AuthorsNo. of Publications
ting, hf 63
yiu, sm 61
luo, r 43
sung, wk 42
chan, hl 32
wong, pwh 28
lee, lk 26
hon, wk 24
liu, cm 17
leung, hcm 15
li, r 14
tam, sl 13
wong, tkf 13
chan, wt 12
kao, my 12
to, kk 12
li, d 11
chan, sh 10
sadakane, k 9
li, y 8
to, ikk 8
wang, jj 8
wang, w 8
yu, c 8
zhang, y 8
luo, ruibang 7
shah, r 7
ye, y 7
cheung, dwl 6
chong, kw 6
law, wc 6
wong, ss 6
wong, wh 6
yan, b 6
leung, ws 5
liu, b 5
vitter, js 5
wang, j 5
wong, t 5
zhu, j 5
chan, py 4
cheung, bwy 4
koo, cy 4
li, yingrui 4
liu, ks 4
liu, x 4
mai, h 4
ngan, tw 4
su, j 4
wang, y 4
wong, ck 4
wu, y 4
au, ch 3
chan, jwt 3
chen, y 3
chong, ka wong 3
han, y 3
huang, s 3
huang, y 3
lee, lk 3
lee, npy 3
li, q 3
li, s 3
li, z 3
liu, binghang 3
lui, ww 3
luk, hm 3
luo, rb 3
mak, ks 3
ngan, twj 3
peng, s 3
shi, y 3
wang, b 3
wei, z 3
xin, y 3
yang, d 3
yue, fl 3
zhan, q 3
zhang, h 3
zhang, q 3
zheng, zx 3
zhu, x 3
ahmed, ss 2
chan, hl 2
chan, tl 2
chan, ws 2
chen, lei 2
cheung, dw 2
chin, fyl 2
chin, yo-lun, francis 2
chiu, ys 2
chow, kp 2
chrobak, m 2
edmonds, j 2
golin, m 2
he, g 2
he, guangzhu 2
ho, dn 2
ho, nl 2
ho, ws 2
hsu, by 2
huang, weihua 2
huynh, tnd 2
igarashi, y 2
jansson, j 2
kristiansen, k 2
lee, kh 2
li, zhenyu 2
lo, cm 2
lo, if 2
lu, n 2
ma, esk 2
man, k 2
ng, ktp 2
nogneng, d 2
ou, m 2
pruhs, k 2
schatz, mc 2
sham, pc 2
shi, yujian 2
su, jh 2
su, junhao 2
tam, a 2
tang, bsf 2
tang, jingbo 2
thankachan, sv 2
ting, hing fung 2
tsang, wai-wan 2
wang, j 2
wang, jun 2
wang, yd 2
wei, zhi 2
wong, cl 2
wong, kf 2
wu, b 2
wu, e 2
wu, e 2
wu, gengxiong 2
wu, h 2
xie, y 2
xie, yinlong 2
yang, h 2
yang, s 2
yang, w 2
yang, y 2
yiu, siu ming 2
yuan, j 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, p 2
zhang, x 2
zhao, j 2
zheng, z 2
zhou, y 2
agrawal, k 1
agrawal, kr 1
alexandrov, anton 1
an, n 1
avila-garcia, m 1
bai, y 1
bansal, n 1
baranay, paul 1
bechner, michael 1
birol, inan㧠1
blais, joseph edgar 1
boheler, kr 1
boisvert, sã©bastien 1
bolund, l 1
bradnam, keith r. 1
bruford, mw 1
cai, j 1
cai, q 1
cao, j 1
cao, x 1
chan, cmg 1
chan, esther wai yin 1
chan, hol 1
chan, kf 1
chan, kt 1
chan, my 1
chan, tl 1
chapman, jarrod a. 1
chapuis, guillaume 1
cheah, k 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, j 1
chen, l 1
chen, yanxiang 1
cheng, m 1
cheng, s 1
cheng, x 1
cheng, yb 1
cheung, clj 1
cheung, david w 1
cheung, david w. 1
cheung, j 1
cheung, yt 1
chikhi, rayan 1
chin, francis yl 1
chin, fy 1
chitsaz, hamidreza 1
choi, sw 1
choi, y 1
choi, yk 1
chong, cf 1
chong, kaw 1
chou, wen chi 1
chu, x 1
chu, xw 1
chui, celine sze ling 1
chui, william 1
chung, y 1
cook, k 1
corbeil, jacques 1
docking, roderick r. 1
dong, d 1
durbin, richard 1
earl, dent 1
edmunds, s 1
emrich, scott 1
fabbro, cristian del 1
fan, w 1
fan, x 1
fang, l 1
fang, x 1
fass, joseph n. 1
fedotov, pavel 1
fonseca, nuno a. 1
fu, y 1
ganapathy, ganeshkumar 1
gibbs, richard a. 1
gnerre, sante 1
godzaridis, ã lã©nie 1
goldstein, steve 1
gong, f 1
gong, t 1
gonzález-beltrán, a 1
gu, shengchang 1
gu, w 1
gu, yf 1
guo, x 1
guo, y 1
haimel, matthias 1
hall, giles 1
han, c 1
han, changlei 1
han, x 1
han, yijie 1
haussler, david 1
he, l 1
he, z 1
he, zq 1
hiatt, joseph b. 1
ho, isaac y. 1
ho, ws 1
hon, w 1
horst, e 1
hou, r 1
howard, jason 1
hu, w 1
