sung, eop 2
tang, lc 2
tse, hf 2
tsoi, wl 2
van der spuy, zm 2
wang, ch 2
wat, nms 2
winikoff, b 2
wong, b 2
wong, ewk 2
wong, gcy 2
wong, st 2
wong, syw 2
xin, m 2
yam, iyl 2
yeung, kca 2
alexaniants, s 1
ali, m 1
anakwe, d 1
anderson 1
au yeung, kc 1
au, cl 1
au, jsk 1
azziz, r 1
bahzad, c 1
balen, a 1
bartley, j 1
basir, g 1
bjornsson, s 1
blum, j 1
blumenthal, pd 1
bouchard, ph 1
brennecke, am 1
cajonuma, l 1
calder, a 1
carr, br 1
casper, rf 1
castleman, l 1
chan, aok 1
chan, ayf 1
chan, cp 1
chan, cpb 1
chan, k 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, ks 1
chan, m 1
chan, mmy 1
chan, sy 1
chan, th 1
chan, v 1
chan, yl 1
chang, j 1
chang, ying 1
cheang, a 1
chen, a 1
chen, p 1
chen, ty 1
cheng, hhy 1
cheng, mcm 1
cheng, mmc 1
cheng, pc 1
cheng, pw 1
cheung, lp 1
cheung, mpl 1
cheung, ty 1
cheung, wkl 1
chiu, cnp 1
chiu, tty 1
chiu, tyt 1
chow, wn 1
chun, mmp 1
collins, j 1
cooke, id 1
creinin, md 1
critchley, hod 1
crosignani, pg 1
dabash, r 1
decherney, a 1
devroey, p 1
dhall, gi 1
dhar, a 1
diao, weiyu 1
diao, wy 1
diedrich, k 1
ding, j 1
dockery, p 1
du, l 1
du, libei 1
du, sk 1
du, yanhong 1
du, yh 1
eduardo, b 1
eijkemans, r 1
elton, r 1
everington, cw 1
everington, d 1
fan, hj 1
fan, s 1
fan, sys 1
fang, c 1
farquhar, c 1
faundes, a 1
fauser, bcjm 1
fleisher, ta 1
fleming, r 1
flett, gm 1
fong, chy 1
fong, d 1
fong, sw 1
fong, wf 1
forbes, k 1
fox, mc 1
franks, s 1
fu, kh 1
gebbie, ae 1
gemzell danielsson, ekm 1
gemzell-danielsson, kristina 1
gilda, p 1
glasier, a 1
glasier, r 1
goulis, dg 1
griesinger, g 1
guocsai, g 1
ha, hk 1
haines, cj 1
hamoda, h 1
hamzaoui, r 1
hangseng fang, a 1
harwood, b 1
haukkamaa, m 1
hawkins, br 1
haynes, wdg 1
healy, dl 1
helena van, h 1
hettrick, da 1
hiibel, v 1
ho, ay 1
ho, jc 1
ho, jcm 1
ho, kl 1
hoeger, k 1
homburg, r 1
hon, e 1
hong, q 1
hong, qq 1
horne, aw 1
hubel, v 1
hugues, jn 1
hui, whc 1
hui, yh 1
hung, e 1
hungyu ng, e 1
ing, rmy 1
ip, sm 1
ip, wk 1
irnich, d 1
jensen, jt 1
jing, x 1
junkang, c 1
kallner, hk 1
kan, a 1
kapp, n 1
kavkasidze, g 1
khomassuridze, a 1
kim, c 1
ko, jennifer ka yee 1
koistinen, m 1
kolibianakis, em 1
koo, mwl 1
kovacs, l 1
kovács, l 1
krabsova, l 1
kung, awc 1
kung, f 1
kwan, ck 1
kwong, a 1
kóvacs, l 1
lai, lyh 1
lai, ps 1
lai, sf 1
lakha, f 1
lam, j 1
lam, karen siu ling 1
lam, sts 1
land, ja 1
lao, tt 1
laperriere, n 1
laperrière, n 1
lau, akl 1
lau, cm 1
lau, ey 1
lau, wn 1
lau, ytk 1
lee, ckf 1
lee, cy 1
lee, gl 1
lee, hc 1
lee, ky 1
lee, s 1
lee, vivian chi yan 1
legro, rs 1
lenton, ea 1
leung, con 1
leung, on 1
leung, sy 1
li fukhim, d 1
li, hang wun raymond 1
li, hw 1
li, icf 1
li, k 1
li, raymond hang wun 1
li, s 1
li, t 1
li, tt 1
li, y 1
li, yx 1
liang, st 1
liang, xy 1
liao, sb 1
lijuan, s 1
liu, a 1
liu, wt 1
liu, yk 1
liu, yn 1
lobo, r 1
lui, mwe 1
lundstromlindstedt, v 1
ma, h 1
mak, lw 1
makkar, m 1
mao, k 1
mao, kr 1
marriott, v 1
martin, cw 1
martin, z 1
mehra, r 1
mei, s 1
melvin, l 1
messinis, ie 1
meyn, la 1
miao, by 1
mishell dr, jr 1
mittal, s 1
mok, kh 1
morris, jl 1
mukhopadhyay, j 1
narvekar, n 1
naveed, f 1
nelson, lm 1
ng, a 1
ng, dyt 1
ng, eh 1
ng, ernest hung yu 1
ng, m 1
ng, sm 1
ngan, esw 1
ngan, hys 1
ngoc, ntn 1
nguyen, tmh 1
noonan, e 1
norman, rj 1
ny, ehy 1
o'hoy, km 1
olav, m 1
ong, cyt 1
oue, jp 1
pang, tkr 1
pasquali, r 1
pavlova, ng 1
perotti, l 1
piaggio, g 1
poon, iml 1
prasad, rnv 1
pui, wh 1
rebar, rw 1
ren, t 1
sajina, b 1
schaff, ea 1
schiavon, r 1
schooling, cm 1
schooling, m 1
seyberth, hw 1
shah, rs 1
shek, acc 1
shu biu yeung, w 1
shubiu yeung, w 1
sikazwe, c 1
so, wk 1
so, wkw 1
soderstrom, rm 1
song, l 1
song, lj 1
song, s 1
sotnikova, e 1
stalder, c 1
sullivan, p 1
swahn, ml 1
sy, b 1
sy, twb 1
tam, ppl 1
tam, sidney 1
tam, vcg 1
tam, ww 1
tang, g 1
tang, osf 1
tang, wwc 1
tarlatzis, bc 1
teal, s 1
teng, xm 1
thong, kj 1
to, wk 1
tong, t 1
tong, yu wing 1
tsang, h 1
tsang, ssk 1
tse, jmy 1
tse, jy 1
tse, ky 1
tsoi, m 1
tsoi, mm 1
turner, k 1
urquhart, dr 1
van der spuy, l 1
van look, a 1
van steirteghem, a 1
vekemans, m 1
visser, gha 1
vucurevic, m 1
wagaarachchi, pt 1
wai, mfy 1
wan, wenjuan 1
wang, q 1
wang, xiaozhong 1
wang, y 1
wang, yanli 1
wang, yaokai 1
wang, yj 1
watzer, b 1
wellings, k 1
williams, arw 1
wing sze so, e 1
winkikoff, b 1
wong, awy 1
wong, ayk 1
wong, bs 1
wong, bst 1
wong, c 1
wong, cjy 1
wong, cw 1
wong, cy 1
wong, h 1
wong, hyq 1
wong, j 1
wong, j 1
wong, rws 1
wong, sp 1
wong, v 1
wong, wke 1
wong, yym 1
wu, ym 1
wyssling, h 1
xu, bo 1
yam, a 1
yam, i 1
yang, y 1
yao, y 1
ye, t 1
yeo, elk 1
yeuk wong, y 1
yeung, kk 1
yeung, tw 1
yeung, wsb 1
yip, psf 1
yu, cm 1
yu, yl 1
yuan, w 1
yuen, wc 1
yung, hl 1
yung, sfs 1
zeng, ht 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, li 1
zhang, wenju 1
zhang, zhiqiang 1
zhao, we 1
zhong, cq 1
zhu, hb 1
zhu, jh 1
zhuang, gl 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 36
female 29
adult 24
male 21
pregnancy 21
polycystic ovary syndrome 15
hong kong 13
misoprostol 13
chinese women 12
infertility 11
mifepristone 11
adolescent 10
asian continental ancestry group 10
cell line 10
dysglycaemia 10
fertilization 10
fertilization in vitro 10
human spermatozoa 10
pregnancy rate 10
time factors 10
acrosome reaction 9
chinese 9
fallopian tubes - metabolism 9
intimate partner violence 9
