Periodontology and Implant Dentistry of the Faculty of Dentistry

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
cheung, lk 559
lang, np 491
leung, wk 349
jin, l 276
jin, lj 225
corbet, ef 151
mattheos, n 116
samman, n 102
samaranayake, lp 96
tideman, h 85
brägger, u 80
tonetti, maurizio s. 69
pelekos, g 68
watt, rm 60
salvi, ge 56
lo, j 55
zhang, c 55
ma, l 52
mombelli, a 52
zheng, l 51
chua, hdp 50
tonetti, m 48
tonetti, ms 46
seneviratne, cj 43
wong, mcm 39
pow, ehn 35
tonetti, m. s. 35
darveau, rp 33
mcmillan, as 31
pjetursson, be 31
tonetti, maurizio 31
acharya, a 30
yang, y 29
cortellini, pierpaolo 28
soder, po 28
mcgrath, cpj 27
botticelli, d 26
cheng, t 26
zee, ky 26
hämmerle, chf 25
joss, a 25
bürgin, w 24
kwong, dlw 24
lo, ecm 24
soder, b 24
wang, cy 24
deng, ke 23
lu, q 23
sanz, m 23
wang, y 23
yiu, kh 23
zwahlen, m 23
zheng, lw 22
zwahlen, ra 22
buser, d 21
cortellini, p 21
attström, r 20
fokas, g 20
tonetti, m. 20
gusberti, fa 19
you, m 19
zhao, d 19
fourmousis, i 18
jin, lijian 18
leung, kcm 18
li, x 18
tarce, mihai 18
chan, yk 17
d'aiuto, francesco 17
li, x 17
ng, sks 17
persson, gr 17
tse, hf 17
bosshardt, dd 16
jayaratne, ysn 16
zhen, z 16
bendeus, sam 15
cortellini, p. 15
donos, n 15
graziani, f 15
lai, sml 15
löe, h 15
mcgrath, c 15
yau, jyy 15
deng, k 14
dissanayaka, wl 14
ivanovski, s 14
leung, wai keung 14
mo, s 14
ren, l 14
söder, b 14
wang, c 14
wang, y 14
botelho, mg 13
hämmerle, ch 13
nattestad, a 13
siu, sc 13
yeung, wka 13
cheung, bpk 12
chiu, wk 12
lam, olt 12
lindhe, j 12
mok, tmy 12
rabie, abm 12
ramseier, ca 12
salata, la 12
sun, h 12
bragger, u 11
chai, l 11
d'aiuto, f. 11
fok, mr 11
graziani, filippo 11
kornman, ks 11
leung, myy 11
li, p 11
loo, wty 11
ow, a 11
schmid, j 11
bandara, hmhn 10
berglundh, t 10
cheung, mnb 10
chiu, gkc 10
chu, ch 10
chu, fcs 10
goh, v 10
heitzmayfield, lja 10
huynhba, g 10
jepsen, s 10
leung, yy 10
luk, wk 10
nibali, luigi 10
nieri, michele 10
parkar, m. 10
pelekos, george 10
schmidlin, k 10
schätzle, m 10
tan, wc 10
wang, s 10
wang, x 10
zhang, q 10
boysen, h 9
brecx, mc 9
cairo, francesco 9
cao, cf 9
chang, rcc 9
chow, rlk 9
comfort, mb 9
goto, t 9
ho, kl 9
karring, t 9
lau, cs 9
leung, kcf 9
li, h 9
liao, c 9
liu, x 9
loos, bruno g. 9
luo, w 9
mcbride, bc 9
nibali, l 9
nyman, s 9
seneviratne, cj 9
suvan, jean 9
wang, m 9
weber, hp 9
whitehill, tl 9
wong, mcm 9
wong, rms 9
wong, ssw 9
bridges, sm 8
burrow, mf 8
caneva, m 8
chong, mm 8
herrera, d 8
kheur, s 8
lacap-bugler, dc 8
li, j 8
li, s 8
lin, y 8
liu, hn 8
lulic, m 8
rasperini, g 8
rijkschroeff, patrick 8
suvan, j 8
tan, sk 8
tipoe, gl 8
tong, ack 8
wallkamm, b 8
wang, r 8
ab malik, nb 7
brett, p. m. 7
cairo, f 7
chen, y 7
cheng, tianfan 7
chow, tw 7
dyson, je 7
fung, ml 7
gabriele, mario 7
gao, w 7
gao, x 7
gerber, c 7
goh, victor 7
goto, tk 7
gu, m 7
hariri, f 7
klinge, b 7
lai, hongchang 7
leung, pc 7
li, lsw 7
nedlich, u 7
nibali, l. 7
nicopouloukarayianni, k 7
nicu, elena a. 7
pang, m 7
schmid, b 7
shi, junyu 7
sutter, f 7
suvan, je 7
söder, po 7
yao, j 7
yeung, rwk 7
yu, xl 7
zhuang, l 7
abiko, y 6
carnevale, gianfranco 6
cei, silvia 6
cheung, gsp 6
chow, lk 6
chronopoulos, v 6
darveau, r 6
davies, wir 6
ding, p 6
geering, ah 6
greenwell, h 6
ho, ys 6
huang, r 6
lai, hc 6
lai, ia 6
lang-hua, bh 6
leung, cfk 6
li, h 6
li, jp 6
liong, ec 6
matuliene, g 6
olah, aj 6
pantani, f 6
pini prato, g. 6
quirynen, marc 6
ren, c 6
schittek janda, m 6
schürch jr, e 6
sculean, a 6
shen, gf 6
sun, z 6
tang, ath 6
tsang, pcs 6
wan, cp 6
xu, a 6
yam, wc 6
yau, yy 6
yu, x 6
ziebolz, d 6
ånerud, å 6
aglietta, m 5
cafiero, c 5
chan, awk 5
chapple, i 5
chapple, ilc 5
cheung, l 5
chow, lwc 5
chung, kh 5
clark, rkf 5
de bruyn, h 5
dietrich, t 5
donos, nikolaos 5
fok, melissa rachel 5
gehr, p 5
gmür, r 5
griffiths, gareth s. 5
hannam, pm 5
hargreaves, km 5
herath mudiyanselage, tdkh 5
herath, tdk 5
ho, dkl 5
hsung, tc 5
jacobs, reinhilde 5
karoussis, ik 5
kinane, df 5
lan, x 5
lang, n 5
li, hj 5
li, yuan 5
madianos, p 5
mcnabb, h 5
mohamad yatim, s 5
nyman, sr 5
papapanou, pn 5
parkar, mohamed 5
pini prato, giovanpaolo 5
pjetursson, b 5
ready, derren 5
renvert, s 5
rutar, a 5
scala, a 5
schittek, m 5
schmalz, g 5
schoonheimklein, m 5
shapira, l 5
shen, sg 5
siegrist, be 5
song, yq 5
sun, q 5
suvan, j. 5
tan, k 5
tang, h 5
tarce, m. 5
teughels, wim 5
tonetti, maurizio s 5
topoll, h 5
uitto, vj 5
weigel, c 5
wen, p 5
yeung, skw 5
yu, r 5
zhang, f 5
zitzmann, nu 5
ab malik, n 4
abrahamsson, i 4
adriaens, p 4
asman, b 4
bessho, k 4
bressan, e 4
brett, peter m. 4
burkhardt, r 4
bürgin, wb 4
caffesse, rg 4
cecchinato, d 4
chan, acn 4
chan, y 4
chan, ym 4
chen, a 4
cheng, rhw 4
chua, dtt 4
chua, hd 4
claffey, n 4
d'aiuto, f 4
deng, y 4
donos, n. 4
du, mi 4
dubravec, d 4
ferrus, j 4
fonzar, a 4
frey, j 4
giannobile, wv 4
gogolewski, s 4
goo, cl 4
gopalakrishnan, d 4
griffiths, g. s. 4
guerrero, adrian 4
han, j 4
heitzmayfield, l 4
ho, smy 4
hofer, d 4
hummert, t 4
jayatilake, jams 4
jepsen, søren 4
kei, lh 4
koshy, g 4
lam, kf 4
laurell, lars 4
lehmann, b 4
li, an 4
li, c 4
li, ky 4
li, m 4
liu, jks 4
loe, h 4
matarasso, s 4
matsuo, k 4
mayfield, l 4
meng, h 4
mervelt, jana 4
minder, ce 4
moles, david r. 4
movva, lr 4
needleman, i 4
ng, chc 4
ng, dkc 4
ng, st 4
ong, j 4
parahitiyawa, nb 4
pini-prato, g. 4
polychronopoulou, a 4
prato, giovanpaolo pini 4
samaranayake, l 4
samaranayake, yh 4
sanz, mariano 4
seneviratne, c 4
seymour, gj 4
silvestri, m 4
smith, fn 4
song, y 4
su, y 4
sun, w 4
syed, sa 4
tam, ck 4
tam, jow 4
vangsted, t 4
walmsley, ad 4
walter, c 4
wang, ph 4
wang, rph 4
wen, ping 4
wetzel, ac 4
wong, lls 4
wong, rwk 4
wu, m 4
xu, j 4
xu, xiaoyi 4
xu, xy 4
yang, h 4
yang, yz 4
yao, jilong 4
yao, jl 4
yeung, awk 4
yip, ihs 4
yu, rong 4
