AuthorsNo. of Publications
li, y 16
yang, y 15
yang, zy 15
yang, z 14
he, x 8
hu, y 8
wang, y 8
wang, yz 8
ye, r 8
lian, ll 7
ren, t 7
wang, z 7
zhou, j 7
lin, senyuan 6
liu, hao 6
wu, changchun 6
chen, mz 5
hu, yn 5
lian, l 5
sze, ws 5
tse, wc 5
chen, x 4
huang, h 4
liu, h 4
siegel, m 4
tang, l 4
chan, kw 3
chen, z 3
he, xj 3
li, yq 3
liu, cy 3
liu, d 3
ng, ct 3
petriu, em 3
wang, s 3
wei, y 3
zhang, c 3
chang, u 2
choi, sh 2
di lecce, v 2
ferrari, s 2
fu, y 2
gao, z 2
gibson, i 2
guerriero, a 2
jiang, p 2
lam, j 2
li, yunquan 2
lin, sy 2
liu, y 2
lu, j 2
nan, z 2
song, y 2
wu, cc 2
xiong, c 2
yau, wp 2
zhang, r 2
zhang, w 2
alippi, c 1
andria, g 1
chen, mzq 1
chen, mzq 1
chen, r 1
chen, wenbin 1
cheng, acs 1
di, w 1
efe, mo 1
el saddik, a 1
fish, f 1
flu, y 1
gu, g 1
hackett, j 1
hu, y 1
hu, yong 1
huang, rc 1
iida, f 1
kaynak, o 1
kwok, hy 1
lam, e 1
lam, tl 1
lee, hm 1
leung, ccy 1
leung, dyc 1
leung, tm 1
li, d 1
li, hx 1
li, jx 1
li, peimin 1
li, y 1
li, yj 1
li, yujia 1
liang, jb 1
lin, s 1
liu, c 1
liu, chenlong 1
liu, j 1
liu, q 1
liu, qy 1
liu, yh 1
lou, vivian wq 1
lu, jt 1
luk, kdk 1
luo, j 1
ma, mc 1
majidi, c 1
mak, jnf 1
or, calvin kl 1
pasquale, c 1
payeur, p 1
pei, ja 1
peng, j 1
ping, z 1
piuri, v 1
qian, jj 1
ren, tao 1
ruspini, e 1
scotti, f 1
siu, kl 1
sivakesava, s 1
su, x 1
sun, k 1
sun, w 1
tan, st 1
tang, lb 1
wang, d 1
wang, k 1
wang, l 1
wang, my 1
wang, zg 1
wong, mh 1
wong, rsc 1
wong, wkr 1
xi, ning 1
xia, jiutian 1
xie, y 1
xiong, caihua 1
xu, b 1
xu, by 1
xu, m 1
xu, th 1
xu, zn 1
xubin, s 1
yang, sx 1
ye, rh 1
yin, gf 1
yin, xl 1
yu, x 1
yuan, hy 1
yuan, wb 1
zhao, q 1
zhao, zl 1
zhou, z 1
zhou, zd 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
variable stiffness 7
soft robotics 6
elastomer-constrained flat tube actuator 5
rehabilitation 5
skin motion measurement 5
soft robotic glove 5
wearable robot 5
anthropomorphic robotic arm 3
build orientation 3
cam-slider 3
climbing iron 3
compliant robot 3
conductive elastomer 3
exercise tolerance - physiology 3
flexion-relaxation ratio 3
grasping durability 3
grasping robustness 3
haptic device 3
humanoid robotic hand 3
in-pipe robot 3
inspection planning 3
layer-based machining 3
low back pain 3
low back pain - diagnosis - physiopathology - rehabilitation 3
modular robot 3
multifingered hands 3
muscle, skeletal - anatomy and histology - physiopathology 3
one-motor robot 3
passive particle jamming 3
physical therapy modalities - trends 3
postural balance - physiology 3
rapid prototyping 3
robot hand design and control 3
robotic gripper 3
shape memory polymer 3
sitting 3
soft actuator 3
soft grippers 3
soft robot applications 3
surface electromyography 3
surgical robot 3
tree climbing 3
twisting tube actuation 3
untethered fluidic actuation 3
walking robot 3
wearable robotics 3
acceleration planning 2
accessibility 2
accessibility analysis 2
actuators 2
articulated needle 2
attributed adjacency graph 2
bellows 2
bendable 2
bevel-tip 2
bio-inspired gait 2
bioinspired robotic finger 2
bone fragments 2
catalyst 2
cmm 2
collision detection 2
computer-aided orthopaedic surgery 2
controllable actuation 2
convex hull 2
coordinate measuring machine 2
differential drive particle jamming 2
dual-mode actuator 2
dynamic control 2
end effectors 2
ergonomics 2
fber reinforcement 2
feature interaction 2
feature recognition 2
femur fracture reduction 2
force 2
full-car model 2
function evaluation 2
gas residence time 2
gas yield 2
haptic 2
haptic modeling 2
haptic rendering 2
haptic shape modeling 2
haptics 2
humanoid robot 2
hvcmm 2
hybrid mechanism 2
inerter 2
intuitive grasping control 2
kinematics 2
layered manufacturing 2
minimum invasive surgery 2
multi-materials 2
nc machining 2
needle insertion 2
network synthesis 2
numerical control machining 2
particle jamming 2
pneumatic actuators 2
pneumatic soft actuator 2
position control 2
precharged pneumatics 2
product design 2
product development 2
pyrolysis 2
quarter-car model 2
rehabilitation robotics 2
reverse engineering 2
robot efficiency 2
robot kinematics 2
robot sensing systems 2
robot-assisted surgery 2