middle aged 9
ovulation induction 9
spermatozoa 9
adrenomedullin - genetics - metabolism 8
calcitonin receptor-like protein 8
cell communication - physiology 8
cilia - metabolism - physiology 8
embryo transfer 8
epithelium - metabolism - physiology 8
estradiol - blood 8
frozen-thawed embryo transfer 8
gene expression regulation - drug effects 8
glycoproteins - physiology 8
hormones - metabolism - pharmacology 8
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics - metabolism 8
ivf 8
letrozole 8
maternal age 8
medical sciences 8
membrane proteins - genetics - metabolism 8
menstrual cycle - genetics - metabolism - physiology 8
models, biological 8
ovarian stimulation 8
pregnancy outcome 8
prospective studies 8
receptor activity-modifying proteins 8
receptors, calcitonin - genetics - metabolism 8
spermatozoa - metabolism - physiology 8
age‐specific reference range 7
anti-mullerian hormone 7
anti‐müllerian hormone 7
automated chemiluminescence assay 7
counseling 7
culture 7
endometrium 7
glycodelin 7
homozygote 7
motility 7
ovarian response 7
ulipristal acetate 7
wnt proteins - physiology 7
zona pellucida 7
adrenomedullin 6
age 6
angiogenesis 6
antral follicle count 6
apoptosis 6
capacitation 6
cell-signaling pathways 6
chromosome deletion 6
cryopreservation 6
eg-vegf 6
endocrinology pharmacy and pharmacology 6
extracellular matrix proteins - physiology 6
fallopian tube 6
fallopian tubes - cytology - metabolism 6
fasting glucose 6
gestational age 6
in vitro fertilization 6
intracytoplasmic sperm injection 6
invasion 6
medical abortion 6
menotropins - therapeutic use 6
morphology 6
obstetrics and gynecology medical sciences 6
olfactomedin-1 6
oral glucose tolerance test 6
pkr1 6
pkr2 6
pregnancy - blood 6
pregnancy, tubal - physiopathology 6
progesterone receptor 6
retrospective studies 6
sperm injections, intracytoplasmic 6
sperm motility 6
steroid receptors 6
treatment outcome 6
tubal ectopic pregnancy 6
utmvec-myo 6
wnt signaling 6
zona pellucida binding 6
25-hydroxyvitamin d 5
abortion, induced - methods 5
acupuncture 5
adiposity 5
androgen 5
angiopoietin 5
animals 5
anti-mullerian hormone - blood 5
antigens, cd - genetics - metabolism 5
antigens, differentiation, myelomonocytic - genetics - metabolism 5
anti‐mullerian hormone 5
assisted reproduction 5
biochemical profile 5
biological markers - blood 5
birth control medical sciences 5
body weight 5
body-mind-spirit 5
cancer 5
casa 5
cells, cultured 5
choristoma - metabolism - pathology 5
ciliary beat 5
cumulus oophorus 5
differentiation 5
dose-response relationship, drug 5
down syndrome 5
down syndrome - blood 5
embryo cryopreservation 5
embryo implantation 5
embryo implantation - genetics 5
embryo research - legislation & jurisprudence 5
embryo, mammalian 5
endocrine glands 5
endometrial attachment 5
endometrial receptivity 5
endometriosis 5
endometriosis - metabolism - pathology 5
endometrium - cytology - metabolism 5
endometrium - drug effects - metabolism 5
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - genetics - metabolism 5
fertility preservation 5
follicle stimulating hormone - blood 5
frozen embryo transfer 5
fucosyltransferase 5
fusion 5
glutathione peroxidase 5
glycoproteins - genetics - metabolism 5
gonadotrophin dosing 5
hcg 5
human fallopian tube 5
human trophoblast 5
immunoassay 5
implantation 5
in vitro fertilsation 5
in-vitro fertilization 5
injections, intramuscular 5
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - biosynthesis 5
ishikawa cell line 5
laser-captured microdissection 5
levonorgestrel 5
matrix metalloproteinase 5
menstrual cycle 5
mental health 5
metformin 5
miscarriage 5
mitochondria 5
muscular contraction 5
natural cycle 5
natural cycles 5
obstetric/gynecology patients 5
obstetrics and gynecology 5
oocyte cryopreservation 5
ovarian stromal blood flow 5
oviductal epithelial cell 5
ovulation induction - adverse effects 5
ovulation induction - adverse effects - methods 5
ovulation induction - methods 5
oxidative stress 5
pk1 5
placentation - drug effects - physiology 5
polymerase chain reaction 5
pregnancy proteins - physiology 5
pregnancy trimester, first 5
pregnancy trimester, second 5
preimplantation diagnosis 5
premature ovarian failure 5
prenatal diagnosis 5
prevalence 5
primary endometrial cell culture 5
progesterone 5
progesterone elevation 5
psychological abuse 5
psychosocial intervention 5
quality of life 5
questionnaires 5
reproductive techniques, assisted - ethics - legislation & jurisprudence - standards 5
research 5
risk factor 5
risk factors 5
semen 5
socioeconomic factors 5
sperm cryopreservation 5
sperm fucosyltransferase-5 5
sperm function 5
spheroids 5
stimulated cycles 5
sublingual 5
superoxide dismutase 5
three-dimensional ultrasound 5
trophoblast 5
trophoblasts - metabolism 5
up-regulation - physiology 5
urokinase plasminogen activator 5
vaginal misoprostol 5
vascular endothelial growth factor, endocrine-gland-derived - biosynthesis 5
vegf 5
vitamin d 5
wnt-signaling 5
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - pharmacokinetics 4
abortion, induced 4
abuse assessment screen 4
acetic acid 4
acetic acid - pharmacokinetics 4
acrosome reaction - drug effects - physiology 4
adenosine triphosphate - metabolism 4
adhesions 4
adrenomedullin - pharmacology 4
