School of Humanities (Philosophy)

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
ci, j 58
cappelen, herman 56
cook, ga 55
o'leary, te 41
deutsch, me 39
lau, jyf 36
tiwald, justin 36
asay, jf 27
goldstein, simon 24
cappelen, hw 23
nado, je 21
sharadin, nathaniel 21
sterken, rk 20
lepore, ernie 19
cappelen, h 14
wolff, je 14
babic, boris 12
mccarthy, d 12
nado, jennifer 12
cook, a 10
pepp, j 10
chaturvedi, a 9
michaelson, e 9
asay, jamin 8
deutsch, m 8
dever, j 8
mccarthy, dp 8
evgeniou, theodoros 7
nado, j 7
o'leary, t 7
gerke, sara 6
hawthorne, john 6
robins, d 6
robins, dp 6
sterken, rachel katharine 6
lepore, ernest 5
mikkola, k 5
wildish, m 5
zamuner, e 5
chaturvedi, amit 4
cohen, i. glenn 4
beddor, bob 3
lepore, e 3
marshall, d 3
michaelson, eliot 3
pepp, jessica 3
plunkett, d 3
sharadin, nathaniel paul 3
sharadin, np 3
sterken, rachel 3
thomas, t 3
wolff, j 3
arntzenius, f 2
asay, j 2
baron, s 2
brennan, a 2
brown, j 2
cariani, fabrizio 2
carter, sam 2
chan, jcw 2
dellsén, finnur 2
dever, josh 2
glenn cohen, i. 2
goldstein, l 2
hayward, william g. 2
johnson king, zoë 2
kirk-giannini, cameron domenico 2
lau, joe yen fong 2
machery, e 2
mckeever, m 2
nichols, s 2
oxner, matt 2
sundell, t 2
sytsma, j 2
winblad, douglas g. 2
zamuner, edoardo 2
angle, stephen c 1
angle, stephen c. 1
babic, by boris 1
blumberg, kyle 1
bordner, ss 1
bronner, ben 1
burgess, a 1
butterworth, ce 1
cappelen, cornelius 1
cappelen, h 1
chan, h 1
chan, hy 1
chan, jkl 1
chen, daniel l. 1
chin, chin-shing, arthur. 1
cohen, i glenn 1
deutsch, max 1
d’alessandro, william 1
falzon, c 1
fayard, anne laure 1
gaba, anil 1
hawthorne, j 1
ho, lks 1
hoicka, e 1
horvath, j 1
humberstone, lloyd 1
huvenes, torfinn thomesen 1
inglis, ks 1
jackson, ej 1
johnson, md 1
johnson, michael 1
kelly, c 1
kelly, daniel 1
khoo, j 1
kiverstein, j 1
lau, j 1
lau, joe yf 1
leung, d 1
liebesman, d 1
lloyd, harry 1
mallon, r 1
marshall, te 1
mckeever, matthew 1
mckeever, mpi 1
mulhauser, b 1
nussbaum, m 1
nussbaum, mc 1
plunkett, david 1
prouten, e 1
reid, jeremy 1
rousseau, j 1
santorio, paolo 1
saul, j 1
sharadin, nathaniel p. 1
sterken, r 1
stich, sp 1
stich, stephen 1
torsen, i 1
tsetlin, ilia 1
van someren greve, rvsg 1
wang, x 1
watzl, s 1
waxman, daniel 1
wertenbroch, klaus 1
whitehead, l 1
winblad, douglas 1
winkler, robert l 1
wong, cw 1
xia, qiong 1
yung, l 1
錢展成. 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
conceptual engineering 6
epistemology 5
experimental philosophy 5
truth 5
metaphilosophy 4
assertion 3
autonomy 3
concepts 3
context 3
contextualism 3
deflationism 3
ethics 3
hong kong 3
intuition 3
language 3
philosophical methodology 3
philosophy 3
philosophy of language 3
probability 3
semantics 3
academic freedom 2
adaptation 2
aftereffects 2
ai 2
amelioration 2
artificial intelligence 2
civic engagement 2
communication 2
conceptual analysis 2
davidson 2
deep learning 2
democracy 2
democratic theory 2
emotional expressions 2
epistocracy 2
equality 2
explanation 2
face aftereffects 2
face imagery 2
face perception 2
frege 2
gender aftereffects 2
generics 2
human rights. 2
ignorance objection 2
imagery 2
informal education 2
intention 2
justice. 2
kantian deontological ethics 2
knowledge 2
logic. 2
metasemantics 2
methodology 2
normality 2
ontology 2
perception 2
poetry 2
political ignorance 2
poverty. 2
pragmatics 2
properties 2
propositions 2
rationality of belief 2
semantic minimalism 2
speech act pluralism 2
student protests 2
subjectivity 2
translation 2
truthmaking 2
voting rights 2
action civics 1
aesthetic judgment 1
agency 1
agglomeration 1
alethic pluralism 1
algorithmic ethics 1
ameliorative projects 1
analogical extension 1
analytic philosophy 1
analytic relativism 1
analyze this 1
anti-realism 1
appearance and reality 1
