AuthorsNo. of Publications
hui, lck 91
lam, tw 61
chow, kp 48
chin, fyl 38
leung, hcm 35
li, vok 28
hui, ck 27
sung, wk 26
chim, tw 25
chow, ssm 21
wong, tkf 20
jiang, zl 18
cheung, dwl 16
ting, hf 16
fang, j 14
yuen, th 13
li, r 12
wang, y 12
hon, wk 11
peng, y 11
chong, cf 10
dong, y 10
tsang, ww 10
cheung, dw 9
li, y 9
mamoulis, n 9
wang, j 9
chan, hw 8
liu, b 8
liu, x 8
pun, kh 8
xiong, h 8
zhang, y 8
lai, pky 7
lui, rwc 7
wong, pwh 7
ye, y 7
yu, c 7
chan, hl 6
he, y 6
leung, ws 6
lin, mc 6
liu, cm 6
luo, r 6
sadakane, k 6
sui, af 6
wang, x 6
wong, t 6
zhang, j 6
chan, pf 5
chan, py 5
cui, x 5
fang, jb 5
go, hw 5
kung, hf 5
li, j 5
li, z 5
lian, w 5
smith, dk 5
tang, y 5
wang, ek 5
yang, b 5
zhang, c 5
chan, ppf 4
chen, j 4
chen, y 4
cheung, bwy 4
huang, h 4
hui, l 4
jia, y 4
jiang, l 4
lim, bl 4
liu, z 4
niu, x 4
siu, mh 4
tam, sl 4
wang, l 4
wong, kf 4
wong, wk 4
yau, kk 4
yu, ky 4
zhu, x 4
cheung, b 3
cheung, bsn 3
han, q 3
he, yj 3
hou, sh 3
huang, s 3
jiang, z 3
kwan, myk 3
law, fyw 3
lei, p 3
leung, sy 3
shen, z 3
shi, j-y 3
shi, jy 3
shi, y 3
sung, kwk 3
tan, xiao 3
tsang, yh 3
uehara, t 3
wang, b 3
wong, ck 3
woo, y 3
yang, d 3
yang, w 3
yau, jck 3
yeung, cy 3
zhan, q 3
zhang, h 3
zhang, p 3
au, man ho 2
au, mh 2
cai, c 2
chan, tf 2
chen, l 2
chen, z 2
cheng, s 2
cheung, jcl 2
chiu, ys 2
chow, sm 2
dong, k 2
gong, y 2
he, m 2
he, mf 2
he, z 2
ho, ws 2
hou, s 2
hsu, by 2
huang, q 2
huang, y 2
huang, z 2
ieong, r 2
ieong, rsc 2
jansson, j 2
jiang, zoe l 2
kao, my 2
kristiansen, k 2
lai, ym 2
lam, tak wah 2
lee, lk 2
leung, cm 2
li, b 2
li, d 2
li, j-x 2
li, jx 2
li, p 2
li, q 2
li, rq 2
li, yingrui 2
liang, c 2
liang, y 2
liu, binghang 2
lu, n 2
lui, wc 2
luo, ruibang 2
mao, k-t 2
niu, xm 2
peng, s 2
qin, j 2
qing, s 2
quan, g 2
rosenfeld, r 2
song, y 2
song, yq 2
sun, y 2
sun, y 2
tam, a 2
tan, z 2
tang, b 2
wang, hongxiao 2
wang, m 2
wang, yd 2
wijaya, e 2
wong, ds 2
wong, shy 2
wu, e 2
wu, e 2
xiang, cl 2
xiang, q 2
xie, y 2
xu, x 2
yang, h 2
yao, h 2
ye, ym 2
yu, h 2
yuan, j 2
zhang, ep 2
zhang, q 2
zhang, yn 2
zhao, yanmin 2
zheng, x 2
zhou, b 2
zhou, g 2
zhu, j 2
an, n 1
bai, f 1
bai, y 1
baker, thar 1
bolund, l 1
bond, cs 1
bruford, mw 1
cai, j 1
cai, q 1
cai, yp 1
cao, j 1
cao, j-b 1
cao, jb 1
castleden, i 1
cbow, ssm 1
chan, cf 1
chan, dtf 1
chan, eyk 1
chan, ft 1
chan, km 1
chan, kp 1
chan, p 1
chan, pck 1
chan, ps 1
chang, ky 1
chanson, st 1
che, cm 1
chen, jc 1
chen, k 1
chen, man 1
chen, ty 1
chen, xue 1
chen, yanxiang 1
chen, yuechen 1
cheng, ky 1
cheng, m 1
cheng, yb 1
cheung, david w. 1
cheung, ls 1
cheung, mh 1
cheung, vls 1
cheung, yt 1
chim, tw 1
chin, fy 1
ching, whm 1
choi, ako 1
choi, sw 1
chu, x 1
chu, xw 1
chung, k 1
cong, mingshu 1
cook, k 1
cui, h 1
cui, y 1
dong, d 1
fan, w 1
fan, x 1
fang, l 1
fang, x 1
feng, b 1
fisher, mf 1
fu, y 1
gao, c 1
gao, cz 1
gao, k 1
gong, t 1
gu, w 1
guo, rongrong 1
guo, x 1
guo, y 1
gupta, brij b 1
gutmann, b 1
han, c 1
han, changlei 1
he, g 1
he, guangzhu 1
he, l 1
he, zq 1
ho, ws 1
hobbs, n 1
hon, w 1
hou, r 1
hu, c 1
hu, w 1
hu, xh 1
hu, y 1
huang, j 1
huang, w 1
huang, weihua 1
huang, x 1
huang, yanyu 1
hui, akt 1
hui, lucas ck 1
ieong, s 1
ip, sk 1
jian, m 1
jiang, t 1
jiang, y 1
jiang, zoe l. 1
jin, bohan 1
ju, w 1
kanagasabai, r 1
kao, bcm 1
kao, cm 1
kosiol, c 1
kuzuno, hiroki 1
kwan, m 1
kwan, yk 1
kwok, ck 1
kwok, lk 1
lai, l 1
lai, p 1
lam, ck 1
lam, hiu-man human 1
lam, hm 1
lam, ky 1
lam, tty 1
lau, kw 1
lau, skp 1
lau, tck 1
lau, wc 1
lau, yl 1
law, f 1
law, wc 1
law, yw 1
lee, hh 1
lee, j 1
lee, jkw 1
lee, sd 1
leung, fcc 1
leung, hc 1
leung, k 1
leung, karl rph 1
li, bo 1
li, ccd 1
