Applied Oral Sciences and Community Dental Care of the Faculty of Dentistry

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
lo, ecm 793
matinlinna, jp 401
mcgrath, cpj 354
chu, ch 345
wong, mcm 322
mcgrath, c 230
leung, fcc 211
tsoi, kh 174
bornstein, michael m. 168
yiu, cky 161
watt, rm 147
woo, pcy 131
wong, hm 126
lau, skp 119
darvell, bw 112
wang, jj 110
leung, wk 96
yeung, wka 94
yuen, ky 94
tsoi, jkh 88
zhang, gao 85
wang, y 84
yeung, awk 83
duangthip, d 82
gao, x 82
lee, sang jin 82
leung, fc 82
teng, jll 78
bornstein, mm 73
li, j 72
mcmillan, as 71
pow, ehn 71
huang, shi 70
leung, kcm 64
yan, b 62
lin, hc 60
corbet, ef 58
dissanayaka, wl 58
king, nm 58
zhang, c 58
buser, daniel 57
herlyn, meenhard 56
yang, y 55
kwon, il keun 54
teng, ll 52
wang, junwen 52
wong, rwk 52
samaranayake, lp 51
vallittu, pk 51
dyson, je 50
botelho, mg 48
wang, p 48
jin, l 46
atanasov, ag 45
goto, t 45
wang, j 45
bridges, sm 44
ye, zhou 44
lam, olt 43
mei, l 43
heo, dong nyoung 42
luo, y 42
hon, cc 41
liu, p 41
pan, h 41
schwarz, e 41
zhang, m 38
goto, tk 36
chen, y 35
hagg, euo 35
lee, donghyun 35
savoldi, f 35
wei, zhi 35
chen, z 34
cheung, gsp 34
gao, ss 34
lo, edward chin man 34
liu, j 33
qin, j 33
gu, m 32
li, lsw 32
sham, pc 32
yeung, andy wai kan 32
zhang, y 32
yeung, kwk 31
ekambaram, m 30
lee, hmg 29
wang, y 29
xu, jian 29
zeng, f 29
zhang, s 29
chu, chun hung 28
lu, ww 28
liu, x 27
park, su a. 27
von arx, thomas 27
wang, w 27
xu, xiaowei 27
burrow, mf 26
li, ky 26
lung, cyk 26
tanaka, r 26
chan, yk 25
reichart, peter a. 25
seneviratne, cj 25
zhang, t 25
zhao, is 25
bedi, r 24
deng, y 24
li, ql 24
liu, d 24
qiao, w 24
tzvetkov, nt 24
zhang, j 24
holmgren, cj 23
hung, kuo feng 23
lam, kf 23
lassila, lvj 23
mei, ml 23
tanner, ja 23
wang, d 23
yoshiura, k 23
cao, y 22
knight, rob 22
ko, wan kyu 22
lang, np 22
li, mj 22
tokumori, k 22
yip, cw 22
gao, p 21
huang, jd 21
nakamura, y 21
sardana, d 21
shi, m 21
zhang, mq 21
deng, yu 20
neelakantan, p 20
you, m 20
yu, kf 20
ding, h 19
heo, min 19
hui, rkh 19
kao, ryt 19
lo, ec 19
lu, yiling 19
matinlinna, j 19
mattheos, n 19
sendi, pedram 19
xu, f 19
yalamanchili, hk 19
dissanayaka, waruna lakmal 18
frederick, dennie t. 18
lam, tw 18
leung, yiu yan 18
li, x 18
pan, hb 18
tse, h 18
tun, hm 18
wang, cy 18
wen, w 18
yang, x 18
aparicio, conrado 17
au, tkf 17
duangthip, duangporn 17
flaherty, keith t. 17
hagg, u 17
hägg, u 17
jin, lj 17
li, q 17
sun, h 17
wang, x 17
wang, z 17
wong, ahh 17
wong, ssy 17
yang, y 17
zhang, tong 17
zhang, x 17
chan, kh 16
chen, kj 16
gao, ss 16
jiang, s 16
li, l 16
lu, h 16
lung, yk 16
nah, haram 16
wong, mp 16
wu, j 16
xiao, min 16
yang, d 16
chan, jfw 15
cho, kiho 15
jacobs, reinhilde 15
kim, wan doo 15
kwong, dlw 15
li, r 15
liu, b 15
mills, gordon b. 15
van waes, c 15
wu, s 15
xu, x 15
acharya, a 14
chan, e 14
chen, kj 14
comfort, mb 14
dai, r 14
huang, y 14
jacobs, r 14
jiang, m 14
kobayashi, k 14
krepler, clemens 14
kukk, e 14
lee, oy 14
mcgrath, colman 14
mcgrath, cp 14
mei, ml 14
mo, s 14
paganelli, c 14
sun, zheng 14
tang, ath 14
tang, y 14
xia, z 14
xu, wei 14
brar, ms 13
cheung, kmc 13
cheung, lk 13
gao, s 13
lassila, l 13
lee, ghm 13
lee, jae seo 13
lee, jun hee 13
leung, kw 13
liu, z 13
moon, ho jin 13
schuchter, lynn m. 13
shen, y 13
shu, x 13
su, xiaoquan 13
suter, valerie g a 13
tanaka, rei 13
wang, panwen 13
wernery, u 13
willschke, h 13
xu, j 13
yon, mjy 13
zhang, l 13
zheng, j 13
zheng, x 13
altermatt, hans jörg 12
amaravadi, ravi k. 12
bridges, s 12
chan, cmn 12
chan, wk 12
do, sun hee 12
kletecka-pulker, m 12
leung, yy 12
li, s 12
miao, benchun 12
ninomiya, y 12
peng, s 12
ren, c 12
tian, tian 12
wei, shy 12
wu, h 12
yu, oy 12
zhang, jiachao 12
zhang, jie 12
bandara, hmhn 11
boland, genevieve m. 11
bornstein, m. m. 11
bosshardt, dieter d. 11
chan, y 11
chappuis, vivianne 11
durazzo, a 11
ekambaram, m 11
feng, xp 11
gao, xl 11
guo, y 11
honda, h 11
jiang, cm 11
jiang, j 11
king, nm 11
lacap-bugler, dc 11
lam, clk 11
lam, tty 11
li, y 11
liu, q 11
lu, hx 11
lucarini, m 11
luo, r 11
lussi, adrian 11
moon, ji hoi 11
que, tl 11
ramseier, christoph a. 11
santini, a 11
souto, eb 11
su, y 11
tan, hp 11
vallittu, p 11
wan, hc 11
wang, h 11
wang, j 11
wang, t 11
yiu, c 11
yoshiura, t 11
zhou, n 11
boheler, kr 10
chan, mn 10
el-demerdash, a 10
fan, y 10
han, a 10
han, y 10
hsu, cys 10
hu, dy 10
huang, j 10
huang, w 10
hung, k 10
kwok, ahy 10
kwok, hya 10
lam, yhw 10
leung, myy 10
liu, shujing 10
luo, w 10
nakasima, a 10
pang, hn 10
peng, s 10
perea, l 10
qiao, wei 10
samman, n 10
siswomihardjo, w 10
sullivan, ryan j. 10
sun, ivy guofang 10
sun, l 10
sunarintyas, s 10
tanaka, r. 10
wen, yf 10
wong, mc 10
yang, yu 10
zee, ky 10
zhang, q 10
zhao, y 10
zhao, z 10
zheng, faith miaomiao 10
zhu, j 10
zwahlen, ra 10
ab malik, nb 9
alsberg, eben 9
altermatt, h. j. 9
bai, r 9
bang, jae beum 9
botelho, m 9
chai, hollis haotian 9
cheah, kse 9
chen, j 9
cheung, bpk 9
chikui, t 9
chu, pk 9
dalessandri, d 9
daood, u 9
devkota, hp 9
eibensteiner, f 9
fan, ryy 9
flaherty, keith 9
gao, peng 9
gao, sherry shiqian 9
gao, x 9
guan, d 9
guo, wei 9
hwang, yu shik 9
ito, l 9
janner, simone f m 9
jia, l 9
karakousis, giorgos c. 9
kim, han jun 9
koh, d 9
kopchick, jj 9
lam, wyh 9
lassila, lv 9
leung, yh 9
li, b 9
li, c 9
li, w 9
lian, q 9
liu, jks 9
liu, p 9
liu, qin 9
luk, kdk 9
manchanda, s 9
naidoo, s 9
pan, y 9
qin, jing 9
qin, y 9
rabie, abm 9
shao, j 9
shen, j 9
somasundaram, rajasekharan 9
tanaka, t 9
teng, fei 9
teng, lee lee 9
thomson, wm 9
von arx, t 9
wong, nsm 9
wu, c 9
xiang, b 9
yeung, ml 9
yin, ix 9
yiu, cynthia kar yung 9
zhang, z 9
zheng, fm 9
zheng, y 9
zhou, y 9
abe, shoko 8
aboushelib, mn 8
bae, min soo 8
bornstein, mm 8
chan, k 8
chan, yuki 8
chang, j 8
chen, x 8
chen, zf 8
cheng, chaoran 8
chiu, th 8
chow, kyc 8
ding, j 8
du, ry 8
du, y 8
gong, t 8
horbanczuk, ok 8
hsung, tc 8
hu, l 8
ibukuro, kenji 8
klager, e 8
lam, ty 8
lam, wm 8
lee, ck 8
lee, hh 8
lee, jung bok 8
lee, s 8
li, z 8
liu, by 8
liu, h 8
liu, lei 8
lo, e 8
mcdonald, daniel 8
mocan, a 8
peiris, jsm 8
peng, sm 8
poon, lml 8
stauffer, edouard 8
taylor, je 8
tian, t 8
tse, hf 8
tun, hein min 8
vázquez-baeza, yoshiki 8
wang, jw 8
watt, r 8
wei, shiyou 8
whelton, h 8
wu, lawrence w. 8
wu, y 8
xiong, l 8
yan, iliana gehui 8
yang, fang 8
yau, twd 8
zakir, m 8
zhou, l 8
zhu, y 8
ai, qi yong h. 7
battino, m 7
belser, urs c. 7
bijle, mn 7
bijle, mn 7
brafford, patricia 7
burnside, g 7
chanock, sj 7
chen, h 7
chen, jianghua 7
cheng, ss 7
choi, ws 7
curreem, sot 7
davies, j 7
divakar, dd 7
djurisic, a 7
epasinghe, dj 7
feng, x 7
fong, jyh 7
frei, marc 7
fukuda, hozumi 7
gan, ry 7
gao, w 7
goto, tk 7
homaei, e 7
huo, dongxue 7
jeon, oju 7
jiang, hong 7
jiang, m 7
jiang, shuaiming 7
jozwik, a 7
katsaros, christos 7
kheur, s 7
kim, ho cheol 7
king, n 7
kwon, seong keun 7
lan, x 7
lau, cs 7
li, f 7
li, h 7
li, ksm 7
li, mulin jun 7
lim, ho nam 7
lo, edward c.m. 7
loh, t 7
lu, b 7
ma, ssl 7
moll, tabea 7
montalvao, c 7
murtaugh, mp 7
mustafa, a 7
ng, amc 7
ngan, ahy 7
okamura, k 7
pelekos, g 7
pine, cm 7
pointing, sb 7
rong, ws 7
seok, ji min 7
sham, pak chung 7
shimizu, m 7
sohn, seil 7
splieth, c 7
sproesser, katrin 7
sridhar, s 7
tolvanen, m 7
tsang, kl 7
walter, clemens 7
wang, feng 7
wang, s 7
wong, kl 7
wong, mkm 7
wong, sm 7
wu, l 7
xu, xiaoqing 7
ye, z 7
yeager, m 7
yi, b 7
yu, x 7
