Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
algorithms 5
dynamic programming 5
asynchronous data stream 4
communication 4
complex structure 4
compressed indexing 4
computational tools 4
data items 4
data stream 4
database 4
distributed data streams 4
dna-protein alignment 4
efficient data structures 4
error bound 4
frequent items 4
genetic disease 4
human chromosomes 4
human genomes 4
low coverage 4
metagenome assembly 4
parallel computing 4
quantiles 4
reads alignments 4
segmental duplications 4
simd 4
snp calling 4
structural variations 4
succinct data structure 4
technical speaking 4
accurate 3
approximation algorithms 3
binning 3
bounded-speed 3
fast annotation 3
maximum speed 3
metagenomic data analysis 3
multiple levels 3
new model 3
non-clairvoyant algorithms 3
on-line algorithms 3
2-trees 2
approximation results 2
assignment problems 2
asymptotic competitive ratio 2
asymptotic performance 2
bin packing 2
bin packing problem 2
bin packing problems 2
bounded degree graphs 2
bounded mean 2
call control 2
cellular network 2
color 2
coloring 2
competitive algorithms 2
competitive analysis 2
competitive ratio 2
complete binary tree 2
complexity 2
computational geometry 2
data mining 2
disks (machine components) 2
distributed algorithm 2
distributed algorithms 2
frequency division multiplexing 2
gap ratio 2
grid 2
hybrid algorithms 2
hypercube 2
image processing 2
integer parameters 2
lower bounds 2
maximal degree 2
median selection 2
message complexity 2
minimum vertex cover 2
network monitoring 2
one-way trading 2
online algorithms 2
online call control 2
packing algorithms 2
point insertion 2
pricing 2
seed-and-extend heuristic 2
sensitivity 2
sequence alignment 2
side length 2
square grid 2
square packings 2
streaming algorithms 2
tree node assignment 2
uniformity 2
whole genome aligment 2
wireless telecommunication systems 2
approximation 1
approximation ratio 1
bioinformatics 1
broadcasting 1
combinatorial optimization 1
competitive ratios 1
consensus 1
constrained maximum agreement subtrees 1
design of algorithms 1
evolutionary trees 1
greedy algorithms 1
maximum agreement subtree 1
maximum agreement subtrees 1
maximum independent set 1
nash equilibrium 1
non-preemptive scheduling 1
on-demand data broadcasting 1
on-demand data broadcasts 1
online algorithm 1
online batching systems 1
phylogenetic analysis 1
reduction 1
scheduling 1
square-free detection 1
squares 1
string processing 1
upper bounds 1
video-ondemand 1
wireless network 1
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