li, dinghua 1
li, ehm 1
li, eky 1
li, g 1
li, h 1
li, hy 1
li, jin 1
li, jy 1
li, l 1
li, m 1
li, n 1
li, s 1
li, t 1
li, wl 1
li, x 1
li, xq 1
li, yp 1
li, zh 1
li, zhenyu 1
liang, h 1
liang, yuzhi 1
liao, x 1
liao, xiangke 1
lin, h 1
lin, m 1
lin, mcm 1
lin, r 1
lin, s 1
lin, yifeng 1
liu, chi man 1
liu, g 1
liu, guangming 1
liu, h 1
liu, jk 1
liu, joseph k. 1
liu, q 1
liu, s 1
liu, w 1
liu, y 1
liu, yong 1
liu, yunjie 1
liu, zc 1
liu, zheli 1
lo, e 1
lu, h-m 1
lu, y 1
lu, yao 1
lu, z 1
lu, zj 1
lum, ct 1
luo, b 1
luo, rb 1
luo, y 1
lv, mj 1
ma, ccc 1
ma, l 1
mai, yh 1
man, ly 1
mao, kt 1
meng, xx 1
min, j 1
mu, b 1
mui, tw 1
mui, yc 1
mui, z 1
na, shijie 1
ng, p 1
ng, sm 1
ni, p 1
nie, w 1
nielsen, r 1
olson, m 1
pan, q 1
pan, qi 1
parkinson, j 1
peng, shaoliang 1
peng, z 1
peng, zy 1
qian, w 1
qin, h 1
qin, jj 1
qin, n 1
qin, x 1
qu, n 1
rajaraman, k 1
ren, k 1
ren, x 1
ren, y 1
ruan, j 1
ryder, oa 1
sasaki, r 1
shan, g 1
shen, f 1
sheng, mm 1
shi, j 1
shi, yujian 1
shi, z 1
siu, wy 1
small, i 1
smith, d 1
son, nt 1
song, b 1
song, xh 1
song, y 1
steiner, cc 1
sun, rwy 1
sun, x 1
susilo, w 1
tan, wuzheng 1
tan, zejiu 1
tang, cy 1
tang, j 1
tang, jingbo 1
tang, ricky wm 1
tian, f 1
tian, g 1
tian, j 1
tian, z 1
ting, hing fung 1
tsang, kl 1
tsang, yf 1
tse, hks 1
tse, tsz-fung tony 1
tse, wl 1
tso, cw 1
tu, w 1
vinar, t 1
vu, h 1
wan, kl 1
wang, ayx 1
wang, bo 1
wang, bq 1
wang, g 1
wang, h 1
wang, jian 1
wang, jun 1
wang, jy 1
wang, k 1
wang, s 1
wang, w 1
wang, wp 1
wang, xm 1
wang, xuan 1
wei, f 1
wen, m 1
weng, xi 1
wong, fl 1
wong, gks 1
wong, s 1
wong, sck 1
wong, wh 1
woo, pcy 1
wu, emk 1
wu, g 1
wu, gengxiong 1
wu, j 1
wu, m 1
wu, q 1
wu, qy 1
wu, x 1
wu, xy 1
wu, z 1
xian, huiguang 1
xiaoqian, zhu 1
xie, x 1
xie, yinlong 1
xie, z 1
xiong, j 1
xu, a 1
xu, f 1
xu, j 1
xu, l 1
xu, rs 1
xu, shiyuan 1
xuan, z 1
xue, cj 1
yang, g 1
yang, huanming 1
yang, j 1
yang, m 1
yang, peng 1
yang, qianheng 1
yang, yuer 1
yang, z 1
yao, l 1
yau, ckj 1
ye, c 1
yeung, dy 1
yim, a 1
yim, tch 1
yip, ky 1
yip, mcl 1
yiu, sw 1
yu, chang 1
yu, d 1
yu, han 1
yu, j 1
yuan, jianying 1
zeng, g 1
zeng, gongxian 1
zeng, t 1
zhang, d 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, hao 1
zhang, hl 1
zhang, jun 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, w 1
zhang, wq 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, y-n 1
zhang, z 1
zhao, j 1
zhao, k 1
zhao, ky 1
zhao, m 1
zhao, s 1
zheng, h 1
zheng, y 1
zhong, j 1
zhong, x 1
zhou, y 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, w 1
zhu, xg 1
zoe, j 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
algorithms 13
animals 8
genome 8
humans 8
privacy 8
sequence analysis, dna 8
sequence analysis, protein - methods 8
bloom filter 7
distributed denial-of-service (ddos) 7
homomorphic encryption 7
intrusion detection 7
routers 7
sequence analysis, dna - methods 7
testbed 7
artificial intelligence 6
authentication 6
base sequence 6
blind signature 6
computational biology - methods 6
models, chemical 6
molecular sequence data 6
security 6
sequence alignment 6
software 6
tracking 6
alternative splicing 5
anonymous credential 5
bilinear pairings 5
binding energy 5
binning 5
cluster analysis 5
combinatorial group testing 5
commutative encryption 5
computer simulation 5
conserved sequence - genetics 5
cryptography 5
dna microarray 5
evolution, molecular 5
hard disk integrity 5
mice 5
motif finding 5
phylogeny 5
privacy preserving 5
privacy-preserving 5
protein interaction mapping - methods 5
proteins - chemistry - metabolism 5
proxy re-encryption 5
secure vehicular sensor network 5
smart grid network 5