yu, xl 7
zhang, chengfei 7
zhang, w 7
zhao, x 7
zheng, bj 7
zhou, n 7
zhu, qiyun 7
zhuang, l 7
adair, pm 6
belda-ferre, pedro 6
berindan-neagoe, i 6
bonetti, s 6
broukal, z 6
cai, j 6
chan, aky 6
chan, dko 6
chau, amh 6
chen, k 6
chen, l 6
chen, q 6
chen, w 6
chow, tw 6
chu, chun hung 6
cui, z 6
dai, l 6
declerck, d 6
fan, z 6
farrar, paul 6
fawzy, as 6
feng, shi 6
friedman, j 6
fung, amy 6
gugushe, t 6
he, j 6
ho, ish 6
ho, pl 6
ho, smy 6
horbańczuk, jo 6
hu, d 6
huang, c 6
huang, s 6
huang, wei 6
hui, l 6
hui, sw 6
huo, y 6
hwarng, hb 6
ioi, h 6
ito, j. 6
jin, x 6
jing, gongchao 6
jo, ha hyeon 6
jung, hs 6
kawazu, t 6
kim, jae hyun 6
kim, seong jun 6
krushkal, j 6
lai, hc 6
lang-hua, bh 6
lee, hak joo 6
lee, yu bin 6
li, bingjue 6
li, dts 6
li, g 6
li, k 6
li, zy 6
liang, y 6
liao, c 6
lim, bl 6
lin, j 6
liu, dp 6
liu, f 6
liu, lunxu 6
liu, xiaoming 6
lo, j 6
luk, hwk 6
ma, chenchen 6
martelli, p 6
matsumoto, r 6
mcmillan, as 6
mills, gordon 6
mok, cw 6
mok, tmy 6
nakayama, e 6
ng, wc 6
nicoll, ad 6
ning, kang 6
okunseri, c 6
pirgozliev, v 6
qiao, ww 6
rebecca, vito w. 6
ruppin, eytan 6
saxer, ulrich p. 6
schaden, e 6
shibata, y 6
stenzel, martina h. 6
su, yx 6
sun, y 6
terajima, m 6
tewari, d 6
to, kkw 6
tobe, kimiko 6
tokiguchi, s. 6
tsang, akl 6
tsui, kh 6
wang, k 6
wang, yucheng 6
wei, f 6
wu, akl 6
wu, z 6
wu, zhaoming 6
xia, y 6
xiao, qw 6
xiao, y 6
xie, s 6
xu, w 6
yan, ig 6
yang, s 6
yin, xiaole 6
yip, shun h. 6
you, meng 6
zengin, g 6
zhang, hg 6
zhang, k 6
zhang, lin 6
zhao, d 6
zhi, q 6
zhou, b 6
özcan, m 6
aggarwal, bb 5
ashraf, u 5
atanasov, atanas g 5
baxter, rl 5
behkam, bahareh 5
ben-nissan, b 5
bishayee, a 5
bo, cunpei 5
boland, genevieve 5
broggini, nina 5
campopiano, dj 5
cao, hz 5
carrieri, anna paola 5
chan, lk 5
chen, h 5
chen, hkj 5
chen, hui 5
chen, s 5
chen, yaohui 5
chestnutt, ig 5
chiu, jill m y 5
cho, k 5
choi, ah 5
choi, gky 5
choi, my 5
chui, ho-kwong 5
cochran, david l. 5
dai, ll 5
das, n 5
dietrich, thomas 5
ding, aixiang 5
dissanayaka, waruna 5
djurišić, ab 5
duggal, p 5
eickhoff, sb 5
fan, mw 5
fischer, nicholas g. 5
fokas, g 5
freeman, r 5
fung, htm 5
ge, r 5
georgieva, mg 5
gibbons, d 5
gillett, a 5
gu, min 5
guo, m 5
haiminen, niina 5
hannenhalli, s 5
hargreaves, km 5
he, s 5
heikkinen, tt 5
heinonen, m 5
heng, bca 5
horbanczuk, jo 5
horbańczuk, jarosław olav 5
huang, s 5
huang, wei e. 5
hui, liuling 5
hung, kf 5
hung, kuofeng 5
ip, scy 5
jensen, simon s. 5
jiang, chloe meng 5
jiang, meng 5
joseph, s 5
kanda, s 5
karakousis, giorgos 5
khan, aa 5
kim, jong man 5
kondo, t 5
kuchler, ulrike 5
kung, hf 5
lacap, dc 5
laiho, t 5
lam, ty 5
langenbach, gej 5
law, km 5
leung, frederick c. 5
leung, katherine chiu man 5
leung, vwh 5
li, h 5
li, jing 5
li, ling 5
li, ls 5
li, rui 5
liu, jiquan 5
liu, jw 5
liu, pei 5
liu, w 5
liu, y 5
lovley, dr 5
lu, hezhe 5
lu, ly 5
lu, yingying 5
ma, py 5
manchanda, sheetal 5
matinlinna, jp 5
mcgrath, colman patrick 5
mitchell, tara c. 5
miyazaki, t 5
mohamad yatim, s 5
najeeb, s 5
nakata, s 5
newsome, prh 5
niu, jy 5
okamoto, k. 5
pan, h 5
pan, hb 5
parida, laxmi 5
parthasarathy, ds 5
parvanov, ed 5
perego, michela 5
perfecto, ap 5
politis, c 5
poon, llm 5
prusty, b. gangadhara 5
puska, m 5
qi, y 5
rajan, ginu 5
rajandram, rk 5
ramakrishnaiah, r 5
randell, sergio 5
sadek, norah 5
sang, ting 5
shan, zhiyi 5
sheridan, h 5
shinya, a 5
shum, kt 5
singh, p 5
so, ly 5
speicher, david w. 5
sugarman, eric 5
sun, hongzhe 5
suter, vga 5
tamrakar, m 5
tanabe, hc 5
teng, jl 5
teo, cs 5
tsang, pcs 5
tsoi, hw 5
tsoi, james kit hon 5
turton, b 5
visconti, l 5
völkl-kernstock, s 5
wang, c 5
wang, chunxiao 5
wang, ly 5
wang, r 5
wei, z 5
welt, m 5
wen, y 5
willschke, harald 5
wu, b 5
wu, d 5
wu, jyc 5
wu, lawrence 5
wu, w 5
wu, yiqun 5
xin, w 5
xu, b 5
xu, feng 5
xu, hang 5
xu, weiting 5
xu, y 5
xue, vw 5
yang, g 5
yang, wf 5
yao, j 5
yau, cy 5
yau, jyy 5
yeung, ys 5
yip, cy 5
yu, ollie yiru 5
zayts, oa 5
zhan, j 5
zhang, d 5
zhang, g 5
zhang, g. 5
zhang, h 5
zhang, heping 5
zhang, jian 5
zhang, yy 5
zheng, b 5
zheng, h 5
zheng, xiawan 5
zhou, j 5
zhu, hw 5
zhu, x 5
zou, t 5
ab malik, n 4
ahrens, a 4
al kheraif, aa 4
alexeev, d 4
allen, pf 4
anwar, s 4
aoki, y 4
archer, es 4
ashley, david m. 4
au, wl 4
ayasaka, n 4
baek, chang wook 4
bai, x 4
baker, s 4
banach, m 4
bassig, ba 4
beighton, d 4
bekes, k 4
bendeus, sam 4
beqiri, marilda 4
bian, z 4
bijle, mohammed nadeem 4
buser, d. 4
cai, q 4
chan, alice kit ying 4
chan, awk 4
chan, ckp 4
chan, jyk 4
chan, kmk 4
chang, haibo 4
chang, is 4
chatterjee, n 4
chau, mh 4
che, you 4
chen, c 4
chen, cy 4
chen, d 4
chen, j 4
chen, jhk 4
chen, kjy 4
chen, zhuofan 4
chen, zq 4
cheng, bss 4
cheung, cs 4
cheung, ky 4
cho, sy 4
chopra, h 4
chow, ky 4
chu, h 4
chu, ik 4
clark, rkf 4
counts, al 4
daglia, m 4
danchin, a 4
davies, michael a. 4
deng, y 4
ding, jiahui 4
dissanayaka, w. l. 4
dong, liyun 4
du, r 4
durgesh, bh 4
echeverría, j 4
ekambaram, manikandan 4
evans, rw 4
fan, yy 4
fang, dts 4
farhangdoost, k 4
farrell, rl 4
feng, bin 4
ferro, r 4
fok, a 4
fraumeni, jf 4
fu, h 4
fung, j 4
fung, ksc 4
glenny, am 4
gonzalez, antonio 4
granroth, s 4
green, dw 4
guan, y 4
guo, cy 4
hamama, hh 4
han, gong ho 4
han, s 4
harnisch, hendrik 4
harris, r 4
he, q 4
he, tao 4
heinrich, m 4
ho, cy 4
ho, s 4
ho, sl 4
ho, sm 4
hong, yc 4
hu, w 4
huang, g 4
huang, wh 4
huang, yue 4
hui, wt 4
hutchinson, a 4
iijima, t 4
irnawati, d 4
ismail, af 4
jacobs, kb 4
jiang, em 4
jiang, lingjing 4
jiang, mc 4
jiang, y 4
joseph, m 4
jóźwik, a 4
kan, cw 4
khan, as 4
khong, ml 4
kim, hj 4
kim, yc 4
kim, yt 4
kinne, j 4
kletecka-pulker, maria 4
klingler, karl 4
ko, na re 4
kocher, jean pierre a. 4
kong, yc 4
koohi-moghadam, m 4
kubo, m 4
kunitoh, h 4
kwok, kw 4
kwong, lawrence n. 4
lam, o 4
lam, py 4
lam, pyp 4
lam, walter yu hang 4
landi, mt 4
lau, awh 4
lau, mcy 4
lauber, roland 4
law, kl 4
law, ms 4
lee, hak rae 4
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 95
dentistry 77
oral health 75
dental caries 72
female 66
adult 65
caries 65
quality of life 55
covid-19 52
children 50
male 50
systematic review 50
child 49
fluoride 47
silver diamine fluoride 46
aged 45
middle aged 45
hong kong 44
medical sciences 41
prevention 41
sars-cov-2 41
meta-analysis 36
early childhood caries 35
orthodontics 34
artificial intelligence 33
dentin 32
china 31
microbiology 31
animals 30
bone regeneration 30
oral hygiene 30
preschool children 30
microbiome 29
plaque 29
bacteria 28
chinese 28
cone beam computed tomography 28
adolescent 27
implants 27
prevalence 27
biofilm 26
chi-square distribution 26
dental implant 26
dentine 26
hong kong - epidemiology 26
review 26
risk factors 26
analysis of variance 25
cone-beam computed tomography 25
questionnaires 25
aged, 80 and over 24
chlorhexidine 24
dental education 24
enamel 24
coronavirus 23
diagnosis 23
epidemiology 23
machine learning 23
phylogeny 23
biocompatibility 22
biomaterials 22
endodontics 22
patient satisfaction 22
periodontal disease 22
antimicrobial 21
base sequence 21
behavioral science 21
case-control studies 21
dental 21
dmf index 21
gingivitis 21
molecular sequence data 21
oral health-related quality of life 21
proteomics 21
saliva 21
sodium fluoride 21
adolescents 20
dental implants 20
dental materials 20
metagenomics 20
periodontitis 20
silver 20
statistics, nonparametric 20
titanium 20
child, preschool 19