hu, y 1
huang, q 1
huang, w 1
hunt, martin 1
ieong, s 1
jackman, shaun d. 1
jaffe, david b. 1
jarvis, erich d. 1
jian, m 1
jiang, huaiyang 1
jiang, y 1
jiang, z 1
kaliyaperumal, r 1
kao, ben 1
kao, mingyang 1
karkeung, to 1
kazakov, sergey 1
kersey, paul j. 1
kitzman, jacob o. 1
knight, james r. 1
ko, wm 1
koren, sergey 1
kosiol, c 1
ku, th 1
kuang, m 1
kung, hf 1
kwong, a 1
lam, byh 1
lam, tty 1
lam, tty 1
lan, f 1
lao, hy 1
lavenier, dominique 1
laviolette, franã§ois 1
lee, marco 1
lee, sd 1
lee, t 1
lee, yl 1
leung, aw 1
leung, aws 1
leung, c-m 1
leung, cm 1
leung, fcc 1
leung, kss 1
leung, ms 1
li, b 1
li, cx 1
li, dinghua 1
li, g 1
li, h 1
li, j 1
li, l 1
li, m 1
li, p 1
li, rq 1
li, shengkang 1
li, sm 1
li, tkt 1
li, zh 1
liang, h 1
liao, x 1
liao, xiangke 1
lin, celia jiaxi 1
lin, g 1
lin, h 1
lin, m 1
lin, r 1
lin, s 1
liu, c-m 1
liu, chi man 1
liu, g 1
liu, guangming 1
liu, h 1
liu, q 1
liu, s 1
liu, shanlin 1
liu, y 1
liu, yong 1
liu, yue 1
liu, yunjie 1
lo, ifm 1
lo, k 1
lu, hongjun 1
lu, j 1
lu, jl 1
lu, y 1
lu, yao 1
lu, z 1
luk, jmc 1
luo, rb 1
luo, t 1
ma, ccc 1
ma, kk 1
ma, l 1
ma, r 1
ma, w 1
maccallum, iain 1
macmanes, matthew d. 1
maillet, nicolas 1
marchetti-spaccamela, a 1
marchettispaccamela, a 1
melnikov, sergey 1
min, j 1
mok, mt 1
mu, b 1
mui, yc 1
naquin, delphine 1
ng, ttl 1
ni, p 1
nie, w 1
nielsen, r 1
ning, zemin 1
olson, m 1
otto, thomas d. 1
pan, j 1
pan, q 1
pan, qi 1
paten, benedict 1
patterson, jordan 1
paulo, octã¡vio s. 1
peng, shaoliang 1
peng, z 1
peng, zy 1
phillippy, adam m. 1
pina-martins, francisco 1
place, michael 1
poon, en 1
poon, rtp 1
przybylski, dariusz 1
przytycka, teresa m 1
qian, w 1
qin, n 1
qin, xiang 1
qu, carson 1
qu, n 1
ren, x 1
ren, y 1
ribeiro, filipe j. 1
richards, stephen 1
rocca-serra, p 1
rokhsar, daniel s. 1
rosenfeld, r 1
ross, m 1
ruan, j 1
ruby, j. graham 1
ruzzo, walter l 1
ryder, oa 1
sadakane, kunihiko 1
sansone, s 1
scalabrin, simone 1
schatz, michael c. 1
schwartz, david c. 1
sedlazeck, fj 1
sergushichev, alexey 1
shan, g 1
sharpe, ted 1
shaw, timothy i. 1
shek, hp 1
shen, f 1
shendure, jay 1
shi, z 1
simpson, jared t. 1
siu, david chung-wah 1
siu, gkh 1
smith, dk 1
song, henry 1
steiner, cc 1
sun, x 1
sung, wingkin 1
tam, kkg 1
tan, yq 1
tang, c-i 1
tang, cy 1
tang, j 1
teng, ll 1
thankachan, s 1
thompson, m 1
tian, f 1
tian, g 1
tian, j 1
tian, s 1
ting, hingfung 1
tiwari, prasoon 1
to, kar keung 1
tompa, martin 1
tong, tm 1
tsang, wai wan 1
tsang, ww 1
tsarev, fedor 1
tse, wl 1
vezzi, francesco 1
vicedomini, riccardo 1
vieira, bruno m. 1
vinar, t 1
wan, eric yuk fai 1
wan, kl 1
wang, bo 1
wang, bq 1
wang, g 1
wang, h 1
wang, jian 1
wang, ksh 1
wang, m 1
wang, p 1
wang, s 1
wang, x 1
wang, yx 1
wei, f 1
wen, m 1
wong, c 1
wong, c-l 1
wong, emmanuel 1
wong, eyl 1
wong, gane ka shu 1
wong, gks 1
wong, ian chi kei 1
wong, mp 1
wong, p 1
wong, pw 1
wong, s 1
wong, sck 1
wong, vincent 1
wong, y-s 1
wong, yl 1
wong, ys 1
woo, pcy 1
wu, emk 1
wu, g 1
wu, j 1
wu, q 1
wu, z 1
xiaoqian, zhu 1
xie, py 1
xie, x 1
xiong, y 1
xu, a 1
xu, f 1
xu, l 1
xu, xun 1
xuan, z 1
yam, wc 1
yamashita, hiroshi 1
yang, g 1
yang, huanming 1
yang, z 1
yao, h 1
ye, c 1
yee, p 1
yim, tch 1
yu, chang 1
yu, h 1
yu, hj 1
yu, qiuyan 1
yuan, jianying 1
yue, fung ling 1