transcription factor 5
vehicular ad hoc network 5
3-dimension hashing 4
access policies 4
amino acid motifs 4
anonymous routing 4
assembly 4
authenticatiion 4
batch verification 4
batch vertification 4
binding site 4
binding sites 4
china 4
chromosome mapping - methods 4
commitment 4
complex structure 4
computational tools 4
computer forensics 4
computer networks 4
contig 4
contig mapping 4
data mining 4
data-base servers 4
database 4
database operation 4
database records 4
databases, genetic 4
decision tree 4
diet - veterinary 4
digital arithmetic 4
digital forensic engineering 4
dna - chemistry 4
dogs 4
dynamic programming 4
electric vehicle 4
electronic crime countermeasures 4
error correction 4
event data recorder 4
fake route 4
female 4
fertility - genetics - physiology 4
forward security 4
gap-filling 4
genetic disease 4
genome - genetics 4
genome, human 4
genomics 4
group communication 4
group communications 4
heterozygote 4
hidden markov model 4
hmac 4
human chromosomes 4
human genomes 4
latent sector errors (lses) 4
legal professional privilege (lpp) 4
low coverage 4
manets 4
message classification 4
metrics 4
models, statistical 4
motif finding(discovering) 4
multigene family - genetics 4
multiparty matching 4
multipath 4
multiple sequence alignment 4
navigation 4
oblivious transfer 4
oblivious transfer (ot) 4
online catalog 4
phylogenetic analysis 4
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 4
power selling 4
privacy preservation 4
privacy-preservation 4
progressive alignment 4
protein binding 4
proteins - chemistry 4
pseudo identity 4
pseudoidentity 4
public-key infrastructure 4
querying service 4
reads alignments 4
receptors, g-protein-coupled - genetics 4
scaffold 4
secondary structure prediction 4
segmental duplications 4
sensor networks 4
signature verification 4
smart grid 4
snp calling 4
structural variations 4
symmetric cryptography 4
synteny - genetics 4
systematic approaches 4
tamper-resistant device 4
taxi booking 4
technical speaking 4
the standard model 4
transcription factors - chemistry 4
tree optimization 4
ursidae - classification - genetics - physiology 4
vehicular sensor network 4
verification 4
5' untranslated regions - genetics 3
accurate 3
actuation 3
adaptive phentype testing 3
alarm systems 3
algorithm 3
alignment 3
alternative splicing - genetics 3
alternative splicing pattern 3
amino acid sequence 3
anonymous authentication 3
anonymous fuzzy ibe 3
applied cryptography 3
arduino 3
article 3
assembling 3
attractive solutions 3
attributes 3
auxiliary inputs 3
biological evolution 3
bitcoin simulation model 3
bittorrent model 3
building block 3
bwt 3
carrier proteins - genetics 3
certificate revocation 3
chinese information processing 3
chinese shanzhai phones 3
chinese word extraction 3
cloud forensics 3
cloudfront 3
cluster-based architecture 3
clustering 3
code theft detection 3
combinatorial group testing (cgt) 3
comparative genomics 3
computation efficiency 3
computational molecular biology 3
computational predction 3
computer program 3
computer-aided design 3
computing technology 3
confidential forensic investigation 3
conserved gene pairs 3
conserved genes 3
conserved sequence 3
conseved metabolic pathways 3
context-aware 3
core protein 3
cryptographic primitives 3
cryptographic techniques 3
cyber-physical system 3
data mining - methods 3
data privacy 3
datamining 3
de bruijn graph 3
de novo assembly 3
de novo transcriptome assembly 3
delegation 3
deleted data 3
digital crimes 3
digital evidence 3
digital forensics 3
distance-based reconstruction 3
distributed ca services 3
dna composition features 3