fluorides 19
hydroxyapatite 19
oral microbiome 19
prospective studies 19
public health 19
treatment outcome 19
adhesion 18
dental anxiety 18
molecular epidemiology 18
reproducibility of results 18
risk assessment 18
tissue engineering 18
clinical trial 17
head and neck cancer 17
maxilla 17
primary teeth 17
remineralisation 17
sequence analysis, dna 17
bibliometric analysis 16
cbct 16
collagen 16
dental care 16
elderly 16
maxillary sinus 16
mouth - microbiology 16
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 16
pediatric dentistry 16
problem-based learning 16
questionnaire 16
tooth loss 16
virulence 16
zirconia 16
cross-sectional studies 15
deep learning 15
diet 15
genome, viral 15
nanoparticles 15
qualitative research 15
sensitivity and specificity 15
software 15
temperature 15
time factors 15
angiogenesis 14
china - ethnology 14
complications 14
diagnostic imaging 14
emotions 14
genomics 14
health status 14
identification 14
older adults 14
randomized controlled trial 14
scaffold 14
strontium 14
young adult 14
ace2 13
aging 13
amino acid sequence 13
antibacterial activity 13
arginine 13
attitude to health 13
cell proliferation 13
dental plaque 13
diabetes 13
escherichia coli 13
fluoride varnish 13
follow-up studies 13
hypersensitivity 13
laser 13
magnetic resonance imaging 13
nanoindentation 13
oral cancer 13
osteoporosis 13
periodontal index 13
promoter regions, genetic 13
remineralization 13
rnai 13
sace2 13
severity of illness index 13
smoking 13
stroke 13
surface properties 13
survival 13
xerostomia 13
accuracy 12
biomechanics 12
bone 12
cell line 12
cephalometry 12
curriculum 12
dose-response relationship, drug 12
double-blind method 12
educational status 12
epidemiologic methods 12
gene expression 12
income 12
infection 12
laribacter hongkongensis 12
longitudinal studies 12
malocclusion 12
oral health promotion 12
oral health status 12
peri-implantitis 12
periodontal status 12
polymerase chain reaction 12
resin composite 12
root canal treatment 12
root caries 12
sequencing 12
sickness impact profile 12
surface treatment 12
third molar 12
activities of daily living 11
antiviral agents - chemical synthesis - chemistry - pharmacology 11
apoptosis 11
assessment 11
carboxypeptidases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 11
case report 11
chiroptera - virology 11
clinical competence 11
cognition 11
conjunctivitis 11
dental care - utilization 11
dental health surveys 11
dental services 11
drug delivery 11
education 11
enzymes 11
evolution, molecular 11
fungi 11
genome 11
health behavior 11
health status indicators 11
human 11
internet 11
low-level laser therapy 11
mechanism 11
mrsa 11
older adult 11
orthognathic surgery 11
pain measurement 11
polymorphism, single nucleotide 11
quality of life - psychology 11
regeneration 11
rna, viral - genetics 11
sars 11
sars virus - drug effects - growth & development - metabolism - physiology 11
scoping review 11
sequence alignment 11
severe acute respiratory syndrome - drug therapy 11
social inequality 11
streptococcus mutans 11
stress, mechanical 11
toothbrushing 11
translations 11
tsukamurella 11
viral matrix proteins - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 11
3d printing 10
5' untranslated regions 10
acute hepatitis 10
age factors 10
amino acid substitution 10
anti-bacterial agents - pharmacology 10
arrest 10
bonding 10
bronchiectasis 10
burkholderia pseudomallei 10
cariology 10
chronic obstructive lung disease 10
composites 10
computational biology - methods 10
computed tomography 10
demineralization 10
dental fear 10
dental practice 10
edentulous 10
glass ionomer cements 10
health-related quality of life 10
infants 10
lasers 10
materials testing 10
mechanical properties 10
models, statistical 10
osseointegration 10
osteogenic differentiation 10
pi3k/akt 10
preventive dentistry 10
psychometrics 10
radiotherapy 10
randomized clinical trial 10
regression analysis 10
rna, ribosomal, 16s - genetics 10
silica-coating 10
species specificity 10
stability 10
stem cells 10
surface modification 10
surface roughness 10
toxicity 10
upper airway 10
water fluoridation 10
alleles 9
antibacterial 9
antimicrobials 9
atraumatic restorative treatment 9
autism spectrum disorder 9
bacteremia 9
bioactive glass 9
bioactivity 9
bioinformatics 9
cancer 9
caries prevention 9
clinical trials 9
cohort studies 9
competency 9
dental caries - epidemiology 9
dental enamel - abnormalities 9
dental graduate 9
dental public health 9
dental pulp stem cells 9
dental restoration failure 9
dentin hypersensitivity 9
disease reservoirs - virology 9
dogs 9
dogs - virology 9
gene expression regulation, bacterial 9
genetic variation 9
genotype 9
gut microbiome 9
kinetics 9
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - radiotherapy 9
novel 9
oral health literacy 9
orthodontic treatment 9
osteoarthritis 9
osteogenesis 9
pain 9
periodontal diseases 9
periodontal diseases - epidemiology 9
picornaviridae - chemistry - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 9
preschool 9
regenerative medicine 9
ribosomes - genetics - metabolism 9
root 9
rt-qpcr 9
silane coupling agents 9
silver compounds 9
silver diammine fluoride 9
singapore - epidemiology 9
varnish 9
wastewater surveillance 9
adiponectin 8
adolescence 8
antibiotic resistance 8
antimicrobial agents/inhibitors 8
antioxidants 8
bacteria - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 8
bacterial typing techniques 8
biomineralization 8
body mass index 8
bond strength 8
canada - epidemiology 8
cardiovascular disease 8
caregiver 8
caries risk assessment 8
cercopithecus aethiops 8
cerebral palsy 8
childhood 8
communication 8
databases, nucleic acid - statistics & numerical data 8
degradation 8
dental occlusion 8
dental scaling 8
dentifrices 8
dentine hypersensitivity 8
denture, complete 8
disease outbreaks - statistics & numerical data 8
equipment design 8
etiology 8
extraction 8
genes, rrna 8
genome, bacterial 8
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 8
heterozygote 8
hydrolytic stability 8
hypoxia 8
illumina 8
implantology 8
incidence 8
influenza 8
jak2/stat3 8
jaw reconstruction 8
lithium disilicate 8
lung cancer 8
medical interpreting 8
metabolism 8
microbiota 8
mineralization 8
mouthrinse 8
mri 8
myocardial ischemia injury 8
nucleic acid amplification techniques - methods 8
obstructive sleep apnea 8
oral health impact profile 8
orthodontic 8
periodontal health 8
periodontal organisms 8
phosphate coupling agents 8
prostheses 8
proteome 8
pyrosequencing 8
randomised controlled trial 8
rats 8
recombination 8
regenerative endodontics 8
salivary flow rate 8
salivation - radiation effects 8
sampling studies 8
sandblasting 8
sars virus - genetics 8
serotyping 8
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - transmission - virology 8
shear bond strength 8
silane 8
silver nitrate 8
sjögren's syndrome 8
snp 8
socioeconomic factors 8
staphylococcus aureus 8
success 8
sulfur-based coupling agents 8
swine 8
titanate coupling agents 8
tooth 8
tooth remineralization 8
toothbrushing - utilization 8
transcription regulation 8
vietnam - epidemiology 8
yeasts 8
zircoaluminate coupling agents 8
zirconates 8
16s rrna gene 7
5′-race assay 7
acrylics 7
adaptation, physiological - genetics 7
adaptation, psychological 7
adenosine synthase a 7
adhesives 7
algorithms 7
antibody 7
