Department of Chemistry

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
che, cm 1251
yam, vww 1059
stoddart, j. fraser 1010
phillips, dl 527
yang, d 420
wong, wt 413
fung, ys 403
dai, hongjie 384
sun, h 379
chan, wk 351
hor, t. s andy 291
zhu, n 249
siegel, jay s. 231
lin, mc 226
cheung, kk 223
chu, ik 222
cheung, asc 206
williams, david j. 205
chiu, p 204
chen, g 179
chan, ky 178
kung, hf 167
chan, my 152
li, h 151
djurišić, ab 150
chan, gky 148
ashton, peter r. 145
dong, renhao 133
guo, z. x. 132
kwok, wm 125
feng, xinliang 119
li, xc 118
huang, js 115
wang, y 113
lin, mcm 110
baldridge, kim k. 109
toy, ph 107
lu, w 106
wang, h 100
fraser stoddart, j. 97
wong, kmc 94
li, y 93
zhang, y 89
lai, sl 85
zheng, x 84
lok, cn 82
tang, j 81
white, andrew j.p. 79
wong, mc 79
ma, c 77
wasielewski, michael r. 77
wang, j 76
ng, amc 74
yu, wy 74
chen, y 73
chan, wt 72
li, x 72
stern, charlotte l. 72
cheng, gang 71
wong, bcy 70
ng, m 69
kung, h 68
peng, sm 68
spencer, neil 67
wang, x 67
wong, hl 67
andy hor, t. s. 66
du, l 65
wong, mk 65
guan, x 64
guo, zhengxiao 64
stoddart, j. f. 64
yang, y 64
yang, c 63
au yeung, hy 61
jiang, haibo 61
lau, tc 61
leung, wh 61
zhang, x 61
low, kh 60
mak, tcw 60
leung, yh 59
sun, rwy 59
raymo, françisco m. 58
wong, ky 58
wong, wy 58
ma, dl 57
balzani, vincenzo 56
li, x 56
slawin, alexandra m.z. 56
li, x 55
leung, ch 54
tang, mc 54
zhao, y 54
du, y 53
liu, j 53
li, cyv 52
ng, km 52
djurisic, a 51
lam, swh 51
lo, kkw 51
hu, l 50
lam, sk 50
li, g 50
li, xd 50
tang, chun 50
wang, hailiang 50
zhao, c 50
ko, cc 49
liu, zhichang 49
tam, ayy 49
zhang, j 49
chan, mcw 48
xia, w 48
cheng, g 47
guo, zx 47
henderson, william 47
lee, cs 47
li, w 47
liu, x 47
ma, j 47
cantrill, stuart j. 46
chen, x 46
chui, ssy 46
farha, omar k. 46
he, ml 46
kwong, cy 46
li, d 46
liu, f 46
goddard, william a. 45
zhou, zy 45
botros, youssry y. 44
cheng, t 43
flood, amar h. 43
guo, zheng xiao 43
hong, guosong 43
lai, sw 43
lee, st 43
liang, yongye 43
liu, y 43
to, wp 43
credi, alberto 42
lam, wh 42
liu, shiyong 42
menzer, stephan 42
cheah, kw 41
kwong, hl 41
li, m 41
li, z 41
liu, h 41
tse, cme 41
zhang, l 41
hor, tsa 40
hu, h 39
lai, pt 39
leung, yl 39
li, f 39
li, h 39
tseng, hsian rong 39
fahrenbach, albert c. 38
frasconi, marco 38
ho, cm 38
lu, w 38
venturi, margherita 38
yang, j 38
li, l 37
ma, yuguang 37
zink, jeffrey i. 37
he, jian 36
leung, kh 36
li, x 36
peng, y 36
poon, ck 36
sy, lk 36
wang, r 36
xie, mh 36
zhang, long 36
feng, x 35
kwok, cc 35
lau, km 35
linden, anthony 35
liu, j 35
liu, zhuang 35
sarjeant, amy a. 35
wang, mingchao 35
wang, qian 35
xue, j 35
yang, x 35
chan, cy 34
chen, j 34
chen, z 34
cheng, ecc 34
lai, yt 34
roy, val 34
sun, h 34
yang, z 34
zhou, y 34
zhu, d 34
fung, mk 33
hao, q 33
jiao, yang 33
qiu, yunyan 33
sun, hongzhe 33
wang, d 33
chang, yy 32
chen, hongliang 32
gao, y 32
koh, lip lin 32
li, j 32
müllen, klaus 32
philp, douglas 32
tao, ch 32
tong, gsm 32
yu, l 32
brown, gd 31
cai, kang 31
coskun, ali 31
heath, james r. 31
hong, wenjing 31
hwang, bing joe 31
li, hongyan 31
li, k 31
liu, junzhi 31
shen, dengke 31
wong, yc 31
yam, cy 31
barnes, jonathan c. 30
che, chi ming 30
cheng, kw 30
dai, h. 30
feng, yuanning 30
hao, jingcheng 30
huang, j 30
vermeulen, nicolaas a. 30
zhao, yi 30
zhou, cy 30
zong, yun 30
chui, pc 29
li, c 29
poon, ct 29
sze, kh 29
tsang, dpk 29
xia, hhx 29
yoshino, k 29
young, ryan m. 29
zheng, j 29
chen, h 28
fyfe, matthew c.t. 28
ge, r 28
gray, hb 28
hartlieb, karel j. 28
javey, ali 28
lai, tf 28
li, b 28
liu, h 28
liu, han 28
lum, ct 28
siu, kwm 28
wang, xinran 28
wu, yilei 28
xiong, z 28
yeung, wsb 28
zhu, ny 28
bai, shi qiang 27
chen, r 27
chung, cys 27
fang, lei 27
hupp, joseph t. 27
li, hao 27
liu, y 27
liu, z 27
ma, t 27
mak, csk 27
ollis, w. david 27
quan, q 27
trabolsi, ali 27
wang, w 27
zhang, bo 27
zhang, h 27
antaris, alexander l. 26
chan, kw 26
chen, q 26
chen, xiao yang 26
dichtel, william r. 26
guo, qing hui 26
kaiser, ute 26
ng, a 26
peng, t 26
qi, haoyuan 26
siu, so 26
tang, hw 26
wang, y 26
xu, z 26
yokojima, s 26
zhou, c 26
amabilino, david b. 25
au, km 25
chang, x 25
cheng, chuyang 25
gu, q 25
guo, z 25
hopkinson, ac 25
kao, ryt 25
li, ying 25
liu, zhaolin 25
wu, huang 25
yang, h 25
yang, w 25
asakawa, masumi 24
bai, x 24
cao, dennis 24
chan, hy 24
chen, s 24
colquhoun, howard m. 24
heine, thomas 24
hu, x 24
li, yanguang 24
liu, zt 24
okuro, kou 24
parkinson, wh 24
sadler, pj 24
siu, ck 24
surya, c 24
tse, cw 24
wang, m 24
wang, z 24
xu, sj 24
yang, m 24
yu, jin quan 24
zhang, q 24
zhao, yan li 24
zou, b 24
ballardini, roberto 23
brown, christopher l. 23
chan, slf 23
guo, z 23
li, yl 23
lin, b 23
ma, zhuoran 23
pang, hf 23
siegel, jay 23
strutt, nathan l. 23
tam, pkh 23
tam, ws 23
tolley, malcolm s. 23
vittal, jagadese j. 23
wan, q 23
wang, c 23
wong, kl 23
yeung, clm 23
yu, sc 23
aida, takuzo 22
bruns, carson j. 22
che, chi-ming 22
cheung, wl 22
fu, wf 22
fung, y 22
gong, ming 22
he, qy 22
hor, t. s a 22
jia, yu 22
leung, jwh 22
ng, sm 22
nicholson, brian k. 22
preece, jon a. 22
qian, pei yuan 22
siegel, j. s. 22
wang, l 22
wong, wk 22
xu, zj 22
yang, ying wei 22
ye, s 22
zhang, h 22
zhao, w 22
barin, gokhan 21
chan, dsh 21
chen, gh 21
chu, bwk 21
diao, shuo 21
du, f 21
kohnke, franz h. 21
lam, lsm 21
leung, my 21
li, ck 21
li, q 21
li, s 21
liu, c 21
markov, stanislav 21
olson, mark a. 21
schneebeli, severin t. 21
shang, congxiao 21
shen, j 21
shen, z 21
tam, hl 21
tanner, ja 21
ting, sw 21
wong, nk 21
yam, vivian wing wah 21
yan, sc 21
you, xz 21
zhu, y 21
benítez, diego 20
cheng, kf 20
cheng, yc 20
cheng, yh 20
fang, wh 20
guo, y 20
he, h 20
henderson, d 20
ho, ck 20
hong, yh 20
kui, scf 20
leung, ch 20
li, md 20
lin, z 20
liu, junyang 20
liu, yi 20
lo, ky 20
peng, j 20
song, t 20
tabakman, scott m. 20
wang, zhiyong 20
zhang, r 20
zou, t 20
asenov, asen 19
dey, sanjeev k. 19
forgan, ross s. 19
fung, yi man eva 19
gao, s 19
glink, peter t. 19
guo, jing 19
he, j 19
he, x 19
huang, zhongxing 19
jeppesen, jan o. 19
lam, tl 19
laskin, j 19
leung, syl 19
li, xiaolin 19
lo, c 19
rowan, stuart j. 19
roy, indranil 19
song, bo 19
tam, kh 19
weng, g 19
weng, zhiqiang 19
wu, liangliang 19
xia, haiping 19
yaghi, omar m. 19
yao, h 19
zhang, li 19
zhong, yeteng 19
friedman, douglas c. 18
hu, j 18
huang, jd 18
kong, jing 18
lee, ch 18
lin, meng chang 18
liu, m 18
matousek, p 18
mo, x 18
mok, k. f. 18
ng, dcm 18
ng, ssm 18
pan, d 18
parker, aw 18
po, c 18
robinson, joshua t. 18
spruell, jason m. 18
towrie, m 18
vignon, scott a. 18
wu, l 18
wu, r 18
xiang, hf 18
xie, d 18
xu, m 18
xu, zx 18
yang, jun 18
yang, n 18
yang, yang 18
yip, yc 18
young, david j. 18
zhang, k 18
zhu, r 18
cao, jien 17
cheung, ky 17
chiu, jf 17
cho, kc 17
chow, hy 17
cun, s 17
fan, st 17
fung, eym 17
gao, l 17
gong, x 17
lai, ck 17
lai, ts 17
law, gl 17
lee, smy 17
li, jiachen 17
li, lk 17
li, vcy 17
liao, zhongquan 17
lin, x 17
liu, w 17
liu, wei guang 17
liu, wenqi 17
lo, kc 17
mak, thomas c w 17
man, kyk 17
mannsfeld, stefan c.b. 17
ng, yw 17
phillips, d 17
schatz, george c. 17
shi, jia 17
so, mh 17
su, wei nien 17
sun, hz 17
tang, jinyao 17
wan, hao 17
wang, feifei 17
wang, j 17
wang, yuping 17
wu, j 17
yan, yaw kai 17
yuen, ky 17
zhu, guanzhou 17
zhu, shoujun 17
zuo, p 17
astumian, r. dean 16
blackburn, anthea k. 16
cao, b 16
chan, pwh 16
cheung, ch 16
gadipelli, srinivas 16
huang, j 16
huang, y 16
jin, l 16
kwok, yh 16
lam, hy 16
lam, nw 16
law, ch 16
lee, tkm 16
leung, ken c.f. 16
li, peng 16
lin, j 16
liu, b 16
ma, cy 16
mcgonigal, paul r. 16
merer, aj 16
nassar, majed s. 16
saha, sourav 16
song, y. 16
sun, xiaoming 16
tanner, pa 16
wang, f 16
wang, g 16
wang, m 16
wang, s 16
wang, yu 16
williams, id 16
wong, elm 16
wu, yd 16
yan, y 16
yan, z 16
yang, r. 16
yao, l 16
young, stephen g. 16
zhang, c 16
zhao, jf 16
zhao, jin 16
aprahamian, ivan 15
au, vkm 15
bonn, mischa 15
cai, j 15
chan, wk 15
chan, ws 15
chim, jlc 15
danishefsky, sj 15
du, da ming 15
fu, y 15
grzybowski, bartosz a. 15
gu, s 15
guo, m 15
guo, w 15
hsu, yf 15
jiang, x 15
jiao, liying 15
lam, sk 15
lam, w 15
li, m 15
li, xuechen 15
li, yongxin 15
lin, m 15
liu, xy 15
lu, j 15
markov, sn 15
ng, pk 15
nguyen, minh t. 15
pun, sai mang 15
russo, re 15
snurr, randall q. 15
stupp, samuel i. 15
sun, h 15
sun, j 15
sun, x 15
tang, yw 15
tung, hs 15
voskanyan, a 15
wang, dunwei 15
welsher, kevin 15
wong, kky 15
wu, h 15
xu, h 15
yip, sk 15
zhang, dw 15
zhang, jian 15
zhong, haixia 15
zhou, shengqiang 15
zhu, zhixue 15
zuo, jl 15
allwood, billy l. 14
au-yeung, hy 14
berger, reinhard 14
boyd, sue e. 14
chan, j 14
chan, py 14
che, c 14
chen, d 14
chen, f 14
chen, l 14
chen, w 14
chen, y 14
cheung, kl 14
dale, edward j. 14
dyar, scott m. 14
ernst, karl heinz 14
ferris, daniel p. 14
fong, loren g. 14
fong, wf 14
gao, q 14
gassensmith, jeremiah j. 14
ge, xiaoming 14
hambsch, mike 14
jiang, lu 14
juríček, michal 14
ke, chenfeng 14
kong, rpw 14
krzyaniak, matthew d. 14
lee, oy 14
leung, cw 14
li, feng 14
li, penghao 14
li, s. f. 14
lieber, charles m. 14
low, kam hung 14
lu, x 14
man, wl 14
mann, david 14
nepogodiev, sergey a. 14
pong, pwt 14
song, y 14
stephanatou, julia stephanidou 14
sun, junling 14
tang, bz 14
tong, qx 14
tsang, cn 14
tse, edmund c.m. 14
tu, s 14
wang, k 14
wu, d 14
xi, yy 14
xu, y 14
xu, ying 14
yam, c 14
yang, ph 14
yeung, mcl 14
zhan, x 14
zhang, f 14
zhang, zhe 14
zhu, x 14
basu, subhadeep 13
beldjoudi, yassine 13
benaglia, maurizio 13
chan, ckm 13
chen, yc 13
chen, yong 13
chen, zhixin 13
chichak, kelly s. 13
chiu, sheng hsien 13
choi, swk 13
corke, h 13
cuniberti, gianaurelio 13
dai, j 13
djurisic, ab 13
frauenheim, t 13
freeman, de 13
fung, wkm 13
gewirth, andrew a. 13
hao, q 13
he, cuiwen 13
ho, pl 13
huang, chen jui 13
huang, tony jun 13
jiang, sh 13
jones, leighton o. 13
lai, l 13
laidler, dale a. 13
lan, x 13
lau, e 13
leung, yh 13
li, zy 13
lo, vky 13
lu, z 13
mak, ky 13
miljanić, ognjen š 13
miskowski, vm 13
mu, x 13
ng, ss 13
rodbell, m 13
shen, b 13
shen, q 13
shevlin, s. a. 13
su, z 13
tan, yuan zhi 13
thorne, ap 13
tse, ecm 13
wan, qingyun 13
wang, cheng 13
wang, q 13
xie, l 13
xie, liming 13
xiong, rg 13
yao, xq 13
zhang, tao 13
zhang, z 13
zhao, j 13
zhu, n 13
zschech, ehrenfried 13
ambrogio, michael w. 12
bao, x 12
basuray, ashish n. 12
belowich, matthew e. 12
chan, akw 12
chan, cl 12
chan, gcf 12
chan, hardy s o 12
chan, ky 12
chang, xy 12
chen, g 12
chen, xuebo 12
cheng, wc 12
chien, sheau wei 12
cozzi, franco 12
cánovas, enrique 12
duan, yu 12
fan, xm 12
feng, y 12
fu, yubin 12
gómez-lópez, marcos 12
hau, kw 12
he, q 12
hong, eyh 12
hou, s 12
huynh, han vinh 12
jiang, l 12
kaifer, angel e. 12
ke, z 12
ko, bcb 12
lam, jwy 12
lee, cw 12
lee, ws 12
leung, fcc 12
li, p 12
li, xuesong 12
li, yiming 12
liang, jl 12
liang, w 12
liu, l 12
liu, ling kang 12
liu, q 12
lo, wy 12
lu, yang 12
nelson, alshakim 12
pezzato, cristian 12
pui, yl 12
ren, j 12
rodriquez, cf 12
rong, j 12
saeed, s 12
shevlin, stephen a. 12
shi, yi 12
shoute, lct 12
sun, qiang 12
sun, y 12
szalai, i 12
teo, peili 12
to, wai pong 12
tong, sm 12
tontonoz, peter 12
tse, edmund c m 12
valente, cory 12
wang, y 12
wu, c 12
wu, l 12
xu, c 12
xu, x 12
yan, a 12
yeung, cy 12
yeung, pky 12
yip, ct 12
yip, hk 12
you, t 12
yuen, mf 12
yung, h 12
zhang, m 12
zhang, peng 12
zhang, ruihua 12
zhang, w 12
zhang, wen hua 12
zhou, d 12
angell, michael 11
au, ct 11
au-yeung, hl 11
cai, b 11
cao, y 11
chan, gcy 11
chan, h. s o 11
chan, mc 11
chan, s 11
chen, zhuo 11
cheng, y 11