dna mutational analysis - methods 3
dna sequence 3
dna, complementary - genetics 3
document indexing 3
dual cube 3
e-lottery 3
efficiency improvement 3
efficient protocols 3
elliptic curve cryptosystems 3
environmental genomics 3
environmental microbiology 3
error rates 3
escherichia coli - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 3
escherichia coli - genetics 3
ests 3
exons 3
exons - genetics 3
experimental studies 3
experimentation 3
expressed sequence tags 3
expressed sequences 3
false positive reactions 3
fast annotation 3
file carving 3
file sharing 3
firewalls 3
flooding 3
forensic analysis 3
forensic investigation 3
forensics technology 3
forward-secure signature 3
gene expression - genetics 3
gene expression regulation 3
generic construction 3
genome assembly 3
genome, bacterial 3
genome, bacterial - genetics 3
genomic rearrangements 3
goodness measure 3
greedy-like prediction 3
guide trees 3
hard disk sector allocation 3
heterogeneous information 3
heuristic-based address clustering 3
hierarchical identity-based cryptosystem 3
hierarchical identity-based signature 3
high throughput sequencing 3
high throughput short reads 3
human genome 3
hybrid security model 3
identity-based encryption 3
identity-based partially blind signature 3
identity-based signcryption 3
image processing 3
indexing data structure 3
information security 3
initial seeders 3
inner-product encryption 3
integrity verification 3
internet censorship 3
internet forum 3
internet piracy 3
internet surveillance 3
introns - genetics 3
isoforms 3
java card 3
k-dimensional hashing 3
k-mean clustering 3
key integrity 3
keyword clustering 3
knock-out study 3
knockout study 3
l-mer 3
lactobacillus - genetics 3
lightweight protocols 3
live forensics 3
look ahead technology 3
machine learning 3
machine-learning 3
markov chains 3
mate-pair 3
mathematics 3
measurement 3
mediatek 3
memory analysis 3
metabolic network 3
metagenomic data analysis 3
metagenomics 3
metagenomics - methods 3
metatranscriptomic reads 3
mice, inbred c57bl 3
microcontroller 3
micrornas 3
micrornas - chemistry - genetics 3
mining methods and algorithms 3
mobile ad hoc network 3
mobile ad hoc network (manet) 3
models, biological 3
models, genetic 3
models, molecular 3
models, theoretical 3
modified chebychev distance 3
motif pair 3
multiple alignment 3
multiprotein complexes - chemistry - metabolism 3
multisignature 3
mutation 3
mutations 3
named data networking 3
network security 3
next generation sequencing 3
next-generation sequencing 3
non-adaptive complex group testing 3
non-transferable property 3
np-complete 3
pattern recognition, automated - methods 3
peer data management systems 3
peer to peer 3
performance 3
performance evaluation 3
phonebook 3
photo forensics 3
phylogenetic conservation 3
phylogenetic network 3
phylogenetic tree reconstruction 3
phylogenetic trees 3
pkg despotism 3
pki 3
pooling design 3
ppi network 3
predicate encryption 3
predictive value of tests 3
privacy preserving forensics 3
privacy-preserving multiple keyword search 3
proactive update 3
promoter regions, genetic 3
protein complexes 3
protein domain 3
protein interaction mapping 3
protein linkage 3
protein sequence alignment 3
protein structure, tertiary 3
protein-protein interaction network 3
proteins 3
provable security 3
public ciphertext authenticity 3
public key cryptosystems 3
public verifiability 3
quantitative trait loci - genetics 3
query processing 3
rats 3
reliability 3
remote forensics 3
reputation systems 3
ring signature 3
rna - genetics 3
rna splice sites - genetics 3
rna-binding proteins - genetics 3
roads 3
rsa 3