antiviral agents - chemical synthesis - pharmacology 7
anxiety 7
articular cartilage 7
aspergillus 7
autoclave 7
automation 7
bacteremia - microbiology 7
bacterial infection 7
bacterial proteins - genetics - metabolism 7
bacterium 7
biomarker 7
biomaterial 7
bird diseases - virology 7
bone substitutes 7
bone tissue regeneration 7
cardiac infection 7
cardiomyocytes 7
caries risk 7
cattle - virology 7
cells, cultured 7
cephalometrics 7
ceramics 7
child dentistry 7
clinic 7
clinical assessment 7
cloning, molecular 7
cluster analysis 7
community dentistry 7
complete 7
computer-aided design 7
computer-assisted surgery 7
coronaviridae - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 7
coronaviridae infections - veterinary - virology 7
cross-over studies 7
ct imaging 7
cuspid - pathology 7
databases, nucleic acid 7
dementia 7
dental caries - classification 7
dental caries - psychology 7
dental caries - therapy 7
dental curriculum 7
dental graduates 7
dental plaque index 7
dental restoration, permanent 7
dentures 7
design 7
diabetes mellitus 7
discovery 7
diversity 7
dna primers 7
dna, bacterial - chemistry - genetics 7
dna, ribosomal - chemistry - genetics 7
durapatite - chemistry 7
early warnings 7
ecosystem 7
education status 7
education, dental - organization and administration 7
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 7
escherichia coli - genetics 7
escherichia coli - genetics - metabolism 7
ethanol-wet bonding 7
finite element analysis 7
food habits 7
fungal infection 7
gastroenteritis - microbiology 7
gene regulatory network 7
genetic loci 7
genetic vectors 7
genome-wide association study 7
genomic sequence 7
growth 7
guidelines 7
hbv infection 7
health education 7
health promotion 7
health services needs and demand 7
health services needs and demand - statistics & numerical data 7
heart 7
hepatitis b, chronic - genetics - immunology - metabolism 7
hepatitis e virus 7
ifnar1 7
image processing, computer-assisted 7
image recognition 7
imaging 7
infant 7
inhibitor 7
internet in education. 7
ketones - chemistry 7
logistic models 7
mammals - virology 7
mechanical 7
metagenomic analysis 7
mgo nanoparticles 7
microarray 7
minimally invasive dentistry 7
molar, third - surgery 7
neisseriaceae - genetics 7
nlrp3 inflammasome 7
observer variation 7
ohrqol 7
omicron 7
oral microbiota 7
osteoblasts 7
otc 7
outcome (health) 7
parvovirus - genetics - isolation and purification 7
periodontal diseases - classification 7
periodontal diseases - psychology 7
periodontally compromised patient 7
periodontology 7
plasmids 7
platelet-rich plasma 7
postmenopause 7
problem-based learning. 7
proteomics - methods 7
receptor, interferon alpha-beta - genetics 7
recombination, genetic 7
research 7
residence characteristics 7
resin cement 7
rna, bacterial - genetics 7
sars virus - immunology - isolation & purification 7
self concept 7
self-assessment 7
sequence homology, nucleic acid 7
setting time 7
sewage surveillance 7
sewage system characteristics 7
sex factors 7
sheep - virology 7
shuttle vector 7
social class 7
sterilization 7
strontium - chemistry 7
students, dental - psychology 7
subgenomic transcripts 7
surveillance 7
survey 7
survival analysis 7
t cell responses 7
target 7
taste 7
taxonomy 7
third molar surgery 7
tongue 7
tooth extraction 7
university of hong kong. faculty of dentistry. 7
variant prioritization 7
vero cells 7
wastewater-based epidemiology 7
wound healing 7
x-ray diffraction 7
acid etch 6
adenosine triphosphatases - metabolism 6
adjuvants 6
airway obstruction 6
anaerobic bacteria 6
analgesics - therapeutic use 6
antarctica 6
antiviral agents 6
atomic force microscopy 6
attitude of health personnel 6
autism 6
autism spectrum disorders 6
bacteria, aerobic - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 6
bacteriological techniques - methods 6
bibliometric 6
binding sites 6
biochemical genetics 6
biodegradation 6
biofilms 6
biofilms - drug effects 6
biostatistics 6
bismuth 6
bismuth - chemistry - pharmacology 6
blood culture 6
bone cements - chemistry 6
bone remodeling 6
calcium fluoride 6
calcium phosphate cement 6
calcium phosphates - chemistry 6
calcium silicate 6
candida 6
cartilage, articular - ultrasonography 6
case-control study 6
cattle 6
ceftolozane-tazobactam 6
china - epidemiology 6
collagen fibril 6
color 6
competitive elisa 6
computer simulation 6
consultation 6
conversation analysis 6
cranial base 6
cross-professional 6
culture media 6
cysteine - chemistry 6
decision-making 6
dental care for aged 6
dental caries - prevention and control 6
dental enamel 6
dentine bonding 6
dentists 6
developmental defects of enamel 6
diarrhea - microbiology 6
diode laser 6
dna helicases - antagonists & inhibitors 6
dna helicases - classification - genetics - metabolism 6
dna, bacterial - chemistry - isolation & purification 6
dna, bacterial - genetics 6
dna, mitochondrial - genetics 6
dna, ribosomal - chemistry - isolation & purification 6
dna, ribosomal - genetics 6
dna, viral - genetics - metabolism 6
drugs, chinese herbal - chemistry - pharmacology 6
early childhood 6
ecotoxicity 6
education research 6
employee performance 6
endothelial cells 6
enzyme inhibitors - chemical synthesis - pharmacology 6
erosion 6
essential services 6
etching 6
ethnic groups 6
evaluation 6
evaluation studies as topic 6
evolution 6
extracellular matrix 6
face 6
facial attractiveness 6
failures 6
fibrillar collagens - ultrastructure 6
fluoride(s) 6
fluorides - therapeutic use 6
fmri 6
frequency 6
fructus mume 6
gene 6
gene expression profiling 6
gene expression profiling - methods 6
genes, rrna - genetics 6
genogroup i 6
giant panda 6
glass ionomer 6
glass-ionomer cement 6
graduate 6
gram-negative bacteria - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 6
gram-negative bacterial infections - diagnosis - microbiology 6
health communication / multilingualism / globalisation 6
health services research 6
health services research and learning 6
health status measures 6
health surveys 6
helical structures 6
herbst appliance 6
hyoid bone 6
hypomaxillia 6
immunocompromised host 6
immunology 6
implant dentistry 6
influenza virus 6
keratitis 6
koch's postulates 6
leptotrichia - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 6
leptotrichia hongkongensis 6
linear models 6
longitudinal study 6
low-dose protocol 6
low-level laser irradiation 6
mammals 6
mandible 6
mandibular canal 6
membrane 6
metal oxide nanoparticles 6
mice 6
microbial communities 6
microbial community 6
microscopy, atomic force - methods 6
midface hypoplasia 6
molar 6
molar, third 6
molecular biology 6
molecular evolution 6
morphogenesis 6
mouthrinses 6
muscarinic agonists - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
mycolyltransferase 6
neural network 6
neuroimaging 6
newcastle disease virus 6
next-generation sequencing 6
nickel 6
novel species 6
nucleic acid conformation 6
nucleic acid conformation - drug effects 6
nucleocapsid protein 6
nucleoside-triphosphatase - classification - genetics - metabolism 6
obstructive sleep apnoea 6
ohip 6
oral and maxillofacial surgery 6
oral cavity 6
oral cavity cancer 6
oral health related quality of life 6
oral hygiene index 6
oral implantology 6
organometallic compounds - chemistry - pharmacology 6
orthodontic brackets - microbiology 6
orthodontic pain 6
orthodontic-periodontal joint treatment 6
osteoarthritis, knee - pathology 6