zhang, d 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, hao 1
zhang, t 1
zhang, w 1
zhang, wq 1
zhang, z 1
zhao, k 1
zhao, ky 1
zhao, s 1
zheng, h 1
zheng, y 1
zheng, zhenxian 1
zhi, w 1
zhou, b 1
zhou, bo 1
zhou, d 1
zhou, t 1
zhou, xin 1
zhou, yekai 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, w 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
algorithms 11
cardiovascular diseases 8
machine learning 8
recurrent cardiovascular events 8
risk prediction score 8
genomics 7
pathogen detection 7
assembly 6
cd274 6
cell adhesion molecules 6
hfe 6
intragraft gene expression profiles 6
liver graft injury 6
liver transplantation 6
metagenomics 6
antimicrobial resistance prediction 5
binding energy 5
cdh17 5
cdh17/β-catenin axis 5
compositional analysis 5
conserved sequence - genetics 5
deep learning 5
dna microarray 5
dynamic programming 5
evolution, molecular 5
hcc 5
minion long reads 5
motif finding 5
multiple sequence alignment 5
online algorithms 5
sequence alignment - methods 5
sequence analysis, dna - methods 5
spink1 5
transcription factor 5
abundance detection 4
animals 4
approximate algorithms 4
asynchronous data stream 4
base sequence 4
bioinformatics 4
bounded-speed 4
china 4
chromosome mapping - methods 4
communication 4
competitive algorithms 4
competitive analysis 4
complex structure 4
compressed indexing 4
computational tools 4
contig 4
contig mapping 4
data items 4
data stream 4
database 4
de bruijn graph 4
decision tree 4
deterministic algorithms 4
diet - veterinary 4
distributed data streams 4
dna-protein alignment 4
dogs 4
edit distance 4
efficient data structures 4
error bound 4
error correction 4
female 4
fertility - genetics - physiology 4
flow time 4
frequent items 4
gap-filling 4
gene-disease association 4
genetic disease 4
genome 4
genome - genetics 4
heterozygote 4
hidden markov model 4
human chromosomes 4
human genomes 4
humans 4
linear spaces 4
literature mining 4
low coverage 4
maximum speed 4
metagenome assembly 4
metrics 4
molecular sequence data 4
multigene family - genetics 4
next generation sequencing 4
ngs 4
online catalog 4
parallel computing 4
phylogenetic analysis 4
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 4
progressive alignment 4
quantiles 4
read alignment 4
reads alignments 4
receptors, g-protein-coupled - genetics 4
relation extraction 4
scaffold 4
secondary structure prediction 4
segmental duplications 4
sequence alignment 4
sequence analysis, dna 4
shotgun metagenomic sequencing 4
simd 4
snp calling 4
space complexity 4
speed scaling 4
structural variations 4
succinct data structure 4
synteny - genetics 4
targeted gene 4
technical speaking 4
tree optimization 4
ursidae - classification - genetics - physiology 4
variant calling 4
accurate 3
algorithm 3
alternative splicing - genetics 3
alternative splicing pattern 3
article 3
artificial intelligence 3
assembly-free approach 3
asynchronous data streams 3
bartonella quintana 3
bert 3
binning 3
biological evolution 3
biomedical question answering 3
bwt 3
cardiac development and function 3
competitive ratio 3
computer program 3
computer simulation 3
computer-aided design 3
computers 3
conserved gene pairs 3
conserved genes 3
data integration 3
deadline scheduling 3
diabetic nephropathy 3