search on encrypted data 3
secure multi-party computation 3
security management 3
security of data 3
self-defense 3
semantical security 3
semistructured data 3
sensitivity analysis 3
sequence alignment - methods 3
sequence analysis, rna 3
service provider 3
shanzhai mobile phone 3
shifted transversal design 3
short read alignment 3
side channel attack 3
signcryption 3
signing key 3
similarity measure 3
software birthmark 3
software protection 3
string graph 3
structural comparisons 3
synteny 3
tamper proofing 3
third parties 3
threshold cryptography 3
threshold partially blind signature 3
threshold secret sharing 3
ultrametric galled network 3
user profiling 3
variable overlap sizes 3
vehicles 3
vehicular ad hoc networks 3
verifiable random function 3
virus detection 3
volatile data 3
web crawler 3
web organization 3
weighted average problem 3
whole genome alignment 3
xml 3
xml/xsl/rdf 3
zebrafish - genetics 3
access control 2
access right delegation 2
access rights 2
accountability 2
ad-hoc and sensor networks 2
ad-hoc network 2
adaptive random testing 2
affine gap 2
android 2
android security 2
anonymity 2
anti-censorship 2
anticensorship 2
application platforms 2
applications software 2
approximation algorithms 2
audio 2
base pairing 2
basic operation 2
bioinformatics 2
biometrics 2
birthmark 2
bitcoin 2
blockchain 2
brassicaceae 2
camelina sativa 2
capability leaks 2
cell cycle pathway construction 2
center of gravity constraint 2
certificateless public key encryption 2
chained threshold proxy signature with supervision 2
chloroplasts 2
cloud computing 2
collision detection 2
color similarity 2
compression 2
computational complexity 2
computational geometry 2
computer graphics 2
computer science 2
computer security 2
construcion 2
content providers 2
content sharing 2
control flow 2
control flow checking 2
copyright 2
cp-abe 2
data compression - methods 2
data flow checking 2
data leakage 2
data protection 2
databases, protein 2
de novo 2
decryption outsourcing 2
delegation certificate 2
delegation network 2
dense regions 2
density measure 2
digital contents 2
digital credential 2
digital identity management 2
digital investigation 2
digital rights management technology 2
directed diffusion 2
disordered proteins 2
distance learning 2
distributed management 2
distributed platforms 2
dna - genetics 2
document management systems 2
drug-drug interaction 2
dual encryption system 2
dual system encryption 2
duplication detection 2
dynamic separation of duty 2
dynamic threshold public key encryption 2
e-learning 2
ecdsa 2
efficiency 2
elements 2
elliptic curve 2
encrypted documents 2
event-oriented 2
evidence integrity 2
evolutionary rate 2
execution time 2
face anti-spoofing 2
file system 2
forensics 2
forward secrecy 2
forward secure threshold signature 2
fragmentation point 2
fragmented jpeg file 2
gene regulation 2
general access structure 2
genetic variation 2
genome annotation 2
genome, human - genetics 2
genomic sequence 2
glycine max 2
glycine soja 2
group signature 2
hard disks 2
hash value 2
hash values 2
heap graph 2
high-speed quantum key distribution 2
ibe 2
identity based cryptography 2
identity-based cryptography 2
identity-based signature 2
image adjustment 2
incident response 2
industrial control systems 2
information systems security 2
instant message 2
integrity check 2
internet 2
internet of things 2
interoperability 2
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 2
java 2
java applet 2
javascript 2
jpeg file carving 2
k-dimension hashing 2
k-taa 2
key agreement 2
key escrow 2
key integrity checking 2
key-exposure 2
leakage-resilience 2
leakage-resilient 2