advanced glycation end-products 4
afc 4
afp 4
alleles 4
alpha-fetoprotein 4
alpha-thalassemia - diagnosis - embryology - genetics 4
alpha-thalassemia - diagnosis - genetics 4
amino acid sequence 4
amniotic fluid 4
androgen receptor 4
anti-mullerian hormone - analysis - blood 4
anti-möllerian hormone 4
anti-müllerian hormone 4
anti-obesity drugs 4
antimullerian hormone 4
art 4
asians 4
asthenozoospermia - metabolism - pathology 4
attachment 4
attitude 4
automated chemiluminescence 4
battered women - statistics and numerical data 4
beta-thalassemia - diagnosis - genetics 4
blastomere 4
blastomeres 4
blastula - metabolism 4
cag repeat 4
calcitonin gene-related peptide - pharmacology 4
carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - pharmacology 4
case-control studies 4
child abuse - psychology - statistics & numerical data 4
child abuse and neglect 4
child, preschool 4
chinese culture 4
chorionic gonadotropin - therapeutic use 4
chorionic gonadotropin, beta subunit, human - blood 4
chromosome, human, y 4
chronic pain 4
combined injectable contraceptive 4
combined oral contraceptive 4
contraceptives, oral, combined - pharmacology 4
controlled ovarian stimulation 4
counselling 4
cumulative live birth 4
cumulative live-birth 4
cumulus cells - physiology 4
deletion 4
depression 4
depression, postpartum - epidemiology - psychology 4
development 4
dhea 4
dilution linearity 4
dna, mitochondrial - genetics - isolation & purification 4
dna, mitochondrial - metabolism 4
doppler 4
down syndrome - blood - diagnosis 4
down's syndrome 4
drug evaluation, preclinical 4
embryo culture techniques 4
embryonic development 4
endocrinology 4
endometrial and subendometrial vascularity 4
endometrial injury 4
endometrium - metabolism 4
energy metabolism 4
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 4
erp57 4
extracellular matrix - physiology 4
extracellular matrix proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 4
extracellular signal regulated kinase 4
extracellular vesicles 4
family characteristics 4
family planning service provision 4
female reproductive tract 4
fertility 4
fet 4
first trimester 4
follicle 4
follicular fluid 4
follow-up studies 4
freeze-thaw stability 4
galectin-3 4
gender ratio 4
gender selection 4
genetic predisposition to disease 4
glycoproteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 4
green tea 4
hmg 4
homozygous a° thal 4
hong kong - epidemiology 4
hormonal profile 4
human chorionic gonadotrophin 4
hydrogen-ion concentration 4
hyperprolactinemia 4
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism 4
hysterectomy 4
icsi 4
in vitro fertilisation 4
in vitro maturation 4
in-law conflict 4
in-vitro fertilisation 4
infertility - blood - diagnosis - therapy 4
infertility, female - genetics 4
infertility, female - therapy 4
infertility, male 4
inhibin b 4
inhibins - blood 4
insemination, artificial - methods 4
intimate partner violence, 4
intrauterine devices, medicated 4
intrauterine insemination 4
intrauterine lidocaine 4
isolated polycystic ovaries 4
ivf-embryo transfer 4
laparoscopy 4
letrozole pretreatment 4
levonorgestrel intrauterine system 4
lidocaine gel 4
literature review 4
live birth 4
live-birth 4
luteal phase 4
luteal phase support 4
luteinizing hormone - blood 4
male infertility 4
male preference 4
marital status 4
metabolic syndrome 4
method comparison 4
microarray 4
misoprostol - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
misoprostol - pharmacokinetics 4
mitochondria - drug effects - metabolism 4
mitochondrial dna copy number 4
mutation 4
natural family planning 4
normal ovarian responders 4
normal saline 4
nt 4
nuchal translucency 4
olfactomedin 4
oligomenorrhea - blood - diagnosis - etiology 4
oocyte 4
oocytes - drug effects - metabolism 4
oocytes - physiology 4
orlistat 4
osmolar concentration 4
ovarian reserve 4
ovarian response markers 4
ovarian response prediction index 4
ovary - drug effects 4
pain relief 4
papp-a 4
paternal age 4
pcr 4
pdia3 4
peptide fragments - pharmacology 4
perpetrator 4
pgd 4
pharmacokinetics 4
poor responders 4
population control 4
post-traumatic stress disorder 4
posttraumatic stress disorder 4
pre-pregnancy 4
precision 4
predictive value of tests 4
pregnancy - psychology 4
pregnancy and violence 4
pregnancy complications - epidemiology - psychology 4
pregnancy trimester, first - blood 4
pregnancy-associated plasma protein-a - metabolism 4
pregnant women - psychology 4
preimplantation diagnosis - methods 4
progestins - pharmacology 4
progestogen-only injectable 4
progestogen-only pill 4
prolactin - blood 4
punishment - psychology 4
randomized controlled trial 4
rats 4
rats, sprague-dawley 4
receptor activity-modifying protein 1 - metabolism 4
receptor activity-modifying protein 2 - metabolism 4
receptor activity-modifying protein 3 - metabolism 4
recurrence 4
reproductive techniques, assisted 4
revised conflict tactics scale 4
saline contrast sonohysterography 4
saline infusion sonogram 4
second trimester 4
semen - physiology 4
sequence deletion 4
sibutramine 4
soluble receptor of advanced glycation end-products 4
sperm 4
sperm motility - drug effects 4
sperm-ovum interactions - drug effects - physiology 4
spermatozoa - drug effects - metabolism - pathology - physiology 4