chong, ck 11
chung, wk 11
dang, l 11
deng, y 11
derby, b. 11
ding, j 11
dong, guangbin 11
du, x 11
feng, jing 11
gandolfi, maria teresa 11
geng, z 11
guagliardo, paul 11
huang, g 11
huang, zx 11
hui, ck 11
ito, k 11
jiang, h 11
jiang, q 11
jin, k 11
jin, y 11
khan, saeed i. 11
khatib, hussam a. 11
kim, woong 11
kocian, oldrich 11
kwok, wk 11
kwong, wl 11
lee, hian kee 11
lee, hk 11
lei, juying 11
leung, lt 11
leung, sy 11
li, ch 11
li, hy 11
li, mj 11
li, xy 11
li, yong xin 11
lin, g 11
ling, j 11
liu, shaohua 11
lu, g 11
nie, z 11
northrop, brian h. 11
peters, andrea j. 11
phang, lai tee 11
po, khl 11
prodi, luca 11
sherlock, sarah p. 11
shi, j 11
siu, afm 11
su, t 11
sun, z 11
sze, j 11
teo, shihui 11
tian, g 11
tkatchouk, ekaterina 11
toner, wt 11
tse, mc 11
tzeng, bc 11
wan, pk 11
wang, cr 11
wang, fei 11
wang, jian 11
wang, zhe 11
watt, rm 11
wen, yuh sheng 11
wong, cy 11
xia, y 11
xing, j 11
xiong, w 11
ye, j 11
yee, cc 11
zeng, t 11
zeng, y 11
zhang, jl 11
zhang, yingfang 11
zheng, zhikun 11
zhou, jiawang 11
zhou, jigang 11
zhou, m 11
zhou, x 11
zhou, ying 11
alston, david r. 10
bo, zhishan 10
brown, george r. 10
bělohradský, martin 10
chan, ck 10
chan, khy 10
chao, a 10
chao, hy 10
chen, kai 10
chen, xiaoyuan 10
cheng, wk 10
cheung, kmc 10
cheung, sh 10
cheung, wkc 10
chiu, j 10
cho, ch 10
choy, wch 10
dai, b 10
dong, q 10
esmond, jr 10
fan, shoushan 10
fasel, roman 10
fung, yme 10
goddard iii, wa 10
grunder, sergio 10
han, han 10
hau, fkw 10
he, feng 10
he, z 10
huang, c 10
huang, xing 10
hui, jws 10
jiang, n 10
khashab, niveen m. 10
lai, tp 10
lam, mpy 10
langford, steven j. 10
lau, vcy 10
law, kl 10
lee, cl 10
lee, seungkyu 10
lee, sm 10
lee, wk 10
leung, cm 10
leung, kws 10
li, chi ying vanessa 10
li, xiang david 10
li, y 10
liang, r 10
liu, jie 10
liu, ll 10
liu, s 10
liu, t 10
liu, wei 10
luk, kdk 10
ma, ji 10
matsui, t 10
moerner, w. e. 10
ng, tw 10
ng, wh 10
ong, sy 10
paxton, walter f. 10
pease, anthony r. 10
qian, y 10
qin, j 10
siu, fm 10
smaldone, ronald a. 10
su, zm 10
sue, andrew c.h. 10
sze, kl 10
tang, j 10
tang, wm 10
tong, kc 10
tsai, meng che 10
wei, j 10
weiss, paul s. 10
whalley, adam c. 10
wong, wm 10
wong, yy 10
wu, y 10
xie, zengqi 10
xu, j 10
yam, vivian wing-wah 10
yang, j 10
yang, p 10
yenilmez, erhan 10
yeo, jeremy s l 10
yu, y 10
View More
InventorsNo. of Patents
che, cm 92
che, chi ming 22
yam, vww 21
yang, dan 17
kui, cf 16
yang dan 16
yang, d 15
chan, mcw 12
lu, w 12
chen, y 9
lok, cn 9
wong, mc 8
fung, ys 7
kwok, cc 7
che, chiming 6
li xiang 6
sun, rwy 6
chan kwong-yu 5
che chi ming 5
ko chi-chiu 5
lin, mc 5
viazovkina, ekaterina 5
chan, siuchung 4
ko, chi chiu 4
kung hsiang-fu 4
lam, chung man 4
peng tao 4
so, kf 4
sun zhen-ning 4
sun, h 4
sun, zhen-ning 4
vanhoutte, pmgr 4
wong, elm 4
yu cong 4
yu, szechit 4
zhang, xin 4
chan kenneth hoi-yiu 3
chan siu-chung 3
chan, kwong yu 3
chan, kwong-yu 3
chan, michael chi wang 3
chen, yingchun 3
damha, masad, jose 3
derong zhu 3
ho chi-ming 3
kao, yi tsun richard 3
kung, hsiang-fu 3
liu fengqin 3
liu, fengqin 3
mo, zhihong 3
parniak, michael, a 3
peng, tao 3
sham, hiu tung iona 3
shen, peikang 3
sun, raymon wai yin 3
tianyan you 3
tseung, alfred c. c 3
wang, yu 3
wong, lai ming ella 3
wong, wt 3
yam, vivian wing wah 3
yan, jing 3
you, jinkua 3
yu wing-yiu 3
zhang xin 3
zhu derong 3
zhu, derong 3
zhu, xiuling 3
zhuang li 3
au, kaman vonika 2
chan mei-yee 2
chan, kwongyu 2
chan, my 2
chan, siu chung 2
che chi-ming 2
chen ying-chun 2
chen, jian 2
chen, ying-chun 2
cheng shao-an 2
cheng, shao an 2
cheng, shaoan 2
cheung, kmc 2
chow kim hei-man 2
chow, lokfung 2
choy, tszshan, jacqueline 2
chu, kimho paul 2
damha masad jose 2
ekaterina viazovkina 2
fung, waikit 2
ho, chiming 2
hu, lihong 2
ko chichiu 2
ko, chichiu 2
kui, chi fai 2
kwok, hoising 2
lam chung-man 2
lee, yinyee 2
li, kai 2
liang jiang-lin 2
lin, marie c 2
liu jin 2
lu, ww 2
luk, kdk 2
m.c.w. chen 2
masad jose damha 2
michael a. parniak 2
michael chi-wan chan 2
mo zhihong 2
parniak michael a 2
peng, ying 2
poon, w. y. r 2
samaranayake, lakshman perera 2
seneviratne, chaminda jayampath 2
sham, hi 2
sham, hiutung iona 2
shen bing 2
shen pei kang 2
sun raymond wai yin 2
tseung, alfred c c 2
viazovkina ekaterina 2
wang huanting 2
wang yu 2
wei ru 2
wong, keith man chung 2
wong, man kin 2
yam vivian wing-wah 2
yao xiao-qiang 2
yeung, kwk 2
you jin kua 2
yu szechit 2
yu, wingyiu 2
yuen, kwok yung 2
yuen, kwok-yung 2
zheng, bo-jian 2
zhu xiuling 2
zou, taotao 2
au kaman vonika 1
au vonika ka-man 1
au, vonika ka man 1
au, vonika ka-man 1
cen xiaotong 1
chan chin-yiu 1
chan kenneth h 1
chan kwongyu 1
chan maggie mei yee 1
chan wy 1
chan, gky 1
chan, hoiyiu, kenneth 1
chan, mei yee 1
chan, mei-yee 1
chan, meiyee 1
chan, michael chi-wang 1
chan, sc 1
chan, wai yan 1
chan, waiyan 1
chan, wingkei 1
che chiming 1
che, chi-ming 1
chen jian 1
chen shi-wu 1
chen shiwu 1
chen, g 1
chen, guanhua 1
chen, shi-wu 1
chen, xingmiao 1
cheng shaoan 1
cheng, s 1
chiming che 1
chiming ho 1
chiwang, michael chan 1
chow, heiman kim 1
chow, lok fung 1
chow, pui keong 1
choy tsz shan jacqueline 1
choy tszshan jacqueline 1
choy, jacqueline tsz shan 1
chung man lam 1
damha, jose 1
damha, masad jose 1
fung waikit 1
fung y. s 1
fung, wk 1
fung, ying sing 1
guan, y 1
guan, yi 1
guansheng jiao 1
he ming liang 1
he ming-liang 1
he zhike 1
he, ming-liang 1
he, ml 1
he, z 1
hiutung iona sham 1
ho, chi-ming 1
hu jun 1
huang cui-fen 1
huang jun jian 1
huang, cui fen 1
huang, jun jian 1
jiao guan-sheng 1
jiao, guan sheng 1
jiao, guansheng 1
kao yi tsun richard 1
kao yitsun richard 1
kao, ryt 1
kao, yitsun richard 1
kinkua you 1
kui, chifai 1
kung, annie wai chee 1
kung, awc 1
kung, hf 1
kung, hsiangfu 1
kwok chi chung 1
kwok hoi-sing 1
kwok hoising 1
kwok, chi chung 1
kwok, hoi-sing 1
kwokfai so 1
kwong-yu chan 1
lam chung man 1
lam hiu yung 1
lam yun wah 1
lau tai chu 1
lee yin yee 1
lee yinyee 1
lee, yin yee 1
li carrie ka lei 1
li cheng-yong 1
li chengyong 1
li cong 1
li kai 1
li xuechen 1
li zhuang 1
li, carrie ka lei 1
li, cheng-yong 1
li, k 1
li, xiang 1
li, xiang, 1
li, xuechen 1
liang, jiang-lin 1
liang, jianglin 1
lin, marie c. m. 1
lin, mcm 1
liu, feng-qin 1
man wai lun 1
michael chi-wang chan 1
ni wen xiu 1
parniak, a 1
parniak, michael a 1
paul michel georges vanhoutte 1
peikang shen 1
peng, pao 1
peng, y 1
sham hi 1
sham iona h.t 1
sham iona hiu tung 1
shen jian-gang 1
shen peikang 1
shen, bing 1
shen, j 1
shen, jiangang 1
shen, pei kang 1
sing, mw 1
so man ho 1
so man-ho 1
so, kwok fai 1
so, man-ho 1
sun, hui 1
sun, raymond wai-yin 1
sun, waiyin raymond 1
sun, waiyin raymond 1
sun, waiyin, raymond 1
sun, z 1
szechit yu 1
tang kobe man chung 1
tang, man-wai 1
ting, siu wa 1
tsang, kwok ying 1
tseung alfred c c 1
tseung alfred c.c 1
tseung alfred cc 1
van der laak, nicole kathleen 1
vanhoutte, paul michel geo 1
wang hua-li 1
wang, h 1
wei lu 1
wingyiu yu 1
wong keith man chung 1
wong keith man-chung 1
wong kwok-yin 1
wong man-kin 1
wong manchung 1
wong nai-kei 1
wong suk-yu 1
wong, keith man-chung 1
wong, ky 1
wong, man-kin 1
wong, manchung 1
wong, manchung keith 1
wong, mankin 1
wong, sze wah sarah 1
wong, sze wah, sarah 1
wong, wing tak 1
xiang hai feng 1
xiang, h 1
xiang, hai feng 1
xin zhang 1
y fung 1
yam vivian wing wah 1
yam wingwing vivian 1
yam, vivian wing-wah 1
yam, wingwah vivian 1
yam, wingwing vivian 1
yang zhen fan 1
yang, pai-hao 1
yang, zhen fan 1
yao, xiao-qiang 1
yeun kwok yung 1
yim king chin 1
yip, yiu-chung 1
you jinkua 1
you tianyan 1
you, jin kua 1
yu sze-chit 1
yu, cong 1
yu, sc 1
yu, sze chit 1
yu, wing-yiu 1
yuen kwok-yung 1
yuen, ky 1
zhang, jian-hua 1
zheng, b 1
zheng, bj 1
zou, tt 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 92
animals 71
gold 65
platinum 59
apoptosis 48
luminescence 47
catalysis 46
kinetics 45
mice 44
molecular sequence data 44
proteomics 42
models, molecular 41
molecular structure 41
self-assembly 41
nanoparticles 40
hepatocellular carcinoma 39
amino acid sequence 37
cytotoxicity 36
photochemistry 35
cell line, tumor 34
nanostructures 33
ruthenium 33
cell line 32
phosphorescence 31
silver 31
blotting, western 30
density functional calculations 30
electrochemistry 30
organic light-emitting diodes 30
palladium 30
protein binding 30
cells, cultured 28
supramolecular chemistry 28
chemistry 27
male 27
oxidation 27
oxidation-reduction 27
female 26
photoluminescence 26
circular dichroism 25
crystallography, x-ray 25
ligands 25
mass spectrometry 25
apoptosis - drug effects 24
base sequence 24
copper 24
photocatalysis 23
photophysics 23
rats 23
cyclization 22
noncovalent interactions 22
computer simulation 21
hela cells 21
n ligands 21
n-heterocyclic carbenes 21
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 21
substrate specificity 21
binding sites 20
covid-19 20
gold - chemistry 20
homogeneous catalysis 20
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 20
models, chemical 20
rna interference 20
x-ray diffraction 20
adult 19
atomic force microscopy 19
bismuth 19
dna damage 19
energy transfer 19
iron 19
polymers 19
protein structure, tertiary 19
ruthenium - chemistry 19
sars-cov-2 19
stereoisomerism 19
time factors 19
fluorescence 18
hydrogen bonding 18
porphyrinoids 18
reactive oxygen species 18
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 18
structure-activity relationship 18
synthesis 18
transfection 18
virus replication - drug effects 18
water - chemistry 18
alkynes 17
antitumor agents 17
cancer 17
extracellular vesicles 17
light 17
molecular electronics 17
physics engineering 17
sequence alignment 17
spectrophotometry, ultraviolet 17
up-regulation 17
bioinorganic chemistry 16
cell proliferation 16
crystal structure 16
density functional theory 16
dose-response relationship, drug 16
e. coli 16
gene therapy 16
glycosylation 16
hydrogen-ion concentration 16
mice, inbred balb c 16
n-heterocyclic carbene 16
oled 16
oleds 16
rhenium 16
structure elucidation 16
thermodynamics 16
toxicity 16
carbenes 15
cell cycle 15
cell proliferation - drug effects 15
charge transfer 15
cisplatin 15
cyclometalation 15
dna 15
doping 15
electroluminescence 15
invasion 15
metal-metal interactions 15
middle aged 15
models, biological 15
organic light-emitting devices 15
organometallic compounds - chemistry 15
proteomics - methods 15
quantum theory 15
sequence homology, amino acid 15
spectrometry, mass, matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization 15
tumor cells, cultured 15
aged 14
cell survival - drug effects 14
gels 14
gene expression 14
iridium 14
macrocycles 14
polymer 14
rhodium 14
semiconductors 14
sensitivity and specificity 14
temperature 14
tetradentate ligands 14
thermally activated delayed fluorescence 14
thin films 14
transition metal complexes 14
amino acids 13
asymmetric catalysis 13
coordination complexes - chemistry 13
c−h activation 13
diazo compounds 13
enantioselectivity 13
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 13
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 13
helical structures 13
molecular conformation 13
osmium 13
peptides 13
platinum(ii) complexes 13
polymers - chemistry 13
reactive oxygen species - metabolism 13
signal transduction - drug effects 13
alkenes - chemistry 12
antineoplastic activity 12
apoptosis - drug effects - physiology 12
biofilm 12
carbon 12
carbon - chemistry 12
caspases - metabolism 12
chirality 12
down-regulation 12
drug delivery 12
electrocatalysis 12
flow cytometry 12