yu, sy 4
zhang, hx 4
zhang, wb 4
zhang, xiao 4
zheng, y 4
zhou, sy 4
zhuang, lf 4
attstrom, r 3
baffone, gm 3
belser, uc 3
beolchini, m 3
bernard, jp 3
blasi, a 3
bornstein, mm 3
bosshardt, d 3
bouchard, p 3
burgin, w 3
caton, jg 3
chan, lk 3
chan, tm 3
che, cm 3
chen, r 3
cheng, b 3
cheung, ky 3
chien, ayj 3
chiu, jjn 3
christensen, mm 3
chua, h 3
cincinelli, sandro 3
corbet, e 3
cui, zhiming 3
cullinan, mp 3
de faria vasconcelos, karla 3
de greef, alexander 3
deng, z 3
descouts, p. 3
ding, ph 3
dong, xx 3
donos, nikos 3
egger, m 3
eickholz, p 3
fan, mhm 3
fan, y 3
fang, yu 3
fenno, jc 3
feres, m 3
flury, h 3
fung, eym 3
fung, sc 3
geng, sf 3
gennai, stefano 3
gerber, j 3
gerber, l 3
goo, chui ling 3
grassi, m 3
graziani, f. 3
grunder, u 3
haak, r 3
haapasalo, m 3
hammerle, chf 3
hao, j 3
heitz-mayfield, lja 3
hu, cz 3
hu, h 3
huo, y 3
huo, yb 3
iorio siciliano, v 3
jain, s 3
jung, re 3
kebschull, m 3
keung leung, w 3
king, nm 3
kocher, thomas 3
koole, s 3
kostopoulos, l 3
kuonen, p 3
kwok, a 3
lai, hong chang 3
lai, yt 3
leung, lht 3
li, huijun 3
li, wc 3
li, xuan 3
lin, yifan 3
liu, min 3
loos, bg 3
luterbacher, s 3
morrison, ec 3
mullercampanile, v 3
ng, kt 3
ng, tw 3
ning, w 3
nuntanaranont, t 3
olsen, i. 3
pagavino, gabriella 3
pang, ky 3
peng, l 3
persson, r 3
persson, re 3
polyzois, i 3
puriene, a 3
rasperini, giulio 3
ready, d. 3
rijkschroeff, p 3
rossi, f 3
rossi, r 3
rutger persson, g 3
röthlisberger, b 3
salvi, g 3
sanaan, bahoz 3
saxer, up 3
schild, u 3
schou, s 3
schroeder, a 3
schurch jr, e 3
sham, ask 3
sham, jst 3
sham, mh 3
she, tt 3
shen, dinggang 3
shen, jie 3
shi, xj 3
siciliano, vi 3
siegrist, b 3
steiner, s 3
stuck, ae 3
sum, fhkmh 3
sun, hongzhe 3
sun, y 3
suttapreyasri, s 3
suvan, jean e. 3
söder, pö 3
taborelli, m. 3
tang, ys 3
tang, z 3
temmerman, andy 3
tonetti, maurizio s 3
van dyke, thomas e. 3
wan, p 3
wang, l 3
wang, xx 3
weiger, r 3
wickholm, s 3
winkler, jr 3
wong, ch 3
wong, kl 3
wong, ky 3
wong, mc 3
wu, j 3
wu, t 3
wu, xinyu 3
xu, y 3
yang, y 3
yang, yanqi 3
yang, yg 3
yatim, sm 3
yu, c 3
yuan, changzheng 3
zhan, x 3
zhang, feng 3
zhao, dan 3
zheng, z 3
zwahlen, r 3
abdul razak, f 2
adler, r 2
agerbaek, mr 2
airila-mansson, s 2
ajonuma, lc 2
alhazmi, n 2
allegri, m 2
alyahfoufi, z 2
américo de oliveira, j 2
antohé, me 2
aparicio, c 2
armitage, g 2
armitage, gary 2
barbato, l 2
barbieri, c. 2
becker, kathrin 2
berglundh, tord 2
bergström, k 2
bettini, l 2
bierbaum, s 2
bonaccini, d 2
bouchard, philippe 2
bow, hyc 2
brecx, m 2
brett, p. 2
buduneli, n 2
buti, j 2
buysschaert, m 2
cai, z 2
canullo, l 2
cao, j 2
cao, z 2
cao, zg 2
cardoso, lc 2
castro, ana 2
catalanotto, fa 2
ceriello, a 2
chan, jfw 2
chan, tf 2
chang, jww 2
chappuis, c 2
chau, acm 2
chau, awl 2
chen, h 2
chen, j 2
chen, l 2
chen, n 2
chen, ruiying 2
chen, yuntao 2
cheung, g 2
chiapasco, m 2
choi, wws 2
chow, kbs 2
chow, kw 2
chow, kw 2
chung, wc 2
compton, s 2
conforti, g 2
cosyn, j 2
cugini, m. a. 2
cumming, br 2
curilović, z 2
curtin, jp 2
dassanayake, rs 2
davis, jm 2
de souza, ss 2
delia, simone 2
demmer, rt 2
deng, h 2
dietrich, thomas 2
ding, y 2
dou, yd 2
duan, yr 2
ducci, francesco 2
duff, gw 2
dula, k 2
engelmayer, h 2
faddy, m 2
faddy, mj 2
fang, dts 2
fang, hhp 2
feloutzis, a 2
figuero, e 2
fine, dh 2
flemmig, tf 2
flückiger, l 2
fok, tc 2
fok, yh 2
forna, d 2
foster, l 2
françois, p. 2
fu, y 2
fundak, a 2
fürst, mm 2
gaberthüel, t 2
gao, wenling 2
garcia, r 2
gennai, s 2
giannobile, william v. 2
gobbi, c 2
gong, p 2
gong, y 2
goodson, j. m. 2
gotfredsen, k 2
goto, t 2
goto, tk 2
green, dw 2
guerrero, a 2
gupta, b 2
hagg, euo 2
hagg, m.b. 2
halben, j 2
hamlet, s 2
hao, l 2
hargreaves, k 2
harle, j. 2
he, l 2
he, t 2
heitzmayfield, lj 2
henderson, b 2
herath, mtdkh 2
herath, t 2
hingorani, aroon d. 2
ho, d 2
ho, jcs 2
ho, jys 2
ho, smy 2
ho, sn 2
hofstetter, hw 2
hong, y 2
hu, r 2
hu, shixian 2
huang, regina 2
hämmerle, cf 2
imboden, ma 2
imperiali, d 2
isidor, f 2
ivanovski, saso 2
janda, m 2
ji, c 2
jiang, n 2
jiang, s 2
jin, dy 2
jobin, m. 2
kaiser, f 2
kan, kw 2
kandylaki, m 2
kang, j 2
kao, rt 2
karayiannis, a 2
karoussis, i 2
katsoulis, j 2
kawamura, m 2
keijser, bart j.f. 2
kemal, y 2
khawaja, at 2
kheur, m 2
kirkwood, kl 2
klineberg, i 2
kocher, t 2
koh, ml 2
koohi-moghadam, mohamad 2
koohimoghadam, m 2
kook, cy 2
kornman, kenneth s. 2
kumar, ps 2
kwok, wk 2
la ferla, fabio 2
labriola, antonella 2
lahoud, pierre 2
lam, j 2
lam, o 2
lang, n 2
lang, niklaus p. 2
larsson, c 2
lau, asy 2
lau, cbs 2
lauchenauer, d 2
leibur, e 2
leung, acf 2
leung, w. keung 2
li, a 2
li, cz 2
li, f 2
li, gr 2
li, hongyan 2
li, jy 2
li, t 2
li, ts 2
li, w 2
li, y 2
lin, y 2
linder, e 2
lione, l 2
listgarten, ma 2
liu, beilei 2
liu, ch 2
liu, f 2
liu, j 2
liu, k 2
liu, wei 2
lo, ky 2
loe, ha 2
loh, jsp 2
lopatin, de 2
lu, liwei 2
luan, q 2
lui, wk 2
luk, kc 2
luo, cuiting 2
lussi, a 2
lyon, hc 2
machtei, e 2
malet, j 2
martelli, p 2
mathur, m 2
matinlinna, jp 2
mcmillan, as 2
mcquillin, andrew 2
mealey, bl 2
mei, l 2
mei, lanzhuju 2
meng, hx 2
mericskestern, r 2
merz, br 2
meyer, j 2
mohamad, y 2
mok, my 2
mombelli, aw 2
montanya, e 2
morea, c 2
muller, kh 2
mühle, t 2
müller, f 2
nebel, d 2
needleman, ian 2
neuenschwanderschüpbach, a 2
ng, km 2
ng, kss 2
ngai, vks 2
niederman, r. 2
nielsen, pm 2
nieri, m 2
offenbacher, s 2
ogbuehi, ac 2
ong, m 2
ormiston, iw 2
orwoll, es 2
oud, valérie 2
ouyang, xy 2
pagavino, g 2
panduwawala, cp 2
panduwawala, kcpp 2
parkar, mohammed 2
parlar, a 2
passera, davide 2
patel, k. 2
pattanachot, w 2
patters, mr 2
pellegrini, g 2
pereira, fp 2
perry, s 2
petrini, m 2
pineda-trujillo, nicolas 2
pini prato, g. p. 2
pini-prato, giovan paolo 2
pini-prato, giovanpaolo 2
pjetursson, eb 2
preshaw, pm 2
qian, shujiao 2
radley, n 2