spermatozoa - drug effects - physiology 4
spouse abuse 4
spouse abuse - psychology 4
spouse abuse - statistics and numerical data 4
steroid hormones 4
stimulated cycle 4
subfertility 4
termination of pregnancy 4
thalassaemia 4
thiol-disulphide exchange 4
three-dimensional power doppler 4
twins 4
uncoupling agents - pharmacology 4
unfertilized oocyte 4
up-regulation - drug effects 4
violence - statistics and numerical data 4
young adult 4
zona pellucida - drug effects - metabolism 4
3d power doppler 3
abortifacient agents - administration and dosage 3
abortifacient agents, steroidal - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
abortion, induced - methods - standards 3
administration, intravaginal 3
administration, sublingual 3
age factors 3
alpha-thalassemia - pathology - ultrasonography 3
amenorrhea - drug therapy 3
androstenedione - metabolism 3
aneuploidy 3
anovulation 3
antibodies - analysis 3
antiobesity drugs 3
aric 3
aromatase inhibitors - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 3
arteries - physiopathology 3
arthritis 3
arthritis, rheumatoid 3
artificial insemination 3
assisted hatching 3
autoantibodies 3
azf 3
biology 3
biopsy 3
blast analysis 3
blood loss 3
body mass index 3
brca2 novel deletion 3
breast cancer 3
ca-125 3
ca-125 antigen - metabolism 3
calcium ionophore 3
cervix mucus - cytology 3
china 3
china - epidemiology 3
chorionic gonadotropin - administration & dosage 3
chorionic gonadotropin - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 3
chromosomes, human, y - genetics 3
cleavage stage embryo 3
clinical pregnancy 3
clomiphene - pharmacology 3
coculture 3
coculture techniques 3
cohort studies 3
color signals 3
computer-aided sperm analysis 3
contraceptives 3
contraceptives, oral, combined 3
contraceptives, oral, hormonal 3
cycle-to-cycle variation 3
cytokines 3
diagnosis, computer-assisted 3
diagnosis, differential 3
dna - chemistry - genetics 3
doppler haemodynamics 3
doppler hemodynamics 3
double-blind method 3
drug therapy, combination 3
early pregnancy 3
ectopic pregnancy 3
embryo 3
embryo quality 3
embryo transfer - statistics & numerical data 3
emergency contraception 3
endometrial and subendometrial blood flow 3
endometrial and subendometrial blood flows 3
endometrial blood flow 3
endometrial morphometry 3
endometrial perfusion 3
endometrium - blood supply 3
endometrium - chemistry 3
endometrium - drug effects - ultrasonography 3
endometrium - metabolism - ultrasonography 3
endometrium - pathology 3
endometrium - ultrasonography 3
estradiol 3
estrogens - urine 3
excessive ovarian responses 3
excessive responders 3
fallopian tube patency tests - methods 3
fallopian tubes 3
fertile women 3
fertilization in vitro - methods 3
fetal anemia 3
fetal diseases - pathology - ultrasonography 3
fibroids 3
first trimester medical abortions 3
follicle stimulating hormone - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
forecasting 3
frozen thawed embryo transfer 3
fsh/administration & dosage 3
gestational diabetes 3
glutamine 3
glycoprotein 3
glycoproteins - metabolism 3
hb-bart's disease 3
hemizona binding assay 3
hemodynamics 3
hepatitis b surface antigen 3
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis 3
hepatitis b, chronic - physiopathology - transmission 3
high oestradiol 3
high responders 3
homozygous α 0-thalassemia 3
hormonal 3
hormone profile 3
hormone replacement therapy 3
human menopausal gonadotrophin. 3
huntington disease 3
hydrosalpinx 3
hydrosalpinx fluid 3
hysterosalpingography 3
imaging, three-dimensional 3
immunoenzyme techniques 3
implantation rate 3
in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer 3
induction of ovulation 3
infectious disease transmission, vertical 3
infertility - drug therapy - metabolism 3
infertility - therapy 3
infertility, female 3
infertility, female - blood - drug therapy - physiopathology 3
infertility, female - diagnosis 3
infertility, male - epidemiology - genetics 3
infertility, male - genetics 3
insemination 3
insemination, artificial 3
insemination, artificial, homologous 3
insemination, artificial, husband 3
interleukin-11 - analysis 3
interleukin-4 - analysis 3
interleukin-6 - analysis 3
intramuscular 3
isojima sperm immobilization test 3
isolate 3
ivf treatment 3
ixaprep 3
lactate 3
laser 3
laser assisted hatching 3
leukemia inhibitory factor 3
live-birth rate 3
logistic models 3
lorcaserin 3
lupus erythematosus 3
lupus erythematosus, systemic 3
male subfertility 3
menotropins - administration & dosage 3
menotropins - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 3
menstrual cycle - physiology 3
menstrual pattern 3
menstruation disturbances - drug therapy 3
mifepristone - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
mifepristone - administration and dosage 3
misoprostol - administration and dosage 3
mosaicism 3
motile sperm recovery 3
multiple pregnancy rate 3
nitriles - administration and dosage 3
nitriles - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 3
non-obstructive azoospermia 3
number of embryos replaced 3
nurses 3
obese 3
observer variation 3
oestradiol 3
ohss 3
oligomenorrhea - drug therapy 3
oligospermia - epidemiology - genetics 3
oligospermia - genetics 3
oocyte and embryo quality 3
oocyte fusion 3
oocyte quality 3
oral 3
organ size 3