osteoblast differentiation 6
osteoconductivity 6
outcome assessment 6
p6-c4 6
pacbio rs ii 6
paediatrics 6
parkinson's disease 6
patient acceptance of health care 6
patient discharge 6
pediatric 6
peg precipitation 6
periodontal inflammation 6
phenotype 6
photogrammetry 6
photography, dental 6
phylogenomic 6
physicochemical properties 6
picobirnaviruses 6
pilot projects 6
plant extracts - analysis - pharmacology 6
plasmid 6
polyethylene glycols - chemistry 6
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 6
potassium iodide 6
power 6
principal component analysis 6
pseudomonas - isolation & purification 6
quinuclidines - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
radiation dosage 6
radiation protection 6
radiomics 6
randomised clinical trial 6
randomized controlled trials 6
rehabilitation 6
resin composites 6
retromaxillia 6
rna helicases - classification - genetics - metabolism 6
root resorption 6
s. aureus 6
saer 6
sars coronavirus 6
sars virus - drug effects 6
sars virus - enzymology - genetics 6
schneiderian membrane 6
sequence analysis, rna 6
shear 6
sinus floor elevation 6
sjogren's syndrome - complications - ethnology 6
sjogren's syndrome - psychology - rehabilitation 6
sleep disorders - etiology 6
social story 6
sodium hypochlorite 6
special needs 6
species 6
statistics as topic 6
stress 6
substrate specificity 6
surface chemistry 6
surfaces 6
sutures 6
thiophenes - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
tissue regeneration 6
titanium - chemistry 6
tooth whitening 6
tooth, deciduous - abnormalities 6
treatment 6
variant 6
virtual surgical planning 6
virus outbreak 6
virus replication - drug effects 6
volumetric measurement 6
wastewater genome sequencing 6
weibull analysis 6
xerostomia - drug therapy - ethnology - etiology 6
xerostomia - etiology - rehabilitation 6
12-year-old southern chinese 5
16s rdna gene 5
16s rrna gene sequencing 5
3-dimensional 5
3d imaging techniques 5
acid etching 5
actinomyces - classification - cytology - isolation & purification - physiology 5
actinomyces hongkongensis 5
actinomycetales - isolation & purification 5
actinomycetales infections - diagnosis - microbiology 5
actinomycosis - microbiology 5
activated sludge 5
adrenal cortex hormones - administration and dosage - adverse effects 5
adrenergic effects 5
age distribution 5
alkaline phosphatase - metabolism 5
alphacoronavirus 5
alveolar bone loss 5
ampc beta-lactamase 5
anaerobiosis 5
anatomy teaching 5
anti-biofilm activity 5
anti-infective agents, local - administration and dosage - pharmacology 5
antibiotic resistance genes 5
antibiotic tolerance 5
antimicrobial effectiveness 5
antimicrobial peptide 5
antimicrobial resistance prediction 5
arginase 5
arginine deiminase 5
arginine metabolism 5
associated factors 5
atherosclerosis 5
attitude 5
authentic literacy 5
bacteremia - diagnosis - microbiology 5
bacteria (microorganisms) 5
bacteria - classification - genetics 5
bacteria, aerobic - classification - genetics 5
bacteria, anaerobic - classification - genetics 5
bacterial communities 5
bacterial infections - diagnosis - microbiology 5
bacterial infections - microbiology 5
bacterial pathogenesis 5
bacterial proteins - drug effects - genetics - metabolism 5
bacterial proteins - genetics 5
bacterial typing techniques - methods 5
bacteriological techniques 5
bactrian camel 5
bat 5
bcd-ipsc disease model 5
behavioral intervention 5
bibliometrics 5
biocompatible materials - chemistry - toxicity 5
biomimetic 5
blotting, western 5
bocavirus - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 5
bone defect repair 5
bone mineral density (bmd) 5
bone substitutes - chemistry 5
cad/cam 5
calcium 5
calcium phosphate 5
california sea lions 5
campylobacter fetus - classification - genetics - growth & development - isolation & purification 5
campylobacter infections - microbiology 5
cancer therapy 5
candidiasis, oral - classification 5
carcinoma - radiotherapy 5
caregivers 5
caries arrest 5
caries experience 5
caries management 5
caries-affected dentin 5
cariostatic agents - adverse effects 5
cat diseases - virology 5
cell nucleus - genetics 5
cephalogram 5
cerebral palsy - complications 5
chicken 5
children and outcome (health) 5
chlorhexidine - administration and dosage - analogs and derivatives - pharmacology 5
chromobacterium violaceum 5
cigarette smoking 5
class iii malocclusion 5
clinical communication 5
clinical decision-making 5
clinical studies/trials 5
coated materials, biocompatible - chemistry 5
coating 5
cognitive impairment 5
colloidal bismuth subcitrate 5
communicable diseases, emerging - microbiology 5
community-acquired infections - microbiology 5
compositional analysis 5
computer-assisted jaw reconstruction 5
computer-assisted surgery (cas) 5
cone beam computed tomography (cbct) 5
cone beam computer tomography 5
construction strategies 5
continuing dental education 5
controlled study 5
conversation 5
convolutional neural network 5
coronectomy 5
cosmetic surgery 5
cpp-acp 5
cranial irradiation - adverse effects 5
craniofacial 5
craniofacial abnormalities 5
cross-linking 5
culture 5
cumulative sum analysis 5
cyp4v2 gene mutant psc control 5
dental aesthetics 5
dental care for children 5
dental caries - complications 5
dental caries - epidemiology - ethnology 5
dental cavity preparation - methods 5
dental equipment 5
dental restoration, permanent - methods 5
dentist-patient relations 5
denture, partial 5
depression 5
desert 5
diagnosis and treatment 5
digital 5
digitale volumentomografie 5
dimorphic fungus 5
dioscorea spp protein 5
disability 5
discitis - diagnosis - drug therapy 5
discolouration 5
disease-free survival 5
dna fingerprinting 5
dna, ribosomal - analysis - genetics 5
dog diseases - virology 5
dromedary camel 5
educational methodology 5
electrophoresis, gel, pulsed-field 5
embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells 5
embryonic stem cells 5
endocarditis, bacterial - microbiology 5
endocrine disrupting compounds (edcs) 5
enteric rods 5
enterobacteriaceae - isolation & purification 5
epidemics 5
epidemiology and health services research 5
esbl 5
ethmoid sinus 5
ethnic 5
exome sequencing 5
expression 5
extranodal extension 5
facial proportions 5
famotidine - pharmacology 5
fatigue 5
fear 5
feces - microbiology 5
fibula free flap 5
final-year students 5
fish diseases - microbiology 5
fishes - microbiology 5
flavonoids 5
fluoridation 5
fluoride uptake 5
fluorides - adverse effects 5
food microbiology 5
functional literacy 5
functional magnetic resonance imaging 5
functional neuroimaging 5
functionalized tricalcium phosphate 5
gene components - genetics 5
gene expression regulation, bacterial - drug effects 5
gene silencing 5
genes - genetics 5
genes, bacterial - genetics 5
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
lo, edward chin man 52
mcgrath, colman 29
wong, may chun mei 25
chu, chun hung 24
wang, junwen john 24
leung, frederick chi ching 22
tsoi, james kit hon 22
watt, rory munro 22
teng, lee lee 17
yiu, cynthia kar yung 15
zhang, chengfei 15
dissanayaka, waruna lakmal 13
qiao, wei will 9
tanner, julian alexander 9
huang, jiandong 8
wong, hai ming 8
yang, yanqi 8
gao, xiaoli 7
matinlinna, jukka pekka 7
su, richard yuxiong 7
darvell, brian william 6
djurisic, aleksandra 6
jin, lijian 6
lee, hiu man gillian 6
liu, pei 6
neelakantan, prasanna 6