ramfjord, sp 2
rangel jr, ig 2
rapp, gisela estela 2
razali, masfueh 2
reher, p 2
retzepi, maria 2
rizzo, m 2
rodrigo, c 2
rodrigo, mrc 2
rung, a 2
salih, v. 2
samaranayake, lp 2
samartzis, d 2
sambrook, p 2
sardella, a. 2
savkovic, v 2
scarfe, sw 2
schatzle, m 2
schild, c 2
schnell, n 2
scholz, s 2
scully, c 2
seneviratne, c 2
seneviratne, j 2
sha, yq 2
she, j 2
shen, x 2
shi, jun yu 2
shi, x 2
shirke, p 2
shum, i 2
sim, c 2
sivolella, s 2
so, lly 2
so, ly 2
souza, sls 2
stadlinger, b 2
stalpers, gabrielle 2
stassinakis, a 2
stavropoulos, a 2
stich, h 2
straub, am 2
suen, ks 2
sullivan, pa 2
sununliganon, l 2
tam, sck 2
tanabe, hc 2
tanaka, r 2
tang, a 2
tang, kaiming 2
tang, zhongyuan 2
tani botticelli, a 2
tao, yang 2
teles, r 2
thuaksuban, n 2
tjakkes, geerten-has e 2
tomasi, c 2
tonelli, p 2
tonetti, ms 2
tong, a 2
tong, ehy 2
trejo, pm 2
tritten, cb 2
trueb, b 2
tsang, cs 2
tsang, csp 2
tsang, eyc 2
tsang, pwk 2
tsang, wm 2
tsang, yc 2
tsao, gsw 2
tsao, sw 2
tse, kh 2
tse, od 2
tsui, iwk 2
tsui, wk 2
tucker, richard 2
tung, lk 2
ucer, c 2
urrutia, za 2
vanderstuyft, tony 2
vano, michele 2
vaudaux, p. 2
vegh, d 2
von wyttenbach, t 2
wagner, a 2
wan, wmn 2
wang, c-y 2
wang, hl 2
wang, p 2
wang, q 2
warnakulasuriya, s 2
wat, e 2
watt, r 2
wei, c 2
wei, cx 2
wei, shimin 2
wei, xindi 2
wicki, a 2
wikner, s 2
williams, rc 2
wilson, m. 2
wise, h 2
wong, aty 2
wong, florence m f 2
wong, hai ming 2
wong, kw 2
wong, m 2
wong, tm 2
wong, yh 2
wu, s 2
xiao, fan 2
xiao, h 2
xie, x 2
xu, shulan 2
xu, x 2
yam, wc 2
yamazaki, k 2
yang, chuanzhong 2
yang, hong 2
yang, j 2
yang, jh 2
yang, yq 2
yao, y 2
yeung, dwc 2
yeung, kws 2
yin, x 2
yip, hk 2
yiu, cky 2
yiu, eyl 2
young, c 2
young, c. 2
yuan, c 2
yuan, s 2
yuen, ky 2
yung, wcw 2
zabalegui, i 2
zaura, e 2
zeng, h 2
zeng, hh 2
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
periodontitis 61
humans 60
adult 42
male 39
female 38
periodontal disease 38
oral health 37
middle aged 35
dentistry 34
aged 30
systematic review 29
periodontal diseases 26
quality of life 26
dental implants 25
inflammation 25
dental implant 24
risk factors 24
diagnosis 23
periodontal index 23
follow-up studies 22
statistics, nonparametric 22
adolescent 21
chronic periodontitis 21
dental caries 21
saliva 21
animals 20
case-control studies 20
china 20
gene expression 20
gingivitis 20
medical sciences 20
aged, 80 and over 19
biofilm 19
microbiology 19
oral hygiene 19
porphyromonas gingivalis 19
cross-sectional studies 18
dmf index 18
orthodontics 18
wound healing 18
patient satisfaction 17
prospective studies 17
biofilms 16
chi-square distribution 16
age factors 15
chinese 15
periodontics 15
questionnaires 15
smoking 15
tooth loss 15
treatment outcome 15
analysis of variance 14
endodontics 14
health status 14
hong kong 14
oral microbiome 14
prevalence 14
regeneration 14
sex factors 14
time factors 14
angiogenesis 13
bone regeneration 13
clinical trial 13
diabetes mellitus 13
imaging 13
immunohistochemistry 13
periodontal status 13
tissue engineering 13
china - ethnology 12
cohort studies 12
complications 12
diet 12
double-blind method 12
epidemiology 12
lipopolysaccharide 12
meta-analysis 12
peri-implantitis 12
randomized controlled clinical trial 12
titanium 12
antimicrobials 11
bone augmentation 11
caries 11
child 11
chlorhexidine 11
clinical trials 11
education 11
guided tissue regeneration 11
human 11
image processing, computer-assisted 11
implant dentistry 11
infection 11
low-level laser therapy 11
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - radiotherapy 11
patient care planning 11
polymerase chain reaction 11
rabbits 11
risk assessment 11
survey 11
xerostomia 11
aggressive periodontitis 10
behavioral science 10
biomaterials 10
blood glucose - analysis 10
colony count, microbial 10
ct imaging 10
dental plaque - microbiology 10
dental plaque index 10
dental scaling 10
diabetes complications 10
etiology 10
implants 10
mandible 10
mandible - surgery 10
mouth - microbiology 10
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 10
osteogenesis 10
pilot projects 10
polymorphism 10
young adult 10
animal 9
bone 9
children 9
chronic disease 9
cytokines 9
dental anxiety 9
dental plaque 9
dentin hypersensitivity 9
diabetes mellitus, type 2 - complications 9
dose-response relationship, drug 9
extraction 9
health status indicators 9
host-microbial interactions 9
linear models 9
matrix metalloproteinase-8 9
microbiome 9
molecular biology 9
neoplasm staging 9
orthodontic appliances 9
osteogenesis, distraction 9
peri-implant mucositis 9
periodontal health 9
periodontal therapy 9
periodontitis - complications 9
quality of life - psychology 9
radiotherapy dosage 9
reproducibility of results 9
review 9
statistics as topic 9
tooth extraction 9
bone graft 8
bone regeneration - physiology 8
c-reactive protein 8
carcinoma - radiotherapy 8
covid-19 8
cross-over studies 8
dental 8
disease progression 8
dna, bacterial - analysis 8
drug delivery 8
fibroblasts 8
genotype 8
guided tissue regeneration, periodontal - methods 8
hemoglobin a, glycosylated - analysis 8
immunology 8
integrative-omics 8
metalloimmunity 8
metalloproteomics 8
molar 8
nanoparticle 8
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - complications - radiotherapy 8
orthognathic surgery 8
periodontal attachment loss - complications 8
periodontal diseases - therapy 8
periodontal ligament cells 8
periodontal organisms 8
periodontium-gingiva 8
prognosis 8
retrospective studies 8
root planing 8
salivation - radiation effects 8
sensitivity and specificity 8
smoking - adverse effects 8
surgery 8
survival 8
type 2 diabetes 8
virtual reality 8
anaerobic bacteria 7
antibiotics 7
atherosclerosis 7
bone healing 7
bone regeneration - drug effects 7
bone substitutes - therapeutic use 7