gene expression regulation, neoplastic - drug effects 12
glycolysis 12
heterocycles 12
hydrogen bonds 12
mice, nude 12
natural products 12
nuclear magnetic resonance, biomolecular 12
organic light emitting diodes 12
platinum complex 12
platinum complexes 12
porphyrins 12
proliferation 12
promoter regions, genetic 12
raman spectroscopy 12
silver nanoparticles 12
solar cells 12
tissue distribution 12
tungsten 12
amination 11
amines 11
animal experiment 11
antiviral agents - chemical synthesis - chemistry - pharmacology 11
aurophilicity 11
autophagy 11
carboxypeptidases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 11
cattle 11
chemical biology 11
cloning, molecular 11
crystal structures 11
dendrimers 11
dft calculations 11
electronic structure 11
hydrogen storage 11
inhibitor 11
ligand effects 11
macrocyclic ligands 11
macrophages 11
metabolism 11
metalloproteomics 11
micelles 11
mitochondria 11
nickel 11
nidogen 1 11
nitrogen heterocycles 11
nmr 11
nmr spectroscopy 11
peptides - chemistry 11
physical chemistry 11
physics chemistry 11
porphyrin 11
pre‐metastatic niche 11
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 11
protein conformation 11
sars virus - drug effects - growth & development - metabolism - physiology 11
sensitizers 11
severe acute respiratory syndrome - drug therapy 11
solutions - chemistry 11
titanium 11
transcription, genetic 11
tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 11
viral matrix proteins - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 11
adeno-associated virus 10
adenovirus 10
algorithms 10
alkynes - chemistry 10
amino acid 10
antibiotic 10
autophagy - drug effects 10
biochemistry 10
biology 10
catenanes 10
cell differentiation 10
chemical bonds 10
conjugated polymers 10
controlled study 10
dna - chemistry - metabolism 10
dye-sensitized solar cells 10
enzyme inhibitors - pharmacology 10
enzymes 10
escherichia coli 10
gene expression regulation 10
gene expression regulation - drug effects 10
graphene 10
host-guest systems 10
hydrogen production 10
in situ hybridization, fluorescence 10
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins 10
linker-immunodominant site 10
metallacycles 10
metallodrugs 10
metal–metal interactions 10
nf-κb 10
nitric oxide 10
nucleic acid conformation 10
organic semiconductors 10
organometallic compounds - chemical synthesis - chemistry 10
organometallic compounds - chemistry - pharmacology 10
oxidative stress 10
oxygen reduction reaction 10
phosphorylation 10
platinum - chemistry 10
proteins 10
reproducibility of results 10
sdg9: industry, innovation, and infrastructure 10
sensors 10
signal transduction 10
solvents - chemistry 10
spectrophotometry 10
spike protein 10
synthetic methods 10
transient absorption 10
uv/vis spectroscopy 10
vaccine 10
zinc oxide 10
acetylides 9
antineoplastic agents - pharmacology 9
antiviral 9
antiviral agents - chemical synthesis - pharmacology 9
carbenoids 9
caspases 9
cell division - drug effects 9
cercopithecus aethiops 9
chemical proteomics 9
colon cancer 9
copper - chemistry 9
cysteine - chemistry 9
cytochromes c - metabolism 9
cytokines 9
cytopathogenic effect, viral 9
electron transfer 9
electrophoretic mobility shift assay 9
electrophosphorescence 9
enterococcus faecalis 9
gene expression profiling - methods 9
gold(i) 9
gold(iii) 9
hepatitis b virus 9
imines - chemistry 9
iron - chemistry 9
luminescent measurements 9
metalloporphyrins - pharmacology 9
nanomaterials 9
nanotechnology 9
nitrides 9
organic solar cells 9
organoplatinum compounds - chemistry 9
oxidative stress - drug effects 9
peroxiredoxin 9
physics 9
pi interactions 9
polymerization 9
proteins - metabolism 9
proteome - metabolism 9
protons 9
pyridines - chemistry 9
reaction mechanisms 9
rna, messenger - biosynthesis - genetics 9
rna, messenger - metabolism 9
scanning tunneling microscopy 9
spectrometry, fluorescence 9
spectrometry, mass, electrospray ionization - methods 9
spectrum analysis 9
stability 9
structures 9
terpyridine 9
thermally activated delayed fluorescence (tadf) 9
titanium dioxide 9
traditional chinese medicine 9
tumor markers, biological - metabolism 9
absorption 8
adsorption 8
alkylation 8
amidation 8
amines - chemistry 8
antibacterial agents 8
antimicrobial activity 8
binding, competitive 8
biosensing techniques - methods 8
biotechnology technology: comprehensive works medical sciences chemistry 8
bismuth - chemistry 8
block copolymers 8
c-h activation 8
calcium signaling 8
carbohydrate conformation 8
carbon nanotubes 8
carbon tetrachloride 8
catalyst 8
cell cycle - drug effects 8
cell cycle - physiology 8
cell migration 8
chromatography, high pressure liquid 8
chromophores 8
click chemistry 8
cobalt 8
coordination complexes - chemistry - toxicity 8
crown compounds 8
crystallization 8
cycloaddition 8
dft 8
differentiation 8
down-regulation - drug effects 8
drug screening assays, antitumor 8
efficiency 8
energy conversion 8
energy storage 8
fas 8
galectin-1 8
glioma 8
gold nanoparticles 8
heterogeneous catalysis 8
high efficiency 8
hydrolysis 8
hydroxylation 8
ii-vi semiconductors 8
inorganic chemistry 8
integrative-omics 8
intermolecular interactions 8
isomerism 8
isomerization 8
ligand-to-ligand charge transfer 8
liver - metabolism 8
melamine 8
membrane 8
metal-organic frameworks 8
metalloimmunity 8
microscopy, electron, transmission 8
mir-22 8
molecular dynamics 8
molecular imaging 8
molecular recognition 8
mutation 8
nanoconfinement 8
nanowires 8
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) 8
neoplasm proteins - genetics - metabolism 8
neoplasm proteins - metabolism 8
nucleic acid conformation - drug effects 8
otx008 8
oxides 8
oxygen - chemistry 8
phenotype 8
phosphines - chemistry 8
photochromism 8
polyethylenimine 8
porphyrins - chemistry 8
prognosis 8
protein denaturation 8
protein structure, secondary 8
rab20 gtpase 8
radicals 8
reaction mechanism 8
reactive intermediates 8
rhenium(i) 8
rna, small interfering - genetics 8
rna, small interfering - metabolism 8
schiff bases 8
silver - chemistry 8
solvent effects 8
spectroscopy, fourier transform infrared 8
sulfur 8
telomerase 8
tetradentate pt(ii) complexes 8
therapeutics 8
thiol reactivity 8
time-resolved spectroscopy 8
transferrin 8
tridentate ligands 8
triosephosphate isomerase 1 8
triplet state 8
white emission 8
zinc 8
β-cyclodextrin 8
a. nanostructures 7
acrosome - physiology 7
adenosine triphosphatases - metabolism 7
aggregation 7
alanine aminotransferase 7
aldehydes - chemistry 7
alkenes 7
alkyne 7
alkyne ligands 7
alkynyl 7
alkynyl ligands 7
amino acid motifs 7
anions 7
antibacterial activity 7
anticancer 7
antimicrobial resistance 7
antineoplastic agents - chemistry - pharmacology 7
arsenic 7
aspartate aminotransferase 7
azo compounds - chemistry 7
berberine - pharmacology - therapeutic use 7
biofilms 7
biological transport 7
carbon nanotube 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - metabolism - pathology 7
caspase 3 7
cations 7
chemical structure 7
cluster compounds 7
colistin 7
colorectal cancer 7
coordination polymers 7
copper complexes 7
coptidis rhizoma aqueous extract 7
coptis - chemistry 7
cpg islands 7
cricetinae 7
cross-coupling 7
crystallography 7
cyclic voltammetry 7
decarboxylation 7
deleted in liver cancer 2 7
dft calculation 7
dna methylation 7
dna primers 7
drug design 7
drug-induced liver injury - prevention and control 7
drugs, chinese herbal - pharmacology - therapeutic use 7
electrocatalysts 7
electrodeposition 7
electrons 7
encapsulation 7
endoplasmic reticulum - drug effects - pathology 7
enzyme 7
enzyme inhibitors - chemical synthesis - pharmacology 7
excited states 7
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - metabolism 7
fluorescent dyes - chemistry 7
gene expression regulation, bacterial 7
gold(iii) compound 7
helicobacter pylori 7
helicobacter pylori - metabolism 7
hot temperature 7
hydrogen 7
hydrogen evolution 7
hydrogen peroxide 7
in situ nick-end labeling 7
influenza 7
keratinocytes 7
light-emitting diodes 7
lipid-binding 7
liver - drug effects - pathology 7
liver histopathology 7
liver neoplasms - metabolism - pathology 7
manganese 7
materials science 7
mcr-1 7
medical sciences 7
membrane potential, mitochondrial - drug effects 7
metal homeostasis 7
metal ions 7
metal nanoparticles - chemistry 7
metal speciation 7
metalloporphyrins - chemistry 7
metalloprotein 7
metals - chemistry 7
methane - analogs and derivatives - chemistry 7
microbial sensitivity tests 7
molecular dynamics simulation 7
morphology control 7
mrsa 7
mutagenesis, site-directed 7
nanocomposites 7
nanotubes 7
nanowire 7
neoplasm proteins 7
nsp14 exon and mtase 7
nucleoprotein 7
optical properties 7
organic chemistry 7
organic electronics 7
organogold compounds - chemistry - pharmacology 7
oxygen evolution reaction 7
p53 7
palladium - chemistry 7
peroxiredoxins 7
phase transition 7
phosphine 7
phospholipids - chemistry - metabolism 7
photoactivation 7
photovoltaic 7
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 7
proteins - genetics - metabolism 7
quantum dots 7
quantum transport 7
rabbits 7
rats, sprague-dawley 7
redox chemistry 7
reduction 7
response elements 7
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 7
ruthenium complexes 7
small-molecule inhibitor 7
sodium dodecyl sulfate 7
spermatogenesis - physiology 7
spermatozoa - cytology - metabolism 7
sterile α-motif (sam) 7
structure 7
sulfhydryl compounds - chemistry 7
sulfur heterocycles 7
superoxide dismutase 7
surface properties 7
testis - cytology - physiology 7
total synthesis 7
transient absorption spectroscopy 7
treatment outcome 7
triptolide 7
tumor suppressor proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 7
wound healing 7
xenograft model antitumor assays 7
zinc complex 7
zinc fingers 7
acetylide 6
acids - chemistry 6
aerobic oxidation 6
aids 6
alcohols 6
aluminum - chemistry 6
amides - chemistry 6
animal bile 6
anions - chemistry 6
anticancer compounds 6
antineoplastic agents - chemical synthesis - pharmacology 6
antioxidants - pharmacology 6
antiviral agents 6
arenes 6
ascorbic acid 6
asymmetric synthesis 6
atomic force microscopy (afm) 6
autoclave 6
autolysosome 6
autophagosome 6
basigin 6
bile acids 6
bioactive bone cement 6
bioavailability 6
biocompatibility 6
bioimaging 6
biomarkers 6
biomechanics 6
biosensor 6
biotin 6
bismuth - chemistry - pharmacology 6
bone 6
bone morphogenetic protein-2 6
breast cancer 6
c(sp2)−c(sp2) bond 6
c-h bond 6
caco-2 cells 6
cage compounds 6
cancer therapy 6
carbon dioxide 6
carcinogenesis 6
carcinoma - metabolism 6
caries 6
carrier proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
caspase 3 - metabolism 6
ccrk 6
cd147 6
cell cycle arrest 6
cell division 6
cell transformation, neoplastic - genetics - metabolism - pathology 6
cell transformation, viral 6
chemical protein synthesis 6
chemocytotoxic 6
china 6
cholestenones - pharmacology 6
chromium 6
clathrin light chain a 6
color-tunable 6
colorectal neoplasms - etiology 6
complexes 6
coordination chemistry 6
coordination polymer 6
crotonylation 6
cyclin-dependent kinases - physiology 6
cyclooxygenase 2 - genetics - metabolism 6
cytochrome c 6
delayed fluorescence 6
dentine 6
desulfurization 6
dextran coated magnetic nanoparticle 6
dimerization 6
dissolution 6
dna helicases - antagonists & inhibitors 6
dna helicases - classification - genetics - metabolism 6
dna, viral - genetics - metabolism 6
drug discovery 6
drug interactions 6
ecotoxicity 6
electrophoresis, gel, two-dimensional 6
electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel 6
endocytosis 6
enzyme activation 6
epidermal growth factor - pharmacology 6
evaporation 6
experimental data 6
ferrocene 6
fibroblasts 6
fibroblasts - cytology - drug effects 6
filtration; sterilization 6
fluorescent probe 6
fluoride 6
flux 6
food contamination 6
fullerene 6
g quadruplexes 6
g-quadruplexes 6
gastric cancer 6
gene expression regulation, neoplastic - physiology 6
gene silencing 6
glioblastoma 6
glycoproteins - metabolism 6
gold - chemistry - pharmacology 6
gold nanoclusters 6
growth arrest and dna damage (gadd) inducible genes 6
heme oxygenase-1 - genetics - metabolism 6
hep g2 cells 6
high performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detector system 6
his-tagged protein 6
homeodomain proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
homogenous catalysis 6
hydrogen - chemistry 6
hydrogen storage materials 6
immunoprecipitation 6
implantation 6
indicators and reagents 6
inflammation 6
inhibitors 6
innate immune response 6
keratinocytes - cytology - drug effects 6
kinetic control 6
lc3 6
lipoteichoic acid 6
liquid crystals 6
live cell 6
lung cancer 6
lysosome 6
macrocyclic compounds - chemistry 6
mass spectrometry - methods 6
materials testing 6
metal oxide nanoparticles 6
metal-organic framework 6
metal-polymer complexes 6
metalloporphyrins 6
methane - analogs & derivatives - chemistry 6
methylation 6
microscopy, atomic force 6
milk 6
molecular wheels 6
molybdenum 6
morphology 6
nanographenes 6
nanoparticle 6
nanoparticles - therapeutic use 6
neoplasm invasiveness 6
neoplasm proteins - physiology 6
ni-nta 6
nickel - metabolism 6
nitrogen - chemistry 6
nonlinear optics 6
nucleoside-triphosphatase - classification - genetics - metabolism 6
oncogene proteins, viral - genetics - metabolism 6
organic light‐emitting diodes 6
organoplatinum compounds - chemical synthesis - chemistry 6
osteogenesis 6
p ligands 6
particle size 6
phagophore 6
phosphine ligands 6
photons 6
plant extracts - chemistry 6
plasma treatment 6
platinum(ii) 6
porosity 6
porphyrins - chemistry - metabolism - pharmacology 6
post-translational modifications 6
posttranslational modification 6
quantum interference 6
reactive oxygen species (ros) 6
recombinant proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
redox reactions 6
regioselectivity 6
rna helicases - classification - genetics - metabolism 6
rna, viral 6
root canal infection 6
ros 6
s. aureus 6
saer 6
sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-transporting atpases - antagonists and inhibitors 6
sars coronavirus 6
sars virus - drug effects 6
sars virus - enzymology - genetics 6
sars virus - genetics - immunology 6
scanning electron microscopy 6
sdg3: good health and well-being 6
self-assembled monolayers 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - virology 6
signaling pathways 6
silver - therapeutic use 6
sirtuins 6
small extracellular vesicles 6
solution process 6
solution synthesis 6
solutions 6
sp1 6
spectrometry, fluorescence - methods 6
spectroscopy 6
spin-orbit coupling 6
stacking interactions 6
stereochemistry 6
stress 6
strontium 6
supported catalysts 6
supramolecular assembly 6
tadf 6
target 6
teixobactin 6
telomerase - genetics - metabolism 6
tio2 6
transcription factors - genetics - metabolism 6
tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium 6
trophoblast 6
tumor suppressor protein p53 - biosynthesis - genetics 6
tumorigenesis 6
ultrafiltrate 6
uv irradiation 6
vacuole 6
vero cells 6
virulence 6
water splitting 6
wound healing - drug effects 6
zinc - chemistry 6
zno 6
zno-nps 6
1/f noise 5
14-3-3σ 5
2-de 5
3d printing 5
3mmlct excited state 5
ab initio calculations 5
acetaldehyde - analogs & derivatives - chemistry 5
acetaldehyde - analogs & derivatives - metabolism 5
acetone - chemistry 5
acetylation 5
acrylamide - chemistry - toxicity 5
acrylamides - analysis - chemistry 5
acyl coenzyme a - metabolism 5
adducts 5
adiponectin 5
adipose tissue 5
adjuvants 5
adolescent 5
affinity chromatography 5
aged, 80 and over 5
aggregation forms 5
aging 5
aging - metabolism 5
aldehydes 5
amides - chemical synthesis 5
amino acids - chemistry 5
amniotic fluid - chemistry 5
amniotic fluid - metabolism 5
amphiphiles 5
anti-hiv agents - chemistry - pharmacology 5
anti-inflammatory 5
antibiotic tolerance 5
anticancer drug 5
antimetabolites, antineoplastic - pharmacology 5
antimicrobial 5
antimutagenic agents - pharmacology 5
antioxidation 5
aptamers 5
asparagine - chemistry 5
atomistic modeling 5
atp 5
aza compounds - chemistry 5
azacitidine - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology 5
aziridination 5
azo compounds 5
b1. nanomaterials 5
b1. oxides 5
b1. zinc compounds 5
bacterial proteins - chemistry - genetics 5
bacterial proteins - drug effects - genetics - metabolism 5
bacterial proteins - metabolism 5
bcl-2-associated x protein - metabolism 5
benzofurans - pharmacology 5
bile - chemistry 5
biliary atresia 5
bioaccumulation 5
bioactivity-guided fractionation 5
bioanalytical sensors 5
biocompatible materials 5
biodegradation, environmental 5
bioinformatics 5
biophysical assays 5
biophysical phenomena 5
biophysics 5
biosensing platforms 5
bipolar organic host 5
bone cements - chemical synthesis - therapeutic use 5
bone cements - chemistry - pharmacology - standards 5
bone formation 5
bone healing 5
bone remodeling 5
bone remodeling - drug effects 5
bridging ligands 5
bromides - chemistry 5
capillary electrophoresis 5
carbene ligands 5
carbon material devices 5
carboxylic acids 5
carcinogens - chemistry - toxicity 5
cardioprotection 5
catechin - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology 5
cations - chemistry 5
cd4 t cell 5
cell adhesion - drug effects 5
cell cycle - genetics 5
cell cycle proteins - metabolism 5
cell death 5
cell division - genetics 5
cell imaging 5
chemical ligation 5
chemical model reactions 5
chemical modification 5
chemical reporter 5
chemical stability 5
chemical synthesis 5
chemistry, physical 5
chemoselectivity 5
child 5
chlorinated solvent 5
chlorine - chemistry 5
chlorine compounds 5
cho cells 5
cholagogues and choleretics - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
chromatin condensation 5
chromatography, reverse-phase - instrumentation - methods 5
ciclosporin 5
clinical diagnostics 5
cluster 5
cohort studies 5
colloidal bismuth subcitrate 5
colonic neoplasms - genetics - metabolism 5
colonic neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 5
color‐tunable 5
complexation 5
composites 5
computer chemistry 5
concentration ratio 5
conducting materials 5
conjugation 5
corrosion 5
cricetulus 5
crystal engineering 5
crystal growth 5
cu(i)–cu(i) interaction 5
culture media 5
cyanides 5
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 5
cyclooxygenase-2 5
cyclopropanation 5
cyclopropanation reaction 5
cytochrome 3a4 5
cytoprotection 5
c–x bond activation 5
db/db mice 5
deep-red emission 5
dendrimer 5
density functional theory calculations 5
device lifetime 5
diabetes 5
diabetes, gestational - metabolism 5
dielectric 5
diffusion 5
dinoprostone - metabolism 5
disease models, animal 5
dna - chemistry 5
dna binding 5
dna helicases - antagonists and inhibitors 5
dna nanostructures 5
dna recognition 5
dna, neoplasm - drug effects - metabolism 5
dna, neoplasm - genetics 5
dna-binding proteins 5
domino reactions 5
donor-acceptor systems 5
droplet microfluidic selex 5
drug resistance, multiple - drug effects 5
dual fluorescence–phosphorescence 5
durapatite 5
durapatite - therapeutic use 5
dyes/pigments 5
dynamics 5
e-cadherin 5
electric conductivity 5
electron transport 5
enox2 5
enzyme inhibitors - chemical synthesis 5
epidermal growth factor 5
epigallocatechin gallate peracetate 5
epigenetics 5
epithelial cells - enzymology - pathology - virology 5
epoxidation 5
epoxy compounds - chemistry 5
escherichia coli - genetics 5
esophageal cancer 5
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 5
esophagus - enzymology - pathology - virology 5
excited-state halogen-atom transfer 5
ferroptosis 5
films 5
flavanones - pharmacology 5
fluorenes 5
fluorenes - chemistry 5
fluorescent dyes - chemical synthesis - chemistry 5
fluorescent sensor 5
foldamers 5
fractures, spontaneous - etiology - therapy 5
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
che, chi ming 130
li, xuechen 55
sun, hongzhe 55
chan, godwin kwong yu 48
yang, dan 39
chen, guanhua 33
phillips, david lee 32
yam, vivian wing wah 32
chan, wai kin 29
chiu, pauline 28
lin, marie chia-mi 27
fung, ying sing 23
li, xiang david 23
wong, wing tak 22
chu, ivan keung 21
li, chi ying vanessa 21
lok, chun nam 21
djurisic, aleksandra 16
li, xiaoyu 15
tang, jinyao 15
toy, patrick henry 14
cheung, allan shi chung 13
fung, eva yi man 12
ng, kwan ming 12
huang, jiandong 11
richard kao 11
wang, yu 11
wang, yufeng 11
hao, quan 10
tse, chun ming edmund 10
sy, lai king 9
tong, so ming 9
yuan, shuofeng 9
au yeung, ho yu 8
chan, mei yee 8
leung, yiu cheong dennis 8
shen, jiangang 8
wong, chun yu benjamin 8
yang, jun 8
yuen, kwok yung 8
chan, wing tat 7
gu, jidong 7
chan, jasper fuk woo 6
jin, dy 6
li, hongyan 6
liu, junzhi 6
chung, sookja kim 5
guo, zheng xiao 5
huang, jie sheng 5
huang, zhongxing 5
jiang, haibo 5
lam, jenny ka wing 5
lee, victor ho fun 5
li, yongxin philip 5
ng, samuel sai ming 5
ngan, alfonso hing wan 5
okuro, ko 5
rong, jianhui 5
to, wai pong 5
xia, zhengyuan 5
yuen, karen wing yee 5
zheng, bojian 5
zhong, jin 5
chan, godfrey chi fung 4
chu, chun hung 4
he, jian 4
ho, chi ming 4
kwok, chi chung gary 4
lam, tsz lung 4
leung, suet yi 4
li, xiaoyan 4
liu, han 4
liu, yungen 4
tanner, julian alexander 4
aspen x.-y. chen 3
chan, danny 3
cheung, kenneth man chee 3
chu, kent man 3
cui, xiaodong 3
jin, lijian 3
kui, chi fai 3
lai, siu wai 3
li, ying 3
poon, ronnie tung ping 3
siu, fung ming annie 3
so, kwok fai 3
sun, wai yin raymond 3
tse, eric wai choi 3
vanhoutte, paul michel georges remi 3
watt, rory munro 3
wong, alice sze tsai 3
zhou, congying 3
zhou, zhongjun 3
chang, raymond chuen chung 2
cheah, kathryn song eng 2
chen, honglin 2
chen, steven feng 2
chen, zhiwei 2
cheung, annie nga yin 2
ching, yick pang 2
chow, billy kwok chong 2
dora kwong 2
fan, sheung tat 2
feng, shien ping tony 2
koohimoghadam, mohamad 2
lai, pui to 2
lam, karen siu ling 2
leung, victor yu leong 2
li, mingde 2
li, wendi 2
lo, clive sze chung 2
lu, liwei 2
lu, wei 2
lu, william weijia 2
luk, keith dip kei 2
ma, chensheng 2
mak, shuk kwan 2
ni, tao 2
pong, philip wing tat 2
seneviratne, chaminda jayampath 2
sun, hui 2
sze, kong hung 2
tam, paul kwong hang 2
tsao, george sai wah 2
tse, hung fat 2
wong, man chung 2
xie, mao hai 2
xu, aimin 2
xu, shijie 2
yam, chi yung 2
yeung, william shu biu 2
zhai, yuanliang 2
zhang, chengfei 2
zhang, fuchun 2
zhang, hongmin 2
bruzzone, roberto 1
cai, yizhong 1
chan, chi bun 1
chan, chi ping 1
chan, kwok leung 1
chan, li chong 1
chan, ying shing 1
chan, ying wai 1
cheng, gang 1
cheung, bernard man yung 1
cheung, gary shun pan 1
cheung, jason pui yin 1
cheung, martin chi hang 1
cheung, raymond tak fai 1
chiang, alan kwok shing 1
chiang, chi leung 1
chiu, peter kwong yuen 1
choy, wallace chik ho 1
chu, hin 1
chung, yik sham clive 1
chye, mee len 1
corke, harold 1
dai, hongjie 1
dai, wei 1
ellis-behnke, rutledge greer 1
fang, herbert han ping 1
feng, yibin 1
gao, peng 1
guan, xin-yuan 1
ho, joshua wing kei 1
ho, pak leung 1
hoo, ruby lai chong 1
hor, tzi sum andy 1
hu, hao 1