wong, maria pik 6
yeung, man lung 6
dyson, john edwin 5
huang, shi 5
kwok, ka wai 5
lee, victor ho fun 5
leung, wai keung 5
sham, pak chung 5
woo, patrick chiu yat 5
bridges, susan margaret 4
cheung, gary shun pan 4
duangthip, duangporn 4
hung, fan ngai ivan 4
koohimoghadam, mohamad 4
pelekos, georgios 4
pow, edmond ho nang 4
sun, hongzhe 4
walter lam 4
ye, zhou 4
au, terry kit fong 3
botelho, michael george 3
burrow, michael francis 3
chan, danny 3
chang, hing chiu charles 3
cheah, kathryn song eng 3
corbet, esmonde francis 3
deng, yu 3
irwin, michael garnet 3
jin, dy 3
lau, susanna kar pui 3
leung, mike yiu yan 3
lim, lee wei 3
ng, ray kit 3
richard kao 3
samaranayake, lakshman perera 3
schnieders, dirk 3
vince vardhanabhuti 3
wu, zhaoming 3
xia, zhengyuan 3
yan, bin 3
yeung, kelvin wai kwok 3
yiu, siu ming 3
yuen, kwok yung 3
zhang, gao 3
zhang, tong 3
chan, jasper fuk woo 2
chan, karen man kei 2
chan, yu ki 2
chau, pui hing 2
chen, honglin 2
cheng, yi yung 2
cheung, kenneth man chee 2
chi-ching tsang 2
chu, hin 2
el-nezamy, hani said 2
gu, min 2
khoo, ui soon 2
kiho (dan) cho 2
king, nigel martyn 2
lam, otto lok tao 2
lee, angeline hui cheng 2
leung, gabriel matthew 2
leung, katherine chiu man 2
li, xuechen 2
lian, qizhou 2
lin, yifan 2
luk, wai kuen 2
peiris, joseph sriyal malik 2
poon, lit man leo 2
raven kok 2
seneviratne, chaminda jayampath 2
sze, kong hung 2
to, kelvin kai wang 2
wang, wen ping 2
xu, aimin 2
yao, kwok ming 2
yeung, wai kan andy 2
yiu, edwin man lai 2
zhang, jinxia 2
zhou, jie 2
chan, barbara pui 1
chan, chi ping 1
chan, wai kin 1
chan, wai sze 1
chan, ying shing 1
chau, cheuk man 1
chen, steven feng 1
chen, yan 1
chen, zhiwei 1
cheung, lim kwong 1
cheung, martin chi hang 1
choi, winnie wing shan 1
chow, kwok wing 1
chu, zhiqin 1
ekambaram, manikandan 1
flemmig, thomas frank 1
fong, daniel yee tak 1
gao, peng 1
guan, xin-yuan 1
guan, yi 1
hagg, erik urban oskar 1
han, kai 1
hao, quan 1
hau, chi hang 1
hedley, anthony johnson 1
ho, mun yin samuel 1
huang, yuanhua 1
hui, raymond kin hi 1
hung, kuo feng 1
ip, mary sau man 1
ip, patrick 1
jane pu 1
jiang, chloe meng 1
jung, han sung 1
kim, youngwon 1
kotaka, masayo 1
kwok, wang chun 1
lam, tai hing 1
lau, allan sik yin 1
lee, elaine yuen phin 1
lee, will wai ming 1
leung, victor yu leong 1
lim, boon leong 1
lim, tong wah 1
lo, john 1
lok, yuet wan 1
lu, william weijia 1
luk, keith dip kei 1
mattheos, nikos 1
mcmillan, anne sinclair 1
pan, haobo 1
raymond tsang 1
samartzis, dino 1
sham, mai har 1
shan, zhiyi 1
sihoe, dart loon alan 1
song, you-qiang 1
stacey s. cherny 1
sun, min 1
tam, paul kwong hang 1
tang, jinyao 1
tarrant, marie 1
tonetti, maurizio 1
tsao, george sai wah 1
tse, herman 1
tse, hung fat 1
tun, hein min 1
vanhoutte, paul michel georges remi 1
wan, jennifer man fan 1
wang, mingfu 1
wang, yufeng 1
williams, gray argust 1
wong, chun nei virginia 1
wong, kenneth kin yip 1
yang, weifa 1
yu, lequan 1
yuan, shuofeng 1
yuen, jacqueline kwan yuk 1
zayts, olga a 1
zhao, hanjun 1
zheng, bojian 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
ecology, molecular virology, pathogenesis, sarscov-2 19
interspecies, middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus, molecular basis, pathogenesis, transmission 19
degenerative, disorders, functional, genomic, skeletal, variation 14
null 11
sars 8
breast milk, formula, intestinal microbiome 7
melamine milk 7
oral cavity cancer, lung cancer, tooth regeneration, bioinformatics, genomics 7
3d printing, antibiofilm, dental implants, nano diamonds 6
artificial intelligence, dental prostheses 6
artificial intelligence, diagnosing, fungal infections 6
cancer, genetic, heterogeneity, identify, intra-tumoural, translating 6
conversation analysis, health communication, health interpreting, health literacy, qualitative research 6
dental 6
distraction osteogenesis, orthognathic surgery, retrognathic mandible, sagittal split osteotomy 6
maxillofacial surgery, patient-specific, three-dimensional printing, virtual surgical planning 6
motivational interview, oral and systemic health, oral health behaviour and lifestyle, periodontitis, quality of life, randomised 6
dental caries, non-communicable disease, caries risk assessment, preventive dentistry, mobile health 6
dentofacial deformity, orthodontics, adolescents, three-dimensional average face, artificial intelligence 6
adolescents, caries, health belief model, oral health promotion, oral hygiene, sugar intake 5
autophagy, caveolin-3, diabetes, ischemia 5
bone regeneration, coronectomy, periodontal attachment, randomized clinical trial, third molar surgery 5
chemical genetics, mrsa, saer, staphylococcus aureus, two-component system, virulence factor 5
cohort study, elderly, healthy ageing, mastication, oral health, quality of life 5
drug resistance, egfr mutation, lung adenocarcinomas, never smoker, next generation sequencing, targeted therapy 5
endodontic infection, enterococcus faecalis, lipoteichoic acid, osteoblasts, osteoclasts 5
fecal indicatro normalization, genomic sequencing, longitudinal monitoring, sars-cov-2, sewage surveilance 5
health psychology, oral health literacy, oral health management, pediatric dentistry 5
imaging guidance, magnetic resonance, robotic transoral surgery 5
low-lvel laser therapy, orthodontic treatment, patient-centered outcomes, periodontal inflammation and remodeling, periodontitis 5
naspharyngeal cancer, radiotherapy, speech, swallowing 5
oral health literacy 5
institutionalised elders , denture plaque, metagenomic sequencing, respiratory pathogens 5
oral cancer, ffpe tissue, microbiome, diagnosis, prediction 5
pulpal inflammation, irreversible pulpitis, pulpotomy, prognostic biomarkers, single-cell rna sequencing 5
adolescents, dental caries, health behaviours, motivational interviewing, oral health, risk assessment 4
aerosol genderating procedures, covid-19, dental aerosols, mouthwashes, respiratory pathogens 4
aging, ischemia/reperfusion injury, p53, pgc1α, rap1 4
biofilm, dental caries, prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics 4
bioinformatics, co-expression networks, genetic variants, gwas, transcription factor binding s 4
calcium and phosphate, caries, fluoride varnishes, preschool, randomized clinical trial 4
chondrocyte, growth plate, regulatory networks 4
curcumin, green synthesis, nanotechnology 4
dental-derived, engineered, neural, peripheral, regeneration, tissue 4
diagnosis, evaluation, masticatory, novel, orthodontics, screening 4
disc progenitors, intervertebral disc, mesenchymal stem cells, tissue engineering 4
domestic, helpers, indonesian, oral health promotion 4
early childhood caries, oral health promotion, randomized controlled trial 4
early childhood caries, oral health promotion, sugar intake, toothbrushing 4
health literacy, health promotion, learning disabilities, oral health, social stories 4
metal binding, sars 4
- 4
1) bioinformatics 2) omics 3) cancer evolution 4) gene regulation 5) head and neck cancer 4
microneedle, orthodontic treatment, platelet-rich plasma 4
16s rrna sequencing, 16spathdb 3
3d printing, biocomposite, dental implant, functionally graded implant, multiphase 3
acid-etched dentin, chlorhexidine, dentin bond, durability, ethanol wet-bonding 3
adolescents, modes of delivery, motivational interviewing, oral health behaviors, randomized controlled trial 3