bone transplantation 7
bone transplantation - methods 7
candida 7
cell culture 7
collagen 7
cross-professional 7
dental implantation, endosseous - methods 7
dental models 7
dental pulp cavity - microbiology 7
diagnostic accuracy 7
distraction osteogenesis 7
enterococcus faecalis 7
gingival recession 7
gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci - classification 7
gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods - classification 7
human gingival fibroblasts 7
in situ hybridization 7
kidney transplantation 7
logistic models 7
membranes, artificial 7
morphology 7
oral hygiene index 7
osteogenesis, distraction - methods 7
patient-reported outcome measures 7
periodontal attachment loss - classification 7
periodontal pocket 7
periodontally compromised patient 7
periodontitis - therapy 7
persisters 7
plaque 7
prevention 7
questionnaire 7
radiology 7
randomized clinical trial 7
screening 7
severity of illness index 7
sjögren's syndrome 7
surface properties 7
surgical flaps 7
toll-like receptor 4 7
tooth extraction - adverse effects 7
treatment 7
alveolar bone loss - etiology 6
bacteria 6
biomechanics 6
biopsy 6
bone substitutes 6
candida albicans 6
cardiovascular disease 6
cell biology 6
cell hypoxia 6
chemicals and cas registry numbers 6
combined modality therapy 6
cone beam computed tomography 6
cone-beam computed tomography 6
connective tissue graft 6
coronally advanced flap 6
curriculum 6
dental prosthesis design 6
disease susceptibility 6
distraction 6
drug combinations 6
equipment design 6
fnirs 6
functional near-infrared spectroscopy 6
fungi 6
gingiva 6
gingival crevicular fluid 6
gingival inflammation 6
gram-negative bacteria - drug effects 6
gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods - isolation & purification 6
health behavior 6
health services research and learning 6
health status measures 6
health surveys 6
health-related quality of life 6
hong kong - epidemiology 6
innate immune response 6
intensity-modulated radiotherapy 6
interleukin-8 6
interleukin-8 - analysis 6
intrabony defects 6
lipoteichoic acid 6
local delivery 6
longitudinal studies 6
low-level laser irradiation 6
lymphocyte antigen 96 6
medical 6
metagenome 6
metronidazole 6
microbiota 6
microscopy, electron, scanning 6
models, anatomic 6
models, animal 6
molar, third - surgery 6
mouthwashes - therapeutic use 6
mucositis 6
muscarinic agonists - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
near-infrared 6
oral disease 6
oral implantology 6
orthodontic pain 6
orthodontic treatment 6
orthodontic-periodontal joint treatment 6
osteoblasts 6
osteoclasts 6
osteogenesis - drug effects 6
osteogenesis - physiology 6
osteotomy 6
osteotomy - methods 6
parotid sparing 6
pathogenesis 6
periodontal attachment loss 6
periodontal diseases - classification 6
periodontal inflammation 6
periodontal pocket - pathology - therapy 6
periodontitis - complications - microbiology 6
periodontitis - microbiology 6
periodontology 6
phenotype 6
preoperative care 6
protein 6
proteomics 6
psychomotor skills training 6
public health 6
quinuclidines - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
rabbit 6
radiography, panoramic 6
random allocation 6
randomised clinical trial 6
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 6
rna, messenger - metabolism 6
root canal infection 6
root coverage 6
salivary flow 6
salivary flow rate 6
self-reported questionnaire 6
signaling pathways 6
simulation 6
sjogren's syndrome - complications - ethnology 6
sjogren's syndrome - psychology - rehabilitation 6
spectroscopy 6
stem cells 6
supportive periodontal therapy 6
survival rate 6
thiophenes - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
third molar surgery 6
transplantation, homologous 6
type 2 diabetes mellitus 6
vascular endothelial growth factor a 6
wound healing - drug effects 6
xerostomia - drug therapy - ethnology - etiology 6
xerostomia - etiology - rehabilitation 6
accuracy 5
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 5
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - isolation & purification 5
aging 5
alveolar bone loss 5
alveolar process - surgery 5
alveolar ridge augmentation 5
alzheimer’s disease 5
amino acid sequence 5
anti-bacterial agents - pharmacology 5
apical periodontitis 5
bacteria - classification - growth & development 5
bacteria - classification - isolation & purification 5
bacteria, anaerobic - drug effects - isolation & purification 5
bacterial 5
bacterial typing techniques 5
bacteriological techniques 5
bacteroides - isolation & purification 5
biocompatible materials 5
biocompatible materials - therapeutic use 5
biofilms - growth & development 5
biomarker 5
bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws 5
bone density 5
bone remodeling - drug effects 5
calcium chloride 5
calcium hydroxide 5
calcium hydroxide - pharmacology 5
candida - classification 5
candida - growth & development - metabolism 5
candida albicans - enzymology - isolation & purification 5
candida biofilms 5
candidiasis - microbiology 5
candidiasis, oral - classification 5
cardiac function 5
cbct 5
cell proliferation 5
cells, cultured 5
cephalometry 5
chewing gum 5
chronic periodontitis - metabolism - pathology 5
cognitive dysfunctions 5
cranial irradiation - adverse effects 5
cyclosporine - therapeutic use 5
cytokine 5
decision-making 5
delayed-action preparations 5
demeclocycline - pharmacology 5
dental alloys 5
dental caries - classification 5
dental casting technique 5
dental education 5
dental equipment 5
dental implants - psychology 5
dental prophylaxis 5
dental restoration failure 5
dental restorations 5
dietary sucrose - metabolism 5
diffusion 5
diode laser 5
disease models, animal 5
disease-free survival 5