hu, ziyang 1
huang, mingxin 1
huen, michael shing yan 1
hui, hannah xiaoyan 1
hui, shu yuen ron 1
hung, fan ngai ivan 1
jason wong 1
jiang, lijun 1
khong, pek lan 1
lam, edmund yin mun 1
lam, sue wai han 1
lau, allan sik yin 1
lau, francis chi moon 1
lau, wallace chak sing 1
lee, chi ho paul 1
lee, chi kwan 1
lee, hon cheung 1
lee, seungkyu 1
lee, tatia mei chun 1
lee, tsz on 1
lee, will wai ming 1
lee, wing mui anne 1
leung, anskar yu hung 1
leung, chung hang 1
leung, frederick chi ching 1
leung, michael kwok hi 1
li, wai keung 1
liu, pengtao 1
lo, amy cheuk yin 1
lo, edward chin man 1
lo, sai huen 1
lui, chi hang 1
lui, wing yee 1
ma, ching yung 1
ma, dik lung 1
markov, stanislav nikolaev 1
matinlinna, jukka pekka 1
mcmillan, anne sinclair 1
mei, lei 1
neelakantan, prasanna 1
ng, wai tong 1
nicholls, john malcolm 1
o, wai sum 1
pan, wending 1
poon, lit man leo 1
raven kok 1
samaranayake, lakshman perera 1
shen, shunqing 1
siu, david chung wah 1
siu, ming fai parco 1
stephanie ma 1
stoddart, james fraser 1
sun, mei 1
tan, siew chong 1
tang, chuyang 1
teng, lee lee 1
to, kelvin kai wang 1
vengatesen, thiyagarajan 1
wang, cho li 1
wang, junwen john 1
wang, liqiu 1
wang, min 1
wang, mingfu 1
wang, weiping 1
wang, wen ping 1
wong, chun ming 1
wong, kenneth kak yuen 1
wong, lai ming ella 1
wong, ngai 1
woo, wai hong connie 1
wu, ed xuekui 1
wu, jin 1
yam, judy wai ping 1
yam, wing cheong 1
yan, aixin 1
yang, jun 1
yao, wang 1
yen, hui-ling 1
yeung, kelvin wai kwok 1
yeung, man lung 1
yin, xiaobo 1
yin, xiaoxue 1
yu, cheng-han 1
yu, ollie yiru 1
zhang, jinxia 1
zhang, tong 1
zhao, hanjun 1
zheng, chaogu 1
zhou, jie 1
View More
Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
ecology, molecular virology, pathogenesis, sarscov-2 19
null 18
drug discovery, mass spectrometry, medicine, metabolite, protoemics 17
devices, functional materials, materials characterisation, nanomaterials, structural materials 13
metabolic medicine 13
biomedicine, live cell imaging, super-resolution 10
simulation of emerging electronics 10
metal-based anti-cancer drug 9
tumor microenvironment, nasopharyngeal carcinoma 9
absorption, emission, spectroscopy, time-resolved, vibrational 8
cancer 8
cvos-hypothalamus-pituitary axis, drugs development, fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, receptor signalling, resistant hypertension 8
chemical biology 7
new frontier 7
photo-functional molecular materials, photochemical and electrocatalytic energy conversion, renewable energy, environmental protection 7
-- 6
anticancer, chemical modifications, chinese medicines, drug leads discovery, formulations 6
h5n1 6
healthy ageing 6
anti-cancer active gold compounds, nano-formulation and new chemical entities 5
antimicrobials, fracture fixation, osteomyelitis, titanium alloys 5
antioxidant, blood brain barrier, matrix metalloproteinases, reactive nitrogen species, thrombolysos 5
chemical biology, mass cytometry, metallomics, metal-tagged antibody, single cell 5
chemical genetics, mrsa, saer, staphylococcus aureus, two-component system, virulence factor 5
clean energy, clean water, membrane technology, seawater desalination, smart system 5
devices, light-emitting molecules, photo-electrocatalysis, spectroscopy, supramolecular polymers 5
endodontic infection, enterococcus faecalis, lipoteichoic acid, osteoblasts, osteoclasts 5
leukotriene b4, ltb4 12-hydroxydehydrogenase, molecular mechanism, myocardial infarction, neutrophils 5
optimization and commercialization 5
quantum control, spin detection, spin injection, spintronic device, spintronics 5
1) coronavirus 2) antiviral 3) fragment-based drug discovery 4) animal models 5) chemical proteomics 5
1) electron microscope 2) optical microscope 3) in situ microscope 4) low stress membranes 5) electron optics 5
acute myocardial infarction, arachidonic acid metabolism, macrophage polarization, molecular mechanism, pyruvate kinase m2 4
adhesion, functional roles of genes, progression 4
antibacterial and antiviral, bioinorganic chemistry, bismuth, medicinal inorganic chemistry, metalloproteomics 4
anticancer effect, chinese medicine, formulation, olive branch-1 4
antivirals, chemical genetics, high-throughput screening, influenza 4
bio-sensing of dna mismatches, cancer diagnosis, luminescent metal compounds, protein microenvironment, theranostic agents 4
biofilm, candida, persisters, proteomics 4
biomimetic reactions, catalysis, green chemistry, metal-ligand multiple bonds, small molecules activation 4
blood brain barrier, caveolins, ischemic stroke, matrix metalloproteinases, reactive nitrogen species 4
cardiovascular disease, chinese medicine celastrol, molecular mechanism, obesity, pyruvate kinase m2 4
chaperone grp78, chinese medicine celastrol, er stress, molecular mechanism, obesity 4
chemical proteomics, epigenetics, histone modification, posttranslational modification 4
china national grid, cluster computing, grid computing, hpc for research, parallel computation 4
combatting, development, infection, inhibitors, novel, sars-cov-2 4
coronavirus, antiviral, fragment-based drug discovery, animal models, chemical proteomics 4
curcumin, green synthesis, nanotechnology 4
degeneration, inflammation, intervertebral disc, proteoglycan, small molecules 4
dna repair, histone modification, premature aging, spindle-assembly, stem cell self-renewal 4
dna-encoded chemical library, drug discovery, hemagglutinin, high throughput screening, influenza 4
flexible electrodes, halide perovskites, quasi-2d, solar cells, surface modification 4
helicobacter pylori, immobilized-metal affinity chromatography, metal-binding protein, proteomics, structural biology 4
hypoxia, ischemia, neural stem/progenitor cells, neurogenesis, peroxynitrite 4
liver cancer 4
luminescence, metal-ligand chromophores, responsive materials, supramolecular assembly, synthesis 4
metal binding, sars 4
methionine aminopeptidases, proteomic study, staphylococcus auresu 4
molecular functional materials 4
novel strontium 4
oled 4
organic light emitting diode 4
carbon neutrality, catalysing h2o and co2, green energy carriers 4
nasopharyngeal carcinoma, single-cell rna sequencing, tcim, , 4
6-hydroxydopamine, alpha-synuclein, neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, parkinson’s disease, stilbene 3
adhesion, gnrh, invasion, migration, ovarian cancer 3
adiponectin, anti cancer, glycopeptides, peptide ligation, protein chemical synthesis 3
aerobic, amine oxidation, catalysis, dihydroxylation, metal-oxo 3
aging, chromatin remodeling, dna repair, histone modifying enzymes, telomere 3
anoxia, cell cycle regulation, genome-wide screen, saccharomyces cerevisiae, suspended animation 3
antiinfective agents, materials testing, nanotechnology 3
antimicrobial, caries, graphene quantum dotgraphene, silver nanoparticles 3
antiviral, broad-spectrum, glycolysis, host-virus interaction, mouse model, pfkfb3 3
application studies, complexes, earth-abundant, excited state properties, luminescent, molecular design 3
aptamer, biosensor, capillary electrophoresis, microfluidic chip, piezoelectric quartz crystal 3
bio-inorganic chemistry, kinetics, nanotechnology, oxidation, silver nanoparticles 3
bioinorganic chemistry, bismuth, combination therapy, metallo-β-lactamase, metals in medicine 3
bioinorganic chemistry, bismuth, medicinal inorganic chemistry, metalloproteomics, proteins 3
bismuth(iii), cisplatin, new antagonists, porphyrins and thiolates, side-effect 3
blood brain barrier disruption, hemorrhage transformation, hmgb1, ischemic stroke, peroxynitrite 3
caged hexadentate ligand, c-x bond functionalization, earth-abundant metals, photoluminescence, triplet excited states 3
calcium signaling, fertilization, mitochondria, nanobiotechnology, nanoparticle 3
cancer, farnesyl transferase inhibitors 3
carbon-rich, functional materials, nano-scale 3
catalysis, c-h bond functionalization, metal-ligand multiple bonds, platinum group metals, sterically bulky porphyrins 3
cdna microarray-based, gastric adenocarcinoma, genomic hybridisation, mapping of chromosomal aberrations 3
chemical genetic, penicillium marneffei 3
chemistry 3
chloride channels, cystic fibrosis, potassium channels, self-assembly, synthetic ion channels 3
co oxidation, non-platinum, scalable synthesis, soot oxidation 3
corrosion 3
cryo electron microscopy, dna replication, nucleosome, replisome, transcription complex 3
crystal structure, enzymatic function, epigenetics, inhibitor design, sirtuin 3
dental caries, fluoride, nanoparticles, silver, silver diamine fluoride 3
derived nanomaterials, low temperature, metal organic framework, nox, selective catalytic reduction (scr) 3
diodes 3
erythroid cells, heme, iron, proteomics 3
flexible and scalable electricity storage, hybridized vanadium redox 3
flexible and scalable electricity storage, hybridized vanadium redox flow batteries 3
flexible and scalable electricity storage, hybridized vanadium, redox flow batteries 3
glioblastoma, kinase, novel cell 3
glycopeptide, glycosylation, peptide synthesis, rbd peptide, vaccine 3
gold 3
gold(iii)-containing triplet light-emitting materials 3
gold, luminescence, photochemistry, platinum, self-assembly 3
hybridized vanadium redox, scalable electricity storage 3
hybridized vanadium, scalable electricity storage 3
inorganic synthesis, phosphorescence, photochemistry, platinum, weak interactions 3
nanopolymers 3
nanotechnology 3
photovoltaic cells 3
printable electronics 3
sars, helicase, infectious diseases, bismuth, virus, antiviral drug, h 3
synthetic derivatives, therapeutic applications 3
synthetic derivatives, therapeutic applications, timosaponins 3
their synthetic derivatives, therapeutic applications, timosaponins 3
therapeutic applications 3
1) yeats2 2) yeats domain inhibitors 3) dna-encoded library 4) protac 5) epigenetic reader 3
bioinorganic chemistry, metallomics, metallo-immunology, transferrin, inorganic chemical biology 3
bioinorganic chemistry, metalloproteomics, mechanism, arsenic trioxide, metallodrug 3
caries, fluoride, antibacterial, remineralization, dentin 3
caries, silver , fluoride, prevention, silver diamine fluoride 3
1) arsenic, anti-leukaemia, icp-ms, metallomics and metalloproteom, proteins 2
acetylation, chemical biology, histone, photo-cross-linking, posttranslational modification 2
additon reaction, amination reaction, asymmetric catalysis, iron complexes, oxidation reaction 2
adhesion molecule, cd31, leukocyte transmigration, pecam-1, x-ray crystallography 2
adiponectin, glycopeptide synthesis, glycosylation, peptide ligation, protein synthesis 2
adiponectin-based glycopeptides, therapeutic applications 2
aging, cell-specific proteomics, molecular chaperones, neurodevelopment, unnatural amino acids 2
agonistic antibody, cd38, cd4, inhibition of hiv infection, x-ray crystallography 2
amphioxus, class b1 gpcr, molecular evolution, pacap, pacap receptors 2
anti-angiogenic agents 2
anti-oxidant for iron overload protection, bismuth compound 2
anti-sars-cov-2 (2019-ncov) vaccines, pancoronavirus vaccine 2
anti-tumor, cyclooxygenase-2 2
antibiotic, gram negative, klebsazolicin, structural modification, total synthesis 2
anticancer drug cisplatin, bismuth compounds, novel antagonists against toxicity 2
antimicrobial, bismuth, metallomics/ metalloproteomics, protein, structure and function 2
antiviral agent, bismuth 2
aptamer, diagnostics, malaria, nanoparticle, nucleic acid 2