learning organizations 2
level-2 neighbours 2
lineage specificity 2
linux kernel 2
local structural alignment 2
location free 2
location privacy-preserving 2
logging system 2
mapk pathway 2
mapk pathway construction 2
matrix factorization 2
memory efficient algorithm 2
memory requirements 2
mirna 2
mirnas 2
mitochondria 2
mobile phone 2
mobile platform 2
mobile social networks 2
morf 2
multiplicative sharing 2
nbs-lrr 2
nni distance 2
non-coding rna 2
non-repudiation 2
non-shared edge distance 2
noncoding rnas 2
nonlinear state estimation 2
novel tandem duplication detection 2
nucleic acid conformation 2
nucleotides - chemistry - genetics 2
one-class svm 2
online computing 2
open sources 2
outsourced computation 2
paired-end sequencing 2
pairing 2
pathway construction 2
pattern mathching 2
pentatricopeptide repeat motifs 2
pentatricopeptide repeat proteins 2
phas loci 2
phas-phasirna pathway 2
phasirna 2
phylogenetic tree 2
points of interests 2
ppr 2
prediction 2
privilege escalation attack 2
programmable logic controllers 2
programming logic controller 2
protein pathway 2
protein pathway construction 2
proxy server 2
proxy signature 2
pseudoknot 2
pseudoknots 2
public key encryption 2
public key infrastructure (pki) 2
quantitative association rules 2
quantum cryptography 2
quantum key distribution 2
r-sequences 2
random testing 2
randomised algorithm 2
randomness 2
real data sets 2
real spontaneity 2
regression 2
related-key attack 2
related-randomness attack 2
revocable anonymity 2
rna - chemistry - genetics 2
rna binding 2
rna editing 2
rna secondary structures 2
rna, untranslated - chemistry - classification 2
rna, untranslated - chemistry - genetics 2
rna, untranslated - genetics 2
rna-seq 2
role activation 2
role based access control 2
runtimes 2
schnorr signature 2
secondary structure 2
secure browsing 2
security mediator 2
selective dissemination of information 2
self-management and autonomic networks 2
sequence analysis, rna - methods 2
sequence assembly 2
sequences 2
shared documents 2
short reads 2
side effects 2
signal transduction 2
signal transduction pathway 2
signatures 2
sliding window analysis 2
smart grids 2
smart router 2
smartcard 2
smartphone 2
splice junction 2
spliced alignment 2
spontaneity 2
spontaneous anonymous group signature 2
stacking pairs 2
static taint analysis 2
strong selective family 2
structural alignment 2
structural modelling 2
system biology 2
systems assurance 2
taint analysis 2
taint checking 2
tasirnas and natsirnas 2
task-based learning 2
text indexing 2
threshold proxy signature 2
threshold ring signature 2
threshold ring signatures 2
tissue specificity 2
total quality management 2
transaction patterns 2
transcriptome 2
unlinkability 2
user revocation 2
virtual reality 2
visualization 2
voice chat 2
water treatment system 2
wireless sensor networks 2
xpath 2
acoustic features 1
antibiotic resistance gene 1
attribute revocation 1
attribute-based encryption 1
authenticity and integrity 1
automatic anomalous sound detection (asd) 1
balance theory 1
biomarker discovery 1
c4.5 decision tree 1
card database 1
charm 1
chinese character embedding 1
chinese new word detection 1
chinese word boundary detection 1
community 1
compact private key 1
complex pseudoknot 1
consecutive vertex guard 1
contact tracing 1
cryptographic primitive 1
data confidentiality 1
dbscan 1
discrete cosine transforms 1
distributed machine learning 1
drug combination 1
drug–drug interaction 1
edge guard 1
encrypted gene expression profiles 1
enhanced incremental pca 1
exclusion-intersection encryption 1
federated learning 1
fog computing 1