arne naess 1
asia 1
attention 1
attitude verbs 1
attitudes 1
b-schema 1
bas van fraassen 1
belief 1
belief reports 1
bias 1
botany 1
botany - history 1
buridan's ass 1
cappelen 1
carl linnaeus 1
carnap 1
causes 1
centrality 1
china 1
china -- moral conditions 1
china -- politics and government -- 1976-2002 1
cinnamomum 1
civic education 1
classification 1
closure 1
cognitive biases 1
colonization of the lifeworld 1
comic immoralism 1
comic moralism 1
commitments 1
common ground 1
conceptual amelioration 1
conceptual ethics 1
conceptual revision 1
conditionals 1
confucianism 1
constitutional design 1
constructive empiricism 1
contexts of utterance 1
continuum 1
correspondence 1
counterfactuals 1
creative ability 1
critical pedagogy 1
critical thinking 1
cross-cultural variation 1
de se 1
de se attitudes 1
declarative 1
degree of belief 1
degree of intention 1
democracy -- moral and ethical aspects -- china 1
democratic education 1
dependence 1
desire 1
determinables and determinates 1
devices 1
direct realism 1
direction of fit 1
disagreement 1
disjunction 1
diskontering 1
dispositions 1
disquotation 1
distribution 1
distributive justice 1
disunity of science 1
doctrine of double effect 1
doxastic deliberation 1
duchess of portland 1
dvaita vedānta 1
dynamic semantics 1
ecumenical 1
egalitarianism 1
einstein 1
emotion 1
empathy 1
empiricism 1
epistemic condition 1
epistemic instrumentalism 1
epistemic justification 1
epistemic normativity 1
epistemic norms 1
epistemic pluralism 1
epistemic rationality 1
epistemic reasons 1
epistemic risk 1
epistemic supererogation 1
epistemic virtue 1
epistemologists 1
epistolary education 1
essentializing 1
ethical nativism 1
ethical theory 1
ethics -- china -- history. 1
ethics in literature. 1
ethics, modern -- 20th century. 1
evidence 1
evidentialism 1
exclusivity 1
existential risk 1
exotic botany 1
expected utility theory 1
experience 1
expertise defense 1
explication 1
expression 1
externalism 1
fairness 1
falsity simpliciter 1
fiction 1
fiction -- psychological aspects. 1
field concept 1
first person 1
first person perspective 1
flow of time 1
foucault 1
foucault, michel, 1926-1984 -- ethics. 1
foucault, michel, 1926-1984. 1
free choice 1
freedom 1
freud 1
garcinia 1
gardens 1
gen 1
generalisation 1
generalized binomial coefficients 1
gideon rosen 1
ginseng 1
goal misgeneralization 1
gode leveår 1
godfather 1
great root 1
gödel case 1
habermas 1
haslanger 1
health 1
heisenberg 1
helse 1
helsegevinster 1
helseprioriteringer 1
herbaria 1
herbarium amboinense 1
hortus malabaricus 1
hubert dreyfus 1
human nature 1
human rights 1
humeanism 1
humor 1
ideology 1
impossibility results 1
incongruity theory 1
indexicality 1
indirect discourse 1
information 1
instrumentalism 1
integration 1
interpretable ai 1
interpreting physics 1
intuition-driven philosophy 1
intuitions 1
intuitions about reference 1
jack polynomials 1
jean-jacques rousseau 1
johannes burman 1
joseph needham 1
justice 1
justification 1
knowledge first 1
kripke 1
language acquisition 1
language agents 1
laozi. dao de jing. 1
liberty -- moral and ethical aspects -- china 1
linguistic intervention 1
linnaeus 1
literature 1
literature and morals. 1
literature literature 1
living wills/advance directives 1
local context 1
logic 1
lu zhi 陸贄 1
machine ethics 1
maddy 1
manifestationalism 1
materia medica 1
medical ethics 1
mengzi 1
meritocracy 1
meta-linguistic devices 1
metaphysical indeterminacy 1
method of cases 1
miscommunication 1
modals 1
moral costs 1
moral cultivation 1
moral failure 1
moral judgment and motivation 1
moral knowledge 1
moral psychology 1
moral realism 1
mozi 1
natural history - history 1
naturalism 1
nature 1
navya nyāya 1
neo-confucianism 1
neutrality 1
nietzsche 1
non-conceptual perception 1
norm 1