outcome assessment (health care) 3
ovarian sensitivity index 3
ovarian stimulation syndrome 3
ovarian volume 3
ovary 3
ovary - blood supply 3
pain measurement 3
percoll 3
perifollicular vascularity 3
phentermine/topiramate 3
pituitary downregulation 3
placebo 3
placebos 3
placenta 3
placenta - pathology - ultrasonography 3
polycystic ovaries 3
poor ovarian responders 3
poor ovarian response 3
poor ovarian responses 3
post-ovulatory 3
power doppler 3
pp14 3
pre-ovulatory 3
pregnancy - statistics & numerical data 3
pregnancy proteins - metabolism 3
prepregnancy 3
probability 3
prognosis 3
pulsatile flow 3
pulse 3
pyruvate 3
recombinant human fsh 3
recombinant proteins - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
recombinant proteins/administration & dosage 3
reference values 3
regional blood flow 3
reproduction techniques 3
results 3
rheumatic diseases 3
rheumatoid 3
sampling studies 3
second trimester abortion 3
second trimester medical abortion 3
second-trimester medical abortion 3
secretory phase endometrium 3
sensitivity and specificity 3
sequence tagged sites 3
sex chromosome aberrations 3
sexual abstinence 3
specimen handling 3
sperm agglutination 3
sperm haplotyping 3
sperm immobilization kibrick sperm agglutination test 3
sperm macroagglutination 3
sperm motility and velocities 3
sperm separation 3
spermatozoa - immunology 3
statistics, nonparametric 3
stimulation 3
stimulation cycles 3
stromal blood flow 3
subcutaneous 3
subendometrial blood flow 3
suboptimal endometrium 3
systemic 3
testicular sperm extraction 3
testosterone - blood 3
th2 cells - metabolism 3
therapeutic irrigation 3
three-dimensional hysterosalpingo-contrast- sonography 3
transvaginal ultrasound 3
triazoles - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 3
ultrasonography, doppler - methods 3
ultrasonography, doppler, color 3
ultrasonography, prenatal 3
ultrasonography, prenatal - methods - standards 3
uterine blood flow 3
uterine doppler flow 3
uterine flushing 3
uterus - blood supply 3
vagina 3
vagina - cytology 3
vascular resistance 3
volume 3
whole genome amplification 3
y chromosome 3
y chromosome microdeletion 3
zona breaching and zona thinning 3
3-dimensional power doppler ultrasonography 2
3d 2
abdominal pain - drug therapy 2
abnormal luteal phase 2
abortifacient agents - pharmacology 2
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - administration & dosage 2
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - pharmacology 2
abortifacient agents, steroidal - adverse effects - therapeutic use 2
abortifacient agents, steroidal - pharmacology 2
abortion, induced - statistics and numerical data 2
abortion, spontaneous - blood 2
abortion, spontaneous - blood - chemically induced - diagnosis 2
abortions 2
administration, intranasal 2
aged 2
ageing 2
aging 2
alprostadil - analogs & derivatives 2
androgen receptor antagonists 2
anesthesia, obstetrical 2
anesthetics, local - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
anti-estrogen effect of clomiphene 2
antibodies, monoclonal 2
antifungal therapy 2
antigens, cd - analysis 2
antigens, cd4 - analysis 2
antral follicles 2
anxiety 2
asia 2
asia - epidemiology 2
asian women 2
assisted reproductive technology 2
assisted-reproduction technology 2
atrial fibrillation 2
atrial fibrillation - complications - therapy 2
atrial function, left 2
atrial function, right 2
autoantibodies - analysis 2
autoimmune diseases - etiology 2
b-lymphocyte subsets - immunology 2
b-lymphocytes - pathology 2
basal metabolism 2
blastocyst - physiology 2
blood culture 2
blood flow velocity 2
buccal 2
buserelin - administration & dosage 2
candida glabrata 2
candidemia 2
cardiac output 2
cardiac pacing, artificial - methods 2
caspase 2
caspases 2
cd4-cd8 ratio 2
cell count 2
cell fusion 2
cerebral cortex - blood supply 2
cerebral hemorrhage 2
cervix mucus - analysis 2
cervix uteri - drug effects 2
chinese men 2
chlamydia trachomatis antibody 2
chorionic gonadotropin - administration & dosage - blood - pharmacology 2
chorionic gonadotropin - blood 2
chorionic gonadotropin - pharmacology 2
chorionic gonadotropin, beta subunit, human 2
circadian rhythm 2
clinical protocols 2
clinically recognizable pregnancies, plasma progesterone levels 2
clomiphene 2
clomiphene - adverse effects - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 2
clomiphene - therapeutic use 2
clomiphene citrate 2
clomiphene citrate challenge test 2
clomiphene-resistant 2
co-culture 2
co-incubation 2
conscious sedation 2
copper intrauterine device 2
cricetinae 2
crinone 2
culture media 2
culture media - chemistry - metabolism 2
culture media, conditioned 2
culture techniques 2
cumulus cells 2
cyclogest 2
decidua - metabolism 2
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate - blood 2
demography 2
designer babies 2
developing countries 2
dilatation - methods 2
dilation and evacuation 2
discriminant analysis 2
doppler ultrasound 2
dual-site right atrial pacing 2
early development 2
echocardiography 2
echocardiography, doppler 2
egg collection 2
embryo development 2
embryo editing 2
embryo, mammalian - metabolism 2
embryos 2
embryotrophic factor 2
endometrial vascularity 2
engineering nuclease 2
estrogen replacement therapy 2
estrogens - deficiency 2
ethnic groups 2
ethnic origin 2