distance-based reconstruction 3
dna mutational analysis - methods 3
dna sequence 3
dynamic speed scaling 3
energy 3
energy efficiency 3
ests 3
etiologic diagnosis 3
exons - genetics 3
expressed sequences 3
fast annotation 3
flow-time 3
gene expression - genetics 3
gene regulatory network 3
genome-wide association study 3
gestational age 3
gpu 3
guide trees 3
heart valve 3
high throughput sequencing 3
hpc 3
human genome 3
human references 3
illumina miseq 3
imputation 3
indexing data structure 3
infective endocarditis 3
introns - genetics 3
job migration 3
linguistics 3
lncrnas 3
long non-coding rnas 3
long reads 3
mathematics computers 3
metagenomic data analysis 3
micrornas 3
mirnas 3
models, genetic 3
models, molecular 3
multiple levels 3
multiprocessor scheduling 3
mutation 3
mutations 3
new model 3
non-clairvoyant algorithms 3
non-clairvoyant scheduling 3
novel sequences 3
numerical encoding 3
online scheduling 3
phylogenetic network 3
phylogenetic trees 3
phylogeny 3
potential analysis 3
power management 3
power saving 3
preterm birth 3
quantitative trait loci - genetics 3
regulatory interactions 3
resource augmentation 3
rna splice sites - genetics 3
scheduling 3
secondary analysis 3
sequence analysis 3
sequence analysis - methods 3
sequence analysis, protein - methods 3
sequence analysis, rna 3
short read alignment 3
single-nucleotide polymorphisms 3
sleep management 3
sliding window 3
software 3
text mining 3
transcription factors 3
translation (languages) 3
ultra-low-coverage whole genome sequencing 3
ultrametric galled network 3
web organization 3
weighted flow time 3
whole genome alignment 3
whole-exome sequencing 3
whole-genome seqeuncing 3
004.35 c53 2
004.53 t87 2
affine gap 2
algorithms. 2
all-cavity matchings 2
all-cavity maximum weight matchings 2
amino acid sequence 2
analysis of algorithms and problem complexity 2
ann 2
antibiotic resistance 2
approximate pattern matching 2
approximate string matching 2
approximation algorithm 2
approximation algorithms 2
arrival time 2
artificial neural network 2
assessment 2
at-speed 2
base pairing 2
basic operation 2
biomedical literature 2
biomedical relation extraction 2
cancer genomics 2
cell cycle pathway construction 2
clinical decision support 2
compass 2
competitive ratios 2
compressed index 2
compressed suffix tree 2
compression 2
computational biology 2
computational biology - methods 2
computational biology and bioinformatics 2
computational complexity 2
computer programming 2
conserved sequence 2
construcion 2
copy number variation 2
corresponding gene embeddings 2
current speed 2
d-dimensional grids 2
data compression - methods 2
databases, genetic 2
databases, protein 2
dictionary matching 2
different sizes 2
disgenet platform 2
distributed data sources 2
dna - chemistry 2
dna - genetics 2
domain-specific language models 2
duplication detection 2
energy cost 2
energy efficient 2
energy minimization 2
energy saving 2
energy usages 2
energy-aware systems 2
evolutionary trees 2
extra-resource augmentation 2
flow times 2
full text indexing 2
fusion genes 2
gene regulation 2
genetic variation 2
genome assembly 2
genome instability 2
genome, human 2
genome, human - genetics 2
genomic sequence 2
graph algorithms 2
heterozygosity 2
indexing with errors 2