ageing in place, carers' knowledge, dysphagia, swallowing function in elderly, swallowing management 3
angiogenesis, cell survival, hif-1α stabilization, pulp regeneration, small molecules 3
angiogenesis, dental pulp regeneration, dental pulp stem cells, engineered pulp constructs, prevascularization 3
angiogenesis, electrical stimulation, gelma hydrogel, neurogenesis, pulp/dentin regeneration 3
angiogenesis, gelma hydrogel, neural progenitor cells, pulp/dentin complex, vascular cells 3
antiinfective agents, materials testing, nanotechnology 3
antimicrobial agents, clinical trial, dental palque, oral pathogens, stroke rehabilitation 3
arginine, caries, fluoride, prevention, varnish 3
artificial intelligence, automation, dental crown 3
autism, clinical trial, health promotion, oral health, visual pedagogy interventions 3
bacteria, dna repair, homologous recombination, neisseria, protein biochemistry 3
bacterial biofilm, nucleotide metabolism, protein biochemistry, staphylococcus aureus, stringent response 3
bacterial cell surface protein, dna aptamer, dna-based taxonomy, periodontal disease, treponema denticola 3
bacterial genomics, cell surface proteins, oral microbiome, periodontal disease etiology, treponema 3
bacteriology, chemical synthesis, drug discovery, protein biochemistry, proteomics 3
behavioral intervention, children, dental caries, motivational interviewing, risk assessment 3
bioinformatics model, gene regulation, head & neck cancer progression, regulatory genomic variants, transcription factor 3
bis-phenol a, dental materials, fudma, resin composite, restorative dentistry 3
caries risk assessment, children, dental caries, oral health prevention, xylitol 3
caries, children, clinical trial, fluoride, silver diamine fluoride 3
caries, children, control, fluoride 3
caries, clinical trial, silver diamine fluoride, silver nitrate, sodium fluoride 3
childhood, early adulthood, life-course study, oral health, trends 3
children, clinical trial, dental caries, prevention, silver diamine fluoride 3
children, dental caries, fluoride, prevention, toothbrushing 3
children, oral health 3
children, permanent teeth, risk factors, tooth eruption 3
clinical trial, fixed prosthodontics, resin-bonded bridge, zirconia 3
collagen crosslinking, epoxy silane, resin-dentin interface 3
cone beam computed tomography, inferior alveolar nerve, low radiation dose, mandibular canal, third molar surgery 3
dental acrylic 3-d printing technique, elderly and disabled, micro-mist injection, plaque cleaning apparatus 3
dental arch, geometric morphometrics, growth and development, shape, three-dimensional 3
dental care service 3
dental caries, elderly, root surface 3
dental caries, fluoride, nanoparticles, silver, silver diamine fluoride 3
dental caries, preschool children, prevention, randomized clinical trial, silver diamine fluoride 3
dental caries, preschoolers, prevention, prospective cohort study, risk assessment 3
developmental defects, enamel, risk factors 3
diagnosis, ffpe, microbiome, oral cancer, prediction 3
dna, oligonucleotides 3
drug resistance, egfr mutation, lung cancer, stemness and differentiation, tumor propagating cells 3
education, learning, pbl 3
elderly, ndental caries, preventive dentistry, topical fluoride 3
flexible continuum robot, image-guided intervention, surgical robotics 3
fluoride, ionomer, occlusal, preschool, sealant, varnish 3
fluoride, oral health, preschool child, preventive care 3
kindergarten children, outreach dental service 3
klf4, mesenchymal stem cell ageing, mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial dynamics, mitochondrial dysfunction 3
microarray, microbiology, periodontitis, phylotypes, pyrosequencing, virulence 3
oral appliances, quality of life, sleep apnoea 3
caries, silver diamine fluoride, randomized clinical trial, children, early childhood 3
cell survival, microalgae, o2 generation, pulp regeneration, vascularization 3
cpap mask, bioinspired surface, dentistry, dental materials, 3
older adults, root caries, silver diamine fluoride, restorative treatment, oral health-related quality of life 3
oral hygiene, oral health promotion, artificial intelligence, gingivitis, diagnostic screening 3
replicative senescence, therapy-induced senescence, apoptosis, oncogene-induced senescence, cancer therapy 3
senescence, m6a rna methylation, fto, jun, alveolar bone remodelling 3
ace2, covid-19, lc-ms/ms, proteomics, sars-cov-2 2
adiposity status, longitudical study, oral health 2
adults, health, impairment, oral, physical, promotion 2
algorithm, epstein-barr virus, hidden markov model, hidden markov models, microrna, microrna target 2
alternative promoter, core promoter element, core promoter evolution, transcription factor binding, transcription initiation 2
angiogenesis, chemical reprogramming, dental stem cells, endothelial differentiation, small molecules 2
angiogenesis, hif-1α signaling, pulp regeneration, semaphorin 4d - plexin-b1, vascular stabilization 2
angiopoietin-1, dental pulp stem cell, pericyte-like cell, tgf-β1, vessel stability 2
anti-bacterial surfaces, biomimetic nano-structured, dental clinical applications 2
antigen, burkholderia, capture, fatal, melioidosis, pseudomallei 2
antimicrobial, bismuth, metallomics/ metalloproteomics, protein, structure and function 2
aptamers, diagnostics, dna origami, nanostructure, nanotechnology 2
artificial intelligence, cad-cam, digital impression, optical computer tomography, prosthesis design, randomized controlled trial 2
bacterial phylogeny, oral microbiota, periodontitis, synergistetes, treponema 2
bacterial physiology, enzyme function, infectious disease, polyphosphate, structural biology 2
bamboo rats, penicilliosis, penicillium marneffei 2
basic helix-loop-helix, co-evolution, mutual information, tfbs, transcription factor 2
biomaterials, calcium silicate(cs), osteoporotic bone fracture, ph, strontium 2
biomineralization, enamel regeneration, molecular biomimetics, self-assembly 2
bioprinting, large bone defect, nanoparticle, osteogenesis, scaffold, whitlockite 2
bismuth, helicobacter pylori, metallomics, nickel, nuclear technique 2
bone, enzymology, matrix vesicles, phosphatase, polyphosphate 2
carbapenem, colistin, esbl, mcr-3, salmonella, st34 2
cell entry, celllular ace2 (cace2), risk marker, sars-cov-2, soluble ace2 (sace2), therapeutics 2
cell metabolism, cell survival, dental pulp regeneration, hif-1α signaling, hypoxia 2
cell spheroids, endothelial differentiation, hif-1alpha, peripheral tissue ischemia, revascularization, scaffold-free 2
cell survival, dental pulp stem cells, gelma hydrogel, pulp regeneration, root canal 2
children, dental caries, fluoride, prevention 2
children, dental health, health promotion, teacher's education 2
chip-seq, lung cancer, network module, regulatory network, systems biology 2
clinical trial, dental caries, fluoride, preschool, prevention, silver compound 2
clinical trial, innovative methods, tooth decay 2
dental care service for the elderly 2
dental caries 2
dental caries, fluoride, minimally invasive dentistry, non-restorative treatment, preschool children 2
dental implant infections, nano-titanium dental implant functionalized, novel biofilm inhibitors 2
dental implants, finite element analysis, fixed dental prosthesis, framework misfit, technical complications 2
