AuthorsNo. of Publications
cheung, jpy 37
chow, w 36
cheung, kmc 34
yeung, kwk 20
kuong, eeyl 12
wu, j 12
zheng, yp 11
yeung, ehk 10
kwan, kyh 9
fan, y 8
jiang, ww 8
lai, kkl 8
luk, kdk 8
chen, peikai 7
fan, yl 7
shum, hc 7
cheng, clk 6
kwan, khl 6
liu, x 6
samartzis, d 6
tan, zhijia 6
wong, shj 6
wong, kky 5
zhou, yp 5
chen, p 4
cheung, wy 4
kong, t 4
lee, tty 4
leung, fkl 4
negandhi, rs 4
wu, jb 4
yeung, e 4
zhong, dh 4
begovic, h 3
chan, d 3
choi, ky 3
fan, yunli 3
hu, y 3
lau, jyn 3
lee, ty 3
mak, kc 3
samartzis, d 3
shek, ht 3
so, lwn 3
tan, z 3
wang, x 3
wong, tm 3
wong, yw 3
wu, s 3
zhou, y 3
chan, ck 2
chan, danny 2
chan, tk 2
chan, wcw 2
chen, pk 2
cheung, b 2
cheung, hm 2
cheung, jason py 2
cheung, whp 2
choi, h 2
chu, lh 2
chu, pk 2
chu, slh 2
dong, lina 2
dong, zhongxin 2
eid, maa 2
feng, lin 2
fong, dyt 2
gao, b 2
gao, bo 2
guo, n 2
he, c 2
hu, yong 2
ip, a 2
kuang, guan-ming 2
lau, tw 2
leung, g 2
leung, n 2
leung, vyl 2
li, x 2
liu, kl 2
liu, y 2
qiu, anmei 2
shek, hiu tung 2
sun, y 2
tam, v 2
tan, zj 2
tong, shy 2
tsang, pyl 2
wang, l 2
wong, hm 2
wong, ms 2
xu, z 2
yeung, eric hk 2
yeung, k 2
yin, shijie 2
yin, sj 2
yiu, kl 2
zhang, r 2
zhang, s 2
zhao, x 2
zhou, yapeng 2
ali, a 1
ao, di 1
au, kht 1
au, tyk 1
ayers, k 1
balce, gce 1
besio, roberta 1
binks, bp 1
castelein, rm 1
chan, d 1
chan, gcf 1
chan, hss 1
chan, sophelia hoi shan 1
chan, wilson cheuk wing 1
chau, mt 1
che, w 1
cheah, kathryn se 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, c 1
chen, hai yan 1
chen, y 1
cheng, sh 1
cheung jason py 1
cheung kenneth mc 1
cheung, bkc 1
cheung, jason pui yin 1
cheung, jcw 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, kcb 1
cheung, kenneth man chee 1
cheung, kenneth mc 1
cheung, km 1
cheung, km 1
cheung, martin 1
choi, aky 1
chow, cp 1
chow, wang 1
chung, bhy 1
contento, barbara maria 1
dale, ryan k. 1
damas, c 1
derkyi, alberta 1
dong, l 1
dong, xiaonan 1
dong, z 1
dong, zx 1
duanmu, d 1
eid, m 1
eid, ma 1
eid, mkt 1
elfiky, ta 1
fan, yc 1
fang, cx 1
feng, chen 1
folkestad, l 1
fong, cm 1
fong, d 1
forlino, a 1
forlino, antonella 1
franken, a 1
fraschini, p 1
fu, i 1
fu, ic 1
fu, icy 1
gu, j 1
guo, shuang 1
gupta, v 1
ha, k 1
he, r 1
hill, c 1
ho, cm 1
ho, dwh 1
hoyland, judith a 1
hu, y 1
huang, cl 1
huang, x 1
hui, pkt 1
ip, hhn 1
ip, hoi ning hayley 1
ip, jkj 1
janus, g 1
jin, jimmy 1
jin, w 1
jovanovic, milena 1
kao, ryt 1
kong, c 1
kong, ccw 1
kong, oy 1
kong, tt 1
kruse, r 1
kuang, g 1
kuang, gm 1
kuang, guan ming 1
kudelko, m 1
kung, awc 1
kuong, ee 1
kuong, evelyn eugenie 1
kwan, k 1
kwan, kwk 1
lai, k 1
lam, wwm 1
lam, yw 1
lau, j 1
lau, lt 1
lau, ly 1
lau, tlt 1
law, sy 1
lee, py 1
leung, adrian on wah 1
leung, f 1
leung, f 1
leung, gkc 1
leung, victor yl 1
leung, victor yu-leong 1
li, ch 1
li, g 1
li, guangshuo 1
li, h 1
li, hc 1
li, k 1
li, s 1
li, tl 1
li, yh 1
li, z 1
liang, ruixin 1
liang, rx 1
liang, xy 1
lin, dl 1
lin, j 1
lin, jie 1
lin, y 1
lin, ze 1
liu li 1
liu, j 1
liu, twk 1
liu, wkt 1
lok, cn 1
lou, n 1
lou, nan 1
lu, ww 1
lui, vch 1
luk, k 1
luk, kdk 1
marini, joan c. 1
michiels, l 1
mitra, apratim 1
mong, pt 1
montpetit, k 1
ng, cy 1
ng, lm 1
nijhuis, w 1
niu, b 1
niu, q 1
nunes, jk 1
ong, ck 1
pan, h 1
panzeri, l 1
peng, matthew jian qiao 1
peng, matthew jianqiao 1
petnikota, h 1
poon, andrew chung hin 1
porquet‑bordes, v 1
pun, t 1
qian, z 1
qiu, a 1
qiu, y 1
rauch, f 1
ren, q 1
richardson, stephen m 1
sakakibara, m 1
sakkers, r 1
salles, j 1
semler, o 1
shao, mh 1
sharma, r 1
shen, wei 1
shen, y 1
shum, ahc 1
shum, hc 1
sin, lke 1
so, noah lok wah 1
song, y 1
stokes, om 1
stone, ha 1
sun, j 1
sun, yi 1
sun, z 1
tam, wai kit 1
tam, wk 1
tao, huiren 1
tong, sh 1
tosi, l 1
tsang, p 1
tsang, yl 1
tung, jyl 1
umrani, s 1
umrani, sp 1
verhoef, m 1
wan, f 1
wang, c 1
wang, l 1
wang, lq 1
wang, w 1
wang, xue 1
wei, jz 1
wekre, ll 1
wong, by 1
wong, cm 1
wong, dll 1
wong, j 1
wong, janus siu him 1
wong, k 1
wong, ka wai 1
wong, kw 1
wong, wl 1
xu, j 1
xu, m 1
xu, zm 1
yan, ch 1
yang, y 1
yang, z 1
yao, y 1
ye, t 1
yeung, hiu kwong eric 1