drug resistance, fungal 5
echocardiography 5
ecology 5
emotions 5
endodontic treatment 5
endothelial cells 5
endothelial cells - metabolism - pathology 5
endothelial progenitor cell 5
enteric rods 5
enterobacteriaceae - classification 5
epithelium - pathology 5
evidence-based dentistry 5
facial asymmetry - surgery 5
functional neuroimaging 5
galactose - metabolism 5
gels 5
gene expression regulation, bacterial 5
general practice, dental 5
gingiva - microbiology 5
gingival crevicular fluid - chemistry 5
gingival overgrowth 5
gingival overgrowth - chemically induced - classification 5
gingival overgrowth - chemically induced - complications - microbiology 5
glucose - metabolism 5
gram-positive bacteria - drug effects 5
gram-positive rods - isolation & purification 5
granulocyte elastase 5
hatr-ftir 5
health services needs and demand - statistics & numerical data 5
hemolysin proteins - biosynthesis 5
hypertension - complications 5
immune response 5
immunocompromised host 5
immunosuppressive agents - adverse effects 5
immunosuppressive agents - therapeutic use 5
incidence 5
incisor - pathology 5
income 5
inflammatory mediators 5
keratinocytes 5
lasers 5
malocclusion 5
mandible - drug effects - radiography - surgery 5
mandible - pathology - radiation effects - surgery 5
mapk signaling pathways 5
maxilla - pathology 5
maxilla - surgery 5
mechanical stress 5
micro-ct 5
microscopy, fluorescence 5
mmp 5
molar - pathology 5
mouth diseases - classification 5
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - mortality - radiotherapy 5
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - pathology - radiotherapy - surgery 5
neomycin - pharmacology 5
neuroinflammation 5
neurosciences 5
nicotine 5
non-surgical periodontal therapy 5
oral microbiology 5
oral surgery 5
osteotomy - adverse effects 5
ovariectomy 5
pain 5
parotid gland - physiology - radiation effects 5
parotid gland - radiation effects 5
peptide hydrolases - biosynthesis 5
periapical periodontitis - microbiology 5
periodontal disease and quality of life 5
periodontal diseases - complications 5
periodontal pocket - microbiology 5
periodontal pocket - therapy 5
periodontal regeneration 5
periodontitis - enzymology - immunology - microbiology 5
periodontitis - prevention & control - therapy 5
phylogeny 5
placebos 5
polymorphisms 5
polymyxin b - pharmacology 5
porphyromonas gingivalis - isolation & purification 5
potassium chloride 5
poverty 5
preventive dentistry 5
prevotella intermedia - isolation & purification 5
proteins 5
proteome 5
pseudomonas - isolation & purification 5
psychology, social 5
quorum sensing 5
radiation injuries - complications 5
radiation injuries - etiology - prevention & control 5
radiography 5
radiotherapy 5
radiotherapy adverse effects 5
radiotherapy, conformal - adverse effects 5
radiotherapy, intensity-modulated 5
randomized controlled trial 5
rat 5
receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa b ligand 5
recombinant proteins 5
recurrence 5
regression analysis 5
rna, messenger - analysis 5
root canal irrigants - pharmacology 5
root caries - classification 5
saliva - secretion 5
salivary glands - physiopathology - radiation effects 5
sodium bicarbonate 5
sodium chloride 5
software 5
spectroscopy, fourier transform infrared 5
stenotrophomonas maltophilia 5
stenotrophomonas maltophilia - isolation & purification 5
steroid 5
stroke 5
students 5
subgingival plaque 5
sucrose - metabolism 5
sugars 5
swine 5
synergistetes 5
tacrolimus - therapeutic use 5
tetracycline 5
therapy 5
tibetans 5
tobacco 5
tooth - microbiology 5
tooth diseases - classification 5
tooth loss - etiology 5
tooth, impacted - surgery 5
treatment failure 5
triamcinolone acetonide - pharmacology 5
trismus - classification 5
tyrothricin - pharmacology 5
x-ray microtomography 5
xerostomia - classification 5
xerostomia - etiology 5
xerostomia - etiology - prevention & control 5
xerostomia - prevention & control 5
yeasts 5
zoledronic acid 5
16s rrna gene sequencing 4
2-d dige 4
2-de 4
3d voxels 4
absorptiometry, photon 4
acinetobacter - classification 4
actinobacillus infections 4
adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein 4
adult periodontitis 4
aesthetics 4
age distribution 4
alkaline phosphatase activity 4
alleles 4
alveolar process - radiography 4
alveolar ridge augmentation - methods 4
alveolar ridge preservation 4
animal model 4
ankylosis - surgery 4
anti-bacterial agents - administration & dosage 4
anti-oxidant activity 4
antimicrobial 4
antimicrobial agents/inhibitors 4
antioxidants - physiology 4
architecture 4
artificial intelligence 4
attitude to health 4
bacteremia - epidemiology - microbiology 4
bacteria - drug effects 4
bacterial genome 4
bacterial physiological phenomena 4
behavior 4
bibliometric 4
biodiversity 4
biofilms - drug effects - growth and development 4
biofilms - growth and development 4
biological complications 4
biomass 4
biostatistics 4
bleeding on probing 4
blood 4
bone and bones - metabolism 4
bone calcium deposition 4
bone grafts 4
bone matrix 4
bone matrix - transplantation 4
bone regeneration - drug effects - physiology 4
bone remodeling 4
bone remodeling - physiology 4
bone transplantation - instrumentation 4
bone-implant interactions 4
cancer therapy 4
candida - growth and development - metabolism - physiology 4
candida albicans - genetics - pathogenicity - ultrastructure 4
candida albicans - growth & development 4
candida glabrata 4
candida glabrata - drug effects - genetics - metabolism - physiology 4
candida glabrata - growth & development 4
candida species 4
candidiasis 4
candidiasis, oral - epidemiology - microbiology 4
carcinoma - complications - radiotherapy 4
carcinoma in situ - genetics 4
carcinoma, squamous cell - genetics 4
cardiovascular diseases 4
