Name Card
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Emeritus Professor Malpas, John Graham 麥培思

Special Advisor
Chair of Earth Sciences
Special Advisor on Estate Matters




Professor John Malpas has been appointed as the President of Centennial College from 1 April 2013. Before joining the College, Professor Malpas was Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) from December 2000 with the portfolio of planning and resources. Subsequently he was responsible for HKU’s infrastructure and development. Professor Malpas had oversight of the development, formulation and implementation of HKU's Strategic Plan and its coordination with the Faculties and their Development Plans. Whilst still coordinating University-wide medium to long-term strategic projects, Professor Malpas was also responsible for HKU’s infrastructure and development, including IT and management information, estates, health and safety issues.

Professor Malpas was the founding Chair Professor of Earth Sciences at HKU (1995-2013) and the Department’s first Head (1995-2000). He is now Emeritus Professor of HKU. He obtained undergraduate, Master's and Doctor of Science degrees from Oxford University and MSc and PhD degrees from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts in 2013. Before coming to Hong Kong in 1995, he was Professor of Earth Sciences and Dean of Graduate Studies at Memorial University. His major areas of research interest are the origin and evolution of the Earth's oceans, the formation of mountain belts, earth system science and geochemistry, and his work has been recognised through a number of national and international awards and medals. He has been a member of the Canadian Institute of Advanced Research, the National Research Council of Canada’s Committee on International Science, Engineering and Technology, President of the Geological Association of Canada, and a leader of the Ocean Drilling Program. He was a member of the HKSAR University Grants Committee between 2007 and 2014.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2004-06-01Outstanding Researcher Award: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
1994-05-01Michael J. Keen, Medal of the Geological Association of Canada. Awarded for outstanding scientific contributions to the Marive geosciences in Canada and elsewhere: Michael J. Keen, Medal of the Geological Association of Canada. Awarded for outstanding scientific contributions to the Marive geosciences in Canada and elsewhere
Research Achievement
2006-11-01Award for contributions to understanding the geology of Cyprus (1st ever awardee): Government of the Republic of Cyprus
Research Achievement
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