yeung, ks 1
yin, s 1
yin, sy 1
yip, j 1
yiu, k 1
yue, j 1
yuen, mh 1
zhang, b 1
zhang, jn 1
zhang, xy 1
zhang, y 1
zhao, y 1
zheng, haiping 1
zheng, y 1
zheng, yl 1
zheng, zhengfan 1
zhong, j 1
zhou, gq 1
zhu, f 1
zhu, fa 1
zhu, feng 1
zhytnik, l 1
zillikens, mc 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 8
nucleus pulposus 8
silver nanoparticles 8
3-d printing 6
additive manufacturing 6
bioluminescent bacteria 6
computer applications 6
healing 6
medical sciences medical sciences 6
nickel 6
osteoblast 6
osteogenesis 6
osteogenesis imperfecta 6
patient-specific instruments and implants 6
rod 6
scoliosis 6
self-antibacterial effect 6
superelastic 6
surface modification 6
surgical planning 6
tissue engineering 6
titanium 6
zno nanowire 6
achilles tendon 5
bone healing 5
core-shell microspheres 5
cp: developmental biology 5
cyto-compatibility 5
disc degeneration 5
fibromodulin 5
magnesium implant 5
mouse mesenchymal stem cells 5
plasma surface treatment 5
progenitors 5
proteoglycan 5
smad4 5
tagln 5
tgf-β/bmp signaling 5
active ingredients 4
alginate 4
biomedical applications 4
candidate gene 4
capillary microfluidic device 4
collagen organization 4
controlled drug release 4
core-shell particle 4
encapsulation efficiency 4
gene mapping 4
genetic polymorphism 4
linkage analysis 4
microfluidic method 4
narrow size distributions 4
plga 4
poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) 4
tensile strength 4
annulus fibrosus 3
biomaterials 3
brucella species 3
brucellosis 3
controlled drug delivery 3
drug release mechanism 3
extracellular matrix 3
genetics 3
hip arthroscopy 3
interfacial fast release layer 3
label free quantitation 3
microfluidics 3
microstructural evolution 3
mouse intervertebral disc 3
osteoblast differentiation 3
plga microspheres 3
proteomics 3
septic arthritis 3
urban area 3
3-d ultrasound 2
3d ultrasound 2
3d ultrasound imaging 2
absent corpus callosum 2
absent or hypoplastic patella 2
acetabular protrusion 2
ais 2
autofusion 2
bellows joint 2
bone 2
case report 2
clinical education 2
cobb angle 2
cobb’s angle 2
drug deliveries 2
drug release 2
ectopic calcification 2
electrospinning 2
finite element modeling 2
fkbp10 2
forward bending 2
freeform modeling 2
freeform modelling 2
fulcrum-bending 2
genitopatellar syndrome 2
hip instability 2
hip subluxation 2
ifitm5 2
injectable hydrogels 2
lumbar disc herniation 2
microstructure 2
nanotopography 2
neuromuscular hip 2
nusinersen 2
pediatric 2
percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy 2
poly(d,l-lactic acid) 2
posterior ring apophysis fracture 2
preoperative planning 2
preoperative spine flexibility 2
quality of life 2
sagittal 2
sagittal balance 2
scoliometer 2
scoliosis specific exercise 2
scoliosis-specific exercise 2
simulative educator 2
soft pneumatic actuator 2
soft robot 2
spinal muscular atrophy 2
spine 2
spinous process 2
spinous processes 2
surface scanner 2
teaching drill 2
total hip replacement 2
transcription factor 2
truncal asymmetry 2
trunk posture 2
trunk rotation 2
tumorous resection 2
type v osteogenesis imperfecta 2
virtual surgery 2
wound healing 2
brittle bone disease 1
cell adhesion 1
cerebral palsy 1
child, preschool 1
clavicle 1
clinical outcome measures 1
continuous quality improvement 1
femur 1
flexion contracture 1
fractured neck of femur 1
gait analysis 1
hamstrings release 1
hip dislocation, congenital - diagnosis - epidemiology - radiography - ultrasonography 1
hip joint - radiography - ultrasonography 1
hong kong - epidemiology 1
in-orthosis correction 1
joint instability - diagnosis - radiography - ultrasonography 1
lateral bending 1
learning health care 1
limb length discrepancy 1
logistic regression 1
mitochondrial fission/fusion 1
multivariate regression 1
nonbacterial osteitis 1
operative challenge 1
outcomes 1
patient-reported outcomes measures 1
progression rate 1
prone 1
pseudarthrosis 1
sagittal kinematics 1
sagittal kinetics 1
supine 1
tmem38b 1
tric-b 1
ultrasound 1
value-based health care 1
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