aromatic carbonyls, excited states, reaction mechanism, reactive intermediates, time-resolved spectroscopy 2
asymmetric catalysis, cascade reaction;, metal carbene, multicomponent reaction, transition metal catalysis 2
atomistic modelling, solar cells, transport properties of lead-iodide perovskite 2
bacteria 2
bacteria, bioactive, marine 2
battery, construction, cycle-life, long, na-o2, reaction 2
benzoin, coumarin, phototrigger, spectroscopy, time-resolved 2
biofilm infection, biosurfactant, magnetic nanocomposites, silver nanoparticles, teixobactin analogues 2
bioinformatics, bismuth, metabolomics, metalloproteomics, protein targets 2
bioinformatics, hplc/ms-ms, molecular target, proteomics, traditional chinese medicine 2
bioinorganic chemistry, hypa and hypb, nickel, trafficking, uree 2
bioinorganic, his- and gin-rich, hpn-like, nickel, storage 2
biological applications, gold(iii) complexes, palladium(ii) complexes, supramolecular assemblies 2
biotechnologies 2
birth defects, pax 6 2
bismuth drugs, host response, omics, periodontitis, porphyromonas gingivalis 2
bismuth, helicobacter pylori, metallomics, nickel, nuclear technique 2
block copolymer, directed self-assembly, drug carriers, metal-organic cage/polyhedron, multicompartment nanoparticles 2
blood-brain barrier disruption, hemorrhage transformation, hypochlorous acid, ischemic stroke, myeloperoxidase 2
bonded complexes, metal, nitrogen 2
bronze anode composite, high capacity lithium ion battery, nanostructured titania 2
caffeic acid derivative, inos, macrophages, myocardial infarction, nrf2/ho-1 2
carbene, c-h bond functionalization, nitrene, porphyrin, transition metel 2
carbon, fuel cells, multi-scale structure, porous electrode, supercapacitors 2
carbon, mesoporous, metal/metal oxide, nanocomposite, titania 2
ccrk, cdk-activating kinase, glioblastoma 2
cell variability, cell viability, essential elements of cells, freeze-drying, single-cell icp-ms 2
centromere, chromosome segregation, epigenetics, histone chaperone, kinetochore 2
cerebral ischemia, fluorescent probe, neural progenitor/stem cells, neurogenesis, peroxynitrite 2
chemical biology, chromatin dynamics, histone modification 2
chromosome instability, epigenetics, histone chaperones, histone modifications, neocentromeres 2
co-tolerant catalyst, fuel cell based breathalyzers 2
compact model, junctionless fets, qm/em method, quantum chemistry, simulation of electronic devices 2
computational approaches, nonradiative processes, platinum, radiative processes, tridentate pincer ligands 2
coordination, metallodrug, structure, transferrin, uptake 2
copolymers, fabrication, nanostructures 2
currents, molecular electronic devices, quantum mechanical simulation 2
degradation, microplastics, photocatalytic 2
dft-calculations, long-lived excited states, phosphorescence, photo-catalysis, transition-metal photochemistry 2
diabetes, glycodelin, mass spectrometry, n-glycoprotein, quantitative 2
diabetes, hnf-1 2
dna display, dna-encoded chemical library, drug discovery, high-throughput screening, multivalency 2
drugs, hpn, protein 2
dye-sensitized solar cells, layer-by-layer deposition, nanomaterials, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, supermolecular metal complex 2
ebv, gastric carcinoma, iron chelator, lytic reactivation, npc 2
effluent, saline sewage 2
electrochemical generation, ozone 2
electronic tongue 2
encapsulation of next generation solar cells 2
endogenous crispr-cas system, modulation, multiomics, pseudomonas aeruginosa, type i-f crispr-cas 2
erythroid differentiation, heme, iron 2
excited states, reaction mechanisms, reactive intermediates, statins, time-resolved spectroscopy 2
gastronintestinal carcinogenesis, htert 2
gene 2
gene, sorghum bicolor 2
gold complexes, medicinal chemistry 2
gold nanoparticles, laser desorption/ionization, mass spectrometry, metal sulfide quantum dot, plasmon-exciton coupling 2
gold, palladium, phosphorescence, photo-catalysis, tungsten 2
gold-based, highly efficient, oleds, practical operational stability, vacuum-deposited 2
gold-gold interaction, luminescent gold complexes, photocatalysis, tadf, theranostic reagent 2
guanacastepene a 2
herbal tissue analysis, imaging, ion desorption mechanism, mass spectrometry, nanoparticles 2
heterojunction, metal, photovoltaic 2
high capacity lithium ion battery, nanostructured titania bronze anode composite 2
hydrogen generation, microbial electrolysis cell, organic degradation, photocatalyst, solar energy 2
immunoassay, laser desorption/ionization, mass spectrometry, mass tags, metal nanoparticles 2
inorganic, nanocomposites, optoelectronic, organic 2
interferons, sars-cov, viral infection 2
led 2
life science 2
lithium-titanate-carbon, mesoporous, negative electrode 2
marine bacteria, marine microbes 2
mass spectrometry 2
materials 2
metal complexes, nanomaterials 2
metal-oxo, oxidations 2
mri 2
nanocomposites 2
novel photoluminescent, photocatalytic materials, sensory 2
oligomeric, polymeric 2
optical properties 2
organic ligands, supramolecular 2
ozone 2
pcr-based dna quartz piezoelectric biosensor 2
peptides, peptidomimetics, proteins 2
phosphorescent d8 metal comp 2
photovoltaic devices, polyelectrolyte 2
science 2
solution-processable gold-based, woled materials 2
therapeutic tumor vaccine 2
acinetaminic acid, acinetobacter baumannii, capsular polysaccharide, total synthesis, glycoconjugate vaccine 2
bioinorganic chemistry, bismuth, bioassay, sars-cov-2 , nsp10/nsp14 2
catenane, mechanical bond, interlocked molecules, , 2
coastal ecosystems , oysters , bioactive peptides, peptidomics, aquaculture 2
coronaviruses / antiviral therapy / papain-like protease (plpro) / sars-unique domain (sud) / fragment-based drug discovery 2
cyclic polyopa, late-stage functionalization, copolymerization, donor-acceptor copolymer, conjugated polyelectrolyte 2
dna-encoded library, proteolysis targeting chimera, combinatorial chemical library, drug discovery, high throughput screening 2
klebsiella pneumoniae, antibacterial vaccine, passive immunotherapy, capsular polysaccharide, synthetic oligosaccharide 2
lipid metabolism, biological imaging, mass spectrometry imaging, nanoscale characterisation, docosahexaenoic acid 2
molecular glue, peptide nucleic acid, antigene effect, fluorescence detection, viral infection theranostics 2
palladium and nickel complexes, photo-luminescence, mmlct excited state, photo-catalysis, oled emitters 2
photocatalysis, h2 production, bioalcohol conversion, full solar spectrum, flow reactor 2
please refer to hard copy. 2
protein chemical synthesis, chemical biology, posttranslational modification, chemical ligation, peptide synthesis 2
synthesis, functional molecules, materials science, catalysis, chemical biology 2
1) viral polymerase chemical biology 2) nascent rna sequencing 3) cryo-em structural biology 4) 5) virology 1
4+3 cycloaddition, anti-tumor drug, bioactive constituents of traditional chinese medicine, pseudolaric acids, total synthesis 1
[4+3] cycloaddition, alkaloids, analogues, asymmetric synthesis, tropane 1
ab-initio methods, electronic structure theory, extended molecular aggregates, molecular crystal, quantum chemistry 1
ab-initio molecular dynamics, analytical gradient, low-scaling algorithm, perturbation theory, quantum chemistry 1
ac quantum transport, carbon nanotube, dynamic admittance, field effect transistor, first-principles method 1
accuracy, first-principles, neural networks 1
acetylene, pahs, photochemistry 1
acs, innovation, publications, symposium 1
activate, delayed fluorescence materials, metal-thermally 1
active colloidal materials, artificial microswimmer, colloid recognition/propulsion, orthogonal functionalization, patchy and anisotropic colloid 1
active colloids, anisotropic particles, colloidal assembly, light-driven, micromotors 1
active matter, anisotropic particles, colloids, dynamic self-assembly, selective and directional bond 1
active matter, colloidal, functional materials, nanomotor, smart material 1
active matter, nanomotor, out-of-equilibrium system, thermal transport, thermoelectrics 1
active, collective, intelligence, light, nanobots, powered 1
adiponectia, chemical ligation, glycopeptide, glycoprotein, peptide synthesis 1
affinity purification, dna-templated synthesis, histone deacetylase, photo-affinity labeling, protein profiling 1
aggregation, biosensor, fluorescence, functional materials, light-emitting devices 1
aggregation-induced emission, biological applications, chemiluminescence, phosphorescence, second near-infrared emission 1
alkaloids, bicyclic compounds, bridged compounds, total synthesis, welwitindolinone 1
alkaloids, catalysis, oxidative cyclization, palladium, synthesis 1
alkaloids, cycloaddition, himandrine, pyrrole, total synthesis 1
alkyl carbene, c-h bond functionalization, homogeneous catalysis, metal-carbene intermediate, quinoid carbene 1
alkyl carbene, carbene transformations, natural product synthesis, non-stabilized diazoalkane, transition metal catalysis 1
alkynes activation, ferrocenyl polyphosphines, novel polymeric materials 1
allylic silanes, allylsilanes, aziridines, cycloadditions, epoxides 1
aminoxy acids 1
aminoxy acids, foldamers, peptides, secondary structures 1
aminoxy acids-containing peptide, protein-protein interaction 1
aminoxy, chloride channels, peptides 1
analogues, antibiotics, daptomycin, g+pathogens, mrsa, multidrug-resistant 1
and kinetic, and spectroscopic, energetic, mechanistic, peptide radical cations, radical-mediated reactions 1
anionic cascade reactions 1
anti-cancer 1
antibacterial agents, bacterial resistance, chemical synthesis, cyclic peptides, medicinal chemistry 1
antibacterial peptide, cyclic peptide, natural product synthesis, peptide ligation 1
antibacterial vaccine, carrier protein, glycoconjugate, pseudaminic acid, synthetic carbohydrate 1
antibiotic resistance, carbapenemase, chemical biology, chemiluminescent sensor, fluorescent sensor 1
antibiotics resistance, genome mining, metabolomics, natural product, peptide antibiotics 1
antibiotics, developing, multidrug, next-generation, pathogens, resistant 1
antimicrobial, discovery, metallo-agents, resistance breakers 1
antimonials, lactoferrin, trypanothione 1
appel reactions, phosphine oxides, phosphines, reduction reactions, wittig reactions 1
applications of luminescent d8 and d10 metal complexes, photoluminescent properties 1
applications, basic research, excited states, metal complexes 1
aqueous phase, ion-exchange, metal organic frameworks, mof membrane, threaded polymer 1
arylnitrenium ions, dna oligomers, photochemistry, reaction mechanisms, time-resolved spectroscopy 1
arylnitrenium ions, guanine derivatives, resonance raman spectroscopic 1
asia, chemistry, cutting-edge, organic 1
assembly, aurophilic interactions, gold clusters, luminescence, synthesis 1
asymmetric catalysis, chiral catalyst, desymmetrization, enantioselectivity, stereoselectivity 1
asymmetric catalysis, chiral phosphoric acid, organocatalysis, polymer-supported catalyst 1
asymmetric catalysis, desymmetrization, enantioselectivity, hydrosilylation, malonic esters 1
asymmetric epoxidation, chiral dioxirane method, natural product synthesis 1
asymmetric synthesis, chiral drugs, chiral ligands, chirality, privileged catalysts 1
asymmetric, catalysis, cyclization, palladium, tandem 1
asymmetric, catalysis, organic 1
asymmetric, cycloaddition, enolsilanes, oxetanes, synthesis 1
atom transfer radical polymerization, polymers 1