fallopian tube diseases - complications - physiopathology 2
fallopian tubes - cytology 2
fallopian tubes - cytology - physiology 2
fallopian tubes - physiology 2
far east 2
fertility agents, female 2
fertility agents, female - therapeutic use 2
fertilization, delayed 2
fertilizaton in vitro 2
fetal viability 2
follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) 2
follicle stimulating hormone - administration & dosage 2
follicle stimulating hormone - administration & dosage - blood 2
follicular vascularity 2
fragmentation 2
fsh 2
gemeprost 2
genital diseases, female - diagnosis 2
gnrh agonist 2
gnrh antagonist 2
gonadal dysgenesis - immunology 2
gonadotropins 2
gonadotropins - therapeutic use 2
heart atria - ultrasonography 2
herbal medicine 2
human 2
human chorionic gonadotrophin beta-subunit 2
human follicular fluid 2
hyperactivation 2
hypoglycemic agents - therapeutic use 2
iliac vein 2
immunoglobulin g - blood 2
immunoglobulins 2
immunoglobulins - blood 2
immunohistochemistry 2
in vitro fertilization (ivf) 2
in vitro fertilization: pregnancy, three-dimensional ultrasound 2
infertility, female - drug therapy - physiopathology 2
infertility, female - etiology 2
infertility, female - physiopathology 2
infertility, male - ethnology - pathology 2
infertility, male - etiology 2
infertility, male - physiopathology 2
infertility, male - therapy 2
interleukin-1 - analysis - metabolism 2
intracranial thrombosis - diagnosis - etiology 2
left atrial function 2
leucocytospermia 2
leukocyte count 2
leukocytes - immunology 2
lh surge 2
lidocaine - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
lignocaine 2
luteal phase - drug effects 2
luteinizing hormone (lh) 2
luteinizing hormone - secretion 2
lymphocyte subsets 2
lymphocytes 2
lymphocytes - classification 2
magnetic resonance imaging 2
male factor 2
medical treatment 2
medium 2
menopause - immunology 2
menopause, premature - blood - immunology 2
menotropins - adverse effects 2
microscopy, phase-contrast 2
mifepristone - adverse effects - therapeutic use 2
mifepristone - pharmacology 2
miscarriages 2
misoprostol - administration & dosage 2
missed miscarriage 2
monitoring, physiologic 2
monogenic diseases 2
multiple doses 2
n2o 2
natural/ovarian stimulation cycles 2
next-generation sequencing (ngs) 2
nitric oxide donor 2
non-inferiority randomised trial 2
oestrogen deficiency 2
oestrogen replacement 2
oocyte retrieval 2
oocytes 2
oocytes - cytology 2
oral misoprostol 2
ovarian cysts - etiology 2
ovarian cysts - ultrasonography 2
ovarian diseases - immunology 2
ovarian diseases - immunology - metabolism 2
ovarian follicle - ultrasonography 2
ovarian function 2
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - chemically induced - ultrasonography 2
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - complications 2
ovary - blood supply - drug effects - ultrasonography 2
ovary - blood supply - metabolism - surgery 2
ovary - blood supply - ultrasonography 2
ovary - ultrasonography 2
oviduct 2
oviductal cells 2
ovulation 2
oxygen 2
pacemaker, artificial 2
pain 2
paracervical block 2
patient convenience 2
patient selection 2
peptide fragments - administration & dosage - blood - pharmacology 2
peptide fragments - blood 2
percoll gradient centrifugation 2
pituitary gland - drug effects - physiopathology 2
placenta - metabolism 2
plasma fraction 2
plasmanate 2
polycystic ovary only 2
polycystic ovary syndrome - diagnosis - ethnology - metabolism - therapy 2
polycystic ovary syndrome - ultrasonography 2
polymerase chain reaction (pcr) 2
polyploidy 2
population 2
population characteristics 2
postcoital contraception 2
postoperative side effects 2
postoperative side-effects 2
postpartum period 2
prediction of ovarian response 2
pregnancy proteins - analysis 2
pregnancy test 2
pregnancy, multiple 2
pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoproteins - analysis 2
preimplantation genetic diagnosis (pgd) 2
premedication 2
primary ovarian insufficiency - drug therapy - immunology 2
progesterone - administration & dosage - pharmacology - therapeutic use 2
progesterone - blood 2
prolactin - analysis - blood 2
pronuclear stage tubal transfer (prost) 2
prostaglandins e, synthetic - adverse effects - pharmacology 2
protein 2
protein supplement 2
radio-ligand technique measurement 2
radioimmunoassay 2
randomized trial 2
reaction time 2
receptors, estrogen - antagonists & inhibitors 2
receptors, glucocorticoid - metabolism 2
receptors, progesterone - metabolism 2
receptors, steroid - metabolism 2
reproduction 2
salpingectomy 2
second trimester termination 2
semen - cytology 2
seminal leucocytes 2
serum 2
severe ohss 2
side effects 2
single dose 2
sodium nitroprusside 2
sperm capacitation 2
sperm count 2
sperm functions 2
sperm-ovum interactions 2
spermatozoa - abnormalities 2
spermatozoa - cytology - physiology 2
spermatozoa - physiology 2
spouse abuse - psychology - statistics and numerical data 2
stimulated ovulation 2
suction evacuation 2
suppositories 2
suppositories - adverse effects 2
surgical termination of pregnancy 2
t cells 2
t-lymphocyte subsets - immunology 2
therapeutics 2
three-dimensional power doppler ultrasonography 2
tissue and organ harvesting - methods 2
transabdominal ultrasound 2
tubal factor 2
tubal pathology 2
ultrasonographic parameters 2