semi-active suspension 2
shape memory 2
shock absorption 2
soft actuators 2
soft robot 2
soft robotic gripper 2
soft robots 2
steering 2
stiffness variation 2
support structure design 2
tele-operation 2
tendon control 2
tire 2
untethered soft robot 2
variable stiffness gripper 2
velocity planning 2
virtual prototyping 2
3d printing 1
acoustics 1
amphibous robotic dog 1
arc welding 1
bearing selection 1
behavioral sciences 1
bellow actuation 1
bending 1
bidirectional bending deformation 1
bioassay 1
bioinspired 1
biomechanics 1
bionic mechanism design 1
botic dog 1
boundary smoothing 1
buckling 1
build direction 1
cable driven 1
calibration 1
caos 1
collision-free path planning 1
compliant mechanism 1
compliant mechanisms 1
compliant needle 1
computer aided design 1
computer assisted orthopedic surgery 1
computer-aided manufacturing 1
conceptual design 1
control simulation 1
controllable flexible trunk 1
customization 1
decomposition 1
deformable object 1
design concept 1
direct fabrication 1
double acting soft actuator 1
double chamber 1
dynamic subdivision 1
energy efficiency 1
excretion 1
fdm 1
feature extraction 1
femur shaft fracture 1
femur shaft fracture reduction 1
fermentation 1
fillet welding 1
fine surface feature 1
finite element method 1
flexible needle 1
force model 1
force transmission ratio 1
friction 1
fuzzy decision making 1
fuzzy reasoning 1
fuzzy systems 1
geometric modeling 1
golden section 1
grasping demonstration 1
grippers and other end effectors 1
haptic evaluation 1
haptic guidance 1
haptic interface 1
haptic painting 1
haptic simulation 1
haptic virtual coordinate measuring machine 1
hegf 1
helical motion 1
hole filling 1
hybrid robot 1
impact resistance 1
jamming transition 1
joint clearance 1
laser technique 1
machining simulation 1
magnetic field 1
magnetic head 1
manufacturability 1
manufacturability analysis 1
mass customisation 1
mass customization 1
mechanical engineering design 1
metal part 1
model reconstruction 1
modeling 1
motion control 1
multi-hinge compliant needle 1
multi-material 1
multi-material product design 1
navigation 1
nc toolpath optimisation 1
neural network 1
non-assembly mechanism 1
non-assembly mechanisms 1
nurbs spline 1
optical waveguide 1
optimal build direction 1
optimization 1
over-moulding 1
paddling gaitro 1
painting system 1
passive jamming 1
path following 1
path planning 1
pneumatic actuator 1
position sensor 1
potential energy 1
power transmission 1
pre-charged pneumatics 1
pre-folded flat tube actuator 1
pressure sensor 1
process planning 1
prosthetic knee joint 1
quadruped robot 1
rapid fabrication 1
rapid product development 1
reasoning system 1
resistance coefficient 1
robot assisted surgery 1
robot joint 1
robot machining 1
robot path planning 1
robot simulation 1
robot-assisted fracture reduction 1
robotic hand 1
robotic palm 1
robotic simulation 1
robotics 1
rough machining 1
run-length encoding 1
scaffold reinforcement 1
sculptured surface machining 1
segmentation 1
selective laser melting 1
self-pumping 1
serial and parallel robot 1
shape 1
shape adaptiveness 1
shear thickening fluid 1
six-degree-of-freedom (6-dof) 1
sliding mode 1
small-beads 1
soft gripper 1
soft material robotics 1
soft pump 1
soft quadrupedal robot 1
solid modelling 1
spatial run-length encoding 1
stiffness 1
stiffness modulation 1
stl 1
stl file 1
strain 1
support material removal 1
surface roughness 1
surgical simulation 1
suture 1
tactile property perception 1
tendon-driven robots 1
tensile strain 1
tensile test 1
texture 1
titling display 1
tool path generation 1
tool path planning 1
topology 1
trajectory tracking 1
triangulation 1
trotting gait 1
ultrasonic 1
underwater wet arc welding 1
unfolding flat tube actuation 1
universal grippers 1
untethered 1
untethered soft robotics 1
untethered system 1
virtual assembly 1
virtual design 1
virtual machining 1
virtual reality 1
virtual tele-operation 1
virtual teleoperation 1
visibility pyramid 1
volume representation 1
volume sculpting 1
vrml 1
welder diver training 1
welder training 1
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