atom transfer, catalytic enantioselective 1
atomic emission 1
atomic, spectrometry 1
atomistic quantum mechanical simulation, emerging electronics, industrial modeling, modeling, simulation 1
aziridine, cycloaddition, epoxide, natural products, perhydroazulenes 1
aziridines, cycloaddition, enolsilanes, epoxides, five-membered rings 1
azulene, nanographenes, non-alternant rings, pentagon-heptagon pair, polycyclic aromatics 1
bacterial glycan, carbohydrate chemistry, chemical glycobiology, glycosylation, metabolic labeling 1
bacterial glycan, chemical glycosylation, glycopeptide, total synthesis 1
batteries, bipolar interface, dual electrolyte, electrocapacitors, fuel cells 1
bearings, nano 1
benzene, cycloaddition, dearomatization, naphthalene, thiophene 1
benzophenone, photochemistry, photosensitize, resonance raman, time-resolved 1
bichromophore, excited states, photochemistry, spectroscopy, time-resolved 1
bilirubin, capillary electrophoresis, chemiluminescence, microfluidic chip, neonate 1
bio-orthogonal, chemical probes, host-pathogen interaction, photo-cross-linking, protien-protein interactions 1
bioconjugation, cyclic peptide, lysine reaction, peptide synthesis, protein chemistry 1
biocoordination chemistry, metalloproteomic 1
bioinorganic chemistry, copper transporter (ctr1), methionine- and histidine-rich, platinum anticancer drug, uptake 1
bioinorganic chemistry, metallomics, metalloprotein, structural biology 1
biological mass spectrometry, glycomics, proteomics 1
biological sensor, chemical modification, dna sequencing, nanofluidics, nanotube 1
biology, chemical 1
biology, drug, image, medicine, metals, molecular 1
biomass, carbon dots, photoluminescent, sensing, vocs 1
bioorthogonal reaction, chemical proteomics, histone, methylation, posttranslational modification 1
bismuth, helicobacter pylori, proteins, structure and function 1
bismuth, nickel-binding, proteins 1
block copolymer, carbon nanotube, optoelectronics, ultrafast spectroscopy 1
blue-light emitting material, oled application 1
bonds 1
boron enolates, boronic esters, enol borates 1
bulky tetradentate ligands, catalysis, metal-carbene, metal-oxo, ruthenium 1
c-h functionalization, iron, oxidation, ruthenium, structure-reactivity relation 1
c-h functionalization, metal-oxo, photocatalysis, porphyrin, ruthenium-nitrene 1
calibration methods, computer modeling, single-particle icp-ms 1
carbides, electronic transition, transition metal 1
carbon nanotube, density functional theory, electric circuit, molecular electronics, nanoelectonics 1
carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanostructures, superconductivity 1
carbonyl ylide, cascade, cycloaddition, natural products, polycyclic 1
cardiolipin, fluorescent probes, imaging, mitochondria, phospholipids 1
catalysis, iron, metal-nitrene/imido, nitrene-transfer, ruthenium 1
catalysis, metal-carbon, supramolecular 1
catalysts, ch4 aromatization, methane hydrate, supersonic jet, top-ms & crds 1
catalysts, framework, heterogeneous, metal-organic, polymer, transformations 1
catalysts, polymers, reagents 1
catalytic oxidation, green chemistry, oxidation, technology 1
catalytic, nozzle beam, supersonic 1
catecholamines, luminescent probes, molecular recognition 1
catenane, molecular recognition, non-covalent interactions, self assembly, templated synthesis 1
cationic oligopeptides, dissociation 1
cell chip, icp-ms, microfluidic device, single cell analysis 1
cells 1
charge transfer, electron-hole separation, photocatalysis, photo-excitation, photovoltaics 1
charge transfer, luminescence, metal-ligand chromophores, supramolecular assembly, synthesis 1
charge transport, photovoltaic, polymer 1
chemical biology of antitumor, immunosuppressive agent triptolide 1
chemical biology, epigenetics, histone modification, posttranslational modification 1
chemical carcinogenesis, dna photorepair, time-resolved studies 1
chemical genetics, dna-encoded library, high throughput screening, membrane protein, small-molecule-protein interaction 1
chemical ligation, chemoselective, convergent peptide synthesis, serine/threonine ligation, synthetic protein chemistry 1
chemical ligation, protein chemical synthesis and modification, protein chemistry 1
chemical probes, chemical proteomics, epigenetics, histone modification, modification 'readers' 1
chemical probes, epigenetics, histone posttranslational modifications, nucleosome and chromatin dynamics, proteomics 1
chemical protein synthesis, peptide ligation, thiolated amino acid 1
chemical reporter, click chemistry, lysine acylation, posttranslational, protein-protein interaction 1
chemical synthesis, clinical superbugs, novel inhibitors, structural biology, virtual screening 1
chemistry, coordination chemistry 1
chemistry, coordination, quadrilateral, symposium 1
chemistry, inorganic, organometallic 1
chemosensor, energy-transfer, luminescence, synthesis, transition-metal 1
chinese medicine, laboratory 1
clean energy applications, multi-scale, structured electrode materials 1
clean photocatalytic, ewaste, re-solutioning of precious elements 1
click reaction, natural product, target identification, triptolide 1
collision-induced dissociation, energetics, gas-phase chemsitry, radical peptide, tandem mass spectrometry 1
collision-induced, dft calculation, mass spectrometry, radical cationic peptides, surface-induced dissociation 1
colloidal crystal, hierarchically ordered structure, micro/nanomaterials, morphology controllable synthesis, nanoparticle assembly 1
color tunable, oleds, palladium materials, practical phosphorescent platinum, voltage 1
computational materials, electronic excited states, electronic structure method, quantum chemistry, singlet fission 1
conjugated polymers, photosensitizers, photovoltaic 1
continuous flow processes 1
convolutional neural network, deep learning, density-functional theory, electron density, exchange-correlation potential 1
copper hydride reductions, organic synthesis 1
copper, hydride, reduction 1
curcumol, cyclization-cycloaddition, tandem intramolecular 1
cyclic peptide, peptide cylization, peptide synthesis, stapled peptide 1
cycloaddition reactions, cycloheptenones, synthesis 1
cycloaddition, ingenol, methodology, scabronine, synthesis 1
dehalogenation reactions, halogenated compounds, investigation, polyhalomethanes 1
dendrimer, intracellular signal, molecular glue, multivalent interaction, protein function 1
density, resonance 1
device architecture, open-circuit voltage, organic photovoltaics, solar cell 1
dna 1
dna damage, reaction mechanism, reactive intermediates, spectroscopy, time-resolved 1
dna-encoded library, dna-templated chemistry, drug discovery, high-throughput screening, protein labeling 1
dna-encoded library, drug discovery, drug target, dynamic combinatorial library, high-throughput screening 1
dna-encoded library, drug discovery, high-throughput screening, macrocycles, target-guided synthesis 1
dna-templated chemistry, integrin, photo-affinity labelling, protein labelling, protein-protein interaction 1
drug discovery 1
drug discovery and synthesis 1
dynamic admittance, equivalent circuit, graphene, time-dependent dft, transient current 1
efficient numerical method, quantum transport, time-domai 1
electivity, ions, silica nanotube 1
electric vehicles, electron-fuels, rechargeable, stationary power supplies 1
electricity storage, hierarchical carbon, sodium ion batteries, titanates 1
electrocatalysis, hybrid bilayer membranes, nitrate reduction, organic-inorganic electrodes, surface functionalization 1
electrochemical materials 1
electrochemistry, green oxidants, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, ozone 1
electrode structure, fluid flows, fuel cells, heat/mass transfer, membrane electrode assembly 1
electrodes, ion, theoretical studies 1
electronic transition, laser spectroscopy, metal boride, molecular orbital, molecular structure 1
electrophile activation, halogen bonds, organic halides, organocatalysis 1
electrophoresis, light propelled, microswimmer, nanomotor, strong electrolyte solution 1
emerging electronics, first-principles, non-equilibrium green function, quantum dissipation theory, time-dependent dft 1
energetics & mechanism, gas-phase chemistry, peptide radical4 cations, protein tyrosine nitration, radical-mediated reactions 1
energetics and kinetics, ion-chemistry, mass spectrometry, peptide radical ions, phosphorylated peptide radical 1
energetics, gas-phase chemsitry, ion-chemistry, radical peptide, tandem mass spectrometry 1
europium, ion-sensor, terbium 1
excited states, spectroscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy 1
excited, long-lived, states, triplet, water 1
field emitters, gigahertz oscillators, tweezers 1
five- and seven-membered rings, non-benzenoid, organic optoelectronic materials, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, seven- and seven-membered rings 1
fluctuation, nanotechnology, nems, noise, ratchet 1
fluorescence imaging, fluorescent probes, hypochlorous acid, oxidative stress, peroxynitrite 1
fluorescent probes, molecular imaging, reactive oxygen species, superoxide 1
fluorescent probes, peroxynitrite 1
formic acid, fuel cells, hydrogen generation, mesoporous carbon, mixed metal nanoparticles 1
fragmentaion & isomerization, low energy cid, mass spectrometry & dft, peptide sequencing, radical cationic peptides 1
fuel cell electrode, mixed metal nanoparticles 1
gadolinium complexes, imaging, magnetic, resonance, tetraazacyclodedecane ligands 1
gadolinium, polyaminocarboxylate, relaxometric 1
gas-phase chemistry, hydrogen atom migration, isomerization, radical peptide 1
gas-phase chemistry, protein tyrosine nitration, radical peptide 1
gold alkynyls, luminescent 1
graphene, nanostructure, thermoelectric 1
heptagon-heptagon pair, heptalene, non-alternant topologies, pi-conjugated systems, polycyclic aromatics 1
heterogeneous catalysis, metal-organic framework, organic synthesis, photocatalysis, transition-metal catalysis 1
hydrogel, mechanophore, molecular glue, multivalent interaction, polyrotaxane 1
hydroxyphenacyl esters, photorelease 1
icp-ms, metallodrug, metallomics, platinum and arsenic, single cell 1
imaging, laser desorption/ionization, mass spectrometry, nanoalloys, nanomaterials 1
imidazolium salts, luminescent transition metal, n-heterocyclic carbene ligands 1
inexpensive metal complexes, oled application 1
inorganic materials 1
inorganic photochemistry, metal complex synthesis, metal-ligand chromophores, photoactivatable, supramolecular assembly 1
iron 1
iron transport, molecules 1
laser, molecules 1
ligands, metal complexes, photosensitizers 1
light 1
light-driven, nanomotor, nanorobotics, nanowire, semiconductor 1
lithium ion storage battery 1
luminescence, metal complex synthesis, metal-ligand chromophores, metal-metal interactions, supramolecular assembly 1
luminescence, metal complex synthesis, metal-ligand chromophores, molecular switching, stimuli-responsive 1
luminescence, metal-ligand chromophores, metal-metal interactions, supramolecular assembly, synthesis 1
luminescence, metal-ligand coordination, molecular, synthesis 1
luminescence, metal-ligand coordination, photofunctional, supramolecular assembly, synthesis 1
macrostructures, nanostructures 1
markov state models, molecular dynamics, rna polymerase ii, transcription fidelty, transcriptome 1
metal-doped organic layers, organic light emitting devices, tandem 1