ultrasonography 2
ultrasound 2
unprotected intercourse 2
uterine artery blood flow 2
uterine fibroids 2
uterus - blood supply - ultrasonography 2
vacuum curettage 2
vaginal 2
vaginal creams, foams, and jellies - adverse effects 2
vaginal progesterone 2
vascular thrombosis 2
vena cava, inferior 2
venous thrombosis - diagnosis - etiology 2
ventricular function 2
who group ii anovulation 2
zygote - physiology 2
早孕 2
米索前列醇 (misoprostol) 2
米非司酮 (mifepristone) 2
舌下含服 (sublingual swallowing) 2
药物流产 2
abnormalities, multiple - diagnosis 1
abortifacient agents - adverse effects 1
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal 1
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - administration & dosage - pharmacology - standards 1
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - administration and dosage - pharmacokinetics 1
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - adverse effects 1
abortifacient agents, steroidal - administration & dosage 1
abortifacient agents, steroidal - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
abortion 1
abortion, induced - standards 1
abortion, therapeutic 1
abortion, therapeutic - methods 1
abortion, threatened - blood 1
acceptability 1
adaptation, psychological 1
adjuvants, immunologic - therapeutic use 1
administration, oral 1
advanced provision 1
alprostadil - administration & dosage - adverse effects - analogs & derivatives 1
alprostadil - administration & dosage - analogs & derivatives 1
alprostadil - administration & dosage - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology - standards 1
alprostadil - adverse effects - analogs & derivatives 1
amenorrhea 1
anembryonic pregnancy 1
antibodies, monoclonal - diagnostic use 1
antigen-antibody complex - analysis 1
antigens - analysis 1
antigens, differentiation, t-lymphocyte - analysis 1
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - therapeutic use 1
antiprogestins 1
apgar score 1
assisted reproductive technologies 1
atretic cervix and vagina 1
attitude to health 1
attitudes 1
autoimmunity - physiology 1
b-lymphocytes 1
b-lymphocytes - immunology 1
bacterial infections - prevention & control 1
binding, competitive 1
birth weight 1
blood bactericidal activity 1
blood cell count 1
blood coagulation factors - analysis 1
blood loss, surgical 1
body temperature 1
brain neoplasms - secondary 1
bromocriptine - administration & dosage 1
bromocriptine retard 1
candida albicans 1
cervical priming 1
cervical ripening 1
cervix 1
cervix mucus 1
cervix mucus - physiology 1
cervix uteri - abnormalities 1
cervix uteri - drug effects - physiology 1
cesarean section - methods 1
chemotaxis, leukocyte 1
chinese puerpera 1
cholesterol - blood 1
choriocarcinoma 1
choriocarcinoma - immunology 1
chorion - analysis - anatomy & histology - ultrastructure 1
chorionic gonadotropin - analysis 1
chorionic gonadotropin - blood - cerebrospinal fluid 1
clomiphene - administration & dosage 1
colostrum - cytology 1
comparative study 1
congresses as topic 1
contraception 1
contraception - psychology 1
contraception, postcoital - methods - psychology - utilization 1
contraceptive agents, female - administration & dosage - adverse effects 1
contraceptive agents, male 1
contraceptive behaviour 1
contraceptive pill 1
contraceptives, oral 1
contraceptives, oral, synthetic - administration & dosage - adverse effects 1
contraceptives, postcoital 1
contraceptives, postcoital - administration & dosage 1
contraceptives, postcoital - therapeutic use 1
cross-cultural comparison 1
cultural setting 1
cytotoxicity tests, immunologic 1
delayed-action preparations 1
delivery, obstetric 1
desogestrel 1
diarrhea - chemically induced 1
digoxin - therapeutic use 1
dilatation and curettage 1
dinoprostone - analogs & derivatives 1
domestic violence 1
drug administration schedule 1
drug combinations 1
drug interactions 1
drug synergism 1
elderly primipara 1
embryo transfer - adverse effects 1
endometrium - drug effects - pathology 1
england 1
escherichia coli 1
estrogens - blood 1
estrogens - physiology 1
ethinyl estradiol - administration & dosage - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
evaluation studies as topic 1
expectant management 1
factor viii - analysis - immunology 1
factor viii-related antigen 1
fallopian tubes - surgery 1
false negative reactions 1
false positive reactions 1
family planning services 1
fetal membranes, premature rupture - therapy 1
fluorescent antibody technique 1
freezing 1
gamete intrafallopian transfer 1
gamete intrafallopian transfer (gift) 1
gender identity 1
genital tract anomaly 1
gestational trophoblastic tumors 1
gestational trophoblastic tumours. 1
glycoproteins 1
hamster egg penetration assay 1
health services accessibility 1
heart defects, congenital - drug therapy 1
heart diseases - drug therapy 1
hemagglutination inhibition tests 1
hemagglutination tests 1
hematometra 1
hematometra - etiology 1
hemoglobins - analysis 1
hla antigens - analysis 1
hla-a antigens 1
hla-b antigens 1
hong kong - ethnology 1
hormonal contraception 1
hormones - physiology 1
human rights 1
human sperm 1
hydatidiform mole 1
hydatidiform mole - blood - surgery 1
hydatidiform mole - drug therapy - immunology 1
hydatidiform mole - immunology 1
hydatidiform mole - immunology - therapy 1