internet 2
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 2
job scheduling 2
job size 2
job-shop scheduling 2
label compressions 2
level-2 neighbours 2
local structural alignment 2
lower bound 2
lower bounds 2
lung adenocarcinoma 2
mapk pathway 2
mapk pathway construction 2
maximum weight matchings 2
mdr-tb 2
memory efficient algorithm 2
memory requirements 2
minimum weight covers 2
mixed trees 2
multi processor scheduling 2
multi-platform sequencing data 2
multi-processors 2
n50 2
nanopore minion 2
nni distance 2
non-coding rna 2
non-shared edge distance 2
nonclairvoyant scheduling 2
noncoding rnas 2
novel tandem duplication detection 2
nucleic acid conformation 2
nucleotides - chemistry - genetics 2
on-line algorithms 2
on-line flow 2
online computation 2
online problems 2
online scheduling algorithm 2
online scheduling algorithms 2
overall survival prediction 2
oxford nanopore sequencing 2
pair-aware representation 2
parallel algorithms (computer science) 2
parallel programming (computer science) 2
parity tests 2
pathway construction 2
pattern mathching 2
pattern recognition, automated - methods 2
phylogenetic tree 2
point enclosure queries 2
pre-emptive scheduling 2
protein pathway 2
protein pathway construction 2
pseudoknot 2
pseudoknots 2
pubmed website 2
r-sequences 2
randomised algorithm 2
randomized algorithm 2
real data sets 2
rejection penalty 2
ribonucleases - analysis - chemistry 2
rna - chemistry - genetics 2
rna secondary structures 2
rna, untranslated - chemistry - classification 2
rna, untranslated - chemistry - genetics 2
rna, untranslated - genetics 2
rna-seq 2
scaffolds 2
secondary structure 2
seed-and-extend heuristic 2
selection 2
sensitivity 2
sequence analysis, rna - methods 2
sequence assembly 2
sequence homology 2
sequences 2
sequencing and scheduling 2
short reads 2
signal transduction 2
signal transduction pathway 2
software computers 2
somatic mutations 2
splice junction 2
spliced alignment 2
stacking pairs 2
stretch 2
string matching 2
structural alignment 2
structural variant (sv) calling 2
sv genotyping 2
sv phasing 2
system biology 2
text indexing 2
theory of computing mathematics 2
third-generation sequencing 2
triangular attention 2
unfolded graphs 2
unrooted trees 2
variant-disease associations 2
whole genome aligment 2
alphabet size 1
approximability 1
approximate queries 1
biconnectivity 1
bin packing 1
bounded gap 1
cache-oblivious 1
competitiveness 1
compressed suffix array 1
connected components 1
data compression 1
data structures 1
dictionary problem 1
dynamic dictionaries 1
earliest deadline first 1
edge ranking 1
erew pram 1
extra-resource analysis 1
firm deadline scheduling 1
fm-index 1
graph labeling algorithms 1
i/o model 1
indexing 1
information science and information theory and abstracting and indexing services 1
maximum matching 1
measurement 1
minimum spanning trees 1
monotone matrix 1
nc 1
new indices 1
np-completeness 1
optimal edge ranking 1
optimal node ranking 1
parallel algorithms 1
pattern matching 1
perfect matching 1
performance 1
pram 1
sparsification technique 1
stabbing query 1
suffix trees 1
theory 1
time complexity 1
two-dimensional information retrieval 1
verification 1
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