dental materials, digital dentistry, zirconia 2
dental service 2
dental service utilization, family influences, oral health status 2
dentistry, prosthodontics, randomized clinical trial, resin-bonded bridge, success 2
dna methylation, epigenetics, leukemia, mll rearrangement, tet2 2
drug resistance, lung cancer, nfat, sox2, tumor initiating cells 2
go-based antibacterial 2
isoprenoid natural products, metabolic engineering, microbial cell factory, molecular microbiology, protein engineering 2
landfill 2
mgo-based 2
mgo-based antibacterial 2
mgo-based antibacterial surface coatings 2
oral health 2
oral microbiome, peptidase, periodontitis, protein biochemistry, protein structure 2
""1) phage-bacteria coevolution"",""2) inducible prophage"",""3) large-scale bacteria isolation"",""4) long-read metagenomics"",""5) gut-associated pathogen"" 2
1) skeletal interoceptive circuit 2) optogenetics 3) wireless power transfer 4) sensory nerve 5) bone homeostasis 2
antimicrobial resistance, wastewater metagenomic data, clinically important pathogen, nanopore sequencing, model prediction 2
biodegradable alloy, zinc-lithium-magnesium, fracture healing, implant, bone-brain axis 2
jaw reconstruction, fibula flap, nerve reinnervation 2
pulp regeneration, vascularization, mitochondrial transfer, hypoxia, angiogenesis 2
roles of oral microbiome bacteria in modulating pathogenicity of helicobacter pylori in infected population 2
root caries; bioactive glass; fluoride varnish; community-dwelling older adult; caries prevention 2
talaromyces marneffei, talaromycosis, pathogenesis 2
5'-flanking region, chicken growth hormone, molecular cloning 1
53rd annual meeting, dentistry, iso tc 106 1
active promoter prediction, divergent transcription, embryonic stem cells, non-coding rnas, transcription factor binding modules 1
apoptosis, sars 1
atraumatic restorative treatment (art) restorations, chinese kindergarten children 1
bacterial infection, caries, cysteine protease, oral microbiome, protein biochemistry 1
biomineralization, calcium phosphates, crystal structure, solid titration, solubility 1
bioreactor, transgenic chicken 1
care, community, dental, mentally, physically, service 1
cell culture adaptation, endocytic pathway, heat shock protein, ibdv, vp2 1
colorimetric assays, covid-19, point-of-care diagnosis, rapid, sensitive 1
coronavirus, disease reservoirs, receptor virus, rna virus infection, zoonosis 1
covid-19, fluorescent lateral flow assay based, novel aggregation-induced emission (aie), point-of-care diagnosis, surveillance 1
covid-19, one-kit-for-multiple-animal, serodiagnosis, surveillance 1
dentistry 1
diagnosis from multimodal digital dental data, precision orthodontics, restorative dentistry, tooth smart modeling 1
fingerprinting, green mussel, perna viridis 1
isoprenoid biosynthesis 1
minimal intervention model, oral health care 1
nsp2-deletions, pam, pcv2, transcriptomes, type 2 prrsv 1
outstanding young researcher award 1
tai o dental centre 1
3d printing, biocomposite, mechanical properties, mandible implant, osteogenesis 1
bioinformatics, genomic medicine, ai, hnscc, sex differences 1
database, oral and oropharyngeal cancer, omics, survival analysis 1
developing a mobile app to improve adolescent oral health awareness 1
development of a novel serodiagnostic assay, melioidosis 1
development, smart glucose-responsive hydrogel dressing, promote diabetic wound healing, modulation of neuro-immune axis 1
digital dentistry, artificial intelligence, dental prostheses, zirconia, 3d printing 1
gwas study, genetic variation, bioinformatics, deep learning, tert 1
in-situ measurement, multiscopic, precision surface metrology, smart selfadaptive, industry 4.0 1
microbiome, strain compositional profiling, functional prediction, clinical diagnosis 1
oral care, caries, tooth paste 1
oral jet, procleaning system 1
oral microbiome, guanosine tetraphosphate ppgpp, parvimonas micra, fatty acids, protein biochemistry 1
ros-responsive, prodrug-conjugated self-assembling, antimicrobial peptide hydrogel, long-term treatment, periodontitis 1
smart glucose-responsive, hydrogel dressing, diabetic wound healing, modulation, neuro-immune axis 1
trial, diagnosing fungal infections, artificial intelligence, development, refined database software platform 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 85
dentistry 53
microbiology,infection/parasitology 19
virology,infection/parasitology 19
genetic disease,genomic biology 14
n/a 11
cancer 8
dentistryclinical trials 8
epidemiology 8
bioinformatics, systems and synthetifc biologygenomics 7
dentistry,clinical trials 7
dentistrybiomaterials 7
dentistry,epidemiology 6
dentistry,surgical research 6
psychosocial and behavioural research,sociology 6
chemical sciences 5
dentistrymolecular diagnostics 5
dentistryregenerative medicine 5
dentistrysurgical research 5
diabetes/metabolism 5
others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 5
others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 5
others - medicine, dentistry and health,psychosocial and behavioural research 5
psychosocial and behavioural research 5
behaviour and psychologypublic health 4
bioinformatics, systems and synthetifc biologygenomic biology 4
biomedical engineering 4
cardiovascular research,others - medicine, dentistry and health 4
dentistry,microbiology 4
developmental biology,others - biological sciences 4
endocrinology,biomaterials 4
genomics,gene regulation 4
others - biological sciences 4
ageingcancer 3
biochemistry,others - biological sciences 3
dentistry,anthropology 3
dentistry,biomaterials 3
dentistry,cardiovascular research 3
dentistry,imaging 3
dentistry,materials sciences 3
dentistry,others - biological sciences 3
dentistry,psychosocial and behavioural research 3
dentistry,respiration 3
dentistrybiomedical engineering 3
dentistryothers - biological sciences 3
epidemiology,clinical trials 3
microbiology,biochemistry 3
microbiology,molecular biology 3
molecular biologycancer 3
others - biological sciences,cancer 3
others - physical sciences 3
others - physical sciences,biochemistry 3
public health,geriatrics/gerontology 3
robotics and automation 3
social policy 3
stem cell biology,cell biology 3
biochemistry,microbiology 2
biochemistry,molecular biology 2
biomaterialsbiomedical engineering 2
dentistry,biomedical engineering 2
dentistry,materials 2
dentistry,public health 2
dentistry,regenerative medicine 2
dentistrygastroenterology/hepatobiliary 2
environmentalmicrobiology 2
materials,orthopaedics/traumatology 2
orthopaedics/traumatologybiomaterials 2
others - biological sciences,genomic biology 2
others - biological sciences,molecular biology 2
others - biological sciences,others - computing science and information technology 2
others - biological sciencesmicrobiology 2
others - medicine, dentistry and health,epidemiology 2
others - physical sciences,others - biological sciences 2
physics 2
waterpopulation health 2
biochemistry 1
bioinformatics 1
bioinformatics, systems and synthetifc biologycancer 1
bioinformaticsgenomic medicine 1
biomaterialsbiomechanics 1
chemical sciences,materials sciences 1
dentistryimaging 1
dentistrymicrobiology 1
microbiology,genomic biology 1
others - biological sciences,infection/parasitology 1
production and manufacturing 1
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