norms 1
northern ireland 1
object recognition 1
observability 1
observation 1
osbeck 1
particularism 1
paternalism 1
patient perspective 1
patient preference predictors 1
patterns 1
pauli 1
perceptual concepts 1
perceptual expertise 1
permissibility 1
perspectivality 1
perspective 1
philosophical ethics 1
philosophy - history 1
philosophy of language to philosophy 1
philosophy without intuitions 1
phrasesepistemic modals 1
pieri formula 1
plants 1
plato 1
pluralism 1
political authority 1
political culture -- china 1
populism 1
positivism 1
power 1
ppp 1
pragmatic encroachment 1
predictive inference 1
preface 1
preference shaping 1
prejudice 1
presupposition 1
primitive 1
prioritarianism 1
priority view 1
priors 1
probabilism 1
promotion 1
promotionalism 1
proper names 1
proposition 1
propositional attitudes 1
propositional attitudes. 1
prudence 1
punishment 1
quan (chinese source) 1
quantifiers 1
quantum mechanics 1
quasi-realism 1
question-sensitivity 1
quietism 1
quotation 1
rationality 1
realism 1
reality 1
reasons 1
rebellion 1
reification 1
relationality 1
relative truth 1
relativism 1
resentment 1
review 1
revolution 1
reward misspecification 1
rights 1
rousseau, jean-jacques 1
rousseau, jean-jacques, 1712-1778. 1
rudolf carnap 1
rumphius 1
safety 1
salvadora 1
saying 1
sciences: comprehensive works 1
scientific realism 1
scientific realism debates 1
seamus heaney 1
second philosophy 1
self-locating attitudes 1
semantic content 1
sentence 1
sentences 1
shame 1
simple view 1
sincerity (cheng 誠) 1
skepticism 1
sly pete 1
social justice -- china 1
social philosophy 1
social structures 1
speech act 1
speech act content 1
speech act reporting 1
speech-act pluralism 1
spin 1
spontaneity 1
statistical evidence 1
stereotype 1
stereotypes 1
sufficiency 1
tea 1
testimony 1
thomas martyn 1
thought 1
thought experiments 1
tranformative experience 1
transformative experience 1
transparency 1
truth conditions 1
truth simpliciter 1
truth-relativists 1
truthmakers 1
truthmaking ;; t-schema 1
umbrella movement 1
utilitarianism 1
verbal disputes 1
virtue politics 1
visual experience 1
visual system 1
wang yangming 1
weyl 1
worlds semantics 1
xing 1
xing (chinese source) 1
xunzi 1
zhu xi 1
zhu xi 朱熹 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
attention, classical indian philosophy, consciousness, cross-cultural philosophy, philosophy of perception 1
benjamin, experience, foucault, gadamer, history 1
botanical knowledge, european 1
botany, complete works, j.j. rousseau, nature, science 1
botany, ecology, enlightenment, j.-j. rousseau, material culture 1
china, early-modern, europe, natural knowledge, nature 1
conceptual engineering 1
conceptual engineering, epistemic normativity, knowledge, metaphilosophy 1
cross-cultural studies, experimental philosophy, intuitions 1
distribution, equality, ethics, risk, utilitarianism 1
dried plant collections, environmental conservation, epistemology, scientific object, visualizing knowledge 1
information age, new frontiers, philosophy of language 1
linguistic meaning, new prontiers of speech, ommunication in the information age 1
metaphysics, realism, truth, truthmaking 1
achievement, capabilities, ethics, artificial intelligence, machine learning 1
aggregation, uncertainty, decision theory, social epistemology, social welfare 1
artificial intelligence, philosophy of language, semantics, understanding, deep learning 1
buddhist philosophy, philosophy of mind, inner speech, memory, metaphysics of consciousness 1
conceptual engineering, intuition, experimental philosophy, philosophical methodology, metaphilosophy 1
epistemic, authority, instrumentalism, truth, 1
generative models, machine learning , ethics, law, ai 1
null 1
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