cattle 4
cell adhesion 4
cell cycle 4
cell movement 4
cell wall - chemistry 4
cftr 4
chemical plaque control 4
china - epidemiology 4
chlorhexidine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 4
chlorhexidine therapy 4
chromosomes, human, pair 21 - genetics 4
chronic kidney disease 4
cisplatin 4
citrobacter - classification 4
clinical assessment 4
clinical education 4
clinical study 4
clonality 4
cluster of differentiation 4
collagen matrix 4
compressive force 4
computer-assisted 4
connective tissue - drug effects - pathology 4
connective tissue - immunology - pathology 4
connective tissue - pathology 4
corrosion 4
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator - analysis - genetics - metabolism 4
deep learning 4
dental calculus - drug therapy 4
dental calculus - epidemiology - ethnology 4
dental care - utilization 4
dental caries - epidemiology - ethnology 4
dental enamel proteins - therapeutic use 4
dental implantation, endosseous 4
dental materials - chemistry 4
dental plaque - prevention & control 4
dental plaque biofilm 4
dental prosthesis, implant-supported 4
dentin 4
dentures - adverse effects 4
diabetes 4
diastema 4
dinoprostone - analysis - metabolism 4
disto-lingual root (dlr) 4
diversity 4
dna sequencing 4
dna, neoplasm - genetics 4
drug implants 4
drug resistance, bacterial 4
drug resistance, fungal - genetics 4
drug resistance, multiple, bacterial 4
edema - etiology 4
educational status 4
electrophoresis, gel, pulsed-field 4
electrophoresis, gel, two-dimensional 4
enamel matrix proteins 4
endocarditis - epidemiology - microbiology 4
endothelial cells - pathology 4
ensemble 3d deep learning 4
enterobacter - classification 4
enterococcus facaelis 4
eph–ephrin 4
epidemiologic methods 4
epithelial cells - metabolism - pathology 4
epithelium - immunology - pathology 4
epoxy resin 4
eradication 4
escherichia - classification 4
escherichia coli 4
evaluation studies as topic 4
experimental gingivitis 4
extracellular matrix 4
factors 4
feeding behaviour 4
flavobacterium - classification 4
flow cytometry 4
fluoride 4
fmri 4
forecasting 4
functional 4
fungi - drug effects - physiology 4
furcation 4
furcation defects 4
furcation involvement 4
gene expression profiling 4
gene frequency 4
genes, tumor suppressor 4
genetic predisposition to disease 4
genetic variation - genetics 4
genetics 4
gingiva - metabolism - pathology 4
gingiva - pathology 4
gingival crevice 4
gingival crevicular fluid - immunology - metabolism 4
gingival epithelium 4
gingival hemorrhage - etiology 4
gingival thickness 4
gingivitis - drug therapy 4
gram-negative bacteria - chemistry 4
granulation tissue - pathology 4
growth kinetics 4
guided bone regeneration 4
haplotypes 4
host-pathogen interactions 4
human periodontal ligament cells 4
human periodontal ligament fibroblasts 4
hyoid bone 4
hypoxia-inducible factor 1-α subunit 4
hypoxia-inducible factor 1α subunit 4
illumina 4
image analysis 4
image processing, computer-assisted - methods 4
imaging, three-dimensional 4
immunology and microbiology 4
implantology 4
implants and osteoblasts/osteoclasts 4
infant, newborn 4
insula of reil 4
interleukin-6 4
internet 4
irradiation 4
klebsiella - classification 4
klebsiella pneumoniae - classification 4
left ventricular dysfunction 4
leukocyte elastase - analysis 4
leukocyte elastase - analysis - metabolism 4
limbic system 4
lipopolysaccharides 4
lipopolysaccharides - isolation and purification - metabolism 4
long non-coding rna 4
loss of heterozygosity 4
low-level laser 4
mandible - radiography 4
mandibular advancement 4
masticatory dysfunction 4
masticatory function 4
matrix metalloproteinases - metabolism 4
medical equipment 4
mesoporous silica nanoparticles 4
metabolic syndrome 4
metabolism 4
metagenomics 4
metal-binding sites 4
metalloprotein 4
mhealth 4
microbial ecology 4
microbial viability 4
microbiology and nucleic acids 4
microneedle 4
microsatellite repeats 4
microscopy, confocal 4
mlsa 4
modelling 4
models 4
models, statistical 4
mouth - microbiology - radiation effects 4
mouth diseases - microbiology 4
mouth mucosa - microbiology 4
mouth neoplasms - genetics 4
multilevel modeling 4
muscle strength 4
muscular diseases - etiology 4
nanotechnology 4
neisseria - classification 4
neoplasm invasiveness - genetics 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - genetics 4
neural network models 4
nicotine - adverse effects 4
nicotine - pharmacology 4
nicotinic agonists - adverse effects 4
non-surgical periodontal treatment 4
oral biofilms 4
oral candidiasis 4
oral health care 4
oral hygiene - methods 4
oral pathogens 4
oral surgical procedures - adverse effects - methods 4
oral surgical procedures - methods 4
oral-health-related quality of life 4
oral-systemic 4
osteoclastogenesis 4
osteogenesis, distraction - instrumentation 4
osteogenic differentiation 4
outcome assessment 4
oxidative stress 4
pathogenicity 4
pediatric dentistry 4
periapical periodontitis 4
periodontal attachment loss - pathology - therapy 4
periodontal diseases - epidemiology - ethnology 4
periodontal healing 4
periodontal ligament - pathology - radiography 4
periodontal ligament stem cells 4
periodontal medicine 4
periodontal pocket - drug therapy - microbiology 4
periodontal pocket - etiology 4
periodontal pocket - pathology 4
periodontal surgery 4
periodontitis - epidemiology 4
periodontitis - microbiology - therapy 4
periodontitis - pathology 4
periodontitis etiology 4
periodontopathogen 4
persistent apical periodontitis 4
pge2 4
pharyngeal airway 4
photodynamic therapy 4
photogrammetry 4
physical and radiology 4
platelet count 4
platelet-rich plasma - physiology 4
polymorphism, genetic 4
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 4
polystyrenes 4
probing depth 4