metal-organic 1
metalloproteins 1
metallothionein, neuronal growth 1
mitsunobu reaction, organocatalysis 1
model system, open systems, qdt, quantum dissipation theory 1
molecular device, nanoscopic device 1
molecular mechanical force fields 1
molecular probe, omics technology, rna localization, transcriptome analysis 1
molecular radical cation, oligopeptides 1
nano tube 1
nanofluids 1
nanoscale material systems 1
nanotube 1
natural products 1
natural products, phosphorylation, posttranslational modification, proteomics, signal transduction 1
nitrene transfers 1
nitrenium 1
nitrido, osmium-sulfur, ruthenium 1
organic catalysts, phosphine, reagents 1
organic, polymer-based, synthesis 1
osmium phosphinidene, sulfido complexes, sulfur atom 1
oxidation 1
palladium materials, practical phosphorescent platinum, voltage, color tunable 1
palladium-catalyzed asymmetric 1
peptide ligation, protein synthesis, solid phase peptide synthesis, synthetic protein chemistry 1
peptide, radical peptides 1
phosphites, polymer-supported 1
phosphorescent 1
photochemistry 1
photosensitizer, protein localization, rna localization, rna-protein interactions 1
polymers 1
rna binding protein 1
sulfonyl-activated substrates 1
synthesis of daptomycin 1
traditional chinese medicine 1
transannular cycloadditions 1
反应机理, 仿生界面, 表面修饰与组装, 界面性能, 电催化 1
""1) polycyclic arenes"",""2) organic synthesis"",""3) nanocarbons"",""4) supramolecular chemistry"",""5) organic and molecular electron"" 1
- 1
-- 1
1) intracellular transport 2) neuron 3) synapse 4) signal transduction 1
1) marine virus 2) cyanobacteria 3) virus-host interaction 4) antiphage defense system 5) prochlorococcus 1
active colloids, polyhedral particles, micromotors, self-assembly, collective behaviors 1
anisotropic colloids, metal-organic framework (mof), patchy particles, self-assembly, hierarchical materials 1
anti-crpc, nanobody drugs, ceacam5, multimodal imaging technology 1
asymmetric catalysis, organocatalysis, organic synthesis, synthetic organic chemistry, organic synthetic methodology 1
bioinorganic chemistry, bismuth, mechanism, metallodrug, metalloproteomics 1
catenane, host-guest chemistry, mechanical bond, ion pair, 1
catenane, mechanical bond, coordination ligand, mims 1
colistin, adjuvant, multi-drug resistance, efficacy, toxicity 1
controllable construction, magnetic minibots, targeted sampling, early lung cancer diagnosis 1
copper catalysis, cycloaddition, heterogeneous catalysis, organic synthesis, photochemistry 1
copper catalysis, reduction, aziridine, azirine, asymmetric synthesis 1
cyclodextrin, molecular recognition, supramolecular chemistry 1
cyclodextrin, molecular recognition, supramolecular chemistry, , 1
dna-encoded library, molecule glue, combinatorial chemical library, drug discovery, high throughput screening 1
ec flow system, decentralized municipal toxic waste, upgrading, valorized fertilizer 1
electrocatalysis, electrochemical co-reduction, bimetallic electrocatalysts, pcet, redox chemistry 1
electrocatalysis, polyol electro-oxidation, hybrid bilayer membrane, pcet redox chemistry, electrode microenvironment 1
epigenetic readers, yeats domain, chemical probe, amber codon suppression, genomic targeting 1
global public health threat 1
horizontal molecular orientation control, luminescent gold(iii) complexes, realization of high performance organic light-emitting devices 1
iron catalysis, acylnitrene, c-h bond functioanlization, alkene oxidation, macrocyclic ligand 1
lipid metabolism, biological imaging, lipoprotein, nanoscale characterisation 1
lipid metabolism, biological imaging, molecular transport, nanoscale characterisation, lipoprotein 1
luminescent materials, oleds, narrow bandwidth, long operational lifetime 1
metal complex synthesis, metal-ligand chromophores, luminescence, metallosupramolecular assembly, metal-metal interactions 1
metal-organic frameworks, reticular chemistry, composite crystals, symmetry breaking 1
molecular glue, magnetic hydrogel, enzyme reactions, multivalent interactions, biomaterials 1
natural products, macrocyclic peptide antibiotic, genome mining, biosynthesis, peptide bioengineering 1
natural products, peptide antibiotics, synthetic biology, genome mining, ripps 1
nir-ii proteins , protein evolution, alphafold2, genetically engineered, nir-ii imaging 1
nucleosome, histone methylation, dna methylation, methylation interplay, chemical proteomics 1
organic synthesis asymmetric catalysis transition metal catalysis chiral phosphoric acid desymmetrization 1
oxygen evolution reaction, ruo2, electrochemical catalysis, acidic electrolyte, stability 1
peptide antibiotics, ripps, genome mining, biosynthesis, bioengineering 1
periodic electronic structure, crystalline molecular orbital, low-rank mp2 correlation, ai-powered quantum chemistry, crystal polymorphism 1
polycyclic conjugated hydrocar, nanographenes, non-alternant topologies, azupyrene, nitrogen atom 1
posttranslational modification, elongation factor, eef1a, chemical proteomics, lysine methylation 1
protein chemical synthesis, peptide ligation, glycoprotein, interleukin, 1
protein chemistry, peptide ligation, bioorganic chemistry, chemical protein synthesis, protein modification 1
pseudaminic acid, vaccine, eskape, mdr pathogens, bacterial infections 1
quantum chemistry, machine learning, excited state, chemical space, luminescence emitter 1
quantum chemistry, many-body electronic structure, charge transfer excited state, delayed fluorescence, spin-flip electron transfer 1
reaction intermediate, nitrene insertion reaction, bioconjugation reaction, metalloporphyrin catalysts, dirhodium catalysts 1
rna localization, near-infrared light, stress granule, proximity labeling, singlet oxygen 1
solar-driven exhaust fume (nox); eco-friendly transportation; electricity generation 1
synthesis, metal complex synthesis, metal-ligand chromophores, luminescence, coordination assemblies 1
synthesis, metal complex synthesis, metal-ligand chromophores, photofunctional, photochromic 1
time-resolved spectroscopy, excited states, singlet fission, pentacene, polymer 1
total synthesis, cycloadditions, epoxides, natural products, polycyclic 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
chemical sciences 76
others - medicine, dentistry and health 42
chemical engineering 23
chemical sciences,biochemistry 23
others - physical sciences 23
virology,infection/parasitology 19
n/a 18
others - chemical engineering 18
physics 15
diabetes/metabolism,cardiovascular research 13
materials sciencesmaterials 13
chemical sciences,materials sciences 12
chemical sciencesmaterials sciences 11
chemical sciences,others - physical sciences 10
imaging,others - medicine, dentistry and health 10
biochemistry 9
cancer 9
cancerpersonalized medicine 9
orthopaedics/traumatology 9
pharmacology/toxicology 9
endocrinology,physiology 8
materials sciences 8
chemical sciencescell biology 7
molecular biology 7
traditional chinese medicine (basic),pharmacology/toxicology 7
biochemistry,chemical sciences 6
cell biology,cancer 6
dentistry 6
health services 6
physics,materials sciences 6
biochemical engineering 5
chemical sciences,proteomics 5
chemical sciencesbiochemistry 5
environmental,power electronics 5
growth and development,genetic disease 5
materials sciences,orthopaedics/traumatology 5
materials sciencesothers - physical sciences 5
nervous system (obsolete) 5
nervous system (obsolete),pharmacology/toxicology 5
structural biology,biochemistry 5
virologychemical sciences 5
biochemistrychemical sciences 4
biochemistrydrug discovery and delivery 4
cancergenomic medicine 4
chemical sciences,drug discovery and delivery 4
endocrinology,biomaterials 4
energynanomaterials 4
mass spectrometry,chemical sciences 4
materials sciencesenergy 4
microbiology,molecular biology 4
nervous system (obsolete),pathology 4
neurobiology and neuromedicine 4
others - biological sciences 4
others - computing science and information technology 4
others - medicine, dentistry and health,others - medicine, dentistry and health 4
others - medicine, dentistry and healthothers - medicine, dentistry and health 4
traditional chinese medicine (basic)pharmacology/toxicology 4
cell biology,genetics 3
chemical engineering,biochemistry 3
chemical engineering,growth and development 3
chemical sciences,microbiology 3
chemical sciences,others - biological sciences 3
chemical sciences,physiology 3
chemical sciences,virology 3
chemical sciencesothers - medicine, dentistry and health 3
chemical sciencespharmacology/toxicology 3
environmental 3
materials sciences,chemical sciences 3
microbiology 3
molecular biology,cancer 3
others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 3
biochemistry,others - biological sciences 2
cancer,signal transduction 2
cell biology,blood/hematology 2
cell biology,genomic biology 2
cell biologygenomic biology 2
chemical engineering,materials sciences 2
chemical engineering,others - physical sciences 2
chemical engineeringchemical sciences 2
chemical sciences,cell biology 2
chemical sciences,materials 2
chemical sciences,physics 2
chemical sciencesdrug discovery and delivery 2
comparative endocrinology,physiology 2
dentistryinfection/parasitology 2
drug discovery and delivery 2
ecology 2
environmental and ecological studies (obsolete) 2
environmental studies and sciencemarine biology 2
environmental,chemical engineering 2
environmental,others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 2
gene regulation 2
imaging 2
microbiologyothers - biological sciences 2
neurobiology and neuromedicine,pathology 2
neuroscience,chemical sciences 2
others - biological sciences,biochemistry 2
others - biological sciences,others - biological sciences 2
others - physical sciences,nanomaterials 2
others - physical sciencesbiochemistry 2
paediatrics 2
physiology,structural biology 2
proteomics 2
structural biology,signal transduction 2
thermal,fluid 2
traditional chinese medicine (basic) 2
virologybiophysics 2
water 2
bioinformatics, systems and synthetifc biology,chemical sciences 1
bioinformatics, systems and synthetifc biologychemical sciences 1
biological imagingbiophysics 1
cell biology 1
chemical engineering,chemical sciences 1
chemical engineering,environmental 1
chemical engineering,materials 1
chemical engineering,neonatology 1
chemical sciences,environmental research 1
chemical sciencesmicrobiology 1
chemical sciencesothers - chemical engineering 1
chemical sciencesothers - physical sciences 1
drug discovery and deliverychemical sciences 1
electronics 1
energy,materials sciences 1
environmental research 1
environmental sciences 1
environmental sciences,energy 1
fluid 1
gene regulation,bioinformatics, systems and synthetifc biology 1
infection/parasitologymicrobiology 1
mass spectrometry 1
mass spectrometrychemical sciences 1
materials 1
materials sciences,nanomaterials 1
materials sciences,physics 1
materials scienceschemical sciences 1
microbiology,chemical sciences 1
microbiologybiochemical engineering 1
nanomaterials 1
nanomaterialsmaterials sciences 1
others - physical sciences,biochemistry 1
others - physical sciences,materials sciences 1
others - physical sciences,physics 1
others - physical scienceschemical sciences 1
others - physical sciencesmaterials sciences 1
physics,chemical sciences 1
physics,others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 1
physics,others - physical sciences 1
power system 1
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