fortress problem 1
fully homomorphic encryption 1
gall 1
genomic structural variation 1
heterogeneous features 1
image coding 1
image forensics 1
incentive mechanism 1
integer vector encryption 1
large universe 1
matrix completion 1
microbe-disease association 1
multi-key decryption 1
multi-key fully homomorphic encryption 1
multiple authorities 1
multiple classifier system 1
multiple encryption keys 1
network community 1
non-monopoly 1
nonnegative matrix factorization 1
oblivious data access 1
oblivious ram 1
offline/online abe 1
one-class classification 1
online/offline encryption 1
outsourced decryption 1
outsourced partitioned data 1
outsourcing decryption 1
pairings 1
partition oram 1
pattern recognition, automated 1
ppwap 1
privacy preserving data mining 1
privacy protection 1
privacy-preserving elastic net 1
privacy-preserving machine learning 1
private information retrieval 1
private set intersection cardinality 1
quantisation (signal) 1
region duplication 1
regularization 1
regulatory elements, transcriptional 1
release-time confidentiality 1
rna 1
rna -- structure. 1
rna, untranslated - chemistry 1
rna. 1
rnd efflux pumps 1
secure dot product 1
secure multiparty computation 1
semi-nonnegative matrix factorization 1
simple non-standard pseudoknot 1
skl 1
spectrum-temporal factors analysis 1
spin image 1
svd 1
svm 1
timed-release encryption 1
transcription factors - chemistry - metabolism 1
transcription factors/genetics 1
triple helix 1
unsupervised algorithm 1
verifiable computation 1
weak balance theory 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
engineering education 13
financial technology, inclusion, stability 10
artificial intelligence, diagnosing, fungal infections 6
bim square, construction logistics, hong kong, supply chain management 5
clinical diagnosis and case repository, genomic and pharmaceutical knowledge-based system 5
ad hoc network 4
clinical diagnosis and case repository, genomic and pharmaceutical knowledge-based 4
artificial intelligence, blockchain, financial technology, fintech, internet of things 3
blockchain 4.0, building information modeling, construction collaboration, construction informatics, industry foundation classes 3
cd41, leukemia, mll, prmt1, stem cell 3
forensics, key technologies, mobile internet 3
biological sequences, indexing data structures 2
block cipher, cryptanalysis, hash function, implementation, mac 2
blockchain-enhanced trade finance 2
bmi-1, jak-stat, leukemia, socs 2
contigs, genome assembly, reads, rna sequencing, sequence assembly 2
cryptographic schemes, delegation network 2
data sharing platform, privacy-preserving, public blockchain, secure, traitor tracing 2
forensic investigation, research problems on carving, tamper detection 2
(sc-enabled blockchain), enabled blockchain, secure computation 1
algorithms, phylogenetic network 1
big data, cloud storage, information search, mobile and cloud computing, security and privacy 1
biology, computational, molecular 1
disordered proteins, evolutionary rate, gene regulation, lineage specificity, tissue specificity 1
genomic studies, plant-environment interaction, sustainable agriculture and food security 1
rna secondary structure, structural alignment, structural prediction, tertiary interaction 1
1) data privacy 2) data engineering and security 3) network security 4) secure machine learning 5) secure data outsourcing 1
ecdsa, multi-signature, threshold signature, leakage-resilient signature, blockchain 1
secure and privacy-preserving data sharing platform, public blockchain,traitor tracing 1
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