progenitor cells 4
promoter regions, genetic 4
proteomics - methods 4
pseudomonas - classification 4
pulp 4
radiation 4
radiograph 4
radiography, bitewing 4
rapid prototypes 4
rats 4
reconstituted human oral epithelium 4
reconstruction 4
reconstructive surgical procedures - instrumentation 4
reference values 4
regeneration and tissue engineering 4
renal function 4
reoperation 4
resistance 4
rna - metabolism 4
root-canal bacteria 4
saliva/microbiology 4
salivary biomarkers 4
salivary microbiota 4
scleroderma 4
scutellaria baicalensis 4
sequencing 4
sex distribution 4
signal transduction 4
single-blind method 4
smell 4
soft tissue 4
soft tissue infection 4
spatial features 4
spirochete 4
splints 4
stage iv 4
statistical 4
stem cells and tissue engineering 4
stress 4
stress response 4
stress, physiological 4
subtraction technique 4
supportive periodontal care 4
surgery, oral 4
surgery, oral - instrumentation 4
surgery, oral - methods 4
surgical wound dehiscence - etiology 4
surgical wound infection - etiology 4
systemic inflammation 4
taxonomy 4
temporomandibular joint disorders - surgery 4
third molar 4
tibet - epidemiology 4
timp 4
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 4
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 - metabolism 4
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases - biosynthesis - metabolism - physiology 4
titanium - chemistry 4
toll-like receptors 4
tomography, x-ray computed 4
tomography, x-ray computed - methods 4
tooth diseases - microbiology 4
tooth socket - surgery 4
tooth survival 4
toothbrushing - instrumentation 4
toothbrushing - utilization 4
transforming growth factor beta1 - analysis 4
transplants 4
treated and stabilised periodontitis 4
treatment planning 4
treponema 4
treponema - isolation & purification 4
treponema denticola 4
tumor necrosis factor-alpha 4
urban health - statistics & numerical data 4
vascular endothelial growth factor 4
vertical dimension 4
viability 4
wound healing - physiology 4
xerostomia - complications 4
xerostomia - etiology - microbiology 4
唇腭裂 4
治療 4
16s rrna gene 3
3d cell sheet 3
absorbable implants 3
access flap surgery 3
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 3
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - isolation & purification - pathogenicity 3
actinobacillus actinomyceterncomitans 3
acute ischemic stroke 3
adaptation, physiological 3
adaptation, psychological 3
adherence and colonization 3
adjunct care 3
adult stem cells 3
alveolar bone 3
alveolar bone loss - complications - therapy 3
alveolar bone loss - pathology 3
alveolar bone loss - radiography 3
alveolar bone loss - surgery 3
alveolar process 3
alveolar process - drug effects - physiology 3
alveolar process - pathology 3
alveolectomy 3
analgesics 3
animal experiment 3
animal experiments 3
animal study 3
anterior segmental osteotomy 3
anti-bacterial agents - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 3
anti-infective agents, local - administration & dosage 3
antifungal agents - pharmacology 3
antifungal agents - therapeutic use 3
antifungal resistance 3
antifungal susceptibility 3
antigens, cd - blood 3
antigens, cd34 - blood 3
anxiety 3
apoptosis 3
arthroplasty 3
artifact 3
artifacts 3
ascaris lumbricoides - isolation & purification 3
aspartic acid endopeptidases - analysis 3
aspergillosis 3
aspiration pneumonia 3
assessment 3
attachment loss 3
attitude of health personnel 3
autoinducer 3
bacillus phages - genetics 3
bacterial infection 3
bacterial proteins 3
bacterial toxins - analysis 3
bacterial toxins - analysis - genetics 3
bacterial virulence factor 3
base sequence 3
bgcs 3
bibliometrics 3
biofilms - drug effects - growth & development 3
biological markers - blood 3
biological model 3
biology 3
biomedical imaging 3
bismuth drug 3
bismuth drugs 3
blood cells - cytology - metabolism 3
bmp 3
body mass index 3
bone density - drug effects 3
bone density - radiation effects 3
bone implant interactions 3
bone loss 3
bone marrow - pathology - radiation effects 3
bone marrow-derived macrophages 3
bone matrix metalloproteinase 3
bone morphogenetic protein 2 3
bone morphogenetic protein 2 - genetics 3
bone morphogenetic protein 7 - genetics 3
bone morphogenetic protein-2 3
bone morphogenetic proteins 3
bone morphogenetic proteins - *analysis - radiation effects 3
bone morphogenetic proteins - administration and dosage - pharmacology 3
bone plate 3
bone plates 3
bone radiodensity 3
bone regeneration - drug effects - genetics 3
bone regeneration - radiation effects 3
bone remodeling - radiation effects 3
bone resorption - pathology - radiography 3
bone screw 3
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
cheung, lim kwong 44
jin, lijian 34
samman, nabil 22
leung, wai keung 21
samaranayake, lakshman perera 10
seneviratne, chaminda jayampath 10
pelekos, georgios 9
zhang, chengfei 8
yang, yanqi 6
corbet, esmonde francis 5
mcgrath, colman 5
watt, rory munro 5
cheung, gary shun pan 4
tonetti, maurizio 4
zheng, liwu 4
ho, mun yin samuel 3
chan, see ching 2
chan, yu ki 2
chu, cho shun frederick 2
deng, ke 2
ho, king lun 2
khong, pek lan 2
li, xuan 2
lin, yifan 2
lo, john 2
rabie, abou bakr mahmoud 2
samaranayake, yuthika hemamala 2
tsao, george sai wah 2
wang, yu 2
wong, may chun mei 2
zwahlen, roger arthur 2
botelho, michael george 1
chan, daniel tak mao 1
chan, danny 1
chan, wai sze 1
chang, raymond chuen chung 1
chau, cheuk man 1
che, chi ming 1
cheah, kathryn song eng 1
cheung, kenneth man chee 1
chow, kwok wing 1
chow, tak wah 1
dissanayaka, waruna lakmal 1
dyson, john edwin 1
fok, melissa rachel 1
foo, chi chung 1
fung, man lung 1
green, david william 1
kim, youngwon 1
leung, mike yiu yan 1
leung, suet yi 1
li, xuechen 1
liu, yan 1
lo, edward chin man 1