hydatidiform mole - physiopathology - therapy 1
hydatidiform mole - therapy 1
hypoosmotic swelling 1
hypo‐osmotic treatment 1
hysterectomy - psychology 1
identification (psychology) 1
immune tolerance 1
immunodiffusion 1
immunoelectrophoresis 1
immunoglobulin a - metabolism 1
incomplete abortion 1
infant, low birth weight 1
infant, newborn 1
infant, newborn, diseases - prevention & control 1
infertility, male - diagnosis 1
insemination, artificial, heterologous 1
insemination, artificial, heterologous - methods 1
interviews as topic 1
intrauterine death 1
isoantigens - immunology 1
killer cells, natural - immunology 1
knowledge 1
knowledge, attitudes, practice 1
labor, induced 1
labor, obstetric 1
lactation - drug effects 1
leucine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 1
leukocytes - physiology 1
levonorgestrel - administration & dosage - adverse effects 1
levonorgestrel - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
lipids - blood 1
luteinizing hormone (lh) assays 1
luteinizing hormone - blood - urine 1
lymphocyte activation 1
lymphocyte culture test, mixed 1
lymphocytes - immunology 1
lymphocytes - physiology 1
male contraception 1
measured blood loss 1
medical 1
medical management 1
membranes - ultrastructure 1
menorrhagia - chemically induced 1
methotrexate - therapeutic use 1
mifepristone - administration & dosage 1
mifepristone - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
mifepristone - adverse effects 1
mifepristone - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
misoprostol - administration & dosage - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
misoprostol - administration & dosage - pharmacology - standards 1
misoprostol - administration and dosage - analogs and derivatives - blood - pharmacokinetics 1
missed abortion 1
mitogens - pharmacology 1
mixed lymphocyte reaction 1
multicenter studies as topic 1
multivariate discriminant analysis 1
natural killer cells 1
neutrophils - physiology 1
non-pregnant women 1
norgestrel 1
norgestrel - administration & dosage - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
normal pregnancy 1
normal sperm morphology 1
norpregnenes 1
nsaid 1
obstetric labor complications - etiology 1
oc pills 1
oestrogen 1
oligospermia - immunology 1
oligospermia - physiopathology 1
once-a-month pill 1
oral contraceptive pills 1
ovarian diseases - pathology 1
ovary - drug effects - physiopathology 1
ovulation detection - methods 1
oxytocics - administration & dosage 1
oxytocin - administration & dosage 1
parity 1
pattern of menstrual bleeding 1
peptide fragments - blood - cerebrospinal fluid 1
perceptions 1
pessaries 1
phagocytes - physiology 1
phagocytosis 1
pilot projects 1
placenta - analysis 1
post-abortion bleeding 1
post-coital contraception 1
postmenopausal women 1
postnatal depression 1
postpartum hemorrhage 1
pregnancy complications - blood 1
pregnancy complications - etiology 1
pregnancy complications, cardiovascular - blood 1
pregnancy complications, cardiovascular - drug therapy 1
pregnancy proteins - blood 1
pregnancy trimester, first - drug effects 1
pregnancy trimester, second - drug effects 1
pregnancy, ectopic - blood 1
pregnancy, ectopic - diagnosis 1
pregnancy, high-risk 1
pregnancy, tubal - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 1
pregnancy, unwanted 1
pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoproteins - analysis - cerebrospinal fluid 1
pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoproteins - blood 1
prostaglandin 1
psychological tests 1
psychometrics 1
puerperal ablactation 1
puerperium 1
pyridoxine - administration & dosage 1
randomized controlled trials as topic 1
receptors, fc - immunology 1
regression analysis 1
reproducibility of results 1
reproductive rights 1
rheumatic heart disease - drug therapy 1
risk 1
risk-taking 1
ru 486 1
second-trimester abortion 1
second-trimester induced abortion 1
semen analysis 1
semen preservation 1
sex behavior 1
skin tests 1
south africa 1
sperm morphology 1
sperm movement characteristics 1
spermatozoa - abnormalities - physiology 1
spermatozoa - cytology 1
spontaneous 1
sublingual misoprostol 1
suction 1
suction - adverse effects 1
suction - methods 1
t-lymphocytes 1
t-lymphocytes - immunology 1
t-lymphocytes - immunology - physiology 1
tablets 1
testis - cytology 1
tolerability 1
trophoblastic neoplasms - blood - cerebrospinal fluid - drug therapy 1
trophoblastic neoplasms - blood - immunology 1
trophoblastic neoplasms - drug therapy - immunology 1
trophoblastic neoplasms - immunology 1
trophoblastic tumors 1
trophoblastic tumours 1
uterine hemorrhage - blood 1
uterine hemorrhage - chemically induced 1
uterine hemorrhage - etiology 1
uterine neoplasms - blood - cerebrospinal fluid - drug therapy 1
uterine neoplasms - blood - immunology 1
uterine neoplasms - blood - surgery 1
uterine neoplasms - drug therapy - immunology 1
uterine neoplasms - immunology 1
uterine neoplasms - immunology - therapy 1
uterine neoplasms - physiopathology - therapy 1
uterus 1
uterus - ultrasonography 1
vacuum aspiration 1
vacuum extraction, obstetrical 1
vagina - abnormalities 1
von willebrand factor 1
von willebrand factor - analysis 1
women - psychology 1
women's attitudes 1
yuzpe 1
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