luk, keith dip kei 1
matinlinna, jukka pekka 1
mattheos, nikos 1
ng, lui 1
peng, xin 1
richard kao 1
samartzis, dino 1
sham, pak chung 1
song, you-qiang 1
su, richard yuxiong 1
sun, hongzhe 1
tang, sydney chi wai 1
tanner, julian alexander 1
tipoe, george lim 1
tsang, peter chiu shun 1
tse, hung fat 1
walter lam 1
wang, junwen john 1
whitehill, tara loraine 1
wong, maria pik 1
wong, ricky wing kit 1
xu, aimin 1
ye, zhou 1
yeung, wai kan andy 1
View More
Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
null 13
chronic periodontitis, genome-wide, single nucleotide 8
dental 6
distraction osteogenesis, orthognathic surgery, retrognathic mandible, sagittal split osteotomy 6
motivational interview, oral and systemic health, oral health behaviour and lifestyle, periodontitis, quality of life, randomised 6
biofilm, candida, cell wall, in vivo activity, small molecules 5
bone regeneration, coronectomy, periodontal attachment, randomized clinical trial, third molar surgery 5
endodontic infection, enterococcus faecalis, lipoteichoic acid, osteoblasts, osteoclasts 5
low-lvel laser therapy, orthodontic treatment, patient-centered outcomes, periodontal inflammation and remodeling, periodontitis 5
angiogenesis, dental pulp construct, ephrinb2/ephb4, functional anastomosis, hypoxia 4
angiogenesis, human dental pulp, microtissue spheroids, prevascularization, tissue engineering 4
bacteria, bisphosphonate, osteonecrosis, ovariectomized rat, periodontitis 4
bacteria-host interactions, periodontal diseases 4
biofilm, candida 4
biofilm, candida, persisters, proteomics 4
bone borne, skeletal class ii 4
cleft palate 4
diagnostic trial, gingival bleeding, mmp-8, periodontitis, screening, sentinel sign 4
microneedle, orthodontic treatment, platelet-rich plasma 4
adult periodontitis, minocycline strips 3
alveolar bone loss, animal experimentation, exercise, metabolic diseases, obesity 3
alzheimer's disease, cognitive functions, dementia, neuroinflammation, periodontitis, sickness responses 3
angiogenesis, dental pulp regeneration, dental pulp stem cells, engineered pulp constructs, prevascularization 3
antifungal, blood isolates, candida, virulence 3
antifungal, candida, probiotics, proteomics 3
bacterial cell surface protein, dna aptamer, dna-based taxonomy, periodontal disease, treponema denticola 3
bacterial genomics, cell surface proteins, oral microbiome, periodontal disease etiology, treponema 3
candida species 3
chronic kidney disease, esrd, glomerular filtration, masticatory dysfunction, nutritional status, type 2 diabetes 3
computer planning, fibula, jaw, reconstruction 3
critical size bone defect, donor site morbidity, microvascular reconstruction, tissue engineering 3
debridement, defects, endoscopic, intra-bony, non-inferiority, periodontal 3
dental pulp stem cell, endothelial cells, ephb4/ephrinb2, pericyte, vegf 3
dental pulp, endothelial progenitor cells, regeneration, stem cells, vascularization 3
dentures, edentulous patients, oral rehabilitation 3
eph-ephrin, lipopolysaccharide, mechanical force, osteoblast, periodontal ligament cell 3
hypoxia-inducible factor-1, immunity, innate, periodontitis, toll-like receptors 3
microarray, microbiology, periodontitis, phylotypes, pyrosequencing, virulence 3
circulating tumor dna (ctdna), colorectal cancer, biomarker, recurrence, chemotherapeutic response 3
oral hygiene, oral health promotion, artificial intelligence, gingivitis, diagnostic screening 3
periodontitis, dietary intervention, non-surgical periodontal, healthy plant-base 3
senescence, m6a rna methylation, fto, jun, alveolar bone remodelling 3
acquired pellicle, biofilm, dental restorative materials, oral diseases prevention, saliva 2
animal experiment, distraction frequency, distraction osteogenesis, distraction rate 2
antimicrobial peptides, carbon dots, gingival niche, injectable hydrogel, nanomedicine, periodontal disease 2
antimicrobials, human gingival epithelia, immunoinflammatory modulators, nanoparticles, periodontitis 2
bacterial phylogeny, oral microbiota, periodontitis, synergistetes, treponema 2
biochemical modulation, mandibular lengthening, osteogenesis 2
biomaterial, head and neck, microneedle, nanoparticle, t cell 2
bismuth drugs, host response, omics, periodontitis, porphyromonas gingivalis 2
bone remodelling, eph-ephrin, inflammation, mechanical loading, treated periodontium 2
chinese medicine, human gingiva, innate host defense, nanotechnology, periodontal diseases 2
coping, oral health, patient-centered measure, periodontal disease, quality of life 2
dental implants, finite element analysis, fixed dental prosthesis, framework misfit, technical complications 2
dentistry 2
diabetes mellitus, endothelial function, endothelial progenitor cells, periodontal disease, porphyromonas gingivalis 2
eating, four-dimensional analysis, functional mri, higher brain function, humans 2
epigenetic regulation, human gingival/oral epithelia, monocytes, p. gingivalis/dna, signaling pathways 2
esptein-barr virus, gingival epithelium, infection, periodontal disease 2
microbe-host interaction, monocytes, oral epithelial cells, p. gingivalis, persisters 2
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome 2
macrophage polarization, fto, m6a rna methylation, socs1 mrna, mechanical loading 2
zirconia implant, titanium implant, tissue level implant, bone level implant, variobase abutment, ti-base abutment, zirconia crown, complication free survival, mariginal bone level change 2
-- 1
human gingiva, innate immunity, lipopolysaccharide, periodontal disease, porphyromonas gingivalis 1
periodontal disease 1
rofecoxib, smokers 1
periodontitis, diagnosis, multi-model learning, hierarchical network 1
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